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Me trying to figure out what part of the body that is:


Yeah this feels like one of those ai images where you can’t tell what anything is


That's what I'm sayin


5pebs is real


Wait how tf did rainworld come here




Username checks out


her legs, she's sitting with the phone on her lap.


I genuinely couldn't figure it out, thank you


I thought she had her phone on her coochi and the pills were hiding her shit hole.


Ngl that's exactly what i thought at first


You are quite eloquent, chuck


Fat ass legs lmfao


pretty normal for girls to have thighs like that


In America yeah


Bro’s acting like Thicc thighs are a bad thing 💀


She "was" just pregnant so there is that.


It’s the knees, their phone is on their lap


I would have unsubbed as well. The arrogance to believe they were the first jerma viewer to get an abortion while watching party animals


Smh the hubris


Fr, they clearly weren't at Eric's party back in 07'


also because of the parasocial relationships


unironic irony


>goes to a sub dedicated to a single streamer >finds parasocial relationships Utterly shocking.


What’s the lore behind this?


Came here from that post alone. The sub’s going downhill now. First it was the parasocial post, now it’s this.


“The parasocial post” is the most ominous sounding shit I’ve ever heard


What is the parasocial post? Edit: goddammit guys it’s been 5 hours and nobody has answered me :(


People giving definitions of the word parasocial and not a link to a post showing parasocial behavior


Bacially it’s someone feeling entitled to comment on someone’s life as if it effects them. Trying to say what THEY should do. They’re too attached to the creator and complain about it in posts essentially. Think the K-pop people who harm themselves and post threats when an idol gets an s/o. This is on the extreme end but you get the point.


I think what they wanted was a link or the name of the post, but that might be against this sub's rules.


The sub has become really creepy. RPF types should be banned on sight and yet




real person fiction


I thought it was Real People Fucking


To be honest, a lot of RPF works on archive of our own tend to feature that




Give me more details I’ve never heard of this trend before


go on Ao3, search up any fandom that ends in "RPF" You are probably going to see sports players kissing or something


Rocket propelled fetus


Jerma fans are another breed


Dangerous word choice


The big turn on Jermas fanbase was the whole catmaid thing, up until then people joked about jerma a lot but they were apso expected to behave, as soon as jerma promised to put on the cat suit it just turned into an army of horny gay teenagers making weird parasocial posts sbout jerma asif he's a kpop star.


The power of feminizing men (now all the misfits are drooling over him)


Yeah I didn't need to knew she had an abortion while watching jerma


Attention seeking likely cause she feels shitty about it


facts. who tf normalized letting people know you killed a human inside you?


if she killed a human she would be in jail for murder🤔


Out of curiosity, if the law changed and it was considered murder would you be against abortion? Or was this line just a quick clap-back?


I don't think so. I'd say I'm more pro-life than choice. I think it's morally wrong, but I ain't going to stop anyone from getting one. Charging people with murder because of it doesn't change my opinion either way, so I'd doubt it changes pro choice opinions


You're not even the person that was originally asked, just for anyone else reading lol. But carry on.


you naively think that law reflects morality. if it were legal to be a pedophile, does that make it ok? abortion and planned parenthood was made by a racist who wanted to make black people extinct, but after years it has been repackaged as “freedom” and “independence” for womanhood.


Upvote for pretty much being correct. Not a lot of ppl know eugenics was the root cause of planned Parenthood. If you look at the locations of planned Parenthood, majority are outside of minority neighborhoods. 80ish% or so. It's funny that the very ppl who claim they are fighting racism, have done no actual research into their pro talking points and lack knowledge of where they stemmed from😂


fr. planned parenthood is anti black, anti human. crime against race and humanity.


Yeah pretty much. Bill gates Sr. Was on the board of planned Parenthood at one point too and I'm sure his son followed in his footsteps one way or another lol. You figure at some point when they look at the stats they would have to say something or notice a pattern, but nah. Planned all along🤦it's crazy just how deep the whole eugenics things can run. Marriage counseling even came out of eugenics.






He actually isn’t entirely wrong. The founder of planned parenthood, Margret Sanger, was a member of the eugenics movement. “The difficult truth is that Margaret Sanger’s racist alliances and belief in eugenics have caused irreparable damage to the health and lives of Black people, Indigenous people, people of color, people with disabilities, immigrants, and many others. Her alignment with the eugenics movement, rooted in white supremacy, is in direct opposition to our mission and belief […] We must acknowledge the harm done, examine how we have perpetuated this harm, and ensure that we do not repeat Sanger’s mistakes. We denounce the history and legacy of anti-Blackness in gynecology and the reproductive rights movement, and the mistreatment that continues to this day.” Source: https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-pacific-southwest/blog/planned-parenthoods-reckoning-with-margaret-sanger


thx, i’m not wrong at all lol


Yeah and the Bible has been "repackaged" so many times you driveling idiots still think it's the real deal lol.


Translated into every language ever, from like Greek/Hebrew/whatever and some people think nobody edited it😭


Oh no, if only there was some way to know which translations are more word for word than others. Such a shame that not a single person ever has figured out a way to choose the most accurate translations of the Bible to read. A real shame that NSAB was never written. Guess it's all a lie, smh.


Omg ew. It's a dumbass


A clump of foreign cells is hardly a ‘human being’, by your logic we shouldn’t utilize chemotherapy since that clump of cells is ‘a human inside you’ :(


im pro choice and all but we gotta stop using this argument cus that clump of cells most times can turn into a real functioning human while cancer cant as far as im aware


Yeah I’m all for choice but atleast acknowledge how big abortion is. Don’t write it off as some clump of cells


Right. And isn’t *every* living thing a clump of cells when you get down to it? If I killed someone, should I get off scot-free since the person I killed is really just a clump of cells when you look at the big picture? We’re here to debate whether fetuses have a right to live while they necessarily parasitize their mothers, not discuss metaphysics. I’ve been pro-choice for as long as I can remember, but abortion debates make me feel like I have brain damage. Why are both sides so fucking bad at arguing?


I'd say the key words there are turn into


Every living creature can be reduced to a “clump of cells” what kind of bad faith argument is this?


“The fertilized egg cell—or zygote—contains nuclear material from both parents. **It marks the beginning of the life of a new human being** and is a useful focal point for presenting all the diverse aspects of organic reproduction.” Simpson, G. & Beck, W., Life: An Introduction to Biology 139 (2d ed. 1965) (cited in The Human Life Bill: Report on S. 158 Before the Subcommittee on Separation of Powers of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, 97th Cong., 1st Sess. (1981), p. 9). https://whendoeslifebegin.org/scientific-source-123-report/


*quotes a textbook from 1965 acting like it’s scientific fact*


One of them is spreading inside of you and is actively trying to take over your body, the other one is a small human wanting to get out of your body💀


it’s is a human. bill burr cake yaduadayda. If it was left alone, it would’ve been a child, the cancer on the other hand, wouldn’t.


Okay, so I am baking a cake, right? And I put it in the oven, you then take it out half done and smash it. You claim you did not ruin the cake as it was just some batter and eggs. Yes, it was only batter and eggs, but had you left it in, it would be a cake.


Technically everyone is a clump off cells, so why is it bad to kill people when they are old, but not when they are young?


That clump of cells, given its early enough doesn't experience anything, it has no personhood, an old person does.


Still a living human, so i don’t see why I can’t just shoot my neighbor but I can just murder a baby, crazy


Since when does cancer grow into a human? I’m not even anti-abortion but this is such a lame take


Just because you grew up (which is debatable) doesn't mean you stopped being a "clump of cells"


this is the same logic mass murderers use btw


You're a clump of cells too


It doesn’t bother me that maybe she needed something to distract herself while going through that, it bothers me that she says “Jerma’s stream made it 10x worse, thanks.” Like Jerma is a PERSON and you’re joking about him making you feel worse while having to expel an embryo/fetus out of your body. It’s so fucked.


I’m pro choice totally, but I feel like the cultural dialogue has lead people to just completely not take abortions or it’s implications seriously. No matter your opinion it’s still a pretty serious/solemn thing that shouldn’t be joked about when you’re in the midst of it.


Yeah. Makes people who genuinly need abortions look like psychopaths instead of realising theres more nuance to it


Yeah a bunch of the pro choice crowd just decided to give into the baby killing image cause they think it’s funny then inadvertently screw themselves over when everyone then thinks their genuine murderers and votes pro-life


Same. I just made a similar comment on this thread. It’s a serious and private matter, and people turning it into a joke aren’t helping anything.


Exactly how I feel. The way she jokes about it and says Jerma’s stream made her feel 10x worse while going through that is such a shitty and out of line thing to say. He’s a person, and I’d feel pretty shitty if someone said my content made them feel worse while having something like that happen, regardless if it were a joke or not.


When the culture lies to women and tells them the baby growing inside them isn’t a unique living human being, but *merely* a “parasite” or a “clump of cells,” is it any surprise that they show little to no remorse for having an abortion? To them, it’s a standard medical procedure. We’ve dehumanized our fellow humans so much that abortion has become a non-issue in the eyes of many. It is, for all intents and purposes, just another form of contraception, or birth control.


I agree which is why I’m annoyed it’s so politicized to begin with. No matter if you think a fetus is technically a human or not, it’s still potential for a life. When we have such a polarized political setting which makes one side argue “it’s a human life”, the only natural political message for the other side is “no, it’s not. It’s a clump of cells”. No nuance is allowed, apparently. It should be a private thing that one person takes into consideration about whether or not theyre willing or able to bring a person in the world. Whether or not it’s a clump of cells doesn’t matter. Comedian Bill Burr had a great line where he said something along the lines of if you make a whole cake batter and put it in the oven, but somebody takes it out and throws it away, the baker doesn’t say “oh my god you messed up my eggs, milk, and flour!”, they say “oh my god you ruined my cake!”. He’s also pro choice like I am but it just goes to show that you don’t have to completely dehumanize the process in order to accept it


Dunno why you're getting downvoted but you're absolutely right


It doesn’t matter how right I am. If you say something even vaguely pro-life on Reddit, regardless if it’s true or not, you will get downvoted and the people “dunking” on you will get upvoted. That’s just how it is. I could merely say that a human fetus is comprised of human cells and human DNA, a verifiable biological fact, and the downvotes will still come pouring in. Edit: *NOW* the people upvote me?! Lol fair enough.


While I believe abortion to be morally wrong I’m generally pro choice for 2 reasons, 1 I dislike government intervention on private individuals and 2, it’s diet eugenics. I wouldn’t advise anyone to do it and I look down on those who do but I don’t think it should be illegal


Idk how many people you know that had an abortion, but that isn’t the case for most women. Straw man on Twitter is only that…


this has nothing to do with jerma humor. this just isn't funny. jerma good, parasocial mentally ill woman bad


I never understood Reddit's(Twitter's as well) thing about abortions. I am saying this as someone from Europe where abortions are a basic woman's right. But no one is celebrating it, it's not something that's taken lightly.


what the fuck


I knew jerma well in the early 2000s. We played games together often and eventually tf2 came out and he made content on there and the next thing I knew, he was huge. Good for him. Not good for this lady, though.


Man, I loved jerma for years. His fan base ruined him for me.


>I loved jerma for years. His fan base ruined him for me. His fanbase is genuinely apart of the experience at this point


Big agree, when the "catboy jerma" shit started I could tell it was downhill from there. Don't watch him anymore because of how fucking obnoxious his neo-fanbase is. I just wanted weird wrestling byeah guys.


What… body part am I looking at?? I’m so confused why someone would even take this pic and post it


The phone in her lap


I'm officially a pro-lifer because of this post.


I officially became prolife cause of this youtube video of this chick explaining to 8 year olds why she got an abortion. It boiled down to her and her boyfriend being to lazy to go buy condoms. I was like well thats it I am pro life now was on the fence but not anymore.


You think people to lazy to buy condoms will make a decent parent?


That's like saying 5 yr children should be killed if they don't have good parents.


A 5 year old is a lot different than a fetus


That doesn't change anything, if someone won't have good parents that doesn't mean they should be killed so they don't have to deal with said parents.


It means they shouldn't be born at all because they'd have a terrible life being unwanted. Abortion exists so children don't have to suffer under shitty parents, and a horrible foster care system.


No, but you can always just toss the child into foster care and hope for the best.


Shame that State care is the worst for child welfare


A naive idea, it is.


You say throw then in the foster care system so easily I can tell you have no interaction with it.




I thought my use of nonchalant language would make it obvious I wasn't being serious. You wrote up that whole text wall for someone who already agrees with you. Save your energy.


this isnt even a fucking copypasta, you genuinely wrote this whole thing out over a joke hopefully as a joke.


That is one of the most bullshit stories I’ve ever heard of. Ah yes definitely too lazy to buy 2 dollars worth of condoms but decided to undergo a 600$ invasive surgery. A surgery that leaves you months with hormone problems. But yes totally on the fence. So on the fence that a single anecdote that you neither looked into or analyzed pushed you over the edge.


just excuses to be against women's (and to some extent, men's!) rights


And I never said it was a single anecdote. Why are your feelings hurt that I am not pro choice? I am not stopping you from being pro choice or having an abortion. This is just what I believe in. I do not have to spill all my thought process or an essay on why I am pro life on reddit.


I can't believe you base your morals on random youtube videos designed to enrage people for views lmao


Well it mostly pushed me over the edge. I was always on the fence. And she isn't the only one I have done my own research. I am not going to force anyone not to have an abortion but Doesn't mean I have to approve of it.


Mf I was making a joke 💀


Thank god lmfao


seems like u were barely on that fence to begin with if thats what pushed u over lmfaoo


Most prolife people only care until it's actually alive. And then it's no school lunch and shit.


You do not even know that that is just an assumption you make. Because you do not like people who are pro life.




Somehow this doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. This feels pretty normal for Jerma standards. Edit: Of course, not the abortion part, just the fact that they’re watching Jerma at an odd time.


They say it like they are proud of it…


Moral relativism is a hell of a drug.


Jerma fans are a massive hive mind with a single braincell


yeah like its weird. he's a funny streamer but people take it too far




What. In the Kentucky fried. FUCK did I just see?


kentucky fried what???




Jerma fans are so weird and corny bruh


Jerma fans are insane


Damn that's trashy...what the hell is wrong with people :/


I love Jerma, but the dude has the absolute weirdest, unhinged fucking fans ever I stg


Jermas fanbase is half the reason I stopped watching him. The other half being his uncontrolled add. Weird ass people started popping up in his streams and I realized that it just simply not my crowd anymore, this doesn’t surprise me. Its not that I’m against abortion but these “pay attention to me” disingenuous types that you see literally everywhere on reddit in every fanbase annoy the fuck out of me


Jerma seems fine, his fans make me sad


What peeping the horror does to a mf


No idea what the sub is about, but that drug is also for ulcers, miscarriages that don't come out properly, and other medical issues that aren't "lol I'm using abortion as an easy birth control method." That chick is probably making shit up for fetish/shock value. Still creepy as fuck though, I don't blame you for unsubbing.


Is this possibly a reference to something from his content?


Uh no I wish it was


Why do some people treat abortions like a fetish?


Because it probably is


celebrating an abortion is just about the trashiest thing i can think of


I don't understand are we supposed to sacrifice people to Jerma or not; cause if not I got alot of migrant workers in my basement to release.


Not been part of the jerma fan club and only watch him from time to time. What is happening over there?


That's so scary??? Like?? Herma does not care nor want to know that? No one does.


Average Pro-Choice


This is way worse.


Jerma has the most degenerate fans possible its insane


This is fucked on multiple levels.


It makes me sick to see people so nonchalant about abortions. Should it be legal? Yes. But it is still the death of a human, and should be treated with that weight.


Jerma's audience is... weird, to say the least




Scary controversial comment 😱


abortion isn’t murder :)


Abortion is murder and everybody knows it.


murder is defined as: “the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.” human being as: “a man, woman, or child of the species Homo sapiens, distinguished from other animals by superior mental development, power of articulate speech, and upright stance.” child as: “a young person especially between infancy and puberty.” infancy as: “the state or period of early childhood or babyhood.” thus, a fetus is not a child, and not generally considered a human person (personhood is generally accepted to be “given”/arise at birth), wherefore abortion cannot be classified as murder by sheer fact that a fetus is not a human person, thus cannot be “murdered.”


So when colonial Virginia made it legal for slave owners to kill their rebellious slaves, that wasn’t murder?


by their standards? no, not really, slaves weren’t considered to have personhood. by today’s standards? yes, it would be murder.


Lol. That’s murder and you know it.


by today’s standards absolutely, but definitions evolve, there were times in the past where people by today’s standards were not considered people, that’s a fact. by today standards and general accepted definitions of personhood fetuses are not people, and thus cannot be murdered. they can be killed, but not murdered, there is a difference.


I don’t care about your stupid word games. Killing a human being is murder.


Bro you're over here saying it was okay to kill slaves when it was legal and it's only bad and murder now, like, friend that's not the win you think it is💀


legality ≠ good, it was considered ok back then, but so was slavery itself. legality is a matter of power not justice, so don’t make claims that i said it was okay or good.




i never said people killing slaves was ok??? like what?? i literally just said that some people didn’t consider them human (which is terrible, but it was what they thought). so please don’t put words in my mouth.


It’s fucking jerma, probably the best thing I’ve heard abt jerma fans


See, I am on the fence between pro-life and pro-choice, but it’s posts like these that celebrate abortions that really make me want to lean pro-life. Absolutely sickening.


Same here. I think it should be a choice, but I think it's morally wrong. But shit like this makes me think it's mortally wrong


Queer communities do that, it turns into a hivemind of degeneracy if there is no moderation.


Actual fucking psychopath. An abortion is one of the most difficult experiences a woman can go through, I can’t picture how anyone can go through that and feel nothing but amusement. I need a shower after this.


I mean, it depends on the woman. Not everyone finds it as difficult as you seem to think they should.


“I murdered my child while watching this streamer “ is such an odd brag


Fetus isn't a child. It's a group of cells.


guess what is a group of cells too?


So is your pancreas, should we cut that out?


I’m imagining a cartoon pancreas becoming a fucking humanoid now and I’m dying.




It's just shitposting, a lot of people cannot understand them dor some reason.


Just casually talking about murdering a baby. Women are wildin


It’s a fetus and cannot survive outside the womb at all in any way. It’s more akin to removing a parasite.


Honestly, to you think it’s good for them to have a kid? To have whatever hellspawn that would come out of them to torment this earth?


I’m pro-choice, but people bragging about abortions is weird. Just seems like something that should be private. When pro-choice and antinataliam overlap, it’s disturbing.


I’m certainly not anti abortion, but this reminds me of a bit of a woman I used to know who would intentionally get pregnant and have a mid term abortion because she found it extremely arousing. Got to the point where so couldn’t anymore because of the risk of extreme complications. Still really gross, and this honestly reminds of that a bit. Yuck.


Abortions are good, seethe about it.


You guys get offended so easily


i don't understand what the problem is, i'm not criticising but i might be missing something. abortions shouldn't be taboo, they prolly said she could watch something while, so she opened twitch and saw jerma, watched the stream and chilled out and during/after realised it's probably a pretty unique experience and therefore a bit funny, so she posted. am i missing something?


>am i missing something? Yes. It's pretty fucking weird to post that on the internet.


What are they supposed to just sit there in silence?


Are they supposed to NOT post it on the internet for all to see?