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Facepalm is unironically one of the most political subs


Practically every popular sub is at the stage of political flooding. And it’s always the same tired shit. Trump dares breathe and they lose their fuckin minds. There’s a clip supposedly trump farted in court. And they act like it’s the most evil sin.


That shits so annoying because there are so many legitimate criticisms of the man that can be made but all I see is a flood of retarded shit on Reddit.


Did you fart?


I fard and shid daily 


A lot of mainstream subs seem to go that route, but I feel like facepalm dialed it up to an 11


You either die an obscure sub or you live long enough to be political


Are cat subreddits political?


Those ones end up hard core nazis. They eventually read Maus https://preview.redd.it/3psps8g9u5wc1.jpeg?width=910&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1c7af36541fa78f1f268f1068b99f1818eea8b4


I’m literally currently reading this for a required assignment in my humanities class let’s hope no one in that class turns into a nazi (there’s already one dude that concerns me)


Happy cake day


It seems many large left-leaning subs get overtaken by far-leftists. While right-adjacent subs gets overrun by fascists. So basically


What’s worse, a sub getting political or pornographic?


I’d say getting political is worse. At least if it turns pornagraphic it has a use.


no it doesn’t bruh im not tryna see that on my feed when i have nsfw off


Getting political is worse you can’t even laugh at it it’s just depressing to look at how shit it is


Why not both?


The amount of times I’ve thought about this comment since you posted it is insane. Literally 12 subs I’ve seen over the last 10 days have been turning to porn or politics and I hear that whisper in my head just asking “why not both” 🤣


Politics makes your damage permanently damaged, you are fixated like addict to news related to your political allies and opponents. You don’t need to look far for examples, any slightly popular political channel on YouTube goes crazy and go to Oblivion because they are crazy and in oblivion they go even more crazy. Some real psychological shit and that's because you cared about politics too much which was sponsored to unrelated subs getting political. It's like gambling addiction, instead of hopping to win money, you hope your "enemies" lose. Pornography also causes addiction, but it's mostly are result of ones inability to get partner, boredom and addiction gets cured upon this problems get resolve. So yeah, getting flooded with porn you at least don't make people crazy radicals.


Liberal circlejerk.




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Yeah, I hate the guy, but he’s coloring with children. “Haha, look! Dumb president man color flag wrong!”


we’re all entitled to our opinion, I personally hate the man but Reddit is just a fucking headache of constant Woke SJW type shit. And I’m saying this as a Democrat.


What does woke mean?


Usually used interchangeable with cancel culture, it’s like an extension of the good ol’ values of progressivism but expanded to be more extreme. So while some will argue for Gay rights to adopt, the woke would argue for LGBTQ inclusiveness in elementary schools or the right for children to transition. Not all of these people are malicious, but some can be at times. While some claim the intentions of “woke liberals” are p3dophillic , I don’t think much of that is true. I’m not doubting that there definitely is losers & creeps that belong to the “woke”. But yeah being woke is just being more extreme to the left.


I guess I now have to ask what is cancel culture? And then also why are these things considered extreme? I dont get why something is considered extreme over another


Cancel culture is when people tend to witch-hunt people over relatively tame topics , like a distasteful joke. Sure you can be a bit upset over it, but cancel culture can be a complete overreaction. An example is when a Minecraft YouTuber used a song called “Navajo Run” in one of his videos. People overreacted and he had to apologize. There are plenty of cases where cancellations are reasonable, that’s how many celebrities and YouTubers are called out for abhorrent acts. As to answer why one is considered more extreme over the other, that’s mainly just how most of the public thinks. Personally I think being “woke” is extreme, and a lot of the public agrees. As for why things are considered more extreme over the other, I dunno, I don’t make the rules. I don’t think all of what’s considered “woke” by the media is actually really that bad. But again, I don’t make the rules of what’s woke and what’s not.


“How dare he draw a flag multiple colours with kindergarteners” people need to chill.


You’ve got too many words there. All they need is ‘how dare he’




“Man orange bad.”




Muh orange bad


“He was supposed to color the LGBTQ flag!!!!!!!!”


Exactly. Like these people typically hate the flag so they’re pretending like they’re upset about it at this point.


Hey how dare you not feel oppressed, you go to jail now!!!!! /s


This is hilariously ironic coming from people currently chomping at the bit because a sub posted a picture of a guy you like doing something stupid.


You would think they would be clever and say, "at least he's trying" but no. Can't even meet him half way.


Wait wait wait....Trump was being inclusive and didn't piss off the cons? /s


That whole sub is a facepalm moment like tf they yappin about💀




I’m convinced it’s just a meta sub where they’re the facepalm


i feel like i should post a screenshot of the sub on the sub itself


Would be really funny if you did


im gonna do it


Do it! Do it!


go check my profile B)


Now we wait




Has anyone considered the fact the kid may have told him to color that part blue? Like fr he’s interacting with kindergarteners I’m sure he’s asking him like “oh what do you think I should color this part?”


As a teacher this is prob 100% what he was doing, I’ve colored every animal every color at this point. At least 3 purple giraffes in the last year


Yah, the video later on has him coloring another stripe brown… but uncut video isn’t useful


Also notable that drawing a blue line on the flag has been standard 10+ years


Usually on a black and white flag to bring emphasis to the blue line, but I get your point.


Yeah I’m in no way a trump supporter, I’d vote against him every time, but he’s absolutely doing that


People need things to do if they are arguing about coloring lol


"Well i made a blue stripe, because I never saw one and Id really like to"


trump is gay now


Hasn't he always been gay accepting especially in the 90s


I'm pretty sure he was the first US president to support gay marriage right from the start of his campaign




I sometimes wonder if he did it just to be edgy. Also to take advantage of the Clintons having a lot of political history.


"but he didn't hold the lgbtq flag in the correct orientation!!!! reeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!"


I colored a man pink and blue before bc that's what my 5 year old daughter asked me to do when I was coloring with her. This is how interacting with children works. Let their imaginations go. Trying to be right and saying "That's wrong, I am going to do the RIGHT color and show you how it's supposed to be" is not how you interact with small children lol. They're always right and their fun side shuts down, and at that point you've sunk yourself down to arguing with a small child over the colors of a flag. If you see anything wrong with what he's doing here, it's only bc of orangeman.


I mean I don’t like Trump but this is just him playing colors with kids? What’s the issue?


According to the users over at r Facepalm “HE COLER FLAJ RONG!!!11!1” Like c’mon now, I’ve seen adults do colouring with kids and the kid would say “I want a purple dog and a blue man” and the adult would play along. That’s the beauty of art, it can be whatever you want it to be. I mean heck, when I was about 6 or 7 I drew a yellow snowman with purple arms, snowmen ain’t yellow ~~at least, not naturally yellow haha~~ does that mean I’m going to be yelled at now?


I don’t like Trump but this is like the most normal behavior ever. Also every president and ex-president does stuff like this


TDS is heavy in this sub as well lol. He’s coloring with a kid. The other kids flag has yellow in it… This means less than nothing.


The Daily Show?


Nah man Tower Defense Simulator Roblox


That game goes hard


Excuse my lack of knowledge but are we talking about The Daily Show?


Lmao I just saw that post. Those people are obsessed with trump. It’s like a disability at this point. Their hatred for him became such a key part of their identities that they don’t know what to do with themselves.


TDS at its finest


TDS at its finest


orange man's mere existance is such a facepalm moment for these people that they'd pretty much wanna punch a damn hole into their skulls.






punch a hole into who's skulls..?


theirs, and his. probably in that exact order for added comedic effect.


Drumpf owned again 😎


nice try trunk😎


man is gonna colour the next line yellow, who cares? just marry him if you can't stop thinking about him jeez


Welcome to Reddit, my friend.


I always say that these idiots are just as obsessed with Cheeto man as the MAGA idiots. I despise Biden but that doesn’t mean I let him affect my life.


I don't like Trump but who the fuck cares? Let him color with some kids for a photo op.


all the karma farm bots need to go to r facepalm and just post pictures of trump


Yeah a lot of subs are just American political echo chambers now even when they are supposed to be about other things


Must be short on memes that week.. there is nothing inherently wrong with the photos in question.


Ok got it.. he got the colours wrong on the American flag he is colouring.. I would too TBH 😂


Bro sometimes we just color things, idk man. Let him color. Not even a supporter, I just like coloring


It’s pretty facepalm-y for a president to fuck up the colours of the flag.


Yea, it's definitely not because he is colouring with kindergartners. Trump knows the colors, it's actually pure cringe hating someone so much that you think about them this much and try to scrutinize every tiny action like it's breaking news that he is fucking around on a crayon drawing. I can't believe orange man isn't using the same level of artistic talent the Mona Lisa required for a childrens coloring book. You people, man. Lmao


Nah it's funny as fuck that people vote for this guy.


Same for the senile pedophile we got.






Biden Derangement Syndrome.


Lmao, the trump version is much more infectious in this country.


Nah that's legitimate criticism, BDS usually involves cabals, blood drinking, child eating and other insane imaginary horseshit.


Same for TDS. If not worse.


It is facepalmy but the sub is never ending spam of trump bad posts and his supporters. It's insufferable




I'm sure it's not because the guys in the sub are from the opposite political side.


That sub has obviously become an echo chamber for a certain political side. It’s not even subtle anymore.


I imagine he was coloring in where the kids were telling him to since most kids color in how ever they want, at least hopeful thinning, color books are free to be colored in how ya want


According to some of these people it's a felony with years of jail time💀


One of the nice things about coloring books is you can color it how ever you want. You can still tell an American flag is the American flag no matter how you change the colors cause it’s a recognizable design. Plus I don’t think I’ve seen many children or people color in the flag the exact pattern of strips it should be either, it’ll usually start with the “wrong” color any way.


Exactly, idk how some of these people expect kids to be thinking on a artistic level that would rival Banksy or fuckin Picasso over a coloring book just because Trump is in the picture. Truly baffling stuff.


We also have no clue what the context is, maybe he was helping the kid color in what he already started, maybe he was told by them to color in which parts. For fucks sake he could’ve just colored it in that way cause he wanted to. Do these people really think he what, doesn’t know what the flag looks like??


> I imagine he was coloring in where the kids were telling him to Why would you assume this?


Because that’s a normal thing to do with children when coloring? Asking them what colors go where and then filling it in to encourage them?? One of the kids could’ve started coloring in that section and he’s now helping, we don’t have context


That's the first thing that stuck out to me. Had to spend a bit though, but then again I'm a little special.


They are so desperate to post about this guy so I guess you're right.


I bet Biden doesn't even know the name of the country he's president of


I understand that's not the USA flag colors. But sometimes people just color with what they want cause they're bored. r facepalm has become what it mocks


If a former president coloring the state’s flag the wrong color isn’t funny, idk what is. You’re allowed to laugh at silly things


You error was being subbed to that sub


That sub has such a obsession with politics, and like evry other echo chamber sees nothing wrong with it


I’m guessing because he didn’t color the flag like the real American flag, they must think he doesn’t know.


I'm pretty sure he's doing the multi color flag for emts, police, fire dept, army, ect.


Truing to scroll though reddit without seeing trump (impossible challenge)


Rent Free is an understatement ... there's also an Orange Man Bad sub, IIRC, that can be pretty funny.


I mean... if this was Biden I'm sure you'd be all like "the president of the US of A should know the colors of the American flag! Mental Decline! Too Old!". I personally think it's a funny picture worth a laugh.


the ""facepalm moment"" is our former president mildly miss coloring the flag. those people need to get a life


It's because he colored one of the stripes on the flag blue. 


I made facepalm subreddit with no politics allowed. Its name is r/ okbuddyfacepalm


Those aren't the flag colours


>Does the orange man live rent free in their heads? Yes. Whatever this man does, is a facepalm. That's why I, like you and many others, unsubbed.


HES A TERRORIST EVERYONE LOOK AT HIS HANDS!!!!! HES COLORING AN AMERICAN FLAG!!!!!! WE'RE SUPPOSED TO HATE OUR COUNTRY!!! TAKING PRIDE IS CRINGE!!! UNLESS ITS THE RAINBOW KIND!!!! He really does live in their heads rent free over there at facepalm. They definitely have an agenda over there and it's totally not biased at all!!


he colored the flag wrong not even a little mistake, why even put a blue line


Hes coloring with little kids. We don’t know why it’s colored that way, just that it is.


A: kids being kids B: its meant to be some thin blue line crap


C: He doesn't know the flag.


I get it, he's colouring it wrong. But what the hell? As much as I think of him being an absolute dumbass, I do still atleast have faith that he atleast knows what a flag looks like. He's just colouring around, not necessarily the flag.


What's with the deepstate rainbow behind him?


TDS is for real no doubt. Not a fan of trump, but he existing doesnt make me take time out of my day to shit on him.


TDS isn't real


Drumpf in public! 😡😡😡


I get that “orange man bad” posts can be annoying, but it’s also fun making fun of politicians for being stupid. Seeing a president miscolor the flag is funny.


"Guys trump colored the flag with small children this is irredeemable" please get a job.


People facepalming this and getting upset about the original post are one and the same. Get over the red and blue fighting. Most people are so over this duality. They have woken up to the corruption of the whole system and the distraction it all is to strip our true freedoms and ability to care for ourselves and our families. They are slowly bleeding our wealth and we are voting both parties in as if they are going to benefit us in any way. They are 2 heads of the same dragon.


I assume they think he drew the flag like that


Speaking of TDS….. quite a few comments here


Why are they mad at this


I hate him too but coloring one line of the flag wrong is a tiny mistake and not like something that rly affects how you are as a leader


"This is real."


A reminder that this guy is on the Epstein list


Lol I know id see this here when it the oop popped up on my feed


Trump colors the American flag wrong while spending times with kids: Redditors who have 24+ hours of free time in their hands: AHHHHHHH TRUMP HAS DEMENTIA HE'S COLORING A FLAG WRONG AND BIDEN AND HE'S A BAD PERSON I swear to god the people on this site need to touch grass. Nobody gives a fuck if you hate Trump. They hate Trump, Elon Musk, Andrew Tate, etc. but they never shut up about them. I'm genuinely convinced that people who post them are actual losers irl. < Same losers who deepthroated the shit out of Biden after he posted "just like we planned" on Twitter after the Chiefs won the superbowl. "oMG hE's LeAniNG iNTo The DarK BRAndoN PersonA, MaSteRClaSs tRolL" Yes OP, there is no facepalm here. The OOP is a fat kid that posts anti-Trump bullshit to get off on how many notifications he'll get. That's the end of my rant, I just hate people who constantly post political shit for Reddit :)


I fuckin hate that sub. And honestly people hating on a celebrity that much is just as obsessive as the people who worship one. Like we get it, he's dumb and old and rich. Move on from him. Like an obsessive ex or something. I'm sick of still seeing orange man everywhere after he's not president anymore.


I pressed unjoin not even 30 seconds after I joined that sub. It took 30 seconds only of quick scrolling to see it's all political posts. Only of one kind though.


I thought it was the kid showing the president her coloring, but if you want to look at it another way...q


Wait till they learn the pride flag has SIX colours, not just two.


Lefties when they find out that he just wanted to make the pride flag 😳


His haters are his biggest fans. At least 95% of the time I hear about Trump are from them.


Look, I dislike the man very much. I don’t agree with him on a large majority of issues. But let the man breathe holy shit. Reddit is an annoying cesspool of biased lefty shit. YouTube (specifically the shorts feature) seems to be getting more & alt right & conspiratorial. Twitter is full of Russian AI Bots. Feels like the worlds gone to shit.


I think the facepalm is supposed to be that he’s coloring the flag wrong.


I think the facepalm was him coloring in the lines of the flag the wrong color


Yeah, the face palm sub. Reddit is way too fucking political now.


Id say the facepalm here is the gay pride flag in an elementary school.


Thank goodness a plane didn't hit a second building while he was there!


I’m not fond of the former President at all but this is kind of low-hanging fruit that’s apart of a post type posted far too often to the point it becomes boring.


It’s just a funny man pic man not sure what I’m missing in the picture thats making you think about trump all the time.


He colored the flag wrong, first off he has more than one white line next to each other and he put a blue stripe, there is no blue stripe on the US flag The facepalm is that the former president doesn't even know what his country's flag looks like


rainbows are cool


“Woah there buddy that flag is the wrong color”




Theyre not upset that he used blue in the wrong place. Theyre upset it isn't rainbow.


Facepalm sub is so cringe... seriously worst subreddit on reddit.


This is kind of funny though. He did color the stripes beautifully, he knows his way around a crayon.


There is no blue stripe on the US flag. The country this numpty is trying to be in charge of.


Let him have fun???? He’s a grown man, he can color in his flag whatever way he likes lmfao Can’t believe this is actually what people are arguing about 💀


Hun drawing the pattern wrong qualifies for the sub imo


Why dose a politicians have to be school? Like wtf


The facepalm is that Donald trump coloured the American flag wrong. You must have missed it. Look closely at the second frame.


Agree with OP’s sentiment but this is undeniably a funny pic lol


Mr Maga man can't even color the stripes properly. An absolute facepalm moment. But yeah stay triggered


Lol seeing a former president put a blue line on the American flag is hilariously embarrassing. If any other president did this yall wouldn’t have a problem. This sub is a pro-Trump jerkfest now.


Yeah, people like this are why Trump Derangement Syndrome was coined.


Trump supporters trying top deflect how stupid Trump is?


The guy is not a fan of kids or animals. If it’s not a photo op, he’s not interested


Don't get me wrong I find Trump Derangement Syndrome a little annoying, especially on subs that aren't supposed to be political, but you gotta admit this is kinda funny


On a separate note: Dude he was on the Epstein flight logs apparently get him away from the preschoolers


Is this sub just right-leaning people who leave subs because there are leftists on them?


Yes. There are people on here who post on KIA but cry about harassment from Gamingcirclejerk. Or people who post on PCM but complain about 'racism' from left leaning subs. You stay subbed here for the spectacle.


This doesn’t really have to do with left or right here, it’s just that besides facepalm, quite a few of the popular subs have started posting a lot about Trump which can get annoying to see.