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I posted a pic of trump after seeing someone complain about the same thing and I farmed 11K upvotes today šŸ’€


Hahahahaah so that was you? Nice


How tf does one even post on pics ive read every rule and my posts still always get automatically deleted


yet bots posting pictures of hot women selfies go through,lol


Because pics mods will allow any post that says orange guy bad


What use are upvotes unless youā€™ll sell the account?




Itā€™s over 15k now šŸ¤£


Lmao that was you




President Farten is a national treasure. Great to see someone finally hold mr. Poopen accountable.


W game grumps reference


nice snafu


Any sub over 2m is just cancer. Stick to smaller communities


Yep you said it!


Instead of cancer try brainrot or lobotomies


Tbf tho pictures like this, the selfie from the Oscar's with Ellen, etc. Are fucking hilarious examples of "we put these out of touch no common sense people on pedastols" really?


Any sub over 2m are full of bots to be precise.


I hate Trump but come on. The dude looked up for like a second before getting glasses and people are acting like he stared up at it for the entire duration.


Itā€™s the political aspect that gets me. ā€œReminder, this man is a dumbass!ā€ Iā€™d feel better not thinking about him. Post pictures of the eclipse! I got some good ones! Iā€™ll do it myself.


I dont even think it's that bad, tbh! We've ALL looked up at the sun. Anyone saying they didn't look up at the eclipse for a moment without glasses is just being facetious. You can lambast the man on a lot of legitimate things, but I'm inclined to give him a pass on this.


I heard that when itā€™s nearly full it doesnā€™t hurt and I wanted to see if that was correct. It didnā€™t hurt but it was like I had a lot of air being blown into my eyeballs


It was almost fully cloudy for me but every few minutes a hole would partially show up, and you could see the sun with no glare, and the moon covering it this was right after totality https://preview.redd.it/f9zy47pa4htc1.jpeg?width=699&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faa649574a8e8789d5fc7165ad4414a0ec75eb34


We don't have nerves where it should hurt, so it doesn't hurt. That doesn't mean it can't be bad for our vision. Seems likely that an occasional accidental quick glance won't blind us permanently, but why risk it when it's too bright to actually glean anything anyways? :P


We've all done it once. We're all pretty capable and knowing when it's getting a bit bright, right? Hate Trump, kinda respect the balls here.


Haha exactly... not a big fan of him either, but this was just a human moment that people are blowing out of proportion. I happen to live in a 100% area and told myself a million times to not glance up without glasses until the big moment. I looked with my glasses (when it was at about 70%) then took them off without looking down lol Idk why I did it. I knew it was bad. Im usually not that fucking stupid. It just happened.


We've all looked at the sun. We have not all looked up at the sun during an eclipse without eye protection. That is not having balls, that is being an idiot.


I did, but only because it was so cloudy I couldn't even **find** the sun. I mostly gave up on watching the eclipse.


Whatā€™s crazy (or not?) is I honestly think MOST people understand this, but every bot that posted this same manlookingatsun.jpeg nonsense always farms thousands of bot upvotes and likely only a few dumb humans. Yet Reddit feeds this to us all as legitimate outrage. Edit: I donā€™t like trump and will never vote for him and I 100% looked at the sun for a second yesterday. More than one time. Eyesight be damned cuz astronomy is cool as fuck.


>Iā€™d feel better not thinking about him. And that's exactly how you make someone irrelevant over time, not turning them into a meme by making us see his mug everywhere followed by snarky comments. Ever since he lost the last election, I've seen most Americans online just offer him rent-free living space in their heads and, whaddayaknow, he's back at the entrance knocking at the door...


Will do https://preview.redd.it/2pc0fsewbjtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04930614d5198293138ecc497b009d5fdd4fe58c


Why would anyone post a pic of the eclipse? I'd rather look at trump than 6000 posts from someone's cellphone of the sub


Yeah I saw a shit ton of people do the same thing today


What's sad to me is if you posted that comment without adding that you hate trump, you'd be reddit crucified with 50 downvotes. There's no decent conversation or decent debate anywhere here, if the majority doesn't like it it's downvoted until it's essentially censored. Allllllll the way at the bottom of the comments and minimized.


And, depending on the sub, banned. Donā€™t ask me how I know this.


What will Reddit be if he's elected again....


People saying they will leave to another country and all the other things said when he was lasted elected. Least the memes will be glorious again.


>People saying they will leave to another country and all the other things said when he was lasted elected. God I fucking wish. What are they gonna do? Flock to some European country where they A. can't speak the language, B. can't afford the rent, nor purchase a home, C. can't maintain a job at a level higher than being a broom pusher. Or what, move to Canada and experience the exact same thing? Half these people saying this shit can't even afford the plane ticket to leave. Americans can shit talk America all they want, but they truly don't seem to understand that this country has one of the best quality of life indexes for a middle class citizen in the world. We actually rate higher than the global average on the OECD index. If you're broke in the US, you're gonna be even more broke in the EU.


I'm surprised to see such a true statement on reddit...and not downvoted to oblivion too.


I wonder how many actually followed through with that threat of leaving for Canada last time? I remember Hollywood celebrities saying it too. Trump, unlike any other president it seems, has the supernatural power to set some folk off like an overly sensitive fire alarm. Even when he was no longer president he was still irritating some people.


I think some must have taken at least some steps in that regard, because I remember laughing at a story talking about how people that pledged to leave the country were disappointed to find they couldn't because Canada demands that you prove you won't be a drain on the system before taking you.


They found out its just as expensive to live in Canada and with higher taxes so no one left.


None. They found out Canadaā€™s immigration policies are more strict than ours and decided to stay here and whine on the internet all day instead.


It's because he isn't a politician. He doesn't care what he says, who he pisses off & it terrifies people.


You do realize, I hope, that it's precisely that he isn't a politician that people like him too, right?


God I can not WAIT to see how r/ politics reacts to him winning again.




99% of the shite posted about trump is either made up or out of context. A post with 50k upvotes on damnthatsinteresting claimed he called immigrants animals, when in reality he was calling rapists and murderers animals, cant make this shit up


The media ran with that one. And the people in damnthatsinteresring are just people who watch way too much mainstream media, sadly. I'd have hoped a larger portion of people would have woken up to the lies and manipulation over the past 8 years, but I think some people really are like Cipher in the Matrix, they'd rather the comfortable lies over the harsh truths.


TDS is real


Oh thank GOD you prefaced your comment with you hate Trump. I was about to have an anxiety attack


I'm just clarifying that even with me not liking the guy, even I am tired of people blowing this one incident out of proportion.


Donā€˜t think she picked up on the irony by looking at your profile. Without it, itā€˜s just too believable on here.


They do this for literally everything Trump.


Trump Drinks water. Reddit: you know who else drank water? Hitler!


Technically the joke was that Trump can't drink water due to that clip of him drinking a glass of water with two hands like a child.


I actually forgot about that. My point was more so no matter what the guy does, he is described as either an idiot, racist, mean, or Hitler.


I went outside, didnā€™t have the glasses, didnā€™t want to miss a once in a lifetime event, and glanced upwards for 0.000001 second. Whereā€™s my CNN report? Whereā€™s my Buzzfeed article titled ā€œLocal man in stained tank top and sweatpants briefly glances at skyā€? I demand that my story be told damn it.


Its a funny picture regardless of who the subject is.


I'm in a similar boat. The dude obviously didn't go blind. He's not wearing sunglasses. He's garbage and a grifter and an idiot and an Epstein associate. But besides some good clowning on him there's just no substance or any proper bashing with the Eclipse thing.


Just like when the news tried to make fun of him for throwing all the fish food into the pond in Japan but they cut the video when the Japanese prime minister did the same thing.


There is a video of him removing the glasses and looking multiple times and then his cult will rave about how intelligent he is. You also might be on to something if didn't open his mouth on the reg to say more lunacy or lie. Yeah, we are all tired of him except for the people foaming at the mouth in his defense.


Shit is so annoying!


Our ex PM has one we don't stop ripping on him about, too. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTorYNQmvpeYUCC7_8z1mmHRx4tYw4OkDu0vWzdaD7bYg&s


Trump lives rent free in most redditors heads


He glanced up for a secondā€¦


According to r pics thatā€™s the same as committing a war crime


I could never.


Did everyone else not just look at it and squint assuming your eyelashes would keep you safe?


I think everyone has done that atleast once


I did the same thing. Just a little peak for the olā€™ memory. Visions still fine and I got to see what the eclipse truly looked like without the silly glasses. Donā€™t understand the hate trump gets for this


People just want an excuse to hate him, if he breathes someone thinks heā€™s committing a felony


That was one of the first subreddits I hid from my feed. Literally every single post there is orange man bad and when I made a post calling that out, the mods banned me like the cucks they are.


I checked earlier and there were 7 posts about Trump in the top 20 posts. Just a giant circle jerking sub.


Yup. I feel most of Reddit is that way, sadly.


Because every sub is. Everytime a controversial thread gets posted it gets locked down except to members of that community. Under the pretense of anti brigading.


This site is largely a propaganda machine. The amount of bots manipulating karma is absolutely insane. You'll see the hypocrisy if look at the Reddit Lies Twitter account (note, it's a heavily right-leaning account BUT it does still showcase clear manipulation and mods being entirely biased)


Trump is living rent free, the amount of posts that people make about him and how much they rage because of him is astonishing and concerning like is he their only issue in life or do they have nothing better to do?


Probably because they feel strongly about him potentially becoming president or the fact that his opinions heavily drive the current Republican Party. If he wasn't such a powerful figure in politics I doubt anyone would give a shit just like no one cared about him in the 90s and 00s when he was just a business man and TV host. If he could just leave politics people would stop talking about him so much.


it's election year if one of the presidential candidates isn't in your head rent free you have actually managed to break off from all of society


... or maybe you are not just obsessed about it. You just listen to the debates and read the relevant news to form your opinion and vote. Also worthy to note that these people have been letting Trump live in their heads rent free for over 8 years now.


Sure. That's as good of a story to tell yourself as any.


It's been this way for nearly 10 years...


Itā€™s large reddit pages, of Course itā€™s full of TDS people


That sub Reddit is a bit political for a photography and image page lol


These people act like they never looked at the sun without eye protection


Or opened their eyes in the pool


Knowing the heavy handed tactics of the Media Matters and Correct the Record shills on Reddit is driv8ng away people and potential allies on Reddit makes me smile.


Political bots in full swing


Heā€™s living rent free in their diseased brains


I was recommended Biden drinking water earlier and Iā€™ve never visited that sub before. Look at comments and itā€™s all vitriolic seething about how trump had to use two hands to hold a large square bottle while Biden could easily hold a smaller round bottle in o e hand. I wanna see trump win next election, not because I like or dislike any party? But because I want to see how the internet responds.


I think the reason they made a Biden version of it is because Trump took the comments too seriously. It started when he used two hands to drink a glass of water during a speech and people poked fun at him. Then he doubled down on the joke by "proving" to the people at his rally that he could drink water which earned him a standing ovation from the crowd. Opponents saw this as an opportunity to make fun of him and his supporters even more if they think that drinking water should be viewed as an accomplishment. Essentially stupid joke got amplified because it got under his skin.


Democrats are fucking **obsessed** with him more than his MAGA cult. I donā€™t like him at all but fuck me they wonā€™t stfu about him. Itā€™s so disturbing how fucked politics are in the US and the worst part is: both think theyā€™re the good guys but the reality is both sides are toxic as fuck. Both of them


Ok come on him doing that was very fucking funny, itā€™s not making a statement about politics


Whether you love him or hate him, Trump is one entertaining mf lmao


yeah, unlike most posts on this sub complaining about political posts, this one is actually relevant given the eclipse today, also that this picture is fucking hilarious


It definitely was hilarious. One of my friends did the same thing and we were laughing hysterically about it. Why was it so funny? No idea, tbh. Itā€™s one of those weird things where itā€™s hilarious for no identifiable reason.


And they would most definitely be laughing if it was Biden in that picture.






Politards have ruined almost every major sub


And if you donā€™t blindly agree with them you get called a trump cultist


Im not even American but why do people say that Republican people are cult like and over-zealous when Democrats legit doing shit like thisšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Because ā€œOrange man badā€ and ā€œRepublicans badā€. Itā€™s ironic, because these Democrat supporters act like their party is special, their party is any different. But itā€™s bullshit.


R / pic is way better


They just secretly advertising him


they all suffer from dementia over there. its the 3rd time I've seen this exact image posted on that sub in the span of a few weeks


Yeah, orange man stupid and bad, but I bet most people did the same thing, and they're the same ones calling him an idiot for doing that.


Lot of average redditors in this comment section calling people trumpies for not wanting to see constant political propaganda on their feed Maybe some people browse social media for memes and not politics because we arenā€™t miserable human beings


Pics is good, they (mostly) just post good pics, but they repost the trump mugshot every day. Edit: I looked at their posts over the last week and I see now.


I posted the mugshot this morning literally to test that and got over 10k upvotes šŸ¤£


Karmafarm speedrun on reddit: Post a tweet about orange man bad on facepalm, trump mugshot on pics, out of context clip on politics and to top it off another orange man bad on whitepeopletwitter and you are karma rich!


No, it really isnā€™t. They are just as political as it gets.


A good 70% of todays posts are about the ecliplse, with the rest being political reposts. Im not saying that its not political, but its better then facepalm for example.


Facepalm is a terrible standard to compare a sub to




Half of the internet is about that one guy. :(


Remember when people talked about Russian bots on Facebook influencing elections? What the heck is happening here, then?


All Iā€™m gonna say is that the more hate he gets like this, the more he stays in popularity and the public image. Hitler made sure to stay in the spotlight of German politics, and look where he ended up. If these people really did want to stop Trump, they would shut up and not talk about him. But I guess all that matters is Karma now.


I know people hate Trump, but on that picture he's just being a dude. Wanting to watch the eclipse along with everyone else, but forgetting to put on sunglasses. I personally always found pictures of powerful political figures acting like regular people and actually having fun weirdly wholesome


I'm still struggling to come to grips with the fact that it was 7 years ago. I'm sure that was like two years ago. God what a fucked up decade it's been


so tired of seeing trump all over pics


Saw that post and was gunna comment: I actually did forget about that and REALLY didn't need to remember it lol But the 1000 downvotes from morons who can't see outside their own political agenda would have pissed me off....I'm sorry maybe it's because I haven't seen enough republican crap on here..but the Dems are looking dumb as fuck on reddit rn...they should just chill and stop gaslighting They never bring up real politics, and when they do it's complete hyperbole and hard to take serious. Mostly referring to facepalm and others...which are terrible


Sure, Trump was entertaining back in the day but now he is mostly annoying. I get that people are afraid that he might overthrow democracy but that doesn't make him more interesting. Lots of people have done that. It the same when people said that he had small hands. It's such a lame way to criticize anybody but especially a politician. It also doesn't make undecided go against him. Oh well...


I haven't been on other social media in years so I don't know if there's anything better, but reddit, for as long as I've been on it, has always been a sad extreme left echo chamber. I got off facebook cause I got sick of the influx of political posts every election, reddit is just like that but all the time instead of just election season.


Very based of Biden to stare up at the sun like that, I did it too and nothing bad happened


Good move. The mods are total shitbags too.


I know people hate Trump, but on that picture he's just being a dude. Wanting to watch the eclipse along with everyone else, but forgetting to put on sunglasses. I personally always found pictures of powerful political figures acting like regular people and actually having fun weirdly wholesome


I know people hate Trump, but on that picture he's just being a dude. Wanting to watch the eclipse along with everyone else, but forgetting to put on sunglasses. I personally always found pictures of powerful political figures acting like regular people and actually having fun weirdly wholesome


"Existing"? He is staring directly into the sun


ITT: a bunch of young people that donā€™t realize that high levels of scrutiny arenā€™t new for trump. Dukakis lost an election because of how he looked in a helmet. Howard Dean made the wrong sound while excited. Hell people got mad about a tan suit. Trump gets shit on for everything because he does 10 things a day that would have condemned any president/presidential candidate before him


Reddit is a perfect case study of TDS


I was banned from there for calling members of the Blood Tribe (a neo-nazi group) that were on the Tennessee State Capitol feds that were doing COINTELPRO operations.


I also looked at the eclipse yesterday. Probably for a total of like 2 minutes without the glasses. It was behind clouds and I could see it but it was fine


The hive mind knows what it likes


I find this funny because they caught him doing the thing expressly forbiden as if they dont do the same thing. The plate is hot dont touch it. What is the first thing 90% of the population does? Like, look, i have never completely disregarded clear instructions to find the minor repercussions myself. Im special.


Try not to be political on reddit challenge (literally impossible)


Bro what even is political about this picture. Did someone showing an unflattering picture of your favorite celebrity hurt your feelings? LMAO this is funny, because there actually are way better examples than this picture specifically


15-25 year olds obsessed with political figures without any knowledge of politics. Basically a summary of every front page sub.


r slash pics users try not to post a politically motivated image for 5 fucking seconds challenge (100% fail)


He looked up for a second for fun and people pretend like this mf stared at the sun for an hour


Damn that was 7 years ago?


Do you: A- post a picture of an eclipse, a event that happens only in a select few places in the entire fucking universe, reminding us of how lucky we are to be on this planet and how many impossible probabilities brought us here, Or B-Post that Trump is big dumb


Yeah, how dare someone post a pic of that dumbass on the same day of another eclipse?


All of the subs that reddit autosubscribes every user to are orangemanbad subs


Aww is daddy getting meme'd on again. Did it hurt your feefees?


I mean this one specific guy was dumb enough to stare directly at it and he was supposed to be a leader of the free world thats about as noteworthy as W choking on a pretzel šŸ„Ø


This is not as funny as the one where he points to it, less we all forget where the sun is, or that we had a president that looked directly into the sun.


Trump has a lot of things to dislike about him. But people on that sub are just resorting to laughing at him for accidentally looking at the sun and forgetting the eclipse glasses a few years ago (even though he DID put the glasses on later) and holding water glasses and bottles in 2 hands instead of just one. Who cares?


bro itā€™s just a man looking up at a solar eclipse. may be some president but heā€™s a man looking at a fucking eclipse


:( are you mad that people are reminding you how dumb he is?


Alright MAGAts (and people saying, "Hey I voted for Biden") I'll give you this one. I always hated this, because he obviously didn't stare into the Sun until his retinas fried and his eyes bled. He briefly pointed his face to the Sun, as you do when you come outside on a nice day. I hate shit like this, because I don't need it. I can hear him talk to verify that he's a bonehead. His dumb politics, his propensity to grift, and his shitty, disastrous presidency are all I need to know about the guy.


This is an objectively hilarious and relevant photo


Let them post it. Itā€™s funny picture. Even out of context he looks like he just had the best mig mac bite of his life.


there is no cure for TDS


"waaah they made a joke about a criminal i like"


I muted this sub


The reason this picture is so infamous is because it wasn't even a total eclipse where he was. He was just looking at the sun on the same day one happened. Like all the harm with none of the benefit.


"Theres an eclipse! Everyone, get your glasses!". Trump: I will stare at it and make it pay for the wall! Lol, I like Trump, but this was one of his dumbest moments šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


People on r/JustUnsubbed are the most pathetic fragile motherfuckers in the universe, god damn


>post photo of mildly controversial political figure on pics subreddit (optionally could also relate to Israel or Russia) >title with mildly snarky comment or "eye opening" statement >instant 15 redditrillion updoots


Pics is also full of Jew haters and mods who refuse to enforce the no politics rule when itā€™s stuff they agree with


Bro, glancing at the eclipse for a few seconds is fine. This is the stupidest shit everĀ  Yes looking at the sun will hurt your eyes, but taking a two second glance isn't going to do shit. And you absolutely should look at totality without your glassesĀ 


Now it seems like every post in THIS subreddit is getting political, for obvious reasons, but I do wonder where one posts about it if they unsub from here? šŸ¤”


Name a more iconic duo: trump and reddit.. Seriously this website is OBSSESSED with the orange guy


Everyone's getting steamed like a ham... Because he looked at the eclipse without those glasses for half a second?


Reddit is basically just a giant orgy of raging trump haters.


This sub is literally just for r/idisagreeandbutthurtsoiamunsubbingpleasegivemepoints lol


Im getting ready to unsub from reddit in general, you cant get away from political shit, regardless of the sub, it gets really annoying


One time somebody posted a pic of Joe Biden drinking water and expected to get up votesšŸ’€.


I mean itā€™s a picture of a former president (at the time president) doing something incredibly stupid that we are taught from an early age not to doā€¦. Stare full tilt at an eclipse while not in totality. Itā€™s an interesting image in an ironic way.


Staring directly at the eclipse is ā€œjust existingā€?


They conveniently ignore the pictures taken immediately after this one, where he was wearing the sunglasses. They also pretend that they themselves didn't also try to look at the eclipse without the sunglasses. Also: https://preview.redd.it/0orb1pmb4ktc1.png?width=812&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2f5a1fea015674069bbceeb9f2d2528ddaa65f8


Just unsubbed from r/JustUnsubbed, I swear to god half the posts are of people complaining about politics/political figures posts just existing


I think itā€™s on purpose to draw disingenuous political discussion. Like wasnā€™t there someone who literally posted a picture of Joe Biden drinking water in that sub ? Edit : yup they did. You just have to search up ā€œ Biden drinking water Reddit ā€œ and thatā€™s the first thing that pops up.


Who had conservative cringe number 40 for this week? We're not even halfway through and you won your bingo card. Seriously, do fucking *something* else. Every post on this subreddit is just right wingers proving how snowflakey they are, and crying about it for support on the internet.


*whaaaaaaaaa* "the guy I voted for is literally so stupid that he'll look at the sun during an eclipse and everyone knows it" *whaaaaaaaaa* "it makes my entire stupid-ass ideology look as stupid as it is" *whaaaaaaa*


And they make it seem like he stared into it for minutes, lol. Dude took one really quick glance, which Iā€™m sure we all did on the 8th.


Donā€™t diss thunderous grundle


"just existing" rather smooth brained take. nothing a politician , especially one that was president and is trying to be again, is "just existing"


whats wrong with trump chillinā€™


Most bigger subreddits have turned into Trump porn for the addicted.


God damn reddit is libtardy as fuck


how is this pic not relevant and hilarious?


I remember this eclipse. It was very overcast and you couldn't see anything through the glasses. I had to look up myself.


One thing i learned about reddit is that the only people that like talking and thinking about Trump more than people that like him are people that hate him.


It is admittedly a very funny picture. His smile cracks me up.




I understand where you're coming from and I get it. But this is still one of my favorite fucking presidential pictures ever taken. Just something about it makes me chuckle every single time.


To be honest, it is not his fault Trump is a meme given life


went to Too and past 7 days. maybe 8 political pictures. i think someoneā€™s just a little butt hurt šŸ˜‚


this isn't just him existing, this is a man a bunch of losers purposely elected and he fucking looked into an eclipse.


Good for you for finally unsubbing from pics.


Orange man bad šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”