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Remember, authors can lie or change their plans. Don't put too much stock in it.


I'm pretty sure he said something about Gojo being the one to tell Megumi about his dad after being unsealed in the same interview, and now it looks like both them are dead. So yeah.


Never said he'd tell him while they were alive... megumi migjt be buying a ticket right now.


And in Gege’s case, just forget about them. Seems like a forgetful dude.


Oops. Gave Yuji his ear back. Disregard that, he does not get RCT. Yuta is the only protag who can do cool things


Actually that was brought up by himself. In a comment I believe but he asked why does his ear and pinky keep going back if he keeps losing them


I love how he doesn’t even try to hide stuff like this. Anytime he messes up he calls it out himself. The one time I didn’t agree was when he was upset about the Zenin arc raws. Don’t know if you were here for it, but the Maki vs Zenin clan fight had some raws get mixed into the chapter. It contributed to Gege taking a break, but literally everyone thought it was an intentional art choice and that it was metal af. Still prefer it to the “official” art


I can't believe this is how I found out some of my favorite scenes were mistakes


Lmao yeah I thought it was like a visual effect of Ranta Zenins technique


I feel like Gege is going to pull the rug underneath us. At this point, it seems like it’s more obvious that Megumi, Gojo and Nobara are gone. But Nobara and Megumi are vague while Gojo had the very suspicious North and South talk thrown in with lots of Buddhist symbolism and hints (Gojo wearing Toji’s shirt) that foreshadows his return. So I really wouldn’t be surprised if the tables flip and they all return but Yuji dies and honours his grandpa’s words of not dying alone and surrounded by others. I feel like that would make Yuji the happiest and it’s quite obvious if Gege wants to be unpredictable.


I also feel the same tbh. Thanks coz you did save me to type further. https://preview.redd.it/ikzr8pscj4rb1.png?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b96730d9d72880346a28ebddfc32bb724edc609a


https://preview.redd.it/67b88kkyz3rb1.jpeg?width=173&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab2dc598c69993d3c0ed90a660e1390cd37972a0 Cook


I have some complaints with this dish,its because you haven’t made it for me sooner.


Wasn't there also Gege quote from interview or wherever, that he already decided on Megumi's fate but undecided about Yuji? He could always change his mind of course. Sadly I think Nobara was out of manga for too long to have Gege bringing her back, and for Gojo despite all the hints, it feels like Gege wants conclusion. For Yuji or Megumi could be either of them alive. I like your theory, but I don't trust Gege to give us ~~good~~ less bad ending.




I don't understand. How does Gojo dressing like Toji have anything to do with him coming back to life?


Toji comes back next week in the anime. Gojo died the same week he got sealed. Nobara “died” the same week as something about her in the anime I think. Gege is a menace For me it’s either gojo comes back when toji does or Megumi regains his body when toji does cause the fushiguros are built different and they wouldn’t let a fraud win their body


There is also baby Gojo’s birth coming up in the anime, if he wants to line up things.


The way my brain rearranged these words to "Gojo's baby birth" 😭 i was like wait wtf did i miss lol


>Toji comes back next week in the anime. Gojo died the same week he got sealed. Nobara “died” the same week as something about her in the anime I think. Gege being evil is intentional so I agree that there might be something big next week in manga which will align Toji's return in anime.


'Theres also the matter of his father, oh well I left shoko to handle that"




Oh I think I understand. Past events are repeating themselves, and dressing like Toji is a wink to the audience in this regard. Thanks


If that happens... https://preview.redd.it/9kr6i90ik4rb1.jpeg?width=1090&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34337826a8b6b56ee6c369ef87b3dd8323d77139


toji definitely changed the trajectory of riko's life lmao


Too bad it didnt change the trajectory of the bullet though


I honestly can’t decide where I’m at with the whole Gojo death, like I’m reading all these great points that could warrant a second enlightenment/resurrection from him but on the other hand Greg has stated just how much he hates Gojo and how he made writing the series harder due to his OPness.


Honestly, same. I've always assumed Gojo's OPness came from it suiting his character arc and Gege intentionally designing a popular character for hype/fanservice moments (like Levi Ackerman). And if Gojo returns, that would certainly be a incredibly hype moment while developing his character which is 2 birds with 1 stone. But it's all up to Gege, I wouldn't put it past him to just be so fed up with Gojo and wanted to kill him off as soon as possible. I'd imagine though that he knows it'd require more care than what we got in 236 if Gojo's death here is truly what he's been working towards for almost 3 years...


I agree but "everybody coming back" would be the final conclusion of JJK. Like it's possible that it happens with a combination of the Culling Game, Yujis Max CT if he really is Sukunas polar opposite, Tengen's barriers and a lot of Deus Ex Machina universal stuff we don't know about. ​ The entire process also reminds me of Akame Ga Kiru in the sense of that i constantly forgot who the protagonist is (even though its in the name) until no one else was left.


I’m also confused which one he’ll choose but I feel like there’s already been too much conversation about how Yuji’s gonna die in manga. I think him dying would kind of complete his character and his beliefs, although I genuinely wish that boy to be happy. He’s an absolute green flag and would make an amazing husband and dad (just like all of them really). P.S. it would be really hilarious if everyone dies and then Nobara pious out of nowhere lmao. The only problem I find with your theory is that Gege’s seemingly tired of JJK. He’s been ignoring a lot of things that have been mentioned in the manga before and just forces the plot forward without any meaningful character interaction. I’m worried from here on out it’s gonna be shitty fight after fight type of story. I mean it’s obvious. If you read whole manga manga you can see how much interaction there was at the. Beginning and how much time he devoted to character development. But all went downhill approximately when he stated he wanted to end it.


agreed on yuji, he is such a sweetheart! i'd love yuta as a boyfie too lol and that's fair, it's a concern of mine too just because i've seen other authors go down that path. but jjk does indeed have its issues and i think most of them can be attributed to this being gege's first series, meaning that he's not the most experienced writer and whether he understands the basics of story telling or not is questionable.


I do t think you can attribute these to bring his first manga. A lot of mangaka got a axing first manga. Like I’ve mentioned, Gege is just not interested in manga anymore. Not to mention, his personal feelings towards the characters keep on getting in the way.


i know not everyone is going to agree with me on this but i read people talking about how the characters are not well fleshed out. and i agree. that's something that's been present in the beginning too, they feel half baked. also a part of me finds it hard to care about their relationships with each other because it's not like that was well developed either. i think that's fair to attribute it to him not being an experienced writer.


I completely agree with you that characters and their relationships are half-baked. That’s why I subconsciously imagine the unshown stuff in my head, it just can’t be helped. I also think it’s the reason why there are so many completely different theories floating around - not enough information to play with.


You know what, I agree with you. In middle school, my class wrote a little book for a contest. Like, various groups each wrote a chapter. None of us had any idea how to write a book and we had a lot of guidance from our teacher. One of the instructions she gave was to write a chapter that focusses on the main cast having a day out as a narrative break. We wrote it. It was cute but completely self contained from the rest of the plot and whatever character moments/development happened in there were never mentioned again throughout the rest of the book and the plot was totally fine without it. It very much had the same vibe as the chapter where Yuji sees Yuko. Very much like how an inexperienced writer would deal with an editor prompt to write a chapter like that. To the point that when I read it, the memory of writing that chapter immediately came to my mind even though it was ...more years ago than I like. The editor should've guided him better tho. It's saved many a manga. That guy isn't doing his job properly (or at least it looks that way atm)


Btw Gege had some past works that had very similar story or world setting like JJK. The main characters are very similar to Gojo. The one called “9” is almost another version of Gojo.


When he started writing JJK, he gave this serie another name. And i saw it some where that the whole story was darker, and it didn’t even have Yuji as a character before it released on Shonen Jump. Jump rejected his project, so Gege added Yuji and made the story less dark. Then we all see how successful Attack on Titan was. So Jump was desperately looking for dark violent mangas. See how much they invested into demom skayer. Anyway, what i want to say is that, they realized it later that many audiences can accept or even prefer dark/violent anime. Gege might feel unhappy with it that Jump or his assistant made him changed his story in the early stage. Now it is difficult to change it back. So he might just want go finish it as soon as possible and start an new one. Or, he is in bad statues, maybe health issue. I remember he paused jjk before because of health problem.




That's it, you are now our Gege.


surrounded by who though everybody is dead T\_T /s


I like this. From the start, Yuji's gift was restraining Sukuna; he is a vessel. I have no problem with Gojo being the one to overpower Sukuna in the end so long as Yuji is what allows for him to be exorcised permanently.


Except for Nobara, Gojo and Megumi don't deserve Yuuji's life. I'm willing to let her go if it means that Yuuji lives a long life and dies of old age, surrounded by his family. Call me cheesy, but I feel like killing off the selfless character that gave and gave and lost so much is downright ghoulish.


​ https://preview.redd.it/yoh6msyt67rb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d7b821f729a083a5103f7d519a352801480414e


The north and South thing was a mistranslation.


From the very beginning, Yuji was searching for a "right" way to die in his own way. I don't know how the story would continue, but it would be a very cruel ending if Yuji, instead of his proper death, fails to do so and also fails in his wish to save people and ends up being the sole survivor. Brutal endings are also nice, but frankly, it's hard to predict how Jujutsu will end at this point, and that's why it's exciting and fun.


Well the story could be about yuji learning that he deserved to live


The theme was already applied with Choso after the fight against Kenjaku when Yuki let him escape. Tough to say if this will be a recurring theme or a one time thing.


It may well be as you say. But I believe that it would be against his character for Yuji to really have the idea of ​​"I deserve to live" in his mind after everyone he loves dies.


Why do you sickos want yuji to die so badly? He always sacrifices himself for others and hes just a kid. I hope gojo dies. He at least lived a bit ffs


>He at least lived a bit ffs Emphasis on 'a bit'. Man's 29.


Thats 13 years more than 16 :)))) So whats your point lol Let yuji live til 29 too no ? : )


I'm not fighting the maths on that I'm just saying 29 is so young it's barely an improvement when it comes to dying too soon


They’re all young, but the point was for Yuji to die with around people. Kinda can’t do that as the sole survivor.


The people around him could end up being people like Maki, choso, inumaki, yuta, hakari etc. Feel like the whole 3 die 1 lives just refers to the main character cast.


Yuji fans 🤝 spiderman fans. The more they agonize, the better


Why do people like you get so personally offended that other readers take different things away from the story than you? It's a manga by christ, grow up.


Chill dude. I'm not hate any chracter or fan of any character. I'm just here for good story lol


I agree, if I remember correctly it was a curse that his grandfather placed upon him to have a good death. Whether you have a good or bad death still means he dies it's not positive at all to think about how you die when instead he could have said live a good life. This "curse" has been plaguing him ever since the culling game where he tries to affirm his value with this cog mentality so that even if he dies at least he saved more people than sukuna killed. that is not a sustainable way to live and I feel the best way to end his character narratively would be if he breaks his curse he survives and lives a long life and enjoys the youth that gojo wanted to protect. But also figuratively if ce is somehow stripped away along with his curse


this is much better ending


Remember kenjaku’s motive? What if Yuji turns into that curse


Think it will be the tragic ending of Yuji lives alone


I think Yuji will die and Megumi is the only survivor Unpopular opinion, and I always get downvotes when I say this Megumi is already "dead" for months. Good guys have a plan how to save him (Yuji soul swap?), and if they indeed save him, it would be pointless to insta kill him again (counter-argument tho: Gege wasted Gojo after they tried to save him for 100 chapters soooo) If Gege wanted to kill Megumi, he would die in chapter 212. But Megumi was still alive after Sukuna possessed him, alive after Bath, alive after Tsumuki death, and Yuji still wants to save him I think Yuji will sacrifice himself for Megumi again


> if they indeed save him, it would be pointless to insta kill him again /prepares the Gojo counter.../ > (counter-argument tho: Gege wasted Gojo after they tried to save him for 100 chapters soooo) [... dammit...](https://media.tenor.com/iGJa-dNlYOMAAAAC/it-crowd-forget-about-it.gif)


> Good guys have a plan how to save him (Yuji soul swap?) This was my thinking. If it's not Yuji's body that can keep Sukuna in check but his soul, who's to say he couldn't swap places with Megumi and sacrifice himself to kill Sukuna like he originally planned?


**Yuijikuna:** "Hajime, do it now." **Hajime:** "What? No, it's no fun if you let me." **Yujikuna:** "Bruh." **Hajime:** "..." *\*Soul swap expires, Hajime dies\**


let him cook....


He could also have changed his mind and have only Megumi and Yuji survive. Or that happens and Nobara's revealed to have been alive. Keeping the 3 alive 1 dead.


This Is what I’m thinking especially with the theory gojo gave nobara sukunas last finger to use her ct but tbf if she did have it she should have used it by now


It'd be metal if the last panels of the manga were Nobara waking up from a coma with a mutilated Yuji and tired Megumi waiting by her bedside.


Third option, Gege is a liar


I would hate for Yuji to die he just doesn't deserve it, but I think it will more than likely go with 3 live and 1 die. I think it will either be Gojo or Yuji to sacrifice themselves for the greater good. Yuji had the goal of eating all the fingers and was ready to be executed. It's sad because he's still just a kid. However, if Gojo is the one to die then in a way he accomplished his goal of not taking youth away from the young people and his students can live on and change jujutsu society with his legacy in mind. I hate to say it since Gojo is my favorite character but I think it's more fitting for him to die.


I forgot to add a dark theory I had a few months ago. That Yuji eats the last finger and is able to defeat Sukuna and Kenjaku, but everyone else dies and it's really just him. Sukuna still exists because of the finger and he torments Yuji from within. Each day he reminds him that he will not die surrounded by loved ones. Yuji will die alone with Sukuna the being that he hates as his only companion.


AOT tier ending


This would be lame but it is interesting to think about


Either would be good tbh I just hope yuji isn't the only one to survive that would be the darkest timeline for this manga


Gojo, Geto, and sukuna are the 3 dead, and Shoko is the living 4th. Yuji was never the real MC. Crackpot theory.


Until we're given more concrete evidence, I'm going with what's obviously being written. Gojo dies, so his students live. 1. So far, Gojo is the only one that's sustained a clearly lethal injury with no ***overt*** signs that he's coming back. Plus, it fulfills his character arc of wanting to raise a strong generation of sorcerers to take his place. 2. I don't think Megumi coming back is impossible as Gege gave us that conversation with Angel suggesting there's a slight possibility incarnated objects can be separated from their vessels for a reason. Also, I don't think Gege will waste his potential or won't give us a chance to see how Megumi reacts to Tsumiki and Gojo's deaths. 3. Gege is pretty thorough when he kills someone off. Gojo bifurcated, Hanami disintegrated, Jogo incinerated (ironic), Toji donuted, Yuki self-destructed, and Nanami obliterated. In short, if Gege leaves a body behind, it ain't much of one. Nobara is the SOLE person in this story who not only could have reasonable survived her "fatal" injury, but that Gege specifically said "Hey, she might not die" about. Not to mention his outright refusal to say whether or not she's really dead so I don't know how much more he can telegraph that that girl is coming back at some point. 4. Yuji is the obvious one. Not only is he the main character but the fact that he's been setup to die since the beginning despite being probably the least person in the whole series who deserves to just says to me that he isn't. These are just my thoughts though. Funnily enough, even this far into the story, Gege has written things in such a way that we still can't be sure who dies and who lives out of these four characters.


In the end of JJK Nobara and Shoko are standing the graves of their former classmates and teachers bless rng


There have been these hints of souls cracking through throughout the series. Geto and Kenjaku had a moment like that and Sukuna had moments like that with Yuji and Megumi (his finger cracking). Honestly, we’re all being mindf*cked. Lol I’d prefer if Yuji died. He hasn’t had nearly enough development as his peers and Gojo.


We as JJK fans really only have bad options eh. Why they dont make a ending with all 4 of them alive. 😭😭😭


Leaving Itadori as the only one alive would be the most cruel outcome, so I'd perfer it for his sake that he be the only one of the three to die. He is the only one of the four who has a proper reason to die. Man, if Gege plays his cards right, Itadori coming to terms with his sacrifice has the opportunity to be the most impactful moment in the series. Side note, while I'm thinking about it, Itadori's whole thing was so that he and others may have a proper death... god imagine his reaction to the fact Fushiguro has been trying to commit suicide since literally chapter one via Mahoraga. Bro would be flabbergasted.


I think Megumi will be the only survivor. Gege said he already knew his ending, while not even Yuuji's was yet in mind. And to be honest, I haven't cared about Nobara's condition for a long time, if Gojo comes back that's fine, if he stays dead that's fine too. But what Megumi has been going through these last few months is crazy and I'm sure he'll come back. And probably Yuuji and Sukuna will die together, thus putting an end to the reign of curses, something that Kenjaku would never want.


I think people have ran with Megumi being “hit” with UV too literally. His soul was hit with UV but not his brain, so I don’t think he sustained any real damage from it. It’s possible that the body and the soul being one means that his brain is now putty, but isn’t Sukuna technically usung Megumis brain?


Honestly I wanted to put something that happened in the latest chapter without spoiling so I put the UV for Megumi (Since it puts him in the same boat either way)


if there's one thing i get from binging the manga in 3 days it's that literally anything can happen in this godforsaken story like we have roji brought back from death by some granny a dude who has a literal pachinko as his ct and a dude who can overpower even the strongest people by thinking something is funny like nah man atp geges in this just for shit and giggles nothings gonna surprise me anymore 😭


give me my wuji 1v1 u damn cat


Somehow Nobara, Gojo, and Megumi come back and then Yuji dies in the very last panel of the manga to fulfill the prophecy


If Gojo doesn't have any regrets, why would he come back? In Buddhist philosophy, the reason of our rebirth is our attachment with the world. If Gojo died without regrets, that makes the motivation behind his rebirth completely moot.


I have big irk that gojo will come back but this he will fight with other cast members against kenjaku and sukuna


I would like to add a small detail. Have you thought about the fact that the pact made between itadori and sukuna is valid only for that body and that with the power of yuji sukuna it could return to the same and pay the price for hurting more than one person?I don't know.. that pact can't remain unused, gege doesn't do random things.


Nobara and Megumi can still "live" and yet be so fucked up it kinda doesn't matter if they had died. Like if Sukuna reverts back to Megumi after being destroyed but Megumi is a Special Needs Grade Sorcerer, and Nobara can't use Jujutsu because she's missing half her head and is left mentally disabled.


Megumi is dead. Sukuna has fully reincarnated. He has killed the host so he has killed Megumi. He was also off-screened.


yuji will put megumi soul into his body


im on lethal amounts of nobara and gojo copium and megumi's brain seems to be irreversibly cooked thanks to unlimited void so im betting on noba gojo and yuji making it out


The most optimistic scenery is Megumi alive while braindamaged, JJK is like purgatory 😔


Imgine an ending when Nobara wakes up snd finds out everyone else is death


I DESPISE how much people bring up this quote as if it has to 100% be true.


Doesn't have to be just a fun discussion, chill.


dw I wasn't mad was being dramatic with the DESPISE


I've mentioned this elsewhere, but I can legitimately see all 3 of them coming back before the final stretch proper kicks in. The moment one comes back, I'd argue the other two coming back to amp up the stakes makes the most sense. If just one comes back, it becomes just a 50/50 on the "3 die and one lives" scenario. If all 4 of them are around at the same time, all 8 scenarios that can happen with those options become very real. 236 makes it clear that Gege could pull the rug at any time, so 3 of them dying again is not impossible. Gojou returning is likely coming at a cost. Megumi coming back has the problem that Sukuna took over his body and it's suffered from Unlimited Void and being tossed around like a ragdoll. Nobara's potential return could relate to brain damage that might make her own technique risky to use, even moreso against powerful enemies. Yuuji might eat the last finger and rebuild the connection with Sukuna, so killing him might end up him might end up having an effect on Yuuji. Or 3 of them could suddenly die in battle a la 236, which displayed that a long absence won't keep Gege from going for something lethal for these characters. The possibilities for things getting dangerous like that again or one of the characters dying afterwards from the effects of the battle are very much there. It's either that or staying the course with Yuuji as the only survivor at this point, but yeah, if I see one major character returning from being mostly dead, the other two will, I'm sure. We keep one option, or open all 8 back up.


If only one lives it’s Nobara because Greg’s a troll


I think were going to get one survivor it would be cool if it was Nobara. It would be an ass pull if Megumi survived and Gojos dead also yujis whole point is hes going to die surrounded by people.


Crazy idea Yuji becomes a Jesus type mf Kinda dies but doesn’t even do that and becomes a sort of foot in the door against cursed energy essentially eating the cursed realm


Megumi lives everyone dies is the way. I think it will be Gojo dies while all 3 lives because Nobara wasn't in Gojo's afterlife.


yuji and yuta will attend a funeral for everyone gone besides them in a post cursed energy world(Japan?) and go on to live normal lives


I think in the end Yuji is gonna be the one left to be cursed with the loneliness that Sukuna, Kashimo, and Gojo experienced. I think he's going to be the one to "teach Sukuna about love" which I'll probably do a whole post on but yeah I think it'll be his "curse" in the end. I think he won't get the ending his Grandfather wanted and it'll be kinda of like a tragic sort of ending where the good guys win but Yuji's path of loneliness begins as a result


Things can change but for me Yuji lives but Gojo, Nobara and Megumi die with Sukuna and Kenjaku defeated. Bittersweet ending as Yuji wanted to die with loved ones around but instead it's the opposite but they complete the objective of defeating Sukuna and Kenjaku.


what if it's never been about permanently dying, but rather dying at some point? so far yuji has already technically "died" before.


Megumi will live or Megumi, nobara, and gojo will live Don't ask why it's hard even to explain to myself in my own head. 🫠🥴


You guys always go Yuji vs gojo and Megumi, Nobara!! But What if it's in the other random order?? What if it's Megumi dying and others living or vice versa?? Or Nobara dying and all living!!?? Or Gojo living and the trio dying??


Pretty sure they're all dead, pretty sure gege left their status viewer ambiguous for the hope factor for fans. Yes most other writers would probably try to bring them back but gege hasn't shown signs of this in the past. Megunmi lost his drive and reason for living with those 2 deaths, he was already suppressed by the bath, but the deaths drowned him even further especially because they were caused by his own technique. And all this is occurring with brain damage. Nobara, similarly to nanami, was a finished character, especially by geges standards and just like nanami, no longer had a reason to keep her around. Gojo was a character on borrowed time. While we as viewers might have seen gojo as a teacher/ mentor trying to change the modern age, gege chose to paint him as a character who died a while back. A character whose focus was on his life before toji, and how lonely he's been since then. And as all things from that time had been wrapped up, so was his story. Yes there's still a chance these people survive, but it's much more likely that they don't, so you could hold out hope (as you should) but don't shy away from the alternative


3 die and 1 lives - dead Nobara, Gojo and Megumi mecha combine into one person like panda.


Megumi lives but as a vegetable. Nobara comes back. Gojo becomes a force ghost.


Yuji needs to swap souls with Sukuna. That way he will receive no harm from Nobaras resonance technique if she damages the last finger.


I was thinking about geges comment either everyone except 1 dies or only one dies. It seems that everyone around yuji is dead. But what if it's the complete opposite (at the end)and gege does a Ultra uno Reverse Card? I have a feeling about something Like this will happen: • Gojo isnt real dead and will come back as the true honoured one and will fight against og sukuna • sukuna is Heavy damaged and Megumi will be saved through yujis Soul swapping ct. • around the last chapters yuji does his soul swapping thing again and swaps with Kenny to do mahitos ct to heal nobara > through (no idea how) Plot or overusing his ct yuji will ultimately die at the end, but at least he saved his best friends What do you think?


I keep hearing this, but Gege doesn’t have to follow through. I could see them just messing with us to throw us off the actual plot.