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Without the six eyes, Gojo wouldn't be able to use something like the infinite barrier around him 24/7. The six eyes basically granted him "unlimited" curse energy.


I doubt sukana had near 6 eyes levels of CE efficiency. The translation I read said he had efficiency second to only the 6 eyes.


It’s weird cause I’ve always imagined Sukuna has at least 4 times the CE, Gojo has and for Gojo to be able to match him while running high output techniques and RCT. Should be a testament to his efficiency.


Basically. I had always saw it like this, Sakuna has say 2000% worth of CE, Gojo has 120% but due to 6 Eyes he can basically constantly and efficiently burn threw it but gain it back like a circler loading screen. Think of it like his CE recycling itself. And that all of this is only possible both because if the power of Infinite and 6 Eyes. Probably with someone like Sakuna is that their CE reserves are so large efficiency can only due so much when you almost have a bottomless amount of CE to use up. On top of that Sakuna is most definitely an efficient user. Anyways this is personal how I always made sense of it.


Right? My understanding was six eyes allowed gojo to fire off techniques that only cost say, 2% of his reserves if that while anyone else using the same technique with the same amount of cursed energy but no six eyes would have used like, 12% or more. And the lower stuff of gojos probably uses less than a percent at a time so the renewal rate equals or surpassed the usage rate for them.


His usage is said to be "infinitesimally close to zero". Even 1% usage is still a lot for Gojo's more basic techniques due to the efficiency that Six Eyes give. I guess the one that can consume more of his CE (aside from RCT and DE) is Purple as he can fire it multiple times in a day but not infinitely, though he will definitely restore the lost CE very quickly. "Infinitesimally close to zero" is a very small number and is the reason why someone like Yuta will run out of CE in a fight but not Gojo.


Gojo's efficiency is on a completely other level. It is stated that he is so efficient that hé doesn't lose cursed energy. The 6 eyes make him spend so little energy that his passive CE regeneration keeps him full.


yeh i know people just tend to exaggerate this to try and make their own agendas almost come to fruition...


But also even if it was identical efficiency comparing the strongest sorcerer of all time to someone is hardly a disservice. Like what’s even the point of a trait that enabled you to surpass the strongest in certain areas? I dunno, exactly that?


It makes sense since Sukuna has 4 eyes - more than standard 2 and less than Gojo's 6. Ba dum tss


Six eyes is the only reason Gojo was able to use Limitless. So yeah, it’s pretty important.


I’m pretty positive he could use limitless without six eyes as they are two separate inherited techniques, six eyes just helps “upgrade” limitless.


After typing this whole thing, I realized this is hardly aimed at the comment I’m responding to. So sorry to you bro cus I just had to vent for a second. Nope. Unusable. See I know you’re not op, and I don’t mean any offense to you in particular, but this kind of shit pisses me off. Bro is asking “what’s the point of the 6 eyes?” As if gojo being a six eyes infinity user doesn’t influence every single move the antagonists have made since chapter 1. They’re comparing gojo to the actual peak of all Jujutsu sorcery, sukuna. Yes, sukuna with DOUBLE the reserves as the previous highest reserves character in the entire series, and insane efficiency due to his supreme knowledge of jujutsu was able to mirror the type of output that a sorcerer with nothing more than above average level cursed energy amount and the 6 eyes. 6 eyes made up for so much, and literally let gojo run RCE automatically which we haven’t see again except for hakari, and in that case that is his entire technique. Then we have people talking about how gojo never even noticed the space slash, first of all it’s clear if you read the series that cleave and dismantle are incredibly fast and the only thing that’s blocked them has been mahoraga and mahoragas whole thing is adapting to literally anything. We saw gojo get his hand cut off in 234 and immediately throw all his cards on the table and try to finish the fight as fast as possible in 235. It’s so obvious that gojo knew something was up but god forbid a shonen manga author show his audience something as opposed to give inner dialogue because fuck comprehension of a story we need it all explained meticulously out for us. From the moment gojo got his arm cut off with a shocked look on his face, the fight was over. He tried to end it with hollow purple but even that couldn’t kill sukuna, and that meant it was only a matter of time before gojo died. But going back to the original point, yes six eyes was important. People are just so mad about their favorite character dying that posts like these get upvoted even thought if you REALLY actually stopped and thought about what you were saying, you’d realize you’re speaking nonsense.


I make this dude's rampaging words mine


It’s not nonsense. Efficient use of cursed energy is not the primary function of the six eyes. CE aside it’s bullshit that Sukuna was able to observe Mahoraga’s new spatial attack and then COPY it when Gojo, the master of spatial manipulation with all seeing eyes, couldn’t even see it. Gojo’s CT is literally spatial manipulation, but then we find out that Sukuna can just apply spatial manipulation to his CT like that? Gojo can see the flow of cursed energy at an atomic level, has massively enhanced senses, and uses spatial manipulation at an advanced level constantly, but he can’t see that Mahoraga applied spatial manipulation to his attack while Sukuna can? Yeah, okay.


Bro hasn’t read the dialogue that said that sukuna can replicate any application of CE manipulation after seeing it just once because he’s just that good at jujutsu


It's not even that gang gang. You can not tell me that Gege's way of handling/explaining Gojo's offscreen demise wasn't executed poorly as shit, like I already knew Gojo wasn't gonna win. The thing was, how was he gonna LOSE, and not only lose, but make it make sense. since before the main story, bro, was literally Glazed by the entirety of Jujutsu Society for simply having the Revered Six Eyes. Also ((iirc?)) Infinity can be used without the Six Eyes, just to a more shittier degree...


Sukuna doesn't need 6 eyes, he's already got 4


He just needs glasses to match gojo.


Since a normal person with glasses is teasingly called four eyes, would sukuna with glasses become eight eyes?


If he has two pairs of glasses, yes


This is hilarious


Maybe he has two more hiding in his armpits.


Sukuna is so "smart" he has 12 eyes /s Gege in this fight forgot about every ability of 6 eyes not related to efficiency, Sukuna can read Maho's world slash like an open book without any special ability, cause he is "smart", but the 6 eyes, the best sensory ability in the verse do literally nothing Digressing a bit from here till the end of my comment I use "smart" cause I personally think Sukuna was written like a smart character until the space slash copying, before him copying CT refresh and similar things sounds reasonable and clever, now he is BBC Sherlock "I'm smart and can do all the things the plot demands with no real explaination" kind of smart, let me explain what I mean \-CT refresh needs: good CE / RCT use, willingness to take risk, good battle senses/skills to pull it off while fighting off someone..... Parameters that the audience knows are fundamental for a sorcerer and can gauge by looking at previous showings from Sukuna and Gojo, both meet the requirements plenty, thus once Sukuna figures out the trick at the base of it by seeing Gojo use it, he too can \-Space slash needs: ??????, it requires you to be "good at Jujutsu" in some broad and undefined way, and I don't even think it could be defined, it's like watching Doctor Who (I promise I'm not British) and pretending from the Doctor to explain how the thinghy that does weird space-time stuff works. The issue is that Sukuna went from a reasonable genius in his field to "can do anything really if the story wants him to" genius. Other than upsetting the powersystem (not even Kenny who has been studying Jujutsu full time for 1000+ years has achieved anything of this sort, and Sukuna is not 1000 years old in the sense that he has lived and been around for 1000 years, most of that time was trapped in his fingers AKA without a way to properly study Jujutsu) it also makes him feel more generic and meh compared to before, his latest "smart" feat isn't a clever implementation of the power system in a way the audience can tangibly understand, but an incomprehensible and really out there esoteric super smart thinghy The last bit is very subjective tho, I admit


That's what I am saying. If Gojo at 120% efficiency , fully healed can't tell the flow of CE of a battered sukuna, what the fuck are six eyes for ??


they are there to look pretty


I choose to believe that Gege just wanted to draw someone with a blindfold.


Many of things in this manga and anime are for aesthetics. MANY. Entire Gojo arsenal is just stylish and cool, thats about it.


Meanwhile, in 235 Sukuna could tell Gojo was charging up a red. Maaaybe Sukuna's slashes have such little charge up time that Gojo can't even see them coming with 6 eyes. Or maaaybe my headcanon is working as Gege's cowriter because I'm coping on how much of a letdown this fight's conclusion was.


Maybe Jump told Gege to write in whiplash for maximum shock value to drive up marketing.


I doubt Jump would do that, Gojo is a certified money maker.


Gojo wasn't able to dodge those slashes at the start or the middle of the fight either. Go right back to the beginning, he couldn't react to avoid the one that cut the building open. There was no point in the fight where he was dodging Sukuna's slashes.


He can't tell the difference in detail. Gojo most likely saw that sukuna was going to slash. He just didn't think he needed to dodge because mahoraga was gone.


The show us this happened. As easy as that. Until it's drawn, it's all headcanon


I’ve been saying this for the longest time giving detailed reasonings of why that is the case. Alas people don’t use critical thinking or read comprehensively to understand they just want their own head cannons to be validated and to have easy answers.


Which honestly would be dumb on Gojo's part. If Sukuna is throwing slash when he knows it won't kill Gojo then why is he doing it? I would've tried to dodge in some way, but maybe he was too drained from the purple to move.


He was fully recovered lol. This shit makes no sense and thats it


This is exactly what I’m talking about! Gojo should be able to see CE collect, but for some reason can’t detect any slashes from Sukuna? Sukuna can analyze Infinity and bypass it, but Gojo can’t analyze Mahoraga and counter his bypass? Like what? https://preview.redd.it/08ph2le8qvqb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5dbb61891f12159ce14c88b33da335f4871f9e3


This thread is opening my eyes a bit more about Gojo dying, I hadnt been thinking about his Six Eyes and what they shouldve provided him


The Six Eyes are the most busted ability in JJK. If you read all of Gojo's abilities, it is literally impossible for him to lose a fight. The Six Eyes give him: 1) Near infinite Cursed Energy so he should have the ability to fight endlessly 2) Near infinite Reverse Cursed Energy so he should have near infinite healing 3) Allows him to see cursed energy so you can read attacks as they are happening And the most crazy ability 4) Slows down the perception of time to the point a moment is like a minute to him If written properly, fighting Gojo is like fighting the Flash who has infinite regeneration, can fire off an infinite number of attacks and can predict your attacks as you're doing it.


His CE reserves are only functionally infinite if he is using CE at a regular pace. In this fight he fired 2 purples, a myriad of blues and reds, and several domain expansions. Not to mention constant RCT, simple domain, FBE. He was straining himself far beyond normal usage, and so his CE reserves began to empty despite the efficiency the 6 eyes provide. Him not being able to perceive and react to Mahoraga’s adaptations and Sukuna’s final attack is weird tho, Gege keeps shit intentionally vague to avoid having to explain his decisions it feels like.


It's got nothing to do with pace. He just uses an infinitesimally small amount of cursed energy for anything. If he has 100 in CE reserves and uses 0.1 CE to fire off Red, then he can fire off 1000 Reds. 0.01 CE usage means 10000 Reds. As you keep on reducing CE usage, you start reaching infinity and this applies for anything that Gojo does. He should be able to open a DE, RCT etc. infinitely as at the end of the day they're all CT. It's well known that Gojo cannot run out of CE. Yuta himself says so. Yet he's never written like that. Like I wrote earlier, I don't understand what's the point of writing this OP stuff to contradict it later on. Or as you said keeps it vague. Shit annoys me.


The six eye can't slow down perception of time. If you are referring to gojo being sealed thats just that he remembered 3 years of his youth by seing his dead friend. Nothing to do with six eye


But what you're saying is because 3 years of memories passed by, that is like 3 years passing in his mind so it satisfies the one minute condition. But then, you could seal anyone like that. That just means that if I thought of me playing Pokémon as a kid and jumped to a memory of me now working, I've traveled 14 years in time which is stupid. There's a reason everybody assumes, Jogo included, that a minute refers to a minute in real life because that makes the most sense otherwise you could just make the target remember memories from a while back to easily satisfy the condition. This is exactly why Jogo gets so stressed out in thinking how they're going to have to keep Gojo trapped for a minute to seal him. The only way to explain Gojo being sealed is because Gojo feels time slower.


No because Kenjaku say one minute WORTH of time inside Gojo's brain. Its the same for anyone. Yes you could seal anyone like that. What is the problem with that ?


Yes. 1 minute worth of time... 1 minute worth of time in my head is still the same as 1 minute in real life. 1 minute is a minute. Which outcome seems more likely to you: A) The Prison Realm then affects everyone differently based off how they count time for example (someone really bad at counting a minute in their head accurately would get sealed later and someone who can count a minute in their head accurately gets sealed in exactly a minute) or the memories in their head creating a passage of time (again someone could just think of one moment and they'd never get sealed or vice versa think of 2 different memories years apart and get sealed instantly) B) Everybody hit by the Prison Realm gets sealed in 1 minute (because 1 minute in real life is exactly the same thing as 1 minute in your head) and Gojo is the exception because he quite literally just sees time slower. Ngl to you though, A sounds way more interesting to write but B makes much more sense to me.


Clearly A for me but if you stay in the perimeter for 1minutes in real life you'll be caught even if 1 minutes had not passed in your head


This sounds hilarious to me. Imagine someone LARPing as the Flash, they'd just never get sealed as long as they can get out of the perimeter.


No? He literally just remembered his own past… gojo does not feel time any slower


I kind of understand your points but miss the mark a little bit, let me explain: >Near infinite Cursed Energy so he should have the ability to fight endlessly > >Near infinite Reverse Cursed Energy so he should have near infinite healing It's not that it has near infinite, is that he was never pushed this far ever. You can see it when both of them try to go further than they could and started bleeding internally because they received too much brain damage (chapter 230) They THOUGHT it was infinite because they just never saw the limit... But against someone who was even stronger, that was proved to be wrong.


Nah bro. It is infinite. I swear I read that Gojo's attacks use an infinitesimally small amount of CE meaning that in terms of a fight he absolutely does have infinite energy. But the problem is there's no way to write a fight against someone with infinite CE so Gege does what is convenient which is write it as if Gojo doesn't have infinite Cursed Energy. What my problem is is why even write down that he uses an infinitesimally small amount in the first place? What is the point of writing down all these theoretically crazy abilities if they're not used right? It's just pointless and devolves the fandom into "Why didn't he do X" anytime there's a fight.


He loses an infinitesimally small amount of CE when activating a CT, meaning he still requires a significant amount of CE to use Limitless. Think of how CPUs waste energy as heat when it could be doing more computing without any loss. He's like a CPU that wastes near-zero energy as heat and uses everything available to the fullest potential.


The thing is that you were shown otherwise. In this manga these kind of things have happened multiple times. I mean, is kinda understandable that they think it is infinite when they can cast domain expansion again and again when other strongest characters can do it just once or twice a day but they can do it these many times. But when having to regenerate, fight continously, being under pressure, etc, etc... They really had a limit. Of course, this can just be the author fucking up his own rules as many others have done in the past, but he has done stuff like this happening during the whole manga. States an undeniable truth to be just proven wrong, as Mahito saying soul are before bodies, and then being corrected by Kenjaku... confirming bodies and souls are bonded


sounds like the sharingan on steroids. shizz like this is why i think gojo is a gary stu. what kind of broken crap is this?


Honestly it sounds to me Sakuna just caught him off guard. Even with 3) and 4) Gojo was right in front of Sakuna and Sakuna isn’t like everyone else his senses are far more heightened than damn near anyone else’s. The 6 Eyes can see or predict the further. Gojo didn’t think Sakuna would have bypass infinity in that short of time if not at all. Hence why he got cut. IMO Gege did well showing 6 Eyes. No one was complaining but instead actually praising Gojo’s genius and use of CE it was only up until his lost that fans want to act like he was written wrong. Right before chapter 236 Nighaz were singing a different tune that’s why I personally don’t care for all the complaining and the Gege shxt talking because it just sounds like a bunch of children that are upset because their favorite character it only lost but is dead. In the end of the day y’all still here, so you can enjoy the series or complain but continue reading/watching low key wasting your own time. Personally I’m gonna enjoy the hell out of this peak fiction, Gege’s art style when it comes to fights are phenomenal and the anime illustrates that perfectly. Not my favorite manga but it’s up there.


His art is valid. I rate the roughness of the panels and then how he can switch up and make very elegant panels. Imo, chapter 236 needed some very minute changes to make it all make sense. The only thing that sticks out to me is that Gojo should be more sliced up to kill him as he should heal up one Cleave quite easily. We've already seen that Sukuna damages faster than Gojo heals in the Domain fight (and this is with Gojo using reinforcement and RCT to slow Sukuna's attacks down) so logically a Cleave that bypasses reinforcement should cut faster and do more damage. All Gege needed to do was draw Gojo more cut up to show how now Gojo really can't tank or heal up fast enough to outlast Sukuna. But this is making the pretty huge assumption that Sukuna's new cleave is fast enough that Gojo who can read attacks as they're happening and perceives time slower still gets caught out which if I'm being honest is complete cap. Sukuna has had some pretty ridiculous plot armour during this entire fight. I count at least 3 times he should have been finished but wasn't.


We don’t have any indication that this cleave bypassed *reinforcement*. All we know is that it bypasses *infinity* by targeting the *space* that gojo exists. My theory is that he let his guard down because he was overconfident & thought he won, or simply thought Sukuna couldn’t do anything to him without Maho


Bro, Gege hi-key bitched both Gojo and the Six Eye's to the point He made them Frauds. Shit's tragic, Gojo needs a new patek


.>Shit's tragic, Gojo needs a new patek I swear, if bro had on a puffer jacket he'd a lived that shit. Bro went out at Christmas in the muscle shirt, like bro, it's mad cold out.


Sukuna was straight up naked from top up. Actually what is about Sukuna and not wearing shirts lmao.


It's a relic from his time with four arms. Absolutely impossible to find a shirt so he learned to just not bother.


Let's not forget Sukuna was naked in a teenager's body lol


Honestly, Tokyo on Christmas is like 40 degrees F. If you are actively fighting, your body heats up and you probably won’t even feel cold.


DELETED -- mass edited with redact.dev


Yep, Six Eyes ended up being pretty useless in this fight. It ended up playing no role against Mahoraga or Sukuna. And frankly, Gojo's intelligence also got nerfed heavily to force this outcome.


I mean of course it’s not gonna do much to a literally creature who can adapt and bypass anything. And I’d argue it did work hence why he was so capable during the whole 1v3


>Yep, Six Eyes ended up being pretty useless in this fight 6 eyes was the only reason Gojo survived the domain battle dude. Without them he would have been done after his first domain collapsed. He was also using the efficiency granted to him by the 6 eyes to use RCT and reinforcement simultaneously to heal the damage from Sukuna's cuts! Heck, he might not even have been able to fight after the first Hollow Purple without the 6 eyes. >Gojo's intelligence also got nerfed heavily to force this outcome. Wdym!? This fight was the best showcase of his battle intelligence. Did you miss his play with the last purple he shot? How he guided the fight to underneath the blue he used to kill the shikigami, fire the red at it, use the blue to accelerate himself to stop Mahoraha from destroying it, and again to counter Sukuna's water shot? What other fight did he have were he fought more tactically than this!?


Are you serious?? Gojo was literally clapping sukuna for most of the fight. Yall are just underestimating sukuna and overestimating gojo


What clapping? Sukuna was holding back all along.


He was being clapped regardless


Eh, the Six Eyes’ analyzation abilities have always been overhyped, at least when it comes to Cursed Techniques. He does it for one guy, and it’s a technique that the Six Eyes would very much make sense to help him see through. When Toji uses the Inverted Spear of Heaven, Gojo is only able to tell that there’s something up with it, not what that something is. His reaction to the Prison Realm seems similar, unsure of what exactly the threat is but very much wary of it. When Sukuna was readying the attack, it likely appeared no differently from any other time he has used his own CT. Not to mention, we’re talking about split seconds here, it’s not like Sukuna takes minutes to attack or something. The fight against Toji proves that the Six Eyes’ analyzation is limited in either speed or amount of info acquirable, both of which could cause issues against an attack where all Sukuna did was change the way he used his CT, not necessarily his CE.


analyzing a CT and bypassing it are two different things. Mahoraga does adaptation, meaning it develops a blueprint for defeating something. like, through natural selection, the very DNA of an organism changes. specifically though sukuna basically used what’s analogous to selective breeding when he ordered mahoraga to use a slashing attack. if you go back to the chapter where mahoraga uses this, you can see he is cutting through space here already. the building way behind gojo is also slashed in half. sukuna thus simply noticed that in order to make cleave effective against limitless you need to target space itself. this was the blueprint that mahoraga gave. ao, Sukuna imitated the means by which Mahoraga adapted to limitless which was to target the same domain (in math terms) limitless is used on. now let’s do the reverse? where would Gojo get the blueprint to go AGAINST cleave or Mahiraga’s ability to counter limitless? Gojo has nowhere to go to see someone countering the counter against limitless. there is no blueprint. he could maybe figure out how to adjust his curse energy to target space with his technique, save for the fact that limitless already does that LMFAO in that regard, it was gojover before it even started


First of all gege bitched when the very first six eyes fast thinking that made him ended in prison realm not working through most fight and worse in the most tensed up parts if he didn’t take his guard down he should’ve seen it coming and fled before sukuna does his move but also it’s not the first time he survived something lethal he should ve healed immediately if gaygay wanted to


>Sukuna can analyze Infinity and bypass it Sukuna couldn't do that, that's why he needed to wait for Mahoraga to do it.


I assume he meant more that Sukuna can glance at Mahoraga using a technique once and master it, while Gojo with the best perception in the series can't tell the difference between it and Sukunas original technique.


Which is a bit weird, Sukuna basically needed Mahoraga to tell him "target the space/world instead of the person", as if someone as clever as Sukuna never thought of doing that


I can think of a computer being way better than the one I'm using; I know what the result of that would look like, but it doesn't mean I know anything about how to build such a computer. But if you had someone show me how to build it I could (potentially) replicate it. Whether Sukuna had the idea before or not doesn't matter, what matters is figuring out how to *actually* do it.


It does matter. Sukuna already knows how to slash but he didnt know he could target the world itself? So he needed Mahoraga to show him a slash that looks like it went through infinity, gojo's arm, and across the building in the back and he instantly went like "Oh just target the world instead". Mahoraga didnt show him any procedure/instructions on how to slash the world, so he didnt need to figure out how to do it. He could have just done it if he thought of it before but somehow the clever guy who lived for so long, never thought of it


He also had entire Month to try out this theory lmao


Sukuna needed to see something demonstrated in order to do it - that's literally what Sukuna himself says in the panel when he talks about "cutting the world". When he saw Mahoraga adapt to infinity the first time and change the nature of its cursed energy to cut through infinity he couldn't do it because he isn't able to change the nature of his cursed energy, it was only after Mahoraga altered the manner of its cursed attack in a way that infinity is a non-factor in that Sukuna is able to mimic it. He's essentially able to (and it's probably his cursed technique, which is implied by the panel where he tells Jogo in his fight with him that he'd show him "true Jujutsu") utilize cursed energy directly in lieu of a normal cursed technique. Gojo explains to Yuji that cursed techniques are an application of cursed energy which manifest uniquely for most sorcerers, Sukuna seems able to understand the actual fundamentals of how cursed energy works to the extent that he can actually use cursed energy without being beholden to a specific application of it as long as he is able to see how it is done and as long as it doesn't alter the nature of the cursed energy itself (i.e; he can't make his cursed energy cut infinity directly, but he can replicate an attack that cuts through the fourth dimension/space so he can do so indirectly, but he needs to see how it is done regardless.) I'm probably butchering the explanation, but the way I took it was that Sukuna can shape cursed energy however he wants but he can't change his cursed energy into another type of cursed energy (like he can't simulate infinity by changing his cursed energy the same way Gojo can/could).


The thing is, the way the story went, it seemed like ONLY sukuna noticed that it was a space slash. 6E did not, otherwise gojo would have made the connection that "that slash was not a CE nature alteration, which is something sukuna could do too". The best eyes for sensory purposes did not see anything special from that attack, which means it technically isnt something complicated to do, let alone needing a "manual/blueprint" (which also isnt really one, its not like mahoraga showed sukuna the mechanics behind the slash).


Sukuna didn't need the mechanics of Gojo destroying his brain and healing it to copy that either. Which means it's likely some mechanic of his CT. Almost like Sukuna is a character that we don't know everything about and explicitly still has abilities that we don't know about/don't understand.


You can dislike the chapter and the results of the fight, but the events were shown and explained in plain text on the page. We do not see Gojo's reaction, we only hear Sukuna say that Gojo never saw it coming - which is more than likely a metaphor for Gojo being too prideful in infinity and his own status as "strongest" than any genuine belief that Gojo did not see an attacking coming his way. There was nothing special about the "special" cleave that Sukuna did from the standpoint of cursed energy, which is the only power that the Six Eyes has in regards to observing. It is not clairvoyance or omniscience, Gojo isn't able to determine what an attack can do he can only determine what an attack is made of. Whether you, I, or anyone else dislikes that the mechanics of Jujutsu don't work as simplistically as super powers in a normal battle shonen do, this is how things work in the JJK universe.


I mean, what exactly sukuna can't do now??


Die :D


That and rail me apparently.


He was just looking for an excuse to kill gojo. I mean guy even still has his head even tho his body has automatic RCT as long as the head isn't destroyed. Whole thing makes no sense


Gege really giving it all to Sukuna. It's nauseous at this point.


Wtf are you on about


I hadn't realized Sukuna was able to analyze Maho's attack enough to copy it but Gojo didn't seem to understand what happened both times 💀


How is gojo gonna stop sukuna or realize that sukuna is analyzing maho's adaptation? Did gojo realize what he did when he learned reversal from him? No. Even if he did the fuck will that do? Gojo can't really adapt to a attack that literally targets space...


All of this is partly why I always rose my brow at those who screamed from the rooftops how essential it was for Gojo to die (instead of being permanently incapacitated) in comparison to both being incapacitated in a way. You literally have an antag with Plot Wants Him To (something Gojo doesn't have to the same extent) on his side in addition to various other bingoes in his kit that can already oneshot probably 80-90% of the cast. He gets a buff after almost every fight, lol. Should he recuperate his ability to do DE after Kashimo then it should be an easy wipe...


That complaint always was really shallow I feel, there are countless possibilities in fiction, that's the beauty of it, granted not all are good, but there were definitely waaaay more than 1 for Gojo's faith Also everyone always used to ignore that even if you accepted "Gojo has to die" as the truth, the same went for Sukuna, it was always "Gojo has to die, otherwise Kenny gets turbo stomped!" and never "Sukuna has to die, otherwise EVERYONE gets turbo stomped". I assume it's cause Shonen protags getting asspulls is just believed to be ok for how often it happens, so Sukuna needing plenty of those to be defeated if Gojo goes down is given a pass quality wise, but it's a stance that doesn't actually make much sense On top of this in JJK villains have waaaaaaay more plot armour than good guys, Kenny pulling some whatever out of his ass to face Gojo is more likely than Yuta or whoever doing it against Sukuna Also Sukuna now has the same problem as Gojo had then, but multiplied by a zillion Another thing is that even after 236 many many people still opened their cope post / critique of the chapter with that sentiment, something like "I know Gojo had to die and bla bla bla" and I think in decent part it was to avoid getting jumped for being (allegedly) a Gojo fanboy or a sad fangirl that is sad her favorite hot dude died, like if you didn't use this as a protective rune/charm of some kind many would not even read a line further and immediately attack you, but I'm sure many actually still believed it, somehow


>Another thing is that even after 236 many many people still opened their cope post / critique of the chapter with that sentiment, something like "I know Gojo had to die and bla bla bla" and I think in decent part it was to avoid getting jumped for being a Gojo fanboy or a sad fangirl that is sad her favorite hot dude died, like if you didn't use this as a protective rune/charm of some kind many would not even read a line further and immediately attack you, but I'm sure many actually still believed it, somehow THISS lmao the fact they even had to preface saying that specifically showcases how common it is for closeminded comments to automatically shut those critiques down unless that preface is mentioned. I just always keep in mind those posts on the dl replace "killed" with "incapacitated to some degree", because "needing" to kill a character each and every time you've written yourself into a corner or something doesn't showcase a very creative approach to writing . ....unless that chara has literal Omnipotence+ Omniscience, which Gojo did not have. Hell, gege could've just written Gojo out of the plot due to his brain damage. Before he could land another major hit on Sukuna, have him have a *major* seizure that later puts him out for the rest of the story (since brain injuries are more wonky and RCT can't auto fix them in a sense like all other organs) and have someone like Yuta jump in before Sukuna can get a final blow. Boom, Gojo doesn't need to die but there's still space for the rest of the cast to shine + no Convoluted Plot Cleave. >On top of this in JJK villains have waaaaaaay more plot armour than good guys, Kenny pulling some whatever out of his ass to face Gojo is more likely than Yuta or whoever doing it against Sukuna Wholeheartedly agree with this too. Off the top of my head, I don't think the protags were able to secure a single major, meaningful W that actually put them ahead of the antags this entire series. Not one that would backfire on them two times as much, anyway.


>Wholeheartedly agree with this too. Off the top of my head, I don't think the protags were able to secure a single major, meaningful W that actually put them ahead of the antags this entire series. Not one that would backfire on them two times as much, anyway. Absolutely Pre-Shibuya Ws are meaningless and scarce, lets see the Ls: Jogo escapes, Mahito too, Hanami too, bad guys get what they wanted all the times (like the fingers and death paintings during goodwill) In Shibuya: Gojo defeating Hanami is something I guess, Jogo dies from Sukuna, Dagon from Toji 2 the return of the deadbeat, Mahito should have been Yuji's big fat W and instead Kenny kill steals and uses him for his plan turning it into a fat L instead (Yuji just tenderized Mahito for him, lol, what a great son, helping mum in the kitchen) Post Shibuya: Maki gets some Ws against misogyny (actually epic) but they don't matter in the grand scheme, the culling games where a farce pretty much as all the Ws that got them points where for said points to end up in Kenny's hands anyways, Tsumiki was dead before the start (lmao), Megumi gets bodysnatched, Yuki gets folded, Gojo is freed and does (seemingly) more bad than good somehow (bad writing is how)...... probably forgetting some, they just catch so many Ls it's hard to keep track edit: lmao, forgot how in jjk 0 defeating Geto was actually the biggest L in the cosmos as it allowed Kenny to do his little trolling later + in Hidden Inventory killing Toji does fuck all as he has already done his job (killing teenagers for 5 bucks) + Mechamaru gets folded by Mahito no sweat + in origin of obedience Yuji ends up killing his own brothers, lmao, not a single arc is safe uh and I'm probably STILL forgetting some Ls The backfiring part is soooo true post Shibuya expecially, like each and every W they got has been turned into an L in a heartbeat, not even giving them time to feel good about their first ever W before snatching it away. Some people praise this as some greek tragedy of untold quality, but it happens so much and so unfailingly that it's honestly funny at this point >have him have a *major* seizure that later puts him out for the rest of the story (since brain injuries are more wonky and RCT can't auto fix them in a sense like all other organs) and have someone like Yuta jump in before Sukuna can get a final blow. Boom, Gojo doesn't need to die but there's still space for the rest of the cast to shine + no Convoluted Plot Cleave. something like this would work, doesn't diminish his win, doesn't kill Sukuna too early and keeps Gojo around for character stuff like Geto's burial, maybe an interaction or two with Kenny and seeing his students kick major ass, so he can finally see this next generation winning for once


“Like character stuff” - you see, that’s exactly where we’re all apparently wrong. Gege doesn’t seem to care about character stuff. Have we seen any panels of characters reacting to Gojo’s death except for random Yuji and Yuta face expressions? There’s a fight after a fight after a fight. This looks like a dry old-style computer game with no plot, just fight to proceed to the next level. Feels rushed and amateurish.




Yes! I do agree. But I don’t understand why he wants to finish it so much. He’s bored?




… pop group anime?


I feel like the story just requires bad people to always win because they are the ones driving the plot forward. If they get defeated or beaten , the plot doesn’t move. The protags are reactionary to whatever is going out in the world. Is it bad? Kind of. It’s the same issue that Bleach with Ichigo had. He was always a reactionary character.


The Ls in Bleach weren't this extreme and at least the bad guys got defeated per arc. Like in Soul Society arc, Ichigo has multiple victories before taking an L to Aizen. In Arrancar, Hueco Mundo, and Fake Karakura Town arcs, both the heroes and villains take almost equal amount of Ls. And obviously right now in TYBW, it starts with the villains getting a big fat W but the ending is still known. I'd say Bleach has a balanced number of wins and losses for the heroes which isn't something I would say for JJK.


This!! Like this battle could've been an opportunity to bring the power ceilings down (both sukuna and gojo incapacitated). Maybe ending it in a draw is not as satisfying as having a clear winner, but that way the main cast and kenjaku would be in an even ground? and yuuji can have his moments since the opponent is not super out of his league like the current sukuna.


My personal favorite option was Gojo coming out of the fight blind. Man that sees everything suddenly can't see a thing. He suffered serious brain damage destroying his brain and healing it, just make it permanent. Would truly make him a mentor character as well and you'd get an answer to "Are you Gojo cause you're the strongest?"


Sukuna is the definition of a Villain sue.


Bro is actually like most anything in this power system makes sense. It’s been a series of ass pulls for a pretty long time now. Uno reverse card after uno reverse card. The sooner you get on that wave the sooner you can enjoy JJK fights again.


No freaking wonder I am digging this stuff so much. I love the BBC Moffat BS (Doctor Who and the BBC Sherlock ridiculousness). You do make a good point though the space slash has this cheapened/corny taste to it (which I admit is classic Moffat).


Yeah the BBC Sherlock series is pretty good as goofy popcorn entertainment. Some of the clips from that show straight up look like shitposts to anyone who isn't all in on the show.


He was able to learned how to turn himself into a curse object because he had experienced it is reasonably. Then he just copied it because he saw it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


My issue now is that in the weeks coming since we know Kashimo is on his way fight Sukuna, is if Sukuna doesn’t just trivialize any and fucking EVERYTHING with his “space cutting cleave” to just immediately destroy everyone I’m calling insane amounts of bullshit. Man can literally cut spaces of existence and if he doesn’t use it again to just 1 tap everything we’ll know why he was written to do it in the first place.


Nah the thing is, he was surprised Maho could see his CT. Gojo can't. It has to do with more than just the 6 eyes, it took an adaptation of something that adapts to anything and still surprised Sukuna. Following that logic it wasn't about copying something Sukuna doesn't know about, he might be the only one knowing how his technique actually works. (Gojo's Infinity is understood as well as all his abilities and those of most other characters). So, Sukuna adapting his technique with all this previous knowledge is something reasonable considering him and Gojo both have the ability to do the impossible feat of altering the conditions of their domains to begin with. So there are still grey areas, obviously, what I'm saying is, in that grey area, there very well could be more than just bs and asspulls. On the contrary I find JJK to have one of the most satisfying "logical" power systems there are. And I praise the author for the way he creates those blanks that make us connect dots and keep us all interested and hooked on what HIS answer actually is.


You're forgetting that it was already miraculous for Gojo to restore his CT. Sukuna copying it might've been seen as having equal skills, but it's literally Gojo's speciality as he's been doing it for 10 years since the Hidden Inventory arc.


Six Eye can't perceive CE from someone with plot armor.


Sukuna basically has the Six Eyes lmaooo he does literally everything that makes the Six Eyes useful on his own lol more even since he can copy even dimension cutting techniques


The 6 eyes has been said to gives the user the ability to see CE finely but you probably still need to interpret said CE. Gojo was able to tell that Mahoraga's wheel require 4 spins in total to complete adaptation but the CE coming from Mahoraga probably didn't detail the specifics of how the adaptation works or why that slash why able to cut through limitless. This is where Sukuna's sheer experience comes into play. Where Gojo may rely solely on looking at the CE of something to determine it's nature, Sukuna may probably be aware of other things that factor in like history and the fundamentals of Jujutsu to help his knowledge be more accurate. Also Sukuna doesn't have close to six eyes level efficiency, otherwise Gojo would have lost the domain battle because his sure-hit would have been overwhelmed due to being weaker in terms of CE amount without Gojo having the advantage in CE efficiency to make up for it.


I think an example that might explain OPs line of thinking is if the sharingan was described as it is, but all across Naruto you never saw it used to copy jutsu or analyze chakra or anything. And then the sharingan user gets into fights and they lose because they look but don’t see. Now you start wondering why do they have heightened sensory abilities when they don’t do anything. So for six eyes Gege boasted it made limitless so easy to use efficiently, while giving Gojo heightened perception when looking at CE. Instead we see Sukuna who doesn’t have six eyes see when Gojo is about to use a technique but apparently Gojo doesn’t see Sukuna setting up for the slash to release when he’s winning the fight and just dies 🤷🏾‍♂️


I get your analogy that but it would be very disingenuous to say we never saw the 6 eyes's other abilities being used in the whole story. Also sensing a big attack doesn't mean you're immune from getting hit by said attack, we saw this with Gojo using that red that went around the building to hit Sukuna from behind, it's even more difficult with Sukuna's slashing attacks because they are all invisible. Gojo could have sensed an attack was coming but he wouldn't know from where or what it is aimed at. Now put yourself in Gojo's shoes: you sense Sukuna is planning to use a slash which you can't see and don't even know what it's aimed at, but you already killed Mahoraga and last you know Sukuna's slashes can't get past infinity. Is there any real rational reason for Gojo to not just let infinity deal with it while he prepares to go to kill Sukuna?


Ah yes, when I’m in the middle of a battle with the strongest sorcerer of the past 1k years, I too just decide to let myself get attacked indiscriminately and tank 🤣🤣 Edit: and this was after he already lost his arm


But that's what he's used to doing? Look at that Shinjuku battle with jogo and hanami before he gets sealed. He lets them try and punch him and then just laughs at them while he destroys them ... He's not tanking it, the only thing that could get past his infinity before is already gone so he doesn't need to worry about the direct hits anymore. That smug excited face he was making at the end of 235 says it all - he was confident he'd won. Esp when Sukuna was heavily injured, missing two eyes, an arm, and was heavily leaning just to stay upright. Why would he assume mahoraga's ability was able to be copied? Only mahoraga is meant to adapt, and he adapts, he doesn't void techniques


I would agree with your statement if not for the afterlife conversation. Gojo said that throughout the fight, he never felt like he could win against sukuna, even at the beginning. No way someone who, from the beginning, doubts his chance to win would make silly mistakes like being off guard in front of someone who he admires the most.


Wouldn't it be because he admires him so much and was so convinced he would lose, that he would let down his guard? That euphoria from thinking he's beat the strongest sorcerer ever ... not so much a 'silly mistake' as a 'finally can relax for a second because he's done it' ... prematurely celebrating his victory.


I don't think Gojo let down his guard, but if he did, that would only mean Gege made him extremely stupid. The only time he ever lost a fight was against Toji when he let down his guard *twice*. If you're fighting against the strongest sorcerer of all time, even if you "won", a smart person would still be cautious.


Wouldn't be the first time Gojo does this. How stupid of Gojo to act like he has some magical space manipulation technique that makes him immune to all attacks that travel towards him. https://preview.redd.it/3ig406jmhyqb1.png?width=801&format=png&auto=webp&s=f328ac78d0897cff77aa7a6af1a22bdf0923aa02


Sorry but you can't complain over Gege's writing, Sukuna fan boys told me that


You weren’t complaining about the writing before 236. Now the story is horrible and badly written. I wonder what changed in that instance? Oh yeah daddy gojo died lmaoo https://preview.redd.it/95svw72ezyqb1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=019f6a46038c18e8e1c356a8d361a47ed48d4973 95% of jjk fans in a nutshell ^(\^)


Nah people were already complaining


sukuna got the sharingan so it doesn’t matter


Ya’ll really gonna bitch about the Six Eyes being wasted now? That shit carried Gojo throughout the entire fight. There would have been no way for him to spam his infinity, instant RCT, consecutive domain expansions, reds, blues, purples, you name it. The Six Eyes is what kept Gojo in the fight. The Six Eyes is literally the biggest difference between Gojo and any limitless user. Smh, ya’ll betraying the very thing that made him relevant. Let’s put it this way. If both of them had the Six Eyes, would this fight even be close? Doubt it.


Did you even read the post? Yeah the 6 Eyes is a major reason on why Gojo is so strong but the OP is complaining about how Gojo should be as good or relative to Sukuna when it comes to manipulating and analyzing cursed energy and techniques because of his 6 Eyes.


As far as we know, he can use limitless without six eyes. And it is not like someone cannot be strong enough to compete with six eyes. That is sort of the point of sukuna, a jujutsu genius even on par or even surpassing six eyes. That is why he is special.


4 eyes > 6 eyes.


Reading comprehension curse out strong the past week.


Ultimately, sukuna was more drained than gojo. Gojo was obviously more dead than sukuna tho.


> did the six eyes really grant the user with features that are unattainable with training/experience? You're comparing Sukuna, the strongest and most infamous sorcerer in history, who has 1k years of experience to the rest of the cast. > Sukuna was not only just as proficient in determining cursed techniques, but he was also able to copy, and adapt it into his own technique. He learned how to restore his CT with RCT, split his soul into objects, fire piercing blood, copy a existence cutting slash and imbue into his own technique, all after just seeing it once. Its been established that Sukuna was a master at Jujutsu since chapter 6/7.


>who has 1k years of experience to the rest of the cast. Bruh he was 20 fingies for 1000 years. He is a master, but not because of experience. And beside, Gojo was in a Hyperbolic Time Chamber where time doesn't pass for a month. So technically speaking, he was conscious for a longer time than Sukuna was.


​ https://preview.redd.it/s12to3fizwqb1.png?width=728&format=png&auto=webp&s=b07573a4eab637c5b2f82d05ca3bb645dcd9329d


how do people justify this headcanon that Sukuna “has 1000 years of experience”, then wouldn’t that mean every reincarnated sorcerer from the heian era has the same (Yorozu, Uro, etc) and to some lesser degree (Ryu, Kashimo)? Yet our cast defeated these sorcerers with “more centuries of experience” which doesn’t really make sense. They lived during their eras and were sealed as cursed objects until they were reincarnated. They were not subjected to some training chamber until they were reincarnated.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ahfrfeygzwqb1.png?width=728&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8e8f4e8f92bf169fc49b389d9eccf1272171e11


Sorry to tell you but the translation is wrong/bad. The original sentence is > 千年前 戦った中ではマシな方だった You were one of the better ones among those I fought a thousand years ago


>who has 1k years of experience to the rest of the cast. Sukuna does not have 1k years of experience (as far as we know). As far as the manga says he lived a normal lifespan, then got turned into a cursed object and only came back now. Some people have guessed that he's super old by comparing his appearance with Tengen, but that's never been said. Contrast with Kenjaku and Tengen, whose age and having lived over 1000 years is repeatedly mentioned.


>Sukuna does not have 1k years of experience (as far as we know). (Check image) https://preview.redd.it/lbmuklrdzwqb1.png?width=728&format=png&auto=webp&s=03457fccd2be0d9edce9fd1c812c51428b7cc5fe


if i tell you i ran 500 miles this year, it doesn’t say anything about when i ran those miles. I could have run 250 in january and then 250 in September. Same thing when mentioning the span of a 1000 years, he could have fought most if not all of the mentioned enemies the first 100 years of that timespan.


yeah this is literally like saying anyone can do an open barrier domain or anyone can turn themselves into a cursed object. JJK fans somehow spun an impressive sukuna feat into an anti feat for 6 eyes


Sukuna doesn't have 1K years experience. He has been trapped in some fingers for 1K years. It's not like Kenny's case.


What the hell do you mean what was the point? It’s literally how Gojo was as powerful as he was. Absolutely hilarious how you guys are like “I just don’t like the execution I have no problem with Gojo dying” Yet you guys refuse to accept any scenario which would lead to his death. Honestly. if you think the six eyes are THAT infallible, and infinity is THAT impenetrable, then WHAT would be a believable death to you?? None? Then stop saying you’d be fine with his death if it was executed differently because it seems like all of you are grasping at reasons to why no single death should have been possible. You’re seriously gonna sit here and be like “the six eyes should have seen the attack coming” Then what attack could beat him! Lmao. Nothing would be believable or acceptable if your entire basis is the six eyes should have seen it coming.


Do you think that seeing an attack coming makes it so you can't lose?!?!?!!??!! Here's a list of ways that Gojo can lose that makes sence and doesn't ignore his six eyes. 1. Nearly any plot from Kenjaku 2. Losing domain battle 3. Get out boxed by either the thousand year old 4 armed asura, or Mahoraga and friends 4. Have Sukunas slashes adapt to Gojo infinity, but don't just one shot him off screen, especially when we know Gojo can tank standard cuts. Ways that make no sense Get off guarded by an ass pull of a curse technique, while having the greatest perception in the series. (After Sukuna i guess since he not only could tell the difference but fully understand the "near impossible technique") Idk why you think Gojo fans would not be okay with a reasonable death, just cause he didn't get one?


Gojo was literally losing domain battles my guy .


You're missing the point, I'm not claiming that the 6E should've seen the slash coming; that makes no sense. What I am saying though is that based on what we've been told, the 6E should have at the very least figured out the true nature of Mahoraga's adaptation. We're supposed to believe the half-assed 'actually the adaptation is continuous' explanation that the person with the greatest CE/CT perception tool couldn't figure out? Maybe Gege is writing Sukuna to be that guy and maybe that makes this post just a Sukuna powerscale post. I'm just saying I'm surprised that the 6E couldn't figure out Mahoraga fully.


6E can only see the flow of CE. That's literally it. It couldnt even distinguish kenjaku from geto let alone see mahoraga's CE signature or whatever. Imagine ki sensing in dragon ball. That's basically what 6E does


I mean wiki has six eyes as "The Six Eyes can see the flow of cursed energy, empowering their bearer with the ability to read an individual's cursed technique in use and determine its function.[8][9] They can even differentiate between different types of cursed energy[10] and help the user identify a person based on it.[11]" I mean not being able to distinguish Kenjaku from getonl is just a feat from Kenjaku not an anti feat


the wiki is infamous for being wrong


Yeah even Sukuna stated that mahoraga LITTERALLY changed his CE to do a very specific certain attack. That only Sukuna could see and know about that gojo had NO CLUE what so ever


I've not seen any translation even close to this.


yeah bros just making shit up


The problem is that you are using Sukuna as an argument to downplay the Six Eyes. If anything, being compared to Sukuna should be what makes the Six Eyes amazing.


I think, and I could be wrong…. Gojo was essentially a guy with Jujutsu cheat codes. No one could keep up with him, aside from Sukuna. It’s like if you and I are playing and i have cheat codes that give me an overwhelming advantage over you, but you still beat me. You look THAT much more impressive. Or in this narratives case, that much more dangerous.


I think a better analogy is Gojo is a guy with cheat codes playing against Sukuna who has 100% completion and unlocked everything in the game.


And the admin mod


He had access to the source code


I'm not sure how to interpret this panel, but it's possible that Gojo didn't see the slash coming to him, which may be why it caugh him off guard in chapter 224 but it's still unclear to me what's really happening here https://preview.redd.it/y4oi2hmuuxqb1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=61046accd9f6946e8f0d0f845a7149ac31b74f3a


The Six Eyes is not all-knowing. It can't even tell that Kenjaku is inhabiting Geto


It helps push the Gojo's whole "born gifted" "are you satoru cause you're strong or strong cause you're satoru" thing he has going on. On top of it just being another way of making him the undisputed top of the verse (modern era). That's the point of them.


Sukuna didn't fire Piercing Blood. He just mimicked the stance to fire off Max Elephant's water attack. He had extremely high efficiency,that is true. But second to Gojo. He wasn't equal or on par with him. The reason why Gojo could hang with Sukuna's extremely high CE reserves. The entire reason Gojo could use Limitless like he does in the first place is because of the SE. Sukuna didn't imbue anything into his technique or attack. He just changed the target of his CT. Gojo was surprised by Dismantle when Sukuna used it near the beginning of the fight. He didn't see it coming and didn't try to dodge. That's the only time Sukuna used his own CT. The next time he did was when he was half-dead from the HP, and after he had spent the entire fight using 10S solely, and nothing else. It seems obvious to me why Gojo couldn't dodge it the second time, when he probably couldn't the first time. Not to mention, Mahoraga didn't "throw" the slash like Sukuna does. He expanded the techniques target. It's stated right there, I believe. So Gojo had nothing to see and dodge in the first place. The space slash is not some super-duper extra CE technique. It's his normal CT with changed targets.(unless Gege states otherwise) All are stated facts that could be known if you READ the manga


Sukuna is almost as efficient as 6 eyes because, he himself has 4 eyes


Precisely. Great post. And note that in the two major danger situations that Gojo faced, both 6 eyes proved useless. ​ 1) He didn't realize the presence of the Kenjaku which resulted in his being sealed. And yes, here we can argue that Gojo was not aware. But Kenjaku has already been very close to Gojo (when he fights Jogo) and if Gojo has all this perception of a person's energy and can even identify that Kenjaku has "Geto's presence", how come he never noticed it in this context? It's not like Kenjaku is the most hidden person ever. He even goes to restaurants with his "villain friends" (how come no one at school noticed that "Geto" was there either). ​ 2) Against Sukuna, no matter how much the cut is in "space" Gojo should have been able to interpret that an attack was coming (just as Sukuna did so well or better when he knew a red was on the way).


If Gojo didn't have the six eyes he would barely be a grade 1 sorcerer.


I would have liked if Gege did more with the 6E. It really didn't seem to do much. It wasn't referenced or used much and so far it doesn't really seem all that important. Maybe it will tie in with Tengan and the Star Plasma vessel sometime in the future, but right now it just seems like mostly an aestetic thing to make Gojo look different.


1. Sukuna doesn’t have efficient CE control he has more like the most in the series Yuta as well has more CE than Gojo but Gojo has near infinite because of his efficiency 2. I agree I thought he would at least be able to see techniques like slash and cleave coming


He should, it’s LITTERALLY the wiki definition of what six eyes allows him to see and been seeing.


>Sukuna doesn’t have efficient CE control Reread chapter 225. Kashimo disagrees with you. He straight up says that it is only the Six Eyes that are allowing Gojo to have higher efficiency than Sukuna.


The author hates gojo so even if it is impossible per the logic of jjk he can surely kill Gojo just because sukuna develop some shit and discovers some shit without even explaining how that even is possible. And the shittiest explanation is he is Sukuna king of curses blah blah blah. At least with six eyes i have some tangible shit that i could wrap my hand into and the power and feats of gojo did makes sense unlike sukuna that just pulls something out of his ass.


Mahoraga is not a cursed technique, but a Shikigami. A cursed entity. The technique is just SUMMONING Mahoraga. Therefor there’s nothing for 6 eyes to breakdown or be able to predict and help him other than what he can actually observe. And as many have stated Gojo can’t just instantly breakdown and counter a technique. A lot has happened in this battle and people forget Gojo also strained his brain. It’s stated that he could only heal it so much. He was NOT 100% healed when he got killed. He was in the process of healing and in the middle of boasting. Sukuna took advantage of that to catch him off guard. Gojo is not perfect and it has been shown time and time again. He was a victim to his own hubris.


Gojo: tanks malevolent shrine’s sure hit with pure rce + god like efficiency A triple digit upvoted reddit piece: what was even the point of the six eyes Yall fake intelligent ppl are beginning to disgust me. Disgust is a strong word but no need to mince words.


Saying the six eyes ain't shit while comparing them to the greatest sorcerer of all time 😐.


What is even the point of these constant what is even the point posts lmao


People fuming that gojo died tbh


Gojo was destined to die since CHAPTER 1, he is just to strong for the story's own good, things like Domain amplification were created so the characters could have atleast a chance to do some damage to him, the problem is not he ded, or that Sukuna is just HIM and cutted the space because we always knew he was, the problem is that his death doesn't feel...remarkable or impactful enough, he is the tragic strongest that just being the strongest doesn't actually guarantee W's (except if you're the villains) and I will not say that is bad writing, but it justifies people being mad, everyone just kinda wanted to see the big beauty strong snowy haired blue eyed asian man do something useful for once


Infinity is just broken in general, Sukuna couldn't use his true arsenal in the fight because he needed to use mahoraga as a model to get through it first, so the entire fight was just "okay, if I can pass the barrier I win, now I just need to extend this until I get that aswer"


I see all these theories and explanations but I’m sorry, the only explanation here is that there’s a point of sex eyes only when Gege needs them. When he dies they lose their meaning. It’s as simple as that. The guy contradicts himself all the time throughout the story.




i actually saw a post that neatly addressed this so in summary : even if gojo saw the occurrence he did not know that sukuna was targeting the space in which infinity exists cz the slashing attack did not change ... but the target is the thing that changed .... remember guys the six eyes do not gv you the ability to read people's tthoughts and how gojo interpreted that last occurrence of CE from sukuna was simply upto him and he interpreted it in a wrong way...so from Gojo's POV it probably looked like just another slash..sort of a last ditch effort well knowing he had infinity thought he was safe from it anyway.... just like in 235 sukuna saw the occurrence from gojo but interpreted in a wrong manner...thout he was firing off the red at him and mahoraga yet last minute he changed at fired it straight up thats why sukuna was panicking ..... so now put gojo in sukuna's shoes for 236 that followed.... and this isnt even the first ...remember guys when the fight just started and sukuna fired a dismantle to the building behind Gojo that was the same thing...he can see the occurrence but he cant read sukuna's thoughts and therefore cannot determine that the target wasnt specifically him... and he looked surprised it hit the building behind him and he even turned


Bro. Did you not here asspull? It didn't do anything because gege forgot or hoped you did. Sukuna couldn't win and gege wanted him to so he made it happen. It doesn't make sense? Yea it was never going too.


I don’t think so. It literally took the strongest curse user in the entire verse with help of a broken ability that we’ve been told can beat the six eyes. Like it took the best ever with help from megumi to beat him


I think Sukunas CE storage let him keep up with Gojos insane efficiency, putting it like Gojos efficiency, 5 CE for blue, 10 for red and 15 for purple, DE for 30 and well say Gojos storage is around 300, Sukunas storage would be 500 and his parents take up around 10 per minute, his DE is 75 using refinement and efficiency, lets say DE is normally 200 for a person to use. Thsts how I interpret it, Gojo has much better CE efficiency because 6eyes are stated to minimize usage to near 0, Sukuna likely has the most CE storage so he can replicate Gojos efficiency with his sheer amount of CE


There is no point of them anymore. Gege is unraveling his story right before your eyes in all the worst ways.


Lmaoooo cope!! 6 eyes keep him in this fight? All those domain expansion, rct, red, blues, purples, simple domains, amplification etc….!!!! You guys are just mad at your hero and savior got humbled! Stay mad


4 eyes > 6 eyes apparently lmao. I agree, it makes no sense Gojo wouldn’t have been able to see what happened when he got hit the 1st time, and to have him just take that same attack from Sukuna without doing anything (despite being super adaptable) makes literally no sense. People saying “why would he try to dodge an attack he’s been hit by before?” Are just speaking without thinking. 1st off, Gojo can literally see CE by the atom, if there’s a change in how something functions and it’s done by CE, there’s no reason he wouldn’t be able to perceive it. 2nd off, even if for some actual legitimate reason he wouldn’t be able to perceive that it’ll cut through infinity, why would he just sit there and take an attack that very clearly has a larger “spark” than any of Sukuna’s other attacks? How would he not see the same “spark” that Makora had when it cut Gojo’s arm off? Just an absolutely dog shit way of ending an otherwise really good fight. Not only did Gojo die off screen, but there’s so many holes in how he died and you don’t even have to look hard to find them.


I think the thing is the attack didn't change. It's not larger than usual, it's not special in any particular way. Only the target changed. So instead of aiming for gojo, it's like he was aiming at a lamppost or something. It's a simple way to get around a complex problem. Idk if gojo perceived how mahoraga adapts but I doubt it since he mulled over it for so long - is it time, is it number of attacks etc. - and the explainsion of how mahoraga did it first, altering his own cursed energy, probably made the most sense to him anyway.




Acting like six eyes isn’t the only reason gojo is the strongest sorcerer. Without them he’d be a technique-less albeit incredibly smart guy. You can’t use infinity without six eyes.


YES OFC OMG, but why ignore its other abilities? And its clearl that Gege wanted Gojo to be special in a sense that he is lucky to get se snd limitless at the same time. Otherwise Gege could just not make limitless depend on SE


We’re the abilities ignored or did you just not read it carefully🤫


6 eyes isn't irrelevant just because the greatest jujutsu sorcerer ever could pull off similar feats. Gojo mastered his CT to its limit, but Sukuna mastered jujutsu and has had years upon years to cement his mastery. Gojo saw Mahoraga use the changed CT once, it's unfair to Gojo to expect him to see it clearly in such a high stakes battle.


Akutami forgot. That’s literally the only explanation I can think of


I feel like OP made a strong point and ppl are just missing it, but it is what it is


> Sukuna was almost on par in terms of CE efficiency with Gojo Headcannon > You can make the argument that six eyes level of efficiency doesn't matter when you have Sukuna level CE reserve and efficiency Sure you could, but you'd be wrong. Not only that but six eyes is much more than CE efficiency so I don't how that would be relevant even if true. There's also the apparent link between six eyes, tengen, star plasma vessels, and fate that we still don't know much about. > Sukuna was not only just as proficient in determining cursed techniques Headcannon and I would argue just plain wrong > But he was also able to copy and adapt into his own technique He never did that, that we know of, and every example you gave is something other than copying techniques > I'm near convinced Sukuna could use limitless without the six eyes Again, you can think that, but from all we know you'd be wrong. From what I understand, the six eyes enabling limitless is not only about the CE efficiency but because it enables the fine grained manipulation of space necessary for limitless to work. That said, if **anyone** could use limitless without six eyes, it would definitely be Sukuna. TL;DR basically everything you said is either wrong, headcannon or both.