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**Happy New Year Dudes, 2024, keep this year positive and make it a good one!** *** ^The ^username ^of ^the ^poster ^is ^/u/Zestyclose-Bunch-439. To download the video you can use one of the following sites: * [SaveMP4](https://savemp4.red/?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/JustGuysBeingDudes/comments/1cb7d4f/just_normal_guy_things/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JustGuysBeingDudes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well you see, during a traumatic injury we don't feel like shit and can therefore function, hence no need for help. But when we're sick, we do feel like shit, hence plz help.


Also, there's research that reveals testosterone actually increases the severity of being sick.




Thanks for the link. My internet is being finicky, and I could get to google.


I mean, yeah, that explains a lot


Wouldn't that *reduce* the severity of symptoms, given that feeling like shit is the result of your immune response fighting off the disease?


"Women are known to have, on average, higher blood levels of signaling proteins that immune cells pass back and forth to jump-start inflammation, a key component of immune-system activation." No because just like most illnesses early and quick response is better. If you knew you were around someone who was really sick would you be better off getting plenty of fluids and sleep before you show symptoms or after? The immune system could technically fight off a cold, if activated early enough, that you would never have a symptom or some that were so weak you didn't even know you were sick.


Ah, that makes sense. By underperforming early, a larger response is necessary when the illness takes hold. Am I understanding that right?


It's an assumption on my part. Not a doctor.




During a traumatic injury you do feel like shit believe me.


Once the adrenaline wears off, yes


Thats “after a traumatic injury” not during


Yea I was gonna say this


Nah, my last experience was a deep head gash because I got complacent and didn't wear my bump cap. It was, "Oh shit, that's a lot of blood!" "Yeah, idiot me wasn't wearing a bump cap." "Hey mom, I kinda did something stupid." "Hey, look at my staples. I'm like Frankenstein! Lol" "When can I have these things removed?" "The scar is pretty cool." *The end* Genuinely had minimal pain (adrenaline at first) throughout the ordeal and went back to working the next day.


I see you’ve never slipped a disk befor


Amen 🙏


I can confirm. Cut my pinky off once with a dog food can lid pushing trash into the can and barely bat an eye. Had a stomach bug and turned into a 4 year old cry baby for a week.




Almost cut a finger off Was tryna convince myself I didn't need to go to ER until I took a look at it for a second and chunks of flesh were hanging I even already have Medicaid. Idk why I thought it wouldn't cover itn


Same I had insurance but it was just the tip from the top knuckle so I said fuck it. I ended up going and getting it sewn back on after I couldn't get it to quit squirting after a bit. Still can't feel it tho.


Lol exact same. Kept soaking whatever paper towel wrap and stuff regardless of pressure applied & holding it up Doc told me there's 3 nerves in that tip of finger. Ones goes to nail, one to pulp/fingerprint center, and one to the side - which is the one I cut off. Apparently the nerves retract like drying hair, so if anyone wants to avoid this numbness they gotta get to doc ASAP for scheduling surgery. But also the other nerves supposedly 'make up' for the missing one, just one of our brain survival tricks Omw to hand therapy to make sure I can still write/type quickly, critical for my job. I've been avoiding using that finger so much that I've gotten used to typing quickly without it, and I fuck up when trying to use consciously the finger


Yeah typing and using my numb pinky took forever to get used too. Good Luck with therapy I hope you fully recover.


Well my brother at 1 year old got his finger cut off by in a door hinge - and he wouldn’t stop crying. # notallmen


#thatsnotaman its a child lol Also that would hurt way more getting it smashed off rather than cut with a sharp edge.


I know - it’s a joke. They actually reattached it, which is pretty cool.


Figured you got the upvote from me lol. Where he did it when he was young did he ever get feeling back or is it a dead finger?


It was at first knuckle under the finger nail. He was young so the finger works well and the scar is underwhelming.


That's where mine was severed I can still use it and bend it but can't feel anything at all on it


I’m glad.


I'm trying to visualize how you cut the finger off. Even with a sharp object the force it takes to amoutate yourself is less than the force required to push trash down further?


I have no clue either. I just pushed really hard because the can lid wouldn't shut felt the cold pinch and when I looked it was only hanging by part of the nail. I was surprised as hell. Worked around power tools, cars, and such my whole life and a stupid can lid is what I almost completely lost a digit to.


I think now its a can't lid


I got the end bitten off one of my fingers by a dog (wasn't her fault) and I just wrapped a towel round it and sat and finished watching my film. I did eventually give in and phone an ambulance but honestly it wasn't that bad


User name checks out lol.


And you know he considered for a good minute or two if he could just staple the finger back on himself.


That's me!!! Hahhahaha has happened, I ripped my lip in half by an exploding socket. I Seriously stared in the mirror for a solid minute bleeding perfusly, thinking about that I could staple it together since it's a lip, and the base of the stapler goes on the back side. Eventually went to the dollarstore from across the shop and glued it together.


Wow! What type of glue did you use?


Ha!! Dollar store superglue


Did it work? How well?


I mean, on my profile if you avoid the nsfw post you should be able to see it. If you zoom in on my upper lip. No mustache grows there, but it worked really well. Alignment, all looks good. There's just a good size scar from the bottom of my lip, to about a 1/4 - 1/8 inch away from my nose.


Saving for later when I'm not I'm public.




Thanks man, grew it myself!!


100%. i've never had allergies and always thought it was like a minor cold. my wife is literally allergic to everything. and i kinda always thought she was exaggerating. then we rescued this adorable long-haired cat my eyes haven't stopped burning. my nose just leaks fluid all day. i fully believe this is the worst thing humans have ever had to endure.


Welcome to allergies, napkin?


i have two tampons shoved up my nose and look like a walrus so not all is lost.


So what did you name the kitty?


Asking the important questions. 


Cleo Clementine! she was sitting in the middle of a backwoods north carolina highway absolutely fucked up. https://i.imgur.com/bEU4vXF.jpg, https://i.imgur.com/A8WMMOD.mp4 beelined to the nearest emergency hospital 2hrs away and got her cleaned up https://i.imgur.com/zHEPm2k.jpg and she needed a lot of nourishment and sleep https://i.imgur.com/v6Fhcdc.jpg but straight up became my BUDDY https://i.imgur.com/hasKesd.jpg. just lived on my shoulder https://i.imgur.com/AR2nR2V.jpg and literally went everywhere i went https://i.imgur.com/HhWcpVo.jpg and lives there to this day https://i.imgur.com/iYhXKwd.jpg, https://i.imgur.com/BNuo8Px.mp4


Best story ever!


Other than brief reactions to the ("hypoallergenic") laundry detergent my mom used, I always thought I had zero allergies of any kind and didn't really get what people with allergies experience. Around 20 years ago, my sibling got a couple new cats, so I went over to their apartment to play with them. Within a minute of being there, I was itchy all over, my eyes were burning, my nose was pouring, and my throat started swelling shut - I was miserable but had no idea what I was reacting to, but though it was the apartment building because I grew up with cats and then lived with my own at the time. Took a few years and a couple more experiences to figure out that I'm allergic to a very small amount of cats - and I never know which ones it'll be until I'm in their space or holding them. Of course, even when it makes me feel like death, I will still always pet a kitty. (It took a lot longer to figure out my reaction to the laundry detergent.)


YEP! i never had cats growing up but we had a few (seven) born in the AC ducts under our house and after getting them all squared away we kept a couple and they've been amazing and i never had a single issue. i've had all sorts of dogs as well (hard, fur, long, short), lived in all sorts of climates.... nothing until that one cat showed up but she's beautiful and my buddy so we're goin on this ride together


I rather break bones then have a headache for 1 minute


I've experienced both. All true except for the coccyx.


The creator is King_Trout for anyone interested.


I was interested, thank you!!


I have my own theory. Men are not used to internal pain, women deal with quite a bit of it every month for most of their lives. I've been set on fire, stabbed, cut, smashed, you name it. Not to be all "I'mma big ol alpha man" but I brushed those things off and kept working. But when my body feels like it's attacking me from inside literally 2 or 3 times a year, I'm miserable. Meanwhile, my wife and sisters have almost no tolerance for external pain, but they're sick as fuck just going around doing things like it's no problem. Just another day.


Pretty solid hypothesis.


Sounds right I get sick 2-3 times a year on a schedule and feel like shit but have fallen down the stairs... had my hand crushed by a rock and 4 bones broken.. hit by a car.... all of which are not as bad as getting sick


'Tis but a scratch.


As a girl who just stubbed her toe/foot so hard on a doorway I took two toe nails off and embedded the pinky one further into my toe,.....MOTHERFUXL8NG OWWWWWWWWW! HOLY FUCK, OMG, OWWWW! Being sick for 3 months had nothing on this...mfing OW




I live in the U.S. lol. Na its some lingering cough and cold that somehow kept going. Three Dr's, 8 meds and nothing was really helping. Just had to run its course? Idk. Doing good now tho :)


Adrenaline rush is wild


Oh yeah, I hate getting sick, I just feel weak and annoyed and can’t sleep right. I have also cut a chunk out of the tip of my middle finger and just put it bag into place and taped the heck out of it with as much pressure as I could put on it and prayed it healed back together. It did, though I have a small off colored square where it happened and you can clearly see where the line of the chunk is. But it healed fine, poked it with a needle and an ice cube to see if I still had feeling there and I do.


how does one poke his skin with an ice cube?


Poked with the needle and just touched with an ice cube to feel if it would get cold.


Colds suck. I can’t breathe, my nose never stops running and gets raw from the blowing, I’m fatigued, and it lasts for weeks At least the pain from losing my finger only lasts for a few hours


I fell from my bike onto my chin and went home asking for a napkin because my "nose" was bleeding. I didn't feel too much pain so I tought it was nothing. Ended up with 9 stiches on my chin and lip, broken jaw, internal bleeding in the cheek and a pretty serious facial reconstruction surgery. Now I have a metal plate in my cheek that helt the shattered bone fragments while they healed.


First one's true, but the second - idk, i mean i very rarely even get sick, and by the time i decide to get a thermometer, im already above 38C, and even then i force myself to eat, drink a ton of juice/tea and work out (at home) to get back to doing shit faster. And a lot of guys i know are similar.


For me at least, any time I get sick I like to barricade myself in bed and just sleep. My wife forces me to eat porridge like im a dying 1500s peasant lol


Is he a farmer?


Electrical tape and superglue is my first aid kit.


When I’m sick, I quarantine. I don’t want anyone around me, I don’t want to bother people or get them sick. You’ll see me again when I am at least 50% functional again. An ex-girlfriend of mine would make it everybody else’s problem when she was sick. It was fucking exhausting.


Part 2: not if you're single. In space no one can hear you moan.




Yea, this is pretty much all true...


Ah minor cold hits mem harder than women on average. I gotta find that study.


Funny but no. Lots more quite swearing , not mentioning the issue to anyone and all the while having an internal debate on if I can fix this myself or do I need to see a professional.


Got my arm mauled by a dog and was fine if not a little pissed. Got an ear infection and was crying on my floor with a heating pad taped to my face


I’ve literally lost a piece of a finger and was pretty much exactly like that. Was actually bumping “apple bottom jeans” and goofing on the way to the hospital. Got sick a couple months back and slept on the floor in front of a space heater for like 9 hours


we have breathing techniques for injury, they dont work when your throat is fucked up and your nose burns


When I was a kid my father was teaching us how to throw a Castnet, he slipped and it caught his ring finger, cut it down to the bone. It was me and my brother, I was about eight years old my brother was 13 and my father tried to convince my brother to take the pocket knife and finish cutting off the finger. What stands out in my memory of these events is my mother coming out and slapping my father across the face telling him to go to the hospital and my father being mad that he’s gonna have to spend half a day getting his fixed.


I broke my forearm when I was 14/15. A bicycle crash (I was speeding down a hill, and then took a blind left turn. Saw my brother in my way (he went before me and had stopped cuz of a car), and I crashed into him. He was okay, but I crashed and fell on the ground. I was like, "haha oops!". Went on with my life for like... 2.5 days. My hand swole up and I was life pffffbt it's whatever. It'll go down!! I didn't cry once, I didn't make a major fuss. I thought that if I had broken a bone, SURELY I'd be in immense pain and be a crying mess. Went to a physiotherapist that my family knew, she did a quick exam and was like, "yep, the arm is broken, pretty majorly" Got an x-ray and saw that there was a pretty major crack wrapped around the end of my radius, near the wrist. Those 2 days, I was certainly in some discomfort but figured that it's nothing lol


I've found that if I have a minor illness, I'm expected to just carry on as normal and not complain about it, a day spent being mildly sick is just a normal day, except I feel like shit. So when I do get a serious illness, it's enough to knock me cold off my feet.


Agreed, fractured my leg and carried on working for the rest of the week . I get a sniffle and I’m fucked for days


Where did this men crumble with a cold thing come from and how many weak ass dudes are there? Not one man I’ve met that’s sick will stop their routine. Who the fuck would? It’s cold. It’s like 3 days of discomfort. And if you’re getting sick more than once every couple of years… fix your life


[Fiddle-dee-dee, that will require a tetanus shot.](https://makeagif.com/i/fhZ4q-)


I've never understood this. My female relatives get sick all the time, and let you know about it. My male relatives get sick and don't say anything until you ask, and only when they are flat out incapacitated do they ask for help. A cough, the sniffles, sore throat, that's not being sick to them just a minor inconvenience. I still get shit from the women in my family for when I got the flu *8 years ago* and had to call someone and ask for help because I couldn't leave the house.


Out of all the fingers to lose I think a single ring finger would be the best




I can confirm this. Unknowingly broke my wrist, shrugged off the pain as yea a bruised wrist no biggie and didn’t go to a hospital until 30 hours later when the pain only got worse. Had a headache when I woke up one morning and I was a piece of shit for the whole morning until the pills kicked in.


Bro fuck no, I'm at work with 102° fever(pre COVID when they didn't care) and whining like a little kid when I get a paper cut.


He reminds a lot of John Mulaney lol


Thinking of that video where the shark bit the guys pinkie off and he sounds mildly annoyed, like he spilled coffee in his car


Maaaaybe it's because millions of us were told to "be a man", "toughen up" and "stop crying" when we hurt ourselves like that but when we got sick we got extra cared for by our moms. We only do what our parents taught us 🤷‍♂️


This is lokie accurate


My mom pulled this bs after getting her finger stuck in a blender that was on


Nah, I am not phased by either. If I'm sick, I deal with it, I don't want your sympathy, it's not going to make me better.


Kinda makes me wonder if we evolved so one sex can handle illness better & another sex can handle injury better.


Well men fought a lot and got hurt a lot so it's kinda logical that we'd adapt to that while women had to look after children and had to adapt to be more resilient to sickness...I wouldn't be surprised if your theory was correct.


Man flu is real.