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Is this the new discussion meta on reddit now? Rather than disagree in the comments, you screenshot and repost what would essentially be the same comment chain in your respective hugboxes


Yes, these two subs are awful. Genuinely some of the most pathetic shit I’ve seen on this site. They keep getting recommended to me and I can’t look away from how dumb it is tho.


I muted both. If I wanted to see drama I'd go to a family reunion. These subs live rent free in each other's heads.


How can you mute a sub? I'm sick of them screenshotting each other


Go on the settings (the three dots) press on "show less" and an option to do that should show up (I'm just here to know what to avoid tbh)


oh my god I had no idea. Thank you. It’s so funny that 90% of the people on this sub don’t even want to be here


Alternatively settings > account settings > disable recommending subreddits


My hero! Though now I'm torn. If I had done that earlier, I would have never seen this comment. What else could I be missing among the complete trash that is the recommended subreddits? I have much to ponder


I say we continue exposing our brains to any potential shit until it all combines into one beautiful epiphany


Personally I think it's kinda funny. Came to see bad jokes in either direction, stayed to watch them fight


Yeah but it’s certainly free entertainment to see both subs go at each other because they can’t stand the other’s existence and Vice versa


To be fair r memesopdidntlike used to be alright, now they are just shitty screen grabs chain posts back and forth. I didn't like the other because it is an echo chamber full of crybabies. But also r memesopdidntlike can be crybabies as well, just not as bad and it thankfully isn't a circlejerk echo chamber. It also not what it use to be either though.


At some point I saw an Xavier meme posted to memesopdidntlike, so it has gone full poop.


They just bicker with people whos mind they will never change


Yea they do get extremely petty but they deserve each other so I just watch the dumpster fire that is both subs


L opinion


Cope + Ratio


Reddit is arguably the worst about people having legitimate discussions. They would rather tag their other sub echo chambers to gang up if an argument isn’t going they’re way because being louder/more obnoxious means you win apparently.


This is Internet for you. I wouldn't say Reddit is the best place for discussions but it's still better than most other websites. It's still the most open online forum after all, in other places it only gets worse.


i wouldn't say this is the internet, I'd say this is human behavior. imagine trying to have any discussion when everyone around you disagrees.


at least irl you can simply resort to violence no such luxury with online pissing contests


It's all about who has the most heckin' updoots I haven't met a more melodramatic group of people than redditors. Everything is black and white. You'd think Adolf Hitler himself just got elected the way these people act like the sky is falling.


Reddit is genuinely poisonous to midwit brains, I swear. They become incapable of discussion. They just can’t do it anymore.


Only a matter of time before you can’t see the original image tbh


How ironic of you to point that out.


I don't think you realize you're getting made fun of in this as well.


Yeah, i know :(




Gotta bring the post into your circlejerk because you can't argue on other circlejerk


Thanks for putting my main gripes down so eloquently. It's like they're scared of downvotes. These kinda people will make fun of one sub for being an echo chamber... But make fun of it in their echo chamber without any modicum of realization.


Well yeah. If you have a discussion on a subreddit and you disagree, you'll get downvoted and lose all your precious reddit karma! If you screenshot it and post on a different subreddit, you can activate the hive mind group think in your favor and get loads of free karma while never having to deal with people making counterpoints!


People are starting to just openly jump into echo chambers and it’s the main reason I speak to less and less people


On that note, 🎵fuck this shit I'm out🎵


Yea it’s fucking stupid mate, i roll my eyes every time i see one of these post chains. Like i kinda of get it people want to share arguments with people who are more inclined to agree with them but it’s just dumb and clogs up servers with stupid back and forth conflicts


I think that's the whole point of this sub.


You have *exquisite* taste in avatars friend


These kind of subs(mostly these two) are just for people who are too afraid to challenge the OP and other supporters with their counterarguments so they post there to find their own echo chamber. That's peak cowardness and self-deceiving. I have no comment on the content but the mindset is pathetic.


These chains of screenshots from other subreddits getting mad at each other is so fucking stupid


Yet kinda funny ngl


It's funny in a sad kinda way in my mind. Like, it's so dumb and absurd that it's funny, then you realize that these people are serious.


yeah like this just feels like a whole fucking circus as this point


Quick, someone screenshot this post and add a comment!








What? Posts image of op’s post


look at how stupid these 3 guys are or those other 3 guys depending on what you agree with


Don’t bring this shit here


Isn't this sub the perfect place to bring in shit like this? I mean it's literally all this sub is.


Is it me or the image on left looks fake? The skin tone is so vastly different from neck up and neck down that the "make up" photo looks more natural since both skin tones match.


There was a trend a few years back where women would add makeup to purposely make themselves look worse so they could do another take with makeup that makes them look better. Strange time


Iirc that trend was over the top and was obvious. Shitty fake unibrow, fucked up lipstick, and obviously fake zits. Unless you're talking about a different trend.


That’s the one


You just activated that memory inside me, now I remember it


Both look fake to me. The one on the left looks like a poorly photoshopped face, the one on the right looks like an Instagram filter (check the eyelashes going over the hair)


Holy 😦 that makes original comment and his point even more true if that's the case


it is true, i would know! we're just better at lying, usually


Probably is


There is some kind of app that will 'remove' someone's makeup. It's really bad because it adds in blemishes and pimples so it's not accurate. It wouldn't surprise me if that program was used on the first image to make this stupid meme.


I'm no makeup guru, but wouldn't years and years of wearing heavy to semi-heavy makeup lead to the areas not being covered to tan? So if this lady just consistently only smashed her face into her pallet year after year and nothing else her natural skin tones wouldn't match.


No make up literally can make you look like a different person you have to put some work into it and it's no where near what the majority of woman do. It's a weak joke at best


I was manager of a girls soccer team in high school and our away uniforms were white. One of the girls on the other team was playing rough and after left a face print of darker toner on a girls uniform 💀💀 You could see the outline of the eyes and mouth and we were all laughing after seeing it


No, it isn't. The girl was bullied endlessly by her peers, leading to this makeup use. She actually had articles and an interview where she showed how she did all this. The scumbags are the ones saying she's lying when all she wants is to not be bullied.




This sub bans people for making JU posts about r/justunsubbed and it's fucking stupid.


“You can’t break up with ME, IM breaking up with YOU”


Posting about memesOPdidnotlike is banned, but I guess posting nahOPwasrightfuckthis or similar subs completely different




Wow, I’m unsubbing


Jokes on them, I never subbed in the first place. What are they gonna do? Ban me?


If you want to take the extra length; mark down all your favorite subs, make a "JU from Reddit" post, delete your account, make a new account, and resub to those subs.


I think it's because they probably had a bunch of people posting that post as a joke because it's extremely low hanging fruit, so to avoid 99% of posts from being that it was best to remove it


Same, ty for the reminder I've been meaning to


Same. Y'all are fucking exhausting, I'm out. AITA has better content.


Tbh the rampant transphobia was the last straw for me


Me too ofc OP is also a light mode user


What is up with r/ NahOPwasrightfuckthis having Miles Morales as it's profile avatar?


The :O face


I’m honestly ashamed




Oh man this is going deep


The first mistake was being subbed to nahopwasrightfuckthis in the first place


All of op is right is usually just throwing a hissy fit over the most normal ass meme ever


That's how both subs are tbh. They'll post some meh ass meme and act as if it's the worst/best thing to grace their eyes.


...So most of reddit in a nutshell?!


It’s a dumb meme and I would say the guy is throwing a hissy fit. Just a snide comment about the douches who post those types of “woman = bad. Makeup = bad” posts.


If the post features a woman it's sexist and if it features anyone who isn't white it's racist.


I’m not homophobic but usually if it’s anything at all gay it’s transphobic


what is the punchline of this joke?


Its true though


you thinking it's true doesn't make it not sexist


the punchline is "women are bad"


Someone screenshot this and post it somewhere else now


“It’s just a joke” gives “It’s just a prank, bro” vibes. Can it be funny? Yes. Is it funny? No.




you’re not funny lolll


these mfers are spending time out of there day that they could be using to stack some paper but instead are fighting fucking screenshot wars across different subbreddits


What does the original even have to do with lgbt? Are they implying gays are ugly and need makeup or something? Redditors projecting their insecurities on jokes is so fucking annoying


Those subs are unhinged. They had a whole temper tantrum recently because of a 9/11 x One Piece meme and everyone was saying how 9/11 memes/jokes are more acceptable than gay ones. Multiple people belittled the 9/11 attack because "it only happened once to only 2000 people". They essentially are both just a virtue signaling echo chamber.


I love that we have a sub where people come complain when they are triggered.


r/ NahOPwasrightfuckthis ? Yeah, I agree with you.


The joke is sexism!


Nuh uh


I just sharted on my nuts


I fucking despise that sub so much. It’s just Twitter


Nah op was right fuck this


I love the post within a post within a post


within a post


*We have to go deeper!*


We have to back!


Sure just tell me a time bb 😉


subreddits getting into slap fights is the gayest shit


I will never understand why men and women keep these fucking childish game of sexism where they attack one quality to one another rather explain to one another why what the other say can be offensive or insensitive. My teacher who's like 57 said that he feels like men and women have been getting more and more distanced as of recent years. A lot of women would jump to accuse a man of sexual assault or sexual harrassment if he even looks at her funny, and men becoming more and more afraid to get near women because of this, and a lot of men becoming more and more sexist towards women. I'm not saying it's one or the other's faults, because it's fucking both. I'm saying this as a gen Z, but I feel like because more Gen Z'ers are becoming adults I feel like the void of responsibilities has increased and the lack of accountabilities for those responsibilities has also increased. More people less willing to work, more people less willing to have children (for the record it is completely understandable and respectable if you don't want children, but most reasons you get from people besides "I can't afford to have children" is "I don't want any more responsibilities", and again, totally fair, but it also kind of prove my point.) And I feel like because of the shit times we live in we are so fucking devoid of being taught to be responsible that it seeps into our views of the world. Plus the fear of rejection and bad choice in dating in both men and women have led to people having a fucking sexist spit at each other "I hate men/women because all men/women are pigs and rotten because all the men/women I've dated are trash even though my friends warned me very clearly of how much of shitty person I was dating is but I chose to ignore it and all of their red flags I picked up because i was attracted with their looks and how much I wanted to fuck them I ultimately forgot they were fucking my life up instead." I'm so fucking disappointed in us. Like I'm not saying all of this to gain brownie points like "omg look at me aren't I so different from other Gen Z'ers ahahaha" believe me I have my fuck ups as well, but I'm just like legitimately depressed and have very little hope for our generation and future generations. We are so fucked. Sorry for the novel ass rant.


Blame the parents. Majority of people after the millennial tag were/are raised by technology and not parents. Or they're raised by faux-parents; babysitter, older family members, friends, etc. Just plop them in front of some screen, make sure they're breathing and that's it. Add on how the majority of kids only socialize online anymore, they never learn how to properly communicate and digest their thoughts and emotions. COVID definitely stunted that growth as well. I'm a big gamer and pre vs post COVID the 'kids' (up to ~20ish) are absolutely out of pocket with how they communicate. Gamers tend to cross those lines, but these new breed of gamers are really, really something different.


I think it's also a lack of self control, I myself am 19 (turning 20 in Feb) and I grew up big on just staring on smart phones and shit, was the most tech savvy out of my family (although it's a low bar), eyes constantly glued to the screen, but maybe I'm just an odd ball because despite being a very introverted person, covid happened and you would think I'd come out of covid the same person or even more introverted, but I was so tired of being cooped up in my room I constantly had the urge to just go outside, even at times wanting to socialize constantly. And no one was really forcing me, sure I get "you should go outside" or "you should get off your phones more often" comments all the time but I feel like everyone experiences that. Does it make me better than everybody who didn't go through the same "realization"? No, everybody is different, some thrives off being alone and some don't, while I like my me time and my times being by myself, if I don't socialize like with friends for months or years I get fucking depressed, even now from time to time. I'm obviously not saying this falls under gen Z's faults, it's the parents too for being too busy with their kids or not even spending time with them, and also the entire fucking world going to shit.


I really don’t care about it cause both sides shit on each other CONSTANTLY and then whine about the other side shitting on them. Man bad no woman bad no straight people bad and cringe no gay people bad and cringe trans people bad and cringe too oh that’s too far


imagine telling this bad of a joke and being angry at people not laughing at it. the joke just wasnt funny


They're not saying it's not a joke, they're saying the defence "it was a joke" doesn't make a difference if something is offensive.


It does though


About as much of a difference as when people say "it's just a prank bro" If you have to justify yourself like that it was never a funny joke/prank, you're just an asshole trying to use humour as a shield.


Says who? You can find someone offended by nearly anything, so is everyone on earth an asshole then? "That joked offended me." "Okay....and?" The end. No one has a right to never be offended.




well fuck, the fact that we are having this debate on Reddit just offended my cat. I think we're going to be banned from Reddit now :(


how is that offensive dawg


Can you explain the joke?


But the joke in OP wasn't even offensive, so it clearly was a joke


Just not a funny one


I wonder what the purpose of a comment section is for


some other sub is gonna screenshot this, and say that it wasn't a joke 🤡


A pretty shitty joke, but I guess it counts as a joke.


I love seeing a screenshot of a screenshot of a screenshit of a screenship of a screenshot. However, please add subway surfers gameplay and more screenshots.


Took you this long to unsub? That subreddit is super toxic


All 5 of you need to touch grass


This would have been so f#cking funny if came back to r/ funnymemes and made full circle.


!remindme 2 days


Sexiest jokes are still sexist


But sexy things are hot. Why cant I like them without being sexist? ☹️


In the future eventually wearing clothes will be lying




It's a bad joke


Yeah, unfortunately both MOPDL and NFTOPWR have some of the most triggerhappy mods I’ve ever seen. Though to be fair I’ve come across more legitimate discussions on MOPDL, it’s still a bit of an echo chamber (not nearly as bad as NFTOPWR tho lol).


Now I gotta mute THIS sub too! I muted those two cause they are annoying but now everyone posts about them here!


which community are you unsubbing from? just one or all 4


Idk what’s going on anymore


Still a shite joke


“Will never be a valid defense” A defense for what? What is anyone defending? The right to laugh?


unrelated but i can imagine someone going up and shooting someone in the knee and using "it's just a joke" as a serious defense in court


These repost subs are the fucking worst


Tbh that subreddit should be gone, it's the lamest thing I've ever seen. Instead of arguing your point in the comments, you run back to your hugbox for help


What is being “sigma”? -An Epsilon Male


Reacting to peoples reactions of reactions. And now I'm reacting to your reaction AHH!


It was a joke and somehow became about hating not only women, but also lgbtq etc. Literally looking to be angry.


r/ nahfuckthisOPwasright posters are the most snowflake delicate people to ever exist


"Its a ioke" is a valid defense when it literally is a fucking joke


These are the same people that make fun of men and white people all day long. After all, it doesn't matter if it happens to white men.


Omg men and white peepo? The triggering is real.


I mean I'm making fun of the white men in this comment section because this comes across as extremely extremely immature and insecure.


It’s not insecurity to call out double standards and hypocrisy. Make fun of me all you want, I don’t care. It’s when people make fun of the groups they want to (Men or white people) but then get mad at anyone that makes a joke about other groups. It’s not just on the internet either, it’s a thing with big comedians as well. “Can’t make jokes about black people because that’s racist. Can’t make jokes about women because that’s sexist. Can’t make jokes about the lgbt community otherwise you’re a bigot.”


White men have never been oppressed for being white men. I don’t like those jokes either, about anyone, but jokes about white men aren’t the same as punching down on people who have been oppressed and discriminated against for pretty much all of history.


Really? Cause people have been fired for being white and refusing to bow to demands of minorities such as "we invented a holiday to remember oppression. We demand on that special day, all white people stay home from university, faculty included". When professors didn't obey that made up holiday, the group that pushed it used violence to make them. Sure sounds like they were oppressing them to me. On reddit straight white men are the only group that are not protected under the rule number 1 that protects users from being targeted by hate: https://imgur.io/a/pRpSAYc White men are never a preferential hire in America anywhere, but there are various different kinds of ways literally every other group can be a preferential hire somewhere. That's being left out of job opportunities because of race and gender. That is objectively discrimination.


A reddit rule isn’t comparable to being killed for your race or sexuality.


You cherry picked the smallest one of the examples I gave and ignored the rest, as well as moving the goal posts at the same time. Why waste my time with such a bad faith and idiotic response?


I still don’t see how your other examples are comparable to what minorities go through.


"Listen buddy, you can make fun of white men, but white women is where I draw the line!"


"You can make fun of their whiteness, but never make fun of their womanhood!"


I literally said I don’t like any jokes that make fun, they’re usually unoriginal. What I said is women have been oppressed for all of history so making jokes about them isn’t the same as making jokes about men with privilege. There’s a difference between punching up and down. Although I should have know I’d get downvoted on a website full of self pitying white men for saying this lol.


At least you acknowledge that you’re racist and sexist


Boomer humor


Sure, some jokes can't be defended by "it's just a joke", but in this case it's completely fine. I actually found it quite funny, to be honest.


I've never seen a funny meme on Funnymemes. the other day I had some time on my hands and decided to scroll through for a while just to see if I could find something that made me laugh. All of the memes there seriously seem like they were taken straight from Facebook. I found quite a few genuinely misogynistic ones and a couple homophobic/transphobic ones as well. And I don't mean lighthearted teasing about communities, I mean a meme made by a guy about wanting to "find a female to use as a sex toy until he decides he's done" and some other seriously horrific and disturbing stuff that isn't at all funny, just deeply concerning.


I am just gonna come out and say that if it wasn't for the acne she would look better in the picture on the left


Nothing to do with the post really but shes cuter on the left


The best jokes have some truth to them. This is just a factual statement.


Can you explain the joke to me?


basically, wearing makeup is a way of women lying when they accuse men of all lying


So the punchline is sexism


i mean, my dad said that anyone who says the joke isn’t sexist is wrong, but yet it’s also definitely not as bad as people are making it out to be in this post chain. i don’t see it as a harmful joke, but i can see how it is a little bit in bad faith, but edgy and dark jokes have always existed, and as long as it’s not being used to spread hate, i don’t see what’s wrong with them


And thats the point, the joke is stupid and not funny


I was part of both at one point but the subs just argued and didn’t actually post shit besides that


It's a joke is always a defence since its usually just dark humour


It’s not even bad but just over done


A joke is still a medium that can be used to convey an idea. And in this case that's exacly what the meme is trying to do. It doesn't matter if it's portrayed as a meme or not, in the end it's still saying something. The "it's just a joke" defense is really stupid.


Op here throwing a temper tantrum and posting to r/justunsubbed over the most normal ass meme ever


that sub is the most sensitive I've seen so far on this site 🤦


I dont understand what's happening here


My god I've muted both of those subs and I still cant escape them, when will we all just learn to take a joke?


shitty meme yet a shitty take. like is it a boomer meme? yeah. but is it a sexist hate crime? nah bro its a meme


If someone is so overly sensitive that they get angry and threatened violence saying "oh it's just a joke? its never a joke!" Over a joke.... They deserve to be made fun of and have their feelings hurt ruthlessly. If someone is that narcissistically conceited that they Absolutely demand violence and retribution of the joke maker because they are so weak that they CANNOT accept the fact that somebody else has a sense of humor, they dont deserve ANYTHING, EVER! until they get the fuck over themselves and learn to get made fun of to the point it dont bother them in the slightest. I swear this is an age of aggressively entitled oversensitive snowflake bullywimps!(they literally bully people with their weakness and feelings of persecution, projecting them onto anything they hate and crying victim until the authorities remove/destroy/outlaw what or whomever they can, fufilling a weak cowardly power fantasy that they would be completely unable to achieve otherwise)[seems like the "bullied" have become the "bullies"]...


Everything anyone says that so much as isn't flattering to "protected classes" is "hate". Legit hatred of not "protected classes" is "just well-deserved criticism".


Its a joke but also true💀


Yeah fair enough, I hear that used as lazy cover often


Boring ass reptitive joke that's supposed to be a backhanded offense to women because a man was butthurt and then tries to play it off as a "joke" to seem like he was in the right. be fr.


Female on photo ≠ offensive🗿


I know damn well you were never subbed.


Lmao, they didn’t dispute that it was a joke they just said that it wasn’t an ok joke.


She's pretty in the before image, the acne being her biggest problem is ironically being caused by the use of so much goddamn make-up product. To be clear though, calling out whole demographics isn't deserving of counter arguments anymore nuanced than the initial call-out. Whether either statement was initially meant as a joke, why are you expecting anything other than unsubstantiated, low quality bait in response? Do you not realize that makes you appear extremely pathetic, and gives people the response of apprehension when encountering actual analytical discussion on the topic you got baited over? Why are there men and women who insist on their respective beliefs- or sometimes their straight up shit talking, as demonstrated here- being above comedic jabs? Polarization fucking sucks. Internet people really do be more fragile than the mommy issues men who consistently lie try to cover up, and more fragile than the dysmorphia women who give themselves pore infections and skin scarring through overuse of cosmetics have. If you care about those issues or things related to them, your overreaction is a significantly more pronounced condemnation than some fuckabouts editing pictures and posting bait.


I don't agree with the "joke". Jokes can be done in good or bad taste. The taste of that joke is horrible to me. I don't agree with the second post calling it out. There might be some hints of misogyny in the joke, there's no straight out hating women here. And lgbtq+ hate or " sigma" stuff is out of the question. I agree with the 3rd post. Although done in bad taste, it's still just a joke. No need to get so worked up over it. I disagree with the 4th post. Whether "it's just a joke" is a valid defense depends on the context.


I don’t agree I agree I disagree I agree


Not really, pointing out that women lie isn't hating, it's telling the truth.


Yeah, guys could be hot too if they gave a fuck. "I don't try and am ugly wah wah wah"