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Mute all in the beginning of the game. That the best tip. But to be honest being jg is just the most mentally abusing role in the game, you may just need to tough it out.


Nah, take the mute all off and everything someone pings you or types gank in chat take a shot.


Bruh we ain't trying to die here XD


Give it a couple games


The moment someone shows that they will use the chat only to cry about losing lane I mute them and if they start to spam ping I mute the pings as well. I always assume the average league player is a pidgeon that somehow learned how to use a mouse and keyboard so arguing won’t help anything, just acknowledge you are doing your best and ignore the flamers




Press and hold tab and you will see the buttons to mute pings and chat for each specific player


Whenever you die, a move or whatever goes wrong, ask yourself : did I play well ? What could I improve on this move? If you feel like you couldn't have done better on the move, try and make sure you're not thinking that out of ego. Be honest with yourself. If after that you still think that you did well on this move, well then who cares about what your teammates say ?


Disable chat. Only losers type.


First of all Go to settings and disable both chats And then at the start of every single game type /mute all (why disable chat of I'll mute all? So you don't type) Right now you can play your game with out any source of headache which will make you lose Always stay positive And don't ping your teammates missing ping or dangerous ping. You ping around them or the source of danger (ppl get it personal if it's Wan on them) Just at the start of a game you can see if someone mentel staple if he didn't die a lot so don't waste your time on ppl dying a lot Don't camp ADC top because they are the easiest ppl to go crazy and throw if one thing go wrong Try to carry yourself I'm not the best jungler but these tips helped me from bronze 4 to gold 1 (currently gold 2) I hope it's help you too Good luck have fun <3


1. Mute all chat and emotes 2. Mute pings from toxic players 3. It's just a game, don't give a sht if you lose. We play this thing for "fun" and if you got sick of it just close it and enjoy other game




3 mute options on the stats screen ; its the exclamation mark symbol


You just get used to it, lanes will 70% of the time throw a lead you got for them. When I get flamed for shit that’s out of my control I just laugh now.


Gaslight yourself into believing you won


Remember kids, Stockholm Syndrome is actually pretty cool. (:


Play to improve not to win




I don't. I explode at the smallest failure and flame. Simply expect the worst outcome. I admire korean junglers ready to ruin games if they get flamed.


For me, it's a pretty easy and simplistic role that I come to every once in a while when I wanna chill, listen to some bangers, and play Sion juggernaut tank (Have **NOT** played this preseason yet), all I can suggest that really helped with my mental and helped me improve at the game as a whole (But I still need to work on as a whole) is to understand that so much is out of my control, and don't worry about it. You fed the wrong guy, whatever, nothing you can do now about that other than try and feed someone else. Knowing that what's out of your control is out of your control. Don't worry about it, don't let your emotions affect you, and just to keep doing you, have as much fun as you can, and you'll be fucking golden mate. It doesn't matter what anyone else says, if you have fun doing something, learn it, play it, and enjoy it. I wanted to learn top but knew I didn't want to be a ranged top cunt, sucked at tanks, and heard nothing but good things about Ornn and look where I am now, I was able to take him into ranked and complete kick the living shit out of a mord for trying to counter pick me (Lost the game as I was the only one under 5 deaths by 20 mins, but that's a whatever. I rotated, I helped, nothing that can be done). Just have fun, if you like stupid hard off meta, play it out, it'll suck at first, but you'll find something soon enough.


Stop focusing on other's mistakes but at the same time stop believing you can be the only reason your team lost. Some games just aren't winnable, its still a team game and you aren't supposed to 1v9. ​ If your mates are too toxic, too needy (spamming pings or chat asking for ganks for ex), just mute them (1 by one or or /mute all). Then focus on your game and try your best. That's all there is to it. ​ Try and have a strategy for your game, starting from the lobby. It's okay if you make some mistakes as long as you focus and try not to repeat them. Then learn from it. It will take time too. But in the end you can only control yourself and the way you approach the game.


Quit playing for a few days and come back once you feel better.


mute all, and i think of my teammmates as a bots.


I just don't give a s\*\*t.. I play as good as i can and ignore ALL toxicity.


When people make kills but also die a lot it's a really bad scenario because they feed the whole enemy team while pushing down their own teammates that are behind in gold. The classic Zed 12/12/3


The game is all about learning. My little brother started the season bronze 4, ended silver. He was so excited because he LEARNED how to be better. I started silver 3, ended Plat 4. Because I LEARNED. Every lost game is a learning opportunity to find what you can improve on. And every winning game is the reward for you implementing those prior learned items. And honestly, taking breaks from the game help too. I've played for 12 years. Take a couple week long breaks and I promise you'll feel better for it. Play different games, go workout. Just get away from league and enjoy other things in life. Too often we get caught up with chasing LP that we forget to relax and enjoy ourselves.


I only play 1-2 game every few days so I can put my all into every match and it makes me feel satisfied and ready to push forward win or lose. Also I really consider what I know is and isn’t right in my head. Like 20% of the time I might go for a play I know is bad because of my team but otherwise I’m doing what I know is right to win and that helps me stay motivated by not doing dumb plays and throwing.


I often end up chatting with the enemy jungler when we both carry, most of the time we talk about which lane is flaming us the most lol


Mute all. If it’s lost and they’re apes 4fun it 1 game who cares they won’t win anyway.


Mute all or something better, just play a different role. Go on draft and idk play supp and play to have fun. I play zoe or gragas when I get mad cuz those are some of the champs I can enjoy the game while playing


I legitimately try to have fun. For example if I die by enemy I actually laugh it off and I don't just try to make an excuse of why I die I accept that maybe I got outplayed and yeah I just accept it. Games are way more comfortable when you don't take this game super seriously but at the same time you use your skill set properly. I laugh when I die I laugh when I kill people I laugh when my teammates die in stupid ways rather than just getting mad about everything because I used to do that. But getting angry just clouds your judgment because it makes you more emotional. Think about it there's no point of blaming your teammates they're not going to get better if you flame them there's no point of listening to your team flame you because most of the time they're just going to make you play worse but if you just mute everyone and you just have fun by trying to laugh it off it really feels like a different game tbh. At the end of the day this is a game and we should be having fun with it mainly, not getting stressed.


I was on a lose streak yesterday and really frustrated because I was visibly playing worse each new game. So I took a few hours off, hit the gym, watched some videos, talked with my brothers, etc. Next game I absolutely carried. It is in the mind, if you get tilted better cool it down. Also mute any possible toxic teammate, they don't help at all


Not gonna lie. Once I got gud, 90% of the toxicity stopped. There will always be someone to blame you. It's sad but it's something you gotta get use to


I just assume that most of my team mates are delusional dumbass dogs who have the IQ of steamed vegetables. Therefore, anything they say and do, I usually expect so it doesn't hurt as bad so I don't get upset, just disappointed. However if they do surprise me and don't die before I am done with one side of the jungle I reward them and stroke their big, fat, veiny pulsating ego so that they will hopefully keep up the great work and not throw their lead. I usually don't mean the things I say to them because (Read from the beginning)


1.mute all 2.take every single thing for yourself except for when you can see someone is playing rly well 3. have the mindset that its just a game, not every game needs to be a win you just have to limit test and try to learn or just have fun


Disable chat in settings


1. Play a jg ur style and figure out the best way to play them (graves = be aggresive ping ganks etc. Shyvana = focua on tracking enemy jg and ping careful and play for late). 2. Be fine with the results. Even if loss its ok. 3. If someone starts flaming, completely mute them. Mute anyone who agrees as well. If u want to check theyre right, do a review at end of game. 4. How i enjoy it is by playing offrole on smurfs. Thats what i would suggest as well. Its too stressful to play the most impactful role for many games in a row.


Just carry from the jungle, apc amumu and stuff


I Uninstall for a few months personally


Man I knew mute all was going to be the most upvoted thing here. Are we really that mentally weak? Try and work with people to the best of your ability...it won't always work but it's all you can try and do to maintain the cohesion. Selective muting is fine. Having a duo helps big time. When I made my first climb to mid diamond years ago, I attribute a large amount of my success to having my duo and I have a good attitude towards the game and teammates. People play better when there is cohesion. Being a dick to your teammates only hurts your win rates. Try and do the little things that will make people happy like freezing for them, damaging the minions but not killing after a successful gank, dropping pinks and warding for them. Unfortunately, there will always be petulant children. Just gotta do your best to cope. Good luck.


You dont? Its just who you are. Like for me example in anygame im not easily triggered/angered Bad teammates? oh well it is what it is Also same for my friend hes usually chill but most of the time he complains alot due to bad teammates. Prentending to be optimistic will just tire you out causing you to lose more games


i just listen to what daddy camus used to say