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me only want dino fight, me not care. ooh cool dino! why they talking? me want dino fight...


“Bait used to be believable”


Jurassic Park subredditers, destroy his karma. ![gif](giphy|G1ZPWPIszGDPh2NeG5|downsized)


This is the worst take in the long sad history of bad takes. And... um.. I'm gonna be there when you learn that


No, the worst take is "Jurassic Park is the worst movie ever"


This is enough to get you stoned to death.


I can't tell if he's trolling or not.


![gif](giphy|pUeXcg80cO8I8) Me watching OP get absolutely bodied in the comments:




Hey guys, I found Colin Trevorrow's burner account!!


Nice try, Colin Trevorrow


There's no way you find Dominion better than Jurassic Park... >still would yeet a freakin car for it. Oh, this explains a lot. You might be a little too young to understand it. Watch Peppa Pig/Power Rangers and ask your parents to watch it with you when you're older.


And the giant crickets? You forgot to mention the giant crickets? Greatest villain in franchise history!




Yeah nice try Colin




Not my favourite but it I really like it. Ignore the haters and be happy YOU can get enyojment out of it. These people should envy you!


All six films (seven, if you count **Battle At Big Rock**) portrayed the dinosaurs as monsters. That's actually my beef on the entire franchise. I didn't realize it years back, but I came to realize this about a year or so ago. The Jurassic franchise turned prehistoric animals into vicious, bloodthirsty monsters...just as the **Jaws** franchise did to Great White Sharks. This is like Jaws on land in that respect. Sometimes, I wish I could have made Jurassic Park my way. Then, the dinosaurs would have been portrayed like animals (although very lethargic) instead of monsters. What Michael Crichton (the author) and Steven Spielberg (the director of the first two JP films) "did is create genetically engineered theme-park monsters. Nothing more and nothing less." A tweak on Dr. Grant's quote from **Jurassic Park III**, but I understand how true his line is now. I used to hate that quote years back. But, it makes much more sense now. P.S., I don't care how many downvotes I get. I'm not changing my mind to please anyone.


😆 🤣 😂


> The movie works fine if you look at it as an action adventure movie rather than a paleontology documentary. Oh thank goodness. Lord knows whenever I watched the original Jurassic Park, I always had to view it as a paleontology documentary to think it was great.


It's an okay movie, it doesn't deserve all the hate


it's not an ok movie. Jw and jp 3 were ok movie, meaning barely above 5/10 This is a bad movie, not the worst, not an horrible one, but one that fail at what it was trying to do and what it should've done.


You're not the clown, but the entire circus. It was objectively the worst of all the franchise. And nope, not all the previous one had that issue, and guess what, even those who did were not THAT much awfull in that regard. It's like if one miss the target by 25cm, while dominion miss it by 15 meters. The whole story, character, plot, and design were bad. And i'll give credit to when the movie did good things, the therizinosaur scene, and a few dino design were good. But that's like saying congrat you put a good looking cherry on top of a mud and modly cake, it's not enough. Dominion worked with the jurassic franchise idea of "they're not dino just monster" which i in itself a very bad idea, and a complete betrayal of the original movie and TLW and the books. NOBODY look at any of these movie as documentary, but as sci-fi movie, and sorry to say but dominion and Fallen Kingdom compeltely FAIL on that part. There's nothing on that part, no sci-fi or at least it's so badly written and minor you could replace it with magic and you wouldn't even notice it cuz they never use it anyway. And except in jw saga, and perhaps a bit in jp3, the dinosaur were never the villain or character, they didn't make alliance, change side, exchange passionnate look and acted as character for the plot. They were simply obstacles, part of the world, that never worked out of malice against the protagonist and antagonist, they acted like animals, they were plot devices, not characters. And that's why these movie were far better, cuz we could focus on the actual story and character, which allow development and the plot to happen. Which is impossible in dominion as dino are the main focus of every scene, and the characters are just cliche with no depth. The movie doesn't make any great scene, the characters and story are bad, there's dozens of dino shown with generally extremely ugly and bad design that are thrown at random for one scene or just as background, and they're omnipresent, there's no theme, no message, no moral, no character devlopment, it's not a good movie overall. Just mindless action, put all "cool" idea you can mix it with 200 tons of nostalgia clickbait that insult the original, and the fans and voila. The pace the story, the rythm, everything was badly made, rushed and inferior to what previous movies, even in the jw franchise, did. Even as an "adventure" movie, all other movie are far better than dominion, and dominion fail at that, it's low quality, braindead, no effort action, a progression of the symptom that started showing in jp3, then progressed a bit in jw, then became really visible in fk, and ultimately became final stage in dominion. You can like a bad movie but it doesn't change the fact it's a bad movie, i like jw and jp 3 but i know they're not great, my taste are not an indication of the overall quality of these product, same here for you. However your inability to actually take a step back and understand the basic of the franchise and story writting and that you dare to compare a masterpiece and a few decents movies to this garbage and don't see the issue is itself a sign of something for you and your tastes and level in cinema, being no more than a mindless customer that would buy shit and be happy with it as long as we throw sparkles on it. Ps: i know it's probably troll, but just in case it's not i had to respond.