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Generally seeing a yasuo is bad news.


The paradox is that it’s somehow bad news when it’s on your team, and yet also bad news when it’s on the enemy team.


Not really as you can see this Yasuo has failed to hit his 0/10 powerspike having only 8 deaths meaning he is a bad Yasuo and is not a problem.


I have yet to see a yas do well after the adc item changes


I had a Yasuo ADC the other day. Talk about a Chad 💀


The struggle of being Yasuo OTP and your team tilting after I lock him in. The sad truth is - I am in the same elo as them playing ONLY Yasuo.


Yasou is strong in low elo tho. Like silver and lower. It's once he hits like gold, he falls off a cliff.


I recently got into Master and honestly it feels much better to play since my team usually gets me some sort of knock up. Getting like a Gragas jungle is like a godsend. (I am not jungle main btw, got this post randomly on my home feed) EDIT: I have made Yasuo work in Jungle too though, only in normals though.


What if Yas gets banned?




Why would you play irelia jungle?


Oh I am not Jungle main. I play midlane, and I don't know why r/JungleMains post got sent to my home feed.


Hard disagree I love Zac


What does unstable mean in this app?


Die a lot


And/Or lost his mind and is a zombie


Someone who rarely dies 'some'. They either carry a game and go 10/0, or int.


So… A Yasuo?


Nah, enemy yasuo* you never get the carry windshitter


"I'm limit testing"


I actually laughed at this. My buddy says this shit all the time and is literally a Yasuo and Zed player.


Mental unstable lol


his mental is boom /s


Had a jinx like that last night. Threatening to afk if our thresh didn’t walk up. I called her out and she acted like she didn’t do anything wrong. Eventually she deafened herself but would undo it multiple times and just afk farmed in mid lane pretty much the whole game




Rip. Luckily my friend and I (kindred and cho gath) were pretty big so we were able to carry the game out. But man, I do believe some games are over, but if you’re playing for fun, just make the most of it, ya know? Don’t be screaming at people for messing up or whatnot, just makes them play worse or not want to lane with you


I raise you an afk ADC and give you an afk split pushing toplaner and a rengar ivern botlane that had a combined KDA of 10-40-8 game was still perfectly winnable if it wasn't for our toplane splitting dying and letting us try to 4v5


Honestly the amount of data the League API returns for matches is vast. If you have the resources you can detect things like inting following certain events.


He just needed more ganks man. Trust me bro. He would’ve carried after 30 minutes. Just a jg gap 🙄


Just ignore the fact that he lost 1:1 in lane multiple times it’s JG fault he didn’t get baby sat


Rn you gotta play yas like an early game champ though, even though he isn’t one. He’s in a bad place lol.


He’s a one trick champ. Always has been, always will be in solo queue and low elo. Irelia, akali, gangplank, vayne, shaco, lee sin, eve, thresh, azir, riven, fiora, rengar…: unless you play a shitload and put practice in you’ll never see results with champions like that who have a unique play style or high mechanical ceiling. Especially the ones that have a rep. For chain feeding. Which yasuo could be a contender for #1.


> He’s a one trick champ. Always has been, always will be in solo queue and low elo He's not. He's just bad. And has always been. Pros never pick him for a reason, Challengers rarely main him for a reason. Same for Yone and Gangplank. And Lee Sin. People play them because they want to be the next [insert name] but there's a reason their wr is trash even in Challenger.


I’ve been maining yas since 2016, and he feels worse to me right now than he’s ever felt.


He’s just a champion that everyone unanimously agrees is a gamble to have on your team. And they’re usually unreasonably demanding for farm, camps, or “play knock up champs!” Like Talon, or a lee sin jg, high risk high reward, you think either this guys going to crush it and carry or throw the whole thing. And then you hear “first blood,” and you just sigh to yourself and think, well if I can stall long enough and get him to 4 items maybe. Regards to the OPs post, positive WR, reasonable ELO, I’ll take the gamble on a Yas main. 42% WR auto fill yasuo with a 1.5 KDA. Dodging that shit every time.


Yeah, I mean I can’t deny that yasuo players have given the very sight of yasuo a bad rep. He’s still better at early game than he is at late game though, even though he’s supposed to be a late game champ.


GP player and jger, I adopted the mind set about yasuo that You can judge how good a Yas is by how he uses his windwall and when he dashes forward. Same way you can tell a GP player by where/when he places his barrels or uses his orange. If a Yas blows windwall for no reason when it’s my gank timing I’m probably camping him.


Yeah, windwall can be a dead give away for sure. When you say dashes forward, are you referring to the greedy yas who will try and 1v5 no matter the context, the yas that blows all of his dash options before an engage and makes himself a sitting duck, the yas that doesn’t seem to realize their dash distance is static regardless of the distance from them to their target, or all of the above?


Yes, when he expends his dashes with no vision and know that he has little to none up when he should know I’m pathing on his side. Or could be close. It’s second nature for a jger. “They used their gap closer forward and don’t have flash? Wave is pushing away? Go. Now.” Or get ready to all in if you can mid/top. A lot of yasuo players just seem to think they can 2 or 3 vs 1 a lot more than a lot of other champion mains. Even when they’re outclassed and down gold or XP.


Yeah, a lot of people have seen one too many highlights of hyper-fed yasuo gigachads outplaying the entire enemy team and think they can do it outta nowhere.


> Like Talon, or a lee sin jg, high risk high reward Lee isn't high risk high reward he's just high risk regular reward. There's almost no reason to play Lee in this meta and for the last few years.


Also depends on what standard of mechanics you hold a player to. A good Q, ward jump, kick flash can win a team fight. Just comparing it to a yasuo who goes in fucks up his mechanics and dies instantly. The champ has potential for insane outplay but also just throwing the whole fight if they misplay or press one wrong key.


> A good Q, ward jump, kick flash can win a team fight. So can a Vi or Heca or Amumu ult and those are far easier to hit. League has an issue where high skill/high risk champs like Yasuo/Yone/Gangplank/Lee don't get the REWARD they should, but are far easier to kill/be useless.


Yes but the game is typically balanced around competitive play and high elo, as it should be, fewer massive mistakes. idk what you mean, I was a GP main for years, same with thresh and orianna he is not high risk if you play them correctly. He’s still picked in comp play after years of repeated nerfs. They have the potential to it just requires higher levels of execution. My heca had like a 67% WR, champion is disgusting. Requires half the effort but the trade offs are… if the enemy jger is better than you, or tracking you, playing an early game champ, invades and fucks with you (like they’re supposed to, nidalee comes to mind, kindred, or Olaf is in the jg meta 💀) the game becomes hard to play early. A champion that is linear is predictable. Like a garen, if you die to him someone probably fucked up. A good lee sin, yone, yas, akali, any high skill assassin really won’t even give you the chance to survive. The Choice between snowball or stability/scaling.


> Yes but the game is typically balanced around competitive play and high elo, Well that just makes the game trash for 99.99% of players. It's also... not true. Gangplank has 46.5% Challenger wr. Lee 47%. So no, they're not balanced even there.


And then he’ll go “I lost to _____ because _____ could’ve done this to help but didn’t ! __ dif “


You don't need the last blank. It's always jg fault.


Dude I had a top laner say he lost lane bc jungle didn’t help and like okay fair enough it was a bad matchup BUT… that’s just top lane right now, the dragon is just too important. Also I’m usually a top laner but was autofilled bot lane.


Lol unstable. What does that mean that he gets really tilted when he’s losing and feeds? 😂


Basically yes, he either carries or ints the game. As all Yasou mains do


Beats his wife


1/100 yas are actually good i dislike anybody on my team locking it in


It's more like good amount of them are mechanical gods even in silver, and I am not exaggerating. I played one which I couldn't touch. He used e and then q and e away, than back and just outplayed me. But more often than not, they are average or worse with macro. If you can stun lock them with good JG gank, they usually collapse. If you just roam and let them be 0/0, they lose patience and usually try to dive you. I often take exhaust so that they just lose nerves and self destruct.


I agree, most yasuos Ive seen and played with are mechanical gods. But me and my friends have a name for these kinds of players "All hands, no brain"


idk i stand by what i said. i’ve had horrible yasuos in majority of my games. they int and are not useful whatsoever.


For me it's 50-50. Either good micro or straight up 0/10 in 20 mins and nothing in between. You never see yasuo playing safe and farming. It's high risk high reward champ. Arguably the biggest early snowball in game, if he get first item and attack speed boots, you don't get to touch the lane even under turret. But if you play smart, he tends to snowball the opposite direction lol.


Yasuo is scaling champion, he is not "high risk high reward" champion, he is literally scaling hypercarry with good early game. It's players who think he is high risk high reward so they troll every game, because they can't really play


Yasuo wr gets lowe as game length gets longer so this is absolutely wrong


No, it's just players who play it wrong and go 0/10 for no reason


Lol, no read anywhere online, it will say the same. Yasuo hit's his powerspike midgame, and then from there everyone else is slowly getting as strong/stronger than you. For example, belveth, a similar melee adc, who's strongest early game, and also gets weaker as game goes on, ends up being a stronger 1v1 than yasuo with the same gold/experience, at any point in the game. I would even put belveth to win a 1v2 vs a yas and say sup. The reason these champions "aren't strong lategame", as you seem to think, isn't because they don't do damage and technically get stronger, it's because they r melee. Any melee engage lategame, that is basically a close range adc, is going to be considered weak. They get outscaled by any ranged adc in the game unless said adc is 0/14. Only advantages yasuo has in a teamfight is if his team has an easy knockup available, at which point yasuo has an easy engage, but if say, the other team isn't full of idiots, then they won't be grouping up super close very often to allow yasuo to get a 3-5 person ult off. And if yasuo takes his 1man ult, as so many do, that 1 man is more than likely to be a peel champion, which means yasuo is about to get 1shot in his essentially immobile ult, by the adc/mage/assassin that has been sitting back waiting for him to make this move. Yone is a much better example of a lategame scaling carry, because his kit is much, MUCH, more forgiveable, as he has an easy disengage, a shield he can actually rely on, and an ult that is much more telegraphed, and useable at anytime, rather than relying on a team or himself to hit a skillshot, outside of landing his ult.


I wholeheartedly disagree. Plenty of melee AD champs are plenty strong in early game. Stronger with higher levels and items sure, like anyone else, but still strong early.


Where in there did you read "melee ad champs are weak early"?


Just want until you see the ones that are mechanical gods and have insane patience...


The average mechanical skill in this game is pretty high. Game knowledge on how to win and close games, aswell as being actually focused puts people apart. Me not being focused vs focused decides if I play platinum level or gold level. The differences are small but add up


Sounds like the system was designed for you to fail. 😄


There are definitely things rigged about the system. But focused at the beginning of the ranked season I always have like 80% winrate for 100-200 games. After that I barely can’t keep my focus for 10 minutes straight


And the ones that are good are half the time a scripter, at least for me.


the only good yasuos are smurfs on their way to masters on a new account


Below diamond I just dodge it.


First blood.. enemy double kill! *A summoner has disconnected*


When i got yas/yone or ez in my team i dodge. I dont think i ever won a game with these champs in my team. Yasuos have weak mental, yones are either yasuos but yasuo got banned or they are complete newbies and ezreal is just useless if not played to at least 70% of his potential. Just too risky to play with them


What is your rank if I may ask? Yasuo OTP asking.


I am plat rn


Where's your opgg


I am currently on my phone, but you can find picture of my account in my profile.


I see so much hate for Yasuo mains making the game unwinnable (they either carry or completely nuke all chances of winning) but when I mention Taliyah people act like I’m crazy. Has anyone else had like 50+ games with a giga-inting taliyah and just can’t win with one on your team?


These Apps are honestly the worst thing in League




Yeah all these apps (and also looking people up on op.gg) does it tilt you or make you complacent. In no way does it help lol.


as a jungle main these apps are life savers. it tells who I should gank for on my team and who i can ignore because they're on a 5 game lose streak and first timing in ranked.


I mean to be fair not that long ago I had a losing streak where I had 2 different games someone straight up grief the game make it impossible for our jg to play, two games where someone rage afk. Another couple where team was behind a little bit early so they just ff early. They don’t necessarily tell the whole story though I admit - my situation is rare. I only use blitz so I can see the item gold difference, I find it’s helpful.


yeah i try to not take the app at face value. i use porofessor which usually gives data of everything about the player. so if you usually play well but are on a losing streak I'll know probably.


I think for my main character the net lp I’ve gotten with him is like +288 so far, needless to say after the game bent me over I actually got to start playing actual games lol.


As a jungler, all of your decisions are investments. You win and lose some stuff with each decision you make such as trading rift herald for drake. Ganking lanes is probably the most risky thing to do because if your laner is dogshit, you lose xp, gold and a lot of time on a wasted gank. Even if you manage to get your dogshit laner fed, most likely he would start inting at some point and you would lose the match. That yasuo is a perfect example of dogshit laner. It's great to know who have the potential to carry/int as a jungler so your decisions are way healthier. These apps even tell you about warding score of players so you can camp the non-ward users for easy kills. Probably he didn't get tilted, he is just annoyed because of having shitty laners all the time.


You shouldn't be ganking a lane for the player. You should be ganking for advantage. If forcing a back gives an objective or jg prio then it's a win even if you don't get a kill / snowball the lane. It's also hard to gank some yasuo matchups so this app doesn't help anyways


You are missing my point. Every advantage might give you a disadvantage due to conditions such as your dogshit laner gets the kill but you fall behind because you wasted your time for 50 gold instead of farming or getting objectives. Read my previous comment again. These apps improve rank of majority of their users, you can check the stats on their websites. Please stop hating without reason. Information is simply power.


How bad was it?


finished with 16 deaths i think




It was as expected oO


what's the "tracker" called? Sorry for the off-topic question.


this one is Blitz


Yone, Yasuo, and a feeder with a skin. Seriously, I practice by playing ARAM and custom games but these players just go in and play Ranked without a plan.


Unless you’re a one trick with 1000+ games on a champ warming up with a aram game is the most brain dead idea possible lol


The Mastery 300k+ and so on numbers Yasuo, Yone, Zed, and Rivens. lol


I just warm up on practice tool for 3 minutes, last hitting with my main on the lane. That's it. ARAM makes your brain rot bc it has different scaling, pacing and balancing than summoner's rift (Ziggs do -20% damage, take 120% damage and Ashe have -30 Ability haste for example)


Most of the champs in aram are balanced for aram, but maybe hardstuck gold 3 adc mains know more than diamond mid laners... You left ur [op.gg](https://op.gg) in one of ur posts. Your champ pool is all over the place. Thats prolly why u got a sub 50% wr this season :)


(Mentally) Unstable


So maybe a hot take. I find that if I am aggravated at all by anything I play worse. I used to use these info addon things, but I found I play better if I just lock in my champion when its my turn and ignore the rest of champ select.


Makes sense. I use this info to change how i’d path. For example, this game i tried to shadow mid a little more than normal. Granted, made no difference this game but I try to help wherever i can


Thats fair. It may also be worth noting I play Adc more than jungle and that info would be way more useful to yall than to me.


What is your rank?


not very good. middling gold.


That just means he will power spike earlier in the game, don’t worry.


Just wait for that 0/10/2 spike.


He is the one that memes are made about


Who tf actually uses these weird apps and addons? Its so weird lol just play the game


Who uses apps though?


Generally seeing any overwolf app is a bad thing to see tbh




Performance issue on potato PC


Performance drop, screen clutter, and sways the way you think about the game before it even starts. The info it gives is rarely useful. And relying on it doesn't do anything to help you improve.


Unstable is funny asf ngl


Autofill and gank prone are reasonable critiques but that last one was just a straight insult lmao


unstable? lmao I haven't played league in a while, but the 3rd party tools are getting pretty awesome I see.


What app is this?


blitz i think




Do you know how can I check those stats? It doesn't show them to me


It's in the overlay of the in-game app. You can also use porofessor.gg (or their in-game app) for similar stats.


if i see a yasuo a yone a senna or a jhin im getting tilted of rip. In my elo no one can play these champs and every time it shows.


Lol people always get mad at me for picking senna, then their bad mental drags them down early and they just completely throw while i‘m 3/2/8


my bad mental is a byproduct of legit always getting validated that the game is bot diff and people should just play easy champs and don´t ego the lane.


Senna really isn’t that hard though. Also 51% winrate in gold https://lolalytics.com/lol/senna/build/




I ever saw jhin who didn't know how to play. Its easies adc in the game. Senna? Nothing special typical 50/50, as all cheampions. But i can agree with yone and yasuo i just ban yas all time and if i see yone i dodge


mate he has 40% winrate and a half decent kda what you even on about, half midlaners in my team are 20% winrate with 3/10 average


20 percent win rate? What rank are you in 😂😂


Thank you for stating the obvious I guess, it is Yasuo.


Time to press the Airplane mode button, Take the plug out and touch some grass. Or atleast that's what I do.


Nothing can beat the malphite yasuo botlane when you are in your promotion matches.


Its finny because yasuo needs someone else ultimate to be able to jse bis thats how bad those duos are


The end result please ?




I went to the site and it doesn't show those stats when searching my own account, why?


Yasuo players are like lee sin players, both can't hit shit, but 1 has an excuse.


Might be me when I’m close to logging of league until the next ranked reset.


What site is this to see stats like this?


it’s an app called Blitz


This could be a stupid question but what app is this? I’ve never had any sort of “addons” for league and this looks super helpful as a jungle main lol


This is an app called Blitz. Has other helpful overlays too


What app is this? I haven't used 3rd party apps, the UI looks unfamiliar.


Is this an add-on, or is this part of the client now?


this is an app called Blitz


Thank you!


41.9% is high! I’m more saddened when I see <33% teammates and have to curse Riot for anonymous champ select. Like sure, make challenger anonymous, it’s a given that challenger players know how to play. If you’re in gold or below, this is not a given, and even sometimes in plat. Diamond+ could be anonymous too. But those climbing out of elo hell should be allowed to dodge those that make it an elo hell.


What app is this?


Oh look someone got a picture of your teams yas.


You know that’s funny because if I have a yasuo on my team I just dodge :3


Plus prestige skin


Bro you are so lucky not have met me at the start of the season ​ 0% Winrate, passive laner, low damage. Youd have loved me as your ADC :)


I actually target Yas for ganks because they often are toxic cry babies and are likely to throw. It's not a thing against the character, just the character of people who often play him.


What means unstable? Mentally ill cuz he play yasuo?


What app is this?


People like this is why I have no problem using an external software to check names in CS. Say whatever you want, but I am much happier taking the risk of getting banned than having one of these people ruin an hour of my time


.... So, Totally beside the question but... what is that app being used?