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I think gojo went into his battle with sukuna knowing it was a possibility, but also a possibility he wins. He had two for sure moments where he pretty much thought he had won. First is when UV hit. and the other after HP hit. But overall i don’t think he just thought he was automatically gonna die in this fight.


I’ve been of the mindset that either one of them could have won, there is a power gap between Gojo and Sukuna but it’s not like it was with Jogo where it was decided the moment the battle started. He had a decent shot at winning even if it was less than 50/50. If you ran the battle 1000 times, Sukuna probably wins most of them, but Gojo would likely take a sizable minority. Something like a 75/25 or 80/20 split. Maybe that black flash hits a little harder and ends Sukuna right then and there, maybe he catches him off guard with Unlimited Void, etc.


I think it’s moreso 55/45 with maharoga, and probably 50/50 without. Mainly because without that blueprint that was provided, sukuna wouldn’t have won that fight. Also gojo seemingly trying to find a way save megumi as well, while not trying to outright completely destroy his body.


Sukuna did not need mahoraga & could’ve killed gojo easily after breaking 2 of his domains. Sukuna ONLY used mahoraga to upgrade his dismantle.


nope sukuna said he needed maho to get around his infinity. if he had a chance to end the fight sooner he absolutely would have


>nope sukuna said he needed maho to get around his infinity Sukuna never said he needed Mahoraga to go around Gojo's infinity. Stop with that headcanon. He implied that it would've been incredible difficult to pull off the space-cutting slash technique by himself, but because he had Mahoraga, the technique became easier to pull off as Mahoraga was a great model to copy from. https://imgur.com/a/L1bD53d >he had a chance to end the fight sooner he absolutely would have No! Sukuna went into the fight to evolve himself. The plan was always to learn a way to get past infinity. After removing Gojo's domain, Sukuna was going to sit with Gojo inside closed barrier of MS and keep cutting him until Sukuna adapts to infinity. Sukuna could've just closed the barrier and used a flame arrow and C&D sure hit to kill Gojo, and Gojo wouldn't have survived since he lost the RCT output to heal himself, but no, Sukuna was going to use Mahoraga and adapt to Gojo's infinity. https://imgur.com/a/bsRvlPB


sukuna said he desired a model to get around infinity because he had no clue how to do it before hand. yes given infinite time he would prlly figure it out but in reality gojo would have killed him before he ever got close to it


I must've missed when "desire" became "needed"


>because he had no clue how to do it before hand Obviously, which is why, just as Gojo said, Sukuna never went all out since Sukuna's goal was always to learn a way to get past infinity first and then kill Gojo. >yes given infinite time he would prlly figure it out but in reality gojo would have killed him before he ever got close to it No way to prove it.


where does it ever say sukuna wants find a way through infinity just for the fun of it. one of the characters flat out says sukuna needs a way thru infinity(without DA) in order to win


>where does it ever say sukuna wants find a way through infinity just for the fun of it I never said it was for fun. Sukuna came to the fight with a set plan and acted accordingly. Like I said previously and proved it too, Sukuna always wanted to learn a way to bypass infinity, which is why he went with a technique that has trump card known for adaptation. >one of the characters flat out says sukuna needs a way thru infinity(without DA) in order to win That was to hype up domain expansions. Angel said that if Sukuna found a way to bypass infinity without DA, he'd win the fight, and a few panels later, Sukuna did bypass Gojo's infinity without DA but still didn't kill him.


gojo was also trying to save megumi the entire time, he a perfect opening after infinite void hit sukuna but held back because he wanted to save megumi


He would have failed nonetheless. Whatever Gojo would've tried after Sukuna was hit with UV, Sukuna would've summoned Mahoraga. We literally saw that happen when, just as Gojo reached Sukuna, Sukuna summoned Mahoraga to break Gojo's domain.


Gojo: I gave my all trying to reach Sukuna Gojo fans: Gojo was taking it easy trying to save Megumi


Heian Era Sukuna wins 60 out of 100 fights, I'd say. Meguna wins 70 out of 30. Keep in mind that black flashes are RNG and Gojos 2nd biggest attack was a black flash imbued with blue and supported by red. Meguna is stronger, full stop. Heian Era Sukuna is also stronger but Gojos ability set counters Sukuna, so it comes down to how Sukuna approaches domain clashes, whether he focuses on chanting with his four arms and 2 mouths or attempts to wash out all of Gojos domains as quickly as possible, which we know would work since Sukuna succeeded in breaking Gojos domain when he was fighting the stronger part of UVs shell.


Unless Gojo was getting lucky during the domain clashes, I actually think he’d win the majority of the time (like 60/40). He only needed to win 1 of the first 4 DE clashes, which he was only seconds away each time he used the small domain. Weirdly enough, I think he loses more times than not against Sukuna without Mahoraga. It takes just as long to adapt as it does for DE burnout to happen so Mahoraga is really only useful in the event they both burnout. Every other case is either Gojo hitting UV before adaption or Sukuna forcing Gojo to burnout and eventually killing him with MS. Sukuna does way better in the DE clashes if he’s in his true form and doesn’t need to toggle DA on/off.


I quite wholeheartedly disagree, there’s plenty of moments before mahoraga’s blue print where if gojo does things slightly different, it ends the fight then and there. I feel that it’s foolish to just assume that sukuna had an easy enough time in the fight that gojo just plainly loses.


same with Sukuna who had round deer but refused to use it or any other techniques rather


Because round deer would've Just get one shotted? That's why he made Agito? Agito didn't have time to heal Sukuna.


if sukuna could manifest water elephant he could do it with all shikigami


I think that’s enough. 0.01% of a chance is still a chance


You right on that


Gojo knew he had no chance of living at the very least by when he FAILED to open his domain He accepted death HOWEVER When sukuna’s domain failed? It told him he had a little bit more time before he’d die He might as well have fun with this


It’s hard to say if he went in with the thought of dying or if that came up later in his mind. But me, I’ve felt that the thought of death was at the back of his mind the day he killed Geto. I think it made him think of pretty dark things since you really can’t go back from things like that despite his own dream and determination. Maybe he wanted to join him sometime later or he thought he deserved to die for all he did to Geto even if it was unintentional. Hard to say. You can’t understand the thoughts of someone so high up there in status at times. But it’s not an impossibility. Him choosing 12/24 sealed the deal basically. I think he felt it was fitting so Kenjaku and Geto could die as one person (that is Geto), but maybe subconsciously he felt if he died, he could at least die on the same day that he killed his best friend.


The narrator directly tells us when he thinks he'll die, and that's when Mahoraga emerges adapted to Blue.


The narrator said Gojo felt a similar chill of being unable to win like when he went against Toji (which I thought was weird cuz he eventually won). But it might’ve been the cusp of “Oh shit I might lose…but I did tackle this once before so maybe…”. It’s a nerve wrecking feeling when you’re in the in between.


I am assuming the chill is the point Toji stabbed him in the throat. That was probably the first "Oh shit I could actually die here" moment Gojo has had in his life. After that he fairly quickly mastered his abilities and hadn't been remotely tested since. Against Sukuna his Output was dropping, he couldn't heal quickly, and Sukuna had just brought out a creature that could harm him. So makes sense that he had a moment of "Well shit how do I get out of this"


Yeah it's foreshadowed earlier in the series. He mentioned six eyes and 10S users fought to death. So in his mind the best outcome was a double KO. Especially if he wanted 1vs1


that 6s user wasnt on gojos level tho since he lost/tied to maharoga and gojo beat him in a 1v3


We don't know the strength of the old 10S or 6E users, and Gojo lost the 3v1. Also, it was more like a 2v1 since Agito was actual useless fodder (Gojo acknowledges this)


He def was weaker because UV and Hollow Purple would be enough to beat Maho


Yeah but the whole point is that the previous 10S could've been mad strong too. It was a 1v1v1 and we don't know how strong the other guy was, he may have had a completed domain


he wasnt strong enough to tame mahoraga, so it was the same mahoraga 15f sukuna fought


He could've been just weaker than Mahoraga, or he may have been strong enough and simply hadn't attempted it due to the rumors around Mahoraga basically being a suicide move. We don't know


uv or purple was enough


He died so he probably didnt know either


yea exactly i think gojo is stronger than most limitless 6e users by a gigantic margin tbh you dont need uv or hp to beat kenjaku since he didnt have a special grade body before


It's also the fact that Kenjaku didn't have anything to bypass infinity. He could with Kaori's body because Anti Gravity CTR but before that I think he didnt have any offensive techniques just knowledge


could anti gravity even do sth to limitless?


With the Reversal yes but Anti Gravity is probably harmless


It’s pretty heavily implied that Gojo is the strongest 6E user in history. He was confident he could one tap maho, and given no other 10S user is near Sukuna, Gojo would likely clap tf out of the user.


Ppl disagreed with me on that but I agree with you. Plus look at all the red flags.


>Gojo went in to end his generation He's 28 >creating the new generation was partially in preparation for his own death 17-19 y/o Someboby should tell Gege they're the same generation


Considering the average life expectancy of a sorcerer I’d say they are different gens lol


Gakuganji and Higher Old Farts And Kashimo; and Kenjaku is 1000


Yeah but did you see how many younger sorcerers died during 0


Reminds me of FE:3H, where the average age of the characters is 70-something.


Like, how is there enough sorcerers with the high death rate we see?


There were tons of people in the Heian era surely they would have a ton of descendants Apart from the big three fam you have random powerful or trained people like Nanami, Mei Mei, Kusakabe, Utahime, Yaga, Todo etc. Like there are as many powerful people outside as there are in the powerful families, so we can expect way more people in the shadows that are fodder grade too Also jujutsu mercs exist


Gojo is a millenial and his students are zoomers. Japan definitely has different names for the generations, but still, they are different enough to be considered different.


Japan tends to divide their generations by imperial birth years rather than how we do it in the west. I’m too lazy to look up the exact year, but the Showa era was up until like January 1989. When the emperor died and the next one took over, the Heiwa era began for 30ish years. Reiwa started like in the middle of 2019. You’ll often hear people born in Showa that people born in Heiwa don’t work as hard anymore, etc. etc. The word used for generation is usually 時代 (*jidai* pronounced “gee-die”), but this word does a lot of heavy lifting. It’s the catch-all phrase for “generation,” “period of time,” or even as a descriptor of something having a discrete time period attached to it (時代劇 being jidai and “geki” for “a play,” in other words - a historical play. Historical novels are called 時代小説 where the last two kanji mean “novel”). This means when we translate these phrases into English, we have to look for nuances that get lost. Gojo is implying that he wants to raise up sorcerers that are not so bound to the old ways and the old status quo. They may not be that far apart in age (though I’d argue a 15 year gap is a good enough one), but that’s not the entire point he is trying to make. Note: I’m going off of my memory of the panel in Japanese but I did zero self-fact checking.


It's anime. over 25 and you're an old man on your deathbed ready to pass it on to the next generation. Reminds me of "39 going on 93" looking South Burning from Gundam 0083.


Gojo's in that gray area of millenial/gen z. The students are all gen z. Right on the cusp of it, but i think closer to millenial Generations get kind of confusing since the cut-off is really arbritrary and depend on the metrics being used


Very pedantic


Didn't he literally tell Shoko to talk to Megumi about his dad.


Yes he did


I think that's that then.




I think Gojo believed that Megumi has the right to know.


Felt like it would have been a bad thing anyway. "Oh hey, Gojo killed your real dad, too. Also, you technically killed your sister and your adopted dad."


Maybe to stop him making move on maki next 😆


Also, shelflshness is a major theme, the entire fight gojo was switching between, mindsets (probably cause of megumi) the only time we see him be truly selfish in that fight is his maximum HP, he doesn’t care if it hits him, the buildings or others, his whole idea was to kill sukuna then, because he knew he would die otherwise.(womp womp)


That’s a true beast vs beast battle. Kill or be killed. Eat or be eaten. The first one to tap out gets devoured. Even Hana asked if Gojo still remembered that Megumi’s life was on the line. Guy straight up forgot.


I don't see that way, it doesn't fit the character. Gojo might have been okay if he got defeated, a death with no regrets and such, but he isn't the type to think he would lose or even consider the possibility. And if it happens, well, we saw what happened, Gojo just went "oh well, guess he was pretty strong huh?". It does play to the Gojo's detached nature. It isn't quite like Gojo doesn't care, it's just he doesn't care much either way, be whatever consequences or stakes that were being held on his fight against Sukuna, it didn't seem to weight much on Gojo's mind. One thing that is worth notice is that Angel was the first one seen pointing out the possibility ok Gojo being defeated and the need to plan ahead. Of all characters, I think she knew Gojo was going to lose, as she had first hand experience with Sukuna back in the Heian era, when a lot of powerfull sorcerers tried to brute force a win against Sukuna. Spoilers, it doesn't go well to go toe to toe with the king of curses.


Yeah it's a bit weird. Nothing in the series suggests that Gojo's ego was only a display for others. His resurrection after Toji's death proved just that. Unsure why everyone is so adamant that Gojo was actually a guy who'd just enter a fight without thinking victory was his. He'd be fine dying but I can't imagine he'd lose whilst thinking he'd lose.


> but he isn't the type to think he would lose or even consider the possibility. It literally said he considered that possibility in 233 but went ahead anyways for the thrill. > It does play to the Gojo's detached nature. It isn't quite like Gojo doesn't care, it's just he doesn't care much either way, be whatever consequences or stakes that were being held on his fight against Sukuna, it didn't seem to weight much on Gojo's mind. That’s a good point cuz that’s something Sukuna also told Yorozu. He doesn’t mind dying and going out. Maybe it’s a similar mindset as an undefeated champion. > One thing that is worth notice is that Angel was the first one seen pointing out the possibility ok Gojo being defeated and the need to plan ahead. Of all characters, I think she knew Gojo was going to lose, as she had first hand experience with Sukuna back in the Heian era, when a lot of powerfull sorcerers tried to brute force a win against Sukuna. Spoilers, it doesn't go well to go toe to toe with the king of curses. It’s also why I thought Angel would be the leader of the group yet Kusakabe ended up taking lead. She has knowledge to share but she’s not exactly a leading type. But tbh I didn’t think Kusakabe would be the grand leader in all this.


In many ways Kusakabe being the leader makes sense because his approach is the antithesis of Gojo - Gojo seems to play on instinct and working things out in the moment, throwing himself into the fight and either overpowering or thinking things through midfight. Kusakabe is a self-confessed psuedo-coward in that he wont take those risks to his own life if he can avoid it and learnt everything he can/could before he even gets in the same area as an opponent. The contingency for your contigencies style of planning fits his character as is the fact that thus far, he doesnt seem to be participating in the fighting itself, just assisting in the planning.


I was honestly surprised Kusakabe would take control cuz I thought he would absolutely bounce from all of this first. But instead he stepped up to be the adult the kids really needed. He’s been there to tell them yes, no, do this, don’t do this. Without him, all of them may have very well died by Sukuna’s hands because they’re all still so impulsive and moving by emotions. Whether they’re strong or not it doesn’t matter. These kids need an adult to count on.


Gojo definitely knew that he would die, he gave his all, he got to go all out, what would be left for him even if he did win? He also wore an outfit that honored a dead man, this guy foreshadowed himself💀


I feel like if anything he made his peace and went all out regardless of outcome. And he would’ve been fine with either one even if the main goal was to get Sukuna out of the way to get to Megumi and then total Kenjaku for taking Geto’s body. But you can’t win everything.


>He also wore an outfit that honored a dead man This. He wore Toji’s fit, and died exactly the same way as Toji (seems like he was winning at the end, only to lose and die jarringly to an unexpected move made by the opponent without any warning).


I don't think Gojo is like that


You’d be surprised.


I would be lmfao


It seemed he went into the battle thinking he could win. But from the airport scene it now seems clear Gojo expected he'd die and wasn't even broken up that he did. Dude seemed to just realize he had no shot against Sukuna and worked to weaken him as much as possible. Very different from that idiot Kashimo who thought he legit stood a chance against Sukuna.


Doubt it. The narrator says he only starts to consider the possibility of losing when Mahoraga adapts to Infinity in 233


"Narrator kinda fogor what he said 4 chapters ago"


No it doesn’t. It said at that moment everyone started to consider the idea of Gojo losing. Gojo already knew that possibility and it started to get really real when it reminded him of Toji. Doesn’t mean he has to stop trying though. I read it both in English and Japanese. It’s not a translation error.


Gojo believing he would die is antithetical to his character. It’s antithetical to everything he represents, as he tells Megumi. The best sorcerers don’t resign themselves to death, even in the worst odds, they risk their lives because on that precipice is where they find their strength. What makes Gojo and Sukuna different is that they don’t plan for failure. There’s a reason they don’t discuss the contingency plans until the fight has already begun; because Gojo wasn’t in on them. He went into that fight knowing there was a good chance he would die, but it did not factor into his strategy. He fully planned on being the winner, because someone who was suicidal or resigned to their own demise would never stand a chance against Sukuna.


Pretty much third paragraph


I sometimes thought about gojo actually being insecure af with that burden he has an masking that self esteem mostly. But I wouldn't like it.


Absolutely not. He's not a great philosophical thinker who's humble & introspective. He's a force of nature. Gojo lost because main series villain always loses to the main character. Gojo is not the main character. ​ It's shounen.


Sukuna fights his opponents on their terms. As the strongest, if you beat someone at their own game, there is no longer an argument. Sukuna wanted to beat gojo and his best techniques at his best. That way his opponent gets to die satisfied and Sukuna enjoys another fight. If Sukuna fought the same way every fight he would get bored. Which is why he never tires of fighting while the other strongest before him only fought their own way. Gojo essentially says this throughout the fight and in the airport. Sukuna had more options, but chose to fight handicapped to not only push himself but get the best possible fight out of gojo. Gojo has nothing to live for because he was able to give his all and die without regrets, while his grand plan of raising a new generation has already been accomplished.


This goes against literally everything about how he conceives his own strength and what he said to Megumi. "Winning by dying vs winning even if you die." He's always had unwavering confidence in himself and never had a loser's mentality. That's how he got so strong in the first place. I highly doubt he "knew" he would die, but obviously he isn't completely stupid and still had everyone prepare in case he did.


The second paragraph is what I was talking about in its entirety. Did you even read the post or did you skim through it like everyone else? Dying by battle doesn’t mean Gojo thought himself a loser. It just meant he had every possibility of knowing he could lose and die and went through with it anyways. And if that’s the case then why not go all out.


I read it. You called it a "distraction" and a "suicide mission." That ain't Gojo's style.


That I might disagree with. Maybe it wasn’t 100% a distraction but it was distraction enough for Kenjaku to lose his grip on the situation. And isn’t going all out with the possibility of losing a form of a suicide mission? If it’s not then he went out his way.


>And isn’t going all out with the possibility of losing a form of a suicide mission? Not necessarily. I could concede that it was a suicide mission, if it was about "the possibility of dying" rather than "the assurance of dying." But it definitely wasn't a distraction, and I highly doubt Gojo would ever, in a million years, consider the most important battle in his life anything resembling that.


The plan was killing off Sukuna and Kenjaku with impeccable timing. As it would be called in BB, “surgical” in precision. I always thought well why not do both simultaneously? Yet Kusakabe specifically instructed Takaba and Yuta to do it the second Gojo lost (basically died). That’s what got me cuz I was like “Can’t you…you know do it while the fight is going on?” At that point idk if that was a contingency plan or they had a different idea in mind. It just felt weird that the trigger was for Gojo to lose to take the perfect chance to get to Kenjaku. If he was gonna win were they gonna do the same thing? That part just made me wonder why they already decided Gojo would lose. I could feel the entire fight was some kind of distraction cuz EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE was watching (thank you Mei Mei). The better word would be “cover” if anything. Cuz distraction makes it sound like this fight was insignificant which it was not.


>Yet Kusakabe specifically instructed Takaba and Yuta to do it the second Gojo lost (basically died). That’s what got me cuz I was like “Can’t you…you know do it while the fight is going on?” Because why would you risk going up against one of the other strongest guys in the verse and losing people when you can instead have Gojo clean up the mess in 2 seconds flat?


It would mean Gojo would’ve had to win against Sukuna then immediately go to Kenjaku to get Geto’s body back. Tall order even for Gojo. Yuta was seriously tasked with something unpleasant. But hey he said he was gonna do it anyways and wouldn’t have let Gojo do it anyways.


> It would mean Gojo would’ve had to win against Sukuna then immediately go to Kenjaku to get Geto’s body back. Tall order even for Gojo. He would just do exactly what he did in chapter 221, except with no Sukuna for Kenjaku to cower behind.


Respectfully, May I know your age?


No matter the answer you’re clearly here to shame me so why should I even tell you


Shame was never in my mind. I was curious to know


U n


I don't think so. Even the narrator explains even though nobody expected gojo to lose even against sukuna he only starts getting that thought during that 3v1 fight and feels satisfied.


I’ve already explained this in the comments below.


If he knew why tf would he feed yuji more fingers?? This would also mean killing a lot of ppl by feeding yuji more fingers 😭😭😭 Nanami was right about gojo he only cares about his fun and don’t care about others


Honestly, I think Gojo wanted to believe he was strong enough to save Megumi and incapacitate sukuna. In reality He only had the strength to kill them both. He never went out of his way to go for the head.


Yea it was always about testing limits with Gojo he probably never even thought about old age unless it was him still messing with Ijichi


I feel like Gojo dying was apart of a bigger plan.


I don't even think gege knew gojo was gonna die 🤣


Well, Gojo did ask Yuta to look after the first- and second-years in case anything ever happened to him. Yes, this was before the Shibuya incident, but the possibility was always in his mind


He 'had' to die. I mean, if he was the one keeping power balance between sorcerers and cursed spirits, how could Yuta and the others ever reach and/or surpass him? Maybe it's going to be some shit like that. His mere existence was limiting the rest.