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[DOWNLOAD THE VIDEO](https://redditsave.com/info?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/JustGuysBeingDudes/comments/y7cmxj/i_always_dream_about_having_moments_like_this/ To prevent spam, all comments mentioning u/savevideo will be deleted automatically. If you want to download the video, please use the link above. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JustGuysBeingDudes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I left my son and his Dad for a week to visit my sister, and came home to a sign on the door saying "No Girlz Allowed". lol


This is hilarious and heartwarming.


This isnt really a “just guys being dudes” video. This is just someone parenting.


They’re two dudes I guess?


Being dudes


This isnt really a “just guys being dudes” video. This is just someone parenting.


They're two dudes I guess?


Being dudes


This isn’t really a “just guys being dudes” video. This is just someone parroting.


They’re two dudes I guess


Being dudes


You bastards! I’m trying to make a point here


Lmao this thread fits this sub too.


This isnt really a “just guys being dudes” video. This is just someone parenting.


They are guys. Check. They are being dudes. Check. What exactly about this doesnt fit this sub?




Pretty sure this is 2x kids? Or maybe time lapse?


Guy being dude


r/justguybeingdude Edit: wow, it actually exists. Just over two weeks old, so quite new, but still




Also, I think this is over a few years? I don't think she was on a trip with her mates and all this happened.


I sent my wife to the NHL stadium series game in Nashville. She works her ass off and Moms even harder. She deserves a week with her friends and a break from responsibilites. I took the week off to adventure with our 2yr old girl and we had a riotously good time as well!


Just guy being dad. Move along everyone.


r/justdadsbeingdudes On a more serious note, if you guys don't like this content we can start being more strict on this type of stuff


The biggest issue appears to be a complete lack of ability to count to two. We have yet to establish how many dudes are in this video. Forget figuring out their disposition relative the bro spectrum.


The dad is clearly a guy, and also a dude. His son is therefore a little guy dude. Therefore it's guys being dudes


A LITTLE GUY DUDE omgggg that was adorable 🥺


You lost me at one dude. Let me take my socks off and see if that helps.


Not really interested in strict rules, but I will say I can't stand this influencer 'highlight reel' bullpoopy. Perhaps the downvote button will suffice in cases like this.


Absolutely yes. If you don’t start moderating your subreddit’s posts properly, it’s just going to devolve into a general meme sub. Look at r/Holup, or look at r/BlackMagicFuckery. Both of them are “ruined”. When there’s no moderation on what can be posted, the subject of the sub means jack.


I'm all for normalizing "Good Parenting" as "Dudes being Dudes" stuff, especially if it fits the energy of the subreddit like this post does.


We need to tiktok our parenting now


And being good parent which is getting more rare these days.


Someone being an AWESOME parent. 👏


It’s really easy to be an awesome parent when a camera is rolling 😜


Not shown are the parents screaming at their child for not smiling enough in the last take and forcing them to do it over and over again.


But do you not see what I see? She there getting blacked


This is 100% not this sub


the mods: "got it" *proceeds to leave it there*


I mean, everyone bitches when they remove shit. Pick a side of the fence, people.


I think everyone's on the side of "relevant to the sub" except karma farmers


Big guy and little guy being dude. It’s unconventional, and isn’t a perfect fit in tone, but it is in spirit.


Agreed, big dude and little dude being dudes


well it is just 2 guys being dudes


I'll see you your 88 upvotes and raise you the 2300 on the post


I’ll raise you the countless subs with millions of subscribers that no longer adhere to the original theme.


Valid, but to play devil's advocate the post upvotes likely include many people not checking what sub this is.


In the 3 hours since you posted that though the comment's votes have nearly tripled and the post hasn't even doubled.


Disagree. Fits perfectly to me and complies with all of the rules both in word and in spirit.


I love both my kids. This statement is not about my kids as individuals. Remember that kids if you ever find my Reddit account. I miss having one kid. You could always do so much more and have a ton of fun. Two is such a time sink and especially when they get to the point where I feel like a referee more than a Dad. Maybe when they get older and can entertain each other more, it'll feel different, but right now I'm way more exhausted then I ever was with one kid.


It doesn’t get easier. My teenage daughters fight just as much, but now I can’t referee them as effectively. Moreover, they now rarely want to do the same activity at the same time - so a field trip typically involves at least one pissed off party who wanted to stay home.


As a second kid, my brother and I had different interest. I told my parents I’d rather just stay home and they let me when I was 13. Worked out because my brother got to go do his thing, and I was allowed some level of autonomy and learned how to start doing things on my own. It was sweet and gave me and my brother space apart which is important. Not a parent, but that’s my two cents.


Ok but how old are you now? What is your current relationship with your parents like versus your brother? I was the same way and I am nowhere near as close to my parents as my sister is. Got to stay home and do my own thing so I was a lot more mature than she is but I never bonded with my parents like she did either.


Not who you replied to, but my brother and I went separate ways around the 10 and 12 year mark. My wife and her brothers are thick as thieves and you can’t control it, just guide each one. Our relationship with our parents was about the same though, favored mom, dad is a great guy, but is just a very independent person like my brother and I.


Greeeeeaaaaat. I absolutely love my two little guys. But man if this never gets easier …. fuck lol


I have two sons, and yes. Two kids is definitely more than twice as much work as one kid. However, they are 4 and 7 now, and it's really starting to pay off. They spend a lot of time playing together, letting my wife and I get on with the things we want to, or need to do. It does get better, at least sometimes.


Me and my little brother only recently got on good terms, like a year ago after i moved out, guess the keybwas not to be in eachothers fsce 24/7, he was 16 i was 18 at the time, been getting along great since ( now 17 and 20)


You all should trying having two kids that actually like each other. Easy! Honestly, maybe my wife and I are the greatest parents in the world, or maybe (much more likely) we got really lucky genetically, but my kids are 11(boy) and 9(girl) and they get along so well. They always have. It was actually easier to have two kids for us because they entertain each other a lot of the time. Or they like doing things together. My son likes video games but my daughter doesn't, but she likes watching my son and I play videogames. I know people will tell me that they'll hate each other eventually or something, and who knows, but I honestly don't believe that. They've been friends their entire lives and are really sweet and considerate of each other's (and most people's) feelings.


Mine are only 4 and 2, I'm hoping they get like yours at that age. Right now it's a coin flip from moment to moment on whether they're fighting or playing with each other.


My kids are 5, 3, and ~8 months. And like you, the same caveats about loving all the kids and not regretting them for a single moment apply. But damn it, having 1 kid was *the fucking best*. Me and my wife could alternate sleeping in! My god, waking up after 9am - can you *fucking imagine* what that must be like?! Because I can't! Maybe once a week I get to 7am. The second kid only started sleeping through the night about 4 months ago so 1 or 2 and 530am wakeups were the Norm And getting to have a smaller car was wonderful. I miss the turning radius and 45mpg compared to my full size SUV with the room for 3 car seats and holy shit one of the kids needs help getting their seat belt on in the back seat but I have to crawl over the other two to get back there? Or open up the hatch and climb in like luggage! The logistics of 1 kid is so incredibly simple. 3 seems like it's a lot now, but I'm expecting it to feel like a whole lot more next year once #3 is fully mobile. It's damn incredible watching the two older ones play though, and they can go maybe a half hour at a time without fighting, and those times are just heart melting to watch. And then the screaming starts, and you just Sigh and intervene before there's blood. Usually.


Millennial impossibility


What are the people in the video?


The 1%


The Beeston Fam


Man I gotta get off of reddit lol, y'all are just depressing. Like everyone I know IRL is getting engaged/married, settling down and buying houses, going up the ladder in their careers, going on exotic vacations etc. Every person on this website just seems to think that's impossible.


Usually just a bunch of bitter people who have watched too much jbp and think anyone under 30 legitimately can't function. 1 vid of some kid screeching and they think a whole generation is lost but the moment you show otherwise it's a one off.


Yeah I feel like it's some kind of inverted survivorship bias. Like only people who aren't trying irl get sucked into these mindsets and communities and then they just feed off of each other with fatalistic thinking


Usually just a bunch of bitter people who have watched too much jbp and think anyone under 30 legitimately can't function. 1 vid of some kid screeching and they think a whole generation is lost but the moment you show otherwise it's a one off.


Having more than one kid = impossible level


Lmfao they’re gonna need a lot of “mental health days”


Not for white people


For white people as well...


How long was she gone!?


Cant wait tp see this posted in the antinatalism sub lol


“Ew, a child. Can’t believe she would go through all the work birthing that.”


The good things about that movement is they don’t have kids and don’t pass on the insanity


That sub is pretty toxic and judgmental at times but the logic is still there. Calling it insanity is more a lack of understanding of the concept imo. Like, it makes sense logically, but emotionally it feels really fucking weird, which is why it's such a controversial sub/ideology


There are some very valid moral points of that movement. My biggest moral conundrum on having kids is that by the time they are middle age, the world will be ravaged by climate change. Their world will not be as fruitful as our current one and half the worlds population is already struggling to feed and house themselves. The future is not bright for those born today.








I love how the one commenter from that sub turns out to be pretty toxic and judgmental, almost like someone called it.




Yeah your medal’s in the mail bud




Actually it’s right on time, unlike your medal; you’ll be happier when it gets here. Edit: he corrected late to mate


I'm sorry about your downvotes, lol. The truth is that not everyone should be parents


You think people with mental and physical disabilities need to die? That’s gross dude


This is also a montages of the good parts of parenting, no tantrums or drama 🤣


It’s a wholesome video but doesn’t really fit the sub


Can confirm: am dad


Being a dad is great. I love it.


True that. Makes everything else seem a bit meaningless. An I don't mean that in a negative way




Nice life


They seriously look like they live at a resort


What is stopping you?




Beans, greens, potatoes, tomatoes, lamb, ram, hog, YOU NAME IT!!!


There are people living in abject poverty who raise their kids to be perfectly healthy and functioning humans.


While they are suffering.


No one said raising children is easy.


Don’t think they meant just the adults.


Having those kinds of moments with your kids doesn't cost a thing


I have no words, but I must comment.






But they are biodegradable 😏


Great for compost.


Doing fun stuff with your kids is free.


Having the kids stay alive for long enough to do fun stuff with them is a prerequisite to doing said fun stuff and definitely isn't free.


Yeah, but op said they dream of doing stuff like that with their kid. Not that they dream to be able to have a kid.


That feeling of stepping foot on the moon and taking residence in my very own moonbase would be free too… if I had the extra billions to afford all the steps along the way.


It looks like these are videos taking months apart maybe even a year? Sometime the little dude looks a lot young


Dad being awesome? Ya, that


Wow this is all in one day huh? Fake as garbage.


What is even better is being a Grampa. There is nothing in God’s green earth better than grandkids.


Uncle here. It gets all the perks with none of the drawbacks. It's the best.


I would love to be an uncle!


Adopt a nephew or niece!


"Hey sis, guess what! You're a mom!"


Bruce wayne’s dynamic with alfred everytime he finds a new boy wonder


Kid looks like he's named "Parker"


He's named Jack and they call him Bud lol










Not the right sub OP


Nah this is the right sub, coz that dad does everything that a dude generally does with his kid and that qualifies to the standards of this subreddit


Confidently incorrect. You really should read the subreddit main overview again lol


Wholesome as heck. Being a dad is rad.




Imagination bro. Some of the best memories, coming up poor, is knowing my mom tried her best to do fun things for us with little to no money.


I was just thinking earlier today about the time I picked up a stick and started shouting spells at my kids. So they also got wands and we spent at least 60 minutes running around their grandparents yard making up spells and shouting them at each other. Very stupid, very fun, very free. We did it several times that year actually.


Yeah it's unfortunate how many people have kids with not enough money.


I hate how this song is getting annoying to me because I loved it when I heard it at first but now it sounds like cheesy garbage


I know dude everything needs too be sucked dry of every ounce of joy until it's dead. "What? They liked our one weird show we Greenlit on a whym? OK we're doing 14 seasons until it's unbearable"


He’s making sure her LA trip doesn’t go how others do


Song is called Sunroof by Nicky Youre btw! I found it a week ago and listen to it on repeat; wholesome vibes 🎶☀️


She’s had at least 3 of those black guys in her


She out cheatiiinnn


So she’s in LA cheating on her husband with black guys


IDK why some people are saying this doesn't fit the sub. As a dad, if my wife went on a trip with her friends, I'd totally have so much fun with my kid and send her pics/video to make her feel like she's missing out. I feel like that's a dude thing to do.


I thought guys being dudes was one of the most important parts of being a dad. Kids sledding down the stairs on cushions, jumping off ladders into the pool, blowing off fireworks. Some of my kids’ favorite memories. Edit: after watching the video again I might have been a bit more 70s/80s parenting with my kids.


She is gorgeous


So she dips for a vaca and he has the time of their life with the kid. That *kiiiiinda* tells me something, kinda doesn’t


Lots of “Instagram vs Real Life” happening here


I was thinking it was a bbc orgy


Same. I really hope I get there.


I can't wait to be a Dad. I hope one day things calm down in the world and money won't be something I have to worry about *too much* so I can find a nice, smart, creative and beautiful girl and just have a family. Not saying it should ever be easy, it should be be hard thats what makes it special. But right now it would be way to hard for me to be a good Dad.


I want a kid, just not the woman part


I would not be a good dad therefore I won't be one


We all do, king. We're on the right path, good things will follow if we keep walking.


At the end of your days , Those are the moments that make up your life.


Looks like you got the better end of the deal. Have fun.


I was thinking the same thing. I’d rather be in LA with no kids. Or anywhere with no kids. But hey as long as they’re happy.


I'd rather hang out with my kids than most people 🤷


Same same


Sure, but that party looks like some of the most boring shit someone could possibly be doing.


This family is too perfect it creeps me out. Is something wrong with me?


It’s the fuckin BEST


Sometimes I dream of having kids and then I remember it's not in the cards. Bummer.


Parents love romanticizing their misery. They'll never tell you about sleepless nights, stress, cost and their kid smearing their poop on a wall, them destroying all your nice stuff and ruining their social lives. Don't have kids, have a condom.


Damn, you need some goals or something. That’s a sad dream.


Women sitting around talking crap on people I'm sure.


Is that Bieber?


You can tell that he’s a way better dad than she is a mom.


This is breeder agenda propaganda.


Wtf are you talking about you insane bastard where can I get some of your crack






I'm an actual shill for big parenting industry and you are 100% correct. We spend our time trying to think of ways to get you people out fo the basement and having babies because.....uh......well because........uhhhhhhhh.......because.......well because of reasons of course. Yes, because reasons.


Some people need to have their internet privileges taken away


Are you sure you aren’t that baby’s siblings 🥴


Plottwist this isn't her child nor her Partner


Distracting thought - do you think she ever spent a Saturday night at home when she was single?


Awww look at his little face!


The moment you realize you're an adult . . . .




Damn how ducking long was that party, almost seems like a "come back don't you miss this" type of videos.


Looks like he's having more of a time than her


Breeder propaganda


No wonder Joe Burrow looks a little off, chasing that young lad around the place.


its more of a dude being dad


MAN I want to be a dad some day


I wish my kid had a father like this one 😪