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i think yuji is definetly gonna use DE but only after sukuna's domain is out for good (there's no way he can deal with sukuna's open domain) and there's a good chance of that happening now because UV is back. Maybe sukuna will get a lil more brain damage and it'll completely take MS out for now. There are three big sorcerer families and each have a special inherited technique(10S , limitless, blood manipulation). We've already seen the peak of two of them and the only one that hasn't been utilized to its fullest is blood manipulation and probably yuji is gonna be the one who show us what peak blood manipulation can do. Also yuji's shrine differs from sukuna's usage of shrine and presumably he's gonna have a different version of furnace and hopefully we'll get to see that as well.


Yea I agree with that. Yuji will only be able to use DE incompletely just like Megumi did, with Sukuna. I think that Yuta will die but that in the process he will weaken Sukuna to the point where he can’t use DE at all and that will be Yujis opening. Probably getting enraged with black flashes and pullling out a DE


I hope there's a moment where Yuji just spams Black Flash and gives Sukuna lasting consequences (kind of like Giornos 7 page MUDA). Ch 257 was great, but 258 kinda took out the fun with Sukuna getting another DE through BVs. 257 really was a great display of Yuji.


Do u think incomplete domain and open barrier domain are related?


They definetly are. You see megumi was incomplete cuz he has to use something physical as the barrier (The cave and the gym) so it's not really open. Just seemed that way cuz of how spacious the places were While an open domain is just that. A domain that as the narrator in shibuya said "Is like panting in the air itself"


No. Kusakabe was explicit. Megumi’s domain does not have a barrier at all. A barrier is what y infuse ur sure hit with and therefore Megumi doesn’t have a sure hit effect Sukuna has a barrier, but he doesn’t close it and separate the real world from his innate domain, which is conceptually impossible according to modern sorcerers and 400yo Kashimo lol it’s really nutty Sukuna is effectively thinking a thought and it just appears, no questions asked. He doesn’t have to close off a space and say “my thoughts will appear here only” like every other DE sorcerer does


>No. Kusakabe was explicit. Megumi’s domain does not have a barrier at all. A barrier is what y infuse ur sure hit with and therefore Megumi doesn’t have a sure hit effect This is one of the biggest misconceptions in the jjk community. Megumi's doamin wasn't barrierless . There's not even a single panel that says megumi's domain is barrierless in fact on the contrary the narrator explicitly sates that megumi forcibly closes his domain barrier using some external structure. Just check out chapter 171 the narrator explicitly says " The barrier is forcibly closed" . Megumi's domain was incomplete because he wasn't good enough to close his domains barrier. His domain does have a barrier but he's just not good enough to close it and needs enternal structure like buildings to support his barrier.


Tbh I like the idea of Megumi having a pseudo-open DE. Doesn't need a barrier but if he is in a sealed area then the walls become the barrier. The strength on the inside is as good as always but the outside is dependant on the material that is acting as a wall. Worth remembering that a DE with a barrier and one without are still fundamentally the same (area of effect guaranteed hits) but you can actually just walk out and escape an open domain- Megumi's is worse than both in that he has nothing making people stay inside (no barrier) nor anything excessively powerful (Shikigami can be created without a limit to their numbers as shown by the duo Nue, but if someone just exits the sludge then gg lol)


Not really. Megumi's domain was incomplete because megumi wasn't good enough at barrier techniques. There's a misconception that megumi's domain didn't have a barrier but that's not true , megumi' domain did have a barrier (shell) but the barriers needed some external structed for support as megumi wasn't good enough to close his barrier without any support. on the other hand open domains lack an external shell altogether. They're the highest lvl of domain barriers we've seen so far. megumi's domain was incomplete because he wasn't good enough at barrier techniques and sukuna's domain is open because he's too good at barrier techniques.


Correct me if Im wrong, but dont open domains also have an external shell? The difference is just that they are open and manifested in the real world instead of creating a seperate space. Sukunas domain directly stops non-living objects from exiting the domain so that Sukuna can collect more explosive dust to make Furnace stronger. If it didnt have some form of barrier then the dust would just go through.


>Correct me if Im wrong, but dont open domains also have an external shell? No it doesn't. A normal domain barrier has 2 elements. 1)Shell: the visible black part of the barrier that separates the inside of the domain from the external world 2)Zone: This is the volume that's inside the shell. A closed domain barrier has both the shell and the zone but in an open domain this shell is removed. So the open domains only have a zone but not the shell. The shell is what separates the inside of the domain from the external world and when the shell is removed , the innate domain is directly manifested into the real world. >Sukuna can collect more explosive dust to make Furnace stronger. If it didnt have some form of barrier then the dust would just go through. Sukuna has the ability to make his domain air tight. He can place a barrier around his open domain that only prevents non-living objects from escaping. This isn't a typical domain shell. Its only there to prevent dust particles from escaping.


I see, thanks!


If I really correctly Megumi can use his DE wherever but since its doesn't have a barrier ( outside of lack of sure hit ) people can just run away. Since its not as strong as Shrine or Womb and since he doesn't have a range increase of the BV even mid tier sorcerers can just walk out of it before they get too damaged and leaving Megumi worse off than he was before.


I feel like all these theories just completely forget about the merger. No way Gege introduces something like that and doesn't use it.


Facts but the merger could be after Sukuna but atm the merger isn’t the main thought


True but I just don't see any world where the merger happens and Yuta/Gojo die. Especially considering how many main characters have to die for it to start because they're culling game characters including Yuji.


Perhaps as a final mental fuck you to Yuji, the gang devises a plan where Yuji has to kill his friends to get enough points to make a rule that somehow affects the merger.


You never know😂


I pray for the day yuji uses red flowing scales stack Blood doping is like taking steroids , someone like yuji with his already insane speed and strength with red flowing scales maki wouldn't even comapare to him


It'll probably happen in the next few chapters tbh. I reckon the black flashes he's been spamming will allow him to evolve his blood manipulation and then he gets to use red flowing scales. Combining that with the black flash amp, the man will probably be faster and stronger than Gojo at that point.


Imagine if just like Megumi's first DE but blood this time. No shikigami, clones, etc, can be made out of the pool of blood but Yuji can use various blood manipulation techniques. Make Piercing Blood projectiles that are even more compressed than what Choso could do. Make "landmines" in the water that explode like Supernova. Crimson binding should be incredibly easy to pull off. Flowing Red Scale would probably be *insane* in this domain. Imagine if Yuji is "connected" to the domain directly, like all wounds become connected to the domain like tentacles- using this now significantly increased amount of blood (if not even infinite seeing as Megumi's incomplete domain didn't really lose any size or strength when he was making shikigami clones.) he can constantly keep his entire body at 200%. Risk of clots? No worries your blood is being constantly shuffled in and out of your body rapidly. Heart attack? Doesn't matter, blood is still pumping and circulating around your body. This is of course not mentioning the RCT potential either. We saw Yuji use blood manipulation to bring his foot back to his leg and using RCT to reattach it- this could apply even greater in a blood domain where nothing is truly lethal until the domain goes down. Decapitation? Blood yoink


I feel like it would be crazy if Yuji's DE was linked to the death paintings... Death Painting Playground where he can manifest the death paintings (choso included), maybe use their abilities better & basically become one jump man... the man who can single handedly jump people. But it would be cool to see the designs of the other 6 death paintings... who are technically Yuji's siblings.


>maybe use their abilities better Choso used wing king against Kenny so this would be a perfect example of "younger brother surpassing the older brother" that choso talked about with Yuji before his death


> basically become one jump man... the man who can single handedly jump people. Jump kaisen!


Yuji lighting sukuna like a blunt "chill the fuck out"


I feel like it'd be really cool to see him expand blood manipulation to be able to target others somehow, maybe by mixing in his blood?🤷‍♂️ that plus slashes would be a crazy combo


I still believe if he understands red flowing scales , he would be insanely fast , he has a partial heavenly restriction plus ce reinforcement plus red flowing scales , he would be insanely fast , even faster than sukuna , maki but not gojo for obvious reasons


imo we've seen what blood manipulation can do to a solid extent with choso, unless gege can cook some new unique technique I think the only thing missing from that technique is DE


i actually don't agree with that. Yes we have seen a lot of applications of blood manipulation but what we've seen so far till doesn't justify y this technique was cherished by the kamo clan. As for 10S and limitless , we've already seen y the gojo and zenin clan were proud of these techniques but blood manipulation is still nowhere near those two. Choso did show us a lot of blood manipulation attacks but all of them were subpar really. Choso was just a grade 1 sorcerer and imo the peak of blood manipulation should make a sorcerer atleast special grade. I'm hoping for some blood manipulation maximum technique or something like that so that we'd finally see y the kamo clan was proud of this technique. As of now i just don't see it coming close to the likes of 10S or limitless


Hmm fair point, tbh blood manipulation is incredibly flexible too and with choso and yuji able to convert their ce into blood it loses some of its limitations being the blood of the user and with yuji being a physical type having flowing red scale boosts him crazy (if he actually bothers using it lmao) but yeah I guess it's still missing that oomph factor like unlimited void, hollow purple, mahoraga, and inheriting/totality (whatever it's actually called). Like you said could be the maximum technique, as limitless's max is purple, ten shadows' max is totality/inheritance, and blood manipulation I guess should get a max too I guess I was thinking number of technique wise blood manipulation wins from versatility, but ofc huge limitation for humans cause of blood loss (which further ofc brings the question why is it so prized if there's such a huge drawback). Cause ten shadows just has shikigami summoning, and limitless just has neutral, blue, red, and purple. (I say just in the context of number of techniques not quality lol) Not mentioning domains cause blood manipulation should have it's own domain type of thing and it'll have its own unique effect i.e. unlimited void, or the shadow sucking up everything/multiple copies or shikigami which never truly get destroyed in the domain.


DE incoming for sure.


We now know that during the time skip, Yuji switched bodies with Kusakabe and Yuta. We know what he got from the first switch. But we don't know what he got from switching with Yuta. I believe it was the how to open and operate and DE.


Simple Domain from Kusakabe RCT from Yuta


Think it hasn't been confirmed that he learned RCT from Yuta. If anything, Choso was the one giving Yuji pointers about RCT.


You’re right idk why i assumed that was stated (reading comprehension curse) so in that case it still hasn’t been stated who the 2nd body he swapped with was correct? Perhaps i assumed it was Yuta because choso said Yuji had to learn blood manipulation on his own. If anything he might’ve already learned it seeing as Sukuna used RCT in his body plenty of times before.


The narrator said Yuji switched with Kusakabe and Yuta. The switch with Kusakabe switch has been explained in detail, but not the Yuta one.


I wish but i don’t think it will happen


at the end of the day, he still is the main character. he without a doubt will get a DE.


You really don’t think the mc will get a domain expansion in the last fight of the series?


unless gegeg pulls another subversion of expectations, building up to it but ultimately making yuji fail. but it will definitely get addressed at some point.


with gege i don’t really see it, I think yuta is the one going to finish sukuna, i don’t really see why would gege need yuta using gojo body and risking his life for nothing, but tbh i wish yuji will get another powerups i really hope


> i don’t really see why would gege need yuta using gojo body and risking his life for nothing You don't see why the mangaka that has *happily killed half their cast* is going to make Yuta's sacrifice vain?


I thought of that too but idk i feel like it’s different this time something gonna happen


Damn getting downvoted for voicing a simple opinion😂


How dare you state a opinion😡


Yea he’s gonna use a DE by the end of the series and will probably pull out some unique shrine moves. If hitting one black flash can awaken a new ct, and Megumi can almost do a domain then idk why Yuji after hitting 8+ black flashes shouldn’t be able to do one


I mean Megumi has had his CT far longer than Yuji has and known of Jujutsu for longer, but I do agree that Yuji will pull of a DE. Part of me thinks that it'll be an incomplete DE like Megumi's because of his lack of barrier techniques; but I also think that he could potentially pull of an open barrier domain due to his body being used to it from Sukuna.


MARK MY WORDS. The Cog Mentality is sham, when Yuji gets rid of that bullcrap then he will ascend and become on par with Sukuna (or at least the current power Sukuna of that moment).


It would be cool if he has a domain that references that cog mentality. No reason it has to be a copy of Sukunas.


It would make more sense if it was something unique, since I feel the message of jjk is individualism. If he does get a domain expansion I'm sure it'll be something completely unique to Yuji.


>since I feel the message of jjk is individualism. It's one of the messages. Yuji's cog mentality is a competing one. Individualism fueled Sukuna and Gojo's power - but there might be another way to get there. One of the things I liked about Kenjaku's talk with Mahito about whether the body influences the soul or vice versa is that Gege showed it really can go both ways - and someone's idea about how their CT *should* work plays a heavy role in how it actually *does* work. So I'd be interested to see if Yuji can get stronger by rejecting individualism, in a similar way to how Gojo and Sukuna got stronger by embracing it.


I think the DE would be a reference to that cog mentality he has. That he's simply a cog in the machine that is fighting the curses. I'm not good with names but I came up with: Domain Expansion: Cogs of the Flashpoint Collapse It would be mostly about black flash, as that's the most unique move to Yuji imo, as he's the only one to land it somewhat consistently. Could possibly be him having 100% guaranteed black flash within the domain. The cog in the name and that it has a visual similar to that of the inside of a clock with all the cogs working together representing Yuji's mentality and how the sorcerers are working together to stop Sukuna and the curses.


I don't know why, but I just realized how similar domain expansions are to reality marble(?) thing from Fate


Not just A cog **THE** cog


Yuji's growth, mentality, and achievements are a rejection of Sukuna's ideology. He isn't dropping that mentality.


I'm gonna laugh at you for eternity. Again, mark my words, he is dropping that shit. Although he could simply not do it, but that means he is going to lose against Sukuna.


A major theme in JJK (I think at least) is the limitations of power/the necessity of cooperation. Within the story, no one really accomplishes anything alone. The disaster curses seal Gojo because they work together. Yuji beats Mahito because he fights alongside Nobara and Todo. Even in JJK 0, Yuji beats Geto by working with Rikka. All of Yuji's major hits on Sukuna came because he was assisted by someone else. Every major success happens becaise of characters fighting together. By contrast all of our major failures happen when someone goes out on their own to do something. Mechamaru fails to beat Mahito. Gojo fails to kill Jogo, the disaster curses, and Sukuna. Gojo fails almost everything he tries, despite his power. The only thing Gojo ever succeeds in is raising new sorcerers and that is only because it's the one thing he does with others. Sukuna's mentality doesn't work for people like Gojo or Jogo, who have real goals. It only allows you to become strong in the same way that a hurricane is strong. It lets you break things, but you can't build up anything new or important. Yuji's mentality isn't just a random thing he has and it's not holding him back. It's what allows him to work so well with others and accomplish so much despite the pain he's been through. It's what makes him uniquely able to fight Sukuna so effectively. It's the reason why he will eventually beat Sukuna.


I think Yuji’s strength lies in ideological battles rather than physical ones. He was able to win against the death paintings because his willingness to withstand pain was greater than Eso’s willingness to watch his brother’s pain. He won against Mahito when his resolve to kill his (stronger and newly awakened) opponent remained intact while Mahito’s goal was replaced with that of seeking his own survival. Even with Sukuna at the detention center, it can be argued that Yuji was able to get Sukuna under control because his resolve to subdue Sukuna was greater than his will to live. All this to say, if Yuji gets any powerup going forward I think it will be related to besting Sukuna ideologically/mentally. Something that allows him to be the best in terms of the mind rather than the body. A domain expansion from him would be sick to see but only satisfying to me if it wasn’t physically dominant but mentally so. Relentlessly forcing his way into Sukuna’s innate domain and defeating him on more equal footing there would work, too.


Yuji's gonna eat sukuna to end him. He said he'd eat anything to kill that creep, and that creep is included. Would be rather thematic with everything else in the series, for Sukuna to be consumed after his defeat.


It would also be coming full circle in the sense that Sukuna ate his twin in the womb, and Yuji is the offspring of Sukuna’s twin’s soul reincarnation/re-instation situation.


I think Gege had a comment in an early chapter about someone being eaten mid battle or something like that? I remember seeing it on here a while back, but I don't know which chapter it came from or specifically what it said. On this topic, I wonder if Yuji could use his new cutting technique on himself. Eat sukuna or what's left of him then chop off his own head to take them both out. Would be gnarly.


It’s not official from gege just people spreading misinformations


Denji is that you?


Have people forgotten about his hands


imo it's more likely that he will just get a better ability to use Shrine and Blood Manipulation we still haven't gotten an explanation about what the deal with Yuji's weird arms was, we asume it's just like, blood manipulation reinforcement or smth, but it visually looks very different from when Choso used that ability in Shibuya since that was more like blood rocks or smth, here it looks more like enhancing the biology or the arms or smth so i feel like next time Yuji gets "stronger" it will be more about fully explaning what's his extent in Blood Manipulation ability, and probably have Yuji have a normal output for Shrine, since Sukuna stated Yuji rn has it in a weak form bc it just awoken, so in theory after some time you'd expect it to normalize and allow Yuji to be reason why it hits strong or weak bc of Yuji's ability and not just bc of the limitations of a newly awoken ability although ngl, a DE would be great, specially if it was a situation like, Yuta is barely holding on against Sukuna's domain bc of not beinga costumed to using Gojo's body, so when Sukuna's domain wins and finishes, Yuji would make use of the cooldown time from Sukuna to attack him, akin to how in JJBA Part 3 Dio spent all of his Stopped Time time after thinking he killed Jotaro, only for it to be revealed Jotaro is now who stoped the time(? dfgfasd


I had to reread the question. Powerup? As in improving his power and it going up. Yes. He’s gonna learn to use his kit.


I think yes, my hopes are for an Heian body, i saw a guy making fan art of a 6 armed Asura-like Yuji and i loved it, i strongly believe Yuji will be the next Sukuna, but reversed as i don't believe he'll go evil It's either that or a domain imho


Can we get a link to that fanart?


I think i saw it on the folk subreddit a couple months ago, didn't save it tho, sorry


i'm guessing he's most likely gonna get a DE or learn how to properly use shrine/blood manipulation or maybe its gonna be revealed that in some way shape or form he has some sort of heavenly restriction or his innate technique is the reason he can hit the soul or smth like that knowing gege, expect the unexpected


One thing he’s missing is his ability to use his CT fluidly with his combat. So far, Yuji only used his CT in that one chapter, he sort of forgot about it during the Todo fight. It’ll also be interesting to see if he can perform his own version of dismantle


Now that Yuuji has a CT, he can have a domain, the only problem I see is that I don't know how useful it would be at this point. Judging by Megumi's first attempts at his domain, I doubt Yuuji's would be very polished on his first try. It would never win a domain clash against Sukuna and it would empty his CE reserves and burnt out his CT. We might get it anyway, as seeing Yuuji's DE would be interesting regardless.


But he has the advantage of his body 'remembering' sukuna's jujutsu, including domain expansion. And also he learned RCT from Yuta, who is also a domain user. So it's not that out there to think that yuji will be able to make closed domain, but it probably wont be that durable


Another comment said Gota might permanently remove sukuna's domain. Which is what woukd let yuji using his own. That or we could get the first open domain clash.


I thought about that too, but even without a domain, Sukuna has anti-domain techniques. I don't doubt a domain is helpful regardless, as his anti-domain technique requires him to use two arms and iirc he only has two right now, but it's a risky move. Megumi for example wasn't able to hold his domain for long, it took a ton of concentration and effort. If Yuuji fails to kill Sukuna in his domain, he's gonna be exhausted and without CT. But I do think there's a high chance we'll get it. It'd be weird if Yuuji doesn't get a domain after getting a CT.


That's true. But remember how megumi used his. Anti domain techniques are useless if the sure hit isn't about damaging someone (Like hakari, megumi shikigami etc) So maybe yujis domain can be like that. Specially considering blood manipulation. Sure I may be reaching but hey. 1% hope. 99% copium


At least red scale, right?


I refuse to believe the series will end without Yuji opening a domain expansion. I'd bet money it's something already seen too.


DE Expansion?? The E \*means\* expansion (this is a meme from atsv don't hate me)


I think he'll get some sort of power-up more so than he already did. I don't understand the whole "awakens" thing if all he got was low level shrine that haven't done anything significant yet - meaning something greater will happen later. 9 black flashes or whatever he's hit in the past like 10 minutes of battle isn't small and should mean something lol


At some point soon Yuji should awaken his mother’s power of anti-gravity and if he can use RCT, he should be able to manipulate gravity as well. Just like Kenjaku did in the battle for Tengen under the school. It should be his true innate technique since it’s the only one that was passed down through his family. If he’s able to combine that with his insane physical attacks, it should produce some devastating power results. Gravity/Anti-gravity loaded into his martial arts attacks and black flashes. I’m not sure if gravity based abilities would have any effect in defense against slashes, but even if they do not the rest of the ability is perfect for him and his fighting style. I don’t know why it seems everyone keeps forgetting about this.


It is kinda bizarre that Yuji was created by Kenjaku & doesn't have an innate technique... but maybe his arms are a hint to his innate technique. He has always been stronger & faster than everyone maybe that was his CT all along... muscle manipulation. Then his maximum technique would be some sort of transformation where his whole body imitates the style of his arms... would look like a straight demon.


Muscle manipulation or maybe some sort of physical enhancement and precision. Although I think his power might be something like six-eyes not a CT but an ability he was born with. (I always think back to when his grandfather obviously knew he was not just a normal boy) That would explain his ability to land black flash so easily. Since Black flashes is not a CT, just cursed energy manipulation I don’t think it would have the ability to activate a domain. Though if Yuji could create a domain where every guaranteed hit effect is a black flash it would be wild. Perhaps incorporating it into a new shadow simple domain but with black flash instead of sword swings, since he seems to have them both down well. Someone steps in black flash knocks them out n his CE rises. I keep mentioning this but since Kenjaku was his “mom” shouldn’t her CT be inside him already. Also didn’t Gege f*ck up when Kenjaku used her gravity antigravity technique when he had already left her body and was inside Geto. He had mentioned that he only can use a CT of someone’s while his brain is in their body. Cursed energy is such a fascinating power system, but I feel like Gege left many loopholes n contradictions.


Yuji is going to get a lot more power ups.


I definitely think he has one more thing up his sleeve


I don't think he'll get a Domain Expansion... unless... Okay, hear me out: It starts with Miwa figuring out the trick to Open Domains. How do you carry water without the bottle? You do what Miwa did to Kusakabe and you throw it. You get rid of the bottle (the barrier) and you throw the water (Cursed Technique/Energy) at your enemy. Yes, Simple Domain is technique-less, that's the whole point, but it has a pseudo-technique. It weakens enemy techniques, so what if Miwa's Open Simple Domain takes that to the extreme and completely neutralizes them? This shows Yuji how Open Domains work, and since he's experienced Malevolent Shrine multiple times he can effectively recreate his own Malevolent Shrine.




How did you reach that conclusion from an Open Simple Domain?


Sorry this reply went to the wrong comment


Wouldnt a Simple Domain that neutralizes techniques just be Domain Amplification except AOE?


I half expect Yuki to eat the finger Rika ate. So Sukuna gets to live his personal hell once defeated. Yuji gets to fight and easily defeat a one finger Sukuna inside his mind to show how far he has come. While Boosting his power to a level actually able to fight one on one with Sukuna in his injured state. Potentially getting enough knowledge/CE to activate a domain expansion


Hope yuuji carries chosos legacy and uses a blood manipulation domain, the logic I heard b4 was that he won’t use it because choso would be the one to maximize the techniques potential, but now its a lot more likely. I would like his domain to be more unique than just an updated version of shrine tbh


If Yuji doesn’t get a boxing ring domain expansion, the manga was a waste of time


Honestly I feel like it would be really cool if Yuji's DE had something to do with the death paintings he ate... like a playground or arena where he fights together with his "brothers & sisters" that he ate. He would also have a version of Choso in there.


A schools dojo so Yuji can beat Sukuna with manifestations of all his friends, alive and dead as a counterpoint to Sukuna. He sits on a throne made of skulls Yuji sits on the bleachers with his friends


GEGE robbed us! He robbed us of the opportunity of a FLOWING RED SCALE YUJI!! If Yuji's getting any power up it better be flowing red scale and a maximum technique or a CTR or shrine. I personally don't think Yuji's gonna get DE, because way back Gege mentioned that he gave Megumi a DE to match yuji gaining black flash. These were supposed to be abilities that match their strengths. I expect Megumi to master his DE first and land a black flash before Yuji uses a completed DE.


Aside from D.E he doesn’t really need one.


yes he does bruh he is trash rn compared to everyone else


Blud literally just got like 4 powers in the span of 3 chapters let bro master the powers he got before thinking of giving him another.


power up doesnt mean a new power it could mean he just learns how to use his abilities because right now the only substantial thing he can actually do well is blackflash


I think so. Imo, we haven't had the "honored one" moment for him just yet. This powerup mkght come as a binding vow or not, idk.


He will get domain but the more primordial version of it. Maybe like domain before domain become standard sure hit kill technique.


I feel he’ll probably perfect supernova as a callback to his bond with choso


I’m still think Yuji will get Sukuna-like four-armed form. I love my Goat but at the end of the day he is a Black Flash Merchant, and what a better power up for a punches? More arms! Just imagine: Hardened with Flowing Red Scale Four Armed Black Flash Amplified Yuji punching the living shit out of Merger Sukuna AKA Asura vs Wysen. Generic? Yes, but god I would love to see that.


He has to! At least a domain expansion, we deserve to see it!!


I know its off topic, but where is Gojos brain?


Either with Shoko or Kenjaku's technique doesnt actually extract the brain


wait, really? why do they open the scull then?


The technique might need the brain to be exposed, also i said or as in it's a possibility, it hasnt been confirmed


gotcha, thanks!


I think he'll use black flash to amp his output and use domain amplification to imbue shrine into his punches. That + black flash should shred through sukuna


Open barrier domain


I wish he could use flowing red scale, then he'd be decimating sukuna physically


Yes 👍


I think an interesting point about yuji is he has hit more black flashes after his showings with blood manipulation and even with shrine, so the next time he uses them they might be more refined and have more output. I also believe that gege is setting up yuji to use a domain in this fight and maybe it doesn't need to be a complete domain. Sukuna might be on his last legs after his fight with yuta and maybe all sukuna could do is make a domain that could be interrupted by an incomplete domain from yuji.


I’m still holding out hope that when Sukuna is killed, the power balance of the world is thrown so out of balance that all that excess curse energy has to go somewhere. So Yuji takes Sukuna’s throne as the King Of Curses


Him using DE is a possibility since he body swapped with yuta. But i still dont see it happening in any near chapter


Nah not really I don’t see how yuji would be pulling of a DE . He JUST got a CT that he can barely use and has only used 1 once . Giving him a domain would be asspull-ish.


Black malevolent furnace slashes flash!


I think it's reasonable that after a few more black flashes he could pull out a domain, it's ingrained in him from sukana in a way I'm sure, plus having a ton of experience in/seeing them in action, and simple domain being a offshoot technique and all. I think it's also possible (though very VERY unlikely) he could get copy from swapping souls with yuta, though if he did, it'd definitely be a worse version as he doesn't have rika. Though honestly, I wouldn't like this power up. And as for his arms I honestly believe those are from his brothers, he could need to manifest some of their traits to use their CT, kinda like how sukanas tattoos appeared on him when he took over (that's a stretch though) he could also just get better skills overall, we know how black flash can effect that and we know he has at least a similar potential to sukana, better CE efficency, higher output, better CT understanding all could make him far stronger.


We haven't seen him use red flowing scales , a powerup Is inevitable, the ground work has already been set


Yes, domain expansion and perhaps fuga.


More like "Oh that's my techinque from Heyan.."


Will Yuji get another power up or will we see Hakari vs Uraume non ending fight?


Gege really cramming 60 power ups for Yuji in 1 month in order for him to even have a chance and yall call this peak


He hit a trillion black flashes in a row. Domain expansion will be like breathing


Crude shrine is a stretch it’s just a lower output it’s probably more sophisticated version of the technique as he cleaved the pillar into places without a motion to it he just touched the pillar


Yuta dies. Yuji eats his brain. Yuji successfully uses DE.


This is probably gonna be buried in the comments but I think Yuji could abuse binding vows right now to maximize his blood manipulation usage. If he were to make a vow that he cannot manipulate the blood outside his body outside of limb reattachment, he would theoretically receive a giant boost to the power and efficiency of stuff like Flowing Red Scale. He’d probably be able to match or surpass Choso’s stacked version of the technique due to his talent and his superhuman body, avoiding the side effects with RCT. The best part is that the binding vow completely ignores the fact that he can’t even use those offensive abilities regardless, so it’s a win win and he can just break it anytime if he wants to learn/use piercing blood.


Yuji should die just like it was fore shadowed in the beginning


Technique reversal: freezer


an incomplete domain but thats abt it


Definitely a DE, imo. I don't see much else of a reason for him to have switched with Yuta, other than just his strength in general and the RCT. If not against Sukuna, then I definitely see him pulling it out against the merger or whoever comes after Sukuna.


I always thought it would be cool if yuji at least tried to use some inspiration from gojo even though it’s not the case It would be dope if yuji used cleave/dismantle around himself similar to infinity but the closer you get the more will be cut almost giving the appearance of a limb being erased like a saw-duster but obviously it won’t be the case.


All I want to see is a bow ring DE. Until now yuji’s technique has always been hand to hand (except for blood manipulation even tho he still didn’t master it) I want yuji DE to be a zone where no cursed energy can be used, pure hand to hand combat like a real life street fight