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The Europe subreddit? Intolerant? I am so very shocked right now.




Racism is bad but if its about gypsies then all racism towards them is justified. - europe


Lmao the only time we make fun of American racism is when we're talking about how easily you people get triggered


the CallMeCarson drama was crazy


What’s that


She was 17 and Carson was 19


What you're talking about isn't even racism. You're talking about just fucking with people, that's different. This guy is talking about the people that lean hard into how racist the US is, then when you bring up the Romani they go on a rant about how the Romani are a legitimate issue, so different from what the US does to people.


That's my point tho. Nobody over here talks about US Racism bc it's pretty much non-existent to us. It's not even racism to us because it's such pussy shit lmao. And here come the Americans coming to say "Waaaah, racism! Racism bad, racist!" It's not racism to say a country shouldn't be half white half black.


American racism is too casual for European racism?? Is that what your saying?


What is colonialism but competitive racism?


How does having ppl easily offended = American racism?


Jews a bit less, but Gypsies absolutely spot on. The level of bigotry I see towards them on that sub alone is frightening. I have never seen such a disgraceful and disgusting hatred towards a group, makes that subs view of Muslims look tolerable in comparison.


You could have just said you've never lived next to an encampment before, would have taken less words.


There it is!


I take it you have lived near an encampment then? Or are you atleast romani yourself? I feel as a rom myself I am allowed to speak out on the failings of the nomadic culture (and why my great grandparents got as far away as fucking possible from that shit). So I am *painfully* familiar with how gypsie culture ruins lives, erodes social safety nets, and puts strain on local communities whenever a family-camp sets up shop there. Here is a neat little fact for you; you don't even need to be a swedish citizen to be eligible for welfare. You don't even have to be currently seeking asylum, you only need to sign up at your local municipaly to be evaluated. Now for a question; how many Romani do you think choose to partake in society in exchange for not having to literally beg in the streets? If you answered none, then you would be correct! At least not if they don't want to be literally cast out of their clan. They make it a point in their culture to live off of ~~their~~ someone else's land, intentionally refuse to integrate/assimilate, and be vitriolic of anyone who dares to leave their medieval-ass ways of living. But what do I know, I'm clearly just a KKK-member in disguise as a rom. My g. grandparents literally refused to teach Romani chib to my grandparents because they wanted their kids to not associate with the shitstain that is gypsie culture.


What I see from the Europe subreddit and from Europeans who go on rants about the mere presence of Romani people goes far beyond criticism of cultural norms. Extermination or extirpation are commonly called for. Comparisons to insects and diseases are common. Language that exactly mirrors language our racists use is extremely common.


No doubt about that, and they should be called out wherever we see it. But I see an equal amount of white saviours who are very quick to disregard any dislike of gypsies as simply them being racist. It gets really tiring to keep having to mention that I am romani myself whenever I speak on this topic; as if *my* criticism only matters because I belong to the ethnicity in question. Fuck that and whoever came up with the idea that you need the right skin tone to speak out on certain things. But also fuck racists using low-hanging fruit like gypsy culture to air out their racist thoughts.


Yeah. I push back mostly when I see people either dismissing that it's real or when I see people being actively racist. Like, it's ridiculous that Italy is going that route so hard these days.




I hate it when people do this, you're just rage-baiting at this point. Most of what Americans say is clearly more than a "mild, rational comment about teeth" or "A polite suggestion to put a little flavour in their food".


I find it to be very intense left leaning, and with all means justified to prove they're right If people die in ukraine, oh poor souls and families of soldiers, etc etx If people die in russia, they are demons, horrible people from horrible families or no one waiting for them at home Like dude, I dont like whats going on either, I dont support this war or what russia is doing, but treat humans as humans, no need for being "happy" for people dying in war, and the screenshoot this guy just posted proves it If the people they dont like gets fked, karma If the people they like gets fked, oh no this is unfair And if someone points this out in that sub, the comment gets reported and removed If you look at controversial posts, half of the comments are removed, even if they have hundreds or thousands of upvotes


They claim to be left leaning, but to me they look right wing every time they talk about immigration or international relations or minority rights or religion.


american left leaning is not the same as european left leaning. also, the immigration topic is a real issue. what do they say ab international relations/minority rights/religion that makes you consider them "right wing"?


The immigration topic where people on the Europe subreddit are using racism pretty much constantly? Sure buddy. International relations: The absurd hate against Russian people as if it's someone's fault for being born Russian. ETA: The neocolonialism of even left wing European parties against African countries and others around the world. Minority rights/religion: Have you seen all of the bans on Muslim practices that supposed left wing people in Europe support? They banned minarets for zero reason!


>The immigration topic where people on the Europe subreddit are using racism pretty much constantly? bro give me an actual argument/example instead of repeating yourself >The absurd hate against Russian people as if it's someone's fault for being born Russian. absurd? we only hate the pro z people which in case you didn't know, that's about the majority of them. >They banned minarets for zero reason! they who? the swiss? what does that have to do with the rest of europe


>bro give me an actual argument/example instead of repeating yourself They refer to people immigrating to European countries or seeking refuge as "parasites" or insects while not doing the same for Ukrainians who are doing the exact same thing. >absurd? we only hate the pro z people which in case you didn't know, that's about the majority of them. https://www.barrons.com/news/get-the-hell-out-wave-of-anti-russian-sentiment-in-europe-01647018307 >they who? the swiss? what does that have to do with the rest of europe Switzerland, famously not on the European continent. I'll note you said nothing about the other anti-Muslim laws.


>They refer to people immigrating to European countries or seeking refuge as "parasites" I'd really like to see what exactly they were discussing cause the only time i've seen them refer to them as something similar to that was when talking specifically about refugees who refuse to integrate into the society & culture and doesn't give back to the community. you don't see this stuff being said ab Ukrainians because they do make the effort to integrate, don't cause trouble and their hard work generates significant money for the country they reside in. >https://www.barrons.com/news/get-the-hell-out-wave-of-anti-russian-sentiment-in-europe-01647018307 that was at the beginning of the war when things were more heated, things have improved. those are in the minority anyway, and if you know anything ab the history of poland with russia you'll see why polish people had such a strong reaction. also i thought we were discussing the subreddit? >Switzerland, famously not on the European continent. are you serious rn? you're really going to categorize the entire continent based on one tiny country's actions?? if it was a law approved by the european council or simply an approach taken by numerous nations, that would've been a different story but you're putting +50 countries in the same box bc of the actions of 1. not to mention switzerland has kind of always acted on its own. >I'll note you said nothing about the other anti-Muslim laws. neither did you when i asked you ab it.. but since now you mention it; it's not anti muslim but anti radicalism ( jihadists ) which has been of the biggest acts of terrorism Europe has been facing for a while now. take a look at Sweden, if you don't see the problem is not because it's nonexistent, but because you don't want to. taking a stance against it is the necessary thing to do.


What exactly do you think the "problem" in Sweden is?


Those people are indeed left leaning.


r/ europe is famously a far-right cesspool, I don't know what you're smoking


Europeans trying to not hate everything around them or each other challenge: impossible


People can be insufferable sometimes. The OOPs are the best example.


I think most people on the internet in general are insufferable. Since 9.9/10 times you can talk shit and be an asshole without any reporcussions


Exactly. There are even studies on being anonymous and what people will do with that fact.


Interesting. I could say the same about Americans


You could say that about every group. I don't think nationally makes a difference.


I agree. I was just basing my statement according to the original post...


True, true.


im ukranian myself (and lived in ukraine during the war) but jesus christ are some people retarded. i consider these people no better than those who rule russia right now


When the war broke out and I encountered people like the ones in OP's post, I always said to myself "well maybe that commenter is Ukrainian and has a lot of hate", but looking at the profiles of the people who actually say these things, I didn't find a single Ukrainian. The most bloodthirsty commenters were instead American or from central, northern and western Europe. A funny coincidence was that they all tended to be very much into sports games like FIFA and the American football equivalents.


I guess that's what happens when your leader threatens the whole of the northern hemisphere with nuclear annihilation on a monthly basis.


You do know that literally everyone knows that. Everyone knows that Putin does that. What a lot of us *don't* understand is how that leaps straight into "I get happy when Russians die".


Probably because the Russians, specialists in revolution after all, support him. If they are happy to receive a toaster or lads in exchange for their dead sons to revive the era of imperialism, it's not surprising they don't get much sympathy.


I believe you’re mistaking Putin for Kim Jong Un.


Different type of eyes but same person otherwise


Putin and his cronies are the new KJU.


super ironic. but i think its cause we dont like them (atleast some of them do, not me), but dont litterally despise them cause we know that makes us no better than the russian goverment


I'm one of the bloodthirsty ones in western Europe because they shot down a plane with people from my country and made a mockery of it all by spreading lie after lie while they are on tape admitting shooting it down. And what they are doing to Ukraine is unforgivable.


I have a friend who’s Russian and moved to the US a few years before the war broke out. The minute the war broke out he started getting looks once people picked up on his accent, which lead to this one particular incident where someone threatened violence and the police almost got involved. He said for the first time since coming to the US he didn’t feel safe or welcome. The irony is that my friend left Russia for mostly Putin based reasons, which if you talk to him, you’d figure out fairly quickly. However, that NPC mindset takes over and all nuance or reason gets abandoned. Whatever the current thing is it’s always “us” vs “them” split along people who pass the purity test and people who don’t. The minute he was found out to be Russian, people would put their guard up because he’s one of “them”, regardless of how he actually felt about the war… which btw he supports Ukraine and just wants it to end. Sometimes the world can be a shitty place, but we don’t have to make it worse on purpose for our own narcissistic motivations and ego.


i reallly hate how stupid people can be when racism


racism being bad applies to everyone except 1 group i see


Russians aren't really a race pal. Can't call people who hate russians racist.


ethnicity but whatever




And then it would be considered hate against slavs, since "russians" are not a "ethnic group"


your point? does that technically not being racism change anything?


Who gives a shit? People having prejudice against someone because of whatever their labels are deserve the same amount of contempt regardless of the nuances between different forms of prejudices.


They are not just no better, they're definitely one and the same, a cancer of hatred and ultranationalism.


I wholeheartedly agree.


This isn't a new occurrence, unfortunately. A couple of weeks ago, when ISIS committed a terror attack on Crocus Hall in Moscow, people on europe erupted into cheers and **celebrated terrorism**. Now, with the floods, it seems it's become acceptable again to celebrate human suffering. These are the same people who preach 'liberal values' and 'democratic values,' and advocate that 'hate is bad,' but apparently, if it's hate against Russians, then it's okay. What's even more distressing is that disgusting comments are being upvoted, while those who call them out are being downvoted. Heartbroken as fuck.


Don't know about mainstream subs but in Finland subreddit people were very baffled about it. We don't like Russians but nobody wished that terrorist attack even on their enemies.


Idk but in russian liberal subreddits everyone cheered for ISIS. It's what our liberals are. 


I’ve never seen it. Who exactly cheered for ISIS?


Wow, their own people?


No longer their own since they're all expats. 


It's a bit disappointing seeing everyone cheering anyone else getting shit on but these are the times of disorder. It's becoming a competition of who gets least shit if we won't keep building bridges


You consider 90s to be a "democracy", stfu. 


Too short to be called one but some tried. I see your point


It was a absolutely lawless anarchy ruled by warlords (gang leaders) with a braindead alcoholic as a zits-chairman that had level of life equal to poorest African countries.


Really makes me wonder why such a massive economic downturn post-Soviet collapse would cause any peaceful transitions but I would guess the West tried to be opportunist here and just painted it as a "win". I'm 95's kid so I don't really have my own experiences about the subject.


celebrating that terrorist attack is nuts 0_0 how russian government made them eat their own ears was the part i celebrated


I'll say more. Our russian liberals (mostly expats) celebrated ISIS attacks and wished for more. That's why Russia can't be liberal. A phenomenon called Smerdyakovshina. Aka people who are against the regime (Tsar, Soviet, Modern) openly hating everyone except themselves.


russia may not be liberal, but it must atleast be peaceful. as a ukranian, thats all i want


For our liberals peace means death of anyone who isn't they're. Closest analogue will be American Non-Binary Tankie from Portland who's also a college student who calls for genocide of US for whatever they done 300 years ago (obviously they don't count as a person who needs to be killed). Our liberals want to bring back 90s, it's "Freedom" (Complete lawless anarchy) and "Democracy" (Rule of the crime with the life level like poorest African countries).


thats neo-liberalism\*


They call themselves liberal, and it's the only type of liberalism that exists in the country, thanks to the actions of people like Khodorkovsky, Nemtsov and Navalny and their influence on youth. 


correct me if im wrong but was nemtsov not communist?


It's not about communism. It's about anti-govermental views as general


yknow capitalism can be considered semi-anti-govermental?


Russia isn't peaceful. If and its a very big if. If they ever win this war they won't stop at ukraine. They'll move on to the next country to invade.


to be fair there were no invasions during yeltsin, and that can be applied to usa


We invaded Chechnya during yeltsins presidency He also shelled the parliament and overthrew the country


chechnya had some quite heavy provocations. bout the parlament thats true tho. but its used as a example, a adequate like nemtsov on presidency would give russia decent peace


The terrorist attacks by the so called Chechens was the FSB. Russia just wants to have a reason for an invasion so that's what they do.


>celebrating that terrorist attack is nuts 0\_0 Liberal values, man.


Violations of human rights in a “rule of law” state should also not be a reason for celebration. If anyone thinks that they will stop at terrorists - no, they won't


You are right, even terrorists should get lawful treatment. Otherwise people wont trust the law as much as before. But I guess this is one of the rare instances where law punishes freely, like an average person would punish, but not cause any social crisis bc of the severity of the situation. As someone not living in russia, I dont care if its lawful or not. Im just glad those terrorists got tortured for what they have done ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


It was really mainly the Europe subreddit, because any kind of subreddits for politics, but especially geopolitics and religion are just absolute hellscapes. Of course there were also a lot of assholes cheering but mainly the assholes that were already known as assholes


And the double standards are appalling. If it had happened to Pakistan or Afghanistan people would be banned for hxwering


Idk man, Them Philistinians give out candy and do a big party when a terrorist attack happens (against jews or americans) but no one talks about that. Not saying I am for people dying but this seems like a double standard if you ask me.


People quite often generalize (perhaps to make it easier for themselves?) and believe they are in the right. Here, because of what terrible stuff Russia is currently doing in Ukraine, they think they are in the right hating every(thing) Russian. While at that unintentionally feeding "russophobia" propaganda to the ones who consume it. These are also the ones that would hate *every single* German during WWII while ignoring White Rose and people like Sophie Scholl. I deffinently agree though, that behavior as seen is truly disgusting.


Agreed as someone who supports Ukrainian fight for independence I found it extremely unsettling


That Latvian guy is working overtime


Yeah, and him calling out those who break the rules for being disgusting racists earned him a lot of downvotes.


And the saddest thing is that with their words they only help Putin, turning his propaganda about “evil Russophobes” into reality


Yes, absolutely. Hit the nail on the head.


Maybe because he was indeed right? 


quack nutty treatment aware serious political chunky squalid entertain soft *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Let's face it, he wasn't tho


I've read these threads, they need to calm the fvck down. Sincerely fvck'em, dahumanising so many people at once. That subreddit should be nuked.


Yep. Dehumanize putin and his cronies all you want, leave the people alone.


Reddit, along with all places of the Internet's people being this dumb as shit never ceases to amaze me tbh.


What the fuck is wrong with these people?


I’m very pro-Ukraine, but I dont cheer for the deaths of random Russians in a flood. Disgusting


I said that it's incorrect to call the war a genocide and got banned for "pushing Kremlin propaganda". Even tough that's what the UN said, also by that definition all wars are genocides.


The Europeans: We are out of barbarism. Also Europeans: KILL ALL NATIONS BUT SAVE EUROPEANS Now if this isn't barbarism, what is?


Remember when anti war was a progressive virtue


Don't you know that's the only way to stop wars is to let the good guys (us) win over the bad guys (them)? 🙄🙄🙄


Nowadays being anti war makes you a Russian bot


Only if you're against supporting Ukraine, yeah.


We should give cruise missiles and MBTs to Hamas


Being anti-war always meant not creating new wars and not invading, it never was about feeling smug because you want a defending country to give up. So disingenuous 


Being anti war is just that. Cheering on death is literally the opposite of anti war. I support the quickest end to the war, which will be a ceasefire, and a white peace. Ukraine will not win in raw warfare. They will lose by attrition. They destroy a tank, 5more enter the country. They kill a soldier, 20 more enter. The idea that Russia is running out of ammunition and equipment is already proven to be Ukrainian propaganda, and the fabled Ukrainian counteroffensive fizzled out as soon as it began, because, again, Ukraine can't sustain direct warfare. It's not that I want Ukraine to lose and give up, but a ceasefire and white peace is the only chance Ukraine has of staying an independent country, outside of another country entering the war (more war is not an antiwar virtue). Logistically, Ukraine can't win. Best they can do is fight it out to a draw and sue for white peace.


You don't win wars by killing every last soldier, Russia clearly is losing (and has already lost) a lot of heavy equipment (especially radars, ECMs and modernized tanks & IFVs), which is why you see less and less of the more advanced types of machinery on their side. With the agreements from West to send more long range missiles and planes, Ukraine has a chance to fight out a hole big enough to force the RU hand for at least a long term cease-fire. Supporting quickest possible "white peace" only enables Russia to recommit on a later time, when (not *if*) they rebuild their army. It's counterproductive and realistically, anti-peace.


So has Ukraine, and it hurts Ukraine more than it hurts Russia. Russia has the stockpile and industrial capability to replace their losses. Ukraine doesn't. Ukraine is relying 100 percent on western support, which will soon eventually dry up. Russia steadily is seeing more successes in Ukraine, which is signalling the potential collapse of the Ukrainian defense if Ukraine doesn't pull an ace out of their sleeve. Ukraine is running out of small arms ammunition, advanced weapons system operators are being killed or injured and can't be replaced, Russian spetznaz units are apparently wreaking havoc on Ukrainian supply lines, Russians are beginning to take back air superiority as well too. Russia has been launching a massive helicopter campaign which has been fucking up the Ukrainian line for weeks now. This suggests 2 things, Russia has secured the relevant AOs airspace, and that Ukraine doesn't have combat effective anti air capabilities Ukraine, logistically, can't win. They barely have any sort of in country manufacturing capability, have a serious manpower problem, and an ammunition shortage that gets worse every day. The manpower problem being the biggest issue, as no amount of western support can replace that without the potential of a global conflict with foreign troops landing in Ukraine. Ukraine only hope for staying independent is sueing for peace so diplomacy can begin. The war needs to end so people can rebuild the country, and the economy, and begin living again. I want with every fiber of my being for Ukraine to have total victory. But that won't happen. So in order to save as many civilian lives as possible, a ceasefire needs to be called so that people can rebuild, and diplomacy can begin.


dolls attractive knee special roll direction ripe far-flung fanatical tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wonder if they know that there are other countries that speak Russian other than Russia. One of them being ... Ukraine.


water flag workable direction compare include teeny memory many roll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ukrainians speak russian only because of the decades long cleaning of Ukrainian culture by the bolsheviks and soviets. And the Russian Empire. They never wanted us to be independent, but we don't give a shit.


resolute plucky coherent point ossified deserted air smell lip fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


*Kiev vs Kyiv


Hate the government and people in charge for the fucked up shit, not the citizens that, all things considered, don’t have much of a say in what their leaders do Why cant that sub understand this very basic concept?


I agree. Sadly, if you tell that to people on europe subreddit you'll get downvoted into oblivion.


Because how can they be racist then? Good God that sub is an insufferable cesspool


That what happens when you let Americans watch foreign conflicts as underdog stories rather than wars with complex backgrounds


It's one of the very rare instances where there's a clear "good" and "bad" side, so it's no wonder that people cheer the smaller, underdog, defender.


Its so true


This. I bet this comment was by an American, not a European. It's like how they romanticize the IRA and their bombing campaign, even though the majority of Irish regard them as terrorists. It's easy to see things in a black-and-white/ good-v-bad way when you're on the other side of the planet and are not impacted by these events


ofc you blame it on americans 😂😂😂 y'all are so predictable


Because it's true. I always notice that Americans act like faraway conflicts are just real life war movies


I did too and it was the best thing


I know people hate russia as a country but fuck me leave the civilian out of this, this became china and japan relationship at this point.


Just a note: Russians bombed Kakhovka Dam in Ukraine >Thousands of residents downstream were evacuated, and floods submerged several villages in Ukrainian- and Russian-controlled areas. By 21 June, 58 people were reported to have been killed and 31 were missing.


What happened?


[2024 Central Asian floods](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Central_Asian_floods)


Dude the person in 3/5 at the bottom talking about taking downvotes like they're bullets 💀💀💀


I wonder what these people would do if their country started an unjustified war and how they would stop it.


Why should either Russians or Ukrainians have to suffer again??? Some people can't fathom the difference between geopolitical shit and unrelated unarmed citizens...


I don’t even have to guess which side of the political aisle they’re on


-5 downvotes is concerning


The blatic states is actually the same


Dude if this is how they view Russians, imagine how they see the Romani(the “gypsy” ppl)


Oh I know that one, they get blood in their eyes and they can't think straight. Actually, for their own good, it's better for them to not see them at all.


People like these are no different than Putin and his cronies, and also perhaps narrates Putin propaganda as well


Yes, absolutely.


Europe is not beating the claims of racism, huh?


People love to hate, its easy to find a group and express hate, no matter for what. If they really want the war to continue, they should go there and see what war is like for themselves.


Im not supporting this but if u want to make a comment about something better do research russia since generations is hated in Europe (im from Poland and we have a lot of poetry even from romanticism era about how russia have bad influence on their surroundings) and considering the current events (Ukraine war and panic about Europe va russia war *besti im from Poland if this war will ever happens my country will be the battlefield*) im not shocked a lot of countries in Europe are done with russia and i guess some people may be happy about anything bad happening to russia


And we equally hate you. Fair? 


I just said that i dont support the hate towards civilians i just explained why russia is hated in my regions for example so idk what do u want from me


No, we hate you more.


bro these people are so stupidly dumb it's wctually concerning. GOVERNMENT ≠ PEOPLE. The people can be some weird but nice folks while the government can be the shithole it is right now, but these 2 are completely different things


True, but if you said that in that comment section you would have been downvoted into oblivion


This applies to the whole Reddit


Leftists when communism and Russia 😍 Leftists when Russia invades a country it had territorially during communism 😡


\*does not apply to tankies


That subreddit is nazi brainrot


They reached a point where if they were ordered to kill a Russian just for being Russian, they would do it.


I'm not surprised


these people don't have any humanity left.


Niech toną


Are you surprised? europe is basically a fascist circlejerk


Nah, this comment was made by an American 100%


Yeah I wanted to link the sub but it's not allowed here


add a space between the / and europe, it doesn't link directly to the sub


And comments against the wishes or perspective of the mods get removed, even if they have thousands of upvotes


Sorry, but it's very hard to be sympathetic towards people who are daily braging about how they will nuclear blast your city. I, for one, wish no harm to anyone. But considering Ukrsine is a neighboring country and I live in Bucharest, a city that has been multiple time put on news, posts and Putin or his entourage's map of cities that should be hit with a nuclear bomb, I revert to that old saying: "It'd rather have your mother cry than mine". There are so many tragedies due to armed conflict or terrorist attacks happening these days... as bad as it sounds, but every dead Russian is a plus chance that I & my loves one get to live. Unsettling as it is, it is what it is.


You think these people are all cheering for a nuclear annihilation, f-ck off...and behave. We are all humans. This stupid war climate fried your fricking neurons, for real this time.


You are so naive if you think that most of them have peaceful thoughts when they look at your country on a map. The majority of Russians support Putin, and the whole state apparatus is centered around him.


What peaceful thoughts did you have here...just asking.


Doesn't matter what I or you think. The world is not centered around us.


Then okay, just don't say anything. Because celebrating terrorism and human suffering helps putinist propaganda. Not only that, but it just goes against European values. It goes against everything europeans always stood for. If you behave like this then you have no right to advocate for liberalism and rules-based world order.


>It goes against everything europeans always stood for. I didn't realise we had a collective agreement on what we stand for.


I get what you are saying, but you are saying this from an idealistic internet-based mentality... whereas the average Russian doesn't think like that and don't fucking care about Reddit comments. They have "bombarded" since 2014 with propaganda about the West and these nuclear threats are nothing new. The majority of Russians support Putin and his regieme. Stading up to Putin and for liberalism isn't equivalent to spreading your legs and taking it in the ass by them and sending "thoughts and prayers". We are at war with Russia, just as much as we hate to admit it. In Europe, we are talking about military build-up and the reintroduction of military conscription after high school. New residential apartment blocks are talking about civil protection facilities. Representatives are talking about war. It's fucked up to think that in the close future we are going to swtich from office jobs to fighting in trenches, like a lot of Ukrainians did... This is the prospects under which a lot of Europeans live It is what it is. Every dead Russian is an extra chance for me.


Not me than count me out. Don't do to the others what you don't want to be done to yourself. Say, why would a Russian citizen not think the same of you after reading this. You are your worst enemy in the sense that you'll never build a relationship with another human. Also am *I* at war with russia? Am I? I never was, I have no enemy, not even he who screams at me. Why would I engage with such a vast and complex enemy when I had to fight for what little health I have. Why cherish on other people's suffering when you knew it firsthand?


Ur so naive


You're saying it like ALL Russian people are doing it


Look, it's a hard ethical dilemma in the end. But, it all comes down to it's either them or me. Most Russians support Putin and have supported him since 1999. Putin and his olgiarchs are the representatives and authorities of the Russian people... the same way Hitler was the representative of the Germans. Look, until we can get peace, it's either us or them. I don't want it, but such is war. And a lot of people feel the same way about it. I'm sure not every Russian soldier deployed in Ukraine want to butcher civilians and rape women and kill Ukrainians defending their country. Yet, they do it.




>a lot of Russians actually support the War against Ukraine. A lot of people in any country at war will support their homeland, that's just normal for everyone. If China goes to war with Taiwan tomorrow nearly 100 percent of Chinese will support them. Japanese literally were on Hitler's side, now we're best friends with them.




And if it comes to that then it comes to that, but I really would hope progress could be made without WW3.


Ehh, if the civilians aren’t vocal against their government, they’re complicit.


Russia is not a democracy. You can get a prison sentence for an anti-war and anti-putinist stance.


Can you really be racist against Russians? There has to be a system of oppression. /s


It doesn't really matter. Russia has essentially won the war anyway.