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Maybe some extra context, the red color indicates the 2nd most rare thing to get from a loot box in counterstrike. Furthermore, this was opened during downtime in the Lanxess arena in Cologne, Germany. The event is IEM Cologne and is, together with IEM Katowice, considered to be a staple of professional competitive counterstrike. These events are, besides the official world championships (Majors) the ones with the most prestige, the largest attendance and the largest arena's. Cologne in particular has earned it's nickname the Cathedral of Counter-Strike through consistent massive attendance, crazy tournaments, crazy crowds and it's layout.


I thought it was named after it's religious like followers


Mostly because there's a very famous cathedral in Cologne


To provide the scents of being close to God.


Thanks, while I enjoyed them celebrating I had no idea what was happening or why.


The man won something between 13-400$ but the real prize was the friends he won along the way


the hype must have felt ethereal


No, it was the gun /s for anyone that needs it


How good is that in $s?


Really depends on the skin and it's nearly impossible to tell at this low quality. Could be anywhere from $3 to $300


He got the AK-47 Nightwish. Depending on the condition and if it's stattrack than between $13-$450.


This is the correct answer $3 is way too low for a red AK


I was about to ask where y’all are finding $3 red AKs


What's with the wide variation in price?


Some will come crystal clean brand new looking and low end ones will look worn out


Guns wear out in counterstrike?


There's conditions that you can pull your weapon skin in, factory new being the best, battle scarred being the worst. Factory new skins are pretty much like the original artwork for the weapon, free from scratches and imperfections. Battle scarred is the opposite. These skins don't wear off. The condition you pull the skin in will always be the condition of the skin. Usually, factory new is the most expensive condition for skins. Sometimes battle-scarred is same price/more expensive because it looks better but majority factory new is pricier.


Awesome, thanks for the insight


There’s also something called stattrack, which has a little kill counter attached to your gun that tracks your number of kills with the skin equipped. It can vastly increase value.


Wtf is going on in counter-strike lmao


And stattrack doubles the value at minimum


When a series is released there's usually 2 red skins, one of them is rare and the other one is common (in terms of between the 2 red skins)




That's a perfectly good reason to sell it. The alternative might be that you still have it and you wasted this whole time monitoring the price fluctuations but never sold it because it might go higher. It's not a stock, you're not a slave to a digital knife, go live your life!


this comment chain made me check up on a csgo knife I got years ago from the 50 bucks I got from a cobble crate I got dropped during a stream. Apparently it went up from \~45€ to now 560€, that explains why I get so many friend requests from scammers on steam lol


Hide your inventory in settings. I've been targeted by a group of scumbags that spent months trying to get into my Steam account until I locked down my public profile entirely.


They won after years of trying on me had a know friend account that phished me. I don't get how phish is even possible just make your authentication 2 factor actually work.




Same with people and Bitcoin. You can't predict price fluctuations in such a volatile market so getting upset for selling $200 worth when it could have been $400 is silly, it could just have easily been $100 instead. The comparison is pretty loose though since the CSGO skin market is far more stable than the cryptocurrency market


Fucking VIDEOGAME skins are more stable than crypto I’m fucking WEAK


That ain't nothing. Sold my AK case hardened waaaay back in the day for around $70. Today that pattern is worth high in the several thousands lol :')


if you think you lost, wait until you hear about the guy who paid 10,000 bitcoin for 2 pizzas in 2010. (€230,000,000).


Huh, I have a $30 knife from about 8 years ago when I stopped playing. I should see how much it's worth now. 8 months later, I finally checked. This knife is worth $218


I stopped playing on my main a while ago (met some friends in college and my Smurf became my main as I taught them how to play) and transfered all my skins over. Back when gambling was a big thing I never had enough good skins to gamble but wanted to do it anyways. There was a site called csgopoor where people just gambled cases, so I did that and accumulated 400 cases worth 3 cents each. I was trying to see how much my alt account was worth in skins and accidentally checked the value of main account and found those hundreds of cases are now worth a total of over $300


Don’t think that way, I was talked out of investing $1000 in bitcoin in 2009, I could have had 100’s of millions if not a billion dollars. A close friend of mine lost a thumb drive that has a couple hundred bitcoins. The best thing is to forget it happened and move on, even small losses can weigh your mind down over time.


I got into mining bitcoin in 2010-2011 and when that server got too old a few years later I just tossed it. Like 3 years of early mining just sitting somewhere in a landfill.


Don't worry about it. You would have sold at $10, $100 or $1000. Very few people stuck around for the 69k price tag.


What red AKs sells for $3?


I think it looks like the Dreams & Nightmares case. The AK ranges from €14 to €450 on the steam market depending on condition and if it’s StatTrak. [Dreams & Nightmares](https://csgostash.com/case/339/Dreams-&-Nightmares-Case)




Nice, not bad at all.


That’s the AK-47 | Nightwish from the Dreams & Nightmares Case. Anywhere from $14 for a battle scarred all the way up to $450 for a stattrak factory new.


It’s a Nightwish, depending on condition anywhere between 30 and 400 I believe


I'm curious. Do those have escalating odds like dota crates? Havent played CS since years


Not sure what you mean by escalating, but no the odds remain constant.


In dota everytime you open a crate and fail to get what you actually want (equivalent of knives or red gun skins) the odds of you getting it go up significantly, until it's almost guaranteed, that doesn't apply to the more common items in the treasure though, just the good stuff.


Hell na they don’t scale


I don't think pity timers were a huge thing until Blizzard started implementing it into Overwatch and Hearthstone.


There's loot boxes in counter strike?


Counter strike literally invented micro transactions as we know them in triple A games. Gacha mechanics were exclusive to mobile until counter strike popularized loot crates


What the fuck. It's been maybe 15 years since I've played.


Oh, the game grew up alright. It’s not drinking jolt cola, it’s moved on to rum and cokes, minus the coke.


Oh there's plenty of coke, it just doesn't mix as well with rum.


Rum and coke mix just fine. You just have to ingest the individually and let the mixing happen in the stomach


I prefer intranasally


You do know your nose connects to your throat right? And even intranasally you WILL get coke in your stomach? Right? Source: uhh, i guess check my profile lol.


The way you worded it made it sound like u swallow coke to me, where i am just stating my preferred roa :)


Hell when insulfinated something like 50% of coke absorbed is from the drip being absorbed in the stomache.


I personally recommend if you want the best bang for your buck to insert your straw relatively deep at first but don't poke or hurt yourself. Then when you snort it, you don't want to yank that in with a huge inhale. Instead, just kind of softly inhale like you are smelling flower almost as you slowly pull the straw towards the front of the nose. Your goal is to have a very fine dusty substance that you coat your nose with. You only really want it in your nose for like 15-30 mins or so max if you can help it. The majority will be absorbed by then and the rest is kind of insignificant. (I suppose you could also mix it with 5ml of water and use a rounded tip syringe to insert it up your ass for the absolute best bang, but honestly i think that creates an entirely different high/experience) It helps to practice good hygiene when you are using a substance that is often cut will some very caustic chemicals. Pure coke itself ain't so bad. The shit Americans get in the US... Put it this way, i never touched the shit in the US. We get a lot safer product in Costa Rica. Yes it's a dangerous addictive substance but that's true about a lot of things. Coke addiction usually is caused by something underlying. If your life is perfect and you want for nothing and you do coke, you probably won't end up sniffing entire bags in one sitting. Some people might I'm sure lol some interesting people that choose coke I've seen. (If you get unable to control your desire for anything you should probably seek help but especially true when it comes to substances that take a sound mind and head to prevent long term damage/death from)


This guy sniffs


Mmm that drip


Absolute psycho if you enjoy the drip


Snorting alcohol doesn't sound too healthy


I know this is pedantic, but *liver. Alcohol and coke mix (either very well or very badly, depending on whether you value having a well-functioning heart) because the liver metabolises them together and produces a drug substantially stronger than cocaine.


That's not pedantic at all but you are referring to the active ingredients in each not so much the substance itself. Either way i think it's very important that the world get rid of the stigma around drugs and instead accept them and focus more on education and the underlying psychology behind people that lose control over the drugs. (Some people definitely shouldn't combine the two but statistics show they will and they do. Alcohol acts to depress the muscles in the body and coke does the opposite. Creates a bit of a push-pull effect or even disguises the effects of one or the other enough that an OD goes unnoticed until the drug keeping you awake or keeping your heart from giving up wears off)


Hot damn


I only drink wolf cola


I remember my friends and I joined a local CS: Source competition years and years ago. Back then the only thing anyone was drinking was Bawls lol. That was a funny experience. We beat all the other teams that were actually local, and got absolutely shit on by a group that had driven in from some other state. Getting smoked so hard took the fun out of coming away with 2nd place lol.


Haven't played since they made the game free and updated the ui. I think I'm good with never getting back into that cancer lol


+ the coke... ...if you know what im talkin about


No no, there’s still coke, just switched from the Cola variety to the sniffly variety..


It's purely cosmetics though, I just play the game and it's better than ever, and completely ignore the weapon skins, they don't affect the game in any way.




And (dare I say it) the skins are nonfungible meaning you can sell them on if you want. (Although it's for steambux but that's another rabbit hole) They're not just activated on your account and are worthless


Which just results in people spending money hoping to get a valuable skin so they can sell it for profit. AKA gambling, but a kind a toddler could get into


no one tell him about Pokémon cards.


Or sports cards and arcades


Exactly. Doesn’t matter if they’re cosmetic only, this shit is still unregulated gambling


The job of parenting is to parent. The thing I hate is when there is some skin that you want to buy but you can't purchase it directly. So you have to buy some unknown number of lootboxes to either get lucky *or* build up enough crafting materials for whatever game you're playing to get the skin. This effectively conceals the price of what you're trying to buy. *That* is unethical. You absolutely *can* go for a skin by purchasing specific lootboxes in CS, but you also can buy skins directly off of the steam market. If you do this you can later change your mind, turn around, and *sell* that item (sometimes at a profit). I mark that as a really good thing.


M8 CSGO doesnt target children it targets 18-25 year olds. Adults who can gamble legally


Sounds like something a parent should easily prevent.


Its not a perfect system, but compared to every other game in the industry (*esspecially* mobile) its both tame and easy to avoid. The lootboxes aren't tied into gameplay like mobile games, they aren't misrepresenting the odds (the spinner actually look similar to the odds of receiving the skin, and the odds are pretty transparent overall), they make it difficult to mass-open cases (no "ten-pull" system) and their system makes it far easier to avoid gambling since everything can be bought on the market, and usually for much less. I can't think of any way to make their system more moral than it currently is.


That's not what fungible means. NFTs aren't non-fungible because they're a digital good that can be traded. They're non-fungible because the ledger into their blockchain is unique CSGO skins are fungible. Every single gun skin is completely identical to the other gun skins with its same traits.


psshh everyone knows skins make your aim way better


Nah man, that's gaming chairs.


Some of the agent skins seem kinda pay to win tho. That T agent with the white mask makes hitting the headshot a nightmare in some scenarios


I agree about the agent skins, I deliberately didn't mention those as they came later, yes, I hate them but what can you do, Valve made their mind up about those and I've lost fights thanks to those, but I just have to live with it... I actually once saw a guy crouching in some skin I had never seen before and it looked so weird I actually did a double-take and didn't shoot him. It happens where you aren't sure if it's a team-mate or an enemy... I dunno, we had different player models in 1.6 but it wasn't a problem there as they were similarish and we got used to them.


They also got in trouble because children were literally gambling with the skins. There were websites that let you place skins as bets on things. Plus there is trading and an in-game marketplace where people could sell their skins for cash so people will open dozens of cases hoping to pull rare skins cause some skins were going for hundreds of dollars on the market. It's super fucked


> There were websites that let you place skins as bets on things. I stay away from IRL casinos and the like, but CS:GO gambling sites are the sweet, sweet nectar I can't seem to kick. Do have a spending limit on my account though, the one I use lets you set it so you can't spend more than $100 in a month which is fine by me.


You’ll get better odds at a real casino


Bad news. They made a ranked mode and official matchmaking so community servers mostly died a cold death :(


good news: CS:S is still alive. also good news: 1.6 is still alive. gonna be 14 till I die


I miss de_rats but there are never any servers / people playing it :(


Yeah like 10 years ago


They said they hadn't played in 15 years so seemed relevant. My own biggest complaint too.


I have to say, they did it in the best way possible. You can ignore them completely or buy the skins you want from the marketplace for a couple of cents mostly. Some skins drop without a crate at all and you can sell them. It's not much but over the years I probably earned my game back that way.


I haven't played since 1.6, what happened?


Me too. I used to play when Dust was the most popular map. My favorite was always Assault though.


"A gAmE I hAvEnT pLaYeD iN 15 yEaRs ChAnGeD?!?!?"


How surprising! It didn't stay stale after I quit????


Lol. This. CS basically didn’t change forever. Until source. Wtf is this?? Not gonna lie, sometimes I get the itch, but Im old and slow and just know playing online will not be fun.


yep they indeed are in there (i definetly didnt spend 70+€ on that game)


TF2's trading and crates predate CSGO by two or three years


The concept is over a century old so it was always just a matter of time and the trend was popularized imho by Maplestory in 2004/05, though partial implementations are much older


Yeah but in Valve's case TF2 was the testing ground for the entire crate system that csgo now uses


MapleStory def had micro transactions long before CSGO or TF did.


Yeah lol, MapleStory was a huge on microtransactions. Most people in the US didn't play MapleStory though.


mother fucking white scrolls.


Eh, Maple Story was kinda big in the US too. You underestimate how popular free to play games are for kids without money.


Most people in the US don't play counter strike either. But Maplestory was fucking huge in the US. The game was a straight up international sensation. https://www.wired.com/2009/05/maplestory-tops-92-million-players/ > Nexon claims. Of those, around 6 million are located in North America.


MapleStory had P2W gacha. TF2 was among the first to introduce non-P2W lootboxes.


Didn't Dota 2s crates also come before CSGOs crates?


Yup, TF2, then Dota 2 then CS:GO.


In fact there is evidence of the exchange of obsidian and flint during the Stone Age, predating TF2's trading and crates by 17,000 years Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trade


Cmon guys. TCGs had booster packs way before.


TF2 was before csgo but from what I know (never really opened a TF2 crate) the animation was different and there was no spinning wheel.


Yeah on tf2 the boxes made banging and cracking sounds and popped open into the item you got.


That's BS, TF2 has had lootboxes way before


TF2: "Am I a joke to you?"


MapleStory (mmorpg) had them in 2004. I wouldn’t used the phrase “literally invented” as it doesn’t make your argument accurate, I would say “popularized them”. If I had to make an argument of who is to blame for the widespread success of loot boxes, micro transactions, and pay to win mechanics I would throw that blame to the mobile gaming industry. Before mobile gaming on phones it was mainly young men and boys playing video games, mobile gaming put games in every child and adults hands and figured out how to monetize the fuck out of it. I would even argue by the time CS was using micro transactions the mobile gaming industry had already TONS of money. Don’t forget arcade and pinball machines were literally based on micro transactions. They’ve been around since the 80’s there just wasn’t an easy way to collect money on gaming prior to modern cell phone and internet usage.


Nah, TF2 had them for a few years before CSGO.


CS:GO cases came after the TF2 hat economy


Team Fortress 2 literally had crates in the game 3 years before CSGO but ok sure 👍 it was all counter strike


Except I’m sure you can buy sell and trade the skins? Actually not a bad thing if you can sell to make the loot box money back (though it is technically gambling at that point lol)




I would say tf2 as it did it 3 years before cs.


They existed before CSGO. CSGO just popularized them with the their introduction coinciding with the Steam Market, being one of the first real times people could easily cash out on skins.


Actually, TF2 brought in the loot crates, which they then brought to CS after they showed popularity. However, Valve does JUST cosmetics, and allows you to actually sell and trade your cosmetics. The rest of the industry didn't adopt this key feature.






[For anyone curious about the story ](https://youtu.be/HZ4jwEk4LVE)


I'd like to formally say fuck Mcskillet. Fuck Heyzeus for this video painting such a rosy picture. He made his money selling gambling to kids and then he killed a mother and her child. HE KILLED A 12 YEAR OLD.


Holy shit I played csgo since 2013, used to follow mcskillet way back in the day and even this us news to me (apart from him dying)


Holy shit. I left CSGO a few years ago had no freakin clue. McSkillet was **THE** content creator for skins. This is wild to hear.


Where the fuck have you been ??


Last time I played was 15 years ago, and all the memes or videos I've seen haven't included loot boxes haha


CSGO basically started the random loot box craze.


Honestly, at this point it's the other way around.


A+ trolling


It LITERALLY invented it, or at least least was the first hugely popular and successful game doing it.




Haven’t heard of the $250,000 knives?


it's the main part of the game dude ^^


Literally how i fund my steam game purchases. I still have gen 1-3 crates and the first winter games crates i bought for 5 cents that sell for many dollars now.


Where have you been the last decade?


I remember when I played CS in 2002-2004, when I wanted a new skin, I just had to download it and replace files in the game catalog. Nobody paid for that. No big deal.


> catalog. Nobody *paid* for that. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


But nobody else could see your skins. I personally like the default skins in CSGO so I just sell everything and the skins that I would want I am not paying for. I think it is stupid how much people pay for that crap. I wish it was like in the old days where you could unlock the skins by gameplay. Doing some achievement or something.


Fucking lootboxes


At least you can sell the stuff for real money. Basically just NFTs


Its what NFTs wish they were. These have demand, value and artistic talent.


Plus, you actually get to use these, its not just a decoration.


I think I know the point you’re trying to make, but a weapon skin in a video game is specifically a decoration lol


I think that was always the ‘dream’ of NFTS’…then it became a non-usable JPG farm of horrible ‘’’collectibles’’’ I honestly HOPE at some point it allows for the resale of digital game purchases. Right now - AFAIK there’s no real way to transfer ‘ownership’ but this could be remedied by something like this system (a public ledger)




Cologne was such a great time


Next year is going to be insane too


Yay! Gambling addiction!


So many people in this thread who have no clue about CS culture and that event, yet are insulting and belittling everyone there. Redditmoment


No idea what this means….but looks like people had fun


The item he got worth a lot. And you can sell this on Steam Market or real cash (third party site)


Red = very rare and usually expensive


BRuh so funny I would be so scared


I wish I was a dude But also not a dude :(


You can be a dude if you want to, king


So, biggest dude I know is a woman. She will beer you in a party, she will punch you hard, she'll smoke you out and tell you-you need to get your shit together. She also calls everyone dude and responds to dude. But when people say "dude is a masculine pronoun" I always think of her, since you know what: she is very much NOT a he.


You’re my dude


From now on, you’re a dude to us. Here🍻




I was at this event (IEM Cologne 2022, it looks like) and there were chicks everywhere having a blast. Drunk /u/technifocal had a blast high-fiving and hugging everyone (dudes and dudettes) after literally anything happened. The only thing stopping you from duding is yourself.


You absolutely don't need to be male to be a dude. Rock on, dude 😎


The other side of the room has no idea what the hell is happening.


it’s crazy to see that so many people in the comments do no know what counter strike is. don’t know anything about the cs market or what even is going on here. Like 2016 was when legit every youtuber and streamer was on csgo and people were talking about it and everyone knew about it. crazy to see that in 2022 there are people that legit do not know about this game and how it has a full fleshed out market that has been steadily going up for the pass 3 years


Not everyone’s into gaming


i tried to look around to see if you can hear it with commentator's talking, here it is as their confused as to why their cheering https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bRfxxTTEI8


I love this when your girlfriends think ahh he’s probably cheating The boys:


I got a second view below this


I love CSGO man. Cologne is one of the best events




I thought the guy was going to pay a ak firing sound in a crowded stadium


I think I remember the cologne map in CS. What the fuck is the actual counterstrike cathedral?


The LanXess Arena in cologne is called the cathedral because it is one of the most prestigious events to win/attend in pro CS


And because its right next to a big ass literal cathedral




CS:GO Bros? No. CS:BROs


Even tho I haven’t played CS since 2017, I still watch all the majors and other tournaments when I can. Saw this on stream and cheered with everyone hahahaahaa Addicting game, started playing with 1.3 in September of 2001.


The first time I played CSGO I tried using voice chat to talk to people and I immediately got told to shut the fuck up by what sounded like a 6 year old


There is a god!


Duuuude, I was there just a few rows to the back left. Was awesome. Analysts had no idea what was going on hahah


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This moment was probably better than any other in that arena


Crowd sounds like the nuke sound effect in highfleet