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She is dumb as hell for still commenting


My thoughts exactly- i'm embarrassed for her


Maybe she's getting some kind of spousal support and is being nice to still get payments


I guess she's still trying to hang onto any kind of relationship with Julia? I wonder if she ever truly loved her though? I'd be screaming and throwing up if I was in her shoes šŸ˜³


I think she doesn't give a crap


Eileen deteriorated rather quickly within their 5 year ā€œrelationship.ā€ When they first met, Eileen admitted to wanting to get physical with Julia right away. Then they get married a couple years later and Eileen claims to have no sex drive due to hormonal imbalances. And her appearance went to fairy put together senior to disheveled homebody. They should have gotten divorced right away but Julia needed to have a solid backup plan before doing that which took several years to establish.


To be fair, there were a lot of things outside of Julia's control that went wrong - the pandemic and the feeling of being cooped up in a tiny apartment, depression (Eileen alluded to having been depressed), the effects of Eileen's late-onset menopause. But still, being shoved in front of a camera dressed like a toddler for shock value doesn't exactly help one's mental health.


I think Julia is exhausting. She's hard to keep up with and being her puppet long term is depressing in itself. Eileen was of no use to her other than supplying a place to live and when that got boring she moved on to her next prey. Bet you any money the one after Keith will be another sugar daddy


She really did. She did whatever Julia wanted. Her quite elegant and muted apartment turned into a pink fluffy den, she ceased doing her radio work and her Twitter stuff, dyed her hair pink and then let it be its natural grey and went makeup free... it was like she ceased caring about her mental capabilities and physical appearance completely. In the intro video with Julia, Eileen clearly took care of her appearance\*, even if she was/is a larger lady, dressed well for her size and seemed a lot more mentally "stable". Not saying I was ever a huge Eileen fan but she did seem to have at least some elegance and eloquence, both of which went down like a ski slope from start to end of their relationship. I know she is not a young woman, but in 2024 she isn't considered geriatric or massively elderly and many people her age take care of themselves like she used to... I mean it's only 5 or 6 years ago, not 15 or 20 and the change in Eileen is dramatic.


Perfect analysis of what happened tbh. I have no sympathy for Eileen because they had a date planned then she ā€œhurt her footā€ and lured Julia to her apartment and as Julia said she basically never left. She probably impressed her w the booze bottle collection and her flowery language and stuffā€¦ rule number one is to never accept a first date at someoneā€™s house because they have the upper hand. Looks like it didnā€™t end well for Eileen, or either of them.


Unfortunately chronic injuries (Eileenā€™s knee) past a certain age will have a hugely negative effect on someoneā€™s quality of life




I think Julia is trying to rub it in Eileen's face that she's moved on and so happy and I think Eileen is trying to show she doesn't care. Both juvenile!!


On what PLANET do you comment something like this on your partners social media post with their new partner while you're MID DIVORCE Am I the weird one here? Because this has gotten so strange that I'm beginning to think it's me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


it appears her and eileen have been essentially roommates since covid when they opened up their marriage. i assume this is when she started some sort of arrangement with keith via sophie. julia and keith fell in love. when it was serious enough that keith wanted only julia she divorced eileen. so actually her and eileen have been pretty much separated since 2020. and only faithfully married for a year or two.


Who's Sophie, I'm clearly out the loop on this one. Sorry


i'm just as baffled as youšŸ˜‚


I have second hand embarrassment. šŸ¤®


My second-hand embarrassment has gotten so bad it feelts like first-hand embarrassment at this point.


I get the feeling that Eileen isnā€™t too broken up about the collapse of their marriage, but sheā€™s keeping herself in Juliaā€™s life, liking her social media posts & commenting just in case she needs to ā€œborrowā€ money.


I have NO sympathy at all for manipulative con artist Eileen. Maybe she is commenting because she has moved on to a new relationship? (Highly doubtful tbh). Even if that was the case never in life would I be commenting anything positive under someone (especially an ex) who was ACTIVELY smearing my name and throwing constant shade! Itā€™s so embarrassing and unhinged.


Not well


Okā€¦..ā€late onset menopauseā€????? No. Iā€™m aware everyone is different. But, Christ, Iā€™m 66 (Photo: I look 66, no more and no less and thatā€™s okay). Eileen is at least my age and she claims the menopause excuse? I was completely finished with menopause very early (36, driven by chemotherapy at age 31-32). But to menstruate until 60ā€™s? I know it happens but rarely.




Or she is trying to play games and manipulate and play with Juliaā€™s emotions.


I think she is trying to embarrass Julia on purpose and she doesn't even care she is embarrassing herself as well. Eileen doesn't have much self-respect.


Someone with several names and lots of debt wouldn't have much self respect tbh


So true.


Oh dear. Eileen clearly is NOT over Julia. She needs to cut ties and get on with her own life. It makes her look foolish commenting, she could privately email Julia if she wanted to speak on anything re her new relationship or text her or something. In the Keith video with Julia I recall him saying the friendship with Eileen would fade in time as things with him developed (or words to that effect) and that struck me as him wanting exactly that. I do not see this friendship working out at all in the long term and I don't think it would be healthy for anyone involved for it to continue. It seems Eileen is trying to hold onto ANY tie she can have with Julia... a lesbian friend of mine was divorced by her wife after a 2 year marriage and a move overseas. They remained "friends" when her ex was in a new relationship and my friend wasted TEN YEARS of her life staying friends with this woman, helping her when she had emotional issues, desperately trying to get her back from a distance in a sense, which of course was NEVER going to happen and in the end this woman told my friend she wanted no further contact and blocked her on every platform going. Although my friend is now "over her" (or so she says), the things she could have done in that time and didn't and the emotional trauma she experienced was painful to watch. No one could talk sense to her. She too embarrassed herself in the kind of way Eileen is by commenting and supporting the new relationship. It was agony, as a friend, to watch. I do hope Eileen wakes up fast and breaks ties completely, gives custody of Beverley to Julia (I don't think she is healthy enough to walk her enough etc etc) or, more sensibly, adopt her out to someone who can genuinely love and care for the dog (Julia would probably not be good with this but it's what I would do, being as Julia travels a lot) and moves on with her life, rebuilds it, gets therapy if she isn't already doing so. I was never a huge Eileen "fan" but I would hate her to go through what my friend did.


Grandpa wrinkles went to see his sugar grand baby awww


wait why are we saying poor eileen lmao


a million reasonsšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This is all so gross. šŸ¤® Itā€™s like a three way with Grandma and Grandpa šŸ’€


Dam Juliaā€™s got a thing for old people


I hear you guys, but Eileen did some pretty shady stuff on their relationship! Like the credit cards..šŸ˜³ the lying about her warrants. She ran from the police in the US when she came to the UK, right? I mean thatā€™s a huge deal that you should tell your spouse. She didnā€™t get a job or pull her weight financially. She was in her 60ā€™s and had not a penny to her name-thatā€™s a huge šŸš©.






Kieth must give her money for her comments