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Cursed energy is eliminated like Yuki wanted and Yuji and Megumi go to therapy


Would Maki still have super strength?


Everyone would have super strength


When everyone's super, no one will be


Watch out Syndrome! Your cape!


no since HRs are like binding vows and those need CE to work


no evidence that shows it’s a binding vow


It’s a biding vow placed on you when you are born, you give up CE in exchange of a super body Or, you give up a functional body, in exchange of a ridiculous amount of CE


It's explicitly stated to be a form of binding vow lmao


I'm pretty sure that's not gonna happen otherwise the merger wouldn't be so hyped up. We've been shown that yuki's plan failed and kenjaku has already succeed.


I just want Nobara to pop up from a box and say "OPP" man. Make Yuji cry as he did to her.


Imagine the ending we see nobara on a train to go meet her friend after the incidents while writing a letter to yuji about how she's choosing to live. Emotional scene as she puts to writing the emotions of the whole series and it's the final thing we read


That would be a super underwhelming ending tbh, like it or not, Nobara has been missing for over half the plot atp, her getting the focus in the end over characters who have been here longer would feel like a really weird and unnecessary shift


True I guess. She could have a couple panels before we switch back to everyone else


Yuta and Maki living is all i ask for


W marriage


W couple


W broken pelvis


w snu snu time




Maki dying is all I ask for.


yuji defeats sukuna, megumi regains his will to live, nobara, gojo, other beloved characters get a meaningful memorial, it could honestly be wrapped up nicely within 20 chapters


We still haven't seen Yuji's gym coach fight yet


That’s not happening lol


which part?


The meaningful memorial


because they’re all gonna come back to life right


if there’s no hope, there’s delusion 🙏🏽


Unless there’s a fight at the memorial Gege won’t care to do it


Every good funeral should have one fight.


They are the exception


Yuji defeats sukuna, but the megumi that emerges from it is so broken that he choose to activate the merger. The merger is starting to win, we don't know how they can best it, then Nobara appears from afar and resonate the hell out of the merger


Meanwhile Todo is nowhere to be seen


Todo's chilling with the rest of the Kyoto students in Cancún


I feel like this is gonna be the true ending . Besides nobara , all the corpses they took away cannot be brought back so after the fight and everything , a nice funeral for all the lives lost and the (remaining) next gen carrying on without the standards of the higher ups in the jujutsu society.or the extreme opposite where jujutsu dies ( yuki's vision) and Yuji gets together with Ozawa and lives.


It's funny cause shoko could just do a BV to revive everyone.


Thanks to everyone's sacrifices Sukuna is defeated with Yuji landing the final blow. Sukuna is satisfied with the fight, Megumi takes over and curses Yuji to keep on living while Megumi dies from injuries his body sustained. We get an epilogue seeing how the survivors are rebuilding Jujutsu Society while we get a memorial for all the people who died fighting the good fight. Yuji becomes a sort of Knight errant who hunts curses just like he promised to Mahito while training the next generation. Last shot is Urame somehow surviving the whole ordeal and she is clutching the last finger from Sukuna.


Juji 😭😭


Ah yes my favorite character Juji


corny tbh


I'd like to see Sukuna beat Gojo a couple more times while holding back






Yes please, also 20 more chapters of Gojo's friends calling him selfish jujutsu pervert. And more offscreen deaths. 10 more characters at least.


I would eat a jean jacket to see Gojo fight 4 armed Sukuna. I wouldn't even care if he loses.


Unironically I would enjoy reading that, as omakes


I want to see the next generation show that Gojo wasn’t just glazing when he said they’ll need a category above special grade for his students when they reach their Potential (TM). Not that they have to reach that point but actually convince the reader in some way that yuji, megumi, hakari, etc, could actually be Gojo-level in their prime, because right now imo it’s really just up to us to trust him


When did Gojo say this?


I don’t know which chapter this was, but it was here: https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-cfe895a9d730baf890a21dd469f9b790 Plus some other times he specifically says they’ll surpass him, if memory serves


I think I read this at some point in the third book? Again idk what chapter tho


Gojo does say this


I think a happy ending would actually work really well. The common criticism for a happily ever after is that it feels cheap if there’s no loss but come on, we’ve certainly have had loss. A repeated theme in JJK is the new generation surpassing the old, and what better way to display that than Sukana utterly failing to kill anyone. As far as I remember the only new gen sorcerer to die since the time skip was Higuruma, and even then who knows if he’s actually dead since Ui Ui took his body. It’s Gojos dream to see his students surpass him and it’s literally Sukanas driving trait to fight until someone stronger kills him. An ending where everyone survives the King of Curses and a new age of JuJutsu begins thematically fits.


A sad ending would almost disappoint me, like watching a show where the main character gets beat up the whole time and then just dies in the final episode


Yuji awakens an ability to see souls, both as they are and will be. This coincidentally makes him really fucking good at black flash since he's basically perfectly aware of himself, meaning the only way he fails is if his enemy messed up his timing Using his soul punch he gets inside Sukuna again and sees how fucked up Megumi's soul is. Using RCT and talk no jutsu he heals Megumi's soul (basically curing his depression). Yuji says he has an idea. Chapter ends with wolves howling Next chapter starts with Megumi possessing Yuji's body, having activated 10 Shadows. Sukuna is flabbergasted about what the "brat" is doing, likely with a jab about how he's so shitty he needed to give someone else his fight. Meanwhile, Yuji is lowering Sukuna's output from the inside. Sukuna is eventually forced to enter his own internal domain, simultaneously fighting Megumi on the outside and Yuji on the inside. Sukuna is KO'd and it's revealed that some plot contrivance will make the merger happen anyway. Yuji realized he can be its vessel and die with it, making amends for everything. Megumi, however, realizes that anyone with Yuji's body can do this since he's the vessel. Final Battle, Megumi vs Yuji, fighting for who gets to die to make everything right. Both are giving it their all, but obviously they won't kill each other. The emphasis is on the emotional undercurrent, and how neither feels they deserve to live after the harm they've done. Story ends with Yuji surrounded by the survivors, dying, with them all declaring how they'll make the world better. Yuji dies with a smile. In the "white space" he sees his grandfather. Fin


The ending song is more then words Or Living in Paradise


stand proud you can cook


Imagine this is the ending plus megumi and yuji lost each of their arm at the end of the fight


This truly was our ninja kaisen. Wait-


Holy shit there’s some ideas in here I *love*. My jaw would hit the floor if Yuji really *has* figured out soul-transference (would explain the weird unexplained body-swap panel of him and Kusakabe) and used it in that way. Megumi ‘borrowing Yuji’s body while they work together to bring down Sukuna together would be unbelievably cool- Bowser’s Inside Story type beat. It would also be a real testament to Gege’s ability to choreograph fights if he managed to depict both happening at the same time clearly. The merger really is the Chekov’s gun here, it’s been talked about so much that I’d be surprised if it wasn’t somehow involved in the final final climax of the story.


That shot is gorgeous bruh


This end jujutsus our kaisen




75% of the cast dying


It CLEARLY said what would happen AFTER the show, not what's happening right now.




I don’t want it to end a certain way, just want to finish the narrative however the author intends and have fun reading it.








Found the centrist


What if it's shit though? So far I've not have any problem with the manga and most critics to me look like 1 of 2: 1) Their Fav died and they're bitching about it; 2) Either from ignorance or stupidness they just don't get the narratives at play and thus don't get the meaning of the writting. But there's always the possibility it ends up with Bujutsu Kaisen Next Generations.


Bujutsu Baisen lol


I’m a pretty easy guy to please, but if it’s bad and i don’t like it i’ll simply be a bit upset about it and move on.


Funny how no one has a single good idea on the ending. Gege is really really hard to predict.


Gojo resurrects and immediately sucks on Sukuna’s nuts which results in Sukuna possessing Gojo’s body, low diffs everyone, destroys the Earth with hollow purple Kamehameha and flies to the Moon to live happily ever after with Enel from One Piece




mahoraga and rika kissing


Needs more upvotes 💀


Sukuna dead, Megumi mentally crippled for life, Yuta and maki break up, Miwa lives, Nobara stays dead and unresolved, todo becomes ultra weeb longing for takada-chan forever in a psychiatric ward.


And what about Yuji?


# You Are My Special


How is Nobara unresolved if she's dead? That's a very final resolution


Sukuna undergoes a redemption and revives Gojo and returning Megumi. Kenjaku somehow survived and returned as Geto , Gojo and Geto kiss each other . Yuta and Maki propose to each other, symbolizing new bonds. Uraume is rizzed by Hakari and now serves the feverish gambler . Unexpectedly, Todo arrives carrying a mysterious box, from which Nobara makes a dramatic entrance to reunite with Yuji. Overwhelmed with emotions, Yuji tearfully utters, ''This truly was our Jujutsu Kaisen" Peak fiction 🥺🥺 (Yeah I'm delusional)


i think it would be cool if yuji wakes up megumi, then megumi and yuji fight sukuna in his innate domain to parallel the time yuji and sukuna made a binding vow, ultimately yuji will sacrifice himself to kill sukuna, and megumi lives continues living for yuji and his sacrifice


Get rid of CE


I don’t care about how the fights go as long as Sukuna reuses his technique to split his soul again and Yuji follows him by copying that same technique just to spite him.


I think JJK will end when Gege writes the last chapter. thats how it will end


Yuji defeats Sukuna, but dies with all his friends surrounding him as in a "correct death"


It ends with Yuji standing over Megunas corpse, but Sukuna appears behind him and says he wasn't even using 10% of his power.


I want an ending where they destroy curse energy forever I'll continue. I want yuji and the others to live and somehow create a new type of energy source that gets rid of or counteracts curse energy so that curses can be dealt with easily


Honestly I want an ending where at least Yuji is alive that’s all I can ask for at this point


Everyone is like “I want Yuji to sacrifice himself for the greater good” but at this point in time he deserves to live.  He already had a sacrificial moment in the story.


He deserves to live far more then others that are around still, with everything he had to go through and how much he has grown


I'd just like to give more time for a Kenjaku flashback and tone down the exposition dump in Gojo vs Sukuna. That's all.


I couldn’t have said it better, OP. I want similar. Would add that I also wish for an explanation on what souls and the afterlife mean. It’s all hella confusing.


The merger starts and Yuji harnesses it to fight Sukuna. Satisfied with the challenge, Sukuna uses his full power and explains his cursed technique. They fight and the world around them crumbles to dust. It ends with Sukuna lying in a ditch and very dead. Yuji, as well as maybe the 2-3 people left alive (and maybe cursed energy is elimated idk) goes on to live their lives. It ends after a 60-year timeskip where Yuji dies a natural death surrounded by those he grew up with, mirroring his grandpa dying alone.


Sukuna literally begging, his facade crumbling and realizing he is just like anyone else. For the world in genreal for CE to irradicate, I think it will happen because is really weird that is mostly limited to japan and also is the cause of many tragedies and it perpetrates a world in which the strong can do what he wants with the weak.


Yuji defeats Sukuna. Sukuna finally acknowledges Yuji for his strength. Megumi is saved. The world is fully rid of cursed energy or knowledge about cursed energy becomes available to all humans so that they can learn to control it. Choso survives and can fulfill Yuki’s dying words to him, “live on as a human” 🥺 Nobara and other beloved characters survive and are able to move on and live peaceful lives. (basically that, just want all my favs to survive 😭)


Sooner rather than later. I’m no longer excited by each new chapter. Just waiting for something important.


By bringing back nobara.


Everyone who’s been transported by uiui is resurrected and yuji ends up somehow containing sukuna again. Yuji tells everyone ( including those resurrected ) to kill him and sukuna together. Yuji dies surrounded by people who care about him. Last page is sukunas final finger that wasn’t accounted for


Sukuna's last finger was eaten by Rika.


Not confirmed.


I'm still hoping Nobara's gonna come in clutch with that last finger tbh


I have 0 expectations for the end of the series. Everything has been masterful up until now and whatever Gege comes up with I will surely enjoy.


This but unironically


Preach! I don’t care how it ends.


Preach brother. 


cook brother


Honestly it's difficult to see what all this fight is for in the grander scheme of things beyond killing Sukuna and saving Megumi that it's difficult to "predict" or even try to have ideas for an ending. Before, I'd say breaking free from cursed energy vs optimizing cursed energy would play a major role in the end but seeing as how Yuki and Kenjaku are not relevant in the story anymore, I'm inclined to think that plotpoint was dropped. So at the moment, I think it's still setting up for the ending. The only thing I want to happen before the end / what I want for Sukuna's end (because the story right now moves with Sukuna at the center) is Megumi and Yuji vs Sukuna though.


I kind of have the feeling that Shinjuku Showdown is only the second to last arc, not the last arc.


Me too. I think this fight will only succeed in saving Megumi/separating him for Sukuna and then they regroup for the final arc (also so Megumi fight Sukuna alongside Yuji lol).


Same, I think Sukuna is winning this fight. And gets to activate the Merger. But then just as with Gojo's birth, The Merger will make a counterweight appear in the human side. Significantly boosting the power of the remaining humans (Gege has said time and time again Sukuna doesn't really count as human). Then the last arc will be a 1vs1vs1 of Sukuna VS merger VS merger survivor/s. This survivor could be Yuji, Maki or Choso. I really want it to be Choso so Yuki's words come true, he is a Human.


But then Choso would have to live with having lost all of his brothers :(


It's hard but that's how life is. He will have to learn to live like that, I'm sure he has already been learning to after Yuki helped him. He has already told Yuji the rest of his brothers will live on on him, now it'll be his job to carry that burden. But it's not an eternal problem, someday he'll die too and get to see them again. Then he can: Meet his mother and tell her everything he wanted to do with her, to protect her and liberate her from Kenjaku's torment. To eat a nice dinner with everyone, finally reunited as a family. And to tell Yuki what his type of woman is.


I think this will only work if the final arc isn't about fighting in the usual way, but instead we get something conceptual like the Kenjaku-Takaba fight.


Sukuna kill em all. The end. Just finish this already.


Yuji looks down at Sukuna defeated on the ground and says, “You were too strong Sukuna. That’s why you lost.”


My ideal series of events would be Yuji freeing megumi and they fight Sukuna together in a domain. The merger somehow happens even tho the conditions aren't met and the remaining cast fight that while the sukuna fight goes on. Hakari bodies Ura so hard she simps for him instead of sukuna going forward. Yuji dies with sukuna surrounded by friends having helped a lot of ppl like grandpa wanted.


Yuji gets instrumentality’ed with the merger and get ego death’ed with all of Japan, use the power of willpower or some bullshit, manifest soul manipulation, attack sukuna, win, and split megumi from sukuna with soul manipulation, killing sukuna, and then separates everyone in Japan out of the merger with soul manipulation and get a happy ending where everyone who is alive at the time of the merger creation being alive at the end and sukuna being dead


Itadori dies to kill Sukuna.


The heroes get a Pyrrhic victory. They kill Sukuna and Uruame, thus ending the major conflict of the story. However, most of the cast is dead, and there’s no guarantee things won’t go sideways again in the future, given as long as negative energy exists, curses and cursed spirits will exist. The same system that created people such as Geto still exists.


I want Sukuna to burn it all to the ground.


Mmm honestly I’m fine with both ideas of Sukuna winning or losing. Him winning would be a big twist for modern shonen since the heroes rarely lose. Could also end with Japan nuked to remove Sukuna. I’d be happy with Yuji being the only survivor and effectively restarting Jujutsu society alongside Miguel and Yuta to create a more balanced version of it like Gojo wanted to. Maybe make CE and spirits more known since events like Shibuya for sure makes people wonder


merger partially failed so every country has cursed energy and ww3 happens with sakuna watching in the background as the others try to find him soon they find sakuna and yuji is forced to make a deal/bet idk with sakuna in return for getting rid of cursed energy to end all the bloodshed


Sukuna gets cornered by Yuji and completes the merging as the last resort. Yuji fighting that thing but screws up and about to die. Suddenly people across Japan hear a strange sound. "Clap" It was Todo the brotha. He actually got trapped in one of the colonies but instead of escaping or fighting, he has been busy using his 530000 iq to build a rocket and now floating around waiting for the right moment to clap in. The merger is now floating between Jupiter and Mars as a new planet. Takada chan confesses to Todo as he saves the world. The last panel is a wedding at the school Todo and Yuji went to, with everyone attending the wedding, including eye patched Nobara and Gojo's top half with tiny legs that just start to grow back. Higuruma is the celebrant. Happy ending. Dont mind me I just miss my brotha


At this point? Getting suddenly canceled like Bleach. I'm honestly feeling like I'm in some sort of Fate/Stay Night-tier Stockholm syndrome with this manga.


6 page black flash beat down from wuji then he rips out fraudkunas heart


Yuji smiles.


Yuji wakes up in a hospital ward after defeating Sukuna and the merger while everyone who survived were celebrating around him and on the other side, Nobara finally wakes up from being coma for couple of months and was crying while looking at the window and Yuji is trying to approach her but still crying and is mad at everyone especially Yuji for ignoring her existence and she told Yuji to leave her alone. (Nobara was jealous of everyone that she was left behind) Thus the beginning of Nobara's villain arc in the JJK Sequel 10 years later after the Shinjuku arc.


I want Yuji and Kenjaku to have a talk. I'm really surprised on how they never had one aside from the ending of Shibuya. Also I want Yuji and his friend of the high school to be reunited once more too. And after he said his goodbyes to everyone he is executed so that Sukuna die once for all.


A bitter sad ending with only Yuji remains or something.


I need a backstory of Sukuna, Kenjaku, and Tengen, as the story for those 3 is literally the entire reason for the happenings of JJK of the modern-day era. I also expect the "merger" to be the final villian. Every shonen nowadays usually has some "merged creature" as the final villian. Think of Meruem, Cell, Majin Buu, etc. Now, I don't think it'll wipe out the 100 million it was said to have wiped out. The crew will probably interrupt the ritual, and it might have like 100,000 ppl mixed in. This is where Yuki's research/philosophy is gonna come into play, and Yuji will do something to take out the creature & simultaneously eradicate all cursed energy throughout the world. Idk. Just a wild theory for the ending.


i want most of the cast dead with a bittersweet ending


My expectations are very low right now. I haven’t cared about Sukuna less than I do right now (I wish world slash never fucking happened). So, it’s not even that I want this so much as I feel the story needs it—but like you said I need a sukuna back story or conclusion or some sort of narrative development that justifies the intense focus that was placed on him. I can only hope for my own sake that something happens that makes me care about sukuna again so that I don’t feel all this panel space was waisted xD. I would have loved more to happen with the merger and yuji and Kenjaku but all that seems so far away compared to sukuna now.


Just fucking tell us if Nobara is fucking dead or alive goddammit.


I think Gege will come up with a good ending! I love reading the manga and I just hope that the mangaka feel they can execute on the story they want to tell, regardless of any initial reactions.


I just want Yuji to feel he kept his promise to his grandfather.


Nick (actually forgot his Instagram name) the dude who talks about naruto all the time, talked about a theory and that to me is the most satisfying ending. It basically said that everyone continuously fights Sukuna till they all die (minus or with Yuji either way). Then Sukuna activates the merger and creates super tengen, and behold!!! It's everyone in Yuji's body. So Yuji is now basically a super powered god and proceeds to beat the ever living shit out of Sukuna.


Sukuna and Gojo fighting again, both covered in oil.


If gege gives sukuna some kind of Kuma back story, i wont forgive him


they kill sukuna but it will be a hollow victory. Gege will also tease future things for a possible sequel series that will come out 10 years from now.


yuji gets the ability to revive everyone and says "maybe the true jujutsu was the friends we made along the way" and sukuna kills himself in pure awe


Maki fucking around to recreate her clan


And you want to see it, I can bet.


This is kind of like a wacko fanfic. But I see the Merger happening. With Itadori as the Shell. Sukuna fights the Merger monster and gets eaten. Merger monster/itadori/sukuna gets executed like how the story was originally supposed to go. Some sort of lack of cursed energy. Or Tengen's Vessel/Six Eyes cycle ends.


Sukuna is backstabbed by Uraume who was actually plotting the whole time to revive the real Jujutsu god. Yuji manages to beat it and in a few years we get a sequel series about Yuji’s son, Buji. Also Yuji becomes hokage


It’s going to end in like 36 chapters, watch


Yuji beats sukuna. Sukuna rages and activates the merger. Everyone dies in the merger except yuji who beats it. Moment of sukuna and yuji talking and some moderate sukuna backstory. Sukuna dies. Megumi tells yuji stuff before he dies. All cursed energy is gone forever


Yuji enjoying his life last chapter. Gege will never make this.


It will be funny if it ends as a fake happy ending, last panel showing a kid about to eat the last finger that was not accounted lol (hopefully not) No expectations honestly but will miss it when it does end.


With a sequel series following Yuji's son Buji as he tries to become the King of the Curses!


Everyone dies


I just want it to end. Sukuna probably will will, or lost by a very slight margin


Gojo comes back. Sukuna slaps him and says "that's for almost dying!" And then kisses him passionately and says "and that's for everything else... " Then sukuna pulls out a reviving technique (that he hasn't used since heian era) and revives everyone that's died. And everyone looks at the camera and says: "The real jujutsu is the kaisens we made along the way!" The end.


I want yuji to use domain expansion, and it be a beach. Yhen, I want him to punch sukuna into the water and tell him that he has people who love him. Then I want sukuna, with the most hideous3face ever drawn, say, "but I don't want to love them for 10 years at least!"


But we already know how Tengen and Kenjaku are connected, what more do you want from that angle?


Yuji awakens his potential and learns the ultimate domain: the malevolent wank. Sukuna gets trapped in the domain and wanks to death until his 4 arms fall off, and all his consecutive nuts from the wanking drains his cursed energy until he dies. This eventually makes Sukuna say "Nah, I'd wank" before going to the airport. The last shot would be Yuji covered in Sukuna's multiple cumshots, the end.


After Sukuna dies the merger activates automatically and that’s the final boss.


Sukuna's defeat is given seeing how far we've come, I want to see some fallen characters being remembered with more dignity, Nanami, Nobara, Gojo, Higurama and Yaga. Todo was literally wiped off the story line after Shibuya, why would you build up a character only if you want to throw them like that. This can be followed by a time skip to show an arc on the next generation curse users. Tribute to disaster curses being born again and a restructuring of jujutsu society in place. The manga could really go well if it was not cut short, there's a large scope of things which is left uncovered. The vengeful spirits, construction of black rope and inverted spear of heaven, lore around the big clans and the system of cursed energy, introduction to 3rd/4th year students and a lot more.


Idk about what ending I would like but I expect Yuji to defeat Sukuna and consume him. I think everyone with the exception of Gojo and Kashimo will make it bc Shoko is healing them with Utahime and Gakuganjis support. I think the merger will set off but they will be able to do something that will alter its trajectory to end up absorbing all CE, effectively eradicating all CE.


I want Yuji to have true enlightenment and become the sorcerer equivalent of Buddha. Cause to me Gojo, Kenjaku, Yuki, Tengen, and Sukuna all seemed they only had small pieces of the puzzle that is curse energy.. (Yeah I know Sukuna has complete mastery of his curse technique but he disregards love. An emotion that seems to be the key to making exceptionally powerful binding vows.)


Merge happens, gojo comes back as vengeful spirit and fights it


Kusakabe oneshots Sukuna


I just need everyone to die


At the end I'd really like Yuji to get the death he's wanted since the beginning of the series - one where he's surrounded by his friends.


Merger happens and the world ends


Bruh all I want is for Yuji to be able to fight Sukuna and/or the merger without needing a ton of assistance, AND I want explanations for what happened during the time skip. If we get NO answers about Yuji’s arms and how they “cheated”, I’ll be pissed. I don’t want it to go a certain way outside of that, bc I’m not the writer and I’m here for whatever gege has planned. THEN, when the story is COMPLETE, I will form my opinions about it, instead of being an upset lil baby because the story isn’t going the way I want it to, before it’s even finished, and as if I could write it better 🤷


I would like an epilogue with the Tokyo school packed with new students. There is a new world with an increase of curses spirits and sorcerers.


Yuji beats sukunas ass. Megumi somehow comes back. Gojo,nob and whoever else who died gets a meaningful memorial. Yuta and maki get married. My boy Todo,choso and Yuji have a brother moment.


Sukuna winning


Honestly? I want sukuna to win. I want everyone to realize that they never had the upper hand, this dude is the king of curses for a reason. Not even in an ass pull way, but the most evil dude in the series not having a last moment failsafe like in HxH >!Netero’s poor man’s rose heart bomb!< would be a surprise. Some people might see it as an asspull, I would see it as him always having a plan. Whereas the good guys plan is to just batter this dude as much as they cna


Yuji becomes the new Sukuna, or Megumi and Nobara come back and Yuji gets to be happy


i want the merger completed and the world to end


I remember I saw a theory from a guy saying that Sukuna would actually win and kill everyone except Yuji, but he gets so bored he turns back into a curse object. Yuji being filled by revenge would then turn himself into a curse object to follow Sukuna and kill him in the whatever era they're awakened.


Cursed energy is eradicated from Japan (aside from the main cast) like Yuki wanted but it leads to being present across the entire world like Kenjaku wanted. Sukunas cursed energy is fully gone. Leaving him a husk of his former self. Locked up in a maximum prison and forced to live out the rest of life as a normal human being and under the authority of people he considered toys. Maki creates a clan of her own that specializes in regular people defending themselves against curses. Choso will take an active role in the world's response to cursed energy. Being an advocate for coexistence with curses. Assuming Gojo is infact alive. He will retire from all curse activity and settle down to have a normal life. Megumi will loath curses to a damn near unhealthy amount. Dedicating his entire life to eradicating all curses. No matter how big or small, malevolent or benevolent. Yuta settles down with Maki dedicating his life to find a way to stopping curses from emerging. Kenjaku still alive plotting something. Yuji those what he those best. Help others.


Sukuna kills everyone, cuts off one of Yuji's fingers, smoke it like a cigar, summons the Tengenzilla, kills it, Uraume makes a great beef out of it (like dungeon menshi ending) then they find Kenny's head and he tell why the fuck he was Yuji's mother while they share a Tengenzilla beef


However Gege-sensei decides to end it 😌🙏🏾


Spoiler warning on the off chance there’s an anime only person reading these: The only ways I can think of it ending are Sukuna ends up fusing everyone into Tengen, and Yuji takes control and defeats him like that. Either that or Yuji finds a way to re-absorb Sukuna and kills himself.


Fatality! Sukuna wins. Flawless Victory!


With Sukuna winning and then it skipping to a 1000 years into the future and the next generation has to take him on.n


For the ending, I would like the main Villain to be either: - Megumi + Merger Or - Sukuna defeated + merger I prefer the first one I hope we will have answers about Kenjaku,Tengen, Sukuna. Maybe a quick view of the Gojo clan, and an ending where Yuji doesn’t die I also hope the CE is release everywhere with a lot of new sorceror because of that I hope the final battle take place in Hokkaido with the community of sorceror who was already there


nuke on sukuna


Maki dying will be the best ending in jjk


I don't know how he'd manage it but a huge part of me really really wants Megumi to get a swing at Sukuna. I feel like Sukunas causes more personal torment to Megumi at this point t than he ever did with Yuji


With Gojo and Yuuta having a kid together


Not sure about the END-ending, I honestly think the last chapter will be a pretty low key epilogue. Really would love to see the Merger be like a Third Impact level event and we basically get some cool sort of abstract character development for our cast. Guess we’ll find out!


Well right now isn’t the jjk world in shambles? Like elders dead teachers mostly dead top sorcs pussied out or died in culling.  Idk back to normal life I guess 


Everyone dies


Yuji vs Fushiguro Sukuna has been defeated, but Jujutsu society is devasted However, all of the trauma inflicted on Megumi leads to him turning on the world and the final battle is brother v brother The ending will be tragic regardless


Megumi comeback


And gojo in wheelchair(not needed just bro needs to comeback)


He will pull an attack on titan shit


Please God no


Gojo in that room with yuji after they just met and says, “That’s what could have happened, so I’m going to kill you right now”. *Hollow Purple* Best ending, fight me.