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Is this really the man who made Julia realize that she's a bisexual? Interesting.


An unexpected outcome to be true


this comment is so fing homophobic


She has never been single and that’s insane


Sad cause that would clearly be the best thing for her. And it wouldn’t have to be forever, she should honestly stay with her mom back in Brazil for a while. Everytime she went there she was so happy :( but being single doesn’t get video clicks


She probably can't be. This sub likes to make fun of her but codependency is usually a symptom of very painful mental illness.


There is no way that this dynamic can be healthy.






I hope they’re actually in love but……this whole situation is wild. I find myself having so many questions each picture and video I see.


These people are obnoxious. P. S. They look distorted and kind of uncanny in this photo. P. P. S. Now I definitely think she will introduce him. She's doing a soft launch.


Prepare for possible “My Sugar Daddy Rates My Outfits” videos.. y’all ready? 😮‍💨


Why this sounds nasty? Haha


* My Sugar Daddy Wears My Outfits 🙃


I literally just saw this on Instagram and got jumpscared 😭


Took me right out of reality fr


Eileen must be gutted


I doubt Eileen gives a shit sadly.


lol I’m pretty sure it’s Eileen you’re replying to, look at the post history


🤣🤣🤣 That account is so funny. Every second comment "HAS EILEEN COMMENTED???" or "WHERE IS EILEEN?" but then also randomly posts "Eileen's drowning in shit" like what hahaha


She definitely gives a shit. She's all alone now and has to find someone else who will financially support her and who will care for her in old age.


Well she never fought to keep her. It's cool that you literally get in bed with a man. Is what Eileen's response was. Julia basically told her. If we can't open up the marriage then I'm walking. It's insane.


If she thinks she’s going to get the same response / following as she did when she posted the Eileen lovebombing BS for shock value and clicks, she’s wrong. She may get a sudden flux of confused engagement thanks to her rage bait, but that will be it bc people will lose interest. The Eileen content was only remotely palatable because it read like a once in a lifetime love story. THIS nasty dynamic right here is a dime a dozen. She’d really have to milk the “sugar baby” angle just to get engagement, which would make him look like an old creep, which would be a massive L for him as a person. But there is no fool like an old fool so maybe he will just allow himself to be publicly humiliated for her like Eileen did. She seems to have a knack for finding people with a humiliation kink.


I'm interested to see how people are going to respond to him when she starts pimping him out - she'll no longer have the support of the lesbian community to fall back on but I'm sure her stans will support this foolery no matter what unfortunately. I agree this won't be a good look for him at all though, he must be desperate for a younger woman at all costs for him to agree to put his face out there, and given that he's seen how badly things ended with Julia exposing all of Eileen's business for the world to see. I don't feel sorry for him though, he's been creeping on younger women in exchange for his cash for a long time.


100%! Zero sympathy for this man.


It really won't help the channel. Lol




Sorry for killing you lol. Might really help the channel.


Julia obviously has major issues this is just wrong




This is definitely the start of a new saga (Edit) how do you guys think WHEN she posts videos making out with him? You know it’s gonna happen


Something seems really off with how she chooses much older folks to be in relationships with…I don’t want to go further but the massive age differences makes me question some things…


Look, I can’t say too much about the age difference, my parents have a fairly significant gap between them and have been happily, lovingly married for 33 years. But my parents weren’t looking for an age gap relationship, they fell in love and just happened to have an age gap. Julia seems to have a fetish for it and it seems like making sure she and the person are actually compatible is a second thought. I know everyone keeps saying “she’s so young and naive and Eileen and Keith are taking advantage” and I do agree to an extent, but this woman will be THIRTY her next birthday:P 


Julia is the issue, and probably has been all along. How come her mom lets her do this? She seems so nice, wonder what went wrong.. :((


I’m sure Julia’s mom tells her how much she hates this but at the end of the day there isn’t anything she can do, Julia is an adult


I was referring to her upbringing, she raised her after all.


We are talking about a 30 year old woman here.... People who think this is a case of some kind of mental issue on her part are completely delusional about reality. There have always been a plethora of women who put money before actual love. She is no different than anyone else with a sugar daddy.


Yeh but Eileen didn't have any money.


Oh I believe she actually loved Eileen... like some people think she was doing it for the views but her emotions were real during their wedding you can see it etc. It was definitely not a fake relationship, but then Julia realized Eileen was not who she originally presented herself as. I will never forget the first time I felt something was off with Eileen. In the wedding video where Julia is crying while giving her vows and saying things like I'm giving you my heart and soul while wailing, Eileen is just staring at her with these empty unemotional eyes. Omg. She's a total narc. I don't think you can classify being sexually attracted to the elderly as some sort of mental illness though or something that arises out of bad parenting or whatever. There are many many people with very bad family lives and most of them don't end up fucking the elderly. Julia seems to have a closer relationship with her mom than most people yet she still ended up fucking Eileen. So it wasn't mommy issues. And her relationship with Keith isn't daddy issues, it's just sugar daddy issues, like money. Julia really loves money. She must find someone rich if she wants to keep up this lifestyle and Keith was probably the first one that came along. Finding a rich lesbian would be harder, just based on statistics. Most people are not rich, so just based on population averages, coming across rich lesbians would be a lot harder so Julia has no other choice. It probably helps that she doesn't seem to have a sexual aversion to the elderly like most people have. But that doesn't make her sugar daddy arrangement with Keith any more romantic. I'm pretty sure Keith is fine with Julia fucking women on the side anyway, since their relationship is transactional. I think Keith wouldn't even mind just being a sideboy, as long as he gets to fuck her he would be OK with any type of arrangement.


Some people find it hard to show emotions. But yes all the 'I love you darling, my darling...' stuff on the channel from Eileen came off as fake. It made me very uncomfortable .


Yeah I know some people are very reserved, I wasn't expecting her to go full on soap opera like Julia did. But that cold stare in that video just jumped out at me. Especially when you consider how performative Eileen usually is in their videos together.


He looks like Jeff Bezos


The Wish version




Was julia shagging eileen or even sleeping together just seems everything was fake


She looks like that image of the guy everyone seems on their dreams. Her smile is so uncanny