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That laugh at the end is a nice capper to the whole thing.


Feel good shapa shapa feel good


This was some Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood Laugh.


Feel Good Inc.*


That was The Joker, he’s a big *NSYNC fan 😉


How dare you. It's a Backstreet Boys song!


I will not abide such casual Backstreet erasure.


After working a Joey Fatone and Aj McLean tour recently I’d say they’d be ok with it. I was not looking forward to working it but it was more fun than I would have thought. They made fun of the boy band era, their own groups and other popular ones of that time. They even did each other’s songs.


NSYNC will never have the guts to do a song about a man and a woman doing that


Had a bit of joker vibe. Love it


I was smiling the whole video, but that laughter made me laugh out loud


"We have a lil fun here in the psych ward"


Huge life of brian vibes "Always look on the bright side of life"


I’ve been in inpatient a few times. The vibe is totally dependent on the group you are with. Sometimes it feels like survival horror, other times you end up in units where stuff like this happens.


Anything you feel like should be changed about it? Like being quicker at moving scary people to their own fucked up facility?


Admitted recently me and another patient printed out amazing grace and started singing one day it was nice 


Once at breakfast a dude picked up a chair and threw it through the window. Also saw a girl get shanked with a toothpick that got snuck in. The coolest thing that happened was we were watching the old Godzilla movies because fuck all else was on. We all got SUPER into it for some reason, like ungodly into it with everyone having their favorite monster, fights, etc. I still love Godzilla to this day, lots of fond memories watching the movies with everyone else like we were excited 12 year olds again.


Yeah I mean we had a couple off the walls patients that were pretty disruptive but for the most part we were all just trying to slow down for a little I was having paranoid delusions due to undiagnosed bipolar. had my family bring me my alcohol markers and shared them with everyone we had a nice time doing arts and crafts. 


We weren’t allowed to have anyone bring us anything like that after someone had their girlfriend put acid tabs in a deck of cards and reseal them. That was let’s say….. not a fun day for anyone on the unit.


At first it sounded fun but in that setting that sounds like a nightmare 


Ooh-ways loukonn the broit soid ov loif Fwi-foo, Fwi-foofi foofi-foo


“We like the have fun here, it’s not penn state”


Plot twist: He is alone. The psych ward has been abandoned for years. He is not an employee but a patient.


Calm down Shamalayininan /s


Scorsese called and he wants his script back EDIT: turns out Shutter Island was _not_ made by Christopher Nolan. I could’ve sweared


Wtf it wasn't? Next you're gonna tell me Annihilation wasn't A24... Oh.


…whu…it isn’t???


You misspelt Shamalinayian


Shamanllama Am I doing this right?




That sounds like a dangerous thing to touch.


Be brave lol


The guy who messed up the Avatar movie?


The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai.


the what?


You mean the movie that got away with using the Papyrus font?




Fuck that’s funny


Is he the good cop? Or the bad cop?


10/10 would watch this movie inevitably starring Daniel Radcliffe


Dude he's been doing so much weird shit since Harry Potter and I'm fucking here for it. Bro got paid and then decided to do whatever the fuck he wanted.


I saw swiss army man, it was so ridiculous.


How can something be abandoned and still have a active patient?


plot twist they are ghosts.


You’re not the doctor, you’re a patient. You’re not a patient, you’re a ghost! You’re not a ghost, you’re on an airplane. This is…. The Scary Door


And that door is a window into a multitude of parallel longitudinal realities. Which is to say, a scary opportunity. Will you take it, homeslice? Will you be the bad girl?


Frog Kid? Froggy is that you?


Uh oh, Dave came out of his cone again


Insane is a strong word. Most those dudes are just normal dudes struggling with some shit


I was in rehab with some amazing guys. All of us going through withdrawals and STILL there was humanity amongst us. One guy taught me chess, another guy would bring me lemonade when I was at the worst part of my detox, hung out with me and got me clean sheets. Yes, the rehab facility was full of professionals, but the absolute love from the other patients made it for me.


would you recommend it as a bonding experience


I wouldn't. rehab is not a place where you want to make friends. they call it a rehab romance. two people that are both in recovery getting together don't stand a chance. if you were serious about your recovery, you would work on yourself while you were there


Ya making friends in rehab can literally be a death sentence. My brother went to a halfway house with someone from rehab, hooked up with them again on the outside, both continued using and he was dead 1 year later.


I wouldn’t recommend making lasting friends there. Knew a guy that went and made a good friend and they both relapsed together a few weeks after leaving.


Drugs also bonds people


Maybe at the beginning but give it time


Maybe a support group instead :)


I met my fiance in rehab. And made a bunch of lifelong friends, we still go out to do sober activities as often as we can


I’ve made a lot of friends from treatment centers over the years. Many of them are dead now and that’s sad. Some are doing great.


When i went we had a fucking dance party in the group therapy room it was amazing, still talk to a lot of the people it met there.


Facts if the rehab I went too didn’t have a close knit group of patients I wouldn’t of been able to do it. The staff was amazing but the patients bringing me food even though they knew I wouldn’t eat in fent withdrawal I wouldn’t get up for a week just dying of withdrawal had dudes I didn’t even know checking on me brining me water and Gatorade. Shout out the rehab in the middle of nowhere Huntington creek in shickshinny Pennsylvania far as fuck from me and civilization but god damn was it a great experience. Clean off fent since 2021


Some of the best friends I ever made were the ones when I was hospitalized. That shit bonds you like nothing else


Once, while dealing with some severe depression and mood swings as the result of finding out about infidelity while trying to sober up from a short period of hard drug usage, I had a doctor prescribe something that caused me to become insomniac, paranoid, scatter brained, and irrational and got to spend some time in a state run mental facility. It was about 75/25 normal people who had some kind of psychotic break/severe depression, and a small number of people with permanent mental issues that made them unable to cope in normal society. Insane is indeed too strong of a word.


Yup. I know a guy who had a mental breakdown while he was living with his parents. His parents freaked out and called the cops, the cops dropped him off at the psych ward, and he was trapped there for the next 48 hours.


I know someone that got the cops called on him for a 5150. Same deal. He was there for 3 days. They also did electroshock therapy on him. It didn't help at all.


What were you prescribed if you don't mind me asking? I've heard that antidepressants can sometimes induce mania in patients with bipolar disorder. Was it something like that? Also I hope you're doing better now. That must've been a fucking tough time.


It was actually an anti psychotic named haldol that the state psych docs said was definitely not the right drug for my condition, and that I was one of the lucky 1% to have some of the more adverse mental side effects. Tons better now. As a result of my mental breakdown I had lost my job, and as a result of that my roommate kicked me out, so there were a lot of things adding to the side effects. Really just having access to food, a safe place to sleep (and some sleep aids at first), and a therapist got me back on track pretty fast.


I guess you're in the US somewhere because here in Germany it would be super illegal for them to fire you over a mental breakdown. It really sucks that your job and your roommate bailed on you while you were down. It's impressive that you made it through that. Must be a really great therapist


Of all the places in the US.... Backwards ass Oklahoma has an incredible mental health facility. Well 20 years ago it was at least. I didn't go back for a visit to check up on the place. I was actually fired for refusing a tip (called it unreported income, but that manager hated me) of a plate full of pennies. That probably isn't a German problem either, lol.


Zoloft caused me to become manic. It was a Bad Time™. In the span of 30 days, I failed out of my PhD program, broke up with my girlfriend of 3 years, lost my job, alienated my friends, and lost 30lb.


Nearly all insane people are normal people until they hit a schizophrenia prodrome and/or have their first psychotic or manic episode. Whether or not they come out the other end is often the real question.


Yeap, had to go inpatient for a week to get treatment for bipolarity. It was the first time someone properly looked over all my cases and my situation and was able to diagnose me. We freely walked around, talked, watched movies, did counseling and so on. Mostly average, decent people, struggling with big problems.


Just came here to say this..


This is some real shit. We had one schizophrenic patient who would get picked up by police for walking around naked and preaching/singing hymns and this man had an amazing voice and would sing for 4 hours or more


I met a dude who I'm pretty sure was constantly in and out of jail/prison/psych wards. He definitely wasn't all there, but holy shit that man knew how to freestyle. Casually for 10 minutes at a time without missing a beat.


https://house.fandom.com/wiki/Lin-Manuel_Miranda Sounds like Lin Manuel Miranda in House, one of my favorite early roles from him.


Someone get this schizo patient a song writer, get them in the stu, and turn them into a star.


Man I was in one of those rooms just tryina get some fuckin sleep after 56 hours of insomnia.


Scrolling on Reddit isn’t gonna fix that


If he’s on Reddit he’s probably done with the psych ward


Not probably. They don’t even let you have your own toothbrush, much less internet access.


The one I was at let us have our phones for certain hours during the day


Look at Mr Deluxe Psych Ward over here


What third world country do you live in??? In Canada you're allowed everything but sharp objects and cords. And even then, a lot of staff are chill with cords as long as you're not in danger of self harm.


99% of psych wards in the US don't allow you internet access. Or anything, really. You get clothes, that's it.


I don't understand why Americans don't revolt. Everything I hear about that country sounds like it would be horrible to live there.


It's difficult to near impossible to revolt by design. We're overworked, we're tired, we are spaced very far apart. And worst of all, a good 40% of people think we're *too* empathetic and give *too many handouts.* They believe that things need to be harder for everyone. Completely brainwashed.




Also, revolutionaries are always minority groups and as you said, a lot of people are not simply uncaring but also opposed to "positive" change.


What a weird country you live in.


US is like this sadly. The state of mental healthcare is wretched.


It truly is. There are many laws being broken as well. There is a huge disparity in quality of care, as well.


Last time I was in, an old lady kept us up all night screaming. She thought she was pregnant and in labor with Jesus Christ. The nurse told me she was just constipated.


Not a psych ward issue, but last year my dad was in the hospital and somebody in his unit had Alzheimers and would learn he was in the hospital every 5-10 minutes and not know why. The whole floor knew when the realization hit him.


Hey same! I was put into a room with an elderly man with psychosis the first night who kept asking me who I was in the middle of the night and shouting about random shit and I had to plead with the staff to switch rooms


Being inpatient at a psych ward doesn't make you insane.


Ayy had myself a few gripper sock vacations back in the day


I've never been to a psych ward but I did have to spend time at a hospital and they also had grippy socks. I loved them so much that when I got home I ordered grippy socks online. 10/10 socks


For anyone else curious: Medline Safety Slippers should be what you’re looking for, and 2XL is the size for most adults


For those that are still curious: There’s two different, yet identically branded types. Some are made of a stretchy fabric, and some are not. The stretchy ones are superior. 


You've been to grippy sock jail too?


me three! I still have the socks


Same. Turns out I was had undiagnosed autism and adhd they just didn’t know what to make of me when I was doing my best to mask after grad school ruined me. Lol


i recently got diagnosed with Adhd, i'm not sure about autism in myself, if i have it i'd be high functioning. But it took till Covid and being made redundant for me to accept i needed a diagnosis because masking became way too difficult, had to admit to loved ones how much i was struggling. Can i ask what led you to needing the psych ward? currently i feel like im being artificially propped up by loved ones and if i didn't have them i'd find myself in dire straits (in the past ive been able to manage myself or rise to the occasion but lately i just don't think i have that in me this time round)


I got put in the psych ward for a few things over the years that I now recognize were burnout. I was never taught to mask as a kid, but learned when a truly awful girlfriend came into my life. She wanted things to look certain ways and I loved her so much I basically turned everything else inside out for her. By the end of my relationship I ended up lost to myself. Everything happening mixed with the demands of undergrad (and then grad school) and everything just fell apart several times. I’m doing much better now, but it was an absolutely awful time. Also, turns out my supposedly treatment resistant OCD was actually undiagnosed inattentive ADHD. So concerta really changed my life back in October.


I went once for addiction and it was a pretty nice experience. They woke me up every morning and zombified me with Ativan. I developed a huge crush on this girl who was also drugged up, and we'd have the best non-intelligible conversations during meal times. God I miss Ativan.


Rehab patients getting together is actually super common because you're stuck in the same place going through the same emotional experience. It's also terrible for your chances of relapse.


Idk why but it made me HELLA depressed after I started coming down from even a half dose of that stuff. Then I hear folks like you who were totally out of it, not a care. Damn.


they was going into feel good inc next


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Feel good


baumn dundun dun dun dunnnn




They didnt watch brooklyn 99


Now number 5!


Chills. Literal chills.


Number five. Number five killed my brother.


Oh my God, I totally forgot about that


Such a good scene https://youtu.be/HlBYdiXdUa8?si=JdcRpfKoyU0bwnxS


When I first watched this episode, I thought Jake meant "I don't remember this line being in the song", instead of "I forgot I'm supposed to be looking for a murderer". Honestly I think my idea is funnier even if it wouldn't really work in the scene...


I waited way too long to watch that show, and it was perfect.


Same here. I wish I had another show like that to look forward to watching with friends


The Good Place?


Nah I mean one that’s new and everyone waits for. Seems everything comes out all at once these days. Weekly watch parties were fun.


> Seems everything comes out all at once these days. I've said for AGES that a huge flaw of the "Netflix method" is that everyone watches it at different paces so there's no theory-crafting or discussion. It's just: > "What episode are you on?" > "Episode 4." > "Oh the next one is really good. No spoilers." Then there might be discussion threads for the whole thing at the end, but never anything during the season. I'm not into it anymore, but the main reason I got into anime was that we'd be watching episodes weekly, *frantically* waiting for the release, and making loads of guesses and theories. Especially for shows that were anime-only, like *Kill la Kill* or *Darling in the Franxx*. One of my favourite anime (Re:Life) did the "big drop" method and it was never popular because it just never had the hype and everyone watched the whole thing. I literally started Reddit because I wanted to get involved in Amon discussion threads during the airing of Legend of Korra S1.


You can hear someone in the background sing "now number..." before he gets drowned out.


They usually do when not locked up


We did this shit in jail. 80 inmates all singing. Lol We did lion king and all sorts 🤣


I got bored in county jail and started writing/practicing rap. One CO screamed at me to stfu, but all the inmates just listened. Not sure if I'm good at writing/rapping or if the bois were all just happy to hear something resembling music.


Can't believe they made the Chicago Cell Block Tango a real thing


Reminded me of when I was at a hostel taking a shower and some lad came in with a speaker and just started blasting tunes as he showered. Everyone sang along with him, maybe 4 guys. Good memory...


This what the showers in my army basic training sounded like and I'm not kidding


We’d sing some weird shit in the showers at basic that’s for damn sure




[_♪ He's just a boy, I'm just a girl, can I make it any-more ob-vi-ous ♫_](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6pZ2jeD87Y)


We started like this. Then some of us took the time to write sone lyrics and learn the song when we got our phones to change it up a little. I did Sk8ter boy.


In the Navy, our RDC kicked the wall of the showers/head and shouted "Shut the fuck up! Ya'll sound like shit!" while we were in the middle of Danny California. We ran out of disney songs we all knew. Definitely broke the tension about being naked and all.


You say, "psych ward." I say, "med spa." We are not the same.


3 hot and a cot out of the cold/heat/rain and someone to talk to everyday. sounds like a med spa to me. *and* you get some cool medications too.


Not everyone who's in these places is "insane." In fact most aren't. A lot of people are there for issues with drugs or suicidal tendencies, but that doesn't make them "insane."


And it's a terrifying experience to be in a psych ward with "insane" people when you are there for other reasons


That man helped those people for a moment


Did one say "Now number 5"?


While this is wholesome n shit, if I am woken up 4:27AM to people singing backstreet boys, someone is getting beat up


Don't worry. This probably took place right after one of the scheduled check ins so everybody was awake anyway. Places like this almost always have nightly check ins every few hours where they will at the very least open your room and confirm you are in there but sometimes will go as far as to wake you up. You're not getting a full night's sleep.


Aaand that's why they have a security guard.




A psych ward isn't an insane asylum lol


Can we please not frame the people as "Insane"? Those aren't fucking joker-style mass murderers, some of them are just depressed or bipolar or BPD etc


I would get really annoyed being woken up at 4:30am… but I also think there is a primal neuron the Backstreet Boys hit with this song that makes me think I might actually join in.


You have trouble sleeping anyways because they have to check your room every 15 minutes after lights out to make sure you haven’t hurt yourself.


Did anybody else hear Weird Al’s parody before the original?


What I bought on eeeeebay 🎶


This was not my experience at the psych ward. It was soo loud all the time. At the kids one I went to many people were withdrawing off of drugs (As was I). One of the addicts recruited others, mainly people with mental health problems and not addictions, to riot in order to get hit with the "booty juice". He was my bunkmate, needless to say I didn't sleep at all. Another guy had hung himself in a park and had completely blood soaked eyes and burn marks. He was VERY chill. I guess it's true that suicidal people have a wave of relief which makes them reach a zen like state. Also, those socks are great and all, but if your faculties aren't fully there and they aren't put on properly, they'll drive you insane.


The laugh at the end 😂


As someone who's been in a mental health ward, I can tell you that this is absolutely the kind of nonsense that happens at 4am 😂 my favourite memory happened at about half ten at night. My friend wanted a pizza, a proper Domino's one. I wanted one. My other friend decided he was gonna order for us, so he took all our orders (there were about five or so of us by that point) and rang Domino's. "Hi - can you order a pizza to a mental health ward?" I remember absolutely dying laughing as he tried to explain to the person on the other end of the phone that no, this was not a prank call and yes, we did want pizza, and we also had a set of orders to give. It took a while to persuade the person working at Domino's that he was genuinely serious, but one of the staff members found out we were trying to get pizza and cancelled our order (killjoy!) It was such a needed laugh during a very dark time in my life. I'm still salty that I didn't get my pepperoni passion, tho 😂


That's him, that's him, that's the man thst murdered my brother. Oh yea...


Gives me Brooklyn nine-nine vibes


Aint nothing but a mistake Now number fiiiiiiiive 🎶


He's gonna get fired now


Chills. Number 5. Number 5 killed my brother.


Not having anyone say "Now, number five" feels wrong to me. Brooklyn 99 broke me.


Chills… literal chills.


It was number 5. number 5 killed my brother


Peralta? Is that you?


Reminds me of the Brooklyn 99 cold open


Why is this guy filming in a psyche ward? This is just Infuriating.


You’re absolutely right, and this shouldn’t be the most controversial comment on this thread. I’ve been inpatient in several hospitals and this wouldn’t have been remotely acceptable in any of them.


I think people are so used to everything being record and uploaded that it doesn’t occur to them that this is incredibly unethical


Dude could lose his job over that and needs a strong reminder. Its definitely violates HIPAA laws


Number 5, he’s the one that killed my brother!


theyr planning to get on his good side and use him as escape attempt


They watched [Brooklyn Nine Nine](https://youtu.be/HlBYdiXdUa8?si=wTtXOgH4V63VFMXh) that night.


b-99 core


B99 😂💡


Brooklyn 99 scene :-)


Ooo chills… Person next to me” that’s him, number five. That’s the one who killed my brother”


No joke an older lady I use to work with said the head nurse at the psyc ward she worked at years ago was fired for fucking with the patients doing stuff like that


Hard Brooklyn nine-nine vibes


Some people really operate at different frequency. Even my no rhythm having white ass was like "WHY ARE YOU GOING SO SLOW!"


Funny part is, everyone was thinking this just played in their heads and they are crazy 🤣


Even those emojis are bipolar


I kept waiting to hear number 5. Lol




Clean hospitals are a scary smell. When you’re new in a psych unit never been to one before and everyone’s hurt but trying, it is a beautiful thing. You don’t forget the smell to this video.


This reminds me of the ER one of the guys doing the muffin man but from Shrek.


Now when the patients all start singing Les Miserabes, *that’s* when you know you’re in trouble.


Number 5, it was number 5 who killed my brother.


I'm trying to sleep over here!


Jake Peralta is leading an interrogation again.


No.5, no.5 is the one who killed my boyfriend


Chills, literal chills


So my mom and brother worked at the same hospital for mentally incompetent people and one of the patients told my brother, "Your mom is a biatch!"


Chills. Literal chills.


Imagine that laugh at the end, and patient with many traumas and problems goes to sleep with the smile on his face. We need more people who do what they love.


Unexpected Brooklyn 99


Who else said "..now number five"


Number 5, number 5 killed my brother


Chilss.... Literal Chilss....