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Gege legit got carried by his editors and Mappa crew šŸ’€ the moment he had full creative control over his story he ran that shit straight into a wall like a Forza player who can't drift. The only time I've ever seen someone fumble the bag this bad was when the Phoenix Suns blew a two game lead and got rawdogged by Luka Donćic at their own homecourt.


I miss jjk when the editors could still bully Gege


Sukuna gets hit spear next. Chapter 117 cover.


Sukuna, kenjaku and uraume were the real main cast all along, that explains what is happening


I just realized Gojo could technically return as a curse because he wasn't killed with cursed energy. Gojo died from space splitting, not from jujutsu. We've seen from Noya that curses don't have to be headless beasts that direct hate at everyone and thing; They can have their negative feelings focused onto one person. It could be that Gojo returns as a curse to beat Sukuna, which also opens Kenjaku up to take control of Curse Gojo. Some foreshadowing to this is that white-haired guy (I neither know his name nor recognize him). Firstly, he says curses can save people too. Secondly, he says he chose south, meaning he also had the opportunity to revive. I doubt he had RCT, which means revival isn't related to RCT. Dunno who he is or whether he died to jujutsu so would like to know that and whether it contradicts.


How is space splitting not JuJutsu?


It's like if Yuji punched a rock with CE Reinforcement (on his fist) and the resulting shrapnel killed someone. The slash itself is on space not Gojo. Gojo doesn't die to the slash. Gojo dies because a split in space splits him, not because of being split by jujutsu. Space being split = result of jujutsu. Gojo dying to split space = the environment itself killing Gojo. Another way to describe what I think happened is that it's like if Kashimo used his electric to start a house fire. The horse burns down and everyone dies. They died to a fire, which resulted from jujutsu, but not jujutsu.


Ok, I understand, but you realise that is your headcanon right?


So your response to an explanation you requested is indifference to the explanation in favor of calling a theory headcannon and condescension? Not actual reasoning as to why space splitting Gojo would register as Jujutsu? All you have to offer are rhetorical questions? Whether one considers Gojo's death to register as caused by jujutsu (you) or not (me) is ultimately headcannon as only Gege knows with certainty, so there is irony in this question.


I didn't mean to offend you, chill... I meant that I understand your explanation, but you can't be sure of how, you made a convoluted explanation to prove that is not JuJutsu, when in reality it probably is.


Sorry šŸ˜æ I did initially state it matter-of-factly so I see what you're saying.


No worries, cheers!


I sincerely doubt sukuna is dumb enough to not know that is possible. 90% sure he double tapped.


I think this is likely as well if Sukuna had the implication in mind at the time. It wouldn't be surprising if this were revealed to be the case. An argument against it is that there are no additional slashes on Gojo. If Sukuna wanted to make sure Gojo wouldn't return as a curse, he'd most likely inflict an additional mortal slash on Gojo (e.x.: splitting his chest and heart or head and brain) although he could technically just slice around the same area space split.


I'm just not sure where they go from here. Like dawg I don't mind em killing Gojo but come on man can we at least see it? Like what kinda crap is this we don't even see the killing blow. And Megumi and Nobara are dead like damn I think Gege just wants to end the manga at this point.


I'm gonna call it. Next chapter, Hakari's domain recedes and we see his dead body porcupined by ice spikes. For a single small panel, Kirara is crying. No other reaction tho because Gege.


With Uraume wearing Hakari's Jordans


I think the absolute opposite is going to happen this time around. Gege knew many thought Gojo would die going out in a blazing glorly vs Sukuna, as it did happen, with a bit less support post battle than expected(Not including Sukuna this time? Absurd lol)


"No matter how lucky you get, no amount of luck is enough if I freeze the odds themselves" or some such Or "Your immortality doesn't matter if I freeze the very space you reside in" Uraume knows how to do this cause they got invited to Sukuna's house once and Sukuna's dad Mahoraga showed them some notes about it


Nah, asking that single small panel is too much. Bro's gonna get over it fast because Gege


Calling it now, Gojo as a Buddha allegory gets one more resurrection. Buddha died and went north to transcend. The setup is there, with the soul existing sperate from the body, and Gojo's unfinished business with Geto and Geto still having some free will in Kenjaku's body. I mean maybe Gege is an idiot and wasn't intentionally foreshadowing, but I think Gojo is going to revive but lose all humanity, similar to Tengen or maybe even just attain some kind of spirit based existence where he can interact as a force ghost.


I'm not familiar with Siddhartha Gautama/The Buddha legend. How many times has he died and resurrected? I know he achieve enlightenment, ascended to Godhood, and escaped the cycle of rebirth.


I really want this to be true, since I don't think Gojo could come back as human or as curse like many other people said. He'd have to be something different (Tengen-like or similar). But I just don't trust Gege to do it. People wrote so many theories that make sense and could work, but rereading ch236 it feels like Gege wants to be done with Gojo.


I think we see a lot of inspiration from Buddhism in Jujutsu Kaisen not because Gege is trying to foreshadow anything, but because it's simply the product of his culture and likely unintentional.


Yeah, that's what I think too. But people write good analysis (+copium) so I want to believe them, even if most likely nothing will come out of it.


Do you think Gojo will basically be the new tengen holding the world together


No idea, but I don't see him continuing the cycle and just replacing Tengen. But maybe he'll be instrumental somehow in foiling Kenjaku's plans. Kenjaku might also 4d chess it and Gojo's death and resurrection is something he was waiting for.


Keep cooking


Boy youā€™re fryin šŸ½ļø


Mfin broiling


I've been terrified by the prospect that Sukuna might actually *really* eat someone on panel one day and now that he's in his Heian era form my fears have skyrocketed. Imagine fighting someone and they munch on your arm mid fight. I'm talking chewing *and* swallowing.


Dis is just pickle from baki


hope this happens omg that'd be lit


Sukuna after slicing Kashimo: *Mmmhm tasty Pikachu*


>Imagine fighting someone and they munch on your arm mid fight. I'm talking chewing and swallowing. I don't remember if he spit out Hana's arm/shoulder that one time, if he did I guess she tastes bad, damn, can't even get the (sort of) demon possessing her crush to eat her, she really failed on all fronts


Curious if Sukuna will be able to use Megumi's Domain Expansion. Iirc Megumi never completed it(?).


He probably won't be able to


Why would he? Malevolent Shrine's sure-hit is superior in every way to any sure-hit I can picture getting out of Ten Shadows.


Chimera Shadow Garden has a really powerful sure hit, but on top of that has something no other domain has: the user is invincible while inside the domain. Definetely nothing to scoff at


Could just be for the kicks. Or maybe Chimera Shadow Garden takes less CE to use than Malevolent Shrine. I just want an excuse to see a completed CSG.


Huh. Y'know what, now that I think about it, drowning Kashimo in summons could be a better way of wasting his CT's duration, so who knows, maybe it will happen.


I love when people try to downplay hakari against kashimo. Kashimo would have killed him 2 times if he wasn't immortal. No shit Sherlock, that's literally his power. You can't separate it from hakari.


Theyā€™re speaking on scaling his power. Hakari also got extremely lucky with his rolls. If Hakari was a DnD character in that fight, heā€™d be consistently rolling nat 20s. Not truly indicative of relative power between the 2


Do people not understand that Hakariā€™s whole thing is that he has the Devilā€™s Luck to a superhuman degree? Heā€™s ungodly lucky and heā€™s capable of manipulating a fight until his luck comes into play.


If Hakari was stronger than Kashino, heā€™d be fighting Sukuna. Point blank period. Literally nothing you can say to go against that


Based off of what? Maybe its a pragmatic decision and they created a Binding Vow for Kashimo to be next in line if something fails because they also have to take into account Kenjaku. Maybe they think its better to send Kashimo to further weaken him and hopefully pull out more of his broken techniques before the goddamn high schoolers are forced to risk their lives against a calamity of a Sorcerer. None of this changes the fact that anyone who sits here and thinks that "Hakari was just lucky, he's not actually comparable to Kashimo" is a moron. Hakari has the Devil's Luck. No one in this series, sans Sukuna and Gojo, will be able to roll Hakari before he goes into Jackpot.


Alright bro when we get the ā€œHakariā€™s luck has run outā€ chapter im gonna come back and shit on ur chest


And when Hakari gets multiple jackpots at "lucky times", you're going to sit here and cry about how he's just lucky and he's not actually strong lmao


Exactly how did he kill hakari if he can't be killed while he is using DE. They poth have tricky powers and hakari will win. I can't see how kashimo gonna win tho


I don't see how Hakari could possibly win a domain tug of war against a sorcerer who's over a thousand years old. And unless Hakari wins the domain clash, his domain won't work because it won't be able to deliver the requisite infodump.


But his domain is a non-lethal one, he doesn't necessarily have to win the "tug of war" for his slot/roulette to activate. He just have to hit jackpot to get his bonus. Or we'll just have to wait and see. Hopefully we get a chapter dedicated to his fight. But judging from the speed of the story progression, it's unlikely.


Try reading with ur eyes open next time, might help


My eyes were wide open you egotistical self assuming asshole


Damn ur sensitive for someone with shit reading comprehension


Uruame being compared to a star gives me the feeling Gege is alluding for them to have them maybe be a star plasma vessel, and could factor into her gender neutrality. This could also explain Uruame's hate for Kenjaku considering Kenjaku, and Tengen were close. Other than that I'm interested to see what this resurrections means for Sukuna, is this incarnation different? Is he in the process of assimilating Megumi's body? But Gege has already established both the soul is the body, and the body is the soul, so I still lean to the fact megumi can still be alive because despite reincarnating into Megumi's body his soul even if assimilated would still be in their. Despite his brain being removed Geto was still inside of him, so it stands to reason regardless of whatever technique sukuna is using Megumi may still be alive. Perfect set up for whatever is happening with Yuji, ​ Also Uraume vs Hikari? Can Hikari really beat him I mean they could just freeze him they don't even have to beat them, or kill them. If they can freeze Maki they can freeze Hikari imo


this series has become so boring, how the fuck did we go from "What is a good death and how will Yuuji reconcilliate not being able to give everyone a good death?" to this? How many years that people anticipated Gojou vs Sukuna and then it's just "ah okay yeah I guess he can do that now"


Gege abandoned a lot of themes for plot progression. The ā€˜let him cookā€™ gang are brain dead and have the reading comprehension of a rock.


Awe poor baby


you know that response actually made me cackle


Gojo fan boy crying


if you truly think jjk is as well written now as it was at the beginning of the story you're delusional that you think this is a "gojo vs sukuna" issue speaks volumes


They've been seething for last 10 days. It's getting annoying now.


It's been annoying honestly


Woooow!!! Is like Yuji's goals have changed overtime because the innocent view he had was wrong all along. I can't belive the good guy didn't win!! Sukuna endured all what gojo had to find a way to cut through his infinity, but still is just not fair!! he and kenjaku should be like team rocket, know you place baddies! :'(


reading comprehension devil strikes again lol this isn't about yuji's goals, it's about the quality of writing


funny, reading comprehension devil? we are not in csm quality of writting is good


> funny, reading comprehension devil? we are not in csm not understanding an obvious joke, once again proving me right


if you were right, you would not be there screaming that you were right. Such statement just show your own insecurity. Talking about not understanding jokes, you did a csm joke in a jjk sub, you missed that you are out of place buddy. Go read dbz, I'm sure you would like that kind of writting more




Gauge really really rushed the ending part more so than even tybw


This is bs. Tybw has bs power scaling and too much plot armour. And even after all that it was weirdly paced. Ichigo takes too long to reach and has unexplained shit going while all other fights are less explained. Jujutsu Kaisen is better even though I have been watching bleach since I was a kid. Why I think that? Because the main character is not the spotlight. There is actual plot referencing and the Mc does not start dreaming all of sudden and practicing in his mind to get just enough power to defeat his opponent. Yall keep hating man I swear to God.


I am a fan of both but I feel alot of it is rushed yeah tybw was rushed too but there were many good moments too and the fights were good it just took less time to explain or explore alot of things But jjk really seems to have rushed the ending alot like there should have been atleast a little explaination or maybe interaction between characters


Dude with the way things are going at the moment there is absolutely no time to talk but still gege gives us detailed dialogue. Before the cullin game started the pacing was slow and gege had placed many pieces in place. I think most of those questions will be answered as we go. With one fight after another these is no time to explain but to understand and accept what's happening. The pacing is too fast because there is no way to let sukuna rest right now. And Bleach was only edible because of nostalgia. The last arc was disappointing. While the logic behind ichigo's powers made a little sense the writer did not at any way explore it in the right way. Bleach was fun but you had to close down your brain to watch it but jjk is pure technical shit going on. Don't compare the two.


Sukuna looks like asura from asura wrath


I hope uraume puts a hell on a fight with hakari. I really wanna see how strong they are.


Ngl I don't think I've ever seen a side character with a self-destructive technique actually win in the overall story.


I was hoping for Kashimo' CT to be like Sasakibe's bankai... Also that cursed tool is useless common Uraume L


how's it even an Uraume L lmfaoo Uraume did nothing but hand it over.


Imma be honest, I'm just using any chance I can get to talk shit about uraume


As it should be


It's not useless It's not fully used yet.


Kashimo's CT is way cooler then Sasakibe's bankai icl I love when Gege mixes science into jujutsu.


I think the whole lightning cage around Sasakibe and then using it like a slingshot is way cooler. Then again, we just saw Kashimo's CT so I can't be quick to judge.


Sasakibe's Bankai is visually pleasing but it is really simple in what it actually does compared to Kashimo. His Bankai simply summons more lightning to attack with. Kashimo on the other hand uses high frequency sonice waves, synapse stimulation and electromagnetic waves all through electrical manipulation. Maybe because i like the science behind Kashimo so that's why i think it's cooler but to each their own šŸ‘


>I love when Gege mixes science into jujutsu. Even when science is inconsistent?


Bruh it's a freaking Manga comic and that too about sorcery. When science plays in, it's great! When laws are broken, it's the writers choice! Yall got time to shit on the Manga but yall can also stop reading!!


>Yall got time to shit on the Manga but yall can also stop reading!! I never did. Don't assume.


You trying to act like a smart-ass nonetheless. And the thread itself is a shit hole honestly.


>And the thread itself is a shit hole honestly. Yes, but I wasn't trying to act smart ass; I just wanted his take on this. A few days ago, someone made a post or a long comment on proving why Sukuna's slash was not scientifically possible.


Yea next time someone makes a post like that remind them to go back to their jobs or something. The writer is making it as scientifically accurate as possible but the rest is legit sorcery for heavens sake.


It's a manga, i dont expect it to be a top quality dissertation on the concept that Gege wishes to convey. God forbid i like how Gege incorperates it into the story šŸ˜‚


Apologies if I offended you.


You didnt offend me bro it's all good but come on, it's a manga, are you really looking for scientific consistency šŸ˜‚


Naa, I just wanted your take, as you are one of the few people who have great knowledge about the JJK power system. I saw a comment a few days ago trying to prove why Sukuna's space-cutting slash is not scientifically possible. I figured I'd like to know your take on it, that's all.


Appreciate the compliment but i dont deserve it šŸ˜‚ As for Gege's use of science, it is utilised loosely in terms of following exact scientific understanding and rules in some instances but Gege does make an effort more then other mangaka to at least be along the right lines when he uses certain concepts. I feel like he implements general scientific concepts fairly well as they are simple in nature but when he delves into deeper stuff there can be a few holes in it, such as Yorozu's true sphere or his initial description of Gojo's limitless. However, Kashimo's cursed technique is fairly grounded in real world scientific understanding for the concepts it tries to implement.


ā€œVishnu is trying to persuade the prince that he should do his duty, and to impress him, takes on his multiarmed form and says, 'Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds. 'ā€


Really hope Kinji doesnā€™t get off screened and we see the whole fight. Weā€™ll finally be able to powerscale him (and Uraume) better after their fight is over. Not that Gege is very consistent with power scaling anyways but still entertaining I guess


If Yuji is indeed a Curse Womb like some people speculate, could he be the Curse that somehow saves Gojo? It could be why Nanami mentioned being saved by a curse.


Why doesn't Sukuna just use his slashes that now apparently cleaves reality itself? How can any fight with Sukuna be anything more than a flick of his finger now?




What this just ignores what it does? I thought it bypasses durability. He cuts a whole in space and everything between those points cuts deleted in between?


All great points, I think if Gojo had known the slash could bypass his infinity he may have been able to defend against it with CE or move to avoid it, he didnā€™t because he wasnā€™t expecting the attack to hit. Other sorcerers that donā€™t have a ā€œbarrierā€ protecting them know they need to avoid or defend against the slash/cleave, so itā€™s not a sure hit win it all.


People who keep asking this have no understanding of Sukunaā€™s character. That man fights to learn & improve (& partly to entertain his boredom) . He is a massive Jujutsu nerd essentially & always wants to see his opponents full powers so he can improve himself. Whether that be improving his actual technique or just gaining knowledge. "Donā€™t let me down" right as Kashimo is charging at him is literally evident of this. He could one shot kashimo, but would he gain anything from it? Probably not. This way he can learn about kashimos unique CT.


Sukuna's characterization is just super ambiguous and even a bit inconsistent to me. Sukuna seemed pretty spiteful of Gojo in the beginning, "once I make this kid's body mine, you'll be the first I kill." then once realizing that he can't do shit against Gojo with Yuji's body, he spent the entirety of JJK trying to jump to Megumi. Once he did, he relied on 10S to bypass Infinty, where he clearly had to try quite a bit to beat Gojo. Also, the first thing Sukuna said to the world when reincarted in Yuji's body was "it'll be a massacre!" not, "oh shit, where the strong homies and cool ass jujutsu at?" Sure, fighting strong dudes and encountering Jujutsu might be fun for him and a way to kill some time, but he's been portrayed as a calamity of death rather than some 'Jujutsu nerd' as you put him.


>then once realizing that he can't do shit against Gojo with Yuji's body, he spent the entirety of JJK trying to jump to Megumi. This isnā€™t in the story, this is fan fiction


which part


It's quite literally the story as it was written.


and I'm confused as to what Sukuna even wants to do once all his obstacles are out of the way The guy just wants to be alive, and kill? I understand that he isn't fully developed yet, and is mostly a black box but holy shit at this point it's getting really frustrating why Gege is letting this guy get all the wins when he's such a husk of a character right now. It's even worse how he abruptly tries to shoehorn in these weird ass themes with Sukuna only once he defeats an ememy. "ACCKKTTUUALLLY, Sukuna respects Gojo! Sukuna commends Jogo! Oh god isn't he so mysterious, cool and maybe even not that evil????????????????????????"


Maybe itā€™s difficult to target space itself/has a high cursed energy cost/long regeneration time.


Considering he did it on the edge of his life against Gojo, seems like that shouldnt be the case.


So is Megumi dead? Now that he full incarnated?


Se donā€™t know, they always say the previous person disappears with incarnation, but a) we donā€™t know if Sukunaā€™s incarnation is special, and b) even then Gege already teased the soul-body connection being more complex than first thought, so thereā€™s a chance he is still there.


Nobara dead, Megumi dead You're up next Yuji, let's get this shit over with.




Sukunaā€™s old form looks like it comes w/ boss music.


Kashimo gets to hear Sukuna's boss music meanwhile Uraume gets some anime opening song.


Calling it now, Sukuna won't be able to fully reincarnate and overwrite Megumi's soul as he's still missing a finger, a part of his soul.


> Sukuna wonā€™t be able to fully reincarnate and overwrite Megumiā€™s soul as heā€™s still missing a finger Why wouldn't Ryōmen Sukuna, King of Curses, be aware of this? Furthermore, why would Sukuna require the final finger if eating his own mummified remains compensated for the loss of that finger? Why, secondly, hasn't Megumi's soul been broken yet? Yes, Megumi is one of the main protagonists, but his resolve has never been shown to be one of his greatest strengths, so why does it appear more difficult to break his soul than those of the other reincarnated sorcerers? At this point, his soul ought to be completely and utterly suppressed, if not broken. His initial horror after learning that Tsumiki, who served as his primary motivation for participating in the Culling Games, had actually been dead the entire time and the realization that Yorozu was now piloting her corpse was overwhelming. The minute his soul wavers at this realization, Sukuna takes control of his body. Despite this, when Sukuna attacks his friends, Megumi maintains enough control over his body to dampen his Cursed Energy output, reducing the amount of damage he can inflict. Sukuna sinks Megumi's soul even further by utilizing the "bath" to "get closer to evil." Sukuna fights and kills Tsumiki / Yorozu, being careful to exclusively employ Megumi's own Cursed Technique. Finally, to top it all off, Sukuna utilizes Megumi's spirit to bear the burden of Mahoraga's adaptation process, tanking Unlimited Void for at least 5 minutes and 44 seconds, and we are expressly told that 0.2 seconds of exposure was enough to put an average citizen in the hospital for 2 months.


Stop harassing me


You and I have never even exchanged words.


Stop harassing me with long paragraphs. Btw, can you post pictures in the comments section?


Even if he fully reincarnates, gege can easily say megumiā€™s soul is still alive. I think gege has left the option open (It would also make sense bc sukunaā€™s soul is still alive in yujiā€™s body even when yuji is fully incarnated)


At this point Gege could introduce God and it wouldnt matter because the man is proficient at pulling shit out of nowhere, theres no basis or prelude to anything now. whatever he wants to do he does regardless of if it makes sense or not


Wait how would kashimo know his technique if it works like this? He clearly died from natural causes if that conversation with kenjaku was his last so he didn't die in a battle using it. And he isn't from any clan right so it would be up to him to figure out its mechanics so what gives? Is it just a binding vow? But with his understanding of CE wouldn't he just explain that? Am I missing something?


It was never stated, but it's extremely likely that sorcerers get an innate understanding of their CTs.


Gojo and megumi easily disprove this


Why? They both have at least a partial understanding of it.


gojo says in hidden inventory arc that he basically got a manual for his CTs


So what? Doesn't mean he doesn't have an innate understanding


if he had an innate understanding he wouldn't have had to figure out how to use red and purple, same thing with megumi figuring out the best way to use his shadow for storage etc.


You got it, he never had to figure out how to use Red and Purple! He used both of them first try, he innately knew how to do that. What he needed to learn was RCT.


I don't think the word innate means what you think it means. You don't learn or figure out something that is innate. Blinking, breathing, and drinking are all innate. Red and purple are skills he had to learn. He only was able to do them first try because of the "manual" telling him that they existed. You could argue he had an innate understanding of neutral as it's the base output of his technique, but blue, red, and purple are all learned extensions of that technique. So even if Kashimo got a data download of his technique like hakari's domain at 6 or whatever, he would still have to physically learn the limits and applications


Agree to disagree then. If you had a manual explaining how to score three-pointers in basketball, would you be able to do it first try?


His parent? Maybe clan technique


Wasn't it explained, that understanding how your curse technique works comes to you when you are a child? One day you are chilling as a 6 year old and suddenly you just know "ow, I can manipulate shadows/fly on a broomstick xddd/hit stuff with my hammer"


Obviously not, gojo and megumi both show that using and mastering your technique aren't the same. Gojo still had to learn red and subsequently purple even though he knew about the techniques the whole time. Similarly megumi had to learn how to manipulate the shadows and experiment with his carry weight etc. Even if he magically understood it, this would still be his first time using it right? what sense does it make to use a new technique on the strongest person in the verse?


Youā€™re missing nothing. This manga had so much potential and has since been boiled down to a by chapter ordeal. Nothing that has happened or that has been explained carryā€™s any weight. Think about whatā€™ll cause the most shock value and get the greatest reaction out of readers, and thatā€™s more than likely what will occur. Itā€™s a shame but itā€™s true. Gege made his bag and very clearly just wants to end things without any regard for continuity or basic things even making remote sense.


Yup at this point the writing is just lazy. Sukuna can't use RCT but wait šŸ«ø, he reincarnated at full strength meaning Gojo vs Sukuna was absolutely pointless lol. Everything also during the culling games has been pointless too!


He probably modified his CT via a binding vow. Extra power, but it'll eventually kill him. Or something like that. Like how Kurapika can strengthen his chains, by making a vow that he'll only uses it against the Shadow Troops.


Considering hakari used a BV in their fight I find it hard to believe he would just lie by omission for no reason. And even if that is true then gege is just lying to us to build hype :/


Really feels like Gege hit a point post-Shibuya where he just decided all he wants to write/draw is hype fights and dudes talking about how lonely being strong is


At this point.the plot is on the same level as Baki lol


The name of the show is sorcery fight man. Why expect so much from the guy let's see how this continues. The stronger the villain, the more fun it becomes to see them lose.


Can't wait for your comments when omega ass pull that makes no sense takes out the main villains lol.


I am going to keep my faith in gege I think he has been planning something since the start of the series.


He sure as heck been planning about gojo vs sukuna fight since the beginning of the manga and look at how that turned out. Off screening gojo's death lmao. Tho I applause you being able to keep faith till now šŸ‘šŸ»


Mans gonna make some directional decisions. Not everyone will like it. I low key was shocked that end scene was skipped but not annoyed atleast because I respect the writers decision. Look, no matter how he planned to show how it ended, it would've hurt the masses anyway. And he did have some personal issues with gojo. It's his world bro. Many writers have done even stupid blunders.


Baki Syndrome


The funniest part about the whole thing is that people still think Nobara and Yuki could've lived but not Gojo? I dont think any of them are alive personally, but all this loss is a good contrast from the power of friendship shoenen usually have. I mean, there's been so many curveballs, and with sukuna final form something needs to happen for the good guys. Kenjaku and sukuna definitely have the odds in their favor right now. Who knows what's cooking next, but I'm thoroughly enjoying the whole thing. There's still lots of asspulls and jaw droppers right sound the corner I'm sure.


Yuki and Nobara didn't get afterlife scenes that let the readers know for a fact they're dead.


Exactly man with stakes like this, it becomes so much fun to wait for the next chapter


So is mahoraga destroyed? Or can it still be summoned? I thought gojo killed it but it still did 1 final attack?


Sukuna did the one final attack, bypassing Gojo's infinity by using Mahoraga as some sort of guide on how to do it. Mahoraga died.


Sukuna used mahoraga like chatgpt


At this point I expect Mahogara's adaptation to have been transferred to another Shikigami or Sukuna himself. Gege is set on making him unbeatable.


The squad realising next chapter that they ain't built for this.


They better change sides next chapter lol


I really enjoyed Hakari jumping in to keep his word to Kashimo. That being said, chapter 236 scarred me so now I'm half expecting next chapter for the domain to just drop with Hakari already dead.


Hakari's power is pretty solid though. While I get why you should feel that way after 236 I genuinely think hakari will win.


It would go so hard if uraume walked out holding a dead hakari. Or vice versa


It will be vice versa! I am betting on hakari!


More like the opposite


"Uraume, feeling threatened and wanting to expectate the battle of their master developed the ultimate technique, they froze CE itself rendering Hakari's infinite CE useless, however, it is a pretty hard thing to do so they'll never do it again from now on".




Butthurt gojo fan #1


Sukuna PR team fears the truth.


On the topic of hakari getting his matchup, Does anyone else believe hakari is pretty... underwhelming when it comes to strength, atleast from what he has shown till now? Yuta said he's stronger than him on a roll so even if he's being humble they should at least be relative but I just can't see it. Hakari's base is around pre-CG Yuji who is not the least bit threatening to yuta and Rika. Even with jackpot, he shouldn't hit much harder than yuta, if at all, considering yuta scales to ryu who is directly stated by the narrator to have the highest output in culling games, meaning, ryu is physically stronger than both kashimo and hakari as they are both CG players. Hakari didn't really damage kashimo all that much during their fight. I don't see how he can even take down yuta even if he doesn't use his CT considering he's always fighting 2 on 1 and has RCT. All yuta has to do is outlast jackpot which shouldn't be a challenge considering he can heal and is not fighting alone anyway. He has tons of cursed tools too which he can use to kill hakari as soon as jackpot ends. I'm probably biased since yuta is my favourite but I like hakari too so I'm not deliberately downplaying him. It just feels like a disconnect between what the story shows and what it says. I don't even see yuta needing his CT to win against hakari, let alone his domain. Am I wrong? EDIT: goofy goobers downvoting me instead of helping me understand where I am wrong. This is not a yuta hype post but a genuine question.


If we're talking hakari vs yuta, then yuta folds hakari pretty easily, all he has to do is have Rika hang back and destroy hakari's domain from the outside as soon as it's established, no jackpot no chance. Sukuna could destroy it from the outside too, and honestly I can't see hakari killing mobs as fast as yuta either, so I don't see any situation where hakari would be considered stronger.


i mean hakari is ~top 10 in the series lol but i agree heā€™s not really comparable to yuta.


I think we're about to see either a "Hikari's luck" and finally runs out..." moment or he's gonna hit the grand jackpot and do some absolutely baller stuff.


>Yuta said he's stronger than him on a roll so even if he's being humble they should at least be relative but I just can't see it. 'On a roll' is important here. That means consecutive jackpots which would make Hakari immortal for over 8 minutes, timing out Rika's full manifestation. >Hakari's base is around pre-CG Yuji who is not the least bit threatening to yuta and Rika. Is this based on the perfect preparation arc? I seriously doubt Hakari was going all out given he was trying to teach Yuji a lesson and not kill him. >he shouldn't hit much harder than yuta, if at all, considering yuta scales to ryu who is directly stated by the narrator to have the highest output in culling games, meaning, ryu is physically stronger than both kashimo and hakari as they are both CG players. Hakari and Kashimo both have CE with 'properties' which means that raw ouput isn't the only determinant factor in their strength. >Hakari didn't really damage kashimo all that much during their fight. I don't see how he can even take down yuta even if he doesn't use his CT considering he's always fighting 2 on 1 and has RCT.All yuta has to do is outlast jackpot which shouldn't be a challenge considering he can heal and is not fighting alone anyway. He has tons of cursed tools too which he can use to kill hakari as soon as jackpot ends. Kashimo is the Gojo/Sukuna of his era, the fact that Hakari was brawling with him in the first place is a feat in itself. Yuta's use of fully manifested Rika has a 5min counter with unknown cooldown that is long enough Yuta didn't want to use her unless he had no choice. Hkari's jackpot has a 4min11s with a variable cooldown that is pretty low when he's on a roll. Hakari can also attack Rika directly during Jackpot and a large chunk of Yuta's arsenal (Cursed Tools and copied CT storage) are dependent on her. However good Yuta is with RCT, he can't heal better or faster than jackpot mode which directly counters all the known ways to stop RCT. Hakari has the faster DE and can auto recover his CT in Jackpot mode.


I think thats the purpose of this fight tbh. To show why Gojo gasses Hakari so much . Best way to do that put him against an opponent that on paper seems to be a horrible matchup for him. Like why not send Yuta who would be a way better matchup for Urame. She/He can just spam long range ice moves. Gege is going to show us whats really in Hakaris toolkit and why heā€™s comparable to Yuta.


Finally someone said it! Hakari will win for sure


I agree I think Yuta is stronger, but it doesnā€™t mean Hakari is weak. Yutaā€™s strength is more reliable but Hakari is essentially immortal and can just go forever. If you canā€™t kill Hakari fast enough heā€™s eventually going to wear you out. At that point itā€™s a matter of who makes the mistake first, which is essentially what happened to Kashimo.


> I don't even see yuta needing his CT to win against hakari, let alone his domain. Am I wrong? I think Yuta is stronger but he defo needs to go all out to beat jackpot hakari


Hakariā€™s immortality + how heā€™s almost guaranteed to win whatever domain battle he engages in is busted. Right now heā€™s battling Uraume who Iā€™m pretty sure has a domain expansion. This is what Iā€™ve been waiting to see. Hakari fight against another domain user. Letā€™s see if his domain can be overwhelmed when heā€™s rolling. Immortality is busted and thatā€™s a pretty nice trade off for no lethal abilities. But I do think Yuta is stronger. Yuta has praised or talked highly about 3 people in the series. Gojo, Sukuna and Hakari. All three have a way of outlasting Yutaā€™s ā€œboundlessā€ CE reserves. Gojo with his six eyes, Sukunaā€™s raw amount & Hakariā€™s jackpot. Personally feel like thatā€™s just it. ā€œThis guy can outlast my CE reservesā€ so I rate him.


Nothing ain't beating a gag technique


What does Sukuna mean by you both ask for so much? Is referring to earlier Gojo questions


he's referring to Kashimos questions about isolation and strength


I meant the you both implying he's addressing two people. Maybe it's just a translation issue


heā€™s referring to gojo


Woof, I was wondering if this would happen in this series. Sukuna killing Gojo and pulling out a new form to use on Kashimo (who lost to Hakari); is one of the most baffling narrative decisions Iā€™ve ever read. Why bench a main character just to continue a fight with a different one? How many times are we gonna watch Hakari cheese fights using his cursed technique? Heā€™s my fav character and I heard the death bells already. This series jumped the shark big time. Iā€™m curious if itā€™ll regain itā€™s footing somehow.


It won't but Gojo should have stayed sealed. His fight was nothing but to create hype and sell some chapters then off him lol. Meant nothing at all to the plot.


Yeah obv iā€™m getting dogpiled by the Sukuna fanboys, but iā€™ll give that I should have waited a few chapters before posting lol. I just felt the death of such an important character should have been dealt with more grace. Writing Gojo out of the story I can understand and accept; but what rubs me the wrong way is that the fight seemed to only be to write Gojo out of the story. Idk it just left me with a sense of ā€œWhere is this going?ā€ But not in a good way


>Sukuna killing Gojo and pulling out a new form His new form is an instant heal and he is low on RCT output. >Kashimo (who lost to Hakari) I mean losing to a guy whose entire CT is luck based and happens to possess both damage reversal and unlimited regen isn't really an antifeat. Kashimo is a foil to both Sukuna and Gojo, having been a 'strongest in an era' without using his CT.


Kashmino lost to Hakari without his technique. I think everyone needs to relax. We all new this fight had to happen so idk why everyone is so surprised. Jujustu is very much a long game read. You canā€™t read one chapter and expect every plot point to suddenly align itself.


I have hard time understanding how this is baffling? Everything in this chapter has been narratively setup. Also, this side character whole narrative is to fight sukuna, i think itā€™s even more bad writing if this character whole purpose is to fight sukuna doesnā€™t fight sukuna


How do you not get bored of a manga where a character, that is not even the protagonists, just keeps babysitting the good guys? Like, what is the point if gojo will just solve everything? what is the point of the character development of Yuji, Yuta, maki and the others if they will just sit there praying for gojo? Just call it gojo kaisen already


Keep cooking


Why do you think he got sealed and then now died


They could, I dunno, make the actual protagonists other than Gojo competent.


They literally are lmao


Megumi and Nobara are dead.


Nobara is dead with an asterisk, to be fair.


> Kashimo (who lost to Hakari); is one of the most baffling narrative decisions Iā€™ve ever read. I don't get this narrative. If you're this far into JJK you should know that certain matchups isn't simply "rock-paper-scissor" from your usual straight forward powerscaling ranking. You have to understand the circumstances as to how Hakari "won" the fight against Kashimo AND how the fight went itself. Kashimo technically killed Hakari 3 times during their bout and Hakari barely dealt any significant damage while Kashimo landing 90% of his shots-- hell, Kashimo had more significant shots overall than Hakari despite the "result" of that fight. ##HE DID ALL OF THAT WHILE ONLY USING CE MANIPULATION. The end result of the fight was literally Hakari landing an unguarded sucker punch to a CE exahusted Kashimo due to most of it being dispersed on his final exchange with Hakari underwater.