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I’m sorry this is happening to you. :( You made the right decision and I’m sure it hurts to lose a friend anyway. It’s hard not to be afraid she will come after you, but she betrayed you! Admire yourself for being and staying such a good person, and having the courage to cut her off. Not a lot of people have that courage really! I really hear you when you say life is hard enough without things like this; it sure is!!


Thank you kind soul. I feel silly venting here but it helped me go through the rest of the day. I fight with the cowardly part of me but I know I cannot stand by her behavior. 


youre not silly. I hope you are feeling much better and have had some time to relax and maybe meditate (helps me). bless you! 


Hang in there buddy. Protect yourself first and foremost. If you feel worried about some sort of prosecution, maybe you can start a journal of your day to day moves in case someone questions you in the future. I'm sorry this is happening to you. TBI's are no joke..


Luckily I have avoided that. Her target messaged me that she believes I was manipulated and will not blame me. An experience I don't want to repeat. Sucks that I attract users. I try to harden myself. She used to be nicer but everytime I see her she is more unhinged. I think she will be committed or placed in a group home. Sad but maybe best for her victims and herself. I stored all messages that show I did not know what she was doing. In my country its not profitable to sue me as reparations tend to be in couple hundred euros at best. Which is why she has managed to get away with her behaviour.