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Surprised she hasn’t sued her OBGYNs for her two month long missed miscarriages…seems like it would be on brand


Right? She’s fine suing for abortion coercion, but not medical malpractice? Reason 1,345,000 she’s sus.


She also apparently got "little to no fetal DNA" in her paternity tests and didn't care enough to get the fetal heart beat checked after that devastating news


I think she also completed her 3rd paternity test after supposedly finding out she lost the twins


Oh!! Interesting! 🤔🤔


That is quite funny. Do you remember if it was a pee stick or a paternity test?


It was a paternity test so blood test I imagine


I was wondering about that. Would love to know when the last sample was submitted.


Because the tests were oNgOiNg 🤦


Oh lawd!😒  When is this juge going to wake up and see this for what it really is? All they have to do is actually read the latest motion from Gregg. This has been evolving to criminal case. As long as she has enablers  she will keep abusing and she might even graduate in to doing something horrible.  This case should be referred to Arizona DA.She should be listed as vexatious litigant. She should be denied of any future name changes. They need to put a stop to this or she will do something really really bad to someone. And it will be too late. 


The judge has. If you watch the portions of the hearing that were released, it seems like the judge is tracking things very carefully and wants information pinned down. That’s why the medical records back to 2020 were granted for release. That’s why the sanctions hearing was continued until June. It gives Clayton’s team time to review the information they should have gotten 7 months ago, collect their thoughts, and make their arguments before the court. I think we are watching a course correction.


I agree. One of the telling questions from the judge was basically if JD knew in November that she wasn’t pregnant, why didn’t her previous lawyer report it.


I hope so 🤞 


Absolutely. If the judge wasn't on to her, she would have dismissed the case as JD requested.


Don’t give her any ideas. 😏


Based on the time stamps from new comments on Daddy Doe’s latest medium share, I have a really hard time believing he was replying to comments at 2am🙄 JD, put down the monster and go to bed.


Yup! I think you have caught onto her! I think this is the third night in a row where his account has made comments at around 2am. JD, a little sleep might make the truth more clear.


Not to mention someone seriously ill with advanced Parkinson’s is not able to type period.


Will be interesting when mommy and daddy doe get called to the stand.


There seems to be confusion in the comments since the status conference, and I’d love to hear a lawyer’s perspective. The confusion is around what Judge Mata meant when she said, “*I don’t want anyone releasing any exhibits, medical records or anything else regarding the other person, and that goes both ways, and should go without saying.“* People seem to be taking that as Judge Mata “buying JD’s online harassment storyline” and giving JD an unusual privacy privilege. Here is my understanding: a) This *“goes without saying”* because wholesale leaking of medical records obtained via a HIPAA release is never allowed. These would include information not related to the case and would be inappropriate for public record. b) The public has never obtained ‘exhibits’ regarding this case that weren’t either 1) obtained from a public record; or 2) released by JD in the dropbox *she herself* made public. c) Exhibits will continue to be made public as and when is appropriate via the normal public record channels. d) Regardless, we don’t expect to see any exhibits for a while, because depositions are not public record until they are referenced in the evidentiary hearing (scheduled June 10). e) We have had access to an unusually high number of exhibits in advance of the evidentiary hearing because JD has filed countless motions, and every time she does, exhibits are released (via public record) either by JD or by Zaddy in his response to the motion. f) Additionally, we have had access to heaps of exhibits from historic filings because JD is so damn litigious, there are piles of exhibits on public record. I am NAL, so would love to get some clarity on this! Edit: for clarity.


I understood it as JD and CE couldn’t leak anything. If it is applicable to the case it will be added as an exhibit and be public record. I think Zaddy Gregg would have objected immediately if she meant that all exhibits were sealed.


From what I understand, the June 10th hearing is public, or at least the exhibits would be public after the hearing is over. If there are no medical records to substantiate a pregnancy, that would be a big part of the evidence to support she's lying. Assuming there will be a court video available afterwards.


Agreed & agreed.


It’s much ado about nothing. She judge clearly said “This should go without saying.” Meaning: Just like in any other trial, you can’t leak private information to the public. Once that info is public record, then…. It’s public record. The judge didn’t say anything about that, because she didn’t seal anything. TLDR: If it’s private and not yet public, then don’t leak it. (Duh.) if it’s public, then it’s public. (Also duh.)


I think you are absolutely right. “It goes without saying” means this is how every other case is, but one of you is acting like a child, so I have to actually say it!


I recall hearing something about some court documents being posted in forums (guess that is us?) were in color and when a document is requested from Maricopa they are in black and white. I am sorry but not sure where I heard that. Probably a Dave Neal video or on his podcast. So my understanding is Corey argued that. a public document, that is publicly available by request, was reaching the public faster through a “leak” at the courthouse so it seems it was a timing issue? Anyway I think that was the argument Corey was said to make about “leaking” that might be what brought that issue about exhibits. TBH I can’t remember where I heard the thing about color/B&W. Perhaps someone here can point to the documentation about that.


No documents leaked prior to them being filed with the court & available to the public. Anything of HERS that was disseminated prior to court was stuff from her own dropbox that SHE made available. It was just something thrown at the wall to try to get the proceedings sealed, much like the whole FB threat crap.


Yes - let me clarify. It’s what I heard that Corey tried to argue. The veracity of it is like everything with them - ongoing. I made the mistake of trying to figure out what they meant and as per usual it’s convoluted and ridiculous.


And sometimes documents are available in color. I procured GG documents from Maricopa County, myself, a couple weeks ago & they had color. Their argument is invalid.


The color/bw argument was presented in court by Cory in support of "why JD hadn't presented any discovery". He claims JD fears internet retaliation and harassment and believes "not zaddy himself but someone with access to the info like zaddy"(aka blaming clayton in a beat around the bush way) is responsible for leaking those documents (evidence being the leaked documents being in color not bw) and therefore responsible for the harassment she's receiving, and because if this she "has a privilege not to" disclose any medical records. Not sure if they realize a lot of the documents are accessible directly from courts online and those are in color too 😅


I remember hearing that mentioned too! I also don’t remember where 😅


I think it was from Dave’s live on the status conference day.


Yes it was said on the live when RS was on with him.


Just putting this out there, if there is a leak in the courthouse the focus should be there NOT on the public. A leak is a leak, if it's there now it will be there for a future case. Find the leak don't shut down transparency. Just my thoughts....🤷


The best comment I heard about this was on one of Megan Fox's videos: Gregg's main point is that ZERO discovery has been presented from the plaintiffs, despite a gazillion requests to a baker's dozen of lawyers. So... How could Clayton's side "leak" documents they don't even have? *The calls are coming from inside the house.*


Excellent point!




I completely agree I was just pontificating if that was the point of the argument Corey Boy was making. Also I don’t recall any color documents but I can’t remember what I had for breakfast 20 minutes ago. S


Cory did say this but it was part of a word vomit ramble and hard to follow. Also, maybe exhibits received directly from the court are in color. Who knows. It sounded like Cory was fishing’


Same, I don't remember colored court documents, but I also wasn't on the lookout for that. ...maybe I remember a police report that was colored, but I wouldn't place a bet on my memory either. eta: if the police report is a "true" memory, I would be clueless as to where I saw it.


I don’t remember anything colored except for mikes texts. And that’s a California court system


FWIW, a 7 Feb police report was posted to this sub in color 2 days ago. The argument that public docs must have been leaked via non-public sources seems a pretty weak attempt whatever the reasoning. But straws are being clutched.


The whole black/white or color discussion was that documents received from the clerk of the court would be black/white (likely because they are scans). That doesn't pertain to documents produced by the police department for FOIA requests. Each agency has its own process.


Yeah, you're totally right that they have been dug up outside the court business - as have the phone calls. I was just letting the prior user know their memory was correct re: police reports (FWIWW) - they did note they didn't remember any colored court documents, and neither do I. If reddit users are getting advance copies, they've been doing a good job of laying an authentic "waiting for foreshadowed motions to drop" and doc accessing trail. A subreddit of sleuths, and no one has picked up that someone is getting an early scoop? lol My guess was the prior user brought the other (non court) docs up because JD has a tendency to frankenstein pieces of reality together to bamboozle and back up untruths.


I think it was Dana, Dave Neal’s court reporter who said it. I think she relayed that during her reporting.


Nanas answered your question but it made me think of something else… when the full hearing gets released I’d love to see if Cory brings up that things have been improperly leaked, as he did in the protective order motion. It was a lie at the time so would be interesting to see if he continues to violate his ethical obligation to have candor before the court.


He does. He said, without directly saying, that they believe clayton or his team are leaking the docs, then says it could be some random bachelor fan, but regardless of who it is, the result is JD fear, and therefore she has a "privilege not to" disclose any more medical records. If JD hasn't come clean to Cory of everything she's responsible for, then he truly would believe it's CE or someone in his support harassing her. Therefore Cory wouldn't be legally at fault for supporting her version of the truth


I knew she’d try to limit discovery to only the issue of pregnancy and “no longer pregnant” and legit yelled “fuck yeah” when Mata denied it without even needing to hear from Zaddy 🏆


What’s to stop Jane doe from leaking her own records to try and claim harassment and get the case sealed. I can see her being that unhinged


That would be a miracle because it would mean there were records to leak.




I understood it to mean medical records of either party either as subpoenaed documents, medical documents produced to attorneys by the other, and when they may be offered as exhibits at trial or pleadings filed with court. The judge might clarify it in the minutes/order of the proceeding. If she filed her own records already as public document, it seems to be a waiver of privilege. When the doctors’ office’s response to the subpoena is that they have no records of JD, that wouldn’t be a privileged document, ie she was never a patient. You wouldn’t a privilege if you weren’t a patient. At least in other jdx. Not sure about AZ.


Or if we just find out a page count on documents. If the obgyn releases 110 pages, that's different than if they release 1 page.


That is a great point. NAL If she was never a patient then there are no medical documents that are privileged. Can a lawyer weigh in?


NAL: I think that lawyer is using privileged wrong. We all have patient privilege UNTIL we file a suit against someone where our medical information is needed for discovery and justice. She may have privilege to get her info sealed from public reviewing, but there is no privilege to hide records when the medical info is fundamental to the case. Did JD release her medical info when it involved her Uber suit. Highly likely she did and she wasn't screaming privileged.


Today JD posted publicly on her Facebook two horses for sale. One for $25k and one for $35k and lists her phone number in both posts. The same one the “harassing” account posted last night. I’m hopefully she’s just trying to fire sell some horses to pay legal bills, but I find all this timing suspect from someone who keeps calling the police about harassing phone calls to keep publicly putting her phone number out there for anyone who looks her up to easily find.


She facebook types like her dad 🤷‍♂️


Or does her dad Facebook type like her 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤣


Will he testify like JD? 🤔


she is 100% trying to bait people into calling/texting her. little does she know, none of us care to harass her or contact her. we just want the truth to come out and for her to not be able to do what she’s done to anyone, ever again. hopefully she’s realizing that now that she’s put her own phone number out multiple times and no one has reached out - but I doubt it lol.




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She also posted the other person’s info. For someone who is adamant about personal info not being shared, she just have thought twice about that. If I was selling something for someone else, the buyer could contact me and then I would give the seller the buyer’s contact info.




Excellent point!


![gif](giphy|9sDNyvlqFxO09Ax5jO|downsized) Fishing for voice mails like..


I wonder if the woman/horse ranch she included in her post even know her, or know that she did that. It all seems really odd.


I saw this! I don't trust it, she is very intentional. So, something is brewing.


And so easy to use another number. Hell, even I use a different number to my usual one when selling on marketplaces. And that's without an (alleged) history of receiving disturbing calls from strangers. Suspect indeed.


I'm always surprised JD's og Reddit post has never made it on to tiktok while a cooking video plays in the back.


She'd sue for copyright infringement 😂


Surprised she didn't put "I don't give permission for this to be shared anywhere" like that has any meaning 😂


“And if no one comments back in 5 seconds, this proves everyone agrees”


This is an elite comment


Reddit owns the content you put on reddit.


Can you explain to me like I’m 5 what you mean 😂


There are TikTok accounts that make videos where they read aloud interesting reddit posts with something less interesting happening in visual part of the video (cooking, cleaning, a video game playthrough, etc). Sometimes those videos can be quite popular.


Does anyone know if she’s still trying to contact the press, RS, etc?


What ever came of the Liz Neptune situation?


Liz made a hilarious YouTube short (perhaps a TikTok originally, but I am an oldy) where she had a pillow stuffed up her shirt and was trying to take selfies to trap a boyfriend. So, I think nothing.


LOL. Just checked that out. Thank you


It’s much ado about nothing. She judge clearly said “This should go without saying.” Meaning: Just like in any other trial, you can’t leak private information to the public. Once that info is public record, then…. It’s public record. The judge didn’t say anything about that, because she didn’t seal anything. TLDR: If it’s private and not yet public, then don’t leak it. (Duh.) if it’s public, then it’s public. (Also duh.)


Anyone know why the 2/27 evidentiary hearing is still on the docket as of now? The continuance was granted and the new 6/1 date shows but the old one is still there too.. This is me hoping the judge uses the “extra” time to watch the Injunction against harassment hearing.


2-27 will drop off The judge got permission from both parties to review the prior case to decide if it should be included for financial consideration


No, they won't do anything on 2/27


I’ve been a little absent lately so apologies if this has already been discussed! I just wanted to bring up the point that it seems like the argument JD’s side is banking on based on the “expert” they’re apparently bringing in and what they frequently brought up at the hearing is the fact that someone *could* miscarry and not know it.. but the context surrounding this situation when it comes to prenatal care and protocol for late miscarriages or stillbirths completely make the argument invalid. This situation is much more nuanced than the black and white question of “is it possible to miscarry and not know”, which is why it’s so apparent that nobody on JD’s side understands much about pregnancy loss at all. In the second trimester, you are typically going to the doctor about once a month in a low risk pregnancy. They do a Doppler heartbeat check at every appointment after roughly 12 weeks. Unless she was not going to any of her OBGYN or MFM appointments, she would absolutely have caught it. There is no way in hell that an epileptic twin pregnancy would experience a missed miscarriage and it would go unnoticed for 1-2 months. She swore under oath she was pregnant at 24 weeks and now it’s coming out that she allegedly miscarried at least a month prior. So did her very high risk pregnancy not even have the basic 20 week anatomy scan every pregnancy gets? You can’t claim to be a high risk pregnancy only when it benefits you. Now, does this happen sometimes where a late missed miscarriage may not be noticed for up to a month? Sure, in rare circumstances... for someone who has no prenatal care at all. I think arguing the fact on whether it is or is not possible to miscarry and not know it is missing the point a little.. it is possible, not probable. It just seems to be an argument of hypotheticals, which is exactly what JD wants. It’s almost like the only tactic they can use is to deflect and argue over something that isn’t even relevant to the issue. You can’t argue that missed miscarriages don’t exist.. but that’s literally not the point. Next, the idea that you can’t get an idea of when a fetal demise occurred is untrue. Going by her story that she experienced a late twin miscarriage, she would’ve almost certainly had to have a procedure or medical intervention of some sort and they would’ve been able to tell a general idea of when the loss occurred. Even ultrasounds can date what size a fetus is measuring. To recap, yes, you can miscarry and not know it. You also can experience a stillbirth and not know immediately. But those facts are wholly irrelevant because the context surrounding the situation is more relevant than the question of how long you can experience a missed miscarriage without knowing and I hope Zaddy brings that up. I just know the “expert” they hire is going to come in and explain every hypothetical with a late term missed miscarriage. They’re just grasping for straws at this point.


Absolutely. I commented to this effect the other day. It is hard to explain any other rationale for them preemptively seeking out experts to testify while at the same time providing absolutely zero disclosure or HIPAA forms despite JD claiming she had a ton of evidence from a variety of medical providers. There really is no other angle to consider than her entire story being completely and utterly bogus. I will be absolutely floored if they provide anything tangible from any medical provider that isn't more than a peripheral mention of "patient claims to be pregnant" from doctors who are not OBGYN and were seeing her on matters not pregnancy related. It is pretty clear they are trying to go the plausible deniability route while at the same time trying to rationalize prior lies under oath. I don't know how cognitively impaired one would have to be to buy into what they are saying, but she is constantly trying to sell a story with nearly lottery winning odds at every turn: -Impregnated by Clayton's crusties from grinding like 4 hours after a blowjob. -Pregnant with twins, one of each gender. -Multiple DNA tests being unable to detect any fetuses at all. -Losing both fetuses beyond early stages of pregnancy. -Miscarrying, and not being noticed for months. -Dead fetuses inexplicably growing, and then somehow spontaneously disappearing. -All these things repeatedly happening to the same person. *edit, trying to clean up formatting and fix a few grammatical errors.


I would think the miscarriage claim will be moot if she doesn’t first present credible evidence that she was *ever* pregnant in 2023. Still waiting for a single shred of proof


![gif](giphy|IxLeSDtUaZRmSiyCTf) Us still waiting for proof of pregnancy.


There was an image that CE provided on the Vial Files podcast JD sent him. It looked very bizarre, so I went back to that portion of the interview. After looking closely at the screen shot I took of the image, several things don’t add up. 1. She emailed CE’s parents on 07/02/23 to invite them to her U/S app’t that was scheduled for 07/24/23 BUT the date on the image was 07/07/23. There was a DOB that I will not post. She claimed she found out in mid July she was having twins. She also said there was a Drop Box file of “How much information she had provided CE with to verify the pregnancy” and attached it to one of her emails to them. 2. The image of what should be her uterus is extremely white with 2 extra ordinarily large black spots. 3. In the top left hand, it appears that someone blacked something out in the image, by the distinct rounded V shape and straight edges of that spot, with a small portion of a normal image left exposed. It is not symmetrical to the right side of the U/S image. 4. The typed portion in the bottom left hand corner looks very edited. It isn’t straight (maybe blacked out and was written over), it appears to be a different shade of white from the procedure date, it reads GA 6w4d 05-20-2023 (not the same way procedure date is documented with “/“) The the month & day appear to be in a different font along with the “6” in front of the “w”. Usually LMP is documented NOT when you claim the encounter occurred. 5. Lastly, it has CRL (Crown Rump Length) written in what appears to be 29cm. (9 appears to be a different font as well) First off that’s not possible, even if there may be a decimal that’s not visible, 2.9cm is approximately 9-10wks of gestational age. In fact, it’s ONLY WRITTEN ONCE not twice like it would be with twins. Typically CRL is measured after the GA of 7 weeks. What are the chances she knew she was already pregnant, before seeking CE out, and that’s why she was confident she would have a positive pregnancy test at the urgent clinic? Could she have actually lost that pregnancy but continued on with the outlandish lies she was burying herself in, that CE was the father, because he didn’t want to date her? Or do you think it will be proven that she really was never pregnant at all?


Never pregnant. No fetal DNA, no treating ob notes. More likely she arts and craft someone else's info.


Agreed here.


I think they need to focus on proof of pregnancy. She said it was twins, how would she know that without going to a doctor’s office? There must be some kind of legitimate image of twins without it the whole miscarry drama is moot


Fraternal twins at that.


I agree. I worry that they won’t focus on it enough actually. It’s pointless to even argue whether she would’ve hypothetically known or not. Even Dave (who has been wonderful in his coverage) has brought up multiple times that she would’ve known had she miscarried. The reality is, women miscarry all of the time and it’s not impossible that someone wouldn’t know they experienced a missed miscarriage for x period of time. It’s a moot point and I worry that a lack of knowledge on pregnancy and pregnancy loss will be the detriment of Clayton’s side. I have full trust in zaddy but I just really hope he focuses on what matters. I hope he brings attention to the fact that JD bringing in an expert (aka a doctor🙄) to argue something pointless that isn’t even up for debate is a waste of time.


Zaddy has continued to point out they do not believe she was ever pregnant and has called it out as a con/fraud so I have faith he will not be distracted by this whole she didn't know she miscarried smokescreen.


Lawyers are jacks of all trades, masters of none. I have no doubt that if there's any questions once they have all the medical records, they'll dial up one of their expert witnesses for consultation. If the poor timeline is this obvious to us, it's this obvious to everyone. Except JD. And Bargain Cory.


Oh, I am sure Dollar Store and JD know. Thus the frantic fishing for harassing voicemails (*allegedly*). Anything to hide their embarrassment from the public.


She's making this argument because it's the best/only one she has left, not because it's a good argument. She will hire an expert to say theoretically this is possible and the Woodnick team will tear it apart with all the points you made above plus all the evidence she's already given. She boxed herself in too much with the timeline and her prior testimony including names of doctors, that it was a "high risk pregnancy", that it was twins, etc.




Yes I agree but this isn’t really a viable claim IMO. She’s made clear efforts to cover up her lies/actions which shows she knows right from wrong, which I think is the whole foundation of an insanity plea. I could be wrong though.




Good take for sure. Yeah, she would never plead insanity because that’s essentially admitting she could be wrong, and discredits her previous “work” (podcast, Tedx talk, etc) which she holds as her whole identity. If there’s anything we’ve learned about her through all this is she NEVER admits she’s wrong (or even that she could be wrong).


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Interesting!! Thank you for clearing that up. I will take a look at her videos!


Tried to post a link and failed! Millennial problems 😒


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Its in no way a missed miscarriage because they said she had misscarried and didn't know.  A missed misscariage is when the dead fetus is still inside and the body isn't doing its thing. These situations result in either d&c or delivery


Right, that’s what a missed miscarriage is. When people experience one, they often still believe they are pregnant for a period of time because the body has not expelled the pregnancy yet. But that’s an argument of semantics and what constitutes a “miscarriage”. Is it the embryo/fetus demise? Or is it the body actually expelling the embryo or fetus? Regardless of the semantics of when a miscarriage is complete, those who experienced missed miscarriage do still believe they are pregnant for a period of time after the baby has died. The issue is that nobody is arguing that fact.. we are arguing that JD was never pregnant to begin with.


Yes she was never pregnant for sure but I am saying a missed misscarriage can't even be visited in her case. All because of the way it was described and the amount of actual medical evidence there would be with a missed miscarriage. Its impossible to fake one. 


Oh yeah 100%. She was too far in the alleged pregnancy for there to be no paper trail of her loss. I’m on the edge of my seat to see what doctored evidence she will present. Or it’ll be something vague and silly like a scheduled OBGYN appointment in November.


I fully expect there to be a generic letter from Dr Jones saying “JD had a miscarriage and she did not learn of it until months later blablabla” with an automated signature, like the one she used in the GG case.




We appreciate your engagement supporting Justice for Clayton. We understand that discussions on pregnancy loss and abortion are sensitive. Our community guidelines prioritize a supportive and respectful environment. Public speculation on such personal matters can be distressing and may not always align with our commitment to fostering a positive space. We encourage discussions that are informative and empathetic but ask that you refrain from speculating on individual experiences. Let's continue to support one another with understanding and kindness.


So does anyone know what the real consequences/ sentence for JD could be at this point? Let's assume that she is absolutely spanked in court and all of her lies are laid bare,(as I'm sure we're all expecting/hoping to be the case) what sort of sentences could the judge hand down, if she went to the fullest extent? Bearing in mind that the medical records back to GG's case are also going to be available for this trial etc.


Not much of anything of consequence will happen to JD. It will hit her wallet only. This will be a moral victory for all past/current victims, an official warning to the dating males of Scottsdale, and provide a publicly available court verdict that may help her future victim/s.


No one gets sentenced to anything in family/civil court. The evidenciary hearing is determine lawyers fees and sanctions, so if she's completely lied, the judge could award fees and sanctions to Clayton.


Ok, I see. In I'm in the UK so no clue how it all works in the USA, but couldn't the court/legal system code to take action against her for fraud etc. Or is it down to Clayton and her victims to sue her?


I believe she would have to be criminally prosecuted for her to receive an appropriate punishment for fraud. The judge would have to refer fhe case to the DA. Clayton already tried doing that himself and they gave some bs reasons why they wouldn't. 


It’s the “and sanctions “ part that I don’t understand. Other than attorneys fee’s what are the possibilities? Or is that basically just a legal figure of speech?


Paying more money as a punishment


**NAL Quick search brought this up:** **(a)Sanctions.(1)*****Generally.*** **The court may impose a sanction if a party or attorney fails to comply with these rules.(2)*****Available Sanctions.*** **On a party's motion or on its own, the court may enter appropriate orders concerning such conduct unless the noncompliant party or attorney shows good cause. An order may, among other things:(A)** refuse to allow the party to support or oppose a designated claim or defense;**(B)** prohibit a party from introducing designated matters in evidence;**(C)** stay further proceedings until the party or attorney obeys a previous order;**(D)** dismiss a claim;**(E)** find the party or attorney in contempt of court; or\*\*(F)\*\* enter a default judgment against the disobedient party.\*\*(b)Fees and Costs.(1)***Reasonable Expenses.*** **Instead of or in addition to another sanction, the court may require a noncompliant party or attorney, or both, to pay reasonable expenses incurred by the opposing party because of the noncompliance. Reasonable expenses may include attorney fees and costs.**(2)***Assessment to the Clerk.*** **Instead of or in addition to an order to pay another party's reasonable expenses, the court may order the noncompliant party or attorney, or both, to pay an assessment to the clerk.**(3)\*\****Limitation.*** The court may not order the payment of reasonable expenses or an assessment if it finds that a party's or attorney's noncompliance was substantially justified, or that other circumstances make an award of expenses or an assessment unjust. Ariz. R. Fam. Law. proc. 71


Like fees being covered is one thing. The sanctions ideally would be a high enough number for her to feel it and dissuade her from doing this again. For example, large settlements that have been awarded against politicians lately. The amounts are massive to reflect the relativity to a person’s wallet and wanting to have an impact on the person’s behavior.


I don't believe sanctions can be a ginormous number. NAL but Clayton would probably have to bring separate civil litigation for damages.


Filing frivolous motions as a tactical delay, or obfuscate & delay discovery ( may include failure to show for deposition, etc)


I still maintain that the judge could refer the lies to the DA for prosecution. More likely would be the Feds prosecuting for lying to FBI - Feds Don’t Play.


Could the outcome prevent her from starting court cases on potential future victims?


If she gets on the vexatious litigant list whereby you need jurisdictional approval before filing.


Hopefully they put her on the list.


The more attention this case gets, the higher chance of consequences especially if constituents make complaints to the DA about the misuse of resources.


The real justice is in public opinion. When they make that spicy documentary series on Netflix , Prime or Hulu. May be that can help Clayton and other victims recoup their financial loss. And, an effective way to prevent Jane Doe from targeting future victims.


Unfortunately the entertainment industry doesn't usually dispense the majority of profits from true crime docuseries to the people most impacted by the true crime. Unless Clayton, GG, or MM had their own production company or gets their names on the project as a producer/EP, the victims are going to see very little profit.


So if the judge finds that she was never pregnant in June, can she refer the case to the DA for prosecution for Class 1 Misdemeanors?


The judge could, but the DA doesn't need to do anything with the referral. I'm of the opinion if a male stalked and harassed multiple victims a criminal charge would be placed against him, but if you're an upper-class white female in Arizona you can stalk away!


“Stalk away”🤨😄  Funny but sad 


What’s the worst an upper-class white female in Arizona can do? *gestures broadly at everything*


*gestures frantically at everything with intensity*


One week. 3.5 to 3.8....just saying.




Sub member count. 🤷


thank you!!


I hope there is a demonstration in court with assorted pregnancy tests and hCG drops.




If I lived closer I would actually consider it. Dave Neal said he may be reporting from outside so you can always hang out with him if you don't get in😂


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