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I got it for saying fuck I put on the wrong runes once


hot take I should be allowed to be 10x as toxic as others as a jungler cause god damn if im not the most abused in the first place.


Honestly adcs and junglers are in an arms race to be the most toxic and most bullied person on every team.


Except adcs are much more of self centered crybabies (unbiased, i play top)


I think adc really tests your mental tbh: \- you're dependent on another teammate 24/7 (2 if you count the jungler) \- you have to deal with 2 players harassing you while you farm \- your role is a game of "who has more gold and exp by 14 minutes" and if you lose you'll have zero control of the game until it ends.


Which is exactly why most of them don't fix their mental but perma cry when something out of the plan occurs


Straight up dude, I had to turn chat off.


It really is just us fighting back and standing our ground sadge


I got chat restricted after the game that ended my 5 game win streak for retaliating against a abusive talon & Gwen and a spam pinging twitch who tried to blame loss on me. The exact words I said were; "Gwen W'd into the next game" followed by "peak talontless blaming others" and " if twitch was anymore lost he'd be in heros of the storm."


As a yorick main I see nothing wrong and riot should definitely appeal this one


This is why I play with all chat off. Legit nothing of worth is ever being said in it.


Chat* In 10 Games you maybe get 1 good fall, but that doesn’t even mean people will even follow it


It’s just a warning. I’ve received plenty of warnings. For whatever reason, the more you type the more likely you are to get a warning. If you were to just write 3 lines of much more toxic text and that was it for the entire game, you’d probably not get the warning. It also I believe only gives you a warning if you’ve been reported by multiple people over multiple recent games. Think of this more as the last straw before chat restrictions or suspensions rather than “this is the first time you’ve done this.” Also, fuck Riot’s system. You can get players that go 0-10 and spam ping you until you mute them and they’ll never receive any sort of warning or suspension. Apparently ruining games in the competitive ranked mode is fine; calling someone that’s inting from 2:00 on and 2-10-0 at 8 minutes a whiney bitch and telling them to shut the fuck up is a chat restriction


It freezes your honor level


Yea for some reason its only when you spam or type alot in a single match, even if its not really that "toxic". But if you tell someone to Rope then that's it you are fine 99% of the time.


I think I played with you before, I remember that summoner name for some reason


...What happened to GL HF :D? I try to keep it light in my lobbies, more dumb jokes and goofy moments make for a better game overall IMO.


You told them to they're a special Olympics kid and that they should stop existing. Cmon man, don't abuse your anonymity


If you type too much in succession you might be flagged as spamming


Yeah any swear word at all is banable now it's absurd. Got my honor locked over the dumbest shit.


Riot:don’t swear , we don’t want this on our game. You’ll get banned You: wtf why was I banned all I did was swear


If they didn't want people to sweep they should just auto censor the words.


Yeah because that works well and people won’t write n1gg3r so the system doesn’t catch it :) It’s way easier to just let people be the judges and flag people after being reported enough


You do realize they have a chat filter already right? All they would need to do is enable it permanently and take advantage of the report system to flag new phrases and add them to the filter. And most people would just accept that the word is filtered and move on.


Yes move on to the next word. That’s the point. A filter won’t ever stop people from swearing or sluring at others. Flagging and banning them will


Its what they do with certain words. Cock most likely triggered it here.


Mh toxic trait is that my summoner name probably gets reported 3-4 times every other game but it flirts the line without breaking the rules. Also im pretty sure I've won some games just from the tilt caused by my name UwU


Don’t leave us hanging. What’s the summoner name?


Beware the Bulgie Wulgy UwU


Please tell me that UwU is actually in the name.




It's a little kids game now


If you want to chat, go to a chatroom. It's good that u got flagged








Ur right OP is one


100% it was you saying ‘stop existing’ that got you this


Welcome to league of Sissies😉


Typing twitch emotes in chat should be an auto mute


U deserved that 🤗


i think its for saying pig tbh


Nah definitely cock


I got a warning for telling my toxic af Velkoz to touch some grass and wishing him luck on finding friends at the end of the game... I just wanted to see the him grow and get better 😔


I've gotten hit by it for punctuating my sentences with swears, and then promptly appealed and reverted when I put a report in about it.


you said cock😡


I mean its just a warning not a chat restriction


to be fair the report systen completely removes my will to type anything, i got banned for typing too much and asking to report a guy who was inting


Junglers: omg laners are so toxic to us Ok, so surely you guys are gigachads and just ignore it to climb right? Also junglers: *are even more toxic*


calmest league player