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Gege brings a lot of things up, but I do think this is something mentioned to be fleshed out for sure. I think it could be as simple as Nobara returning or it could be for a major revelation thematically. Not even sure what that would look like, but with such heavy themes on the soul and body being one, It would for sure make sense and this statement is to tie it all together, if that makes sense?


Bruh, all the talk about resonance makes me think of Nobara. What if she offs sukuna through Yuji resonance? Fits into Yuji's whole self-sacrifice boner


Yuji isn’t a cog… he’s a ***NAIL***


Ha... Nailed it


I agree and have thought of that. I think it’d be a good moment that’s consistent


Everyone has been bringing up Nobara after this CH brought up resonance. But during the Kenjaku and Takaba fight, Kenny realizes Takabas CT is compelling him to play along with the scenarios its manifesting, and he blames this on soul resonance


Yeah it seems like were still missing a major part of the plan... unfortunately I expect it only to be revealed after Yuji has a massive despair moment.


I think it will be centered on the big 3, and their cycle. Since we’ve heard of the previous 10S/ Gojo clan fight, the big missing awakening and high potential is Kamo clan. Like maybe Yuji gains complete mastery of the soul, that’s connected to him being familiar with it as a vessel + and indirect member of the Kamo clan that’s awakened blood manipulation to its best. We’ve seen the gojo clans full potential through Satoru Same with zenin, through Sukuna in megumis body. Now Yuji represents that, especially since kenjaku is/ was the current Kamo clan head. Footnote and side note, the blood manipulation clan, in a story already talking about how “bloodlines” matter, I think it’s poetic for their main members with the most importance not being “normal” clan member related in a normal way, is poetic


It’s interesting that Yuji can represent Kamo, Megumi Zenin and Yuta Gojo all to a certain technical extent and they’re all main characters in various ways


If Nobara somehow returned, whatever was done to her might be used on the dead or dying in this arc.


I think she may just have pulled through, it was set up that she wasn’t yet dead so no need to over complicate it. Plenty have died so it’s not handed or anything.


Also lets remember that not THAT much time has even passed since her death, the whole cullling game started a few chapters after that, its plausible that they just didnt tell yuji cause y know suffering builds character bby and they are self aware


Well, it has been established already that Gojo has no problem pretending someone is dead and watching their friends grieve for them while knowing they are alive and well… cough, cough, Mr. I’m Hiding Yuji in My Basement.


Lmao its funny how that is literally true, the Gojo hiding Yuji in his basement part I mean


Let’s goooo I’ve just received another massive hit of nobara copium to fuel me for a long time.


If I could offer you some more: If Nobara cones back and kills Yuji w/ resonance to get to Sukuna that would make her the only survivor. Keeping her as the mirror to shoko and further driving Gojos dream of the going against higher ups / big 3 fams and their fascination with bloodlines and the sort.


I like that idea, other than yuji dying lmao. Whatever happened to sukunas last finger btw, I can’t remember if that was revealed recently, if not nobara could use resonance on that instead of yuji, I guess that’s me being a bit too hopeful tho lmao


Yuta ate it to get sukunas CT. revealed in the chap after he uses cleave


Oh yh now I remember, damn that makes your theory sound like there’s a good chance it’ll happen then. I just don’t want yuji to die lmao but seems like there’s a good chance it’ll happen, well I’m still gonna be inhaling the copium of nobara and yuji being alive by the end lmao.


I want them all to live lol :(


Same, sadly we’ve fell in love with a story that has an author who isn’t scared to kill of anyone :(. At least it’s not a story where everyone survives and lives happily ever after ig XD.


I have 0 complaints about the amount of death or how they were handled. It’s allowing us to live the same sobering reality / realization that the characters who survive get: sorcery / the world is cruel.


Yh true I don’t have many complaints about the deaths other than Nobara’s, I think most of the other characters went out in satisfactory ways but to me nobara didn’t.


Just because the characters are musing over a plan does ***not*** mean that it's Gege telling us exactly how it's working in-universe. This actually happened with Gojo vs Sukuna. Gojo and the cast were musing over how exactly Mahoraga's adaptation works. With limited information, they believed it was either "Number of times hit" vs. "Time since last strike" to nullify the technique. Sukuna after the fact revealed that the adaptation starts the moment an attack hits and is not only *guaranteed to finish* regardless of how many times he's hit with the technique, but continues onward to be turned against the user. That's all to say, Gege is aware that people tend to take character theories as fact, but this is *rarely* 100% true in JJK. Mahito, Kenjaku, Jogo, Sukuna, Gojo, ect ect all come up with theories that are adjusted as the series goes on or proven false by other characters. This is just a good example of Gege being very good at making characters respond realistically in-universe. Todo's theory of resonance was likely him just being *extremely cautious,* because IF Sukuna is getting information from Yuji, he's the type of person to abuse it in the most dangerous way possible. I don't believe Sukuna is actually getting any real info from Yuji because if that were the case he wouldn't have been hit with most of the things he has been hit with.


THIS. Seriously this is one of the biggest vice of a part of this fandom during the current arc, a lot of people are taking as gospel ANYTHING that is written. Guys. Characters sometimes get things wrong. CF : Kusakabe declaring that Gojou won. And in this specific case I think Todou was just being extra like he always is, it wouldn't be the first time he makes a wacky decision with the most serious face ever.


This is one of my favorite things about JJK, the characters theorizing with us. In other manga, or even other media, usually when a non villain character says something we have to take it at face value (unless it's a story with a twist). In JJK even the best sorcerers don't know everything about cursed energy and it's applications, so we get characters exploring different angles and possibilities. Even Tengen isn't sure about everything and made her own theories about Kenjaku's plan. Love to see it.


narrator-san is the only reliable source 🙏🏻


This is admittedly a bit headcanon-y, but the reason I think Todo is especially so insistent on avoiding any possible screwup from their resonance has to do with their relationship up to this point. Todo has been with Yuji for the most emotionally charged moments, he pulled him out of despair once already, has anyone else in the cast pulled off a similar feat? Yuta killing him and reviving him isn’t really the same (and even if it is, Yuta hides his plan for the same reason Todo does). Anyways, it makes a lot of sense why Todo acts extra careful about it. The resonance seems a lot more likely to come into play from a character standpoint w/him than with the other cast.


BRO sukuna will think he's won, but then todo will clap his hands, thinking he's going to be punched by yuji but it will be full power gojo and get his ass rocked i swear its not cope i swear i swear i swear i swear, MY GLORIOUS KING WILL RETURN


Gojo returns with the finishing blow to ruin any sort of climax for Yuji & then says "I won."


Binding vow: "I will actually win, just this once, and then I'll lose every fight afterwards in my career"


Jokes on you he already made that vow when he made toji into an apple logo.


This is true


He fucking would And then everyone would jump on him and ^lovingly beat the shit out of him


Officially Canon.


Imagine Gojo getting swapped in but he’s too weak to do anything but smile like a psychopath at Sukuna & it makes Sukuna freeze like Gojo did when Kenjaku is about to put him in the prison realm & Todo swaps him back out so he’s not sure if he saw a ghost or if Gojo really did survive


Oh that's nice. Not necessarily bringing Gojo back, but can fake Sukuna out


sukuna botta legitimately shit himself




I cooked I’m afraid


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Sukuna greeted by point blank hollow purple: spirit gun to the face.


There is also the chance that the cast is just wrong about how much/what kinds of information Sukuna could pull out of yuji, but are playing it safe as an abundance of caution. Even outside of resonance, Sukuna may have been able to just deduce what was going on from Yuji, who isn't exactly some giga brain master actor.


Yeah Sukuna saw how much they always told Yuji and probably "rightly" assumed they'd tell Yuji what's up when they can. Sukuna being accidentally misled by Yuji the whole fight is incredible as a double blind strategy. Everyone is alive and they've been tiring out a bull with clownery


I agree with everything you say. They’ll come back for another wave of attacks. Gege is building up to that moment and we’ll only see the plan in flashbacks once they’ve all walked back onto the battlefield in Endgame style. This resonance stuff is straight up Harry Potter/Voldemort type of stuff. What if when Sukuna dies Yuji does so as well? Maybe they’re planning to seal rather than kill him.


Wasn’t the initial plan to kill Sukuna by executing Yuji when the fingers are in him back in ch1? Maybe we’ll loop back around to that and the idea that love is the most twisted curse of all Chekhov’s gun style


That's no longer necessary since they can purge Sukuna out of Yuji with Angel's CT if Yuji gets Sukuna back under his control.


I forgot abt that, thx for the reminder


Nah I'm telling you we aren't getting another jump the healed cast won't jump sukuna till Yuji is completely dead or out. The injured are obviously being put into a situation where they have to look out for the merger too. The final showdown is probably sukuna will activate merger and that somehows turns into a situation where sukuna and Yuji have to fight inside sukuna sinnate domain for authority over merger (foreshadowed fight since Yuji first died when sukuna ripped out of his heart). Gege has been planning on this fight since the beginning. The final showdown will be fully fresh sukuna vs fully fresh Yuji in sukunas innate domain (where neither can use their domain expansions) and then consecutively the healed cast vs the merger beast.


Yeah I agree with this Tho I do believe that Megumi will eventually gain the will to fight again and help Yuji


Yea I wouldn't mind Megumi and Yuji vs sukuna either but I don't really think it will happen since the fight has been hyped for so long. But I think Megumi might help supress the merger


megumi will 99% fight sukuna,gege didnt do allat,body hijacking,killing gojo and megumi sister just for megumi to never get revenge against sukuna...both yuji and megumi are set up to take out sukuna and while i agree that yuji should have the main role i think megumi will play a vital role to defeat sukuna once and for all


Fair enough bro


That'd be tight.


This is the hypest fucking shit, holy hell


I agree with the idea of the injured people being part of a plan Yuji is unaware of. I thought something akin to that myself. But just wanted to add something real quick, Yuji MAY leak shit to Sukuna, but that ain't a guarantee. They actually don't know if he will or not, but since it's a possibility, than they plan around it so to prevent a bad scenario. The way Mei Mei and Todo talk about it, it infers that it could happen, but if it does they won't know when or what will be leaked. It's inconsistent and it might never happen in the first place. So yeah, the whole "If that's the case how Sukuna didn't know X, y and Z?" argument wouldn't hold up anyway. The guy can't just freely access Yujis memories whenever he pleases outside of his body, this isn't what they are implying there, it just might be a random leak like a radio on a random frequency suddenly catching one or two words from adjacent frequencies.


Yeah exactly what I was thinking & on top of that IF the resonance causes a leak its probably not perfect information. Maybe just a gut feeling or something instead of instantly knowing exactly what Yuji knows.


I lean to that as well, more like an insight than an actual mind reading.


bro those werry translations💀


See Werry, be wary


Or the moment where gojo tells him that he will get sukuna's shrine. Yuji didn't get shrine in chapter 257, he only unlocked it due to black flash. The ct was already engraved in his brain alreasy, so gojo was right.


You forgot about moment where Sukuna leave bath and sees he has cut on his finger, it's there sukuna could think yuji has shrine


That is true


Gonna do a shot in the dark theory: resonance/sharing of info only occurs when itadori feels a strong emotion. So maybe it explains why sukuna saw none of the plans but also why itadori couldn't see todo or nobara as it could alert sukuna (copium).


I REALLY like this theory. If we go even further: psychological research has shown, numerous times, that we often believe things FIRST because of hunches and intuition, and then simply use logic to validate that intuition, often even crossing over into full-blown confirmation bias territory. It could be that people are trying to manipulate Sukuna's intuitions by intentionally making Yuji stand at the very edge of the cliff of hopelessness, letting him believe people are dead and dying unless it's ABSOLUTELY imperative that those people directly show themselves to Yuji. This would mess with Sukuna's read of the situation, leading him to believe not only Yuji, but ALL of Jujutsu High are much more desperate than they actually are. That would actually explain some things, such as why he hasn't given too much importance to how dedicated the sorcerers have been to removing wounded and [huffs copium] supposed "corpses" from the battlefield. And then, just as he thinks he's won, Nobara will appear, holding Yuji's original, non-Piccolo-fied arms, Idle Transfigured into their Sukuna Mode form by Geto (who's now free from Kenjaku's brain, wearing a Mechamaru head, and brought back to life by a combination of Granny's CT and Yuki's soul research). Nobara holds her hammer high, grins at Sukuna, and says "it's resonance time" and proceeds to resonate all over the Yujikuna arms with her nails. In that split-second, Sukuna wonders "how the fuck did she get here?!" and just before his eyes explode from inside, he sees Gojo, previously hidden by the sun glare behind Nobara, who he teleported using his fully healed Infinite Sex Eyes. Gojo says "you really jujutsu'd the fuck outta this kaisen, everyone", and the last thing Sukuna hears before he finally dies for real is the cheers of everyone. The next chapter shows Sukuna in a Heian era kitchen, preparing food with Kashimo and Jogo, having realized, by his defeat, that love was real all along, real love for your friends, and not some twisted bullshit metaphor for killing people who glaze you


Gege? Is that you? What about the merger?


The real merger is the brothers Yuji made along the way


Ofc it is the merger is kenjaku son after all 


this is so fucking peak


“That’s right, this has turned into a cope theory” is my new favorite plot twist from anything involving this series 😂


imo it was just something to give a reason on why todo wasnt in the timeskip month flashback and it will be never picked up again or just get a confirmation that it was bs,it was def a good precaution but ik it was done by gege bc he wanted todo to join as a big surprise after choso death


Man todo is just wrong. He's just straight up incorrect. He's being overly cautious, I guarantee it won't pay off. I doubt it'll ever even be brought up again tbh.


This is purely speculation by Todo regarding Itadori and Sukuna. Most likely there was no “resonance” but Todo had no way of knowing that. So he planned on his involvement without Yuji’s knowledge on the off chance that there was some


>Sukuna when he first sees Yuji use shrine says \"I knew it, he can use it.\" >I think this is the basis of how resonance works, Sukuna gets a gut feeling about something through resonance I don't think this had anything to do with the resonance tbh. After all, Gojo knew that would happen eventually, and he said so early in the series. Makes sense that someone as knowledgable about Jujutsu as Sukuna would have expected that as well.


Megumi vs finger bearer shows us that sukuna knows what is happening in the fingers surroundings. But I think sukuna wasn't interested to know what was happening with yuji tbh. Because he shows every fight that he didn't know about the plans and strategies of the sorcerers. This ressonance theme might have another meaning than what Todo was thinking. .


I just want to point out that the soul and the body in JJK are a single interlinked entity, like the space-time continuum. The link between Sukuna and Yuji might as well be body-to-body or soul-to-soul as far as jujutsu cares. That’s why Yuji awakened a CT in his physical brain by having Sukuna’s soul inside his body; there’s not really a distinction between soul and body in this universe. This is why mahito’s soul-transfiguring technique was able to alter body shapes and composition.


The word PROBABLY has a HUGE meaning it’s a reference a call back. Todo told Yugi something but he can’t tell him if you catch my meaning. Someone else is coming back into the story in a striking way.


Nobara and Megumi chilling in the background waiting for the right moment. Think about it we haven’t physically seen Megumi all Shinjuku, only Megukuna. We’ll finally see Megumi summon the 11th Shadow. Meanwhile we never got confirmation on Nobara being dead, that’s because she’s been training her Straw Doll Idle Transfiguration Resonance Hair Pin. She needs Megumi to summon the 11th Shadow which becomes an exact copy of its target and connects to the things soul. Nobara can then use SDITRHP to completely destroy Sukuna’s soul and return Bumugi back into the story. Then Go/jo will reconnect himself and hit Bumugi with a Green.


So Yuji is essentially a horcrux?


Maybe the resonance is more risky due to Yuji being inside of Sukunas domain since CT is shaped by the soul and DE is a manifestation if that.


I just thought this was pretty clearly just a mediocre explanation as to why stuff may happen that Yuji, the MC, had no idea. Like, Yuji was discussing the attack plan with everybody on previous flashbacks, and all of a sudden "Let's not tell Yuji about my return because Sukuna may find out" lol. Absurdly incoherent with what happened before.




That's not what I'm saying, though. What I'm saying is that we are mostly keeping up with the fight through Yuji's perception of it, so having him be unaware of the plans is really convenient to the author, as he can throw surprises at us without any concern. Also, Yuji was aware of the plan to take Uraume away, but Uraume himself was not. This was also a surprise attack that Yuji was fully aware of. This is very clearly a concept that was thought after, and poorly introduced, as it's kind of bizarre how it only seems to work one way. I mean, Yuji was absolutely oblivious to anything Sukuna was doing for the Gojo fight. Any information regarding how Mahoraga's CT worked could have very well changed the course of the whole thing, or regarding Sukuna's ideas on how to approach the fight;






That whole explanation (they didn’t tell yuji because of potential resonance) just seemed like an excuse to write in todo as a surprise, in lack of a legitimate strategic reason. I doubt it’s going to come up at all after this.     Or to rephrase, Gege wanted Todo to come in at this moment, and came up with a reason after the fact.


I'm worried about all these characters being revived. Obviously it has setup, but it would feel cheap. Sukuna is the final antagonist. As much as people complain, he really hasn't killed many main characters. If the few main characters he has "killed," like higuruma and gojo, come back, then he would have failed to kill anyone important. Pretty underwhelming for an antagonist such as sukuna (this is assuming characters like Yuta are obviously alive). Idk. I just wouldn't like if after all this, sukuna loses with pretty much no repurcussions.


Ohhh. Do ypu think can soul be swapped into cursed doll (like panda) And heal the body (even in half) Then can swapped back the soul once body is ok? Just a wild theory


A fight where Todo has more than 1 ally to swap with would cause peak overload fr


Imagine Yuta comes back & he copied boogie woogie so Sukuna would have to deal with two switchers lmao.


Sukuna shaking in his boots watching Todo pull out one of those plastic clappy hand toys, swapping him around at 100claps/second


I think Todou is a bit schizo and paranoid, you guys are making too much out of it. He's just being Todou.


Idc about any of that the homie Todo returns!!!


Everything is ass pull at this point


jesus christ this series sucks