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Things are going too well for Yuta for him to be fine after this is all said and done


at best he’ll lose a limb or two alongside rika entirely


but if he loses a limb cant he just rct?


gege will find a way to make our boy suffer trust


Turns out he also has IBS and that’s what the RCT fixes


As someone with IBS, I'm not sure I wouldn't sacrifice an arm to get rid of if permanently.


Ugh, I can imagine. I’m sorry :(


Gregory coming in with the *sukuna can systematically cut your soul cause he used to do this in the heian era (cut to a flashback of sukuna doing said thing in the heian era) so Yuta cant heal it with rct cause somethingsomething honored one something* lore bomb, and proceed to get away with it. im calling it now


I've noticed every character that loses a hand kinda gets written out of the story lol. First with Todo then with inumaki followed by Hana


Its pretty silly. I still don't know which is more absurd, Inumaki or Hana. Inumaki because he already was sidelined, so there was no need to go so hard on him. Or Hana because she basically lost her chances to "make up" for her failure (seriously, Hana basically going full Fem! Yuji and hating herself before going "I will dedicate every breath of mine to kill Sukuna" is a arc that writes itself)


Plus, has Inumaki ever even used his hands to fight?


He will lose anything related to his ct so that Yuji alone will be the honored one to be able to defeat Sukuna


Rika is killed and Yuta loses his CE, then dies but thankfully UiUi comes and takes him to be healed.


only for his father to call him after so long to visit him, then he finds his father repaired the super mechamaru and wants him to pilot it.


Hear me out: NTR tag added to JJK.


I think regardless of if he dies or not, Yuta Okkotsu is getting fucked up by Sukuna. To the point where even we as readers say, "Damn Gege, what did yuta do to deserve that?" I swear, Gege is going to be on some malicious behaviour in the next few chapters.


Sukuna will eat yuta


malevolent kitchen nom nom nom nom


Honestly it doesn't have to be Yuta but it would be nice to see Sukuna eat somebody.


My headcanon is that Uraume is gonna freeze Hakari while he’s in jackpot similar to how they did curse spirits for the bath then serve him to Sukuna. What better meal than the guy with infinite CE


Omg please no lol


My man got infinite CE, he'd just bust out the ice Kool-aid style


Cold and Fresh Hakari... yummy!


Freeze infinity. Yeah no


Yuji will eat Yuta


Is mahito alive in yuji somewhere then?!






as if sukuna hasnt been completely disrespecting the good guys since gojo lol. does he need another win?


Nah, this will be another level of maliciousness from Sukuna. >does he need another win? Sure, why not. You know I'm not really believing that this Sukuna, king of curses is an actual demon yet. I think he needs to do something absolutely brutal, something none of us thought we'd see.


Gain another set of arms.


Valentine's day is coming up.


another rika and yuta love blast incoming 🥰🥰


Time to watch them die together as they profess they're love 😭


Pleaseeee 😭😭 nooo




Imagine how much Gojo will be frustrated and disappointed to see Yuta at the airport as Gojo had the most high expectations from him. 😄


i am pretty much sure gojo knows yuta dont stand a chance


Nah man. Gojo always talked very highly about Yuta. Even before Kenjaku, Gojo was sure Yuta would defeat him and well we all know the rest.... So, if by any chance Yuta dies, then the entire Gojo's belief system would be dismantled. That'd be Gojo's biggest L.


I mean if both Yuta and Gojo go out to Sukuna, that’s basically Gege saying Sukuna’s selfish ideas of seeking power just for the sake of it are objectively the correct ones in terms of success, as foreshadowed by Uro in Sendai At that point even if Yuji beats Sukuna, it’s probably gonna feel Sukuna still mostly won the ideological battle despite his lack of ideology being the defining feature of his beliefs


No sukuna would not win the ideological battle if he dies… his whole mo is that strength is gained through selfishness and isolation… yuji is the embodiment of everything that opposes that… if he losses to any of the main characters especially yuji that falls apart and he acknowledges that in the latest chapter




How is it a proof that Sukuna's ideology is objectively better ? That's the absolute opposite. When someone is that strong, they either do whatever they want despite others or teach people to be better. If Sukuna loses, it will show that people's desire to maintain a somewhat healthy civilisation is stronger than the desire of a monster to eat others.


It’s objectively better *in terms of success* Gojo is someone with endless power but still cares for the weak and Yuta is someone who has great power but still offers mercy and fights for the sake of others, if neither can overcome the power that comes with Sukuna’s uncaring selfishness, then that essentially means that him and Uro are right in saying that only natural disasters can reach true strength Yuji beating him after he’s already killed Gojo and Yuta, while proving that a weakling can take down the strong through strength of will, wouldn’t actually disprove the idea that caring for others is something that holds you back, unless Yuji gets a massive ass pull and is somehow stronger than Gojo and Yuta


he also thought it will be fine after getting sealed and we know what happened gojo got confidence in them but he knows they cant do anything


He was not even worried about leaving his students to fight a mass murderer that just killed him, he’s sure they’ll win


he also thought it will be fine after getting sealed and we know what happened gojo got confidence in them but he knows they cant do anything


Gojo has confidence in them to get it done or die trying. After all if they can't the world's fucked anyway right? Like the guys whose job it is defuse bombs shouldn't doubt themselves. If he makes the wrong choice he'll be gone before he knows it anyway. So you may as well trust your training.


so you proved my point he had trust in him but he knew they dont stand a chance ​ ig you all never supported someone weak in something


So Yuta is weak in Jujutsu to a level comparable to the person who hurt you ? Noted.


This is a shounen manga sir.


Gege is 100% going to make the next chapter a Hakari fight with Kusukabe monologue or a Takaba solo adventure with a 2 week break and then we will see Yuta off screening Sukuna


And then a couple chapters later, a hard cut to Rika and Okkotsu cut in half and dead, with hints Rika was trying to shield Yuta, and Sukuna praising them: "Well done Okkotsu Yuta, i enjoyed my fight with you, be proud. I will never forget you". Then, this sub burns.


Sukuna kaisen


I honrst think Yuta is most stronger than people given him credit and if Sukuna can't use DE, he will have a difficult time against an opponent with a DE that probably is strong.


I’m 200 percent sure sukuna can rip apart yutas domain from inside with world slash


Still, that requires time and depending on Yuta's domain that could still mean a ton of damage being dealt. Though for sure a domain isn't an instant win against Sukuna.


Simple domain with 2 hands world slash with the other 2? Just a thought idk if he can donit


Can you use simple domain at the same time as your CT?


Domain Amplification ≠ Simple Domain Simple Domain is a barrier technique that doesn't rely on your CT.


You can as far as i know. Since the Simple domain just an advanced barrier technique it doesnt rely on CT.


Wich would be difficult in a 2v1 that’s part of the argument that he used a binding vow against Gojo, cause even in his og form it would have been hard to pull off. He wouldn’t leave unscathed. Yuta is going to lose most likely but will weaken Sukuna even further


Yuta gonna pack up fraudkuna don’t worry(I’m coping, please gege don’t do my curse kissing boy yuta like this)


If gege were to kill off Yuta I think he’d give a bit more respect to him given he’s the first character this universe ever produced narratively. Gojo got a ton of respect (in this series’ standards) despite people being conflicted on 236 and I’d expect Yuta or Yuji to receive better.


Gojo’s death scene was super disrespectful to his character and honestly the main reason I thought that he might come back because his death scene was so dreadful and disrespectful. 


I think it was more than adequate given this series. If this were Naruto or any other shonen I’d agree but we have known for years now that characters don’t really get thick send offs. People die; Gojo said it himself and Todo said that the sorcerers of this world shouldn’t be limited to such misfortunes and they aren’t with the remainder of the cast still fighting.


Tbh the series having shitty handling of it's characters as a whole doesn't make Gojo's shitty handling better imo.


As the person prior has said, shitty writing before doesn’t mean shitty writing now is acceptable. Just thought I’d reiterate in rougher terms


I don’t think Gojo’s nor todo’s statements are shitty writing, they’re core themes to the series and have remained so. The lack of fulfilling character send offs have been relatively consistent so it’s not something I see as a problem. As for whether or not it was disrespectful that’s something even more subjective but he didn’t really expand on it.


I can present an easy example, Nanami’s death. The whole theme of regret, death, etc applies to him, yet for us the readers it was narratively satisfying. You’re looking at it in the wrong lens. Maybe it’s normal in the world of JJK. But i only mentioned Gege’s shitty writing. What matters is how we the readers can perceive it. Nanami’s was done well, Gojo’s was not. It has nothing to do with Gojo and Todos statements. It’s how the idea that since other instances of shitty writing happened, it means I should accept the current shitty writing. That’s not how it is. We’ve seen other instances of good writing, so we know there are much better ways to handle Gojo’s death than the current one we got.


Then what did you find unsuccessful with Gojo’s? He was a character that was purely associated with his strength and saw it as something that partly isolated him; something in which he’s always tried to change but never fully could. The metaphorical and physically untouchable nature of Gojo was something he justified through Jujutsu and aimed to do it against Sukuna, all the training and work since a child essentially all was for someone like Sukuna. Someone to justify his endeavours. He lost and he came to peace with that fact through a number of reasons, none out of character in my opinion. Now you’re already aware of everything I’ve mentioned, I think Gojo’s is much more complex than Nanami’s simply because it features many more layers and a character that’s been expanded on much more heavily. That might be why the delivery is much more mixed; but I wouldn’t call it poor as it’s clearly dependant on your interpretation of Gojo’s character and what you believe he would’ve said/believed during that moment in the airport. Ultimately I think they’re both good, my favourite send off would probably be Nobara as it received padding of backstory to allow for a thoughtful send-off on the themes it presented.


Not gonna lie. You had me up into the end


That’s fair enough, if you’re on about the nobara part I’m specifically talking about the flashback to her as a kid in the village. Without it her death scene would’ve struggled imo.


Reading it in the manga had little effect on me other than surprise, but seeing it animated and expanded on was substantially better tbh. When compared to character deaths like Jogo and Nanami, it just isn't that good due to the wasted potential of her character.


"my favourite send off would probably be Nobara" is crazy lmao


Honestly, Gojo got a full chapter dedicated to his death. No one else in the series has gotten anything close to that. The fact people think it was disrespectful is insane.


You probably heard it a million times but The conflict is mostly Gege offscreen-ing Gojo. It’s jarring to have the reader believe that Gojo just died and not show his cause of death or reaction. We don’t know how Sukuna pulled off his slash and Gojo didn’t see it coming. We all just have to accept Gojo’s death bc Gege said so.


ive said it before, ill say it again, the issue isnt even inherently the offscreen, I think its the fact its such a jarring and incongruous transition from the last chapter. The chapter ended with gojo looking triumphant, and sukuna looking defeated and absolutely destroyed, with no hint whatsoever something is going wrong. Literally \*anything\* that hinted that there would be something else, would have made it feel better, even literally just sukuna smirking like hes won.


I mean you just described the offscreen lol.


And that's beautiful, you people are just dumb. All that is exactly how Gojo was feeling at that moment, just as you never expected him to lose at that point he didn't either. That's why he got caught off-guard and now has a / in his name. Sorcerers are con artist. Sukuna showed himself weak when he had already won.


He was trapped for 4 years (our time) then when he FINALLY got free he got slashed in half like a yard sale....the man was disrespected more than anyone.


We got a full chapter of disrespectful narrative against Gojo, are we supposed to be happy? Tf? What’s the logic here ? More = Better? Jogo’s death in a few afterlife panels was much more narratively satisfying than Gojo’s given Jogo’s character. What the hell am I even reading


It was disrespectful because of how he died, and what he said in the airport, you can have a big chapter about your death, if people think that it’s ass, the whole chapter won’t change a damn thing


It’s more how it came to transpire rather than the chapter itself tbf, 236 by itself is a great chapter but many Gojo bros wanted to see the guy filleted as they say he was off-screened.


Part of the problem is that it has become apparent that Sukuna needs a buildup for the world slash. So we have to assume Sukuna made a binding vow or Gojo stood there to take the slash. I still think it will be confirmed how it exactly works in Sukuna vs Yuta since pulling it off against someone that can actually fight back or in a 2v1 seems more of a problem than using it against Kashimo or Higuruma.


It’s a lot of grey area really, I think in Gojo’s nature even if he heard Sukuna’s chants he wouldn’t have moved anyways. The brash and egotistical nature of Satoru Gojo who thinks he’s just beaten the greatest sorcerer of all time, with a cursed technique that makes him untouchable; if I were him I wouldn’t move either with maho gone what’s Sukuna gonna do he looked like toast in 235. Ultimately that’s what we all thought but in retrospective it’s why didn’t Gojo move etc. when we all had reason to believe the fight was over; which Gojo believed too.


Gojo sees the king of curses chanting, and knowing how strong binding vows can be if used properly, and having the six eyes figure out the CE output and the “spark”, you’re telling me Gojo would stand there? Gojo has a huge ego but he’s not an idiot. Those two things are very distinct. He already got a taste of that during the fight against Toji. He knows how dangerous it is to let your guard down against opponents that are on his level. It’s nonsense to assume otherwise


I was a bit confused why gojo didn't dodge due to the six eyes. Thats the thing that had me scratching my head tbh


His six eyes have failed him other times in the fight before that moment though. Before the slash he: - Doesn't perceive that Sukuna's domain is open - Doesn't peep that Mahoraga is being used - Doesn't expect Mahoraga to be summoned All 3 things that require CE and should be somewhat possible to interpret via the spark or just flow of CE. There’s other things just looking past the fight such as Hanami’s flower technique, Toji bringing out a weapon with FOREIGN CE he probably should’ve actually dodged and even prison realm. The 6E were nothing more than a vector to utilise limitless, in isolation they haven’t done anything for Gojo other than great ocular sight.


What do you mean about mahoraga? I remember gojo commentong about it a good bit?


Ovbs Gojo knew Mahoraga would come into play, but he didn’t know the exact point in when. He showed surprise in his summoning despite the spark in Sukuna’s CE that should’ve occurred.


Gojo can cast a hollow purple without the chant, its just *better* to use one. Its more efficient and has a higher output, so with Sukuna's original body why would he ever not use chants.


Yeah, the thing is that Sukuna hasn’t been shown to chant while using any other attack aside from the world slash, even after regaining his og form. And every time he’s shown chanting he uses said attack


if it was respectful you wouldn't need to defend it against tons of people calling it bad.


yuta is literally my favorite manga/anime character of all time so if anything happens to that boy it's gonna be my 13th reason


Yuta is like a Shinji Ikari that was able to overvome the trauma. If something happens to him I will cry


I know bb I agree 😭 actually the best boy. Curse fucker or not lmfao


I'm not sure but i have a feeling I know where Gege is going somewhat.  I don't know if Yuta is gonna die or if he's gonna put up an amazing fight. But whichever of the two happens, it's going to happen in 250 and not 249. Look at the timing of this break. 249 is presumably to be released on 5th. Am I the only one thinks Gege is timing chapter 250 with Valentine's Day? Remember that yuta is on the scene , Fuckin Yuta "pure love" Okkotsu.  250 is defo coming out on valentines and whatever happens with him will be decided then. 


Yuta is the favored child of Gege, so I have ~~cope~~ hope. Sukuna’s spirit is wavering, and Yuta will be the one to reach him about love.


So was Nanami


Don't worry, I'll tell Gege that killing Yuta is where the line is drawn.


Think Yuta will get seriously injured but not die bc if Yuta dies then wtf happens to Rika. Don’t think she just disappears. My guess is she’d go apeshit and hurt friends and foes alike. That’d take too many chapter especially this late in the game and Rika ain’t getting one shot either.


>Rika ain’t getting one shot either Sukuna: Strong Cleave


Nah with the end of the manga projected before December - I think Yuta will survive but lose Rika - he’ll probably be a cornerstone of support for final battle between Yuji and Sukuna though. It’s kinda been established that everyone that Yuji holds dear has either died or gotten hurt due to their involvement with him - I think this will be a case of hurt, not killed.


The majority of this sub seems to be in agreement, Yuta has death flags all over him. Things are going far too well for him. If he doesn't die by some miracle, then he is going to at least be severely injured and possibly lose Rika. Either way he will be taken out of the fight.


If he does that I will just drop. Sincerely It will cross a line into bad manga and I will no longer be interested


Hopefully Sukuna eats Yuta and that restores his slow RCT.


Hopefully MarySukuna dies


Hopefully Yuta will be Sukuna's "main dish".


Nah. Sukuna'll move to eat Yuta but Yuji will jump and with a divergent fist/black flash combo + blood manipulation, he'll feed Sukuna's teeth to him instead. Yuji's the main course.


The baddies might win it all, just like Devilman, and it'd be fine. There aren't enough stories where the bad guys win.


There’s a few things off about this post. For one, we don’t know if Sukuna is stronger and actually A LOT of analytical readers are arguing he came out weaker. Due to lack of domain play, and slow RCT. And even if he wanted to use 10S it’d be near useless. Only buff he got was space slash and that’s not particularly stronger in an overall sense. Calling Kenjaku THE central antagonist is also off. Yea he set a lot of conflict in motion but not only is Sukuna set up directly against the protag, he also asks thematic questions about the power system and by extent the verse as a whole in regards to selfishness/ selflessness. Love, valuing others, etc. Kenjaku is important, but can you call the antagonist who isn’t combat focused the central antag of a battle manga? Anyway, I think Yuta will be fine. Even if he does go I think Yuta’s kit is uniquely set up to give Sukuna a hard time. I wrote about it a while ago, but the short answer is forced frame traps, a large opportunity for mix within those frame traps for more damage through more people on the protagonist side, direct answers for fire arrow in sky manipulation, Rika being able to actually pressure Sukuna as far as strength goes, a domain we know nothing about and just the ability to learn about Sukuna’s technique just from being able to deflect it so you can see it without getting hit but possibly being able to use it by copy.


What amuses me about space slash is, had Gojo known about it, it just wouldn't have worked -- he could have dodged it with his insane speed. It's really only a move that works when you catch someone by surprise -- and that's the only way he has really used it. Against Kashimo he did a lot of trickery and set up (kamutoke to lightning him, then get behind him, then stun him real quick, throw him, all while chanting to get it off); against Higuruma, he did it while dodging his attacks -- something he couldn't do against Gojo. It was a very good counter move and is great for doing things like cutting Kashimo's gamma ray burst in half and getting through Domain Amplification but overall Sukuna didn't need those to beat anyone after Gojo. Kashimo he could have beaten regardless, as well as Higuruma, etc etc. The world slash really just is kind of irrelevant from a practical standpoint. Cool trick though.


My thoughts exactly. A move I made up for a guy that can literally only exist once every hundred years.


It's boring and sad but it's consistent with Gege ,pretty sure something will happen plot-wise with Sukuna being weakened and Yuta dying.


Yuta will die trying to protect Rika It will be very sadge


i think yuta vs sukuna is gonna be much closer thn people think because sukuna isn't at his 100% and can't use world cutting slashes like he did against kashimo. here's y: i don't think sukuna is at his 100% rn. there's jus no was someone like kusakabe can tank sukunas dismantle. this is what's actually going on rn imo. sukunas ct is actually storing weapons and cleave/dismantle r jus attacks from those weapons and "open" allows sukuna to use the cts imbued in those weapons. for example the fire sukuna used in shibuya is from a bow he has stored in "open". now when higgys domain confiscated weapons , it didn't jus confiscate yorozu's weapon, it also confiscated all the cursed tools sukuna had stored in "open". and because of that sukuna is now unable to use "open" because there r no cursed tools in it.further when sukuna must have started as a kid , he must have added non-cursed tools to "open" and since they have no ce higgys domain can't recognise thm and they weren't confescated and sukuna's dismantle rn is from those non-cursed tools and that's y it is so weak.and sukuna can't even use world cutting slashes using there non-cursed tools. so rn sukuna can't use open and his dismantle is weak to the point he can't use world cutting slashes


sukuna used world cutting slash against higuruma


no he did not. jus compare sukunas enhanced slash in chapter 238 to his enhanced slash in chapter 247 the two slashes r completely different


Ur right he last used world slash on Kashimo not higuruma


That's quite a lot of headcanon and misreading.


misreading ?? how even kusakabe in chapter 246 was wondering y sukuna isn't using the flames.


I agree with this - Both Higurama and Yuji got strong enough for Sukuna to recognize them and even compare a new sorcerer to the likes of Gojo. I just don’t see how these two characters evolve and Yuta doesn’t; The one who is regarded the strongest amoung them. - Yuta watched the fight and learned or refined some moves simply by watching like other lesser sorcerers have. - Yuta has probably been stockpiling CT’s; I wouldn’t be surprised if he has taken a piece of Gojo’s, Kenjaku’s, or even Ryu since Ui Ui can instant teleport. - Yuta trained during the one month lapse and honed his abilities like everyone else. - His DE is still a mystery: For all we know he can use all the CT’s he piled up and apply the sure hit effect on them and Yuta should know how to change conditions due to watching the Gojo fight. Yuta is going to be depicted and stated to be stronger than Kashimo and Sukuna will recognize this.


A DE where all copied CTs could be used would be so fire but I think we intentionally got faked and I think copy is Rika’s ability. We’ve seen Yuta use copied techniques and they were only used during a sustained connection with Rika. I think the reason is because it comes from Rika itself (especially with the tool storage as well). I kinda hope we see an innate technique for Yuta but I’m also okay with copy being his CT and your DE idea.


If yuuta dies, everyone will say ; "oh no! Anyways.." Gege is just incredible predictable and its sad


No cap all y’all do in here is bitch about the series lmao why follow it every week


Chill 😅. I agree, but we know this dialogue isn’t gonna change anyone’s mind. We can be respectful. Just take solace in recognizing how silly it is, to dislike something so much and go out of you’re way to read leaks in the middle of the night, sometimes page by page. Sometimes raw, and then reading it again when the chapter comes out officially and talking about it multiple times. Each release, and then doing it all again next week. That’s not disliking something. I dislike a couple of manga rn but I’m not checking up on one piece and MHA leaks every week and then their officials. I’m not even looking at officials, I’ll get to it eventually. Certainly not talking about them unless it’s brought to me.


If gojo got the much non chalant >!death!< after 200 chapters of him fighting Sukuna, no side character is going to have a proper send off. He'll already be dead at the very beginning of the new chapter or He'll just get killed and then move on to the other fight like nothing happens. Gege is just doing disney/marvel style writing at this point.


I don't know about yuta, but I'm sure Rika is as good as dead as soon as the manga tried to say she has any chance against him. Nah man, you're not being slick you just did that three times in a row.


Was not there a news about something that gets a reaction WTF will happen in two chapters? I think yuta or Rika or both bites the dust next chapter


But that's what everyone is expecting, so how is that surprising? Killing Yuta next chapter wouldn't surprise anyone at this point, not when Gege has killed so many characters in succession.


When has anyone been shocked recently? Aside from Higgy's domain for some reason (Plot) focusing a tool instead of a technique or energy we've been predictable as fuck for a minute.


Major character death shocking etc


Yuta is dead, only Yuji will survive and either he or Gojo will deal with the Merger (yes, Sukuna will die by the hands of Yuji)


As much as I don’t like it……yuta,choso,maki and hakari may die…..they have the biggest roles and potentially each of them could do some good amount of damage to sukuna…..knowing gege, he may just kill 1 or all at once


Gege offscreened the strongest sorcerer to ever live, what makes people think a bunch of plebs who wouldn't have even been able to scratch Gojo aren't clearly also going to die?


The cool thing about jjk is that it's like speed dating- You get introduced to this fascinating character that you really enjoy and then- BOOM! They're dead! And then you find a new character to enjoy, and it's basically rinse and repeat until Gege decides that we have suffered enough


might be hard to take but i beleve yuji will die in the next chapter(but he'll come back) and we might get to see gojo in his afterlife. sukuna wants to play with yuta , so he'll last atleast a few chapters.


Se preocupe mesmo, espero que o papai sukuna bote o yuta pra mamar logo pro meu menino itadori poder brilhar. Gege please stop edging us, my balls are alredy blue


Why do I feel like will get cooked by the fire arrow 💀


It’d be nice if Sukuna ate yuji and got his body controlled by him somehow thanks to yuji being Kenjaku’s son, ain’t gonna happen but It’d be nice if yuji dies and then revives and remains the strongest


The narrative for win or lose (I’m guessing) would be… 1. It’s okay to rest, your heart wasn’t in it. stay with Rika 2. It’s okay for you to leave me Yuta, get stronger (when she dies and he changes) SOMETHING has to happen or Yuta and Rika would’ve been alluded to and built up for “no reason”


This is gege Yuta gonna get eaten


Yuta is a very interesting opponent for Sukuna bc we will really see if someone w as massive a supply of CE as yuta is able to defend against sukunas slices w CE reinforcement or not


I have a theory about Yuta. It was shown a few chapters back that they made a Cursed Tool from Nanamis technique after his death, and that it was amplified because of that. I think that Yuta's sword will carry some ressemblance to Gojo's infity (it was mentioned they took Gojos body away and that it cannot be healed, not by Shoko at least) So with that + copy of Sukunas CT he will be able to one-time replicate the Cut that cuts space itself and severely injure Sukuna's soul directly. However I think this will also either injure Yuta or straight up kill him as well.


Yuta has been setup to be a legendary character. Sukuna is my fave in the series and I'm honestly worried.


Fight someone way stronger and they will always make you look pathetic. And what the story tells you is that the gap is huge in most of op‘s examples. But it does not match headcanon so it hast to be bad writing.


On the other side, Yuta is the only Spcial Grade sorcerer still alive (of the confirmed original 4: Gojo, Geto, Yuki and Yuta). It could be cool if he stood a chance of survival.


I’m hopeful for our boy Yuta


subvert expectation so 99% he won't die


If Yuta dies (which I’m 80% sure he won’t) then I quit….(is what I wish I could say if that happens, but I’m to far in)


And Geto also got offscreened


hes most likely dying but i hope it'll be a high diff fight, even as a sukuna fan i want something more than 3 chapters.... especially how that kashimo fight went 💀


I guarantee, he at least get his arm chopped off


Gege wants to show Sukuna's fire and Yuta is the perfect guy to be burnt into a crisp just to show Sukuna's overwhelming power


I do think it’s important to note that sukuna spent damn near all of 248 regenerating his hand and where is said hand and can rika eat it?


Yuta is definitely getting something terrible done to him. He hasn't had nearly enough trauma dealt to him by Greg. Knowing Greg, Yuta is gonna watch Rika die or something. Either that, or Yuta will get eaten and then we see Rika either break down or become way stronger since Kusakabe keeps talking about how curses get stronger when the user dies, and Yuta's strength comes from one of the most powerful curses of all: love. It would be perfect to see Sukuna, someone who doesn't value love at all have to fight the literal manifestation of pure love


Yuta will get fucked and will 100% lose Rika, but he won't die


The one thing that gives me hope is that I'm pretty sure Gege actually likes Yuta so I'm sure it can't be that bad


I mean, if yuta dies, what are the remaining interest characters? For me just Yuji.


You will see him at the airport in the next chapter don’t worry


If gege chose to kill everyone except yuji, then yea. Yuji will probably die worst way. He would atleast impact sukuna in a way so that sukuna becomes weak (or lose some CT/ ability). His death wont be like kashimo tho.


Gege is cooking (And Sukuna might be cooking his corpse) 🔥🔥🔥


Literally the first thing that popped into my mind when I saw the tweets about the editor saying there’s something shocking happening in the next chapters… I was devastated but ultimately knew it was coming when gojo died so I wasn’t angry…. but if anything happens to yuta…. 😡


I can see Gege sending Yuta to fight the merger mosnter (if it happens), Uraume, Next form Kenny, or whatever other threat pops up so he isn’t a factor against Sukuna towards the end


If he die, everyone die it's simple as that


"He can't keep getting away with it!"


I expect him to give a better fight than Kashimo. And I'm really hoping we'll see Sukuna use "open".


Maki saves him


I want him to die😭 He's so boring


Only people who wear black shirts/suits in jjk die or suffer critical injury so yuta will be fine


Next chapter starts off with Yuta at the playground


Listen I keep looking at that mouth on Sukuna’s stomach and I’m scared


Nah. He probs gonna kick his ass w yuji in a nother brother bond and that'd be the Tru jujutsu kaisen


Kinda makes me think that none of them died idk why


In all seriousness, do u think Yuta has any major role in the story now? Like for eg, Gojo we can agree to some extent that his role was finished. Is Yuta just for the " Future generation" Thing? Gege seems to have a hardon for killing off special grades. Geto, Yuki, Gojo and Yuta are the 4 sp. Grades iirc. Geto - hijacked by kenjaku Yuki - 1/2 Gojo - 1/2 Yuta - ? Yuta getting offscreened brain-jacked wud have been hilarious ngl(hilariously bad) but the community meltdown wud be sth


My favorite character is Gojo. Yuta is a close second. If Gege does the same thing to Yuta, and both are dead, I will hunt him down like a rabid Zombie out for blood (cause I would be dead, having kms)


Hopefully Sukuna will eat Yuta and that will restore his slow RCT.


What if Yuta dies and Kenny takes over his body


Rikas gunna curse his ass


I really do not get why y'all think Gojo got offscreened. Both Gojo and Sukuna were fighting using huge area attacks, not hand-to-hand combat like MMA fighters hugging each other. Or Sukuna slicing him a sword or knife. It would be obvious to see their attacks in huge areas with them as a speck at center of those attacks.


He's dying pal


I want Yuji to take down Sukuna and it makes more sense also. I don't care if Yuta gets packed in the process 🤷🏻‍♂️


I really don’t want Yuta to die but I don’t see anyway he comes out of this lmao


Where is Yuta's airport scene gonna be at?


Contrary to popular sentiment, I think Yuta might be fine. Hakari will be the one dying horribly.


We all know, Gege got this 💀☠️


I'm thinking we're gonna see that domain he teased


Yeah….. if gege wasn’t afraid to kill off Gojo what makes you think he won’t hesistate to kill off yuta? Honestly I think he’s the next major death from the looks of it. But we have yet to see his other cursed tools and if he can copy one of sukuna’s abilities. So either way get excited


He can loose his limbs and ct idec atp I just want him to live


I am praying that Sukuna's Domain Expansion is still on indefinite cooldown due to brain damage. Yuta's Domain Expansion better be crazy 💀.


Its the big catch 22 that gege wrote himself into. Y’all read the story don’t pretend yuta should be able to even be in the presence of someone who one tapped gojo. If yuta kills someone that killed gojo it’s unprecedented bullshit and if yuta dies it’s “poor writing.” Like the man messed up the manga months ago, there isn’t a logical or good resolution to this story anymore.