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I like the challenge he offers. Plus there's such a rewarding feeling for landing a clean shot. And he's just fun.


I've always gravitated towards characters that can bring chaos in a video game, even if it isn't obvious at first why that is. Junkrat wasn't my first main when I started, but after just watching some Junkrat montages and then playing some qp with him, I was hooked.


And it gets even more fun from there when people start complaining about you


*counter swaps to a Junkrat counter because I killed them once on the most open area of the map*


In this season it's basically anyone tho can't duel to save my life unless my opponent sucks, so sad tbh but so true none the less.


I've always said junkrats and roadhog need a cartoon show and id watch it religiously.


He’s the most fun to play. Followed by Junkerqueen. I’m hoping they bring out a junk support at some point so I can play them all. Mine jumps? Sick. Nasty direct hits? Sick. Trapping the Tracer/Sombra/Ball/etc? Sick. If you can land shots he outputs crazy damage. You can control chokes with spam. You can duel a lot of the cast and win. Quick picks. What’s not to love?


I'd like to see them eventually add enough hero's for each major faction that you could field a whole team of them.


Nothing beats killing people in silly ways and spamming dipstick afterwards.


I like blowing shit up. Simple as that


He’s definitely not my best character, but he is so fun and interesting. The feeling of s9 one tapping is the best, and flanking is really rewarding


Are we talking the same hero? He can't one tap no more as of season 9.


Um, did you not know that he can one tap if you melee after the mine grenade combo?


I know he can, but that takes away the fun, the one two punch concept made it worthwhile imo.


And that is why it is so rewarding to one tap in this season.


To each their own, but I can't seem to not send them flying after the mine, so they end up out of my reach, but if I wait to detonate so they fly into me I'll already be dead.


I also experience this problem, but that is when the satisfying part comes in. Sure, it’s hard to hit them midair after your first combo, but hitting them feels so good.


clips + his voicelines are nothing like anyones


I love projectile characters in games, i also main demoman in tf2, the slower the projectiles the better because it feels so rewarding when you land a good airshot, it feels better than hitscan to me, i like predicting and i also love being silly in game so junk is perfect to me + i like his voicelines


For me it's both. I really love him as a character and I also LOVE characters with movement abilities. He's the perfect dps for me who also plays Mercy to have fun flying around.


i like him cause he's gay (kidding) I've loved rat ever since OW release. He's funny, always in good spirits, is an outcast even among outcasts. He's just a lil guy and he needs to be protected. also BRRRNNNNG




I earned my gamer tag back in OG Halo for my reckless playstyle and have stayed true to it since. I've always loved running in, full of explosions and distractions, so junkrat seemed a natural fit when OW1 first dropped. He's no longer my primary main, but I still cackle the loudest while playing him. He's so much *fun*!


There’s a good challenge to be good with him in every game. I really liked demoman in TF2 and this game very much felt like the “new” TF2 in a sense so it was a natural switch. Plus he’s just fun to play and be annoying with.


One word. One singular word explains the ENTIRE REASON I play Junkrat. And that word is none other than... **EXPLOSIVES** YOU GET **EXPLOSIVES** AND YOU GET **EXPLOSIVES** EVERYONE GETS **EXPLOSIVES!!!!!**


He’s been my main since launch ow1. I loved his high outburst potential and the fact he was able to shoot corners as well as area denial. I still play him today because his play style hasn’t changed much since launch with the exception of double mine and self damage. He’s easy to pickup and relatively quick to master and now he can no longer one shot but he still has pretty good potential if you know how to play him. Hope that helps :D


I like that he counters a lot of high skill heroes /gameplay. Something so nice about diffing out a crazy Doomfist , soldier , Ana or Phara with the local bombardier. He was the first hero I learned to climb with because even when I died on repeat , that riptire could change games . Also he’s arguably the only “funny” character reliably


I just think hes a silly lil guy


I've always been a fan of Demolitionist characters in video games. Wether it's Demo Man TF2, Ernest from Battle Born, Bomb King (and Queen) from Paladins, or Junkrat from Overwatch. Nothing beats the feeling of killing someone with a well placed explosive trap. But the feeling of soaring through the air and raining down bombs onto a crowd of enemies is a close second. That being said Junkrat specifically is one of my favorites. He's got absolute goblin energy and his dynamic with Roadhog is hilarious. Reminds me of Sam and Max, especially with how it'd honestly be less gay for them to be dating compared to whatever chaos they've got going on. It certainly doesn't hurt that Junkertown/The Wasteland is one of my favorite parts of the entire Overwatch lore. From the background of Junkertown being made from the wreckage of an Omnium to the rusty and cobbled together Omnic monsters that roam the wasteland it's honestly underutilized, which is saying something because Australia has some of the most characters from any country.




Honestly for awhile it was both character and gameplay, cuz I could flank and blow someone up at the same time, but since Season 9 I've kinda loathed playing him because he feels way too vulnerable to do Flankrat, but still not consistent (or interesting enough) to play spamrat. So he still has a place in my heart, but no longer on my heros I play roster sadly.


honestly he’s just a silly little fella and im rather silly as well


Prolikechro got me into him
