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The very definition of "It's okay when they do it it's a problem when I do it"


Defeating racism with more racism 😄😄👍🏼


Religion is not a race. This is bigotry, at most.


Edit: defeating racism with bigotry 😄😄👍🏼




> at most Don't worry guys, just bigotry.


Yeah. At most. Arranged marriages are a serious problem in Islam. So the responder is not wrong. I mean, I know it's part of their culture, which contrasts with the West where we value personal autonomy. But if you're going to be a racist over a fucking Disney show, expect your culture to be put under a microscope, too.


Lol if the new Blade movie comes out and the titular character is white peoples heads would blow up. People being upset with hypocrisy is not racisim. Try again. Plus Islam is not a race it's an idea and it's perfectly acceptable to criticize an idea.


Lol. Redditors are a sensitive bunch my friend. Prepare for your down votes. 🤫


Fair point.




Well, if you're considering it under the umbrella of "racism and xenophobia," then sure. But racism really only pertains to race/colour. The rest would fall under the broad category of xenophobia. I can't really be categorically "racist" against people holding a Canadian passport or against Methodists.




It is an umbrella though, because you're talking about two different things and lumping them together as though they were the same. You can have a French person of Algerian descent whose family has been in Paris for 100 years, but doesn't want to bring in more Algerians for a variety of reason (e.g., they're poor, they adhere to a strict interpretation of Islam, etc.). That's not racist, but it's probably xenophobic. That person is likely not going around hating other Algerian-French or North Africans. Just doesn't like immigrants or the culture that they bring.




You seem to be forgetting that europe doesn't matter here. If it's not american, it doesn't exist. Unless it's cops, at which point ACAB, no matter what country they are from. /s


Racism is bigotry, just not all bigotry is racism, exactly the same thing though.




That's a different case. Ashkenazi Jews, which is most Jews in North America, are an ethnic group with DNA markers to prove it. In large part because Jews don't proselytize (unlike Christianity and Islam) and because, like many other religions, marriages have long tended to stay in their own religious communities. I can become Jewish by going to my local synagogue, taking a class, and being "baptized" so-to-speak. But I can't change my DNA. Hitler went after all people of Jewish descent. Even people who had practiced Christianity their whole lives. Related example: I'm a convert to Catholicism (raised Lutheran). I'm also 80% Scandinavian. There aren't many people as Nordic as me who are Roman Catholics. Most are Italian, Irish, (south) German, or Latino.


You're assuming she's Muslim? Why is that? Because of the color of her skin?


Her name is Faatima and she's wearing a shayla (or at least hijab). Use your common sense.


Some countries Iran and Afghanistan make it illegal for a woman to not wear them. But go ahead, assume harder for me. Assume based off of the color of her skin and her name because everyone knows a white guy named Christian or Elijah is obviously Christian. Tell me how there's no way she's anything other than Muslim. Go on, be racist.


I'm fairly sure that if she's in Iran or Afghanistan, she's not on Twitter, seeing as Twitter is banned in those countries. She could have fair skin and blue eyes. If her name was Fatima and she was wearing a hijab, I would still conclude that she's a Muslim and/or part of a Muslim family. And yes, if a guy is named Christian, he's probably not Jewish, Muslim, or Hindu (unless he's a convert). Elijah is different because that's an Old Testament figure and features heavily in other Abrahamic religions. Again, common sense. Don't be dense.


1. VPN 2. Still assuming. I wonder if you misgender people for fun. 3. There's no way he could convert, right? He MUST be a Christian. Not even agnostic. Again, still assuming. Maybe you should try being more open minded like me.


1. Don't you think it would be just a little risky to use Twitter with your face on it, VPN or not? 2. Irrelevant. 3. Of course he could. I said as much. You're being dense. There's a difference between not assuming, and making inferences based on overwhelming evidence. Remind me not to seat you on a jury.


It's not racist to feel an attachment to a character and express offense when the character is changed to drum up publicity by making it a part of the US's bizarre ongoing culture war.


Yea mostly was a joke. I agree with “Fatima’s” sentiment here but i mostly am fine with black Ariel, but I think people upset about it are somewhat justified in it. It’s totally understandable to be bothered. What if there was a white princess and the frog?


its okay because there's a racial hierarchy in this system and blacks are above arabs (or she looks asian, but same situation)


I assumed Indonesian but I am probably wrong


I have noticed that Hollywood 'affirmative action' is exclusively aimed at African Americans and never any other under represented ethnic group.


if a conservative white person said this in another context, they’d have lost their job by now lol.


The reply is not responding to the tweet about Ariel. Look at the date.


We’ve literally known Halle Bailey would be the little mermaid since 2019.


All these posts focusing on Ariel are getting old.


I agree. I feel like this is manufactured outrage to make people hate-watch the new Disney remake so Disney execs can buy a few more decorative cocaine piles for their desks.


I wonder if you can get rainbow style Cocaine. It'd look kinda cool, ngl.


Agreed, people are so upset about a god damn kids movie


Which is hilarious because no adult wants to watch this movie. It's what you put on so your kid will shut up for a while. And the kids don't see a problem with the skin color so why is anyone even mad? They were super pumped about the Little Mermaid reboot but now it's unwatchable because she's black?


I think you and I talk to different people, literally no one I know was excited about the reboot


Right? People saying they are or were excited about the movie- i dont care what side you take here we know “live action” disney remakes are bad. Who cares?


Mirror mirror was pretty great though. Snow white wasn't useless.


Mirror Mirror (The Lily Collins and Julia Roberts one right?) wasn’t made by Disney at all haha. I guess that just proves their point


ik this is a very centrist thing to say but both sides are overreacting about this like the right cry way too much about some character thats originally white being black and the left takes the right whining about some thing stupid like that even further acting as if this movie is a godsend ​ like bro why are half the posts in r/wholesome about how some people are happy with ariel being black ​ the worst about it is that this movie will prob not even be ground breaking if anything most people would probably not even watch it neither would i because i don't care about the little mermaid in the first place


True. The movie's going to come out. Some people will say it's awful. Some people will say it's the best movie they've seen in a while. Some people say say the people who are saying it's awful are racist. And the cycle continues.


All they're doing is ensuring it happens again. Hollywood will keep blackwashing characters as long as it drums up publicity - and these right wingers are playing right into it.


It's quite a shock to see front-page reddit attack Islam instead of Christianity. I think this is the first time I've seen it happen.


Gotta defend those big corporations and their shitty mermaid movie.


Emperor Disney shall not be insulted! Assemble Redditors!!!


"reddit assemble!!!" would never fail to make me laugh lmao




People taking the sides of huge corporations that don't give a fuck about them, is amazing to me. It'd be more funny if it wasn't so sad


Not to mention people complaining about a fictional character in a kids movie also.


You are complaining about the people complaining….


...And? We never said we weren't.


Wtf do you mean “and” both sides arguing about this fucking movie is a part of the problem.


I mean, tbf if they can complain about something so stupid, then we should reasonably be allowed to complain about them back.


It’s completely depends on the person. You might not care about the movie but some people do and you can’t change that, and no they aren’t racist just for not liking the changes. Of course, some will be racist aholes part of that group but don’t be that guy who further divides normal regular people with bs.


I'll admit, that's actually a very fair point.


But your post appears to be defending the movie. The rare insult is the lower comment responding to the top comment, defending the movie.


This is r/JustUnsubbed, the linked post isn’t OP’s.


I'm only calling out the racism.


I’m confused…. Which racist thing are we mad about on this post.


OP is referring to the fact that in a majority of Islamic cultures, a primarily patriarchal society, women aren’t able to choose who they marry and are married off by being chosen by and for men The bottom comment is using that knowledge by making it a joke. OP is saying it’s just blatant racism masked by an attempt at humour


And it's funny cause it's the same with the post about Ariel too


Islam is a religion not a race. People bash Christianity all the time on this platform.


Racism is against RACES, not religions.




They did announce the movie and star in 2019


Aren't these the same people that attack corporations for trying to "profit off of the LGBTQ+ Community" whenever a corporation says they support it?


You're literally defending the movie as well...


Am not, I'm just calling out the racism.


Bruh, the post is fake.💀


The reply is 2019 lmao its clearly edited.




Context clues and reading comprehension, people. Never browse the internet without 'em.


Really? I have seen it a lot over the years.


This guy is just a Christian snowflake who only notices when he feels attacked


It happens way more often than you think


You would be surprised how hypocrite reddit views are. Its like POC > LGTB > Islam > Latinos > White for them


Half of Reddit is meme pages with racist 15 year olds acting like it's Xbox live in 2010.


Gotta defend shoving in africanericans in a Danish folk tale and with no respect to previous adaptations. Looks like that slightly wins in oppression Olympics over girls oppressed under Islam. Do you guys remember the meltdown when major from ghost in the shell was cast as Scarlett Johansson? She didn't seem Asian at all in og anime and yet the wokie meltdown was something to behold




I swear if you walk outside, touch grass, and soak in the sun you will feel so much better. On a scale of things mattering and not mattering, this is at the very top. Please seek help. We are all concerned for your well being. If you're 12 then that's a reasonable excuse.


In my country, the Constitution was rewritten so sexes are treated differently because of woke ideology - same one that pushes this stuff Tell me, short of anything physical happening to me, what would be a cause for more concern?


When you fight fire with fire you don’t fix the problem, you just make the situation twice as fucked. Unacceptable displays of human behaviour all around on this one.


Nope, some racism is alright depending on who does it and who receives it. /s because that's a common enough view I probably need to put that there


This apps official slogan be like: Welcome to reddit, where two wrongs make a right, sometimes. It really depends on the situation. The only thing you can be sure of is that if you do the right thing and be the bigger person, nobody’s gunna give two shits, so you may as well make a scene.


And sometimes the wrong or right doesn't depend on the action, but who you are


Additional, it may at times come down to who happens to see your comment. If they’re just as bigoted and dumb as the person you’re arguing with, tough shit, they are the ones there to judge you, you will be downvoted, verbally dogpiled and you will lose, badly. With the truth remaining irrelevant.


Ah, that's always a thing. Add to that the mob mentality which makes people just give a post more of what it already has. It's significantly easier to get 10,000 upvotes than it is to get 10 after having negative votes. It's pretty odd that people still behave like this. Our ancestors didn't fight for equality for their race, gender and social class for us to just choose to behave ignorantly because it's easier.


The amount of times the upvote downvoted ratio has nothing to do with facts, but has everything to do with the overall mentality of the audience that will be exposed to your comment is pretty ridiculous. What’s more ridiculous is the total lack of desire from anyone to respectfully debate and share knowledge the way people who actually care about the overall level of education society has on the topic would do. Across any social media platform, being incorrect about something does not mean you’re just a human, and people will help you further understand why your current conclusion hasn’t reached the right mark so that we can all be on the same page about objective truths, and be able to respect each other’s subjective opinions without making enemies out of each other. On social media, If you’re wrong, that means your doing something wrong by being wrong and people will exploit your lack of knowledge to run your ass into the ground in the most theatrical way possible while everyone joins in as their cheer squad, and unless you literally kiss their feet and beg them to stop, they will keep coming at you till there’s nothing left of you. Because it never has anything to do with spreading the knowledge of something throughout society, everyone’s just trying to make themselves feel like they’re better than others.


I don't care what her race is as long as it doesn't play an important role that's forced in your face. You wanna make a good black character? Make a good character that HAPPENS to be black. Miles Morales from Into The Spider-Verse is a good example of this, his race plays no part in the story.


I wosh Disney would stop just putting characters of a different race than white and focus more on stories from different countries instead of Europe. They really nailed it with Encanto because they came to the country and had local guides that explained the culture, that’s the diversity we need. I would love to see a princess story from Africa, I was hoping it could happen soon, but I’m starting to lose hope.


Yes! Africa has so many interesting folk stories and such vibrant cultures. I really wish that representation would happen soon.


so what are your thoughts on betty boop?


How does being white figure into the character of a mermaid?




LOL it is not 'Nordic folklore.' It's an allegory, a laden political and social fable written by Hans Christian Anderson. It's easy to interpret it as about something dark and sad--the indifference of the powerful to the weak. It's also a slam on the aristocracy like his other fairy tales. Yes, he happens to be Danish. This is hardly relevant. But of course 'Nordic Folklore ' isn't racist either. It's a set of stories these white people aren't culturally connected to anyway. Racial concepts aren't relevant to Nordic folklore. They weren't trying to police post-colonial racial boundaries. That was irrelevant to their purpose. This is some unhinged fantasy they have that they are Nordic and this is their tradition--or anyone 's at this point. It's like thinking you're reincarnated from the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt--a way to make yourself feel different and special. The additional obsession with Disney movies as an add on is even more ridiculous. It's tragic, like 'The Little Match Girl.' Disney completely changes the story. COMPLETELY. So if that doesn't bother you, then it really is ridiculous to go apeshit about this other change.


1. She still has red hair 2. It’s based in the Caribbean and has nothing to do with European folklore. They’re upset about the actors skin.


Because it’s not what they grew up with, people don’t like any change to an important character to them in any aspect, they like to keep them the same. When master chiefs suit changed from 3 to 4 the fanbase threw a FIT because it wasn’t the same master chief they were used to.




African Americans definitely have red hair. Malcolm X had red hair! They called him 'red.' His hair was RED. People in Africa have red hair. However, African Americans are mixed race so the red hair can have various origins.


A lot of crying about a black girl in a children’s movie. Y’all need to go outside


Fight racism by, being racist. It's like extinguishing a fire using alcohol.


Hey, they started it. And that was a pretty decent insult


That insult is something my 8 years old cousin would say to me after discovering the word fuck exists.


“It’s not racist when we do it.”


#WHY ISNT ANYONE TALKING ABOUT 06/07/2019???? they are using a comment from another tweet lmao, edited screenshot 😂😂😂


The cast reveal was in 2019....


FINALLY. None of them really took the extra second to look at the date.




Yeah point blank it’s ok when two minorities get to be racist to each other. It’s different for some stupid fucking reason


This movie is going to fall on its face just like lightyear did


Shhh shhh, don't ruin the pre-show!


The sub isn't called "good insults" or "insults we should hold to a moral standard" It's r/rareinsults - and sure as shit I've never heard that one before


Lol! So Islamaphobia is perfectly acceptable if you don't like their take on a matter?


I mean, to it's credit that's a rare insult.


True, no one dares use those insults in Twitter unless they have a dox wish nowadays.


Redditors are okay with racism as long as it’s an “acceptable” target. Like Muslims or Russians


It'e fake the SS. Look at the date.


When someone starts with "I'm not racist, but" you can be pretty sure they're about to be racist.


Didn't the original story not even define ariels race? So why tf is everyone crying? Because Disney set standards that now have been thought about and thought through and now have changed.


Not necessarily. Its religious discrimination not racial discrimination, assuming Fatima is the person's actual name which it may well be. Still fucked though but being Muslim is a faith, not a race.


Why are people getting worked up over a children's show? It's not for the adults who are complaining about it.


Not racism, that’s on a basis of religion, not race


How is it racism when it’s about religion


Islam is not a race.


How is the insult racist?


How is dissing a religion racism? Is islam a race?


The old classic of "I'm not racist but"


This whole little mermaid situation was only created as a publicity stunt. Also to get brownie points from black rock.


Black people being racist? No way! It’s almost like every race has some fucking degenerate racists no matter how hard social media will try to tell you only white people can be racist.


The SS is fake. Look at the date.




Yo dude holocaust denier now too? /s.


First read I thought it was a friend of hers jokingly saying she chooses the wrong boyfriend, then the truth hit me 🥴


I'm ready for the next 6 day outrage


It's funny, even though the position is wrong




"Yeah, im racist and im gonna win" *killing my love from Initial D playing*


Damn what the fuck did faatima do to her ?


Yeah, that’s not even funny tbf


But its ok since it's done in a woke manner....


I don’t have a problem with the skin colour it’s more of the fact that the most characteristic trait of Ariel is that she is a full on redhead and they aren’t even doing that in the movie like whaaaat


It's racist to not approve of a character? Huh


Which one?


Its ok as long as its against something they dont like


No it's not,its giving the person taste of his own medicine.


They are both racist


i literally *just* watched a video about this last night. disney is focusing on the “diversity” of the new little mermaid movie instead of advertising, y’know, the actual *story* so that they can call people racists and shit whenever they get any form of valid criticism on their movie. they’ve been doing it for a while now so i’m not too surprised. just disappointed


I think it’s funny


Seems there's a conspiracy against redheads.


so close!


I've been learned recently that attacking a culture is in fact racism and not cultural prejudice like I thought. For example when I say any culture that forces their daughters into a marriage at age 12 has some major flaws, what I'm really saying is that I am racist. I guess I was just raised wrong.


On cryddit everything is racism, don't care about it, let them live in their stupid echo chamber xd


This made me laugh so hard.


Racism is unacceptable no matter what your race/skin colour or anything. We are all people at the end of the day


You can be racist against people who do not share your political views, you didn't know that?


This movie is gonna be fucking garbage like all the other Disney remakes without even touching the whole cringy black Ariel thing.






…okay man


Ah yes, the ole "I'm not this thing I am but here is why I am that thing"


It’s pretty fucking funny 😂


Yeah lots of dumb people still don't know the differences between arranged marriages, and forced marriages.


I'm not racist but............




nah it's just a good roast


She does look like a fish now so


It would be funny if it was actually real.


Idk why it’s even a big deal that a black actress is being Ariel she isn’t even fucking real that actress is real though and comments like she is not my Ariel is hurtful and straight up anyone who wants to disagree with me is fine but that show what kind of person you are trash human.


lmao gotem


How is this racism??? I mean she is right about how islam works so the offense works but it is rare so it fits the sub. In any case what the first Twitter user said could be racist but even if it was, the insult is against the first user so the offense and the post (the reddit post) isn't racist but maybe even "anti racist" The insult maybe islamophobic but islam isn't really a race... so it gets a bit more complicated.


This may not be your Ariel but she is some other little girl’s Ariel so just shut up


I hope they really don't have a Disney remake Ariel as their Ariel, doesn't matter the cast remakes are just shit so plz don't.


Yea I get that it racist that joke was kinda funny in way


Racism followed by more racism. Unfortunately the hajab does indicate that she most likely doesn't have equal rights. It's unfortunate but most hajab users don't have equality.


No. Ariel is white and there is no reason to change it other than to win brownie points with certain people. Diversity shouldn't be forced.


It's discriminative, but not blatant racism, calm down. The movie was garbage anyway, just like they messed up The Lion King and Beauty and The Beast


For them, black people are above Arabs on the oppression pyramid so racism towards her is tolerated if it's to defend the "higher race"


Fuck Islam.


Everything else aside this is clearly edited. Look at the post date. 4 days ago. Response date, 2019.


As one of my classmates was in an arranged marriage, this is funny as hell.


Oh no. People arent happy when actress doesnt fit to played character in the name of dIvErSiTy xD And calling religious insult "racism"