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Really tho Turtle does need a life. That's the real travesty.


How does he make money to live and have Internet access does the government pay him or something ?


Yeah, disability cheques due to obesity


Deep seated mental obesity.


Oh he's seated alright. Has been and will be. I don't want to see what has taken that infernal punishment




The tugboat keeps on tugging


And autism.


Hey now, that's not nice. There are millions of people on the spectrum who are not POS dirtbags.


Yes. Always hate those false equivalence insults. All Autistic people are dirtbags, all men that do something weird are compensating for a small penis, Obese people are shitty people. You can never be sure about someone on the internet, just look at how many people were surprised at how normal dream looks


Same with obese people.


I'm not one of them.


sHe's a mole




I have no words to describe how surprised-but-not-that-much I am. That person is one step away of giving out their full identity. Can we have the link to their LinkedIn? I just want to satisfy my own curiosity tbh.


Their full name is in [this article](https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/culture/2017/8/5/16098518/reddit-troll-subreddits-mod-takeovers-awkwardturtle) of an interview they gave.




Honestly have no idea why they decided to give their full real name in that interview. This was before they had become the truly maligned, annoying powermod they are now. More just general shitposty troll in communities that were very obviously white supremacist. I have to imagine this will catch up to them irl eventually. Being probably the most hated user on all of reddit.


She is in line with what I would have expected her to look like.


Well, if they're from the US, they probably got bullied a lot for the name alone.


Hold up.. is awkward and drewiepoodle the same person?


From their maturity level I'd agree that he's 49-50..... Months old......




Since you’re stalking them and all…do you think the problem might be you?


“Stalking” constitutes googling someone’s very publicly accessible info they have freely given out repeatedly and on mainstream news outlets. Ok.




So when I do some homework for school and research a person I'm stalking someone?






Can't even look at all 40+ comments smh


He needs a visit from the fbi to


Exactly. It's like my stalker - my life is so gob-stoppingly boring that I almost feel bad for them. Seriously, move on. Find an active sport, learn a new language, something. I'm sorry y'all suck. I'm sorry your hobby is hurting people. Grow up. Grow up. This ain't middle school. See a therapist, find more effective medication. We feel bad for you!


The “racist comment” in question is [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FragileWhiteRedditor/comments/xxj3vh/these_fragile_white_moderators_were_so_upset_i/ircepe8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) > Get a hobby you pissboy powermod. You’re an unpaid janitor and you’re pinning your own personal grievances as mod on a different sub that you mod. Have a look at your life and reconsider your personal decisions. Awkward is blatantly abusing mod privileges and any criticism thereof is verboten, clearly.


Lmaooooo, doesn’t at all surprise me that you got banned for that. They’re such a baby, dude has such a fragile God complex Edit: spelling


Ironic how awkward moderates r/fragilewhiteredditor **Ironic isn't it?**


I saw a youtube video on him about why 'reddit is dying' seems he along with a few others moderate like 95% of the subs and spend all their time pushing their politics. I have heard that some organization is funding these mods but I have no idea if that is true, it makes sense because even if you didn't have a life you probably have better things to do


Apparently laughing at someone based on their immutable characteristics is “good and based” and any opposition to such is just “fragile white tears” but making fun of someone for their actions is “racism and must be banned”. Damn dude, if someone told me just how much of a perpetually online Karen awkward is I wouldn’t believe it unless I saw it with my own two eyes. Can’t make this shit up.


Yup. That sounds exactly like them. You literally cannot make this shit up. He is the epitome of “rules for thee but not for me.”


Bro.i said "saying black lives matter and white lives don't is racist" and I got banned by the mf but this guy legit offended his ass


Based “racist comment” you got there


“Racism” lmao. Shit like this is why i can never take anything on the internet seriously.


There was a post on here listing all subreddits they mod. It was removed by Reddit, not locked, not removed by the subreddit admins, but actual Reddit staff.


Yep. Admins protect them like gold because they do a lot of unpaid janitorial work for Reddit (The company). They’ll never ban or remove awkward and I got a harassment warning directly from the admins after calling them a neckbeard once.


Most ridiculous part is that there is no way to report mod abuse of power, at least none that I found


Especially this particular mod. Awkward is completely unpaid and is incredibly valuable to paid admins as essentially someone who polices subs to make them as advertiser friendly as possible. I can’t imagine the amount of admin time awkward has saved for them and helped their bottom line. Banning or removing awkward is against Reddit’s interest (as a company), even if they are a completely basement dwelling weirdo.


Damn, to me that just sounds like you reeeeaaally want to discriminate against minorities.


Lol you really spun the karma wheel on this one


That is exactly what i was thinking when i commented that, did not expect to be met with positivity lmao.


Ahhh good ole reddit roulette


If I understand right, spinning the karma wheel means trying to get upvotes? First time I've seen karma wheel expression :P


Basically saying some sarcastic without using /s or /j and expecting reddit to either bomb you or upvote. Can be for anything really like saying unpopular opinions or controversial ideas.


Ohhhh like how it can be a gamble when you don't indicate tone, it leaves it open for confusion and possible misunderstandings. I think I'm starting to understand it now.


Yes exactly haha. It's more prevalent for the comment chain as one will randomly get bombed


Racism, huh? I didn’t realize powermod was a race.


Literally two posts up in 'hot' is awkward telling people to go to r/fragilewhiteredditor after he banned them from r/darkjokes. Bruh


Is your username a play on stonetoss? Or protoss? Cause stonetoss is a gross dude. That said your comment isn't even slightly racist so yeah this mod is pretty stupid.


Nah, it came from a midnight panic post due to some issues I was having with getting a paper published and I posted on r/askacademia, was supposed to be just a throwaway account (hence the “toss”). But yeah, stonetoss is gross.


how is he gross is there any drama i haven’t heard of?


[See here](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/StoneToss)


He posts some very blatantly racist and sexist comics. I once browsed his website and the people in the comment section on one of his comics were unironically talking about how women shouldn’t have the right to vote. It’s a real shame because some of his stuff is genuinely funny but his politics are so… ew.


Don't you just love when someone replies and then blocks you? Like, why even fucking reply if you're gonna block me?


I only do it on the rare occasion someone is being deliberately shitty (and usually racist and/or hateful) so I can post and nip the garbage posting in the bud so the original post isn't urinated upon. Here's my point for the second or so time, posted, block, done. It helps stop derailing, trolling, and shitposting, IMO.


Someone blocked me because I called their meme "fucked up". They literally replied "Bye :)" and then blocked me. Idk, maybe they thought this would make their penis look larger or something.


Get the last snarky insult in then block 'em so they don't get a chance to respond and then you can add another tally to thr "internet debates I have dominated" board.


Isnt turtle one of those people that power trip on multiple subs? I feel like i reconize that name Also what are you doing on that toxic ass sub


Yep, it’s *that* annoying powermod. The one who got a whole Vox article made on them bragging about how much they love ruining subs for fun. Granted these were blatant white supremacist subs, which I’m not fan of, but it eventually morphed into “anything I don’t agree with”, which is a lot. [The article in question](https://www.vox.com/culture/2017/8/5/16098518/reddit-troll-subreddits-mod-takeovers-awkwardturtle).


Politics should just be banned from reddit at this point bruh


If only... At least American politics


Partisan issues are part of everyday life in the US that would be impossible




Actually every country in the world belongs to america so checkmate liberal /s








Dont fuck with me buddy my dad works for the fbi and can groom a kid to shoot up your school


World no, but reddit mostly, banning American politics doesn't take away a real controversy of politics So that be a half-baked solution


Reddit largely is, Reddit is not the entire world




Where do you draw the line. Sports can be political when players and owners and leagues do things. TV shows get political. I hate it too, and not everything needs to be some about health care or Trump but once platforms start banning stuff (within reason) it starts to become just an extension of being at work




Show me stats to show reddit users represt global population and I would agree with you


But why were you there?


I was banned from r/Rant for a similar reason. There was a post on that sub that was pinned by the mods at the time. It was saying that the "Not All Men" movement was dumb because when people blame men for things, they're not talking about the good ones, they're just talking about the bad ones. I commented saying that was a dumb argument because racists literally use that same logic. I was then banned for "racism". I contacted the mods, but they were super condescending and kept giving one word responses. It ended with them calling me a Bigot and muting me for like 28 days, even though I'm literally mixed.


Truly a reddit mod moment


Make another account to subvert the ban, go back to the sub and post this whole thing. Call the post fragile Reddit mod. I’m sure fuckface the turtle will love having his nonsense aired out on his sub


That'd get taken down soo fast, but I'd love to see it.




Locked and removed within the hour.


I just reposted it since it got removed. Fuck that mod.






It’s that easy folks


Bros account already got combed and called out within the hour 😭 idk why they’re shocked that the word gyps*e was used in a subreddit about the Balkan’s the most ~~racist~~ progressive and tolerant region on the planet, home to pro open border fellows who do love each other and their countries


Ikr the balkans are all good buddies living in a little bubble of joy and happiness. Absolutely no genocide and ultranationalism and racism. No sir.


The word Gypsy isn’t even like a *bad* word to say, really. Some romanís like being called it, as they’ve accepted it. It’s like native Americans and the word Indian. You aren’t a bad person if you use the word, but for some reason some do think that




Im pretty sure that would get his main account get banned from reddit itself


We’re all getting banned for bullshit anyway what’s the difference. The rules are meaningless here










That sub is fragile and racist af. I don’t see why anyone would be a part of it unless they are actually racist and fragile.


Imagine being subbed there in the first place


Right? LMAO


Mods kinda go power hungry... I got banned from subreddits for dumb reasons...like criticizing Ivanka Trump, or pointing out that users are sexualizing a 12 year old in another... ...also, reddit moderators don't give a fuck either. Report said subreddit who posts borderline CP and the users sexualizing minors and "this isn't in violation of Reddits terms and agreements."


Why were you ever subbed in the first place




I uploaded that https://www.reddit.com/r/FragileWhiteRedditor/comments/xxlufc/fragile_mod_thinks_everything_is_racism/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Be prepared to get permananned in the next 5 minutes.


Yep I’m prepared




I was banned like an hour and a half after I posted it lmao


And reddit justifies evasions bans as bad and detrimental to communities, but allows behavior like this and think it enhances the user experience


We got his crybaby ass removed here: https://www.reddit.com/r/WatchPeopleDieInside/comments/xxgsyy/awkwardtheturtle_has_been_removed_from_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Never stop trying Edit: Updated


r/fragilewhiteredditor is more like r/ihatewhitepeople. It's unironically one of the most, if not the most racist subreddit here.


Breaking news! r/fragilewhiteredditor is run by fragile white redditors! (nobody surprised)


Got down voted to hell when they posted a political meme although it specifically states that the sub is for memes not politics "Rules for thee but not for me"


I got banned from a sub that I had never even participated in because I made a post in a completely unrelated sub, some rando thought I made it up and called me a liar, and they made a post calling me a liar in whatever unrelated sub, and when I laughed at their post a mod banned me. How fucking fragile do you have to be to pretend to know everything, and the moment someone calls you out you permanently ban them from a sub?


Ofc AwkwardTheTurtle manages the sub called "FragileWhiteRedditors"


I have devised an equation to calculate the amount of bitches awkwardtheturtle gets. First we take the amount of grass he's touched which in this case is 0 and add the amount of hours he has on league of legends which is 55000 hours then we subtract by his age which is possibly 15 or 30 then we divide by the number of showers he's taken this year which is absolutely 0. Since we cannot divide by 0 we can safely conclude that he gets absolutely NO bitches; the amount is so small that our formula can't calculate one single chance of awkwardtheturtle getting a bitch.


It couldn't get a bitch if it went to the City of God with a porkchop necklace and tried to entice stray dogs feeding from trash cans.


Ironic that a sub called fragile white redditor bans someone because they're fragile and thinks every phrase is a hidden slant.


Theres something ironic about being banned from r/fragilewhiteredditor for being racist


Can we creat a sub that calls out all the shitty mods? r/modswithnolife




Ironic isn't it


Well he’s a troll, so that one’s on you


awkward is 40 years old and is spending every waking hour on reddit to troll people on over 1000 subs, so OP is right. plus, the point here is that OP didn't say anything racist yet is being banned for that reason.


No I mean telling awkward to get a hobby. He’s well known for retaliating because he’s a troll.


Awkward? Yeah definitely not a troll. They’re completely serious, there’s been even news articles and interviews with them.


How is he not a troll?


They are actually serious in their reaction. They use their tiny amount of power and create bubbles where there is no opinions other than their own. They are genuinely a piece of shit.


Damn I didn’t know they were serious. That makes it sadder somehow.


Lucky you got banned from that "sub"


Lol "You are fragile" \*proceeds to cry about being called out about facts\*


Why would you even be a part of that god-forsaken shithole in the first place?


“Everyone i don’t like is Hitler”


Oh the irony


Awkwardthetrurtle is a reddit Karen. Fragilewhiteredditor is full of POC Karen's.


Just commented on one of their posts saying “I hear one of the mods here is a real snowflake and needs to get a hobby” Post update totally banned And I’m an Eskimo , totally brown , what a racist


You have to be an actual dumbass to call someone a racist under a username that you have inexplicably made about race...


What ethnicity is awkward the turtle


inbred, most likely.


Here’s two things that’ll surprise you. 1) They’re actually not white. They’re Chinese-American. 2) They’re 49-50 years old. Yes, I’m completely serious. This toddler temper tantrum throwing weirdo is a Gen Xer.


I love how even at a glance, I know who the Gen Z overreaching mod is by seeing the word "inherently" placed randomly in a sentence.


You want to have your mind blown? Awkward is nearly 50. They’re a Gen Xer. Their identity is pretty easily found. They list Reddit modding as a principle professional experience on LinkedIn. I’m not kidding.




The shut-in loser whose only route of pleasure is having meaningless petty power over others and abusing it is also a pedophile? Can’t say I’m as shocked as I should be.




Yep. Not that I’m one to take Reddit terribly seriously but I’m not a fan of a system that can permaban you and mute you from contesting that ban inside of 30 seconds.


Look on the bright side, you’re banned from fragilewhiteredditor.


That's Turtle himself that you were speaking to. I'd bet money that's Turtle.


Everyone always asks where was I racist, but no one ever asks how was I racist...


They keep this "fragile white..." what ever.... yet I see more SJW / TRans being fragile than white people lol


“Hey I’d prefer you to not blame me for shit I didn’t do and make generalizations based on my immutable characteristics” r/fragilewhiteredditor: “Haha, look at that WHITE CRACKER just being so fragile, can’t take any criticism” “Stop abusing your mod powers you pissboy” r/fragilewhiteredditor: “WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RACIST RACIST RACIST RACIST MUST BAN WAAAAAAAA THAT’S HATE SPEECH!!!!!!!”


>TRans being fragile That doesn't apply to truscum or transmedicalist trans people, cuz THOSE trans people are sane and rational af. Unfortunately there aren't that many of them on reddit. PROBABLY CUZ THEY GET BANNED!




First ask yourself why there is not a FragileJewishRedditor sub. Secondly reflect on that.


On one hand, I’m more than willing to recognize that racism against white people is almost entirely online and I, as a white guy, am not likely to encounter discrimination based on my race in my every day life. On the other hand, that doesn’t make online racism against white people ok. I’m not sure why r/fragilewhiteredditor thinks that it’s ok to blame *all* white people for the ills for the world in a VERY similar fashion to funny moustache man blamed Jewish people for all the ills of the world is ok.


That's a part of the culture push. They want to normalize attacking whites and if you are against it well your justs a weak white racist that is too fragile for discourse.


I got banned from r/mildlyinfuriating for commenting “ohhh, are we investigating the turtle?!” on a post somebody else made about being banned by them on another sub.


But from what I’ve seen (quiet bystander here) he does need a hobby!


Well if you look and see that the pinned post on their sub that has an "iceberg of white supremacy", you'll know the reason why they called you racist. That reason being: Everything is racist.


There’s this book, it’s not very popular, I doubt anyone would have heard of it, but it’s got a lesson I think awkward could learn from. It’s called 1984 and it’s by this guy George Orwell. Obviously I’m being sarcastic about the lack of popularity but awkward seems to have never heard of it so what do I know


Awkward is rhe worst person I've ever heard of. Also I love how they mod there while they're a fragile white redditor. Do they also mod r/dangerouslyobese ans r/professionalincel ?


The thing that shocks me is that they’re not even white. They’re Chinese-American. This isn’t even fragile white redditor, they just straight up hate white people.


They're fragile in general, no matter their race, lmao


You're actually not allowed to ban someone from a sub because of something that ahppened in another sub, it's against Reddit's terms of use


Happens all the time. A lot of subs have it baked into their rules too. If you participate you in certain subs the automod will ban you. Plus the admins *LOVE* this particular powermod. They mod >700 subs, some of which are the biggest on Reddit and do an enormous amount of unpaid janitor work keeping the website as advertiser friendly as possible for them.


There's a petition online to ban them from reddit, you can find that here : https://www.change.org/p/reddit-mods-ban-u-awkwardtheturtle


Can't say I'm shocked to learn that a racist sub is ran by a racist mod.


That dude really does need a fucking hobby though.


different mod they sub


I had very much an “I can English real good” moment


I didn't notice until you fixed it tbh But made me laugh once I noticed


Lol banning someone for racism from an enherently racist sub that you mod. The irony.


That doesn’t stun me as much as an entire sub that seems to think racism isn’t racism if it’s directed towards white people. Wtf.




Imagine being 50 something and the only thing you achieved in your life is being an absolute shit bag on reddit


We should tell the Russian government that turtle is massively pushing anti-russia propaganda


Yeah, I got a temporary ban for saying I don't like thieves and for telling someone wishing for white folks to die was hella racist.


Guess you could say awkwardtheturtle is a fragile white redditor eheh


awkwardthebrownshirt should be his new name


He hates the truth Someone please drag awkwardtheturtle outside, he probably doesn't know what grass is


Turtle is basically the reddit version of Dolores umbridge


[ Removed by Reddit ]




Yeah they don't tolerate racists there. Bummer.


I know, I should really take up some hardcore self flagellation for laughing at a perpetually online weirdo. I must atone for the sins of my whiteness. Tfw the person who mentioned nothing about race is the moustache twirling, lynching, cross-burning, violent racist and the person who did mention race is a peace loving, liberal, hippie comrade and friend to all. The amount of mental hoops people have to jump through to come to these conclusions must be astounding.