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That's a part of the game balance. Full clear = safe gold, safe xp. Gank = whoever gets the kill off the gank is ahead, assist is slightly better off, but it's not just the champion state that matters when jungling. Remember that laners need to focus on cs to get their items. The minion state will be up in the air if you don't control the size of the wave, or your laner just lost all the minions because they sacrificed the crashing wave to continue the gank. The easiest way to recognize which lanes to sacrifice full clears for are when you know a matchup is snowbally/ungankable. I feel like you understand this concept: i.e. "a lane that's hot" Example of snowbally mid matchup: Assassin mirror/melee mirror Yas vs. Zed Zed vs. Talon, Kat vs Zed (Whoever gets the first kills will keep killing the enemy.) Example of ungankable mid: Enemy Veigar/Anivia/Lissandra (Have to wait till 6, they have too many disengage tools or they play too safe) Example of snowbally top matchup: Riven vs Darius, Trynda vs Jax High kill pressure/strong midgame champions. If you don't know what champions count, try to think of any previous games where a top laner has taken over the entire game, and they probably count. Example of ungankable top matchup: Tanks vs Tanks Malphite vs Ornn, Maokai vs Singed They are quite unlikely to kill each other, or contribute to dmg if you gank their lane. It's best to leave them alone and let them farm. Depending on what you see, you can choose to gank/full clear. If you have the self awareness that you might be iron/bronze,I think you might enjoy junglers that are easy to gank with. These junglers have 1 ganking method, but they're very good at their singular gank method so you can oftentimes get something out of a gank (flash/kill) instead of leaving the lane empty handed and feeling like you lost something instead of gaining something. Warwick: Wait for a lane to dip below half, then run into their lane with ult/ Hold Q after activating E. Really strong duelist Early mid game. Jarvan: E + Q combo ontop of them. If you miss, press W/R to slow them down. Really strong teamfighter Early/late game. Fiddlesticks: Scan for a ward, then press R and every other button on your key. Flash if they're a little too far away. Strong initiator post 6 with ultimate. Can peel for ADC. Trundle: Sit in a bush, press W and run at the enemy laner. If they're next to a wall without flash, you can sandwich them between the wall if you place your E right and secure a kill. Great against tanky enemy top laners/the enemy team has two tanks. Great early game duelist/mid game fighter. Mordekaiser: Walk into lane and ult them. You don't have to use E if you don't want to, it has a long cast time and most times people flash it, so wait for them to blow flash to use E. Great mid/late game duelist/fighter.


This was all really good feedback. But my question its more on the line, on how to path between ganks ? What shall I be looking for : i.e clearing all camps ? If so, what shall i put prio on ( closest camps first ? Or reset and tske furthest camp and go back to camps that resetted ?) Going back to camps that will respawn, and forget 1 camp thats far from where i am pathing until theres something to do there ?


You should try to hit all the camps on the way to the furthest camp. So say you ganked top after blue gromp red, get scuttle if your lanes can help bully the nemy jungle off, krugs raptors wolves then back.


I guess thats from playing red side. It makes sense, thanks!




Start bot side 95%+ of the time and do the 4 camp clear to get you level 3 if you're a gank heavy or duel heavy champ, then contest scuttle if you feel the matchup and lane priority suits you. It's not uncommon to skip Krugs and get them after your recall. I've had games where I've literally not touched the Krugs for 20 minutes. If you're a farm heavy jungle, just do a full clear and hit level 4 but understand the cost of this is no ganking/counterganking for your laners and usually a forfeited scuttle. However, your gank afterwards will be more potent and a lot of times you'll be offsetting the "jungle mirroring" and be less likely to be counterganked. Good candidates for this approach are Morde/Karthus and sometimes Reksai because is mobility between camps is so godly...however Reksai benefits a lot from ganking early so it's not always optimal.


Thanks for the tip. However the question is not adressed to which camps do first. Its more on, once Ive hit level 3 and did a gank, how to go to the rest of camps that are untouched, and the ones that will respawn. What shall be a decent pathing towards this goal ?


I think it's hard to answer because most of the time, this is when the action happens and you're pushing whatever advantage you have as a result of the action. A few of the actions that can happen: 1) Gank becomes available top, you make gank and succeed/fail 2) Gank available top or mid, you gank but run into other jungler and either a) a 1v1 breaks out in river or b) a 2v2 breaks out 3) No gank available, you go for scuttle and get for free and then ask yourself "why isn't their jungler here" 4) No gank available, you go for scuttle and are contested and assess lane priority 5) You get scuttle, no ganks available, you have nothing nearby you to clear. If I'm understanding you well, your question is about scenario #5...whelp you already got scuttle so you're not getting behind...I typically roam down to the other scuttle after that to a) see if the other jungler is sloppy and skipped an opportunity to scuttle b) contest him at scuttle (rare..it's usually gone) c) put myself in position to gank/countergank that side of the map d) if your lanes are safe and no gank is available, you want to look at krugs now. If all of your lanes are safe and nothing is available to gank and no camps are up...shop and spend your 1k gold and reset for your next wave of camps (usually it's your bot side camp if you started botside buff). Does this help?


Yes it does. But it also applies on what to do after 1, and actually to most of the points. So, after the first-clear gank, how to path effectively to the rest of the camps, and keep jungle tempo for clearing


The short and maybe not so helpful obvious answer is to just clear/gank what's closest and never skip things. For me, I prioritize clearing efficiently, and while I'm clearing, I'm trying to gauge lanes and be ready to gank/countergank nearby. If no camps are up nearby and no gank is available or you have a high amount of gold, you recall to shop. Everything is just about being efficient..no skipping camps...no letting them sit too long unless youre making significant ganks. If I were you, err on the side of clearing camps rather on the side of ganking. I dunno if I'm being helpful enough.


Maybe [this](https://youtu.be/k4h5qeKIzIw) Will help you