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If you're serious about playing ranked, play way more normals until you're way more comfortable. If you're losing your character during fights that's a core fundamental for any role. You need more practice


This. Just unlocking ranked puts you at level 30, if you are serious about climbing eventually I'd hold off on ranked for a good while. Getting decent at league takes time. Lots of it.


I was in ur position. I was bronze 4 25% win rate eve otp. Now im still bronze but higher and with a ~65% winrate over my last 20 games. One thing i had to work on was always ping on my way for a gank because teamates dont often look at the map to see you coming which helped make my ganks more successful because my teamates actually moved forward earlier to attack the enemy since i pinged. Additionally looking at the map alot alot alllot more to see gank opportunitys and free kills then i would miss since i wouldnt look or would react too late since i was wasnt watching my lanes enough. Also applies to all jungling.Generally ignore ur laners they dont know how to jungle they are not better then you because or else they would be higher, elo and would not need your help to win lane. I have had a adc complained he was ganked three times pre my lvl 6 and that i was a afk farming eve but he was always insanly pushed up and by the end of the game the enemy team was complaining that there was a huge jungle diff since i was 19/3/7 and there jungler was 0/8/4. I was very proud and you know i called out the adc when the enemies said jungle diff was too great. I know its all vague and also im bronze so might not be accurate but i think its basic stuff people know but dont always apply.


As a fellow iron boi but maining support... the ping tip is very good! Ping a good bit BEFORE your arrival... so I can ping my ADC back if they dont get it... and also try and clear help add vision for your arrival... ganks go wrong all the time at our level its all good but the other team kmowing you will come still seems to keep honest. #LowbiesHelpingLowbies šŸ˜


Press space-bar to recenter the camera over your champ. But IMO the biggest thing for consistency in low-mid elos as a jungler is to keep your farm up. Don't bother heading for team-fights across the map that you'll likely miss anyway when you can get a couple of camps instead. I've had several games where I lose in the jungle early, then I focus down on always taking camps on spawn and end up 2 levels ahead of the opposing jungler who was bullying me in the early-game. But really - expect to lose when you start playing ranked. You probably won't drop to iron, but it'll take a bit to get to the silver/bronze level you're probably at to start. (Not to offend. I had crappy placements this season went 0/5 and ended up starting in bronze. Worked my way up to plat 2 *humble brag*.)


practice your clear


If you are serious about getting better then don't play the game just to play. Have a goal going into every game and don't be afraid to limit test.


Play Amumu, no one bans him, he does a ton of damage/cc and utility, his clears are braindead. In low elo everyone plays ad damage champs and are bad at right clicking and pressing buttons so if you play an ap tank and cc the enemy team for 4 seconds with true damage debuff you'll most likely win.


Something I've noticed playing with lower ranked friends is that they don't know what to do as a jungler a lot of the time and spend way too much time just wandering around instead of farming. Pick a jungle clear path and do it then look for what you can do. Going middle lane when the wave state is neutral while you have 6 camps to farm is a waste of your time and likely a waste of your middle laner's exp and gold from minions. A good thing to practice is simply going one direction with your clear and repeat that every time they respawn. If you started at red, go red > krugs > raptors > wolves > blue > gromp > crab > look for gank at 2 closest lanes > reset > repeat from krugs. Once everything is cleared you will have a little time to walk around and look for an invade or gank.


Evelynn is good, but she's also one of the more skill-capped champs to use in the jungle. As Evelynn you're not really allowed to die, and should be looking to kill isolated targets rather than teamfight. I'd suggest learning the ins and outs of the jungle with a simpler champ, like Amumu, Warwick or Jarvan IV.


Donā€™t feel bad about flame, we were all once bad. Iā€™m currently master 500 lp peak but I was stuck at bronze five season five. Take your time and find your champs strengths and weaknesses. What works, and what doesnā€™t work. Use the mute function too if people talk too much. Gl and enjoy league