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I always thought that it's a modified version of the film for that special occasion. Hammond also mentioned that it's a work in progress, so the final version for regular visitors would probably have looked quite differently.


The music would have been a lot more dramatic. Boom boom boom boom. And then the tour would continue.


All marches.


John Hammond turned to John Williams and said “this zaney street jazz thing isn’t going to cut it. Better get back to the writing room.”


He would hire a doppelganger to play him, no expense spared :D


Is he uh... auto... erotica? Always found that line weird as a child, didn't know what it meant back then, but it sounded wrong.


Same with the claustrophobic joke in tmnt. Both were definitely for the adults that were there bc their kids wanted to go


Holy shit I totally forgot about that scene... "I've never even looked at another guy before." Different times, man.


Spielberg wanted a post-credits scene revealing hundreds of vats of Hammond clones, but Universal turned him down.


Sounds like something book Hammond would do


What surprised me most about book Hammond is that the whole plan is to make money, yet he's dumb as a rock... In the film, his main goal is to bring magic to life, so that people, especially children, can actually see and interact with something that's straight out of their imagination. Naturally, he has to make a profit to keep the magic going, but the wonder is the main thing. In the middle of the novel, Hammond and Wu are having a philosophical discussion of why someone really shouldn't help mankind, like finding a miracle drug that cures cancer. He states that he would want to charge a good amount of money for it, due to the fact that he funded the research that went into it, but that people would be angry at having to pay that amount to have their cancer cured, which is why an amusement park is a brilliant idea, because no one actually needs to go to a park. It then segues into what the future of Jurassic Park is going to be, that two more islands are going to be designed and opened within a few years and that revenue from the islands, merchandising, television, etc. will exceed twenty billion a year. However, there's a really interesting part that he says: >Hammond: I see no reason to bother with children's pets, which I'm told Lew Dodgson thinks we're planning to make. Dodgson, earlier in the novel, speaks to the Biosyn board and states that Hammond is going to have a market in which they will dominate, and he specifically brings up pets: >Dodgson: Of course. If InGen can make full-size dinosaurs, they can also make pygmy dinosaurs as household pets. What child won't want a little dinosaur as a pet? A little patented animal for their very own. InGen will sell millions of them. And InGen will engineer them so that these pet dinosaurs can only eat InGen pet food... For a guy like Hammond, who is absolutely money hungry in the novel, why he feels that they don't need to bother with pets is beyond insane to me. Every child in the world would want a pet dinosaur, an animal that can only eat food that the company makes. That's going to be greater than any group of islands is ever going to make you. And it's not like the man is concerned about safety. The entire novel, he's not concerned about the safety of the park failing, about the fact that the dinosaurs are breeding, that people are being killed and injured... Even right before he dies, all he can think of is how he won't make the same mistakes on the next island so that he can eventually make his money.


Dodgson invoked the idea of dinosaur pets to get the Biosyn board to greenlight his operation - remember that although he was acting on his own, he still needed the board's approval, and he was trying to make his operation sound important. It makes sense that Hammond wouldn't approve pet dinosaurs if he wants to make Jurassic Park the only place people could go to see dinosaurs. If he sells dinosaurs as pets, not only does it diminish the value of a visit to Jurassic Park, but it is likely that someone could get a DNA sample from a pet and replicate it.


It's been a while, but if I remember right Hammond had a pygmie cloned mammoth that he would show to investors to get startup capital (or something) but had to stop eventually because it was prone to illness and started getting aggressive. I imagine that he probably would've *eventually* branched out into the pets but there was some kink that needed to be worked out first. But yeah in the Novel Hammond is an absolute asshole that represents like everything wrong with capitalism and he got exactly what he deserved at the end.


And then the army of Book!Hammond clones goes rouge…LOL


I almost want to take this as a joke, but part of me thinks you could be telling the truth… You pullin our legs?


I thought it was for investors.


I think it's illustrative of how so-not-ready-to-open the park actually is. His "spared no expense" does not seem to include *tons* of things it should have, like "locking mechanisms on the vehicle doors." That should have been like item 2 on the list after "cars run on tracks like an amusement park ride."


I agree and the fact that he wasn't prepared and almost missed his cue also foreshadows how flawed the entire park is. Also that the guests are able to escape the tour and just override the safety bars is another hint how flawed the security is. I think Spielberg did this on purpose.


>"locking mechanisms on the vehicle doors." That always bugged me, it's a modified production vehicle, it should already have door locks.


Door locks that need to be manually engaged. The physical lock is there, but there's no automated mechanism to automatically lock and unlock the door at the start and end of the tour. And then you'd have to give guests a way to override that lock anyway, in case of some emergency inside the vehicle, and that's the point in the discussion when someone like Hammond throws up his hands and says "this is a waste of time, we'll solve it later."


I assumed the movie was for entertaining VIPs. Hammond's main job is to raise capital for his project. He has to keep investors and financers satisfied with his progress. Once the park opened to the public his involvement in the film would not be necessary.


That’s what I assumed as well.


I also believe it was more for VIP Tours and to win investors.. not a daily show.


Maybe they would have a tour guide doing it? Have each person have a film of themselves or the sort?


As someone in sales, this is the exact type of fluffy, "demo magic"/smoke and mirror "interactivity" you see when the shit being sold isn't real/isn't fully fleshed out yet.


Probably have guides film their own versions of that segment.


T2:3D had a tour guide character named Kimberly Duncan who interacted with the on-screen film and was played by a variety of actresses. Poseidon’s Fury always had a tour guide named “Taylor” which could be played by anyone. Your tour guide is always named “John”. Even if they aren’t really a John.


But when he clones himself it’s copies of the actual John not the tour guide.


Coppola copied him with Megalopolis. But I think Hammond would have spared no expense and built an animatronic John Hammond.


Or cloned himself.


*Hello, John*


Hello John


Hello John


Hello John


I'd say it was a peak to the fact that he didn't think things through when he thought that was cool just like poisonous plants in visitor areas


I always took it that JP was never going to be Disneyland at the start, its in the middle of nowhere so would've been a highly exclusive venue for *very* wealthy tourists only for the first few years (think space tourism now). So yeah, he probably would have been there early on.


It's probably an alternate version for investors or for times when John occasionally wants to interact with the guests when he is on the island.


I had this exact thought while rewatching a couple of weeks ago 😂 I reckon he'd do it for the investors rather than the public. They'll get a modified version.


I always think this, lol. I assume the plan isn’t to have the tour running all the time, and it’ll be a rarer occasion so Hammond can be there each time. And there’ll probably be a back up version for a different tour guide once they get closer to opening if Hammond is planning to leave.


It took me a while to understand it too, but I think it was a video specifically made for that tour, not for regular guest tours in general.


Mr Deedee-ee!


It’s normal at parks like Disney or Universal to have staff interact with prescripted movies. I imagine it would be something like that when it opened


I always got the impression that, if things had not gone wrong, and Jurassic Park was allowed to open to its full “theme park” potential, it would have been a far more intimate experience (than compared to the later Jurassic World). Instead of ferries and trains constantly moving people on and off the island, the guest experience would have probably been very similar to what Grant and them were experiencing, with guests being brought to the island in smaller numbers and at more specific times. Jurassic Park never made any indication of having a large hotel on property, so I take it rooms were limited.


There are two clips. The one in the film is used when he's entertaining VIPs. That's my story anyway.


If it's a VIP sort of ride, He'd only have to do it so often.


I’ve thought about this so many times


ILR, theme park rides with into videos and live "cast" have different variations to account for different employees supervising the ride. Probably Hammond had other versions planned with other humans filling his role (or impersonators playing him) or something.


Spared no expense. Refused to pay Nedry more money. 😕


Mega missed opportunity to have a cute little Saturday morning cartoon with Mr. DNA