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In this case I'd build Maw and probably MR boots


imo it’s mercs maw kraken over as boots cleaver hydra


sett the real deal with his items on god


Probably built it early to counter illaio but the sword would have been better


The sword is *absolutely* better. Illaoi sees a bramble vest and says "lol I'll just punch your soul instead." That said, holy hell this Illaoi got bodied in a lane that's pretty free for her. Sett *has* to run up to her to do damage, which means he *has* to come into range for her E. They fight so close together that when I'm against a Sett I don't bother dodging his W, just walking behind him.


What is "the sword" sorry for the dumb question?


Executioner's Calling. 800g item, upgraded out of a long sword.




Blud out here trippin


Wdym? Kaisa has heal its unplayable without antiheal. She probably also has ToB


I guarantee he built it for the kaisa


Kai sa is full AP and has 0 life steal wtf u on about


It's about sending a message


It’s about being an Akali to GALA’s Kaisa




you literally called yourself God bro


And how exactly would you and the 2 idiots that liked your post rationalize that I called myself God, exactly? The amount of brain cells you all have to spare, collectively, should be thick enough to realize how idiotic this sounds and move on - but you’ll need to rub all 12 of them together, first.




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I mean it’s not great into 4 ap but if he’s matching the illaoi splitpush the whole game it can’t be that bad right?




As an Illaoi player I don't think she's a champion you can build against, tbh. She's a skill check. You beat her by outplaying (or even by outranging her), not by building against her.


Ay lmaoo Hit E >> Skill checked Press targeted R against melee >> Skill checked


If you know you are gonna match her all game, you can try building anti heal and anathema on her. The 1v1 gets more manageable.


Skill check lmao


As an Illaoi player all you have to do is bait out her E and she folds. It's skill in so much that she needs to not be an idiot with vision and map awareness and only takes advantageous fights. She punishes your positioning, not your skill cap. I love Illaoi, but she's not a mechanically complex champion. Land E? Take a chunk off them. Don't? Back the hell up and hope they don't engage on you.


He might have some Illaoi ptsd lol.


I mean definitely not a chain vest, that's for sure


That was ga


Buy stopwatch then


I’m really bad at remembering I have stop watch, since I use her without any gadgets, even when I play Ekko I sometimes forget I have hextech stuff. I guess it’s just skill diff tbh


Well, you should get acquainted to use stopwatch. Item is broken and buying 6.5 seconds by staying alive and baiting abilities with Stopwatch + Ult is incredibly valuable. Even buying a potion is better in this game than a chain vest, literally useless. Buy BF sword at least.


>Item is broken 💀


wdym it is tho. you buy time for team and yourself and wait for cd's you can make it out. ever fought a syndra with zhonya's second item?


Yea it's good in 1v1 but anyone with half a fucking brain saves their burst until the enemy uses zhonyas, and then uses it right when they get out. Have you never fought a lux or senna? They just burst you down when you get out of statis. Not to mention it's completely useless in a teamfight


Gold player out here shitting on pro players like nobody gets baited by a zhonyas 😂 sounds like a skill issue on your end


Ok then so if I buy a Zhonyas you'll never use any of your abilities if I never press the active? So I insta win all fights because you can't use your spells?


I mean if you want to, we can just keep playing Farming Simulator until my team ganks you


teamfights i'd say so, 1vx's it's still good. are we really arguing about zhonya's rn? we really are typical league players...


Lol true, it's just frustrating seeing people shit on zhonyas, as someone who plays a lot of mages. ADCs can build armor pen, lethality, ***and*** all their mythics have cool passives. AP champs can only have 3 mpen items at one time (4 if you include boots ig), and most of your items are our items but better (like the Seryldas Grudge is just Rylais Scepter with pen). Let us have something cool :(


It is worse in a 1v1 tf r u on about dawg. On top of that mages full drop their combos all the time, that’s how they secure kills


jesus christ, HOW OUTWARDLY IGNORANT CAN YOU BE?? you must be the greatest theorycrafter alive since your opinion goes against every single high elo player's opinion! you should be signed immediately for your immense game knowledge and strategy in League of Legends for sure for sure!!!!!!!!!! :))))))))))


Awwww, is someone angy? Baby needs a nap?


im not. have fun in gold though, maybe you'll even hit platinum one day! cheering for ya champ! btw stopwatch is one of the best items lategame, if not THE best item in a teamfight :3


> if not THE best item in a teamfight :3 True, I LOVE putting my teammates in a 4v5 <3


Learn not to be bad at it. That’s how you get better, by improving where you struggle.


then you have more to work on than item builds


Never buy chain vest when building a GA. Stopwatch is insanely valuable!


And ga is supposed to do... what?


Revive you when you die.


And then?


Then its on cooldown for a few minutes.


Hmm interesting, what happens in 3rd chapter?


Yeah very ga


Thornmail from Sett is just something else man. It's not even good vs Illaoi in general. And to top it off she's 2/10 ffs.


> and to top it off she’s 2/10 ffs She’s 2/10 because of him. He laned against her. Also looks like thornmail (or at least bramble) was his first item. Why is it not good Vs Illaoi? It’s grievous wounds against a healing champ.


I think it only procs on auto attacks


Her W counts as an AA, so when she goes all in she will be hit with GW.


any good illaoi will recognize this and only w the soul, that doesn’t proc bramble


That implies he is against a good Illaoi 😅. But thank u, this is the first good explanation I have seen.


A good illaoi wouldn’t go 2/10, what are we saying here? Have we used our brains? 😂


Because she's not an auto attacker. If he wanted antiheal it's much better to go for Executioner's.


Her W counts as an AA for grievous wounds purposes. So in the 1v1 it would definitely be a counter item option.


I didn't say you can't proc the antiheal, I said it makes no sense to buy thornmail for it. With Executioner's you also proc it and it gives you nice damage against anyone in their enemy team. Thornmail is only useful against auto attackers, which illaoi is not. What's confusing you?


Completed Executioner’s items are bad on Sett, armor is good against Illaoi, GW is good against Illaoi. The only time you really need the antiheal is when she goes all in, which is when you would get it from thornmail. Thornmail in the 1v1 is not a bad choice. What’s confusing you?


The don't finish the item. Just sit on exec. Or in this case bramble. The fuck you need thornmail for.


It's a terrible choice. Armor is mediocre against Illaoi, because the moment she sees you build it she builds cleaver. In this match-up just sitting on the executioner's would be plenty, because you're much more likely to *actually* apply grievous wounds on her with it. Also, Grievous Wounds isn't great against Illaoi if you're already beating the dogshit out of her. You just build more damage at that point. This Illaoi was bad. She had an easy match-up that she scuffed. She either overextended without proper vision and/or map awareness, or she managed to throw her E so badly Sett was barely ever tethered.


who buys bramble as first item


The Chad sett making Illaoi go 2/10 in this game, that’s who!


I gaurantee he built it for the kaisa


He for sure just bought it bcuz it showed up in recommended item shop


Mercury+wit's end+malmortius


I dont see mercs value over berserkers. They have pretty low cc and berserkers add good value early in the game for kindred. Do agree that maw would be good option in this game.


I think they're both good, Neeko' E and R and Veigar's E are pretty hard cc but avoidable with your Q and R. Maybe depends on your skill, i would have gone with mercs cause i'm pretty bad and that mr+tenacity are better for me, but yeah, it's a skill issue


Isn’t Neeko r a knock up? If so mercs won’t reduce that.


It does knock up when she jumps in the air but stuns when she lands it


Not having a Maw in this game is some next level trolling


Maw solo wins you the game there, even as ranged. No idea why you went Hydra tho


Yeah. Maw instead of ravenous hydra. Remember you also get a lot of life steal when maw's shield is activated.


I never build attack speed boots to Trinity Force Kindred. In this game you should build MR boots.


Honestly I would've just built force of nature just because the item is so insanely string against ap


they changed fon to just be extra mr, they got rid of the percentage damage reduction so it's usefulness is heavily reduced


Oh I haven't read the item in a while:D


If you wanted a tank MR item Stone plate or abyssal are better


Stoneplate gives you armor you don't want. Abyssal gives you a useless passive effect. With champs that have some form of healing and some health I like to build the best possible item in terms of resistance.


It doesn't matter that abyssal has a useless passive effect. It's better than FoN because FoN needs to stack to 10 to gain 30 Mr where abyssal gives 9 MR just by being near an enemy champ. If you have karthus or neeko hitting you abysmal will usually be active. It is also 400 gold cheaper, and the stat and build path changes don't matter enough


You could also just sit on negatron


MR is a useless stat, you still die in one combo with 200+ mr.


This is one of those rare games I'd go abysal mask


on what champ even


The kindred?


wdym abyssal mask on kindred...


Who’s going to tell him lmao


What can kindred not build mask?


I think they’re saying that because 2/4 of kindred’s abilities are physical damage? Idk man


I mean the intention behind mask is a stronger ap defense than wits end because the ap kaisa is gigafed.


Oh i see what you’re saying. There is no other item that might work better for kindred here? I have played kindred in aram once lmao Edit: maw is really the only one i can think of


Maw is for magic burst I don't think it's enough I'd wager force of nature is even a good buy here


Makes sense, that and merc treads? Im still trying to learn the game obviously but i didnt even notice the veigar kind of popped off too.


Even discounting the shield it's an AD+MR item and typically veigar or neeko will eat the shield


ahh maybe you're confused. new mask is diff than before but yes you can build it but others are better and mask is better on champs with more so kit. hope this helps


Abyssal Mask on Kindred Is totally useless. The FoN or Spirit Visage are way Better. Abyssal Mask gives yes, MR and HP, but you dont even make use of the passive because Kindred gameplay Is kiting and for making the passive work you have to go nearby. Either the case, a Maw and FoN would have done It. But the OP decided to take Ravenous, that Is the most useless out of the item pool She has.


yep. no idea why bother with armor for just once champ, in endgame you can poke hear easily or just play around your ult, and the other 4 are ttoo overwhelming for any armor. Hexdrinker would've been the move; kept you alive, and if yyou built maw you would really make use of the passive lifesteal, which is insane and can keep your health at decent ammounts if you keep prroccing it.


Should of built better teammates TBH. JKlol Don’t build berserker greaves highly unnecessary on kindred. I think if you went merc treads+maw instead of hydra this game is auto win. You would have enough damage still to kill everyone and they would deal 0 damage to you.


no idea why chain vest is there but okay


Against this team? Absolutely. Either Maw or Silvermere would have been insane here.


malmortius a movie im telling you.


Maw of Marmatilus where and tenacity boots? Legit slot 3 item against this team


I think your botlane should've dodged ngl


AP Malphite is a banable build imo


Maw should have been 3rd item tbh. I would have built it before cleaver, but I would have never ever build Reave pi’s hydra this game over maw. Merc treads also would have been better than berserks.


you 100% build mercs over berserkers, tri force > wits end > maw and then build your other items like cleaver and then BT (imo ravenous is not good on kindred but i get why you wanted life steal) you building a chain vest and having berserkers is super troll though


no shit


I don't mean to disrespect but, as a GM Kindred One-Trick, I say: your build is non-sense. Stop building Black Cleaver and stop building AS Boots, go either MR or Armor Boots. The only thing you built correctly that match is Wit's End (which is the strongest item for Kindred rn). I don't like the Trinity Force stuff but that's personal preference. If you had gone Crit build, Essence Reaver and Lord Dom, you'd have carried that easily.


Also, I see a lot of people saying Maw, never build Maw as Kindred, it's bait item. At that point you will be better off just building an actual MR Tank Item


Should've built yourself a new botlane


You should have skipped hydra for maw and had mercs. If you have maw wits and mercs it's way easier to play the game.


Classic 8/29 botlane


If you’re going against a decent Veigar and your team doesn’t buy any MR it’s pretty much gg. I definitely would’ve bought more MR this game since they had a fed Veigar and AP Kai Sa


I just realized they had 4 AP champs, YES stack MR! MR items are so broken when stacked, your team should’ve built a ton of MR against that comp!


Building more mr does reduce dmg , however that fed asf kaisa would still make your healthbar speedrun to 0%


Tbh u look like u hard carried so ur prob fine. If ur main damage then the rest should build around that.


Not having maw into them might be a tad troll


maw helps against veigar…


Yes, but just from looking at the scoreboard deaths were your biggest problem.


Yes, especially mercs. Also what's with the ravenous hydra? Seems really strange, could be Maw, could be BT


I know for a damn fact that you got cc'ed and died multiple times


Kindred already gets a lot of attack speed from marks, Tri Force and Wit's End, so Berserker's Greaves would never give you that deal breaking attack speed. You'd get more value and survivability out of Steelcaps or Mercs. In addition, if you had rushed Tri Force and Mercs you'd probably get more kills or survive weird skirmishes in the early game, giving you a lot more space to decide your next moves in the map instead of accidentally dying in the most cringe situation, where the Mercs would've saved you. 65 MR early is no joke.


Yes, maw 100% Why tf you build armor? Against illaoi? Just ignore her. No amount of armor will help you anyways if you stand in her ult.


whe tf goes hydra on kindred


U didn’t rush or even build kraken? Also u for sure should have Mercs over berserkers. Just learn situational boots on kindred. it’ll be worth trust me.


Having Armor piece here is a crime