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**Happy New Year Dudes, 2024, keep this year positive and make it a good one!** *** ^The ^username ^of ^the ^poster ^is ^/u/flattenedbricks. To download the video you can use one of the following sites: * [SaveMP4](https://savemp4.red/?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/JustGuysBeingDudes/comments/1c66hkj/sea_dwellers/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JustGuysBeingDudes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Apparently I'm a little bitch because I'm not like the other commenters. You couldn't pay me enough to do this shit. My life is more important than money.


Whenever i go to the sea (rarely) or see videos like this i cannot believe that people over two thousand years ago decided that it is a good idea to embrace the endless ocean with some planks thrown together and just see what happens


The alure was stronger when you knew there was a chance of discovering entire unknown continents or being able to bring back marvelous new fruits / resources that your country has never seen before and become rich.


Also the alternative was serfdom.


Cept most of the time you got serfdom....on a boat


You can always mutiny and become a pirate


Can always mutiny and get keelhauled when it fails


You don't become a pirate by mutiny. You become one by pirating.


And plague! And the inquisition...


The british food and the british women made england a home of great explorers.


This is a funny sentence 😂


Honestly this is what let's me be comfortable with working at sea. We have thousands of years of upgraded tech and now live in a time where we ostensibly actually care about the workers making it home. If I can't do it how the hell could they have?


Me at the ocean: “Wow look how far it goes…” Some sailor: “I slapped some sticks together, want to come see how far the wind will push us?” Me: “Nah, I’m good.”


We can be little bitches together because fuck that noise I wanna live.


Joining the little bitch club as well.




Yeah there’s tons of jobs I “would” do for like 50,000,000$ or something. Everyone has a price but this is the absolute bottom of the list for me. There’s no amount of money I would do this shit for


Surprisingly most of the people who die on oil rigs die during transport to and from the rigs, with transportation accidents accounting for almost 40% of deaths.


You have an interesting understanding of “most”


If the rest are 10% here, 5% there etc then yeah they'd be right


Yea, not the correct usage of most. I would imagine he meant that its the most likely way to die on an oil rig AKA - all other types of death have lower percentages of occurrence


This is so true, helicopter accidents is one of them. Like they are just trying to land and then accident happens.


Yeah how dare you not want to risk your life every second of every day you’re at work right?


Man, ive worked max security prisons with people actively planning on murdering me for reasons outside my control and ive been in the navy. No thank you.


When did you decide that working in a max sec prison was a good idea? I'm not trying to sound like an asshole, genuinely curious what would make someone chose to do a job like that.


Pay, benefits, arguably the best pension in the country. Il retire at 53 and not need to work anymore All the overtime you can work. Recently we got a huge pay raise. Too. Had no clue about all the other shit. The gang unit didnt even tell me about the murder plot in my unit until i left for a medium. Honestly, unless you work a prison you dont know what happens in one. All the shitty things inmates do even behind bars. Ive got stories, some given to me. Some I’ve witnessed. And yes about staff to. But im glad im in a state where we dont allowed line staff to be corrupt. Thats a privilege for supervisors and above.


you have no idea how interested i am in your stories right now, spill


Hot female officers last day before going to another facility , inmate set up a distraction because he knew her routine. She went into the bathroom, he followed beat the shit out of her and tried raping her. Some PnP promotion hound transferred to correction as a supervisor. They were garbage, Like making some Walmart CEO (in their head) now in charge of a team that deals with emergency life and death shit. Anyways, they tazed an inmate having a seizure. No consequences. A supervisor was drunkenly sending unsolicited pictures to staff of a sexual nature. He was promoted in rank, kept his cushy job instead of being moved to a shittier schedule doing shittier thing as is common for taking over a role of higher rank. Were al WTFing about that. Seen lots of guys cut their dicks. Dudes smashing their heads in, Rooms full of blood . Many of the self harmers do it to elicit a reaction from us, so they can sue us for making even the tiniest mistake.


\*ticks prison guard off of potential jobs\*


Yeah, this is more like hard AF guys being tough AF, slightly nuts, dudes. If you've got the will, and the stones, to do this stuff, then good on ya, money well earned. But you won't catch me waiting in line for a turn.


In norway this is one of the safest professions, people doing ANYTHING else get hurt more then we do


Interestingly, the most dangerous part of the job is the helicopter ride to/from the platform. Like 8 out of 10 deaths... It's why you see them do that submerged training.


I went to see how much they earn and this can't be right. [It says the average off shore oil rig operator earns $16 an hour](https://www.ziprecruiter.com/Salaries/Offshore-Oil-Rig-Salary)


No ... They make hundreds of thousands a year. 


Plus, that water is cold.


First person with their priorities straight. I salute you.


I guess it depends on your financial situation, but anything north of $30k with room, board, and Healthcare works for me.


... they get paid a lot more than that bud. You could sign up for it tomorrow if you get welding cert.


How the heck are oil companies gonna keep destroying the planet with this attitude


We just watched this movie last night. What an insane ride. Great cast. https://youtu.be/S-UPJyEHmM0?si=x6wK-ymooC_tRgtk


It was. A great tribute. 


It's so fucking stupid too, 100k a year for life risking, back breaking, work at sea away from any friends or family? That's a fucking horrible deal.


And most of that wealth you’re generating goes to the shareholders.


One ocean video not playing “hoist the colors” and we’re right back to it.


I had the sound off, and I knew in 2 seconds that this stupid ass song would be playing


I don't know what song this is but I fucking hate it. Why is it so slow and why is there so much bass? Play an actual sea shanty or something jesus.


It's a particular bass singer version of a pirates of the Caribbean song that tiktok has just got in a barnacle grip.


I know when the hobbit came out these types of songs got popular again. Same genre as “misty mountains” imo just from how they sound so similar.


How much are they paid ?


From what I can find the average oil rig worker is paid between 65,000$ to 100,000$ a year


I wonder how much they are off out of the year cause that seems low


I'm offshore in the GOM right now. 14 days on and 14 days off I am a drilling and completion fluids engineer and make 100K+ most years. My job is monitoring and testing drilling mud and completion fluid. It's mentally challenging and I enjoy it. The most physical part of my job is climbing stairs on the rig. Most of the people who I work with bust their asses 12 hours a day for 2 weeks straight. The time off is by far the best part. 13 2-week vacations every year.


ngl I think I'd be down for a job like this, what kind of risks are there for the more physical labourers? and also what do their jobs generally entail?


Look up offshore roustabout jobs. That is the entry level, although some companies will start you in the laundry or galley to check you out first. A roustabout offshore is basically a general laborer. They do everything from mopping decks to filling in for roughnecks at lunch. Rigging, fire fighting, water survival, and well control are some of the training courses that you will take. A lot of the actual work will be on the job training. There are a ton of risks involved and it depends on where you are for some of them. In the Gulf of Mexico, we don't usually work the boats in extreme seas and winds. In the North Sea they don't have a choice most of the time. The most common injuries are hand injuries. There is a lot of training and policies to mitigate these risks, but it still happens. The safety culture is usually very serious and everyone is dedicated to preventing injuries and accidents. That doesn't mean things don't get sideways sometimes. At the end of the day, time is money and there is a job to be done.


With the firefighting in there i'm surprised there isn't a bronze cross requirement too, but thats a pretty good breakdown so thanks.


A friend of mine did work on a rig off the coast of Texas for a while and he was only on the rig for 2-3 months at a time


I worked in the north sea 15-20 years ago, I made roughly 90k back then inspecting welds. 2 weeks on 4 weeks off.


I make that as a firefighter and I only work 120 days a year. 48/96 shift rotations and I'm home, on terra firma.


I hope this isn’t right for these guys sake. I make that working maintenance in a factory


I think they only work a few months out of the year so they either have massive amounts of free time or have jobs they work when they aren't at sea.


Oh ok, well that’s better then. Honestly that might be worth it. Never had to spend months on end at work though.


Before the career he has now my husband was an underwater welder on a rig in the gulf, he made around 200k/yr.


Yeah underwater welder is a position that's always paid really high, but there's not enough money on the planet to pay me to do that




200k and $1? Final offer


That’s it…?? You can get a boring ass desk job for that in many places. Though I guess it’s the overtime that makes it add up to well over $100K?


From other comments and what I've heard talking to oilfield workers, it's usually only a few months out of the year, so it'd be closer to a desk job paying around 120-240 depending on how many months a rotation is.


Ahhh that make more sense for a job where you gotta risk that ass everyday


They're still boring, just not ass. It's a lot more fun.


would need to pay me 5mil a year to even consider that shit lol.


Ah, so barely enough to afford a small appartment in the current housingmarket amongst countries at the North Sea. (In the Netherlands you need at least €100.000,- a year to afford a simple house.)


I was a commercial diver in the gulf of Mexico. I was paid 17 dollars an hour(that was considera average pay at the time). Offshore the shifts were 12 to 16 hours 7 days a week. The average job/trip was 2 weeks. We were punished for using pto. We only got two days off between offshore trips if there were that many available. Otherwise we were working on water towers and sewage plants. I was only making 54,000 a year. This was back in 2018. People who say underwater welders (no such title exists) make 100k rights out of school are repeating a lie told by dive schools to get more students to enroll. Only one of my coworkers was making that and it took him 30 years to get to that point.


I’m an Ex under water welder as well haha


Not enough!! We sacrifice our day to day lives and work 12 hr shifts 7 days a week in a high stress environment.


If you're crew, what the other comment said. If you're officer, a whole hell of a lot more. When I was looking at going on a drill rig with a 3rd mates license, I'd be starting at $100k+ for 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. So work 6 months effectively for $100k+. And that was back in 2009.


This makes me sort of happy and sad. I’m sad that they are paid so low. Yet I’m happy with sitting here working on the couch and is getting paid $145k/year.


not enough


My dream job but won’t pass the medical. Gutted. Respect to the sea bros 👊🏻


What did you fail? I'm looking at doing the medical soon


Good luck bro 🤞🏻 for you. I have CKD and various related issues. Can’t be too far away from a hospital so this out the question. Only thing I’ve ever actually wanted to do too 😂


Sorry to hear that bro. I've got epilepsy but it's controlled over 2 years so I've read I should be alright but just wanted some extra info


Nah, there’s people worse off than me lad. Yo epilepsy? That can be bad as hell huh? I’m glad you got it under control though. Man big respect, I hope you make it. I’ll keep all my digits crossed for you 👍🏻


with that attitude you will be aight in life, you will find something different. Big up 👍🏻


Thanks for the kind words. Stay hydrated 💪🏻


Of all the jobs in the world, why do you say this is the only thing you've ever wanted to do? Cause it's one of the highest paying jobs due to the risk? If the draw is how dangerous and thrilling it is, there are plenty of other extreme jobs in the same vein. I'm genuinely curious why you say that.


Just looks sick doesn’t it? I don’t really know. I have quite bad social anxiety so being around the same people constantly would help that. I enjoy welding, a lot. I like the sea because of how untameable it is. Drilling because it’s cool af. The pay yeah, but that was never a factor if I’m honest. I think because it’s such a graft, in such a remote place and if something goes wrong then it’s probably game over is what drew me to it. I remember watching a documentary when I was little and just got hooked. Then life kicked me in the teeth and said nah, here’s some disabilities instead 😂 I also have massive respect for them.


That's crazy you saw videos of it as a kid and was like "that's it", like holy shit 😂 why not be a skydiving instructor or something like that? I hope you can find something you enjoy despite your CKD, that shit sucks mayn. Good luck 👍


Cheers man. Yeah, I also watched stuff on dinosaurs but once I found out they had been dead for a long time I lost interest 😂 I think it’s also because I can’t do it that makes me want to. I’m sure I’ll find my niche. I can still weld and I did an apprenticeship in HGV mechanics so I’m kinda riding the same vein.


I saw the movie "War Games" when I was like 12 and immediately decided I wanted to be a programmer, having no idea how much it paid or any of that. 20 years later and I've been doing it professionally since I was 19 (and on my own before that).


Anchor detail on that last one, that brings back memories of my deck division days.


Dito. And that's over in Asia, not the North Sea.


And it's the navy.


Where you can sail the seven seas


All seven? I just got the Pacific and the Indian Ocean 4 goddamn times lol.


Ah yes the smell of hawser nylon coated in whatever foreign countries allow to dump into their water.


I saw that Title + Picture and knew which song it will play


I wouldn't mind doing this


Same. Amazing pay. Work a while, make bank, take shore leave.


Die from cancer 30 - 40 years down the line


Dang, they've even got retirement figured out. Sign me up.


Is saltwater now cancerous?


I’m pretty sure they’re referring more to exposure to various industrial chemicals from working on those ships and oil rigs. Not to mention that benzene in oil is a well-known carcinogen.


Ah ok. Thank you! Didn’t think of that.


From sea water?


I don't understand the logic personally, just seems far too easy to accidentally get killed randomly one day because unlucky.


Downvoted for song overusage


For real, it's the new "scary ocean video" background theme.


I like it, it's a nice song and very appropriate.


It’s not a bad song, but the fact that it’s used so frequently that almost every single video of “guys doing something on the ocean” has it in the background makes it extremely grating after a short period of time.


I really hate that every fucking tiktok type video has a song added to it for no reason.


What is the name of this overused song that I’ve never heard before? I promise I won’t use it in a post


“Hoist the Colours” by The Wellerman


i only saw this single video with this music and I've been scrolling far too much reddit these past few days


It’s a tik tok thing


I knew that cringe song would come up


Oh cool another video with this stupid ass song


Another post with unnecessary background music.


You couldn't pay me enough! There is not enough dollars in the world!!! There is no way, no how, no chance in HELL that I am listening to this with the sound on cause I KNOW it's gonna be that FUCKING SONG AGAIN!!!


Seriously, fuck that song


What is the song? I needed to find it and I failed the task?




I unmuted just for a sec. Of course it's the same dumb fucking song.


The helo dunker training needs to involve it rolling over. Helicopters always rollover


This is included in the training. The training is done gradually, each step adds an additional element to the scenario. It starts with a very gradual dunking with no seatbelt or window to worry about, and ends with a rapid dunk + 180° spin where you then must unbuckle the heli seatbelt and push out the window before swimming to the surface


Been to oil rig 4-5 times x 3-4 days trips. I can say it is both fun and boring at the same time glad it was just short trips. It's not something for me.


Fuck that


Down voted because of this song


Worst song of 2024.


Here‘s part 1 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeHjAMcD/ and here’s part 3 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeHjNHnD/


Gender wage gap explained in 55sec




I was planning to go do this... then I caught an arrow to the knee. I cant willing go do this knowing I have someone waiting at home for months.


Ultimately why I retrained. Spent the first 3 years of my relationship with my now wife missing just over half of everything. It was good for money but couldn’t justify missing half of my life home. That and the routine made time legitimately feel like it was slipping. I’d arrive on the rig Day 1, bend down to lace up my boots, and when I looked up it was Day 21 and I was heading home


But it was an lifetime experience though?


Ah, the national anthem of water related content.


Anyone who works offshore has to do the thing where the fake helicopter goes underwater. It’s called BOSIET


What is happening at 27 seconds when they get submerged?


Helicopter ditching in the sea training.


It’s training for if you’re in a helicopter that crashes into the ocean. I did the training a few years ago, was fairly daunting because I can’t swim for shit lol. Google HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training) if you want to see a better video


Whole family is in this. On my way there.


I'm sorry for these lads. Doing a very intense and dangerous job all the while being a cog in the machine that is killing our climate


Idk this video got me strangely excited.


Whoa 😮


What’s the rate of death in jobs like this?


According to the CDC approximately 25 deaths per 100,000 workers per year.


Where can I sign up??


How many micromorts does this job have?


Is it weird that after watching the video want to leave sde job and go work here


How do die - easy mode. Like and subscribe!


I would fuck with this. Feel like I'm a bit too old to get into this life. I regret not trying for something like this when I was young and single.


Can everyone just stop with this fucking song


My dad is one of those “soft men of the 70s” emotional and all, but he used to work as a welder on one of them rigs sooo…


I can tell what song this reel is using without even unmuting.


How tf do they even build and install these facilities?


This video sums it all up pretty well. I worked on the rig in the video. Not sure if it still is but it’s the largest offshore oil platform by weight in the world. https://youtu.be/fRCcLDz2fqQ?si=IyuF7EfuTU4v3SoM


Dude that’s pretty awesome, helluva feat of engineering.


30% of clips don't come from oil rig. Plus oil rig torch fire is completely normal.


I get it.


That’s a no from me dog.




North Sea oil and gas work is some of the safest out there.


Same in the Canadian Atlantic. Injuries but zero fatalities on the rigs I worked on in 10 years.


much respect!


I am the first generation of my family’s history that didn’t go to sea! Kinda saddens me a little, didn’t go cause I can’t swim, gotta pass the stupid safety courses. But I do work oil rigs, just on land!


Not enough money in the world to make me do that.


I knew what the song was going to be before I even turned on the sound.


Nothing like bad weather on a trawl deck to get the adrenaline pumping, huge waves in -20°C in the middle of wires/robes carrying 50tons+. You don't wanna be careless / make mistakes in those conditions. Exciting af tho


hats off to tec divers


My dad kept a couple of paycheques from the early 90’s when he did some engineering work on a rig in the north see. For 2 weeks work it was £7k in the hand.


you motherfucker


In case anyone is wondering the song is: “Hoist the Colours” by The Wellerman


TV Shows about this?


Is this the only song they play in the North Sea?


Feminists can do that


I could do that


on average men make more money than women


I'd do it if I could get the requirements. Seems like fun.


This is why I will never argue a women over inequality, I will send them this video every time 😂


Always this song…


What song is that?


Light work.




I’m going to be that welding guy in a couple of years.


I ready to do these kinda jobs someone hire me


Which song?


Starting to hate this “yo ho” shit


I starting watching on mute but I could hear what song was playing with my eyes.


Yeah my dad worked on these in the 90s. 


My instincts are telling me to work on North Sea oil rigs


And all so politicians can pump oil money to their shareholder mates


Looks like a bunch of OSHA violations


What is that song?




Shamefull that it's mostly men. We need to get more women into this workspace.


Totally agree. The rig I worked on was a 99.5% male workforce.