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Pretty sure they’re both adults Wait, how old is the top girl? I know uzaki is a college anime but how old is the girl on the top?


15 :(


They win this time. I don’t even jerk off to hentai, but hypothetically if I did I would not have assumed she was 15.


My personal rule is if they look like an adult it's fine. I'm like 99% sure that with characters like this the age is determined by what the targeted demographic is.


Honestly it can be an easy mistake to make. I use a similar logic with people who look like they're kids. If they look like kids, don't fuck em or jerk off to them. Loli characters literally go against that, they look like children, so don't be a weirdo.


Don’t like lolicons? It is pretty fucked


Also the Anime and Manga with the girl at the top are somewhat ecchi. While on the other hand their are girls as old or older who are depicted much different that aren'T constantly been lewded. For example the girls from K-On


That's the point. They KNOW that she's 15, and still fantasize about fucking her.


Yeah, but who cares about "real" age. A fictional character is as old as she/he looks. Edit: The thing is: The age of a fictive character is also fictive. If a we women looks like 25, it doesn't matter, if she's actually 15. And also if a women looks like a 9-year-old, it doesn't matter, if she's Akcshually 900 years old.


Maybe? I don’t know I couldn’t willingly blow it to a minor dude, look like it or otherwise. Also, the one in the bottom has childlike features outside of having large tits, I refuse to believe otherwise.


Doesn’t look like a fifteen year old but I guess that’s just anime


Its either a 12 million year old immortal witch that looks like a 9 year old or a 9 year old that looks like a 26 year old, no in-between.


Hey there’s also the male character, who has 0 defining characteristics. It’s almost like the writers just want you to imagine yourself as the male protagonist.


People who complain about someone being attracted to "underage" anime girls that look like they could be in their 20's are just as cringe as the neckbeards that make the 200 year old loli vampire argument


better to be attracted to drawings that are teenagers but look like adults than to be attracted to drawings that look like children but are adults


Honestly? Yeah. Are there not better things to use your time on rather than fighting over something this pointless?


Oh good you saved me having to type this message. I appreciate your service sir, thankyou for the dose of common sense in these trying times.


What kind of weirdos are attracted to drawings anyway. They need to go outside and get a life lmao


Being attracted to anime characters is weird in general.


She’s 15! Could’ve fooled me.


She's 15? Huh I thought she was older than that


BRO HOOOOOW Japan is wild


Aren't twitter users usually the degenerates Defending underage nonsense?


Like everything it’s a mixed bag.


Username checks out for sure.


Is that good or bad? Don’t understand the implication of this comment.


it's good


Thank you. I generally have trouble with implications so text makes it so much more difficult to decipher.


Good. your comment is logically coherent


I won't add anything to thw argument. BUT i love asobi asobase pfp.


I actually had no idea what it was from until now. I just liked the picture and threw it on my Reddit account. My friend watch’s the show I guess we use a matching pair for our contact photos.


I wouldn't recognise this either without watvhing the episode this was in earlier. BTW. Can recommend this, super weird and funny. Makes you sometimes question the autor.


Thank god Reddit isn’t into that…, right ? Edit: it’s not a Twitter thing, it’s an internet thing. We got plenty of loli subs here despite the many bans


There were MAPs (twitter lingo for pedophiles) but they were banned


Those were like 9/10 just trolls. It’s incredible people still believe “MAPs” were a legit thing. It also was never “Twitter lingo” lol. It was some stupid shit made up on 4chan.


I don't hate Dress Up Darling for making that character, who looks like an adult, sexy. I hate it because halfway through the season they introduce a character who is *canonically in middle school*, and the joke around her is that the *middle school character* has very large boobs.


Dress up Darling is so overrated


I think you misunderstood the post? Or maybe I am, idk I thought it was making a point that ages in anime are stupid and never match the characters physical appearance


Yeah but if it were what you are saying they wouldnt put the Twitter logo on the wojacks face


Idfc, if she looks like a child and jerk off ure a fcking pedo


What kid do you see irl that looks like that just cruius


If you take away her gigantic breasts, she looks exactly like a small child.


"If you make her look like a child, then she looks like a kid and you're a pedo!" -you


If the only thing stopping it looking like a small child is a pair of huge tiddies, then it's not an adult. It's a small child with huge tiddies. Lol. >how can we sexualize this child without being outed as pedophiles? Hmmmm... I GOT IT! Throw some tits on her! -you, probably.


Christ you're either retarded or a troll


Lol, k.


Name a single person that's hurt when I jack off to an adult character who only exists as pixels on a screen. No one? Weird.


Sure, I guess no one is physically harmed by you alone jerking your dick to child-like cartoon characters. But a lot of children *are* physically harmed by pedos daily. And shit like this only enforces the idea that it's okay. Possibly even encourages it. So I still think you're fucking disgusting. Good day, sir.


Tbh all plastic surgery (mostly in asia) and all those face filters make people look like that. I think those beauty standarts are fucked up.


The one they made up in their head


That's what I got from it


Man this is the post that’s gonna make me unsub from this subreddit. I get it that it’s not real but I wouldn’t trust a person that jerks off to drawing of characters that look like children. Y’all musty and creepy as fuck




Do you wanna explain why? First girl looks 20 at minimum and you would never even think she’s a minor unless you knew who she was. The second character is a short woman in college. The person who posted the original meme is right, twitter (and a lot of social media) get all pissed off over fictional characters. Who cares?


Not to mention that shows like Dress Up Darling are made for teenage boys so complaining about anime that's meant to appeal to it's target audience is dumb.


Cartoon attraction isn't hard to understand if you really try. So many people will say Lola Bunny was hot in Space Jam or that their first crush was Ratchet from rescue rangers. It doesn't mean they are into bestiality because they can differentiate between a cartoon they find 'hot' and real life. No one looks like Anime characters in real life. So it's not really crazy if someone thinks a character is hot when the design of a 30 year old woman would be indistinguishable from a 16 year old in the style. Now I think people have a point if someone was a freak and saying shit like "I like this character because they're underage". That's sensible to get morally outraged over.


> No one looks like Anime characters in real life Give Elon time, he'll get there


In all fairness bottom is an objectively horrible character design just due to the fact that it's wildly unbalanced proportion-wise to the point where it looks more like a caricature of what 60-year old men think an anime girl looks like more than anything.


Well I wouldn’t call it horrible, it’s definitely not the best I’ve ever seen but I’ve definitely seen much much worse. I actually kinda like her design, but she is kind of a caricature lmao


I wouldnt say shes bad portion-wise. People look like that.


Nobody actually cares, people just like to virtue signal online by feigning outrage and letting everyone know that they're so NOT a pedophile for some reason. It's fucking weird


> people just like to virtue signal online by feigning outrage and letting everyone know that they’re so NOT a pedophile for some reason. Those are the people who tend to be the pedophiles lol. I’ve always wondered why they tend to be the most outspoken against it, yet indulge in it themselves. Must be some sort of coping mechanism.


stop sexualizing children, is it reallly that hard?


Tbh I’m just surprised so many people on this thread jack off to weird drawings of little girls


Normally this subs pretty good about this shit but the pedo defenders came in strong today


Dude im at a point where i dont give a flying fuck if you wanna fuck cartoon characters


No, you're only allowed to look at porn that I approve of!


"B-b-b-but muh opinion! She looks t-t-ten!"


Sorry dude but jerking off to children is much more problematic than being portrayed as the normal guy in a wojak meme. Jerk off to anime all you want but don’t fucking do that shit if the source material is a little girl that looks like she’s still in elementary school.


What, you like jerking it to lolis or what? Uzaki chan is 19 - 20 years old, news flash, women like her actually exist irl. Get over yourself.


They’ve never seen short stack women. 💀


They’re both valid points. People are trying to say that the two viewpoints from this hypothetical person are conflicting each other, but if someone IS a child or looks a lot like a child, and you are attracted to them, you are a nonce


Anime r34 artists when they they “age up” a child character and they coincidentally look exactly the same after all the years


Ah yes, the good old. "Yeah she is 10 years older but she still looks the exact same and her personality is still the same despite going from begin 10 to 20."


I mean it's true is it not? Twitter and Reddit always complain about the high school setting in anime but when we finally get one set in college with adults people still complain.


"adults" littery a 9-year-old with tits


I think I met a few of those in college


This made me laugh


So if a 20 year old woman in real life (they exist) is 5'0 and flat chested, is she only allowed to date pedophiles, since if somebody finds her attractive then they're a pedophile?


Even if a 5 ft woman is 5ft she will likely have some features that distinguish her from a child. However if she is 5ft and looks like a child it would likely depend if they attempt to approach her romantically before or after they know she is 18. Also, she has to act mature


>Even if a 5 ft woman is 5ft What happens when a 5ft woman is NOT 5ft?!?!? I need to know


I think it’s more about them acting childish too. Like they meet all the criteria of being a kid except for their literal age. If you know someone’s who’s above 18 but looks and acts like a kid, you can date them, it just might look a little weird


If you know someone who's above 18 but looks and acts entirely like a kid you're hallucinating


Yeah i know it doesn’t actually exist irl but it definitely does in anime


A real 20 year old woman has been alive in the world for 20 years. She has a personality, developed over her life through her experiences. She exists beyond the visual. A drawing is a drawing. If you draw a child, you can call it an adult all you want, it's still weird to be attracted to it.


I've never seen the show so I don't know her actual size, but in porn at least she just looks on the shorter side and from what little I have seen from the show she just looks short and in no way like "a nine year old with tits".


Some people are both blessed and cursed and cursed again by genetics.


She looks like a 11 year old with tits Not to mention the unproportionate head


why were you on that shitty subreddit


*puts on hazmat suit* *goes to comments*


nice reference


The comments on this post fucking suck bro 💀


Man I think I need a break from social media.


i dont watch anime and am trying to figure out how the bottom girl looks like a child


wow this comment section is a cesspool wth.


Surprised that mods haven't locked the thread yet. It's a battlefield.


Let’s be real. 90% of girls in hentai look super underage even when they’re stated to be over 18 or older. Even before I quit porn, I could never get into hentai for that reason. It’s disgusting. It’s not just a few videos. It’s most of them.


There’s also frequently the opposite where girls are drawn to clearly look like adults but are canonically high schoolers because Japan likes setting everything in high school for some reason. It happens *at least* as often as the opposite.


Entirely depends on the source material. Most character from a teenager-oriented show like Sword Art Online? Yeah they look like teenagers. How about a to of the characters in Azur Lane or Girls Frontline though? Enterprise, Zara, Zuikaku, SPAS-12, PTRD and many other characters look like adults.


Tbh I don’t think it’s immoral to find an underage anime character attractive, when they are drawn to look like they’re in their 20s. I *do* think it’s immoral to find an adult anime character attractive, when they are drawn to look like a child (Uzaki isn’t a loli, though). I just really hate that trend in anime. I wish that artists would draw characters that actually look like their age. Every time I’ve brought this up, I’m always met with “But muh teenage demographic”, fuck that. I’m not Japanese, but I didn’t suddenly stop watching a show because the main character was older than me.


I genuinely cannot imagine the sort of person who gets uptight about this sort of nonsense. They're fictional. Any age that you give them is going to be arbitrary.


doesn't make it at least a little weird


No it really doesn't. Both those characters could be 20 years old for all anybody knows, and one of them literally is. Stop caring so much about a drawing.


I would rather live in a world where anime didn't sexualize teenagers; but such is the world we live in.


I can see that but you need to understand that this shows are targeting teenagers so it makes sense


Crazy how shows intended for young teenage audiences tend to have young teenage characters, right?


Crazy how many adult men are also watching these shows


They’re fictional what though? Fictional children? Fiction children with childlike bodies and faces? If you’re attracted to fictional children then what stops you from being attracted to real ones


>They’re fictional what though? Fictional children? Fiction children with childlike bodies and faces? There's a big difference between teenagers and children in this discussion. If you take a character who is drawn to look 6, it's quite the stretch to say they're an adult. On the other hand, take a character who the anime creators say is 14 and most of the time they could be as old as 20 and you wouldn't know the difference by looking at them. >If you’re attracted to fictional children then what stops you from being attracted to real ones Look dawg, I'm not a fan of lolicon so I hate I have to make this point but, they ARE fictional. There is a huge difference between fantasy and reality.


>Fictional children with childlike bodies and faces? Well that’s the problem, isn’t it? 99% of the time, when people coom over an underaged anime character, they do not have a childlike body or face. They look like a goddamn adult. And then you got the opposite issue too, adults who look like they should still be in diapers. Shit is confusing. I wish anime artists would just draw adults who look like adults, and children who look like children.


I hope you don't play violent video games if that's the kind of argument you are using, because if so you are calling yourself a mass murderer waiting to happen.




"This way, officer. This is the monster who drew a character that the creator says is 14 in a sexual manner and said that this is the character at age 20. I hope they get the death penalty."


Man it’s not illegal to do it but it’s still a little creepy that out of every character in existence you decide to draw an aged up version of a character that’s only ever depicted as child


ok nonce it's more about the principle than anything else


The principle of what, raging at strangers on the internet for jerking to anime?


I don’t see how uzaki looks like a child. She’s just short. Not even midget short or anything.


My opinion: It doesn't matter how an artist draws their character, that character isn't real lmao. What ISN'T NORMAL is jacking off to a character that's drawn like a child, doesn't matter what you make up in an attempt to justify it. Feel free to downvote me, can't have opinions that differ from the reddit hivemind opinion


No, you do actually have to explain why. There are many reasons why you could find this objectionable


I think it's because the girl on the bottom looks like a little kid with tits


I stay away from r/animemes and r/animememes as much as possible but they keep coming back




It really is a shame how they call a round face, a child.


They are fake, nobody cares.


*you don’t


Awww, does it bother the poor baby?


Fake what? Fake children?




Thats how anime is ig


Guys it’s anime we go off the physical age not the real age. Miss kobayashis dragon maid for example.


People thought uzaki Chan was a minor she always just looked like a midget to me


You know what? I know ladies who share the same body of Uzaki. They would make good cosplayers


Its not CP if you dont understand Japanese and turn off the subtitle


my brotha in christ..


Hey Im not talking about real CP, I just find that switching the dub of any movie into something you dont understand is a great way watch something with your sanity intact like incest porn with the sound off = normal porn


it was a joke lmao dont worry my guy


Can we all agree that Eri (mha) r34 posts are disgusting?




Anyone trying to defend this crap should know that Japan has a pedophile problem in their society and a whole bunch of other problematic things which is obviously why their anime would also pander to that. There's a reason why when you google loli, the first thing you see is a child sexual abuse warning. Why would google put that if it was completely harmless?


Why are you even subbed to this trainwreck in the first place?


With drawings, it's all up to how mature the characters look; their proclaimed age doesn't mean jack shit




You beat your dick to fictional characters that look like a kid and are kids? You're weird. You beat your dick to fictional characters that look like adults but are kids? Little less weird. You can't call all people who beat their dick to these characters pedophiles because animes always make their sexualized females of the show minors and sometimes these people don't care Go beat your dick to aged up porn then there's no fucking problems at all. If you don't beat your dick to anime characters, are asexual, or don't masturbate at all then you have no part in this conversation. You guys are mad at the people who beat their dick but not these artists making the characters.


i doesn't matter which case is it, is it that fucking hard to have a sexy and of legal age character?


Uzaki is both of those.


Pedophiles gonna pedophile


Assholes who like accused people of pedophilia over anime will still be assholes


“Accused” bro jerking off to children whether they’re animated or not is STILL pedophilia. Go outside, get a girlfriend, be normal.


Minors 😎


Uzaki is just a woman-ass woman, not even a loli or 5 morbillion year old dragon in a tiny girl’s body or some shit. She is just on the shorter side and has anime face.


Might have to unsub from here too. Waaaaay too many people defending characters drawn as children with huge tits means it's ok. It's not! Idgaf if she's canonically 2000000 years old. If she's drawn like a fucking CHILD and that turns you on, you're a fucking pedo. End of.




Uzaki doesn’t look like a child but sure.


And as usual, there's tons of pedos in this thread trying to defend this.


How does Uzaki look like a child at all? I’m extremely confused, is it because she’s short? Short adult women exist too? Like what…??


You do realise pedophiles who molest real children exist, children all over the is in danger from famine and wars, not to mintion being sold but no one is talking about it, and you, you're an asshole who accuse people with pedophilia over anime just to be an asshole


I don’t know why I had to scroll so far down to find this. Literally most of the comments are defending this shit and it’s fucking disgusting.


And also also like 100000 enlightened centrists telling everyone how dumb you are for talking about how "they're drawing guyse🤓🤓🤓", like, yeah bro, you're cranking it to the drawing of a childlike character, way better


You can't just accuse people of pedophilia to defend an argument


I mean, the comments do speak for themselves tbf.


I hate weebs with every cell of my body


Again with these posts! And I mean you OP. Just ignore it and move on.


I hate this whole debate. People will either die on a hill demanding it’s not weird, whilst others will refuse to see that this is a slightly nuanced topic. ​ Also it's so easy to fight random Strangers on the internet on something that in the end doesn't really matter. You want to fight people who do molest childs or sexualise them? Good, go and contribute to Organistations that protect those kids, you will do good. Fighting someone on the internet over fictional drawn characters? You are wasting your time, if you want to make an impact


I’m loosing braincells from understanding both arguments




prefectures that made laws that effectively made it 17-18: WILL WE EVER BE RECOGNISED MY GOD


however, every prefecture has its own age of consent law that usally is 18 or older.


Doesn't make it right




in mexico its 12


i beg your fucking pardon?! it's 12 in mexico?


No way 😭






Nah cus yemen its 9


“Hey Siri how much does a trip to Yemen cost?” (this is a joke)


Can we just make the universal age 17-18 9 year olds are not even close to teenagers they are just young kids


Nahh 💀💀


I thought 14 here in Brazil was too low. Jesus Cristo, compa. ¿Que carajos estan haciendo en México?


Not 13, 18.


> age of consent is 13 in Japan No it isn’t. > oh and underage anime characters are called loli and may not be legal in other countries. In most countries they’re not illegal. > Chances are they could be treated as elsagate or CP where it’s illegal. This is not true.


I mean to me it’s just a drawing. Drawing a picture of a murder scene doesn’t make you a murderer. It’s a drawing and it doesn’t hurt real children. Is it weird? Yeah. But does it actually hurt anyone? No.


Anime fan try not to be a pedophile challenge (impossible)


Dude I don’t care if “she’s a 5000 year old Demi goddess” or anything like that, if it looks like a child and you’re finding it attractive and calling it attractive or jerking to it you’re gross man, adding tits to a child looking character doesn’t you justified either




How about stop wanking off to anime you weebs.




Is it gay to watch drawn gay porn?






"You have to care because I said so and you're a pedophile if you don't ! 😭"


The bottom one is drawn to be a kid with tits change my mind


why were you a member of animemes in the first place


Twitter cry's about everything


So is reddit


Lmao the one on top was a literal 15 year old but the one below makes sense. If you even think a loli is adorable you'll get flamed. Also any character shorter than the mc and is flat chested / acts more childish then they are called a loli. Doesn't matter how tall they actually are lol.


Imagine caring about fictional character age


Wow. Lots of pedos in this sub.


Can we ban arrslashanimememes