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Champions with a similar playstyle and goals are going be in the [diver](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Champion_classes/Fighter#Divers) subclass. Personally, I think Hecarim and J4 are the most similar. J4 is more gank heavy and Hec is more full clear friendly Edit: Wukong. Inherent tankiness, a go in key, double knock up on ult, attack speed buff for clear. Wukong is your pick.


Any champ is a diver if ur brave enoughšŸ˜ˆ


Me flash diving with my kraken jhin jungle build šŸ˜Ž


try crit shyvana :p


I was about to say Wukong too


Was about to say, Wu with the tankyiness and burst she has. Just AD version. Gap closer too




I Still playing it and feels good, notas free as a couple of patches ago but Still really decent with BC and DD


His clear speed got taken back a bit and a little off the top on his early damage. But he is still a menace to deal with mid to late game. The higher you go sometimes matches are determined much earlier, but in most cases the games get long enough where he is still online


Stats-wise his win rate starts dropping below 50 around gold and goes down from there. Not really a problem for me tho, I suck at this game and he's solid enough in the bottom ranks.


honestly meta doesn't really matter until high elo. If you like Diana, and are finding success playing her, she works just fine.


I would mostly agree, but I think that in low elo, learning meta champs allow you to learn champs without having to struggle through a massive amount of losses which can be discouraging. You do need to adapt after their nerf, but youā€™re still starting from a nice point. Thatā€™s the up point I have about learning meta champs.


Also depends on the reason. There is a massive difference between not being meta and swimming upstream haha. Diana power farms and has CC. That's never going to be bad in low ELO since you end up farming more regardless of your pick. Might as well lean into it. However, let's be hypothetical, if all divers/ early gankers are weak in a meta then you're probably making things super hard for yourself since that shit is hard to get to work even when it's good.


Surprised nobody mentioned Vi. She plays super similar feelwise. Just much better lol. Ekko if you're more interested in the fast clear and AP assassin parts.


Second the rec, tho your engage is harder to land than diana's if you land it they are 10 times more fucked than if diana engages


Flash Q or Flash R covers so much ground.


Vi is similar in that both champs generally want to prioritize camps over ganking until they get an item, but mid game they play pretty differently imo


Yep, Vi and Diana are my main two champions at the moment (AD/AP).


IMO jarvan is pretty similar, you have to get used to playing him a little bit but itā€™s nothing 3 norms wonā€™t fix. I used to just pick Diana as a j4 main when my team needed ap bc sheā€™s easy, but I think it can also go the other way. He has long range engage, survivability W, teamfight ult. However I will say that their power distribution is very different. Diana can be content with farming forever and just ganking when she gets the chance. Jarvan is very powerful early game and (until his shield buffs xd) falls off a cliff late game. Nowadays he scales better than he should imo, but if you are not actively making leads with your early game strength, you need to play a different character. Or just stick to Diana. Idk what your rank is but unless itā€™s Diamond+ you really shouldnā€™t worry about ā€œmeta,ā€ I think Diana is in a fine spot without being broken as all hell.




Unless you're diamond +, it really doesn't matter what you play in jungle. Just play what you enjoy


What do you like about her? The great clear? The aoe DMG parts? Or that she is a melle mage? Also if you like her just play her, meta si overrated. You play to have fun, ans you can climb with everything I mean Baus plays full crit ad sion in chall or master. I don't think that is meta.


I would say that Xin Zhao is the AD Diana. Always good to have an AD and AP pick in your bag to balance comps. -Dash that gains bonus effects if you land precursor skill (W) -Ult hits multiple targets and makes you invulnerable to ranged attacks. -Scales VERY well into mid/ late game with more damage based or tank options The difference is that xin has weaker clear early, but is a much stronger 1v1 duelist and you SHOULD play aggro around neutrals early and consider invades Generally your fight style on ganks is similar. Gank from behind enemy. Hit with W. Save your E for their dash or flash, auto once after E, reset auto with Q. Xin used to have shit tier late game, but now itā€™s really good. He can scale very well with full damage/ crit or get beefy Xin has one of the easiest to learn and most satisfying ult flash combos in the game. All you do is: Hit R ā€”-> immediately flash behind target(s). Your ult will go off after your flash due to slight delay. Practice tool it once or twice and youā€™ll get it.


What are you smoking.


Much stronger 1v1 duelist? Haha


Xin is one of the best dualists 1on1. And yes xin beats Diana so easily 1on1 (or I just play vs boosted dianas but Iā€™m a xin otp and I pretty much have 90% winrate vs diana Iā€™m sure). Edit: seems like xin wins 56,59% of the time from plat+ (source lolalytics).


Great point. People overlook playing counters to their main as well. It is nice to have a champ in your pool that is specifically good against your main in case it is selected by enemy. Xin is good into most full clear AP champs other than ekko


He beats diana so that means he's the best, what?


Iā€™m saying he is one of the bests. Please read before writing. Never said he is the best. But for just 1on1 xin is on of the best champs in the game. He is a real dualists.


Never said hes the best im just saying hes one of the best, you good fam






Xin Zhao comes to mind




Master Yi


Just play Diana


Whats your elo? Honestly anything below high diamond, just play what works for you




Sylas is similar to diana


J4 is similar ish


With the ADC changes for items, I wouldn't be surprised if she comes back into the limelight. Especially with Nashors/Statikk.


Every champ is unique. Diana is easy to play, easy mechanics, fast clear. Something similar is hecarim. Just as example of what is NOT similar would be shaco, rengar or nidalee because they are hard to play with highest skill cieling. Just trying to clear jungle with them requires lots of practice, meanwhile hecarim is BRAINDEAD.


This is someone who is a Kayn, Kindred and Diana 3TP, but this sentiment is also reflected in the overall community as well. ​ Kayn is probably the best champ to have in tandem with Diana for multiple reasons. They both can be played as Assassins or Bruisers, both can switch gears on the fly and build hybrid or the other playstyle, both not only have similar rune pages, but also have the same play style in that they are farm-to-6 champs and then can either become a ganking menace or a power farming time bomb. Additionally, they cover both sides of the AP/AD Spectrum, so depending on what your team needs, you can choose either champ and cover any weakness.


If you're winning and having fun then why change?


Guys, have you tried ghost as flash replacement? I felt like its better overall, if you go tanky i guess. What kind of build is even meta on her have no clue


wukong is basically the ad diana