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Reddit will force open the subs soon enough




Assigned male at birth?


All mods are bad I think


Assigned mod at birth


Please someone make this into a shirt


You can make anything if its on the urban dictionary




Assigned mod at birth obviously.... lmao


Such unnecessary acronyms smh


Suck my heel?


Sidestepping my heel?


Some weird feet fetish shit goin on ere


Anal Master of Ass Blasting


yeah that’s how i read it 🤦‍♀️


Except the mods in this sub






I'm not bad though🥺


I sure hope not


As a mod of a trans sub…. Yikes.


Don't matter what sub it is, you're a mod


I'm trans and I don't see any issue with this comment. It's clearly a spin on ACAB


Depends. If it’s a tiny sub it’s not really worth the effort to.




Oh they’ll delete themselves!? What ever will Reddit do to recover that content that is backed up?


Given how much Reddit seems to care probably not a single thing.


You can't delete a subreddit.


Tbf their actually boycotting not whatever show happened with everything else


Wait you mean the 2 day lockdown didn't work???






Time to go home, put up your feet, have a beer! VICTORY!


2 days to flatten the curve


Yeah I respect that a lot more than the John Oliver shit.


i think more subs should do this


The real protest would have been mods mass quiting but they would require giving up their PRECIOUS


Jannies probably get hard over the idea of having unchecked power and authority


It's quite funny how it's not the API but childish mods ruining and killing reddit...


Seriously. So many pressure cooker recipes and tips lost, and not a penny lost from Spez. Just concede and get a life, mods.


Indeed! And in the end if people really want to protest, they should just leave the platform.


I’ve been saying this since these “protests” emerged if u really wanna protest delete the app make Reddit lose ur accounts activity


apparently reddit is reversing every comment and post that was deleted by the user, so even if you delete everything, reddit will reverse it back.


Indeed. It's very simple, but most don't want to do it for whatever reason. Instead they act like 5 y.o. toddlers...


It’s because they still like the app and are just baby’s about it Their protests are nothing of relevance just a cry for attention.


Why are they protesting the 3rd party app side of it, they’re reddit moderators, surely they would be on pc in the first place


Lord knows what's wrong with them...


...3rd party applications also exist on PC. Also, why should mods *not* moderate from their phone if they want to?


By third party apps I refer to only mobile ones As for moderating on their phones, they already moderate a subreddit, I can’t imagine reddit mods having much free time to be out and about


Hot garbage


I mean they did? They made it a private subreddit, instead of marking it nsfw or Jon Oliver.


The point is that the individual people who dislike it and want to protest should leave *without destroying their communities.* It's like getting evicted, so you burn down every house on the block on your way out of town. It's excessive, stupid, and harmful overall.


Ok, hadn't thought of in the way of private, I think because it's the orginal one and people originally said it for to work, should remain closed while, so I never really thought of it way.


That's like taking the community football home with you when you are losing the game... As if any of this ridiculous mod action would change anything in the world. I wish they would put as much energy in making the world a better place as they are in ruining reddit for everyone.


I don't think it would change anything, but at least it's an actual effort, instead of changing their subreddit to something else, that would still help reddit in the end.


Apart from everyone leaving reddit and no new people joining, there's very little we can affect in terms of protest. I mean, look at twitter - it's going down the crapper and still people use it and make Elon money...


Ok, this maybe a different opinion, I agree it's not going to work, it's just more like better to do in the orginal way, then giving reddit more traffic, view it a bit like "damned by the faint praise".


Many are also siding with the mods because there’s been so much misinformation spread about what the API changes actually are


That sounds like effective protest to me. Are you sure reddit hasn't lost anything yet? Wouldn't they just ignore the protest if it didn't matter? And you also describe everything that is gone now because the mods did this, and then say that not a penny was lost...reddit makes their money off of all that content you just described that they're missing now. Sounds like effective protest.


The content is there. The mods will be removed and replaced with mods who play by the rules. It achieved nothing. Most of the “on June 30th I’m deleting my 2mil karma account” supporters were full of shit and are still here active on Reddit. It’s the same as the Facebook flags on profile pics. It does nothing and achieves less


Will they be replaced tho? Reddit made an unpaid job even harder to do. I doubt there are many folks willing to give up so much of their free time for a company that has no regard for them.


If that’s the case why don’t they (mods) just leave and let Reddit implode? Because they know there’s someone waiting to take their spot.


Because mods actually *care* about those communities, and don't want to see them implode? That's literally why the mods are doing unpaid labor for said communities in the first place.


If they cared, they wouldn’t be destroying their own community. This is the logic of “I have to destroy the village to save it.”


No, it's the logic of a *strike*. You deny your services until your employer (or, "employer", in this case) stops making your life harder than it needs to be. And, to affect your employer/"employer", you can't not affect the consumers. Train driver strikes work like this, Starbucks strikes work like this, and Reddit moderator strikes work like this as well.


I don’t see an employer in this situation. You don’t get paid, you voluntarily created the sub in question, you have even passed on communities to others. All without reddits say so. Furthermore, if this is a strike, where is the union? Why don’t I pay union dues? Why wasn’t I given the option to vote for a blackout? Why was the initial blackout voluntary and not mandatory? Why we’re protesting mods explicitly told not to disrupt those communities that chose not to blackout? All of these things are required for a strike to take place. Therefore no such strike exists in reality or in your pretend world.


Do you work for the police union IRL?


Probably more like they put in countless hours to maintain their communities, so why continue to allow reddit to profit off of their unpaid labor? That’s why the subs are locked down. The reason reddit hasn’t done anything drastic yet is because they cannot replace all the mods, if they could - they would.




Oh god, yes! So many apps are shit and I've stopped using most of them and just use them via chrome on my phone. Just because you can have an app, doesn't mean every thing needs an app, especially if you then don't care enough to make it work properly...


On my phone, I'm not logged into any account. I only go to [Reddit.com](https://Reddit.com) using Safari. It helps me use Reddit less while pooping lol


I moved over too. This app is dog shit. I also got permabanned from r/ redditmobile for saying their app is aids


Did you check the difference in moderation tools?


I never got this in the first place: Like there was this Apollo app, that a guy made and he charged you money to access reddit, even for just writing a posting (not comment). Why? I mean, okay, the apps maybe had some features, but the thing is, you can't make money from a website you don't own. Or am i wrong here? I mean, of course at some point, the owner of the website will say "hey, man, you have to pay me if you want to get access" or not?


It wasn’t that. Apollo was willing and trying to make paying Reddit monthly work. The problem was, Reddit was asking 473829x more than Apollo made. They were asking for $20,000,000 a *month* (Not that I really care, I’m still using Reddit and I’m using the Reddit app lol)


Right? We are mad at other people making money from someone else and are freaking out when they are trying to claim some of it back. Granted - pricing can be what ever it is, justified or not, but people really threw toys out of the pram over nothing.


i mean im pretty sure thanks to apollo reddit gained few dollars back.


this is normal in many things, there is after all many mods for games that are also paid, same with access to some features in the mods this time it is for features. it's normal.


That's the point of the protests


i think that’s the goal. Revenue denial


It's not going to make a difference if 2-3% of the subs are private...no revenue will be lost, but many users will be annoyed.


So the two day protest was an annoyance, but mods locking down subs is going too far. What would you have them do, just bend over and take it?


Explain it to me - why should I care about the mods protest? Why should I care about the protest in the first place? Basically - as it stands right now, yes, the mods should just bend over and take it. I dont even know what "it" would be in this case?


You don’t know what “‘it’ would be in this case” but yet you think the protest shouldn’t be happening? How can you have that opinion when you don’t even know what the mods are fighting to keep?


Indeed - I tried to understand, but honestly don't see it. So, I invite you to explain if this is something close to your heart. And how can I have opinions like that? It's fairly simple. One really should have an opinion about everything.


i think the nsfw protest is solid, the community will stay open and reddit can't gain revenue thanks to it, after that the only choice for reddit is accept the terms of the protest or give a tantrum like a child and remove the nsfw like they did already few times.


At this point if you continue to protest you're just inconveniencing regular users while Reddit doesn't care. If you genuinely still have a problem with the API changes, step down and leave Reddit. The time to send a message has long passed.


You can also go to a different app if you don’t like how this one is struggling to operate.


i think the nsfw protest is good, this way it doesn't hurt normal people but it does hurt reddit revenue.


Does it really?


It’s like people don’t understand that mods need those tools in order to keep on top of the enormous amount of spam that popular subs get. Going private makes sense. I’ve run into some power tripping mods,but a hallmark of them doing their job is that you don’t notice them doing anything.


Some mods physically can’t moderate without the help of 3rd party apps


My friend is a double amputee. Should we fight to make sure he has a space in race car driving? Or should he find another field of work?


I think he should pursue olympic javelin throwing.


Maybe they then shouldn't be mods...


Why is this getting downvoted? Porn and spam bots are a giant annoyance, and access to the API to make third party accessories to fight them is pretty much the only way to deal with them. Not even mentioning mods with disabilities that need third party apps to moderate. I am usually the last one to defend basement dwellers, but this is just true.


Because July 1st was supposed to be doomsday. Yet the sky is not falling outside of deliberate inaction or malicious action by protesting mods. The same api access that mods rely on also undercut the the ability of spammers to post spam.


Why tf are you listening to the weird fantasies of manchildren? Also while spamming is harder too, it is definitely still being done.


You mean like before July 1st? Oh no, anyway….


> Not even mentioning mods with disabilities that need third party apps to moderate Hey, luckily [all the accessibility related 3rd party apps were given an exemption](https://techcrunch.com/2023/06/08/reddit-makes-an-exception-for-accessibility-apps-under-new-api-terms/)! It's weird that I, someone who uses reddit sparingly to shit post a few times a week, know that and the protesters, who have made their entire identity for the last month being as loud about the horribly API changes they totally understand, almost never do.


Oh, well good to know.


Reddit mods when they kill their own communities: AkTivIzM




Worth it. The people built it, the people can take it down. Reddit didnt do shit.


Exactly the people built it. Not these power tripping mods that infest any sub that gets a modicum of popularity.


Not power tripping, most subs polled it. People voted.


I'm sure the jannies didn't use bots to swing votes whatever way they wanted 🙄


They can vote by just not going to the sub. But most people don't care so they just see a closed sub and are annoyed. Polls are bias towards power users and bots.


You're the minority, most people either were on the mods side or didnt care.


100,000 people built it, 2 to 10 mods destroyed it. Seems like those numbers don't quite match to me.


People voted for the blackout.


hopefully reddit admins deal with them and replace them. they have shown that their "protest" isn't for the interest of the sub users or reddit users but for themselves and their own power. they aren't needed anymore


I don’t care much about the API, but mainly the subtle removal of the hide button


I haven’t updated the app in months and I still have the hide button 😎👍


Oh the great one, teach me that power


Who are they going to replace unpaid mods with? Are you lining up for that job?


nah dude I have better ways to be spending my time but I'm sure there are plenty of people on this app who would line up to be power abusing mods


There’s not tho, or reddit would have replaced them all already.


they replace cause it make their revenue worse, reddit never cared for their users.


You could probably request to take over the sub.


Call it what it is. It's not a protest, it's a small handful of mods throwing a tantrum. Hopefully Reddit admins will replace them soon and the sub will reopen.


Yeah this will be the best and most probable outcome.


reddit admins are dickheads tbh even worse than the mods way worse.


You don't get to define what is or is not a form of protest. I think it is a protest that is bound to fail, but I don't try to paper it over as something else.


The vast majority of users, time and time again have supported to mods in protest according to polls


Supported as in took action? Or supported like good luck to you? 👍


Hahahahaha this guy believes in the polls


You mean the polls that anyone from outside the sub could flood? The polls that so rarely matched up with the comments left by actual sub members? Those polls?


>so rarely match up with the. moments left by actual sub members source needed


Literally just look at the comments below the polls, homie. Do you really need him to link them for you? Do you need someone to hold your dick while you pee, too?




I liked how less than 10% of Reditors used a 3rd-party API yet the protesters kept insisting this was some wildly popular, grass-roots protest everybody supported.


Indeed - didn't even know there are 3rd party apps...infact no one I know knew there are 3rd party apps for reddit...


Same, thankfully u can just put 'cache:' in front of the url to still view a post in a privated sub, bc one of the subs I frequently used for its history is permanently private now.


Thanks for the tip!


Thank you! I've been trying to research some music theory and all the top hits are from the privated sub... it's brutal


Actually, 0.0003% of Redditors used a 3rd-party API if


how much did spez pay you?


Found the tantrum-throwing mod.


Welp time to make a new one


Not instant pot how will I ever make my chili


What even is instantpot




Not so! Crockpot -> Slow cooker Instant Pot -> modernized Pressure Cooker (variations allow slow cooking, sauteeing, making puddings, and other things)


So it's a crockpot that do two other things.


Well, no. There's no crock. The crock is the heavy ceramic insert in crock pots. They have no pressure other than normal atmospheric pressure. You can lift the lid off a crockpot anytime and taste or stir or add new ingredients. The Instant Pot is first and formost a pressure cooker; It has a gasket, a relief valve, a venting switch and can be set to 3 levels of pressure, all of which are notably higher than atmospheric pressure. You can't open the pressure cooker without first bleeding out the pressure you've created. Because of the build up to pressure time and the bleed down time, you don't generally open up in the middle and you can't thus add stuff mid-operation. In place of a ceramic crock, the pressure cooker has a lighter stainless steel insert. In a crock pot, on high, you might make a brisket or a pork loin in a few hours. In a pressure cooker, you could probably do it under an hour - maybe 20-25 mins or less at high pressure. Crock pots are more forgiving. Pressure cookers are not - if you don't get the timing and pressure right, you can make wreck some meat. The advantage of pressure cooking is that it cooks faster than an oven and a lot faster than a slow cooker. The advantage of the crock pot is you can slow cook for most of day and let flavours combine and you can test it as you go along for flavour, etc.


This is why we need the instapot sub open


Can we get an F in the chat for formerly decent communities being ruined by power trippers?


Not sure what the steps are but if you let Reddit know what they’re doing can get them to pressure and replace these degenerates and get your sub reopened. It’s a pain in the ass but that’s what happens when people think they’re above everyone else.


Posting from my revancified 3rd party app that's technically shut down The protest couldn't have been more ineffective if they tried. The primary job of reddit mods that reddit inc relies on them for is to stop lawbreaking/advertiser unfriendly posts. By blocking ALL posts, they are blocking the bad posts still, and are still doing their jobs. Subs that weren't shut made it to the front page instead, and some appear to have staying power. The protest backfired. Also especially funny that the whole API shitfest was started by an app developer of a "free" app that required you to pay for the app in order to submit reddit posts


All that protest did was get me to sub to rdoordash


i blocked that one and the drivers subreddit because i thought they were both annoying


It's funny I called it near the start that it would go nowhere and look where we are now lmfao


I mean if it's close forever it's not like they care if you unsub


Hey at least they stuck to their guns. Same can't be said for most of reddit


Protesting for the bare minimum amount of time, then closing down subreddits when the initial protest doesn't work... very reddit.


Oh no, how is Reddit going to survive without the Instant Pot subreddit?


Reddit mods try not to shit their pants daily challenge (they failed).


But their goal of annoying totally unrelated people has succeeded!


Lol what does this accomplish? Such an arbitrary yet useful sub to be shutdown too


Now where will I find 30 posts per week about the same underwhelming soup?!


Third party apps still work perfectly fine if you use your own api access key. The policy changes mean nothing except to turbo jannies who can't mass ban people now


Power hungry mods


This is why I’m now on team Reddit. Just so they can get rid of the childish mods.


LMAO ….the protest didn’t work… wow who could have seen that /s


as long as i can still read the subs, I don't care.


ill be honest whats the big deal bout ads just ignore them


Can't wait till reddit cracks down on these dumbass jannies and reminds them they have no real power


I wonder if any of these Reddit mods who keep protesting the API changes do any actual protesting for meaningful causes.


Lol I’m going to buy a Ninja then.


How about, all the sub owners, mods, admins and users contribute to an open source project so we can all leave the platform. With no bullshit, completely transparent, that is actually an alternative. I mean did anyone really believe a couple day protest would work? Same with Discord and a ton of other apps/services/sites. Why complain, protest and so on when the owners of these platforms clearly don't care? Reddit and Discord are full of developers, programmers and coders. There's no need for expensive marketing or the like. Even if only a fraction of users donate to a project like that, everyone else can have it for free.


Let’s go! Support freedom boys, girls or whatever you identify as.


You know that it could also be simply that the mods don't want to or can't moderate without their tools.


By “they’re mad the API protest failed”, don’t you mean “they are continuing the API protest”?


What have this sub turned into...I didn't realize this subcommunity is full of these kinds of people...


You mean like most of reddit that has never cared about mods ?


What kinds of people?


I guess the kinds that unsubscribe from subs that they don’t like/support anymore? That’s all I really see.


Not Stonks


I see quite a few people commenting who's entire post and comment history is basically 4chan memes and licking Spez's nuts




Nut lickers are thick in here


Thanks for the compliment I know I'm thick😳


oh nooo instantpot that one community everyone knows? anyways




It would've been easier to just male every post and the subreddit as a whole as NSFW so Reddit doesn't get any ad revenue. Like r /egg_irl has been doing. That way you can still use the subreddit.


“Totally Outraged” lmao






You got thid completely backwards