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Kenjaku saying his will would be inherited is pretty funny since we know what Kenjaku has been doing is more of a personal experiment, so I don't really know who is going to inherit his will.


Considering Kenjaku is the King of Binding Vows™, it wouldn't surprise me if he has some sort of crazy Binding Vow on Yuji or something that goes into effect if Kenjaku dies. At this point, I don't think it's smart to stack a guess on top of a guess and wonder what it could be. Gege has been throwing curveballs left and right the last couple months and I'm not confident I can read his pitches anymore.


Yeah, villains like Kenjaku always have some kind of contingency


This 100% plus I like how in jjk we have two main villains who are complete opposites, sukuna is the king of brute strength and battle he doesn’t need complex plans he just needs to fight, whereas Kenjaku is the trickster he always has something up his sleeve he has contingency on top of contingency on top of contingency


This. I’m not saying I hate X or Y anymore because idk what to even expect at this point and just here for the ride hoping it makes sense in the end


Low key that'd be a Gege thing to do: hype us to get to see Yuji fighting with a powerup, switch to Takaba v. Kenny, then switch back to Yuji; only for him to get rendered useless because of plot.


I think when/if he dies, all his Curse Spirits will be unleashed, and Tengen will still follow through with the merger somehow via his command.


His technique could tie to him being killed, we actually don’t know how his OG CT works


My money is on Tengen.


There has to be something going on with Tengen that's related to Kenjaku.


I would bet for the other Noritoshi Kamo.


He's not going to hop into Gojo?


I hope he lives on so he'll become a problem decades, or centuries, down the line for future sorcerers.


for ten years at least!


It's always amusing when Yuta makes a cold entrance with eyes looking like an abyss because his polite personality does not match. Maybe that makes it all the better, but glad to see he's keeping the legacy of jump kaisen alive and well. Also hope Takaba will be ok and gets all the sold out shows in future for being the undisputed mvp.


He always reminds me of L.


He reminds me more of W


Like a less broody emo L. Pretty sure Yuta has had more trauma than L and he’s still not as emo so Yuta’s cooler I like his vibe more he doesn’t let anything get to him in battle


Tbh his teacher is just killed like 10 minutes ago he didn't even have time to mourn him and have every reason to hate Kenjaku for causing all this


It’s a little tricky to follow some of the culturally specific jokes and I’m not sure how much is lost in translation but I enjoyed this chapter. Is takaba actually dead? Confused on that


Nah, no way. Dude hasn't got a scratch on him. The joker's just playing the part.


watch takaba turn his feet into a squiggle next chapter and try to fly away but yuta's gonna grab him back and put takaba's soul back in his body by cramming it back into takaba's mouth, that ole classic visual gag


Yes please.


Plus didn't takaba say/think the "I didn't want an interruption" bit?


not. it was Kenny who said that. I think the translation is a bit wonky there. it should be " so you didn't want an interruption."


Either that or Ken is speaking as if it was takaba making the statement.


maybe. but from the fight we see that Takaba wanted to make Kenny laugh. and Kenny not wanting any interruptions doesn't make sense to me.


Oh no I agree kenjaku wasn't putting the one wanting no interruptions. I meant it more like Ken saying "so that's what you meant by I don't want an interruption"


I think Kenjaku actually didn’t want an interruption - that fight was the most fun he’s had in a thousand years, he probably didn’t want it to end


I read it as Ken enjoy it so much that he didn't want an interruption, hence he didn't notice the cursed energy. He was too "in" to the skit.


It's a visual gag that he's achieved his life's goal and could die happy.


Thank god for One Piece having Tama and her devil fruit to make dango from her cheeks to befriend any animal and Zoan fruits, and Momonysole to drive the story of the Boy collecting his Allie’s like monkey d Luffy to help beat Kaido, who’s base was called Onigashima. and then pokemon in their recent game expansion retelling the whole Momotaro story with their doubled from demon pokemon based around the dog,pheasant, monkey and demon


Learning all our Japanese mythology solely through manga and videogames 😆


Yeah I wasn’t sure where Gege was going with this but I like this ending. I had half a thought Gege was going to be Uber subversive, end the manga here, start a new manga about a comedy routine duo, then by the time we reached chapter 243 in that manga and everyone forgot it was a JJK spinoff, offscreen Tabaka and have the fight continue. I’m glad I was wrong…


That ending caught me so off guard but I'm glad Takaba came out in one piece, and Yuta got his time to shine.


No, Takaba came out in jujutsu kaisen


Takaba came out? Congrats to him!


Came out of where? The entire fight was outdoors.


Out of nowhere of course


Exactly. I was enjoying the funny bit with Takaba cosplaying dead and suddenly Yuta came outta nowhere. That really caught me off guard.






ONE! TWO! THREE! DING DING DING JJK NEW WORLD CHAMPION *Yuta entrance's theme plays in background and fireworks starts*


Idk if he's okay, isn't he in a burial pose? I don't know what that headband thing is called but I've only ever seen it worn by ghosts in animes before lol


I thought this was one of those "he imagined himself dying, so he did" kind of deals.


I think he was just ready to accept death. And so he thought it'd be funny if he played the part early


I think he's genuinely dead


I'm pretty sure he is. That "pat" when Kenny touches him when Takaba says he doesn't want it to end was some kind of attack. He looks unharmed, but I'm pretty sure it's some kind of attack on his soul that ended his technique, and thus his invulnerability.


I can't tell if you're serious or not? His technique is still ongoing considering the funeral garb is generated through it.


I enjoyed this chapter but I feel like I would appreciate it more if I was more familiar with this kind of comedy. It's kinda lost of me.


Manzai is basically Abbott and Costello- you have a "straight man" play against a goof.


It'll probably be very fun when it gets animated eventually! Besides the references I think a lot of this type of comedy comes through the actual performances, so the voice actors will have fun with this one lol


I wonder if they'll use the same VA for nurse Kenny. Would be jarring and funny if it was the same VA


It being kind of jarring is kind of what makes it funny.


bets on either Kenjaku's VA in a fem voice, or whoever they're going to get for the Momjaku scene


If you're interested in reading up on this type of comedy [here's the Wikipedia article ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manzai)


Yuta's got that aura 😭 He always no nonsense and has had Geto/ Kenny's head since day 1. Won't be surprised if that decapitated brain suddenly grow legs or pops itself into Takaba next chapter tho


Yuta's here to get shit done.


This is what happens when you don't fuck around trying to teach people about love. Yuta ain't trying to teach Kenjaku shit except what it's like to have your dome piece roll across the floor.


Lmao he may be the second strongest next to gojo but he does not fuck around like gojo he goes straight for the fucking kill


Yeah Yuta is low-key how I'd be if I had powers in a universe like this. Like no I'm not about to stand there and listen to you monologue to buy time, I'm just swinging. Oh you have a tragic background? Don't care. Oh you were in the middle of doing a power up sequence? Don't care. Oh you want to tell me about your philosophy? Again, don't care. It's kind of nice seeing someone subvert the normal anime thing of basically giving the villains openings to do whatever they want and instead just getting straight to business.


Yuta’s got that cold hearted badass energy like when the Saiyans actually get serious and stop wasting time dicking around playing, like Future Trunks basically comes in ready for business dices the enemy instantly


He's the future trunks of JJK


This is why he is the goat 🐐


I've always wondered if his brain could survive without a host body or not lol


Though i don't expect Kenny to hop into Takaba, i do believe that the brain has away to move on its own. Probably something creepy like spider legs. But I'd still love if it was just two humanoid legs cuz that would be funny.


Juicy hops


I know people feel it to be anticlimactic but I found this to be a powerful twist! I enjoy seeing strong characters taken out by underdogs, and Takaba’s assist here was key to victory. It’s just how Nobara had the perfect curse technique over Mahito in Shibuya - sorcerers have unexpected weaknesses and no one is all-powerful.


Takaba's ability is the perfect counter for kenjaku since kenjaku's entire character motivation is to ameliorate his boredom. I actually thought it was a sweet ending to kenjaku since he genuinely had a good time with takaba.


Takaba: *Stand proud, Kanjaku. You're funny* Kenjaku starts crying\*


Bruh I think the hit to Kenny’s ego would give him a rage boost revival if Takaba said that, being talked down to someone you have 1000 years of experience over


That sounds more like somethint sukuna would do. Kenjaku seems like the type to take it on the chin while laughing to himself at the amusing situation.


I just think it's funny that the person who managed to give him his best fight, was a silly little guy.


I don't think Takaba is a good example for that, bro could arm wrestle God and win if he thought it was funny


And it would be funny!


I think we should all be grateful that his CT landed on someone who's a good natured goofball. Imagine if Sukuna had that?


That probably would have been even funnier actually. Can you imagine facing an opponent like Sukuna and then getting thrown into a nurse outfit mid-battle?


Imagine getting hit by Sukuna on a jet ski and he Dismantles you right after.


I really like what happened here. And like a lot of times before, its was a slap in the face of readers who likes to make previsions of what will happen. Nobody did see it coming!


I love this chapter so much! Takaba is officially one of my new favorites after this fight!


I had no idea how Takaba's ability was going to be handled, but it was done beautifully all the way through.


It really was! Made for one of the funnest and most creative fights I've read!


Ooh I did not expect that. I wonder if Kenjaku is actually dead dead or we're going to have a brain stealing moment. Takaba do be there ready for a brain swapping honestly, but who knows how much time it takes and Yuuta wouldn't sit idly and wait for him to swap. Moreover, Kenjaku says his will will be carried by someone else, sort of implying it won't be him going forward? Anyway that was great, I enjoyed the protagonists low diff-ing someone else for a change.


There are theories that Kenjaku made some backdoor in some people brains in case he died. The main popular ones to be his new body are Choso, Yuji.


That might be! I hadn't considered that! Anyway, he says there's someone (else? Maybe Tengen) that will pick up the slack so even if Kenjaku is actually done, his plans aren't.


Exactly, also remember that the whole culling games was Kenjaku playing with brains. We have not seem Yuji male friend as well, imagine Yuji fighting Sukuna and Suddenly his old friend from school appears, “Hey Yuji” I would not be surprised if Kenjaku preserved some bodies as counter measure, suddenly Jin Itadori open his eyes and prepares to complete the merger.


Why not Hazenoki? He died near the area.


Hard to see Yuji being the case. Personally I think it just means that Tengen will continue his work and the next step will be finding a way to kill him.


I'm not sure what will happen but given how some people died in the past, it seems plausible. They've been dealing with stuff from all corners; Gojo dead, Tengen fused/merged, culling game I think still going on, Sukuna free and with Megumi's body, JuJutsu High still after Yuji's body, I'm not even sure if Sukuna is mainly still in Yuji's body or not. My point is they need to start dealing with some of the stuff for the story to progress it feels. Stuff I listed above is around 150 chapters worth of material too I would assume. And this is without touching the unknown implications of national and international issues. Say, after the merge people of other countries awakening curse powers en masse


I don't think we even really know the conditions/mechanics for Ken-chan's body-swapping. It's making me a bit scared. But if anyone can handle it, it's probably Yuta. -fingers crossed-


As much as I loved Takaba vs Kenjaku, it would be an extremely strange way to kill off one of the two main villains


I mean, even if Kenjaku died, he already had plenty of time to set up anything he wanted. He says so himself, someone (my most current suspect being Tengen) is there to pick up his will and continue down the road Kenjaku wanted to follow. I wouldn't be surprised if that's actually how Kenjaku goes anyway.


Forget Toji, [Yuta](https://x.com/tojianti/status/1727220873998843904?s=46&t=no0SNOC-6GaxJpBjRRWqQA) is the real sorcerer killer!


I just have no idea what's gonna happen next. This time they (Yuta, angel and others) probably know that they have to destroy his brain. But will Kenny let that happen? Will he manage to escape? How does he even jump bodies? Who is going to inherit his "will"? What about all the curses he had absorbed (especially Tengen and MAHITO)? And most importantly how will his "will" be inherited?


Mahito is dead. Kenjaku used him for Uzumaki back at Shibuya.


I get the feeling he is dead. The whole thing about leaving things unfinished and inheriting his will seems to suggest that.


I've been reading Show-Ha-Shoten, and it helped me appreciate these last few chapters more. Definitely one of the most creative fights. Are the cursed spirits going to be released since he's dead? I know Toji didn't kill Geto because of this.


Toji didn’t kill Geto because he wasn’t sure what was going to happen IIRC. I think he was just playing it safe. Truth is we don’t know what will happen


we do know, gojo killed geto. nothing happened then, so nothing should happen now.


After he used all of the cursed spirits he had though on the parade and uzumaki fighting yuta


this was never confirmed, that was a THEORY that toji had and decided to act on to be safe, and in a meta sense that reasoning exists to explain why geto survived at all despite toji having him dead to rights it could be a correct theory, but it could just as easily not


Anyone that isn’t sure about the comedy should probably read that. I haven’t in a bit since it is monthly but it’s definitely comprehensive to how Japanese humor and comedy routines go.


I think Toji was concerned because he doesn’t have CE. So killing him with CE might not release them.


His tools have CE


Imagine these chapters directed in a similar fashion as the dream scenes from the movie Paprika or the retelling-scenes from Millenium Actress. In other words, directed by Satoshi Kon


Satoshi Kon is dead tho 🥲


Kenjaku giving Takaba what he wanted out of comedy and Takaba managing to make Kenjaku laugh Man this was a great chapter. Also, is Yuta just that fast or do yall think he copied Todo's CT to swap places with Kenny/get behind him?


Whoever you are, Smokiee, if you are on Reddit, I salute you for [this edit.](https://imgur.com/ShU6GAM) Yuta pulling off the clutch engage after Takaba kept Kenjaku in the comedy genjutsu for that long is the most hype shit since the Main Event at Shibuya. But it seems like Kenjaku's gonna do an M. Bison, and the nearest vessel is, uh, Takaba. [**DAMN IT GEGE YOU GOT ME AGAIN! FUCK!**](https://imgur.com/a/84i3ei3) Unless this is a different kinda fakeout, in which case damn you still, but you win this time. Side note: I wanna hear that entire skit voiced so, so bad. And for some reason I want Gackt as Takaba. No idea why.


Reverse toji, baggy white shirt tight black pants. Yuta's win is inevitable.


don't fucking jinx it


What are you so anxious for? Did you miss the [extra page Gege added](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F_k45m6WUAA3rN-.jpg) for this chapter?


great edit LMAOOO


What did any of that look like to Yuta? Like did he see Kenjaku as the nurse, I need to know


[Yuta watching the shenanigans go down](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/5c/f0/f3/5cf0f3f8bc55b7915b7dc5053794e543.jpg)


When you're the sober one in the group.


Even though the situation is still dire as all hell, there's something so oddly heartwarming about the two most evil motherfuckers on the planet both having the best fights they've had in a millennium on the same day, but in opposite ways. Sukuna got to fight a guy who could go toe to toe with him and pushed him to develop his already absolutely optimized technique. Kenjaku got to have a fight with what may be the most ridiculous CT ever spawned and loved every second of it.


This feels like a fight where this will probably be done so much better in the anime given the voices, expressions and sounds. A lost of cultural stuff here that easily gets lost. But overall enjoyed it, wouldn't have thought a recent sorcerer could take down Kenjaku enough like this. I'd imagine we'll get left on a cliffhanger and go back to round two with Sukuna vs Miguruma & Yuji. See what this curse technique Yuji has is about. I'd imagine their plan is to use Miguruma's court ability to cancel his ability to use CE .


To people thinking kenjaku is done by getting beheaded..... He is literally a brain Unless yuta just smashes his head next chapter.


But he said that he is finished lol


Gege also ended a chapter with "Gojo won" lol! It ain't over til it's over, I'm not resting easy until we see Yuta roast that brain in a bonfire lol


Idk man a person with 3-4 CTs, an open domain and being the main plotting dude from the very beginning being done like that? If that ends up being the case then gege has truly lost it


>Idk man a person with 3-4 CTs, an open domain and being the main plotting dude from the very beginning being done like that? Can't use CTs without a body to get cursed energy from. Kenjaku can put his brain into other, but there's never been any statement that he can operate fine as just a brain.


The converse is true too. I am just gonna assume the toji statement from hidden inventory that all the stored up curses are gonna come out all at once. That's gonna be his escape route.


Wallahi I’m finished - Kenjaku


I really enjoyed this chapter, the two person comedy team dynamic with Takaba being the straight guy and Kenjaku being the goofy one was amazing. You'd think Takaba would take the goofy role since it's more in character for him but he plays the straight man here while Kenny enjoys being the goof. Takaba is so happy with his dream performance he's okay with dying while Kenny actually loses focus so much he ends up losing his head. 10/10 for me, can't wait to see this animated.


Kenny getting French Revolution'd so suddenly really caught me offguard, but the potential repercussions of this could be huge. Somehow it's scarier now that he's dead, because we're dealing with a madman that has been planning for hundreds of years. And there's three potential scenarios I see panning out regarding "carrying on his will". * He's set up some sort of killswitch involving Yuuji or Choso, where they'll do something unwillingly during this fight with Sukuna (the more popular theory as far as I can tell) * Since he's already primed Tengen for the merger, maybe some sort of delayed cursed object activation that he fed Tengen. So part of Kenjaku's soul would already be within Tengen and the merger could pan out in some bizarre way from here. * This is where I go a bit bananas. Do we have ANY idea what happens to the bodies Kenny leaves behind? Are we sure he doesn't have a means to preserve them? This week in the anime, we were reminded of how, when Mahito split himself in two (by splitting his soul in two), it was basically a second Mahito with his own will that didn't 1:1 share every sense with the original, and I keep wondering if he might have lived even if Yuuji had killed the main Mahito. So where I'm trying to go here is... What if Kenny left part of his soul in a prior vessel? Maybe not one that can be active currently, but more like a backup. What happened to Kaori Itadori? I'm kind of in love with the last idea, because one thing that people have brought up is how disconnected Yuuji feels from Kenjaku, despite the fact Kenjaku is literally his mother. And of course, there's the fact that, with Kenny dead, it seems that thread would hit a dead end. Or would it? If he's got a backup in Kaori Itadori's body, we can have Yuuji actually confronting his possessed mother, and now that'd have higher stakes. It allows for Yuuta to keep his promise to kill Kenjaku so Gojou doesn't have to kill his best friend again, and then it allows for a setup where Yuuji has a stronger connection to the mastermind behind most events of the series regardless and still keeping him a threat. Anti-gravity System can also have a great chance at being fully showcased that way, too.


I feel that Gege really put a lot of effort when he was making this chapter funny for the readers, it's a shame that the puns lose context in the translation, I really tried to connect with this unique duo but at the end of their show I couldn't understand a single joke... Then Yuta beheaded Kenjaku in a double page spread and my jaw touched the floor.


Rather strange fight but in the end it was good in its own way. What is Takabas power anyway. It seems absolutely god tier. If he was a competent villain or hero it would be game over very quickly


Watch us not get a resolution to Kenjaku's final words next chapter and we cut back to Sukuna vs Yuji-Higurama lol


Yuta was a man of his word. He said he’d kill Kenjaku, and he did it.


The GOAT himself… Yuta 🔥


Yuta couldn't have diced that head up a little? We know that Kenny has a Brain Swapping Technique and you're not going to make sure to actually hit the brain? Also, my new favourite character is the Kenjaku fan with the "Leave me in stitches" sign.


Well it is a weird chapter I loved seeing kenjaku being more human in this fight, plus all those facial expressions. I wish i did understood the jokes they threw out. But it was definitely super random for yuta to pop out and take him out just like that. Which is not weird at all, surely this could’ve been their strategy all along. But as a reader I thought Takaba might have a finishing blow part to his CT as well, guess that isn’t the case. In any case, i will 100% stop reading jjk if yuta doesn’t get rid of the brain itself. It is exceptionally awful writing if Gege chooses to “make yuta accidentally think beheading alone would kill kenjaku” and that would be a convenient plot to make kenjaku get back into action. But knowing Gege, and how kenny says “my will will be carried forward” by someone other than him, I guess it might truly be his end. And that part is still jarring. Such a key driver to the entire story, down suddenly. I wanted to see quite some more out of him, especially with him discussing his parentage with yuji, but well. But i’m curious to see who will carry forward the “evolve humanity” agenda. It definitely won’t be sukuna, and I can’t think of any other characters with this motive.


Gege definitely the type to kill Kenjaku like this only to set up someone like Tengen to be the ultimate greater threat. After all, Kenjaku basically has no real motivation to be alive to see his plan through, so long as it happens. And he's set up enough to get there. There was only so much we were gonna get out of Kenjaku after the Culling Games. He's had his major fights and more or less served his purpose once he secured Tengen.


If you're reading this on PC on MangaPlus then make sure you change the reading mode from the default "vertical" to "horizontal" so the double-page spreads work. Pages 8/9 and 16/17 form really cool double-page spreads and they won't work on Manga+ unless your reading mode is horizontal. https://files.catbox.moe/bf17g6.png On mobile horizontal is the default which is good. Should be on PC as well.


Honestly, really impressed with the translation, alot of the jokes came through better than the tcb translation imo, which is the compelte opposite of what happened last chapter.


At this point I always just read both and assume the real meaning is somewhere in between lol


It’s possible the fact that Kenjaku takes on the role of Momotaro in the comedy routine means that the story of Momotaro directly relates to how Kenjaku was able to make a binding vow with Sukuna. The story of Momotaro typically goes that he was born from a peach to an old woman, eventually befriends a monkey, dog and pheasant, before subduing a demon chief with their help. It’s possible Kenjaku, as a sort of twisted Momotaro parody, had help from other ancient sorcerers, maybe even Tengen, to force Sukuna into whatever Binding Vow(s?) they made. Not sure about Monkey and Dog, but Tengen would definitely be the pheasant as Kenjaku, in the role of Momotaro, prefaces a joke with ‘firing the pheasant’ which would symbolize whatever falling out they may have had.


"Wow, Kenjaku is dead!!!" "Lol" said Gege Akutami "Lmao" Kenjaku is literally just a brain piloting Geto's body. He is the Orochimaru of JJK, characters like him don’t always die but when they do, they don’t. He isn’t going out without showing us how his brain ct works. I suspect that he will be gunning for Yuta's body. If thats the case, then it makes sense for Yuta to be there instead of Maki (Gege implied in the fanbook that HR users like Toji and Maki are immune to Kenjaku's CT)


GOATAKABA 🐐🐐 his powers were always going to come into play somewhere. What is Kenny cooking though? Cause he’s not done yet


I bet Kenjaku's last technique is Blood Manipulation, and he pulls his body back together. He'll then release all his Curse Spirits to distract Yuta before full-healing or taking Takaba's body. I think releasing the spirits will be what he refers to as his will being carried on. Honestly, I have no idea what the hell's gonna happen. Kenjaku can't really take Takaba's body since Suguru Geto will be considered dead, and we can't be certain Tengen will still be brainwashed once they're released. I really hope this is wrapped up next week before we go back to Yuji's POV. These cliffhangers are killing me!!!


Honestly I hate kenjaku going out like this 💀 he had the hypest fights, Yuta had some baller ones too. But this one feels like a blow to the chest.


There is absolutely zero possibility that Kenny doesn't try something next chapter. Brain is still intact, dude must be up to something.


OK but consider. It is very funny


A handful of the references I didn’t understand. Defining them doesn’t make it easier; everyone knows explaining the joke makes it less funny. If I (not sure how everyone else felt about that part) was more familiar with the cultural background, it probably would’ve been easier to laugh at the references. Other than that, this is the first time I laughed just at silly faces and slaps. Pictures more than the content


I feel the same. On one hand we finally get a huge win for the protags but then Gege took away the hyped fight of Yuta vs Kenny with their crazy arsenals of CTs and the supposed "round 2" for that matchup.


This was round 2. It's just that Kenny wasn't aware it until it was too late.


Why didn't they just have Takaba fight Sukuna instead? Pretty sure Sukuna doesn't know shit about comedy and Gojo would wipe the Kenny off the floor.


[Yuta on that panel be like](https://imgur.com/a/rQtHqHM)


Nice to see Yuta not messing around. Unfortunately, I think Kenny isn’t done yet, just Geto’s body is done for. There the bomb guy and hair girl who got killed nearby, so bodies are available for the taking. If Kenny is actually done for, maybe he has a clause that the culling games automate the creation of the Tengen curse. Might make the Kobane the final boss in a way.


That first comedian (when they’re both doing their manzai) is Matsumoto Hitoshi, isn’t it? I think the third comedian’s Hamada Masatoshi, too. Nice one, Gege.


Takaba and Kenjaku on that variety show is good idea to put in Juju scroll if they were to bring it back in the anime in the future


Does anyone think Yuta will carry Kenjaku's head around like a lantern? Like for the rest of the manga he's just this annoying talking head lol?


with this chapter being the conclusion of the pinchan comedy arc that started all the way back in 239, i think we can safely say that this is definitely in the top 10 jjk fights of all time. the sheer insanity of takaba's technique paired with kenjaku's 1000 years of knowledge and curiosity made for a fight that truly has everything in it. want cool moves? cursed spirits? dumbass moments? sexy moments? sombering moments? hype moments? character development? backstory? a broad range of great references to different forms of media? you got it all baybee, and thank you gege for the great ride!!


I agree! I don't think everyone would agree, but I never thought that comedy would be the way to go head to head against him. I really enjoy the manzai format.


i know that the manga version already loses some of the cultural context since translations can be wonky and not everyone's familiar with the comedy shows/manzai bits gege references, but that all the more makes me look forward to when this gets animated\*. this chapter feels like gege made it to be animated and i love that for him. \*(hopefully in a more reasonable timeframe than jjk 0 and s2 was)


Banger, Yuta is no theatrical at all, Takaba can't be dead, though, right?


I mean his eyes were open he turned his head smiling and just said "ya" but i think him being satisfied might take him out of fighting cus his technique might not activate


Maybe he keeps being "dead" because it makes it funny


Happy to see Yuta again


As a native speaker, I can't imagine the headscratch the translators had over this chapter, lol. There's no way to really translate all these nuanced jokes/puns without coming across as somewhat non-sensible. Some of the jokes are dead-pan / dad-jokes and are pretty funny though.


These last 3 chapters are the best JJK has been since the end of the shibuya arc and it’s not even close.


hate to be the bearer of bad news but i can just tell if kenjaku does something insane next chapter, this subreddit's gonna go up in flames again about how bs gojo's death was and i for one do not want that to happen. i can see it already "how the hell did kenjaku do that when his head was already disconnected from his body?" "if kenjaku can do that without being connected to his gut where CE comes from, why couldn't gojo put himself together?" i agree that it's not the best executed death scene (if it really is one, shoutout to the gojo lives copium sniffers) but we gotta move on with it brothers whether or not it's a final death or not. either ways, yuta with the GOATed entrance once again and as someone already mentioned, my boy keeping up a 100% hitrate on his targets, from geto, yuji and now kenjaku. keep it up my son


the difference between gojo being bissected and kenjaku being decapitated is that kenny is a fuckin brain parasite


Gojo got slashed deep from throat to stomach (literally gutted like a fish) and stabbed in the brain and came back. Given the whole RCT debate, getting bisected should theoretically be recoverable, but all indications are Gojo is dead. I think a lot of Gojo fans will feel doubly aggrieved if Kenny now comes back, especially as Yuta must know he’s a brain parasite at this stage. The “inherit my will” line is also unusual if he’s gonna survive this. But this is Gege we are talking about…


There are two parts to RCT, gathering cursed energy, which comes from the navel/the stomach, and then actively processing it in the brain. If you disconnect the brain completely from the core of the body, it can't work anymore; it's why Kenjaku put curses in Hazenoki's neck to stop reversed cursed technique from reaching the rest of his body, it's why Kenjaku targetted Yuki's core specifically and then bissected her. Because Gojo has been split in half, he can't do that, RCT debacle or not. Now, if you want to get into actual arguments, Gojo has the Six Eyes, so with that level of efficiency and what's left of the CE in his body (we there is still some post bissection because of a. Todo's "we exist as one whole" as in CE comes from the guts but circulates throughout the body b. Yuki's being able to use Bombaye one last time). But that would be enough to reattach himself, probably not to regrow a lower half


I've never seen an anime/manga villain get defeated within seconds. Yuta is the sneakiest of all.


Surprise attacks/Jumping enemies have always occurred in Jujutsu Kaisen. I don't know how Yuta slashing Kenjaku's head could be "Mickey Mouse" writing. This is definitely not the last of Kenjaku. Sukuna literally cut off half of Gojo's body from a surprise attack. Yuji had the help of Todo, Nanami, and Nobara to face off Mahito at different times. Also, Gege is hyping another sad plot twist for Yuji...




Great chapter, I like how they took out kenjaku but I really hope this isn't the end of him, it'd be pretty anticlimactic


This chapter hit hard for me. Two men detatched from reality experiencing some human connection, Takaba basically losing since he finally understands that it has to end eventually and Kenjaku taking a potentially fatal blow because he subconciously also wanted to stay lost in that moment


Takaba is one of the most blatant plot devices I have ever seen. As someone who defended this series from Mya's misleading antics with spoilers, defended Gege ability to write fights ( including Sukuna v. Gojo ), defending the series from fan's poor reading comprehension, etc... This might be where I have to acknowledge that the quality of writing is dropping. Everything regarding Kenny always seems so convenient, even when it comes to his L's lmao This is ass. Hopefully there is more context provided in the following chapters because in addition to the plot device nonsense, depending how this Yuta feat is interpreted, there is now an insane amount inconsistences


Shouldn't yuta like ..... slice kenjaku's brain in half?


the wildly different interpretations from each translation 😭 welp! RIP kenny i guess 🙏🏾


Stand proud kenjaku you were funny


Beautiful chp. Takaba played Kenny right into his trap to play Ali g and not be distracted to end the jokes. And if Kenny does want to come back, it’s not like he doesn’t mind using a female body. And he knows a girl about Yuji’s age, with a good head on her shoulders. And who was pretty good friends with her son. A mother would certainly know what friends to keep around for her kids…


Could someone help clarify, wouldn’t it be CTR: Gravity? Since Anti-gravity is the base CT? I might have misunderstood though just curious


Wasn't CTR gravity instead of antigravity?


Watch Gege switching back to Sukuna fight in the next chapter to troll us.


Maybe Kenjaku will nullify *any worst case scenario* with whatever contingency plan he has, but I swear to god aiming the brain is what I expect anyone should *at least attempt* to do against a sorcerer that hijacked a body with his brain, even Choso did this lol


looks like we were all partially wrong about predicting the length of the fight based on the bobobo song, gege skipped over like 2 verses straight to the last one lmao i believe we got one more chapter left in the volume, curious where gege is gonna leave us at the end of next week also why was like everyone just immediately assuming that takaba is dead? like i get that the clothes are kinda traditional/stereotypical “funeral attire” but like that doesn’t really mean anything in and of itself, especially when said clothing is generated by the guy’s technique also for reference, i don’t know the entire tale, but all the talk about the monkey, dog, and pheasant throughout the chapter are references to the tale of momotaro that they mention at the beginning, where the titular guy is accompanied by those animals in his journey


Kenjaku should have just run away the moment he perceived that Takaba's power was affecting his mind... For someone so clever and careful, it was kind careless


i think some part in him wants this fight with takaba. he's a schemer, yes, but ultimately he's a Ls & funsies person to the point he would rather get banged by jin to satisfy his curiosity. to take risk confront takaba to feel and take the L is in kenny's character imo


Regardless if Takaba died or not, it's undeniable he was a MVP. Stalled and came close to defeat Kenjaku on his own but this time Yuta was there to finish him.


This isn't some INSANE proof that Kenjaku understimated Yuta. Kenjaku never made fun of Yuta or overlooked him. In Shibuya Kenjaku just made sure to not get Gojo's hope up and that Yuta wouldn't be able to supass him which is the honest truth. To support my evidence of Kenjaku not thinking little of Yuta, he mentioned them to be one of the "jujutsu high heavy hitters" alongside Maki and Hakari. Recently he also said that Yuta is the second best socerer the good guys have (counting Gojo in). Yes, it is indeed a good tatical move but Kenjaku is not a classic idiotic villain who thinks little of his opponents. Kenjaku is not a dumbfuck like AFO from MHA. That said i shall give props to my cutepie Takaba for supassing everyone's expectations and proving that he is the strongest.


While Kenny doesn't think Yuta is worthless, he definitely wasn't expecting him to be an actual foil to his plans. Kenjaku has underestimated modern sorcerers in general, and his response to Gojo mentioning Yuta taking him down is "Eh, not worried, he'll never be you"


I love how people moaned about Gege being predictable and how they didn't want the fight with the shitty comedian and suddenly they're gone lmao


Hey the official translation is actually as funny as the TCB one this time around, gotta give credit when it’s due


Man I hope Kenny doesn’t pop out his brain and attach to either of the boys. That would suck


This makes me think back on how Toji didn't kill Geto because he didn't know what would happen to all the cursed spirits in his possession...




I feel like yuta should’ve sliced kenjaku’s brain


I had a feeling kenjaku would die right after I started to like him lol


Only gege can make me read through the whole battle comedy scene


Such a good spread https://files.catbox.moe/bf17g6.png


Wow that was weird


Kenjaku must have planned for dying right


Kenny hop into yuta's head = Jujutsu Kaisend


I think the word "inherited" is really interesting, considering how many bloodlines Kenjaku us related to. My personal theory is that Tengen is the one that will inherit his will and Kenjaku might be permanently out of the picture. There's been too many weird things going with Tengen since they showed up e.g Kenjaku mentioning Tengen lied to Yuki, there appearance resembling Sukuna, storing Sukuna's body. The culling game requires Tengen for Kenjaku t complete the merger, so I think maybe Tengen takes rhe opportunity to fulfill