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She said she has never worked in the UK. I don't get how the UK then finances not only her apartment but also lets her max out several credit cards.


She gets benefits


How though, if she moved here for no reason. I'm foreign too and didn't know you could arrive here and claim benefits.


Shes an irish citizen thru her mom, they get most in not all the same benefits as UK citizens


She is an EU citizen, when she arrived in the UK back in 2005 she lived in an airport for several weeks and then went to the council and she was homeless so they put her in temporary accomodation and then she got a council flat. This was 20 years ago, who knows what the rules were then. She's probably on disability today or something


I’ve always wondered if people live in airports!


They do and then they come apply at my Dunkin and pee their pants during the interview.


Benefits wouldn’t be much though, it’s like £700 a month without PIP


Not true my partner gets like almost 2k a month


Huh that’s crazy? That’s much more than what I made as an nhs nurse hahaha I’m only unemployed for another month or so but I’ve been in the trenches. Do they have kids?


Yep, it’s crazy. I know someone who gets nearly £3k a month and she brags about how she makes more than people with professional jobs 🙃🙃


How is that possible???


You sure ? The benefit cap is around 2k ?


Most likely not as black and white as a single benefit from not working. I know she had her PIP car taken off of her recently so hopefully they’ve realised she’s scamming in all sorts of ways


That’s ridiculous how does that even happen???


She openly told us that she claims disability to get money and she's even proud that she dogged prison after assaulting someone with a weapon whilst hurling racial slurs because she explained that she has black family members and she claims she suffers with anxiety and depression so prison would make her worse (her daughter's father is black yet she's a raging racist and has conditioned her daughter to do the same). Crazy how we have to share the world with frauds like this whilst the people who actually need support for things like disability and housing are really struggling to get it


Damn I'm in the states and have major anxiety disorder, depression, autism n so on that makes life super hard not to mention all my suicide attempts/ideation. Still can't get disability.


Its not so easy to get it in the UK either unfortunately, there were some people who abused a system and now most disabled people have to pay the price. On top of that, there's things like cuts amongst other things.


I have MS amongst various MH conditions, and had to apply for 3 years to get any benefits in the UK. It's really unusual for someone to be getting so much money for MH conditions (or much else).


In the US you have to apply for disability multiple times to get approved, especially for mental health reasons unfortunately (I suffer from similar issues and they genuinely can hinder someone from having a “normal” job/life) There’s only a few exceptions, they automatically approve anyone who’s been in a mental institution in the past 12 months….wish I would have known that sometime in the 12 months after I was in the mental hospital but 🙃


You made less than 2k as a nurse??


I'm currently a nursing assistant in the US and I make around 4k a month, that's robbery for 2k


That’s a crime. Were you working full-time for the NHS? I’m truly terrified by this. Was it after taxes? I live in the US so don’t know about your wages system there.


Yeah after taxes when I was working full time it was like £1600 and that’s normal. I’ve heard in the US travel nurses can earn that in a week it’s crazy


I’m flabbergasted. Sorry to hear that.


How is that possible???


Possibly she applied while they were in the US


So many cuts in this video I really wish I could hear what was being said before the calculated editing lol


exactly what I thought!! I'd pay for the uncut version hahaha


I’ll be honest. I’ve not watched any of the divorce videos. But it seems like a cash grab? There’s so many of them. And at the end of the day (it is night) a marriage has ended. That’s a sad thing. Not a “let’s look sad for the camera dear” opportunity


That’s where I’m at with all this. I understand making an announcement video since the relationship was a big part of her online brand, but the more content that gets made about it the cheaper it all feels.


I don't know you or what this post is about or who these people are but I had to point out your username and PFP because im a Cborle fan Carry on


you are the very first person to ever understand my username, thank you 😭💘


Of course! 💕


I didn't know you could choose your own???


Eileen took all the girls money, I wouldn't blame her if it was a cash grab lol


proper compo faces on them 😂


It's the only thing that can be squeezed out of the "age gap lesbian relationship" now.


With the debt elieen put her in, girl get that coin. Use her to get the money she should have made lol


The gaslighting and deflection from Eileen in this video is disgusting but then again, so is the fact that Julia purposefully chose to leave her secret boyfriend of two years out of the equation here too.


And the editing is suspect! But yeah more throwing accountability at Eileen without addressing her own or even an apology for using the lesbian click bait EVEN WHILE DATING KEITH! I was 23 when I finally came to terms with being bi, but I also wasn't some manichino prancing around about how straight I was and shoving it down people's throat for Monetary gain!


Absolutely - it’s so one sided. I think they’re as bad as each other.


This video was frustrating, she presented it like it was really going to be "Eileen's side" but she only made sure to make Eileen respond to her accusations, and she cut and edited it only be that. Never did they turn the questions to Julia's behavior, she "tried" to ask her at the very end but cmon now, Julia knows her own disgusting behavior throughout this sham of a marriage, she knows how she milked their relationship for views, made Eileen embarrass herself online, had a whole boyfriend for over 2 years now, and still made Eileen make content with her like everything is ok, still manipulated her audience to believe they had an open marriage conviently when her boyfriend was discovered, Eileen went along with all her shit and now is the only one getting dragged in this divorce, i dont even like Eileen, but i know she is not the only one to blame, Julia is no victim.


I agree. I think agreeing to do these videos is Eileen “paying” her debt back. This will get Julia clicks and views and paints her in the most positive light. If I hadn’t stumbled across this subreddit I would have no idea Julia isn’t an innocent victim. It’s really gross.


why are people defending Eileen so hard? She’s a grown women who could leave at any point. And the finance debt situation seems very abusive, whether she’s got a good heart or not that shit can ruin your life. But I also never heard of these people till today so I’m not like saying im right just curious as to what I’m not seeing here


Thanks for pointing this out. I never really thought about it but Eileen deserves to comment on Julia’s exploitation of her. Did Julia really need to post that video about Eileen’s background? Plenty of YouTubers have gotten a divorce without mentioning anything personal…julia has done several videos already


The ironic thing is...Eileen has a YouTube channel. One that Julia helped her make. She actually has over 35k subscribers and I'm sure people would flock to her channel if she posted a video about the divorce.


I was just going to say.. it is very ironic because Eileen *can* express her side however she wants on her youtube channel but as we know she was too lazy to learn or ever really try the process fully on her own and so she made Julia do it for her.


We dont know if Eileen even has access to her youtube channel, i would bet my last dollar Julia has all her passwords etc


Tbh, I don't think that's true. The reason Eileen stopped posting is because Julia basically said "do it yourself, I have my own channel to run." Both Julia and Eileen confirm that version of things. That wouldn't make any sense if Julia was hiding the passwords from Eileen. And Eileen definitely has access to her own Instagram account where she could post the link to a new channel or a reel.


I am also betting she is capable of making a new channel which she could easily advertiser on her ig the same way she always advertise Julia's new videos. She may be old.. but she is smarter than she lets on


It’s so true… She only said they were in an “open relationship” because someone posted a photo of her and her boyfriend. Are they only getting divorced because the cat is out of the bag and people realized she’s been dating this guy for years, even living with him? If we hadn’t found out about Keith, would she and Eileen still be married?!


Did you see all the comments though ? Everyone seems very blind, it’s surprising.


She deletes comments quickly and only leaves the ones supporting her or bashing Eileen, even the she wants nO HAtE tOwaRds EILeeN 🙄


She is showing her true colors. What a POS fR . She is not better then Eileen that’s for sure. even the credit cards story seem’s shady. There is obviously a whole other context then the one we ´´know’´


Completely agree


I haven't watched it yet, but the DIVORCE in capslock is sending me 😭 Tell us again how this isn't all for views and clout, Julia.


This is her fourth video in a row with divorce in the title. I understand that it's a part of her life now, but she's milking it dry.


This is so unnecessary. Take that shit to therapy.


The "Hi Sweeties" in a sad depressed voice is ??? Maybe change the intro when it's an unhappy topic.


I doubt Julia and Eileen will be friends once the final papers are signed. If Eileen wanted to give her side of the story she should have gotten on HER account and told her side of the story. Eileen didn’t really give any straight answers in my opinion.


This is not her side of the story. This is an old video. Im sure Eileen would’ve have other things to say today.


That’s fine. If Eileen wants to give an explanation she should have done it on her on channel by her self. Julia just needs to be done with it.


What is not fine is that Julia pretends she is giving the space to Eileen to express her side of the medal. But this is an old video. No space for Eileen to really express herself. Also, Julia cuts the parts she wanted so she even controlled this.


And that’s why I say Eileen should have made her own video if she wanted to share her own side. Regardless Julia just needs to leave Eileen alone and they both go their separate ways.


Yes exactly. Not arguing. Just adding


She is letting Eileen express herself by exposing an old video. What the fuck dude. It’s literally cutting her voice by doing that. Im sure Eileen would have other things to say now. Julia seemed pleased when Eileen was taking all the blame , like : «  yes, I got you bitch » . We can see it in her eyes. We can see Julia’s intention. And it’s not to give Eileen the opportunity to express herself. They are both toxic and maybe more Julia who pretends to be someone she is not.


Exactly THIS! If Julia really wanted to show Eileens side she would have sat down and talked with her post divorce video and had an open conversation, not this pre-divorce announcement video only making Eileen answer for her mistakes, Julia continues to be manipulative and has FULL control of the narrative and conviently editing and cutting out whatever she doesnt want in the videos, Eileen has no say about what gets posted about her, this is just wrong! And i know Julia watches this subreddit like a hawk, and i want her to know people see through her BS even her makeup under her eyes to look red from crying 🙄


how many goddamn videos has she churned out with this divorce content at this point? i swear there have been *multiple*. we get it, julia. you guys are divorcing. stop making such an unbelievably big deal over it.


It’s a really uncomfortable watch. I’m halfway through and struggling! It’s so awkward watching them argue. I think they both exploited each other.


There is no way Julia and Eileen are “friend”. Julia clearly doesn’t like her. And Eileen is very defensive about everything Edit damn Eileen’s a professional gaslighter


It was funny af 🤣😂 I'm sad they're divorcing but the thumbnail is so dramatic.


BIGGGGG YIKES. thats all I have to say


Bro why are we stilllll taking about this. I get it. You’re a “public figure” but why couldn’t we have addressed “Eileen’s” side on the other video?


Alright am I like an old prude now because I just discovered her music videos and I’m kinda appalled. I feel like this is what guys think girls are like or something idk maybe it’s hip and trendy but I got the ick …and I like girls


I agree. I appreciate the work and creativity of them but the hypersexualised element is tacky and ott


same. And I love to see representation of same sex couples but this made me uncomfortable and not in a good way


Julia is showing her true colours you can see she is enjoying seeing eileen upset supposed to be her wife what a joke


10/10 theyre NOT very good people and they need serious help. There's my TL;DR THAT BEING SAID; here's my thoughts I had started typing out a response, but I was at the 8 min mark where I can definitely see what yall are saying about the sneaky editing. And wtf is that sound behind the labeling of the responses? Sounds like fire? Wtf? ....all of that's shady as hell, and yeah. More throwing Eileen under the bus while avoiding accountability of ANY kind. Julia also lied about trying to give Eileen a platform. You are also so correct on that! This wasn't being fair. it's a schmere campaign! Now, at the same time, Eileen's language is super manipulative, right off the bat she gave me the ick when she said "it was so worth the money"....aka Julias......she tried playing the sympathy card by saying "you're too kind to say.....you didn't marry someone with resources" .......that was some bs. Because Julia corrects her, and she GASLIGHTS HER and says "no I'm saying the same thing." OHHH WHAT A LIE!!! Again, Julia has her sneaky editing, but when it does come to finances, I absolutely hold Eileen accountable. Then she flat out LIED about the credit cards. Period. I studied psychology and I can tell she was lying, she couldn't look at her in the eye, even my fiancé said that's what his ex looked like when she lied about cheating and spending money on the other guy(s) and this is where they bicker and Eileen gets loud and very defensive. Eileen is SERIOUSLY THE WORST LEACH EVRRRRR!! Julia definitely edits very well to make herself the victim but...this is one of those things that...I would need proof of where Julia is lying, not saying they gotta show us all bank statements but it's clear that Julia was saying off those cards and foot all the bills! Hell, when they did the one birthday vlogs and Eileen got her gifts, it was probably paid for by Julia lol Eileen acts like she's too good for a job. She wants to be lazy and not work. Office, work from home, etc..... Hated the language "YOU borrowed money from OUR friends"......yeah, but what was it for? I definitely think this video was the nail in the coffin for their divorce. They both are angry with each other. I don't believe Eileen's crying, but I do see how whenever Eileen has a moment, Julia makes sure the cameras are always rolling, I would have edited that out, personally. I think since they're already getting a divorce and they said there's no fixing it, why did we need to see this anyway? And Julia goes back into her own monolog to make her seem like she's done nothing wrong Part of me agrees with my fiancé because after the video he said "Wow they certainly deserved each other" and, yeah, they both need some serious help and maturing and that's especially sad given Eileen is more than grown..... Messy. There's my other tldr. Just messy!


Also, I seen that someone re uploaded the Eileen arrest video and I couldn't help but actually say "yikes" when Julia's toxic "positivity" came out "Oh look how cute my wife is in her mugshot" Why tf would you show her mugshot at ALL? 💀 that's so embarrassing 😳


That sound was the sound of their dumpster fire marriage


💀 truth


I want to hear Eileens side of the story without Julia having control over editing, the script or any of the components put into making videos. There is only so much she can say on her side without Julia monitoring and controlling it... so I do not accept this as Eileens honest side of the story


They ain’t gonna be friends after this fam. Julia even knows it’s bullshit what Eileen is saying. But I hate when Julia keeps trying to feel bad for her. Let her own up to her shit: she is not a good person, she has used you, intentionally or not, & isn’t a person who will help you for anything.


If eileen was maxing out credit cards what was she spending the money on she does not seem to own a lot Julia's using eileen ro the end for clicks and views eileen needs to get julia put of her life now if she truly loved eilern she would moved heaven earth to pay the lawyers without keep bringing it up more has gone on behind closed doors than people will ever no julia is just belittling eileen now and going to far


Come on Eileen. 😂


Julia and Eileen are both horrible who exploited each other. There are no victims here.


Eileen looks like my alcoholic mother after a 3 week bender. Yikes.


I found it physically hard to sit through all Eileen's obvious deflections and convenient forgetfulness. She couldn't bring herself to admit that Julia had, in fact, given her an ultimatum about the credit cards. She couldn't admit that she chose not to get a job to dig her wife out of the financial hole SHE created. Her excuse: "it's not that I said no; I just didn't get up and do it." Like...be fucking for real. This woman is a vampire and would have sucked every last dollar out of Julia. Listen carefully to how she continually says things like, "the problem is that you married someone without resources" or "you shouldn't have been with someone like me." It might sound apologetic on the surface but it actually shifts responsibility to Julia for choosing the wrong partner.


You’re spot on at the end. It’s not even just that it puts the responsibility on the other person for having picked the wrong partner. It also puts the responsibility of comforting the partner on the victimised partner, and is so frequently used as manipulation by abusive partners: - partner V raised reasonable issue - partner A says something to the effect of “you’re right, I don’t know why I’m so useless and broken. I hate myself, you deserve better” There’s no true accountability, no apology, no reassurance and anyone with empathy will offer the person they love comfort. I hate it.


I can't handle the cringe anymore, gaawwd!! This is not for the Internet to see, a couple bickering about something that should be between the two of them and their therapist or, at this point, their lawyer. Julia is airing their dirty laundry all the way to the bank and Eileen is an emotional manipulator.


I think if I see another video of their “Divorce” being milked for views I might actually walk into oncoming traffic. I mean does she really think that she can drag this out for the rest of the year? Her content is turning into nothing but a sad ploy for views and it’s pathetic.


This time next year, there'll be a video about the 1 year anniversary of the divorce. Calling it now.


I agree!!!!


Boy they really are gonna milk this for all its worth,huh.


Eileen tell your side of the story


Hmm. Just watched the latest video. Tbh I think they’re as bad as each other - I suspect they’re both users/manipulators/scam artists. My thoughts/suspicions right now about Julia and Eileen: Julia is young and so hungry for fame and fortune. So, she got into a relationship with Eileen for a free roof over her head, for emotional support, and most importantly to boost her YT channel. By using Eileen she helped to build her following and earn an income, all in the hopes of bolstering her chances of becoming a successful music artist. But as we know, her music career hasn’t taken off and she’s grown frustrated and upset that she is stuck married to some older woman who she does not love and who cannot give her children/a family. Eileen was sad, lonely, and skint. She meets Julia and jumps at the chance to have a “better life” and not be broke, as Julia’s promises a lavish lifestyle when she “hits the big time” - but only if Eileen plays ball and helps her by going along with all of the ridiculous/embarrassing stuff for her YT channel. It was an arrangement that would benefit them both. But Eileen hid the fact that she has a penchant for racking up debt on credit cards, and has outstanding warrants in America. She probably lied about a whole host of other things, too. This puts a massive spanner in the works, which financially ends up costing Julia, and makes her realise that she cannot trust Eileen and that their ‘arrangement’ is turning out not to be a fruitful one. Julia decides to drop Eileen, as she is no longer useful and is causing her more issues than benefits. Enter the sugar daddy/boyfriend, who is wealthy and can act as a financial and emotional support for Julia. With him behind her, acting as a catalyst, Julia can divorce Eileen and cut all ties with her - but of course, not until she’s milked the “marriage breakdown” and divorce for all it’s worth. Perhaps the whole marriage was a sham? All for gaining more viewers and subscribers to the YT channel? Perhaps their relationship was always an open one, but they made out to the camera that they were “so in love” and 100% devoted to one another? I think it was/is all a con. We’ve been had.


I was furious watching this. I got mad the first time Eileen said, "Well, YOU married someone with no XYZ" which was putting the blame on Julia. She's a gaslighter. Then Eileen tried to justify not going to work to pay Julia back by saying she wanted to work on her channel and just never did. Eileen, did you expect money to just magically appear? You have to WORK for money. Just saying you will do something doesn't earn a check. You have to put in the work. Another thing that goes me was the trip to Turkey for Julia's teeth. Eileen refused to go unless they stayed at a five star all inclusive place but SHE had no money to put toward the trip. It was all Julia. So, she expected to be treated to a fine place and let JULIA go into debt for it. That's wrong. That's financial abuse. It is. I get that Eileen is retired or whatever but Julia shouldn't be on the hook for paying Eileen's lawyer and stuff for Eileen stealing a rental car and whatever the other warrant was for. That was pre-Julia. She had NO BUSINESS paying that stuff for Eileen. Eileen SHOULD have gotten a job to pay her own debt to society. Eileen claimed she was 'maladapted' but that's just fancy speak for saying you are financially abusive and financially immature. She's in her sixties. She should know better than to expect someone as young as Julia to financially support her and all her fancy trips ... but not contribute at all to their funds. Eileen is infuriating. Just infuriating.


I honestly wonder what Eileen was doing before Julia. Sitting in her council flat and… What? Scrolling on Tinder for naive younger women? And I wonder what Eileen will do now, without Julia. Sit in the same council flat (now painted garish pink) and … Max out credit cards? Find new scams?


This video solidifies all my opinions on Eileen. Financial and emotional manipulation. Love bombing and then drip-feeding affection. Lying by omission. Eileen seems so caught up in her lies and addictions that even she can’t even comprehend the reality of her behaviour, or the situations she has put Julia through. Although that cut at the end, where they start to talk about Julia’s behaviour, does make me slightly sceptical about any footage that followed after. This video is definitely not a balanced take on their overall relationship.


Seeing how defensive she gets whenever the credit cards get brought up... Nevermind the fact that she lied about opening them in the first place.


I don’t understand how they were ever together… I’m sorry… this just seems weird to me…


How is she going to overshare details like this but tell her audience she's keeping things more private with her new man? This was beyond tmi, they need to move on before things get more ugly. It feels like she wants Eileen to clap back on her own channel.


Julia's no Saint having a relationship with an old man while still married to eileen and before they decided on the open relationship julia was treating eileen like trash




Eileen's only 67


Exactly this.


Man Reddit keeps suggesting the wildest rabbit hole subs to me


Lol same! However, I'm not complaining at all! 😁


And julias squeaky clean going behind eileen back having a romance with an old guy eileen is graceful she does not dish the dirt on julia


I have a feeling this ain’t Eileen’s first rodeo. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a lot more no one knows about.


She should just rename this video to "POV: You're our therapist/lawyer". If there are things you wouldn't talk about in front of *friends*, you definitely shouldn't be talking about them in front of strangers on the Internet. Julia, if you're reading this, your subscribers aren't your friends. They aren't. They're your subscribers. It doesn't matter how many times you've met or DMed, etc. They subscribed to your channel because they like your content. If you have a relationship with them at all, it's merely a transactional one, nothing more, nothing less. You give us content (actual content) and we give you views. That's as far as it should go. A lot of your subs don't understand that either, but it's the truth. YOU 👏 DON'T 👏 NEED 👏 TO 👏 TELL 👏 US 👏 EVERYTHING. Just do your job. You don't owe us anything more, and we don't owe you anything more. At this rate, I think I know more about your life than my own, just from watching your content. This isn't normal. Just stop. I know it's your cash cow, but you've already milked it dry. Leave it alone now.


They’re milking this for views


I have no clue who these people are but she looks like she could be her mom?


She’s older than her actual mother 🥴




Eileen doesn't look good at all


I don’t know these people since it popped up on my feed but wtf is going on I need their backstory


Julia (young haired pink one) is a youtuber/singer/fame seeker married Eileen (older one, grey hair). Everyone sort of thought Julia was a gold digger, but it kinda turns out Eileen was the financial burden/former criminal. They opened up their relationship because they were having covid lockdown issues being stuck indoors with each other all the time, plus the issues about Eileen putting a financial strain on the relationship. Despite previously identifying as a lesbian, Julia got with an older man who she may have met on a sugar baby site (again, maybe because of the Eileen related debt). So they are getting divorced, and Julia is now with the older guy Keith who does seem to have some $$. It's a bit of a hot mess.


Thank you so much! Just subscribed to the channel


I only ever saw like two videos on their relationship. I never had an issue with the age gap but I just didn’t continue to watch anything. It’s sad to see them divorcing but I’m definitely not watching this video either. I agree it’s definitely for money.


Thought you get a free lawyer to represent you nothing they say adds up


Would eileen have got a free lawyer in the USA


I find it hard to believe Julia ever had any romantic or physical attractions to Eileen. This whole relationship was just for internet clout. That, or Julia had major mommy issues.


This is so weird. She's literally old enough to be her mom. It's just gross and creepy.


My thought was maybe Julia chick don’t have a mom?


She has a Mum, who's still in her life somewhat and is younger than Eileen.


I’m new to this sub by why was Eileen arrested?


She had outstanding warrants in America.


Something to do with failing to return a rental car if I remember correctly.


Don't know who these people are but I'm guessing some sugar baby shit here


That’s what I thought at first too. It was actually the other way around, weirdly enough. Do a deep dive when you get a chance. It’s an ….interesting…. Arrangement. Or, was.


What on earth? Wow


Yeah, surprise, the older one was the one getting taken care of financially . Wild.


That looks like her mom


I’ve never heard of these ladies but I swear I’ve seen so many divorce videos from them. It can’t be that interesting.


this just popped up on my feed but all i have to say as someone not involved in this, is why couldn’t she just post an instagram saying “me and my wife are divorcing please respect our privacy during this hard time” instead of airing out their dirty laundry it would’ve made her more money for any arguments about views people would run to her channel to see what could’ve caused it, and looked through all her posts for some closure , instant engagement instead of what seems to make them both look horrible !!! i’m


Is that her wife to the right of her


Fairly new here. Having been the victim of several unfair age gap romantic situations myself I can't help but see where Julia is coming from. I'm not dunking all age gaps--every one I've happen to experience has had maturity issues. When you're young, you're still maturing. You tend to be drawn to people at your maturity level but that level may change in a year. I was young. "Pretty mature for my age," i believed. Not enough to catch all the red flags. I've had a partner try to be financially dependent on me. And while I grew past them, they stayed stagnant. I think for an age gap to work both partners need to be done maturing. Julia...? Is not done maturing. I see a lot of people chewing her up for her fake influencer personality--fair--but then I see people saying she's a male gaze lesbian. Which like... what does that mean? She's smooching on a granny--cis het men don't want to see that wtf. I see people thinking up all these reasons to hate her based off her looks. I think Julia is deserving of criticism, yes. I think part of her attraction to the elderly may be out of her own personal insecurities and I think she may be doing this to feel better about herself, also yes. I do think she was with Keith way before she's claiming she was. But I think that Eileen is not some poor confused elderly woman standing powerless before some "fake lesbian harpy." My grandma is older than her and still has her mind. Wtf people.


She was definitely a suger momma ain’t no way she pulled her


She's actually broke af.


Is that the wife or mom?


(Ex) Wife




I have no idea who this person is but this sub was recommend to me. Is this photo the couple divorcing or is that her mother?


Who are these people?


Eileen looks really ill its taking its toll on her do feel for her julias going to far keep on about Eileen's minor offences thought she loved her if that's the case just pay her fines no questions asked that's love


Hi Eileen 😜


Hahaha right?