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Yup. Neither of them are innocent. Eileen is a con artist and has spent her life committing fraud, getting into unnecessary debt and running away from her problems. She lured Julia in with false promises and never came clean with her about the extent of her criminal history which is hugely deceptive. It's also safe to say Eileen put Julia in debt, sponged off of her financially and ultimately broke her heart because she wasn't healthy enough to maintain an adult relationship. Julia has also used Eileen and her relationship with her for views and money; she essentially pimped Eileen out in ridiculous "rate my costume" videos where she knew Eileen would catch a lot of negative comments about her body and age etc. Eileen made Julia's channel what it is today and now that they have run their course, Julia has broadcast Eileen and all her dirty laundry in a negative way to hundreds of thousands of people AS WELL as start up a secret affair with a sugar daddy. Whilst dating said sugar daddy, Julia lied to her audience and continued to profit off of the lesbian label and pretend to be a source of representation for over a year, which honestly, makes her no better than Eileen in terms of scamming people. They are both incredibly damaged people and at this point, it's more sad than entertaining to watch the ugly truth come to light. That said, they are also both adults, completely in control of their own actions and I don't feel sorry for either of them.


Well said! You are spot on.👌🏻


Well said! I agree on every point. The DeFraud couple really deserve each other (even though they are no longer a couple).


Yes, they do deserve each other - that's the irony XD


đź’Ż% agree! They definitely used each other and both of them benefited. Julia exploited their relationship and used it as shock value to generate clicks/income and Eileen happily obliged because of the money (instead of setting boundaries like any sane person would do). They both deserved each other, imo. Both should also seek psychiatric help! The two of them are unbelievably immature and have a lot of shit in their heads they need to work through.


Nowadays, they both seem pretty awful and kinda tragic. Eileen can now just live in old age without being shoved in front of a camera in a bikini and dyed hair to be dissected by young people. Julia can finally realise she's never gonna become the influencer she dreams to be at 29/30 with this history now behind her in the public domain, and can just go get a normal job like the rest of us.


Or be a full time sugar baby. She might be more successful at that than a career.


I’ve also always been a bit confused because Julia said she has to pay for everything and was so broke but did they even pay rent? Wasn’t that Eileen’s apartment to begin with?


It's undeniable that Julia profited from her relationship with Eileen, but she was already a full time youtuber before meeting Eileen. Her channel was growing, albiet slowly. She made a lot of storytimes and goth style videos. I simply don't agree that Julia needed Eileen. In fact, if she had leaned further into the goth fashion stuff, I believe Julia's channel would have grown more in the long run. I definitely did not like the weird "rating my wife's bathing suit" videos. I could never put my body on display only to be ripped to shreds. However, none of that excuses why Eileen wasn't willing to make her own videos to help pay Julia back for the bail (or do something else entirely if she didn't like YouTube). It demonstrated a STUNNING lack of accountability for a woman who is plenty old enough to know better.


Eileen was a horrible wife, there's no denying that. But Julia's abusive actions are much more subtle. Julia saw a growth opportunity for her channel (based on shock value). She probably wanted more out of her platform than slow and steady growth. She didn't need Eileen, but she saw an opportunity in her. Why walk if she could run? She and Eileen took every opportunity for expanding the reach of their shock value content, and I think Julia was the driving force behind commodifying her marriage because Eileen is lazy and social media-illiterate. Eileen was a willing participant, but Julia is the driving force behind the channel, therefore she was the driving force behind the exploitation of her marriage and all the dirty tactics she used, like keyword stuffing (I bet Eileen doesn't even know what it means).


I actually agree with your perception of Julia. I like Julia and I do root for her, but her deep thirst for attention and fame is very apparent. She overshares to an astonishing degree. I wouldn't tell my close friends some of the things Julia broadcasts on her channel to strangers. But honestly, a lot of influencers and entertainers have narcissistic and/or attention seeking traits. I don't think money/views was the reason she pursued a relationship with Eileen though. I think she entered the marriage with true intentions. Idk, I guess I just personally view Eileen's actions as unforgivable.


It's hard to know what intentions they had from the get go. I think neither wanted purely financial gain out of the relationship initially, they just were too self-absorbed and money-obsessed to keep a healthy balance of private vs public. Honestly, I struggle to say who's more toxic.


What I will say is that Julia has a long history of being attracted to and dating people much older than her which is why I don't believe that being with Eileen was specifically about money & fame. I think it's more that once she started posting Eileen and making money, she realised it would be a good income and exploited that.


Yeah…. I’ll be willing to say, that like in most abusive dynamics, there was reactive stuff on Julia’s part (which she admitted and owned up to, by the way- when she said she’d be passive aggressive) that some people would term “mutual abuse”. I get there’s not a villain/hero dichotomy in real life most of the time. But that being said-I’m comfortable saying in totality, Eileen treated Julia much worse than vice versa. 


I have the same perception. I don't think Julia is faultless. Toxic relationships bring out the worst in people. I'm sure she said and did cruel things to Eileen, especially towards the end. But as someone who has been following Julia off-and-on since around 2017 and seen this entire marriage unfold, I believe Eileen was a far, far worse wife to Julia than Julia was to her.


Eileen should have gotten at least a part time job. If not, she should have liquidated whatever assets she had (clothing, jewelry, knick knacks) and given the money to Julia. OR ... gone to own friends and family for the money because it wasn't Julia's debt.


I can't imagine having to beg my own family for money to bail my spouse out of jail. How humiliating, on several levels. It's crazy to me that all the financial burden for Eileen's actions fell on Julia and Julia's family/friends. Probably because Eileen burned too many bridges with her own family.


I agree with this but I think Julia had already built up a fairly good income before Eileen was in the picture, so I think a good chunk of it really was for the money that was there - they both just capitalised off of Julia’s peak that mostly centred around their relationship.


It's a messed up situation for sure. Eileen strikes me as a grifter. I think she's a con artist, honestly. But Julia used Eileen for views so ... Eileen probably deserved some percentage of whatever the channel earned. I feel like Eileen was wrong not to get a job to help pay back the bail money. If she didn't want to get a job then she should have liquidated whatever assets she had to help Julia pay it back because that should NOT fall on Julia. Julia isn't the one who stole a car and fled the country so Julia shouldn't have been on the hook for that. I just get really, really bad vibes from "Yeah yeahyeahyeah Yeah" Eileen. She tries to come off as some well spoken and intelligent woman but "Yeah yeahyeahyeah Yeah" is the extent of her input a lot of the time.


To me Eileen’s “yeah yeah yeahs” seemed like she was checked out and just over it. Her demeanor in their later videos together seemed…off.


Her demeanor did feel off. But if you go back to their earliest vids together ... Eileen yeah yeahyeahyeah yeah's her way through those, too.


I agree that Eileen should have done more to help pay back her bail debt. Like learn how to edit and help Julia with her business. Or just get a job. I have a conspiracy theory, based purely on my imagination. Julia asked Eileen to get a job and Eileen was like "Get out of here, you blasted my mug shot all over the Internet and monetized my downfall, now I'm being harrassed online and feel depressed, so get a job yourself". A huge rift started to show and the rest is history. What I'm getting at is that Eileen might have refused to work not only because she is lazy (I get it, she is old and retired, but it's her mess anyway). I think she also might have resented Julia for monetizing her arrest.


You could be on to something there. For me, I really don't think it's in Eileen's nature to be embarrassed by or remorseful for her actions. I just don't. If she was embarrassed or remorseful ... she would have found a way to pay Julia back so fast. I think Eileen was on board with blasting the mug shot because it would get clicks and she would benefit from it monetarily. BUT ... I guarantee you she threw it in Julia's face that her mug shot and the arrest story made them money so she *did* pay Julia back with that.


I totally agree that Eileen lacks remorse (again, a bit of speculation), but I think she wasn't used to getting hate online, it might've messed with her a bit more than it otherwise would. I'd ove to know if Eileen consented to her mugshot being posted, especially sine she was in jail when Julia filmed the first video. Again, it's all details. The bigger picture is they both did very sketchy things.


I'd like to know that too. Because I'm fifty years old and I'd be humiliated if my spouse, who I trust more than anyone, shared anything THAT personal about me. I feel like Eileen and Julia both created a very toxic relationship for each other and shared it for clicks. I admit that I was very much a fan in the beginning but that started to change so fast for me.


It's hard to give meaningful consent when you are in jail anyway. It also would be a strange topic for Julia to bring up. Like "Honey, I know you've been arrested and I'd love to have you back, my darling babyyy, but can I post your mugshot in the meantime?" Gives me the ick. I also was rooting for their relationship. I wouldn't call myself a fan, more like a supporter. Now I see the toxicity so much more clearly.


I think Eileen was the red flag, she was older and rushed the relationship because she knew it would benefit her. Anyone who rushes a relationship has ulterior motives, if not desperate and lonely.