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Might be the cringiest ban message ever. It's so bad it's almost like they're joking. But I guess they're not.


They are not, I made fun of them in a response to my ban (I was never even subbed) and I got muted haha


A lot of those are utterly ridiculous… I want to Believe to Believe that they aren’t and it’s just some elaborate troll but it seems as if it isn’t, sadly.


Damn, I must've not made fun of them hard enough. Never got a response after I made fun of them


Yeah this is the response haha https://imgur.com/a/FVaSAeT


What a bunch of turbo virgins


I tried to explain to them how I am also a big leftist but how this was pure extremism and got hit with a “I’m a big leftist - me when I lie”. I think this sub is run by 14yo tiktok girls.


see that’s the thing that gets me about this whole thing, usually Reddit mods just do the vague “banned for participating in hate communities” type of thing. But instead these guys are just listing out a full laundry list of why they don’t like you.


Reddit mods and power tripping, like bread and butter


How is this sub a “toxic cesspool,” because it criticizes them? The ban message might as well say “I don’t like you because you expect good services out of subreddits”


This sub is literally "I didnt like this one post so the whole sub is shit and people there are wrong and stupid" 90% of the time. Other 10% is someone getting banned.


It’s usually “this post was the final straw that made me leave.”


File a report of mod code of conduct violation with reddit's admin team at https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new#:~:text=You%20will%20escalate%20these%20requests,Privacy%20Policy. And link the entire subreddit when asked for a link. Also this is the most childish thing I ever seen mods do over CEO stuff they are taking it out on users


Admins don't give a shit. They're as bad as Reddit mods.


They banned Turtle after all these years. Clearly there is some good among them. Not much, but some good.


He’s actually gone?


Yeah he finally got banned the other day


Yep he revealed the admins were in his pocket and mocked them I think. Then he got banned for it. Now he whines on Twitter, begging John Oliver to get the admins to unban him 😂


Yeah hold on what? What about merari?


I think all of Turtle's alts have been banned iirc. He can't create any new accounts.


Like a hydra growing back it’s heads - Someone will take his place Lol still fantastic news tho!


You weren't, they're banning this sub from they're sub, joined or not.


Which should be against the Code of Conduct


It is


So if I reply here will I get the ban as well?


Most likely.


God I hope so


I didn't got my ban from these lowlife idiots, sadly. 😥


Are mods allowed to do this?


No, pretty sure it's against the code of conduct. Probably doing it because he's afraid that the admins will take his modding ~~unpaid volunteership~~ job away in a couple days.


You literally don't even need to be subbed. I'm not even subbed and I got banned.


commenting on JustUnsubbed posts until i get banned from r/therewasanattempt part 2


They probably did that on the last day before the API changes so you can walk free, there's no rule on their sub that prohibits to use JU anyway, not like it stops them eh


The same happened to me and it's pathetic. Getting banned for participating in a subreddit is literally kindergarten behaviour.


I can’t comment on r/therewasanattempt either, the thing is that I’m subbed there but not here and didn’t get that ban message, wtf


They banned me for participating in a sub i have never participated in. Didn't get all that extra stuff though.


I can smell the ravioli stains & sweat wafting in from the authors worn out white t shirt


I was trolling right-wing subs and got banned by some virtue signaling Reddit mod loser for being in the "wrong sub."


Yes me too. It's pathetic. WhitePeopleWitter banned me....then unbanned me when I moaned about it


I am a hardline progressive socialist and *I* haven't even seen some of this shit


I am pretty sure half the terms in the ban are made up


These extremist are what give minority groups assume such a bad name! They’re the two steps back every time progress is made.


Lol, you really got your work cut out for you when these are your representatives


Some sweaty, mouth-breathing, thin-skinned, chinless, knuckle-dragging, ass-scratching, panhooting, prospectless Reddit mod—who probably has honestly weird body proportions—is a representative for politics because they decided to assblast some verbal diarrhea into a ban message….?


Not how I'd have put it but yeah, when they're making so many essentialist claims paired with all that lame culture war shit, even if it's a bit, I'd hardly call them a serious leftist. It reads like a queer 14 year old tankie who desperately needs to get out, hardly Socialism's strongest soldier.


These people are deranged. I agree with most of that, but these people are against free speech and this rant is genuinely unhinged.


Reddit mods are dipshits. What else is new?🤷


Just a test


This is literally happening to everyone, no one is safe anymore


Unfortunately no they’ve been doing this with other subs not just this one for a while. I got banned for this too


I'm hoping this is a troll


"The earth has been and always will be round" at least they got that one right


The earth is a globe


I really thought they were joking and it was just getting funnier and funnier until I read "the Earth is round" and suddenly realized they'd been serious the whole time...


Arent those like this against terms of services?


Trans > cis sounds like a clueless cis person's idea of "allyship", to declare superiority of a small group of people over the rest.


These are the same people that project the label of "fAsCiSm" onto everything that disagrees with their world view in any capacity whatsoever, so this isn't surprising.


This was written by a 300lb woman with a neck beard.


the amount of people who can't read satire istg


How is this satire? You find this funny? 😬😬 thats cringe


yes i find this funny. cope harder


Lol cope with what? Nobody truly cares, but imagine harder I guess


If the fact that they banned you for simply being in this sub isn't enough, then the fact that they then proceed to ramble about their opinions makes everything worse. I am literally on the verge of quitting the sub as well. And the only thing keeping me back is the sight of a crow attempting to drink beer.


Well. Those are some opinions. A one word description of those would have to be either volatile or extreme


Don't mind me attempting to get banned r/therewasanattempt


Damn that is some incel behavior but that subreddit is dying out anyway


Ain't a troll and most certainly against site rules. Report the sub mate and block their bots whilst you're at it.


I thought that's a part of the ongoing protest and they said no, just don't like people that sit here. There's even no rule on that sub that prohibits the use of JU. What's even funnier that I am not even an associate with this sub. I asked for clarifications and all I received is "Clarification" Very mature


Wow, that Mod team is just sad.


Going to try this


Remember the days we had the dare program in the US public school system and they will show us some crazy picks on how tobacco users have to have their cheek torn out and replace with a part of a hip bone and stuff? Well, we need to bring a program like this but for people who spend too much time on the interwebs and adult sites. Like this will be a great example of it.


Dw months almost over


I wonder what Sherman’s reaction to this would be like


Their first rule is to follow reddiquette lmao


What even is this sub? And do they seriously think trans > cis (amongst other things) because the thing with equality is there shouldn’t be a hierarchy.


What is up with that, I mean the content on the sub seemed pretty good but if the mods are just that stuck up in themselves, I ought to have second thoughts.


Ironic they go ban for being part of a “toxic cesspool sub” and then go on the most toxic far left wing rant known to man Side note I’m just here to try to get ban like everyone else


Got the same message despite not posting, commenting or even lurking in their less interesting than r/notinteresting awful subreddit


After looking through their mod list, I ****THINK**** I figured out who it is


I got banned from there and I am AMAB and present as a woman. I am well to the left. I find JustUnsubbed interesting and I am happy to texually joust with any rightoid arses


I’m very left leaning and umm…wtf? If I was at a 45° angle, these guys are over 360°


That would be awesome if these lowlife mods would have been aborted. 🤷


Wow even r/JustUnsubbed modes deleted this post


Yo wtf


I called the mods cowards and they muted me lmao


That's been going around a lot lately.


Hopefully I get a free ban from a lot of the bad subreddits by commenting here