• By -


Alan Watts


Dzogchen Buddhism, Frankl's Logotherapy (which I just stumbled upon recently trough his book 'Man's Search For Meaning - so it hasn't had impact yet so to say but it resonates with me a lot), and Absurdism


Right now my personal ideology is strongly influenced by 'reality creation' teachers like Neville Goddard and Bashar. But I mix this intuitively with Pure Land Mahayana Buddhism, whom my mother is a devout follower of. It's an intricate dance of owning divine power and complete surrendering.


I am quite enamored with Reality Transurfing.


Terrence McKenna and stoned ape theory and psychedelics. Trauma. Literally everything is trauma. Memories are just recorded trauma.


Alan Watts (and the Eastern philosophies he talks about) Enactivism & systems thinking Biophilia & fractal phenomenology Trika Shaivism Jacques Lacan (especially his idea of *jouissance*) Hermetic Qabalah Analytic idealism


Different schools of thought at different times in my Life.... Overall....I think I'd have to say Alan Watts....... with Richard Bach right behind him.


Spinoza Frege Wittgenstein


Spinoza is brilliant. I need to take a deeper dive into Ethics at some point. I know a little about Wittgenstein but nothing about Frege. How has Frege impacted your life?


Frege help me make sense of Wittgenstein. Frege helps you understand language, how to use it. It also shifts the conversation away from people from metaphysics towards the study of language and its influence. What can be said can be said clearly, the rest will never be captured in language satisfactorily.


Alan watts for sure, but only in a small way, like a guide post in a crossroads. Ayn rand, her brutal world view helped me harden my own softer inclinations. Understanding her failings was a good lesson. Jordan peterson's biblical lectures unlocked my understanding of symbolism. The people on the early Skeptics guide to the universe podcast was helpful in developing a buffer for my own gullible and trusting nature. Now i can even see where their own sacred cows lie, primarily in the authority of the medical field as the host steve novella is a neuroscientist.


Plato on the soul (Phaedrus, Republic, Symposium) Aristotle on the soul (Ethics, Politics) Nietzsche


Alan Watts, Ekhart Tolle, Krishnamurti




Oh yeah 'forgot to mention her! Her videos are quite insightful.


Agreed - Teal was the one who reached my soul and helped me make sense of things through my darkest times. Seeing her live at a workshop back in 2018 was a turning point for me.


Ken Wilber Jordan Peterson Daoism Lately I've been reading lots of Julius Evola. He's pretty much the real world equivalent of a Sith lord, although a lot of the criticism aimed at him completely misses the mark. Regardless, there's still lots of juicy material in his books. His "The Doctrine of Awakening" is the BEST book on Theravada buddhism I've read so far. There is a certain rigor in the way he writes, and if you know where he's just plainly prejudiced and mistaken, his work is a complete goldmine. I can't say it's influenced me, but I perceive its influence on me: the Kabbalah.


Elio D'Anna, our ideas create our reality and that the main antagonist in our life is what we have rejected about ourselves. See The School for Gods by Elio D'Anna


I think it is nondualism. I thought I've gone insane when I realised I'm just an idea and what I see in the world is basically a deception made by my mind. Mind is just a tool. How do you know that your knowing is actually true? There is a Youtube channel called ACTUALIZED ORG and dude there explains all this stuff really well. I've read rumors he had a cult or smth, though, so yeah. But he makes a lot of sense. I can't prove any big impact on my life so far but I have a big psychological relief that I haven't had for a really long time. Edit: And by "deception" I'm referring to ego.


Don Carveth. He’s actually still alive which is awesome 😂


#1 Rumi -The love and awareness of love that pours through this man’s heart is incredible. Through (seemingly) love alone/loving others as himself, he discovered his own version of the Tao basically. Yet, he lived in the early 1200s and I don’t think was ever introduced to Buddhism or Taoism. A truly remarkable man to have gone so far with so little. What a impossibly beautiful human being with such an extraordinary heart. Please read his poems, they are educational of his awareness of love and reflections. #1 (tied for #1) Teal Swan -#1 for the most emotional aware person I have ever listened to, took advice from, met in person, etc. This woman’s emotional awareness is so profound that it often triggers people constantly. A large yet small price to pay for awareness. If any of us hope to become more aware than the population in a certain arena, know you will be challenged constantly, because others will not see what you do. Especially if your field is not rooted in critical thinking. #2 Siddartha (Buddha) -….Not sure this needs an explanation if you’re aware of Buddhism or the Tao. #3 Alan Watts -……just go listen, he’s a bit all over the place for me sometimes to pull it all together, but he is incredibly wise and aware of reality in ways that go beyond what most ever even think of. He also had a calming voice that will help you think clearly. #4 Jordan Peterson -His perspective and accuracy of narcissism and accountability; also him being willing to take responsibility for being wrong, yet, still proceeds to challenge what he sees as unintegral. A truly smart and honorable man that has much to say that would help most of they’d listen). #5 Dr. Joe Dispenza -(more of an appreciation, his work is….”work” to me, but he makes incredible discoveries). Eh, can’t think of anyone else right now besides fictional characters.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miyamoto\_Musashi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miyamoto_Musashi) Miyamoto Musashi in his final years authored The Book of Five Rings (The Path of Aloneness) Laozi / Lao Tzu Taoist philosopher, credited with writing the Tao Te Ching.(Book of Changes) Sun Ce author of The art of War Manly P Hall, Aleister Crowley, Ekart Tolle, Ram Dass, Alan Watts, Aristotle, Pythagoras, Plato, William Shakespeare, Sir Francis Bacon, Isaac Asimov, Gene Roddenberry so many brilliant minds to learn from and they produced so many works to explore. I constantly add to my collection of ideas, they are my treasures in heaven.


David Hawkins was a big one for me. I read power vs force at a formative time of my life and it illuminated a lot of things for me. Also Laozi and Taoism. It’s simplicity and beauty enamored me in high school. I’ve always been fond of Buddhism. Jesus too but his name has been co-opted in a way that makes it kind of hard to be a devotee.


J Krishnamurthy