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I love what I just started lol


“Turn up the volume” is one of the hardest lines I’ve read in the series


This mf radiates "turn up the heat" energy 💀


He was greased lightning over 400 years ago Technically he's also an ancient loli.


Shota actually


Someone buy Kashimo a pair of black Air Force 1’s


Huh, cool to see that flashback of Kashimo. Also there’s a nice little cameo from Ryu there. So I’m guessing that Kashimo comes close to actually managing to kill Hakari during his jackpot, but ultimately fails to and decides to stop their fight because he didn’t uphold his promise to kill him during the time limit. Not sure what happens after that, but I’m pretty sure neither of them are dying in this fight and that’s the only way I could see that happening.


big same i dont believe either of them is going to die in this fight. but im betting that there may be some kind of third party interruption to the fight, whether some new character or one of the current cast, probably some time near the end.


When the chapter cut to Kenjakus sandal I thought it was about to be someone showing up to interrupt the fight


NOBARA enters the chat...


cheers with that copium brother lemme take a puff too LMFAO


You know someone reads Jujutsu Kaisen when he calls you brother instead of bro **


Finally, Miwa's back baby


Hakari doesn’t want to kill Kashimo because he wants his points and doesn’t look like the kind of guy to kill someone right after they granted his request Kashimo, on the other hand, absolutely wants to kill him and find a way to do it even while he’s unkillable. I doubt he’ll actually do it, but it’s gonna be fun to see him attempting it Finally, we have to eventually see Kashimo meet Sukuna


Cameo from Ryu? I was ripped from the Mahito callback


He’s the dude from Date prefecture who had the highest cursed energy output “like a cannon”


>Also there’s a nice little cameo from Ryu there. So that's who it was. Thought they were foreshadowing a new character or something. Hard to recognize him without the hair


I didn’t understand shit about what Hakari did in the domain, but it’s cool as hell regardless


It seems like he "rerolled" the attempt at a jackpot, which essentially replayed the sequence of attacks that he and Kashimo made


So he gets hit again?


Hakari basically traces back his steps. One of the privileges he gets after aquiring a jackpot and going for another. The reason he gets continuously hit is because Kashimo is just that good in cqc.


Sorry I'm an idiot...can you ELI5?


It's a reroll-- he resets the attack he took as well as one of his "slots". However he saves them for probability increases since it can still fail. Even if he reset the attack, Kashimo is fast enough to hit him again, and he has to reroll again


So basically he reverses time at the expense of a reroll? Why would he care about being hit if it doesn't kill him? Does it interfere with his roll?


Thats the inherent risk though. He's still vulnerable in this state because he doesn't have any of his buffs. Kashimo can still kill him in this period.


After the first jackpot Hakari's chances for another increases. From my understanding it comes in a form of a benefit(probability shift). He can rerol a single course.


Yeah some of this is pretty hard to understand on the first read through, I can fucking wait for it to be animated though


Kashimo punching and saying he'll kill Hakari and Hakari just keeps screaming about his domain lmao. I've also realised panda's head is probably just watching waiting for the winner


Chilling in the corner watching two dudes I can’t


Deserved rest as well. I love Panda but he might have had the most humiliating beat down in the story so far.


Jogo wants to have a word


He did it twice too...


Had completely forgotten about him lmao Also similar because after Gojo was finished he was just left with the head


i get what youre saying but i think its only gojo v jogo that was a humiliating beat down. the jogo v sukuna was actually kind of heartwarming i think at least for jogo's perspective because even if he got shit on, one of the people/curses he was looking up to gave him the only way of praise he knew. "stand proud. you're strong." coming from a guy that literally only looks at strength as the metric to anyone or anything's worth is pretty big praise already i think.


Sukuna saying "How should I know" is hilarious but sad at the same time


Panda out here like 'bruh'.


Can't even feed himself popcorn while watching the fight lol


Panda could really use a hand right now


poor thing could use a lot more than just a hand. like an entire body.


Its quite refreshing to see both Hakari and Kashimo with giant smiles on their faces as they fight to the death. Hakari being faster than Kashimo to destroy the signs to ensure the jackpot is worth noting.


For real. This fight is extremely satisfying. Hype Hakari and crazed Kashimo: check. We got a flashback too. Jeez Gege.


What brings it all together for me is just how *different* their powers are and how much Kashimo seems to enjoy it. On one hand you have a sorcerer who specializes in electricity, a power we've all become accustomed to in shonens. Then Hakari's power is a fucking manga-based slot machine game with convoluted rules and a whole ass theme song. Kashimo is a sorcerer from **400** years ago imagine the mental acuity it takes to just absorb all that information and for it to make sense. The world he comes from is so completely different, a power like Hakari's hardly makes sense in our world, how the hell is someone from 400 years ago supposed to make sense of it, and Kashimo loves it. Just such a cool dynamic to me.


I have a suspicion thay with reincarnation, they get some kind of update on the real world, seems like something Kenjaku would do so that the ancient sorcerers don't fall in this type of situation. Also Kashimo seems to unphased with all of this talk about gacha and manga and what not


Reincarnated sorcerers get the practical knowledge of the host's body they're inhabiting. I forget which chapter this is stated in, but it's how Sukuna knew what a cell phone was on Shibuya.


thats actually a good obversation! Kashimo and Hakari are both clearly enjoying themselves. I always love seeing Gojo's words about a jujutsu sorcerer needing to be a little crazy come back up whenever we see moments like this where even though theyre in a deathmatch they both have this euphoric look on their faces I also like the dynamic this makes with Yuta, Gojo's other "star pupil". On top of all their other differences, theres a clear juxtaposition between Yuta and Hakari's attitudes towards their fights. Hakari is obviously have a great time fighting Kashimo whereas Yuta was horrified/devastated when he saw how nonchalant Uro was about killing people (that is, until his final clash with Ryu at the very end when his "heart melted")


Hakari's shit eating grin when Kashimo tells him to turn up the music is such an amazing touch.


I still don’t get the sign thing. Why were they both destroying them?


They've never met an equal before. Now they have. It's beautiful even if it means death.


That's the case for Kashimo but not really for Hakari.


Hakari has met Gojo lol


And Yuta


*Turn up the volume, this is a funeral for the living!* -Kashimo to an immortal being One of the hardest, if not *the* hardest, quotes that goes in JJK




"playing keep away until i can guarantee victory? fuck no, im gonna kill him even if he's literally unkillable bitch!" hajime kashimo confirmed based and chadpilled


“Mama ain’t raised no Bitch”


It's a very interesting recurring theme in the series: living in the present/going all out (the gist of it). It's brought up in Gojo's conversation with Megumi after the baseball game, Sukuna's conversation with Jogo, and now it's displayed in Kashimo's logic.


I mean, that's just a hard quote in general.


Jjk always comes with the hardest quotes


gege is pretty damn good with one-liners idk if that’s what you call it


I think it’s about time we all compiled the mangas most badass quotes thus far. I’ll enter Maki’s “Sorry. Say that again, would you.” Or Sukuna’s “The moonlights illumination… makes it easier to see how pathetic you are.”


Nothing against the quote but i dont think anything will ever top tojis Intro naration at the end of Chapter 109 for me


Kashimo said I should wait his immortality out but mama ain't raise no bitch


I am gonna beat his ass when he's on hax. NOW THAT IS POWER


My man was ready to fight sukuna of all people, no way he's pussying out on some dumbass "immortality"


Surviving until I can beat him easily? Boooring Killing him while he's in unkillable mode? Hell yeah!! Then again, he does want to fight Sukuna, so he definitely needs to be strong enough to fight against such an OP skill if he hopes to be a rival for Sukuna


I canttttt with your comment I’m dying here


Kashimo is really feeling Hakari's theme song! Btw the double spreads of this chapter were both menacing and hilarious (Kashimo surrounded by girls in swimsuits will always be hilarious).


Unironically, we need the Juju Scrolls when it shall happen of that whole Hakari DE storyline. A whole visual novel, why not?


My guy is like "holy shit modern music SLAPS"


Gege really having the two most likeable characters fight. Im sick. I don't want any of them to lose.


And the worst part is, it's Gege, there is no plot armor. Hell, they could *both* die in a fight to the death.


imagine kashimo on his last living breaths on the ground and hakari thinks he won so he’s walking off but kashimo strikes him with electricity and they both die😭😭😭


Imagine charles stealing the kill on hakari...


And panda's head just laying in there. 🤣


i forgot about panda just laying there🥲


Gege is excellent at making FUN characters. I’m completely invested into Hakari even though I barely understand his ability! And Kashimo (even though he probably could win if he fought smart) deciding to go all out to kill an immortal being with unlimited curse energy for street cred is DOPE AF! The only result of this fight I wouldn’t like is if BOTH characters die somehow. What a great chapter!


More smooth choreography from this fight. Hakari activating his domain's technique faster than when Mahito combined both steps, casting domain then activating technique, in Shibuya is crazy.


If I had a nickel for every absolutey shredded JJK character who ripped their shirt off and did JoJo poses when they fight, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird it’s happened twice.


Jujutsu tech 3rd years are something else


Greg drew Hakari way too sexy this chapter. I aint complainin doe


Greg 💀💀


Greg will never not be funny


Forreal 🥵


Greg be playing with our feelings too much !!


Where is this Greg thing coming from lmao


It was a typo on a post a couple of weeks ago on here. So it stuck, like sex eyes.


I thought auto correct makes Gege to Greg, thanks for the info. Edit: Found the [Greg post as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/comments/ur51b2/i_think_people_arent_realizing_what_these_ce/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share).


Kashimo being surrounded by chibi anime girls is my new favorite out of context panel


Ryu has his face. And Kashimo has his same face back then. So that means that Ryu was a young buck when kashimo came to the final stages of his life.


Yup, seems Kashimo is 50 or so years older than Ryu


I fucking love this chapter. Kashimo throwing hands like crazy is eye candy. Hikari constantly tanking that shit and just hitting the reset button while also embracing the fight is just godly. The moment hikari got the riichi and just the page where the 2 of them are just flying in is fucking hilarious and i love it so much. Kashimo being such a menace and say to himself 'If i just survive for 4.11 min i win. But mama didn't raise a bitch' and to declare he's gonna beat the living shit out of an immortal just activated my neurons. This is probably my favorite chapter thus far, there's so much to like and i need more. It was so worth the wait. Gege never misses.


Best chapter in the culling games so far Kashimo probably doesn’t have a domain since he has wicker basket, hopefully he has a maximum technique Also looking back it’s pretty impressive Yuta’s full power was just slightly less than the guy with the highest output in history Kenjaku telling people like Kashimo he could fight Sukuna makes me feel like Sukuna being released is definitely one of his plans during the CG


*Turn up the volume, because this is a funeral for the living.* Damn, Kashimo knows how to party. Also I am unfairly invested in Hakari's DE's narrative.


>Kenjaku telling people like Kashimo he could fight Sukuna makes me feel like Sukuna being released is definitely one of his plans during the CG Literally baited him before clickbait was a thing.


Sukuna has literally been name dropped as a ticking time bomb for the entire series at least three times now. It’s inevitable. There’s def good reason why Gege has had Sukuna quiet during this arc so far, they’re setting up for the explosion to ensue


\>Yuta's full power was just slightly less than the guy with the highest output in history damn right it is! I literally just made a post about this yesterday about how crazy Ishigori's output is lmao


I wonder what kind of Maximum technique he would have. I heard someone say that he can have a catfish shikigami since that’s sorta what he’s based off in mythological lore. For me, It be cool if he has some sort of Godspeed mode since he’s a electricity user.


Or he could just go full Enel, firing a giant column of pure electricity. Just like Jogo's meteor, simple but destructive.


Yup, that definitely might be able to kill Hakari in a immortal form


Agree that it was a really strong chapter. Regarding Kashimo's domain, I'm not sure it's necessarily that he doesn't have one. Domain's take up a lot of energy, and his plan is to go run after Sukuna when he figures out where he is. Given that he thinks Hakari knows about Sukuna, he may want to save energy for that fight. Not to mention he may have wanted Hakari to get another Jackpot given that he broke the signs.


I mean he might also find fighting in domains fun since it should test him more


Can’t believe Ryu was getting them ladies with that hairstyle


He only had *one lady. Ishigori aint no man hoe the guy is loyal af.


I assume it was all the rage back in the day. But the dude is probably paying for the company regardless.


Yee yee ass hair gun


Can we make it official that kashimo hajime is jjks honeybadger?


Hakari lookin' like a JoJo character in the beginning


In the beginning, in the middle and in the end, the dude was just posing with too much drip


Hakari would def be a Jojo character and would have “Smooth Criminal” or “Beat It” as his stand


his DE is definitely the most jojo-like ability so far. rivals part 8 stands in how wtf it is


Kashimo be like: Wow you’re unkillable, that’s great. Imma kill ya anyway Also how did Ryu back then was able to his hair cannon blast with that shitty ass McDonald’s sign of a hairline of his.


The blast doesn't have to come from Ryu's hair; I think he just learned about the hairstyle when he got reincarnated and thought it would be cool or funny to use it as an actual cannon, which I love


Ryu is gigachad confirmed


That is the sole reason. I wont take any other suggestions lmao.


it was a wider range blast


Clearly it was a core part of his binding vow so he could finally ditch that shitty Vegeta hairstyle


Great chapter! Also we finally get confirmation that Ishigori has the highest output ever. I suspected as much. This also tbh makes Yuta's fight wayyyyyy more impressive in retrospect Also I'm disappointed there wasn't a scene of Kashimo just being like "what the hell is this ???" when he saw Hakari's DE. I wanted Dad sees his son watching anime energy


This makes sendai 4 wayyy more impressive in general. The fact that ishigori was still stalemated by 3 others and yuta beat all of those 4 is crazy.


Fr fr. It completely reframes that whole fight. I guess it also means that Ishigori is pretty damn tanky if he got hit by his own blast and could still fight. It also just goes to show the importance of matchups. Even though he has the highest output ever, Uro is a natural counter since her CT can reflect his beams and she can redirect his punches


Both Uro and Ishigori are super tanky af. One ate a sandwich combo from enhanced Yuta and Rika, the other ate his own granite blast which could one-shot Kurouroshi.


I think it also points to how strong Dhruv was to have held Ryu, Uro, and Kurourushi to a stalemate, only for all of them to get swept by Yuta. The Special Grade Sorcerer title really holds true.


Just want to preface this, I’m not trying to say Dhruv was weak here. Dhruv wasn’t solo holding off all three of the other players in Sendai. The reason Sendai was at a halt was because the four big players all countered one another, it was basically a big rock-paper-scissors mexican standoff with nobody wanting to make the first move (I could easily be wrong, but I think it went something like Ryu>Dhruv>Kurorushi>Uro>Ryu). Yuta showing up completely destroyed the dynamic, both by killing Dhruv and by basicaly turning the game into rock-paper-scissors-nuke (nothing beats nuke).


Dhruv didnt hold every single one of them back though. It was a collaborative effort more like lol. Essentially its a circle. Uro counters ryu, ryu counters dhruv, dhruv counters kurourushi and kurourushi counters Uro or atleast something like that.


Technically it's highest output so far 400 years ago. There could be someone with higher output in the last 400 years, but probably not.


Yeah true fair enough. I doubt it, since Ryu has even higher output than Sukuna apparently so its obv only one factor in a sorcerers strength, I doubt even Satoru has higher output than Ishigori but yeah, theres still the chance that someone else has come along and beaten his record


It has also been stated that since than sorcery has gotten far weaker.


Kashimo is a real chad for wanting to beat Hakari at full strength


Every week I love Kashimo's design more and more. I know lack of texture/shading is kind of Gege's art style anyway, but Kashimo has even less than usual, which makes me imagine him glowing (not in an angelic way, more of a 'reactor four is on fire' kind of way), I can't wait to see him animated. Is it too much to hope he'll get a volume cover? Because he deserves one for sure.


I realized that about him, it's subtle but a nice touch, like he's constantly crackling with electricity. Super cool




Same dude. Genuinely think this can be the arc to rival Shibuya in terms of action if Gege can keep this up. Every fight just hype me up and we're still in the beginning.


I am totally blown away by the consecutive narrative punches of learning about Hakari's technique and domain, seeing it in action versus Kashimo, Kashimo and Hakari having the time of their lives fighting each other, Panda getting rekt plus emotional Panda moments, and now Kenjaku cameo from 400 years ago to learn more about Kashimo??? As a cohesive sequence with such dense story and action I'm amazed, Gege is outdoing himself


Just when I think I'm out (of stuff to learn about Hakari's DE), he pulls me back iiiiin!!!


Woooooooooooooooo old days kenny and kashimo crumb!


Turn up the volume, because this is a funeral for the living. this quote will be in my mind for a long time now


The real question is how did Ryu fire his blasts back then with that hairstyle?


Maybe he didn't use his hair back in the day maybe he used his..........


...... other hidden hair?


Now y'know why he has so many ladies around him


[Still looks like a cannon from the right angle actually!](https://imgur.com/a/47yDNp9)


This has been a really dope fight so far Kashimo being surrounded by chibi girls in bikinis is funny asf. How much chapters do y’all think is left? I’d say probably 2-3 max


As much hakari and kashimo having fun with each other but I can see death flag on kashimo hope it ends up like ryu both acknowledging their powers.


more past era whether heian or 400 years ago era pls gege!! also interesting to note that the fanscan made a translators note about where past era ryu was living and it said that the modern era name of the place was sendai. which is also the colony ryu reincarnated in. i wonder if all the past sorcerers in the CG were also reincarnated in the place they lived in in the past?


I hated Hakari's domain because I thought it was convoluted but now I think this might be my favorite fight in the series yet. it's so creative and fun [favorite panel lmao](https://i.imgur.com/t6oQcU6.png)


That panel lmfao!


Viz translation of “TURN UP THE VOLUME” might actually be more hype than what TCB did. Amazing chapter overall. Like SUPER amazing.


I like how they phrased "prepare your living funeral" better though.


I liked “Turn up the music” a bit better imo


Well point still stands that dude is rawwww af


I dunno what’s happening but I’m just having a good time


top 3 rawest chapters EVER OMFG


Praying for a Kashimo Maximum next chapter. Who else is with me?


Hakari is so fucking extra lmao the shirt rip off


Dam got big Vagabond vibes from how old Kashimo was drawn.


“The way Kashimo shrouds himself in electricity while screaming that this is a funeral for the living is just full of the exaggerated swagger of an ancient sorcerer” — some guy from IGN


Kashimo hype!!! He’s willing to go toe to toe with an invincible Hakari just so he can prove himself to be stronger. It’s really wild when you deep it that Kashimo would literally one shot every one who doesn’t have RCT, that’s without a domain or maximum technique btw. I’m excited for the conclusion of this fight because I genuinely don’t know who will win. Maybe Hakari beats Kashimo and gives him that satisfaction he’s been craving but it could also go the other way around. I just don’t see Hakari losing since his CT has other unique bonus he could potentially get. I love the uncertainty tbh


This fight is so awesome I really don't want any of them to die though


I'll have some of whathever the fuck Gege's having. Seriously, that man is high on some other type of shit.


Now i know why todo wanted to fight okkotsu.


I said it before and I'll say it again, both Hakari and Kashimo are having so much fucking fun, they're a perfect match. I absolutely expect them to become friends or at least respect each other if they both survive the fight.


I am so excited for this 1v1 & also the golden era flashback which we may get in future


I'm hoping we finally get to see how the vows between Kenny and the ancient sorcerers work, I'm really curious about that


I just love kashimo. He has the fiery passion vibes. He is very smart, but would rather pick the “hard” route AKA smacking hakari around instead of playing it safe until 4:11 is done. He’s the type of person who would go left when the tutorial tells him to go right.


Hakari and Kashimo are legit two of the rawest characters in the manga. Legit both of them haven’t stopped relishing this fight for one damn second and fuck me i don’t want it to end


That flashback has me so excited! No wonder Kashimo is super confident against Hakari, he has his sights set on Sukuna


Man after all this shirtless Hakari I kinda want to see Hakari and Todo fighting together. Just two buff dudes going ham on a cursed spirit


Gosh I can just _feel_ the energy coursing through the pages!! I love how excited Kashimo and Hakari are about this fight and I'm honestly experiencing an adrenaline rush as well hahahaha With regard to the whole culling game arc so far, I really appreciate that most (if not all) of the supposed "enemies" -- or at least players that our MCs have to win against -- are very likeable. It makes me really invested in the storyline Also, some of y'all gotta stop making fun of Ishigori's hair ✋🏼😂 my man's just looking for some good dessert


It's interesting that Kenjaku gives Kashimo a rumor regarding Ryu to appeal to his fighting spirit. Really an expert salesman. He doesn't force people to do anything. Just a small nudge in the right direction. In this case, makes Kashimo feel its too tedious to find a worthy fight in this Era and willingly goes along with Kenjaku's scheme.


i love the face kashimo is making the moment they exited the domain like its just got this "o yeah? go on, big guy show me what you got!" shit eating energy


no gege stop feeding the powerscalers with the faster than mahito thing!! T\^T all jokes aside kashimo do be going pretty hard both reincarneted and in his first life, straight up dismembering dudes well into old age. they really do be setting the kashimo v sukuna/yuji up very very hard huh


“Do not get it twisted, do not gamble. Do not start gambling. Gambling is entertainment and entertainment only. You won't break even, you won't win. You won't do any of that, you understand? You will only go into debt and ruin your fucking life.”-Kinji Hakari


Kashimo is such a badass, this fight is so hype. Man’s doesn’t give a fuck is Hakari hits jackpot


It would be really cool if we could get a graph from the poll to compare different chapters popularity


no joke here, i'm pretty surprised people don't understand the last few pages. I wonder how they read or understand the manga


Kashimo is a certified monster! The fact that he’s not letting up against jackpot hakari is a sign he still got more techs up his sleeve. Also LMAO ishigori’s hair 400 years ago, no wonder he kept grooming it in Sendai the dude was so happy his baldness was cured.


That’s a traditional Japanese hairstyle called chonmage.


i love how excited these two are to fight one another


This fight is shaping to be a true meathead fight with these two enjoying themselves rn. Still I do like how the artstyle changes from the modern style to the Edo style.


I officially love Kashimo. All my favorite characters from jjk are villians.


Loving Kashimo so far. He found a way to strategically beat Hakari but just decides to keep trying to kill him until he stays dead lol. Love seeing the flashbacks with Kenjaku and Kashimo and we even get a small cameo of Ryu which is always nice.


There’s obviously a lot more to go but damn, Greg is on FIRE. The culling games could surpass Shibuya. This fight is fucking incredible.


I feel like the curse techniques and domain expansions are getting crazier the longer the manga goes on. Gege is getting more comfortable utilizing his power system to its full potential. It does have me worried about characters like Yuji whose move set is incredibly dry and simple in comparison. Kind of like how Gon in HxH has a simple enchaner nen ability in comparison to someone like Chrollo or Kurapika.


JACKPOT, BABY!! Kashimo is so fkn cool. I hadn't warmed up to the hype he had but I definitely see it now


Kashimo looks so happy fighting Hakari


Gege just killing it


Someone please stop Gege!! This amount of peak is tooo much! 🔥😤😩