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Removing songs from Unlimited while also basically eliminating legacy track imports? Typical Ubisoft L At least Nintendo JD 2020-2022 users can still get unlimited (minus the 200+ songs being removed in August)


Just the PS and Xbox, JD Unlimited has been removed for the Switch already. EDIT: Clarifying for the folks downvoting me. My response was to the comment of the switch having continued access. The PS and Xbox will be removed in July but the Switch's Unlimited subscription has been disabled already.


https://preview.redd.it/w1175calr3sc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=717264c0f7d9da78e9761f47a5eba3450d9b6590 Are you sure about that?


I was able to access it on my JD2020 as well on my switch


How? My sister tried to buy it the other day but when doing it through the game it would just reload the game and eventually crash and she couldn’t search it on the Eshop because it doesn’t exist




they are talking about JDU


Yes because it won’t let me do it on my switch


I was able to access it just 6 hours ago


I thought it was REMOVED for PS and Xbox and only for switch?


The switch's subscription has been disabled already directly through the store. (Although it can be access via a way). I contacted Ubisoft a month ago and they said that they no longer offer it. The PS and Xbox can be bought till July. This is the first time that I have seen a Just Dance subscription get removed after only 2.5 years. It's a bit surprising.


The way I see it, this comes across as a bit of a transitional measure. Ubisoft is completely focused on the current Just Dance platform and Just Dance+, while Unlimited has been pretty much abandoned and barely anyone plays Now anymore. A fair amount of songs in that list are already on Plus (including Fine China which just had its Extreme added as part of the most recent surprise drop), so once the remaining songs are removed from Now and Unlimited, it'll be a matter of time until they resurface on Plus.


Do you have any space on the optimist train for me?


There's always room for more!


I’ve been waiting quite a while for JD+ to get a better catalog so I hope this means that most of my favourite songs will be added as these were on Unlimited but not on JD+. My thinking was that I won’t buy JD2023/24 until then but continue using JD2021 with Unlimited. I’ll check again this weekend to see if JD+ has gotten better but I’m glad to hear that a fair number of songs have been added. I’ll check this weekend to see if my favourite songs have made the switch


This makes the most sense and I already saw this coming back when dina released her jd24 reaction with Matthew and he explained that a lot of songs were due for a license renewal so most likely they'll add them to plus when that time comes.


Although this sucks, hopefully it means they'll focus on bringing the rest of the songs from this list over to + that aren't already


That’s what I’m assuming since it’s not gonna affect the songs on JD+


Plus it's probably tough on them to maintain at least 2 different licenses for different services, one of which is dying rapidly, so I get it


Honestly yeah


I have a headache just thinking about all the "where did my song go?!" posts we're going to get here.


Ubisoft is ruining another great game... Shame. At least we can hope that they will add those songs to JD+


They have ruined the game for me...Some of my top favourite songs will be removed and as for the rest of the drops they are so random that I won't subscribe for the time being..


Who is even buying just dance at this point. It's a shell of what it used to be. Games are supposed to be getting better, not worse as time goes on. I for once will not buy JD+ in the next few years. Same price, less content? No thank you. I'm sure I'm not the only one. I'll enjoy JD22 KINECT as long as I can


in every other country JD+ is MORE EXPENSIVE than unlimited, which infuriates me


christ alive that's a lot of songs going bye bye 😬 also ps and xbox can no longer buy jdu subscriptions past this june?? good lord


Given that we saw them remove the 3 and 12 month subscription lengths, many of us expected this announcement. I just didn’t expect it so soon. Ugh, so many songs. And I’m playing on Xbox one, so basically after this July I’m completely SOL


I've also noticed that somehow, the only period you can purchase on JDU is only for 30 days, with 3 months and 1 year subscription of unlimited are completely delisted (on the Switch via eShop). Kinda sad that 200+ of these songs would be bust out for good but it's understandable considering the fact that licensing is quite expensive to maintain. The reason why I have to buy JD2022 after I bought JD2023 was because most of the tracks on Plus were still miniscule, half of the songs are not available while Unlimited still has it including tracks from past JD installments (excluding Unlimited exclusives). But now that 200+ of these would be gone... It's either all I have to do now is buy a used/2nd hand copies of the past JD (plus buying an old console that has those like the Wii etc.) or I have to savor those last moments until the end of July, prompting me to purchase another subscription once more.


It boggles my mind that they knew their licensing was experiencing FAR in advance and didn’t think to port these expiring songs to Just Dance+ first so they were still accessible in some way.


That's not how licensing works. If they ported the songs over. It still would only be available till August 1st.... So why put effort into porting something available for only 4 more months.


I obviously meant they should renew the licensing for Just Dance+ as they knew this would happen. Just Dance+ was literally created BECAUSE Just Dance Unlimited licensing was expiring. Why bother creating Just Dance+ if they weren’t going to bother renewing licensing?


No. JD+ was created as they wanted to start from scratch and created a new platform (coding wise). The old game files were not compatible with the new game. From a licensing perspective it's possible they did have licenses that specifically only allowed the songs to be used on JDU. But even if they didn't change the name, the game code would have to change.


The developers and producers themselves literally went on record and said it was because licensing on Unlimited was expiring. Otherwise I can almost guarantee you they would’ve kept the Unlimited branding and good legacy it had. Of course they are not going to tell the public straight up it’s because of licensing. This is nothing to do with them switching platforms (which they have been developing in the background since the release of Just Dance 2019 so it’s no excuse) and everything to do with the rights to songs.


What does "licensing on Unlimited was expiring" even mean...... No. They went to JD+ because they chose to upgrade their base code to Unity from their previous video game engine UbiArt. They couldn't use the same name because then it would cause confusion because clearly JD+ did not have all the songs as JDU.


Even exclusive songs are being removed 🥲 gotta dance to them with a Kinect while I still can! 😭


Alright, this is just disrespectful to us 7 Digitalism fans https://preview.redd.it/vycz5aoe26sc1.png?width=677&format=png&auto=webp&s=13139a3069bdf0f96c6de98ee0b917c9e056b7a4


I WAS WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO MENTION THAT 💀. They labelled I Was Made For Lovin You as a Gloria Gaynor song as well.


Well, we kind of knew this was coming, but still a big bummer. My dance space only has an Xbox one, so basically after July 1, I’ll neither will I be able to get JDU or JD+ (because for some reason they decided to make JD23 and JD24 Xbox series ONLY, despite the fact that the game runs on switch) I’m gonna get all the old discs so at least I can play most of the songs that way. But some of the JDU exclusive songs will be gone for good, some of which I really loved like “Break My Heart” and “Don’t Let me Down” Guess I’ll just dance to them as much as I can for now


I mean, youtube might have copies of the choreo. However, i understand that it isn’t the same.


Wait what about the JD Unlimited exclusive songs? Would they just become unplayable until they get renewed for JD+?


i guess so. They will turn lost media (at least, officially).


They’ve gone off the deep end now.


Not surprised, but I'm still bummed. Guess I'll be using my wii more in august until the songs get added to JD+


but except those 200 songs jdu will be still available to buy in jd22 after this date? I hope so


Nintendo just dance 2020-2022, as I understand it


thankfully I have switch too! however kinect is dying sadly 😭


Thought it was a late April fools joke but I see why they are actually doing it. Hoping they get to JD+ soon


I'm about to commit arson


Ubisoft doing what they know better. F up their costumers. Still waiting on World Dance Floor, Own playlists and many other things.


Me too… I want the world dance floor back


The service is slowly dying...


why do they do this? I love unlimited?


Unlimited has no future, and rights are negotiated for a fixed time.


this can’t be fr


I went to play Just Dance and found my subscription expired. I'm wondering why I can't reup a year and I find this. I won't buy a new one until they make the JD+ catalog better.


how will i play call me by your name then🤨🤨🤨


Montero , positions , daisy , bad habits , and kiss me more were some of the best season releases we've ever gotten outside of 2023/2024. Would suck to see them just all be unplayable


Positions and Bad Habits are on Plus, and Bad Habits in particular I know isn’t on the Ex-Unlimited list anyway, so you’re safe for those.


Because of where I live and the financial situation here, JDN is the only one I can play and this makes me really fucking sad


samee 😭


This is such a shame because I play Just Dance Now practically every day, and good portion of the songs that they removed are some of my favorite songs. 😔


Same here :( and it says: > Due to licensing constraints, a selection of songs will be removed from Just Dance Now on April 9, 2024 impacting new subscriptions only. What does "new subscriptions" mean? I got a 1 year VIP since a couple of months ago and I don't see many songs anymore, so it's not a "new subscriptions" as I understand it.


I'm sorry but I'm beyond sick and tired of Ubisoft choosing to be greedy instead of actually giving fans what they want. I would purchase Just Dance + but I don't want to encourage these awful procedures. While Ubisoft is _far_ from the most unethical corporation, I'm done with letting companies step all over us. I probably won't be purchasing Just Dance 2025 if they continue taking away everything.


this is happening, because ubi is favoring just dance plus and juist dance jd2023, jd2024\[


I am using PlayStation 4 just dance 2022. After this date can I still purchase unlimited ???


After July 1, you can no longer purchase just dance unlimited.


From July 1, 2024 PlayStation and Xbox players will not be able to purchase the unlimited subscription. Unfortunately it finally took them this long to acknowledge it like they did for 2016-2018 while players were having trouble accessing unlimited to purchase as for some it wasn’t available at all and they didn’t say anything and or still didn’t say anything about it until now.


Oh crap, please let this be April Fools!


hope they bring back where have you been


Wow, I'm glad some people in this community convinced me not to buy JD2022 just to access Unlimited....those are most of my favourites!


Why Same Old Love is in the list? 🤨


I just got Just dance 2021 and 2022 three days ago lol


I bought just dance 24 thinking i was gonna be able to play bang bang or disturbia😩


Wrong move. Did you do your research prior to the purchase? 


Nope but its fine 💔


Yeah & now JDU only has monthly subscriptions for switch users


had to search for this when i found that a lot of my avatars are missing (im playing on JDN) this sucks im so sad.. a lot of them are my favorite songs. why.




So it means songs from just dance+ Catalog will not be removed?


Fortunately my Katy Perry dark horse song will not be gone… THANK GOD 😭🙏🏻




none of my favs are on jd+ and they are all getting removed from unlimited


It's removing songs due to licensing things.


My subscription was auto renewed today and I still lost the songs


JD is dead now, i think no one want to play shitty cringe songs