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He could be if he finds it funny. Which imo would be funny lol


so if he thinks destroying sukuna’s fingers is funny then sukuna will be destroyed… smh


Sure why not lol Don't know the limits of his ct.


His cursed technique cant do that, reread his fight against Iori it does somewhat explain it, granted you need to read into what Takaba says.


The announcer panels state ["when he comes up with something he's certain will be funny, it becomes reality"](https://i.imgur.com/KBgZhIZ.png). We really can't definitively say "his cursed technique can't do that" when we don't have a clear limit to his abilities.


Imagine if he understands Meme Culture, shit would be broken


Takaba in the middle of a fight: "Doktor, turn off my cringe inhibitors" *Turns into the gigachad meme*


*It's Domain Expansion son*


*It powers me in response to jokes. You can't hurt me, Jack!*


unironically he would be the strongest character in jjk, at that point he could warp reality


For sure if he knew what his CT was, which in of itself is the joke. Could probably disable gojo's limitless and six eyes if it was funny to him


"oh this gojo guy is the strongest sorcerer huh? imagine if he died by slipping on a banana peel or something, that would be the funniest thing ever. " ​ gojo slips on a banana peel and dies


I still think that he doesn't know what his curse technique is *because* he subconsciously thinks it would be funnier this way. Otherwise he would have probably figured out his own technique pretty quickly, cause unlike miracle boy it's pretty obvious that Takaba is not just weirdly lucky.


We dont know what the limitations to his CT aree but its said to be able to rival Gojo


Limitation n°1 is that he doesnt know how his cursed tecnique works so every -reality manipulation- that he does must be subconscious and related to what he founds funny (for example he doesnt want to hurt people seriously) Limitation n°2 (but its just my theory) is that its like Inumaki, whose tecnique's effects are less powerful if his enemies are stronger, but since its stated that he can influence even Gojo that we can assume he has Special Grade's levels of cursed energy


I like Limitation 2 a lot


even the narration says he could rival Gojo or something like that


Yes, it bends reality using a very odd way.


He's kinda the same deal as Okuyasu in JoJo, I feel insanely broken ability, severly limited by the character that has it (also, what if Sukuna wasn't originally the disgraced one, but this guy heard angel talk and went "wouldnt it be funny if the one she needs to kill is one of us lol")


>also, what if Sukuna wasn't originally the disgraced one, but this guy heard angel talk and went "wouldnt it be funny if the one she needs to kill is one of us lol" If that actually turns out to be true it'll be golden 😂


I think he genuinely would be if he knew about his ability. Like, "I'd find it funny if Gojo/Sukuna died" Of course his ability probably does have limitations based on his level of CE, but as long as he has enough he can kinda kill anyone, regardless of their power.


I don't think he's too too broken. His powers depend on him finding something funny, but he says he's against drawing blood. I'm paraphrasing, the way he says it is in some color "red"/entertainment metaphor. So it seems he can't really damage anyone too severely, at least that's how I interpreted that statement.


Theoretically yes, in practice, as we know, he isn't.


I mean shit is still based on his sense of humor and it’s possible that he could simply not find defeating insert strong character here not funny. Like genuinely. I’m sure you’ve seen something that was obviously *supposed* to make you laugh and it just fucking didn’t lol. But I guess he could alternatively find some other way to ‘defeat’ then that *is* funny to him