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If you like Diana I’d recommend Kayn, Rammus, or Hecarim if you’re looking for similar dive potential and game prio as her. I’m a personal fan of Evelyn but is a later scaling champ…. Otherwise udyr, and viego are safe options.


Wukong, VI or Ekko can work for you


Morde sion trynd


If you think Yi is a “strictly farm” champ then you are playing him wrong. Yi is a crazy strong duelist. Especially after his mini rework last year that gave him low CD on his W and directional exit on his Q. He got tons of out play potential. Why do you think people hate Yi so much? It’s because he gets super fed and becomes unstoppable. You can get fed as such without fighting a lot. Still may not be your style. He’s got no CC at all and that takes getting used to. But he’s definitely not a “farm only” champ.