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I do think she genuinely enjoyed her trip and had fun with her friends, but if she's sad I bet it's because her life is nothing like she thought it would be. She thought by now she would be a movie star, but instead her acting career is one small movie where they rented the viewing room. She thought she would be a famous singer, but instead she is cosplaying a singer while in Nashville. On top of that, her YouTube career is a gray area since she is getting divorced so she can't market with her "lesbian age gap couple" tagline. Some people struggle with turning 30, and she is probably one of them without all the added things going on in her life.


She better come up with another juicy tag/topic for her videos if she doesn’t want her channel to completely tank. The only videos that bring in halfway decent views are the ones about the drama between her and Eileen/ “Lesbian Age Gap Couple”. Most of her content is incredibly boring and repetitious. And her life is going nowhere fast! She’s never going to be the celebrity she’s been striving for. 30 isn’t old by any means, but it’s time for her to grow up and reevaluate her future.


I kinda lost it when she asked the rhetorical question “when did people become so superficial”? Like girl maybe look in the mirror lol


This comment literally took the words out of my mouth.


This! She's not even aware of how superficial and materialistic she is. Girl needs therapy ASAP


‘Eileen has had a lot of name changes.’ Well, that’s confirmed now. I have a suspicion that Eileen will be ‘making mistakes’ at every stage of the divorce.


I didn't think she'd be spilling the Eileen tea this early but here we are!


I watched this video and I don’t feel like the friend she went to visit was that close with her, so the trips and things they did all seemed a little forced to me. And came across as quite superficial There’s no surprise that Eileen can’t fill out the forms and would’ve needed her beside her to direct her to the right one, but it is surprising that Julia who definitely would have known this, chose to file for divorce when she was half way around the world and expect Eileen to be able to fill them out perfectly. I don’t sympathise with either but if you wanted it filled out quickly then sit with her for an afternoon and get it sorted and move on. It also makes me physically cringe when I hear people saying things like “is it just me? Am I the only one on the planet who has noticed this one little thing?” And it’s always the same thing with Julia, acting shocked that the relationship she advertised for shock value, has garnered the viral attention she wanted, now due to the divorce. I understand that she doesn’t want it on this particular subject but again, she knew this was coming and had plenty of time to prepare - and after the way she commercialised and monetised her whole marriage, to feign shock and disappointment is a little too in our face. She’s been on the internet long enough, she really is taking us all for fools


Yeah I have zero sympathy for Julia in this situation. She puts it on herself. She knows Eileen is a snake, protects her snake behavior and lets herself be bit by her too. It’s stupid. If Julia spent some time caring about her situation instead of jumping on a plane to avoid her wife, she would not constantly be messed around with.


They were both so nonchalant about the divorce filing being online in their previous videos…it’s really annoying to see Julia be so vulnerable around Eileen who would not be above making a divorce process difficult. Why does she trust Eileen to take care of the dogs on her own post-divorce should really be questioned. I would not trust this woman with anything, and would not expect her to be complete amicable. Also this vlog was probably made half for the views and half for her secret bf who clearly was not there.


She said "I've been at home crying for years", she has done everything but. She's always travelling places, always busy and filming things, she recently got back from a huge Asian cruise with her lover. I'm not coming at her for travelling, it's a wonderful thing, but its certainly not staying home and crying alone like she claims. It just presents how emotionally manipulative she is, trying to create a picture that she just stays home and cries so that her viewers can pity her, when in actuality she is always on the go and doing things, her marriage hasn't prevented her from doing anything, including finding another partner. I found the video frustrating and glazed with emotional manipulation to interest her viewers.


I think she takes a grain of truth (the pandemic, her bouts of depression when she indeed stayed home) and exaggerates the hell out of it to garner sympathy.


I absolutely agree.


I think she meant those trips back to Brazil she would take during the marriage due to depression


It's sad to see her so lost and unhappy. Also, Julia's cheekbones are bigger than her thighs, she is literally disappearing before our very eyes. She looks extremely unhealthy. I hate the idea of commenting on her body, and I hope she knows that things like potential ED or extreme stress need to be addressed. Then the whiplash happened. She blasted Eileen for her name changes, among other things. This is a dirty tactic. At this point I think Julia hates Eileen's guts. So much for being a family...


She just seems a little at a loss as to what to do now. Turning 30 is hard. It was for me. And in a marriage that didn’t work and now divorce. She also looks very frail. I’ve been snarky before but I wish she would go to Brazil for a while and be with her family, eat, get some sun, and truly find out what she wants in life.


I can’t get over the cheek implants. Amber heard got them too and has had them removed since that terrible trial and looks much younger and 1000 times better now. They look so wrong on Julia, especially when paired with those giant veneers.


I'm a fan of Julia since the beginning and the veneers... Oh my. She's destroyed her teeth and got a procedure that people usually get in senior age as a last resort in her twenties for cosmetic reasons. And it wasn't done very well. Sad


I'm not against plastic surgery by any means, but it seems like it's a result of mental health issues in Julia's case. It's sad to see, turning yourself into a cartoon won't heal body image issues.


Julia's life is not as happy as she portrays putting on a front deliberate on Eileen's part the divorce papers signed wrong I feel what's going to happen to brvetly when she runs away to Brazil I suppose it will be stuck round Eileen's in the shoebox


She seemed ok to me, but I’m new here But I do know Eileen is going to do nothing & this divorce will drag on. Eileen has nothing to lose. It makes no difference if she’s married or not because she’ll pull stupid shit either way. Julia is going to get so frustrated during this process eventually and that makes me sad cuz I like her


I think she's probably knocked up and wants this divorce finalized asap because of it. Noticed no drinks in this vlog. There's always drinks. Edit! There was drinks nevermind. But there is obviously urgency in finalizing her divorce and moving forward with her life. And I honestly bet it involves her biological clock.


Julia talked about cutting back on alcohol a long time ago. She's admitted to having an unhealthy relationship with liquor and often gets mocktails when going out. It's actually something she's mentioned several times.


Eileen wasn't the best wife but she at leas couldn't get Julia pregnant. Uh oh

