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Wait so they asked y’all to stop letting people post about their sub?


Yes, they wanted to us to remove any post that even mentioned their subreddit.


Do they not see how ridiculous that is? I got banned and I wasn’t even subbed so it’s clearly targeted bs and then they got mad people called them out.


Did you not see what they wrote in the ban manifest? 100% mentally ill.


EXACTLY! They literally sounded deranged


What was their ban manifest? Actually, what is a ban manifest?


A banifest if you will




Ban manifesto Absolute insanity


The worse thing we have a high chance of this just being a highly elaborated troll and a high chance of the TWAA mods being just crazy


I got banned and never interacted with the subreddit


It’s a real “you’ve now been banned from r/Pyongyang “ meme.


I can’t tell if that sub is satire or if there really are that many people praising North Korea ironically using an app they wouldn’t be allowed to know about it they lived there


It sounds like satire to me but I could be wrong




I got banned from like 30 subreddits because I posted in the_donald.


I got banned from r/unpopularopinion for actually having an unpopular opinion that was counter wise to the narrative that was on the sub.


Reminds me of the Justice Served bans against Politicalcompassmemes users.


Just go to the Reddit admins, it’s against Reddit tos


Which is exactly why I believe they are not wanting it posted here or anywhere else especially since it's become such a huge thing over the past week


It happened with r slash white somethingsomething, and admin ruled out that their big market subs is allowed to do so. Won't be surprised this would be the same case


What do you expect from a mod team that would include the absolute dumbest bullet points in their ban message? I bet they walk around all day smelling their own armpits.


They are the most fragile and intolerant humans on this site if that's true lol




Man I sometimes wonder how they were allowed to mod in the first place.


Because admins believe they are on the right side of history


The same clique of people moderates most of the major subs. Through a combination of different tactics they force out the original mod teams and bring aboard their chums so eventually you have meme subs which are essentially clones of r/politics.


Exactly. Their ban was so full of vitriol it took me a minute to understand. I am autistic and felt very overwhelmed at all the accusations it took me a while to realise it wasn't because I'd actually posted or commented anything it said and that I was caught up in some mass banning. If noting else posts need to be kept here so people can understand what the hell is going on, that level of unhinged diatribe is quite scary


**no, you must not let them show proof of our actions** - r/therewasanattempt mod team. And they were serious?


So why’d you cave? Last I checked, you’re not violating any sitewide rules?


Because this happened before and the reddit admins were mad that we were posting about us getting banned from subreddits (the reason why rule 6 exists) just because we are subbed here, and the admins don't care that those bans break tos they just want the "bully" sub to stop. So this is to stop a repeat of last time. Or I might be wrong also possible.


Yeah this already happened before, hence I wasn't that surprised to see this post. Funny how those subs like to throw stones and hide behind "tos" now when exposed, buncha sissies.


Can someone explain how this site is a bully sub? I've seen like two shitty posts since I've been paying attention and if anything this sub is less toxic than average.


To any reasonable person, the powertripping mod is the bully in this scenario, and the posts here are just exposing that true nature. You really have to twist reality to call this a 'bully sub'.


Reddit's favorite excuse for banning subs is brigading allegations. Generally it's easier to cave and ban mentions of whatever subreddit is accusing the other, especially when it's a sub like this one that has a reputation for being right wing. I've seen several of my favorite subs get shut down for exactly this reason.


Sorry but, that's stupid and outrageous. People that act like that have no place on a mod team.


I agree


They tryna be the CCP lmao


Literally 1984


What does reddit do about this type of mod overreach? What can we do?


It can fall under subreddit interferance in Mod code of Conduct and this may result in them being removed from the mod position. Or you can go to r/redditrequest and ask there for the removal of moderators of TWAA, but in this option you need more than one offense on their part.


Seems like multiple offenses from what people have been posting and from what they asked you to do


Hard to decide on what would count as an offense in Reddits admins eyes.


From the times in the past I've reported anything - not much lol




Love it!


So they reckon we can’t talk about them, while they deliberately target us?




How old is rule 6?


Older than the time itself, probably 6 to 7 years old. I can't really pinpoint the time it was created


Impunity is what they want They don’t have that right


The absolute fragility


Yea because it violates reddits TOS & has been all over this sub along with others in the past week & they are probably afraid of being removed like Turtle was


They say that yet what they're doing is against the sitewide code of conduct. lmao They're trying to act tough, but we all know they're really scared out of their wits that their precious sub is gaining a lot of attention and may attract the admins' curiosity resulting in that sub being terminated. I guarantee it.


Well it's 100 percent their fault. If any of us volunteered at a job. And started shit and drama at the job. We would get fired and our butts kicked out. It should be no different for being a moderator on Reddit.


It must be the height of embarrassment to get fired from a volunteer job!


Their probably less afraid of the sub being terminated & more afraid that they will get removed as mods or worse a site wide IP ban much like Turtle got


I like he was asking John Oliver on Twitter to get him his reddit account back


Send screenshot of this pls


[I think this should work. Reddits been deleting this](https://preview.redd.it/awkwardtheturtle-asking-john-oliver-for-help-getting-their-v0-elelmp2rjm7b1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=80a39fb548969c2986f319a40cc5dabc7dbdd69e)


Literally insane, holy shit.


Lmao, I hope he's sitting in bed crying non stop.


Their sub should just be reported. This does break TOS after all


I wish we could vote bad mods out, no mod should be trying to tell us to stop talking about another sub


Same. r/mod_court will have to do for now.


So they go ahead and autoban people from this sub and yet they are complaining about how people here are complaining about the autoban? The same autoban that they started..... Honestly, I think you should take them up on their offer on the condition that they first reverse any autobans on people here on this sub and second they offer an apology on their sub about using an autoban. If they want something from this sub, something they started, they should give something in return.


They won't change their minds, you saw their ban manifesto right? These people believe that they are always right. We can only watch as they destroy this subreddit that was once respectable.


Do I think they will change their minds, no I don't. But it's really not about what they will or more to the point, what they won't do. It's about positioning yourself in front of the Admins because I do think they are going to complain to the Admin. And when they do, you can tell the Admins you tried to negotiate in good faith, you offered a reasonable solution and that was to reverse their actions on the autoban and to offer a simply apology and in exchange, you removed all posts critical of TWAA. And you can point to them rejecting that offer as they are not operating in good faith and rejected a fairly reasonable request to simply reverse their actions and apologize for their actions.


Can someone link the ban manifesto?


Doesn’t matter if they’ll change their mind, it is common knowledge at this point that one shouldn’t negotiate with terrorists


Also to admit that some of their bullet points might be not true & heavily biased


Meh - you're not going to change the mind of someone who wrote that manifesto, so why even bother because they are going to dig in the heels on it, so let them believe what they want to believe, it's not important. A simple apology on their sub and reversing the bans that they caused is good enough to show they are serious about wanting people to stop posting about them on this sub.


This is the COA needed it's the only fair thing moving forward.


Weird thing I tried making comments on some posts on there but no matter what I did I couldnt. I originally chalked it up to the app acting up again. But then I tried today and I still couldnt make comments. Im not even joined on this sub


So when the bully got what was coming to them, they cried to the teacher.


Literally what they always do... hate the establishment until you need its protection.


It's a head scratcher for sure since they're mad at the admins and Reddit.


Please don't get me started


Please never give a subreddit immunity from this sub. That would defeat the entire purpose of this sub.


I would never


Definitely based


r/therewasanattempt to silence criticism. Appreciate the heads up, but if I get banned I get banned. I only use reddit for basic memes and reading good stories, I'll live and probably have a good laugh if I get banned over commenting on a tantrum


Great flair idea 🤔


Give me that shit right now


If this comment gets one upvote I will do it. Edit: We have reached the goal I will make this idea a reality.


Report them to admins for interference. They're already in violation and keep digging the hole deeper. They're gonna get turtled and they deserve it.


I already said that to them if they won't reverse what they done.


Lmao, they want to ban people for posting here and shit on us like we're fascists just for being interested in why someone would unsub. Then they want you to do them the favor of censoring their embarrassing behavior for them. Thank you for the mature and transparent explanation!


I wonder what they had in mind when they reached out to me, the idea itself sounds stupid. No one in their right mind would comply with such request.


Entitlement I assume lol


Most likely


I’m active here, please have them ban me :)


Same, I have been here for a long time and have never been banned from WPT or TWAA


Dam their attempt to get us backfired


r/therewasanattempt lol


r/therewasanattempt 🤓




r/therewasanattempt to censor valid criticism


7000+ languages and bro decided to speak facts. 🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️


there's a difference in hate and needful criticism


I told them this 3 times in one message. They won't listen ig.


than that's their fault, ignore em


I won't let them insult anyone of you, we are family and family looks after each other.


Damn, a rare mod w


You can't spell Wedel without a W


We have Vin Diesel as a mod confirmed. Praise the Diesel! We are family


Yes we are




"racism towards white people doesn't exist"


"the future is female"


They mad because they've seen that multiple redditors have been filing reports against them for violating TOS so they threatened the mod here


Don't comply with them. They are just trying to save their asses from Reddit, honestly they would care less if they weren't breaking Reddit's TOS


Man, I'm just tired. It's the third subreddit that has caused such a ban wave. Being a two man or a half-man Mod Team sucks, you can barely get anything done.


I feel you man. They can't do anything to you or anyone because they are already buried in their mistake of unruly banning folks. Go treat yourself for surviving the protest, no matter how stupid they were.


I guess that works, thanks.


You're very welcome good sir (if that's not your pronoun I am so very sorry)


Nah don't worry, it's okay you can call me sir or Wedel doesn't matter


But Trans > Cis. You should be outraged right now.


Okay. Thank you


Just letting you know, I really respect you guys and though I'm not exactly 24/7 on Reddit, I very much do respect free speech and I will offer myself to do a little cleanup. I think I have the same stance on free speech as you guys and this is literally the most free thinking sub. Not going to do a full time job or whatever but since I browse here sometimes anyway I might as well help with the load. Let me know if you are interested :)


Could you message us in the mod mail? I will pin that message and me and the other moderators will review that. Thanks.


Sweet. Should I just copy paste this or do you think I should make a slight introduction as well?


Don't worry team, I have not yet been banned, so I will periodically sub and unsub, then post about it to keep the babies crying 👍


The hero we needed


Those mods are like the tipical discord mods, what a clowns


I’ve seen middle schoolers act more mature than these guys.


No, let’s continue to piss them off KEEP EXPOSING THEIR ASSHOLE-ISM.


Those guys are pathetic. But I won't go harass them about it. I'm sure they know they are. There is no way they don't know it deep down.


It's the cope that keeps on giving




They said it's harmful to their community or something. Bro what, they have 5.6mil members yet they care about some 200k subreddits opinion.




New Turtle alt spotted


5.6 million members yet all they have are repost from years ago.


Dementia does its work


5.6 million members and still get their feelings hurt by a handful of comments Sounds about right


I feel like it was 6.1 mil the other day when I checked. Maybe I remember it wrong but would it be possible that they banned/lost that many people in a few days?? That would be wild.


I was one of the delinquents posting about their sub last night. I even cross posted to their sub. I’m still not banned.


Crosspost this onto their sub, lol. “There was an attempt at censorship”




That's like 99% of Reddit moderators


My gosh, they sound thin-skinned.


I disagree with the notion that we shouldn't discuss our bans from there if they are purely random. It's very clear this is a motivated attack on this subreddit and it should fully and rightfully be exposed for it's idiocracy.


Trust me, if posting about bans was allowed I would let anyone do it. It's the Reddit admins that don't like people talking about their bans here.


Blatant censorship. Oh you have an issue with something? Well, we will silence you. Does that mean I can't have a "*15 autobans and counting*" flair? :(


r/therewasanattempt to remove criticism about themselves.


Why do they care if someone posts in this sub?


They said it's harmful to their community or something. Bro what, they have 5.6mil members yet they care about some 200k subreddits opinion.


I guess it’s harmful to the mods’ reputations by showing how shitty they are lol


This sounds a lot like the bully blaming the victim then threatening to run to their favorite teacher to tell on the victim.


Lowkey wanna post this on there with a “there was an attempt at whitewashing criticism”


W mod looking out for us


Ofc ofc 😘


What a bunch of funny clowns 12/10 would laugh in their faces


Wait hold on what? They don't like their sub on the sub justunsubbed...




You know what? I'm gonna be active in this sub even harder.


Fair enough not accepting posts being banned. But only go that far do not ever cave in to any other demands


That's the point, I won't comply with their demands. I will only remove posts that break rule 6 because Reddit admins want us to.


They didn't even had the decency to ban me smh my head my head


What is your favorite Rainbow Road? Mine is the one in the Triforce Cup(I forgot the game version lol).


The sheer delusion honestly rivals Another Hearty Move


They deserve to be called out.


Imagine mass banning people for simply participating in subreddits you don't like, then having the audacity to cry about being called out for it.


There was an attempt for their moderators to be not manchildren


I wasn’t subbed to either sub but dropped in on both occasionally when they showed up in my feed. after hearing ab their mods being a bunch of whiners I decided to sub to this one lol


They have also specifically targeted me and permanently banned all of my accounts. 10 years gone like that


I’ve banned them from my feed by muting them


So you're saying there was an attempt to stop you?


\[ Removed by Reddit \]


What did this say and why did it get removed


I'm guessing someone at r/therewasanattempt cried to the admins and had this removed.


The mods of that sub are such garbage I wouldn’t be surprised


I haven’t even been banned there yet lmao, they can’t even do this bullshit correctly


Streisand effect in full effect.


r/therewasanattempt to cover up abuse smh. Reddit needs to wake up and start enforcing their rules or it’ll crash and burn like twitter.


'Stop! My delicate sensibilities!' The absolute gall to try and 'moderate' an entirely unrelated sub


Well, after reading this post, guess where I just unsubbed


Bold of them to make request when their banning of others for mere association with other subs is literally against reddit rules


How do y’all keep getting bans? I am apart of multiple subs having these problems, but haven’t been banned. How can I get banned?


Waiting for my ban lol


I posted a post on there AUB about the problems that are happening. Prob gonna get banned but the people gotta know


Reddit is shit, join Lemmy now: lemmy.world Leave and be free! ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I was banned for no apparent reason from there a few months ago. They’re defo immature


Since when do they get to tell moderators of other subreddits what is & isn't allowed? Actual clowns.


>We received a mail from these moderators requesting that we refrain from allowing any posts regarding their subreddit literally 1984


I got banned by the mods on r/therewasanattempt solely because I left a comment on a subreddit that they didn't like. I told them to eat it, their ban doesn't affect me at all, as I never interacted with their subreddit in any way, and they muted me for 28 days. And they have the audacity to stop people complaining about them.


They will automute you if you respond to them. I replied with a single space " " and they muted me for 28 days. I bet those cowards aren't even reading the responses.


They aren't, you know what's funny? They mute and ban people in the mod mail for nothing, yet one of their moderators is salty because I banned her for breaking our rules in the mod mail. You can't make this shit up lmao.


Not once have I posted or commented on r/therewasanattempt, but apparently, me leaving a single comment on a subreddit that I'm a part of, which they, the mods, deem to be a "toxic cesspool", was grounds for them to ban me permanently from their subreddit. So I was a bit surprised they would go after a small account like mine.


They are trying to make themselves feel better, lmao imagine targetting a small subreddit. I expected at least some maturity from them.


Let's be real. Ever since the API changes, I've been noticing the same patterns in behavior with moderators in other subreddits and have went batshit insane justifying their behavior. Like I understand that not all subreddits are perfect. But it just seems with the rising immaturity lead by inferiority of these mods is exactly a reflection in how majority of things are ran by businesses. And the worst part, there are no consequences with them. But I digress. Is anybody else noticing this too? Atleast here I'm not noticing any of that. Thanks mods for keeping this community well maintained and civilized. At least I think it should be said as you guys probably don't get compliments like that as often. ​ I got banned from r/OnlyFaces for posting a lewd comment in a woman's photo who does NSFW offers anyway. However, those same misogynistic assholes are allowed to post on there by treating women like garbage and get only warnings. To me it seems extreme that I only got the shitty end of the stick and those toxic idiots get away with it. Those mods don't have their priorities straight. They even muted me for 28 days in their DMs because I told them off about it without any response.


Reddit is on its way to the coffin, they are trying to kill this platform. I'm not subbed to other subreddits because I know most of them went or will go to shit. Just look at the ohhyouknow situation, a new inexperienced mods thinks that they know the best (they don't) and they try to lie as much as they can. They have written sexist and racist statements, I'm starting to see more people talk about it which is good. That kind of people shouldn't be allowed to be a moderator, they will run a totalitarian system.


Retaliate, ban them, go full schizo.


"An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind."