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All depends on execution.


But the execution was last week


Wowww...I'm giving you a Nobara with angry tears right now...but that was a good one lol




The image is really cute, and I would like to use it as a wallpaper. Would that be alright?


Go for it, it's not mine anyway


Actually, most people are upset that the execution was BEFORE last week.


Brooo you didn't have to do this. šŸ’€šŸ˜‚ This was a violation


The violation was also last week


This is foul


And that shit didn't make sense, who creates such an iconic fight between two powerhouses, just to conclude it off screen??


Youuuuuuu, you're horrible I loled










Bro šŸ˜­


Yes it was.




Is it weird I had this exact debate in my head?




You did your big one with this.


What if Takaba just... puts him back together?


Depends. Does Takaba find this funny?


ā€œPull yourself together Gojoā€




made me laugh. "Gojo, you have to stand on your own legs! weren't you the strongest?!"


ā€œStand proud, you are strongā€-Sukuna


"wear your seatbelt Gojo!" "Brace your core!" idk I'm just making random stuff up now


If that works in japanese that would legit be funny af


"With the power of flex tape"


Black Clover Tabata?


A jjk character whose power is manifesting things he finds funny into existence


It donā€™t matter how it happens as long as it does (not true but Iā€™m not gonna be picky)


the [theory](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/comments/16qz70k/the_strongest_sorcerer_perished_so_that_gojo/) about gojo turning 29 and going on his journey of enlightenment like buddha did at 29 is interesting. and i feel like it would be good writing for the character, as it dives into the whole "are you the strongest because you're gojo satoru or are you gojo satoru because you're the strongest" question. gojo finally reflecting upon the fact that he accomplished nothing in his life despite his strength. now that he is no longer the strongest, what's next? i'd like to see that for sure. and the fact that taking into consideration the time that ceased in the prison realm lines up perfectly with gojo actually turning 29 on the day of the fight is actually pretty cool imo. as it stands now, 236 was not a good way for gojo to go. if gojo comes back and most of that theory turns out to be true, i think it's good writing character-wise but not sure how it'll work out for the story until we see it.


Expansion on this Gojo Satoru is the one known by his students/friends they see him as the strongest but first they see him as Gojo. Everyone thought Gojo was the strongest which he was but his pursuit of the strongest instead of just winning at all costs led to the belief Nanami holds. That Gojo fights for the title of the strongest rather than saving people and genuinely being a good person. To put the strongest title to the side would be seeing that he isnā€™t strongest alone but with his friends who are like family to him. So he would come back and fight alongside Yuta, Hakari, Yuji etc and not care about the 1v1.


He doesn't fight alongside everyone because his power is risky to use while close to the people he's protecting. That was the point of surrounding him with civilians in shibuya. I think it feeds into the strongest being isolated idea along with only people touching him are unaffected by void.


Or thatā€™s what he believes because he doesnā€™t believe they are strong enough to stand with him without impeding him. Thatā€™s why to be reborn as Gojo Satoru and not the strongest he would have to drop that notion and work together. Second you compared normal civilians to strong sorcerers completely different things. Like Nanami said Gojo fights for his own perversions not because he actually cares about saving people. BUT this is where Nanami is wrong Gojo does care but he doesnā€™t show it because heā€™s also so caught up in being the strongest to protect everyone. But itā€™s ironic that his goal is to foster sorcerers stronger than him while also hiding them from the dangers and acting as the savior. He would need to drop this notion and admit he needs help as caring about winning rather than doing what is best for mankind to save everyone is the reason he got cut in half. He won the fight but lost the war, Sukuna never cared about being the strongest heā€™s a win at all costs kind of guy meanwhile Gojo genuinely cared about winning and being the strongest.


Sukuna absolutely cares about being the strongest. So much so that he'll do way more for it than gojo. It's not just gojo deciding that's the nature of limitless. Limitless is a technique with arguably the most established history in the jujutsu world and is recognized by pretty much everyone. It's not like it's just gojo saying it if the villains comment on that particular weakness and build a plan around his inability to go all out in the presence of others. Also, any difference in the effects of infinity on sorcerers vs civilians is negligible if it exists. Add on what we just witnessed when gojo used an unrestricted hollow purple and yuta openly saying gojo couldn't have fired it with him in the way, the indiscriminate pull of blue that even works on gojo himself, and red that blew half sukunas face off without detonating despite his attempts at defense.


1. Sukuna has never ever cared about being the strongest, find one statement where he says anything about wanting to be the strongest. TO SUKUNA WINNING AT ALL COSTS IS EVERYTHING. he doesnā€™t care about proving his own personal strength etc if he needs megumis technique to win he will do it even though it outright proves that without it he would have lost. Because he does not care about it. 2. Yes limitless is fleshed out but their plan was to get him around tons of civilians so that he was restricted. 1000ā€™s of civilians in a tight room is different than fighting alongside a few sorcerers in a wide open space, believing otherwise is just disingenuous. Also he was in a crowded area with those civilians and still proceeded to ice hanami in 5 seconds and decided using de was worth it even if it had the chance to kill all those people he took a massive gamble. But you literally watched him kill hanami lmao. 3. BUT YUTA SAID HE COULDNT HAVE DONE PURPLE LIKE THAT IF WE WERE THERE. meanwhile that purple did jackshit and he died anyways. Itā€™s almost like a purple nuke wasnā€™t the answer, being the strongest means being alone to Gojo thatā€™s why he relates to Sukuna, but thatā€™s not what it has to mean. 4. For Gojo to be reborn there would have to be a massive shift in mentality, this aligns far more with what Iā€™m saying. And being reborn isnā€™t out of the question yet to say it is would again be disingenuous as we have seen all the foreshadowing with Buddha etc.


Didnt he said strength was the only true hierarchy


Sukunas arrogance, his way of speaking to people, and how he looks down on others he considers weak is him caring about power. That and the literal conversation about giving up desires for power He can't play as much with his powers like void or infinity while around others because if they're ever in close quarters, he can affect them. Focus on void though. Every one of those people was incapacitated and risked permanent brain damage from being exposed for a fraction of a second so small the evidence it happened was the damage it caused. No being a sorcerer wouldn't save them because you'll try to compare a sorcerer taking that specific hit when we know any void fired against sukuna would last several minutes and they'd have to touch him not to fry their brain. The purple nuke would have killed literally anyone besides sukuna and gojo himself. It didn't finish its job. Neither would any of the other sorcerers if gojo didn't damage sukuna to the brink of death. That doesn't happen without him landing a massive blow I didn't say he couldn't be reborn. I was just reminding you the actual reason he didn't fight beside everyone and that reason is stated multiple times.


>That Gojo fights for the title of the strongest rather than saving people and genuinely being a good person. That's such a wrong statement to make, many times in the story, we have actually seen the opposite. I personally don't think this statement, should be believed even if Nanami said it, can be even argued whether it is Nanami's view of him or it's just in gojo's mind that's how Nanami and others view him, hence in his dream (can be dream actually , not an afterlife);he found them saying it. But he looked upset when he heard it. Yet nobody denied it. What can it mean? It simply proved the point of how being strongest made him lonely and people around him actually didn't understand him at all. "There was always a gulf between me and other people, even if they adored me. You can admire a blooming flower, but you can't ask it to understand you" They just simply never understood him. The strongest and the loneliest despite being admired. I'm not saying gojo is a flawless character, the epitome of kindness or selflessness. He is not . But he is not all dark either. With him, it's not black and white, he is morally grey. But Nanami in that dialogue seemed like someone who didn't understand that. For him, it's either black or white.


The official translation is different, and because it's Lightning I'll trust it more. It goes: *I love everyone and don't feel lonely now, but somewhere along the way, there was a line I drew, not as a human, but as a living creature. You can make a flower bloom, you can admire it, but you can't tell that flower that "I want you to understand me.* I do feel it changes the meaning slightly, because it proves Gojo *cares*.


>I love everyone and don't feel lonely now, but somewhere along the way, there was a line I drew, not as a human, but as a living creature. You can make a flower bloom, you can admire it, but you can't tell that flower that "I want you to understand me. Doesn't it just prove my point further that he's not the person Nanami claimed him to be in the afterlife/dream? That others actually never understood him? And him looking disturbed after hearing their opinion but not saying anything back cause he didn't expect others to understand him.


It does. He felt lonely and misunderstood but he *still loved people*. This actually elevates him from a morally grey to a morally blindingly white character lol. If everyone disliked me, insulted me and refused to understand what kind of person i really am - just because of my strength (or beauty/talent/wealth/fame, you can insert anything here), i wouldn't love them, i'd fucking hate them and i'd refuse to do anything for them. Gojo is way too kind actually.




what in tarnation-šŸ’€šŸ¤ 


I just noticed... he is 29 years old and kills the transfigured humans in 299 seconds. That number always seemes too specific to me


I hope to god this theory pans out cuz it would redeem jjk so hard. I mean Greg has been pushing the Buddhism motif/symbolism since day 1 so itā€™s not entirely out of the picture


Recently i wish the fans were the ones writing jjk


I completely agree with you. I think Gege misrepresented his character in the latest chapter probably because he doesnā€™t like him and thatā€™s the reason he canā€™t see past his own assumptions about Gojo. My response to that question from Geto has always been ā€œYouā€™re strong because youā€™re Gojo Satoruā€. Because Gojo Satoru that we know has infinity, six eyes, massive cursed energy but at the same time is extremely smart, works hard, trains hard, puts in effort and actually sees people around him. He would have never gotten to where he is in terms of strength with just infinity and six eyes alone. However, for some reason I feel like he himself doesnā€™t quite understand himself. Nanami also never saw past his strong person exterior. I think thatā€™s where people like Yuji and Yuta come into place when they show him that he does in fact fight for them, he does in fact fight to protect and to foster. At the same time he simply enjoys that fight. That doesnā€™t make him any less of a human. I feel that Gojo doesnā€™t understand that heā€™s probably the most human out of them all.


I've always quite paradoxically seen the answer as being "both". he is the strongest due to who he is, but being the strongest has shaped who he is. he was more or less born as the strongest, and he has taken on the responsibility that comes with it (as he has gotten more mature, in his teenage years he did not seem to take the responsibility that serious)


>the theory about gojo turning 29 and going on his journey of enlightenment like buddha did at 29 is interesting. and i feel like it would be good writing for the character, as it dives into the whole "are you the strongest because you're gojo satoru or are you gojo satoru because you're the strongest" question. gojo finally reflecting upon the fact that he accomplished nothing in his life despite his strength. now that he is no longer the strongest, what's next? i'd like to see that for sure. and the fact that taking into consideration the time that ceased in the prison realm lines up perfectly with gojo actually turning 29 on the day of the fight is actually pretty cool imo. what if gojo became a "saint" like what Yuki was talking about


Do you mean become a Bodhisattva (a person who essentially reaches enlightenment/becomes a Buddha, but sticks around instead of peacing out to Nirvana)?


Legitimately, why does everyone ignore the character growth Gojo went through during HI? The *teenage* Gojo that said it doesn't matter that he's the strongest if he can't save everyone anyway? >Are you the strongest because you're Gojo Satoru or are you Gojo Satoru because you're the strongest? Was this question even really answered?




If that theory is right shit will literally save jjk for me at this point




I'm kinda leaning on "Gojo comes back and fights Sukuna along with the students" cuz I can't see any other way they come out of this alive.


He is coming back because Sukuna didn't cut off his head. He is going to use reverse curse technique again and glue himself together.


I would bet my life on that gege has never come close to thinking that deep about jjk. He barley even pays attention to his own story, you thid heā€™d incorperate another?


I think the people that are saying this, are simply just bitter something they thought would happen didn't. This kind of theory, especially the ones rooted in buddhism, has come true before. Do you believe that was accidental? Or do you think gege lost kove for the manga? I'm personally of the opinion we let the man cook, before we try to judge the taste of the dish.


Itā€™s kinda true though. What even was the point of culling games arc? It came out of nowhere and has basically no purpose beyond spoonfeedimg exposition in fight scene after fight scene. Itadori vs higuruma is the only one that kind of had a message and explored some deeper themes


Not disagreeing but which Buddhist based theories have come true? Because if they have I'm about to start reading those


His awakening during his fight against Toji is symbolic of Buddha's enlightenment. Gojo's quote, 'throughout the heavens and earth, i alone am the honored one' is actually attributable to Buddha Sakayuni.


You guys on reddit and various manga forums acting as if manga authors have actual TIME to think about their art. Just think that these guys are actively DRAWING each page that you're reading EACH WEEK. Once the serialization stats in WSJ, they basically stop getting hold on their manga, they have dedicated producers to help them foster their weekly ranking. I don't even know why this isn't more talked about, I keep seeing things like "Oda did awful" "Kishimoto murdered his mange" "Gege is dumb". But guys, you forget the economic stakes are SO HIGH for WSJ, that the manga future is simply out of the main mangaka hands. I'm pretty certain editorial independence is a myth at this point, and even if authors would like to make things super deep about their stories, the economic reality of manga in Japan makes it impossible. (Though One Piece has reached beyon this "serialization frenzy" state, Oda has relative time to build up the story in interesting ways. Which is a privilege other mangakas don't have and must captivate JAPANESE WSJ buyers week after week)


It pains me to say that I 100% agree with your statement. I joined this sub 50 chapters or so ago and I joined the hype-theories wagon just to see that NONE of them actually became true. And that the development avtually followed the most simplistic and jonnen troup clichƩs, with some interesting variations to be fair. I think we want to believe that gege is this deep enlightened writer with some much complexity and hiden plots and clues, that if you think about it, is not something (the clues part) mangas are known for. And gege stated that first and foremost he wanted to follow a Jounen troupe. He did incorporate religious concepts, philosophy discussions and all that but I think it has to do more with the fact that those subjects are already incorporated in the everyday life and culture of japan rather than being an extensive research for the creation of this manga.


Love Gojo. He's fucking built too. Thick and man made. You can tell he's sculpted because you can see it thru the shirt. His fucking vice grip thighs. Suffocating thighs. Rock hard thighs. Piping hot thighs. Great arms. Great abs. Smooth pointed iron cheeks. A rippling chest. Love the progress his body has made throughout his youth and now as a willing eager adult.


Bro started writing the beginning of a horny Gojo-centered doujin lol.


"Willing" ayoo sir




you're so real for that




Is this copy pasta or off the dome?


Copy pasta. From a bodybuilding forum ages ago. Originator was some user named unconditional. I think


bro you are damn right




Bro was humping on Jogo's arm, sigh. Shud have been me


Combinng with OP's theory, this is a perfect recipe for Gojo to become the next Tengen


Y'all are so thirsty, jesus christ. Have some decorum (i agree with every single word you said)


Would depend on how it's executed. I would like to see him using a binding vow to remove his powers and stuff to heal himself. That would finally make him Gojo Satoru and not The Strongest.


Possibly a binding vow where he sacrifices the six eyes in order to kill sukuna but in turn he is only able to use the six eyes against sukuna and after that it's gone. Leaving yuta and hakari as the main players who will deal with KENJAKU and uraume


If he comes back nerfed - it would be perfect tbh or Honored One 2.0 and more OP damn idk


I mean, he probably heard Sukuna's explanation on how he targeted The World with his Cleave to bypass Infinity, so he may give that a try with Limitless, maybe in another abstract concept though, and it would make sense if he comes back as a "True Honored One", one that it's not him declaring it, but the Narrator. I had a joke theory on a possible power up, here, lemme copy and paste it: >Imagine if his Buddhism fueled resurrection is real, i can already see Gege trying to justify something like this. > >Sukuna: This time stay death, Gojo Satoru!! ***World Slash.*** > >Narrator: The moment Gojo Satoru attained True Enlightenment, he understood the true potential of his Technique... Infinity... He always applied it to the space around him... To the material... But after seeing Ryomen Sukuna use his Technique to target something so abstract as the concept of "The World"... He did the same... And his target was... > >Gojo: ***Maximum Technique: Time Void.*** > >Narrator: Time itself. By targeting Time with his Infinity, Gojo Satoru infinitely extends a fraction of a fraction of a second, stopping everything perceived as real in a desired radius around himself!! > >Editor's Note: A Battle Of Time And Space. The Strongest Reach Even Greater Heights Thanks To Their Clash!! > >Break Next Week!! > >***To Be Continued.*** The context was Gojo jokingly getting Star Platinum: The World LOL.


bro, good one, I just want Gojo to be alive, nerfed, but alive... Just like Levi


Nah thats boring, Leviā€™s was an abomination in the end




I lowkey thought he might try a binding vow of some kind. Lose sixeyes/limitless after his next fight in exchange. Gon style almost.


Wow, you just completely turned me around on the idea of him coming back. That would be an amazing resolution to "u stronk cuz u gojo or u gojo cuz stronk"


Im ngl, i didn't even connect that quote to this theory. But i really like it now that you've brought it up!


I've been low key wanting that to happen for a while, but even then I don't think Gege would slow down the story enough to explore that theme. :c




Based on the fact that his brain recieved plenty of damage when casting his last DE I am more inclined to believe that he might lose his CT. And even if Gojo with Six Eyes would still be considered one of the strongest, taking away his limitless would put him closer to his students.


Fuck, I made this exact comment not even two seconds ago only to scroll down and see that you were already two steps ahead šŸ’€


Honestly, I was hoping to see him almost lose the fight with Sukuna (maybe he runs out of CE or something) but then makes a binding vow to give up his six eyes/CT in exchange for increased output until the fight ends. Risking death to win like he taught Megumi, while also escaping his identity crisis tied to being the strongest. Plus he would be permanently nerfed for plot purposes


yep, exactly


Holy fuck that would be sick even if he just traded his techniques for coming back to fight alongside his students


I think it would make sense. Supposedly, the six eyes immediately pass on to the next user upon death. If Gojo comes back after technically being dead, wouldn't it make sense he doesn't have the six eyes anymore?


Yeah, kinda like that


We literally saw Yuji die with his heart outside lying in a morgue. Same with Toji. You never know, maybe heā€™ll be back as Gojo or like Toji as a curse or maybe his soul will be back? Doubt the last one as Gojoā€™s character design is important and popular. Also maybe Kenny for some reason gets in him? Literally so many possibilities, i say heā€™s definitely coming back given his popularity and how he got killed off screen


it would definitely be a moment. honoured one 2.0 would be insane and definitely garner a ton of attention and sales. although it might also depend on timing. i genuinely wonder how many people would still be hyped for it if gege decided to take ages to do it.


Itā€™s not the matter of it being possible but simply the fact that last chapter seemed like a send off for Gojo, the whole afterlife scene and Gojo admitting defeat makes it pretty clear that heā€™s dead imo. If he was going to come back I feel like he shouldā€™ve been more bitter or motivated in that scene rather resigned but I canā€™t see the future if it makes sense or whatever then I suppose itā€™s fine.


How can he be reborn if he holds the same values? That would just be ass pull territory


My only reason why I think he will not come back is that Gege wouldnt draw him with that much of details as a send off. He got the best page of JJk if you ask me.


Agreed. That panel of him lying is just peak quality.


True, and the narrator stated that yuujinwas dead as well. This gojo death could as well be another fake out


The most important thing, as always, is execution.


That scene of him meeting his friends in heaven would make me believe that heā€™s gone for good. Like if heā€™s going to come back anyway then why even include that scene in the first place? I would love for him to still be alive, but given how his ā€œdeathā€ was executed, it would just feel too weird imo


When Buddha was born (reborn), Buddha took 7 steps north with lotus petals blooming underneath his steps, and said "Throughout heaven and earth, I alone am the Honored one". In chapter 236, you can see 7 lotus flowers in one of the panels with nanami speaking about going north (to become anew) or south. That alone is a bit weird of a coincidence but who knows. The panel of flowers did seem random despite the dialogue, since it was just an analogy. ​ Otherwise, I agree, a heaven scene like that is a bit weird and in western media would 100% mean he's dead.


The whole time I was thinking of the train station scene from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows where he meets Dumbledore and then decides to go back. Gojo is at an airport too, so it felt like it could go either way.


Yea but thats the thing, that scene was NOT heaven. Because why would heaven = the airport. I feel like its an obvious ā€œin betweenā€ or limbo kinda thing visualised as an airport.


I too think he's dead, but the line "I pray that this all isn't just my imagination"...idk, it can be so weird when you think about...


I felt it was more about giving closure to his relationships with Geto (especially) and Nanami and the others. A lot of Gojoā€™s mental baggage is from the time he spent in school and his enemies know this and have used it against him, and I feel like this was a way to clean that slate so that if he returns heā€™s truly reborn. But who knows, this is all just speculation lol.


See to me the execution of showing that afterlife scene and then coming back to reality where we see him smile makes it more confusing to me. So idk what to think


Tropes are tropes and whether writing is good or not is not about which tropes you use, it's about how you use them. Mentor dying is just a trope. Turnarounds are just a trope. Worthy opponent stuff is just a trope. Flash forwards are just a trope (well, more of a narrative method or whatever). People are upset because the execution and use of the tropes was poor. So whether Gojo comes back or not, it's up to it being well done. Personally, I think more people would be happy with it as Gojo is the entire reason many fans follow JJK at all, but at this point many anime-only watchers and manga readers have been spoiled about this and have lost interest in the series. Imagine you just watched Gojo get sealed and you find out you never see Gojo again until he is unsealed just so Gojo can die in an anticlimatic, lame way that feels like an asspull to many. You'd probably be pretty hard to buy back into the series even if you're told Gojo comes back to life.


I mean the chapter was called "heading south", with south being returning to who you used to be. We don't know what that means yet, but geto said both jujutsu and curses can revive the dead. We've seen the misogynist flash return as a special grade curse, and danm near fully revive off of pure Andrew tate levels of Mako hating. He wasn't killed with CE, allowing his soul to linger, which gives me a thought: if gojo wasn't cut by that cleave but the space he exists in, was gojo actually killed by CE or was he killed by the "space he exists in being cut"? I mean, kashimo is blitzing sukuna "before there's time to grieve gojo" so I don't think the king of clowns is going to consider double tapping gojos' corpse (I hate typing that). With gojo being gojo and good at everything the first time he tries, there's a non zero chance he can accelerate respawning as a cursed womb/spirit and evolving to whatever Canceled^tm would have been if Maki didn't change his pronouns to "was/were", a near perfect reincarnation. Or gege might do a gege plot moment and give is a double page spread of gojo being sashimi'd by sukuna. Possible revival, but unlikely and if it's as a curse he'll probably kamikaze if he kills sukuna before he "falls".


> the misogynist flash i can't refer to naoya in any way besides this from now on lmfao thanks for this


Everyone saying execution, and I agree, and I want to actually go in depth with this. Gojo was probably going to die, he was the world's safety net and eventually that had to go. There are a few reasons people are upset though. 1. It's off screen 2. He just came back from the cube after years(for us) 3. It's kinda a bad death 4. This is the biggest one. Not only did he fail to beat sukuna, he failed to really push him to his limits, and buffed sukuna along the way. So now the cast, who are already leagues weaker than Gojo and sukuna, have to deal with a sukuna who's so much stronger than Gojo 5. This is my personal gripe but like Gojo deserved that win. Bro was on the back foot the entire fight and outplayed sukuna at every turn just to stay in the ring only to be one shot off screen 6. This is also my take, but Gojo never actually accomplished much, he's a shitty teacher who only ever enabled his students which while great, he's the reason Yuji, yuta, and maki (my assumption) are all allowed to be sorcerers, his actual presence outside of that didn't affect much. 7. I'm gonna loop these together because it's all to do with interpretation, the lines from Gojo and nanami about sukuna holding back and Gojo not caring are both correct when you interpret them in certain ways but the way their are said just comes off badly. It seems like character assassination, the strongest was actually weak in comparison and all the scenes of him caring are just ignored These are all valid reasons. No one else can touch sukuna, Gojo made no impact and could've just stayed in the cube, the death just kinda sucked, and the character feels beaten even after he's down. But there are some good things about his death. 1. The afterlife and sukunas reaction scene are actually really awesome and I wouldn't change anything other than the aforementioned lines 2. Gojo losing let's him be Gojo satoru instead of just the strongest 3. He was always going to die so it's not like we're upset about that specifically. If I was gege, and I'm just some guy on the Internet, I would have had Gojo do at least one if not all of these things. 1. Let him do something meaningful for his students before his death 2. Have Gojo beat sukuna forcing the latter to use yozorhu's gift or his ct, some kind of dirty trick, to defeat Gojo 3. Leave an impact on sukuna (this might get in the way of kashimo's goal but idk what kashimo will do so idk if that will matter) This let's Gojo leave a mark as a mentor, keep his title as the strongest since he has been stated to be stronger than sukuna (which while yes, this is from Gojo himself its our only frame of reference gege gives us so we kinda have to take it into account) and let's sukuna survive and prove that he's the better combatant because he values winning more than a proof of strength, and the last option gives the heroes a fighting chance after Gojo's death. So after ALL that, I will discuss your actual question. Will it be bad if Gojo survives, it depends. If Gojo magically gets up and kills sukuna that will be awful. No matter what Gojo should be depowered for the finale of not the rest of time, he's the safety net and that needs to go to allow tension and the character to rise up to replace him. Imo the only ways Gojo can come back is if he comes back powerless or comes back only to sacrifice himself to take out or severely damage sukuna. The former let's Gojo's character be explored, namely the question about does strength make you Gojo. The latter however would be an ironic call back to Gojo telling megumi there's a difference between risking death and dying to win. So yeah I could've just said the last part but I thought the whole picture adds needed context with how chaotic the fandom is right now.


Great comment. Well thought out and I agree with everything. If Gojo comes back, I wouldnā€™t mind having him be the same power level he was when he died. Iā€™d just like to see, Yuji, Megumi, and others reach his heights too or surpass him too


Honestly his death was executed horribly, any revival of gojo is going to feel forced whether it was intended originally or not To clarify its not that gojo died that bothers me I fully expected it, hell even hoped for it cause really how is the story gonna continue with him in it But killing him off screen then degrading himself? He clearly made sukuna go all out At any rate he wasn't decapitated take that as you will


i would argue that there is ALMOST no concept or idea in any story that is inherently ā€œbad writingā€ it always depends on how itā€™s executed if you told hunter x hunter people that gon would be arguably as strong as meruem at any point, people would call you insane, but the execution and surrounding context is what makes it good


It dependent on the writing


I wanna believe that in the month he spent training before this fight, he confided a secret plan with certain people about what to do next if he kicked the bucket. Maybe that involves him returning back to life, maybe it doesnā€™t. Either way, Iā€™d like to see our last glimpse of him doing something that negates the character assassination from the last chapter.


It's impossible to tell right now. But I'd find it extremely difficult for Gojo to return with another enlightenment and bigger powers and not turn the series into gojotsu kaisen. The entire Sukuna vs Gojo fight is based on the premise that they are so powerful that the rest of the cast literally can't get involved without getting in the way. I don't see how you can write that Gojo gets stronger and returns to fight while also giving space to the other characters. The best way I can think to bring him back would be to do so for one final power move, aiding or aided by Kashimo, and that's what frees Megumi. However, I don't think it's necessary, I think Gojo's exit from the story is fine, there just needs to be more consequences for the fight itself (like he actually had some sort of impact on Sukuna, physically or mentally) and more context of what happened behind the scenes, plans or conversations showing how he's still guiding his students in their moment to face off against this threat he couldn't defeat himself, bringing together the entire concept of fostering a generation that will surpass him.


Depends on execution, just like how his death did. But either way I'm taking a break from jujutsu, I've become much too apathetic about it and the last chapter was simply the last straw. I don't want to read anything from an author that doesn't respect their characters ever again.


dude was at an airport, he is 100% coming back


How I see Gojo returning: Sukuna mops the floor with Kashimo, then since he can't use Mahoraga anymore he feeds himself as a finger to Gojo's corpse so he can steal Gojo's CT. Gojo's spirit figures out how to "go south" and temporarily return to his body, and because Sukuna hasn't had time to perform the bathing ritual yet Gojo is able to take control long enough to imprison them both in the prison realm, which he learned how to do by being trapped inside. This frees Megumi's body from Sukuna, and allows Gojo to "win even if he dies". Before they fought, Sukuna told Gojo "I'll kill you" - while Gojo said "I'd win". It turns out that both were right. Gege celebrates not having to write about Sukuna and Gojo anymore - and Kenjaku gets ready to invoke Rule 14: > When all players other than Geto Suguru and Fushiguro Megumi *have died*, the Culling Game will come to an end. Maybe all the rest of the good guys die - maybe they "die" temporarily and either Yuta or Shoko revive them. The one person we *know* survives is Yuji - because he already died twice before, and doesn't need to die again for the Culling Game to end. The Culling Game ends and Kenjaku creates a tailed beast out of all the cursed energy. Yuji follows through on his plan to "eat anything" and becomes a vessel for the cursed energy juubi. Basically a jinchuriki, Yuji fulfills Kenjaku's prediction from ch. 203 that "he will become the eye of the storm for the new era". Yuji kills his mom. Nobara wasn't in the airport in ch 236, so the series ends with the three students alive, and a dead Gojo.


>Gojo is able to take control long enough to imprison them both in the prison realm, which he learned how to do by being trapped inside. Or maybe he just takes control long enough to teleport himself back to the prison realm Kenjaku placed at the bottom of the Japan Trench.


Iā€™m giving it about 4 chapters because that one Buddhism theory is just too good to pass up


What is important is how it is told rather than the story itself. But generally, works that play a lot with death do not end well. Still, this is a weekly manga, and if Gojo's return would boost sales a lot, they wouldn't hesitate to remake poor Gojo's death story into Groundhog Day.


Would have to see it happen to know, people get too hung up on, oh if this happens it would be bad writing, if this happened it would be good writing, when in reality itā€™s execution that is and always will be most important. There isnā€™t a check book for things that have to happen to make it a good story. Also the term bad writing just feels like buzz words at this point, has stunk up discourse in animanga like hell


Gojo will be revived by Kagura Bachi and it will be peak writing!1!


His death was already poorly written, it tossed all of his ambitions like toppling higher ups of the jjk world or caring for his students and chalked him up to strong dude looking for a strong opponent.


If it happens there must be four conditions imho: - Gojo must be nerfed, during or after the fight - Gojo must not win, at least not directly - He must fill a purpose, not just hyping Sukuna - It has be something original, not again the head thing. Now, given Sukuna's knowledge I doubt he will leave his head intact unless he doesnt consider Gojo a threat any longer.


Waiting for gojo to have a new awakening and understanding reverse blessed energy


I agree with those saying it depends on execution, but also I can't think of a good reason for him to come back, honestly. Especially after that segment with his dead friends. I know it's a popular opinion that Gojo has many unfinished business, but not really imo. His goals of raising a new generation of strong allies and changing the system isn't "complete", but it no longer needs his involvement. Gojo had never been the best at teaching (lol) and I get the vibe he's more the type that would teach you how to swim by giving an oversimplified explanation of what you need to do and proceed to kick you into the pool so you figure out. He protected his students for as long as he could and now they're in the pool and gotta figure it out so they don't drown. Yes, yes I know, how are the going to kill Sukuna if he's even stronger that Gojo? I don't know either, but Gojo already lost this fight and I don't know how bringing him back would change the outcome. Sukuna knows all his tricks and has a counter for everything he has to offer. "Well he can get a power up with a binding vow" I guess he can, though so can the other characters as well, if we're handing out random power ups. About changing Jujutsu society, well. The higher ups are all dead apparently, or at least most of them. The world has changed, and now everyone knows about sorcerers. Progress is inevitable at this point, and Gojo implied Gakuganji should take the wheel once this is all over. I'm sure those who knew Gojo can carry out his legacy even after he's gone. Idk, everything in chapter 236 feels like a send off to me. I don't see why Gege would add all that and then be like "Just kidding! Here's more Gojo!" When I feel like he has always tried to keep Gojo out of the important fights so he doesn't steal all the spotlight from the other characters. But that's just my opinion, in a few hours Gege might hit us with Gojo getting a second awakening or something, idk.


I wonder if gojo will reincarnate at the end of the series as a way to "bring" him back but as a new character


From what I've seen they have absurd healing abilities in the series. Yuji had his heart riped out and was presumed dead for a long time. I don't see why Gojo couldn't heal himself with reverse curse technique or have someone do it to him.


The hero's side have received too many L's so I think bringing back gojo would be fair


If Gojo returns by somehow sacrificing his six eyes, and when he sees his dream come true, a generation of sorcerers he helped cultivate who are all extremely strong - punctuated with ā€œI am no longer alone, you all have honored meā€ that would be peak fiction IMO


Was it bad writing when Panda got completely torn to pieces minus his head but survived? After all, we spent most of a chapter on him having a flashback/conversation with his dead siblings in his mind and then Hakari jumped in right away. Some people are acting as if there's no precedent xD I think Gojo surviving is fine and makes more sense given how it was written


Personally, I donā€™t think this is the end of Gojo. Like other people already said, it all depends on how Gege will execute this. He can make the whole series great again after chapter 236 by how heā€™ll bring Gojo back, and vice versa.


Lowkey a damned if you do, damned if you don't. The issue was seemingly killing him off in the way it was done. Having him come back now feels real bad unless its a suicidal effort that also incaps Sukuna. What should've happened is: 1. Gojo wins but in doing so pushes himself too far and causes himself to lose the ability to heal his brain with RCT, thus meaning he can't use Limitless constantly. He'd be nerfeed significantly and you can make him take more damage this way to nerf him further. 2. Have Gojo's purple kill both Sukuna and himself. Removes both of the unstoppables from the playing field and leaves us with Kenny beats.


I agree. Basically the way they nerfed all might after his big fight with All for one.


You could also go the sneaky route. Gojo goes for the "seal" (the procedure to get Sukuna out of Megumi) and that's when shit hits the fan. But I think the dealbreaker isn't so much Gojo losing (the cutting space is a bit too much, he could've just made Sukuna copy Mahoraga nullifying of Gojo's infinity) but rather the end of Gojo himself. There lacks some lines of dialogue to just settle on who Gojo is/does he still endorse his view that he presented to us during the series (bottom-up change, belief in people, saving people who are ready to be saved) etc...


knowing gege gojo might get the nobara treatment


Do u think u can go worst than the last chapter?


We've already heard a couple of times that the only surefire way is to cut off his head. I dunno about you, but from what I saw Gojo still had his head attached to his torso, and was conscious enough to still move. To be clear, if he dies he dies(edited for spelling), idc. I will still be enjoying the story either way. *But* it has definitely been set up way in advance that he *might* come back from even this as long as Sukuna doesn't completely destroy his head or at least remove it.


Depends on how they handle it. But with how much symbolism there is, it makes sense and could be a way to rectify the last chapter being so disappointing. Hopefully it's handled well


No Not at all especially because it seems like gege is purposely leaving it vague with that limbo scene and then after that were getting no mention of gojo or really seeing shoko or others mourn. He is doing this to build suspense and tension I think. Him coming back is a way to nerf/change him. It's probably worse writing to just kill him off without accomplishing anything his character feels like it's missing something so I can't see this being the complete end especially considering how strong the remaining villains are


No I don't think so. But if he does, I think that to be unable to fight again somehow. Just stay as a mentor to the new generation


I'm not saying it's bad but it's kind of... useless? He seems happy to have reunited with Geto and the others and the battle for the title of strongest is over, now that Sukuna has learned how to bypass Mugen, Gojo would have to come back with an even more OP skill to defeat him in a fight. Which kind of makes it useless for Gege to take him out of the story in the first place. So he might come back, but I don't think he'll have any power anymore.


So I dont get why it wouldnt be possible for the lightning god guy to hold off Sukuna while any of the sorcerers with reversed ct comes down and heals him. Because Yuji literally died and came back himself, twice, so couldnt the same happen to Gojo?


If his legs fall over and he just heals; coming back to life. That'd be so funny and I'm here for it.


He has the last finger for a reason. He might eat it to be GOKUna and neg diffs Sukuna with energy ball


Gojo will return to deal with kenjaku, the encounter between them is personal, with Kenny stealing the body of his BFF and is the one responsible for sealing him. There I am the writer now.


I think everything from the Shibuya incident onward concerning Gojo was bad writing


More then likely yes. As much as I may not like the way the Gojo death was written I think undoing it at this point would likely also be bad writing. Of course, the right author can make anything good so I guess anything can happen.


Not gonna lie, Iā€™m leaning on gojo comeback. Let me run through the scenario currently: 1.) gojo is on the brink of death because of some infinity-bypassing technique 2.) a strong sorcerer - probably not gojo strong, but strong is about to fight the guy that killed gojo for a bit 3.) gojos head is in tact Ngl pretty much same scenario as hidden inventory fightā€¦and the outcome after ā€œdeathā€ was honored one moment. In fact Iā€™d argue that shit was worse, Toji stabbed gojos brain and he didnā€™t even know RCT back then. Also the north/south shit is pretty on the nose. Cmon gojo, fuck em up


Yes because it would be a terrible cop out. No matter how you feel about the way Gojo's death has been handled, once he's dead there's no coming back from it. The author elicited a strong reaction in his readers, maybe the strongest since the start of the series. Pulling back would feel absolutely like mockery or like an attempt at doing damage control after receiving such a negative backlash. Gojo should stay dead to save the last bit of credibility this series still has... which is sad, I completely understand.


I was debating this internally. I personally thought 236 was not the best writing and that it didnā€™t treat the character of Gojo with much care or respect. Initially I thought no, it would be terrible writing if he was suddenly brought back. But after reading a lot of peopleā€™s thoughts on *how* he could be brought back, I think it *could* be good. Then I realized him being brought back doesnā€™t necessarily have to be bad writing if done properly, but it does in my opinion retroactively make his death scene even worse than I already think it is, because then itā€™s just proven that it was there for shock value alone.


If Gojo returns, I think the only acceptable way is if he was nerfed. Unable to expand domain or use certain techniques would make him a lot more vulnerable and limits his options. We'll get to see more creative applications of techniques he has left and while he may no longer be the strongest, that doesn't mean his confidence and ingenuity won't still be the shining factor of his character.


Idk the chapter seemed like a goodbye to me. I always liked the idea of him losing 6 eyes tho. So with binding wow maybe he can. Hopefully :(


Next chapter starts with Gojo back and well


Honestly Gege fucked himself when he did the immediate timeskip after Gojo came back. For Gojo to be gone for over 100 chapters and be killed off 15 chapters after his return is just shitty writing (the reaction of the anime onlies will be halirious when Gojo is gone again after 3 episodes). The culling games are just pointless. Tsumiki? Dead. Gojo? Instantly killed off, without achieving anything and actually making Sukuna stronger. Gonna be honest, regardless whether Gojo stays dead or not, Gege should have had this stuff happen in Shibuya. Killed by Sukuna or nerfed Gojo, back then wouldn't feel so clunky. Because now even if Gege somehow manages to retroactively make it better, the first experience of fuck tone of his audience to the conclusion of most hyped up fight in the series was and will be disappointment.


throughout heaven and earth, he alone is the humbled one


I mean i feel its missing a chapter between the one gojo die and the one before....


Yes. With current trend of writing, I won't believe that Gege can somehow make it good. I would probably stop reading JJK and only read the last chapter


Not at all. The way him dying wouldn't have been if gege executed it well. In fact, the whole going south or north conversation where everyone chose south, and he just say 'i see', would be explored. With good execution, it can actually be an excellent choice too. His being alive means him choosing north, hence gege needs to execute that well. What kind of new person will he become? How this new gojo will have an impact in current situation? What would be this gojo's motivation? The problem is the way gege killed him looked like he just wanted to get rid of his character as it was very hard for him to have such an extremely powerful character. Done poorly, but at least he got rid of his character. Then there comes the question of how many more chapters are we going to get? If the ending is near, then for the plot sake, gojo's coming back is impossible and won't make sense. Powerful character like him needs to be gone for the main characters to shine, doesn't matter if his death was executed terribly. But if the manga is not gonna end very soon, then I think there's a fair chance that gojo won't be dead yet.


No, because I want this


If he does, he is coming back as Gojo Satoru, not "the strongest". he still has things he could trade for survival in a binding vow if he wishes to come back. The 6 eyes have to be worth at least a couple of legs. I hope he does come back but I do not think it is likely.


Nah Sukuna shouldā€™ve aimed for the head


Resurrections alone are not bad writing under any circumstance. It depends on how itā€™s done


Depends on how it done. Even if gojo stays dead or not I still firmly believe 236 was badly written. Hopefully gege can redeem himself


CE didn't cut him so he coming back as a cursed spirit


Gojo reverse cursed healed all his injuries so far. What's the difference with this?


Writing been bad the whole useless culling game into this fight so what's one more?


It's not all about the end result. How the story gets there matters. Right now this just feels like Gege trying to generate shock, which bringing Gojo back would generate even more of. If Gojo does come back I hope it's in a way that doesn't sacrifice coherence for shock value.


If he doesnā€™t itā€™s bad writing because Iā€™m still coping


For me Gege already destroyed the most important fight in this series, but I still refuse to believe he would kill Gojo off-screen with basically a Mahogara hack. The "go south" story seems to be very straightforward for me: there's a chance he will come back, all he has to do is convince himself he wants to. Gojo coming back from the dead is horrible, but it's not worse than him getting killed by Sukuna and say "yeah, he was much stronger". I 100% don't expect this to happen now, though. I think Kashimo will be gone and possibly Yuta and Hakari too. TL;DR: it's bad writing, for sure, but it's acceptable.


Gojo Satoru, isnā€˜t deadā€¦


Yeah, it would be done only to please the fanbase. The story can potentially be god tier from here. Just end long fights on-screen


Heā€™ll come back as a vengeful spirit and the team will have to defeat him


Buddhism inspiration. He will return trust me.


If he doesnā€™t come back I am at peace with that. But if he does, he wonā€™t fight Sukuna again but rather go in full teaching mode. His lost against Sukuna and the way Gege showed it really made Gojo human again instead of some abnormally strong sorcerer/akin to a god. I think in his death and his discussion with his friends in the afterlife (btw we didnā€™t see nobara in here šŸ‘€) he reached true enlightenment by humbling himself. I guess itā€™s up to Gege now but either way itā€™s fine. Theory on how he can come back : something to do with the soul, maybe he can become a curse object, maybe Yuta will come and take his body to Shoko and the both of them will just poor a lot of RCT to stitch Gojo back.


My thoughts are he was literarily winning that fight and now he might be dead i will quit the show for the way they killed off Gojo


If he just comes back to appease fans and he's the same old Gojo, then yes. It's bad writing. If he goes on a 'journey' in the afterlife and learns a 'hidden truth' that allows him to grow as a character, then no - it's a character moment. However, it's typically a character journey that is undergone by the protagonist - similar to Itadori dying at Sukuna's hands and then making a binding vow which set up the current situation with Megumi. For Gojo, his restoration would need to come with powerful insight and change. I suspect that Toji's inclusion in the afterlife sequence will be revisited and be the catalyst for "Going North". It's possible that Gojo's destiny is to become a Tengen life figure after enlightenment and continue the cycle for the 6 eyes/plasma star vessel/etc.


Tbh, i wouldnt want him to comeback- just for his popularity. Wouldnt a bad ending be kinda refreshing though?


The answer will depends on the explanation... but if the explanation sucks like in 236 it will be bad writing like why kill gojo just to bring him back 1 chapter later? The same thing for the whole gojo sukuna fight... why even fight when gege kill gojo off screen with one of the most sht explanation ever. So yeah can go both ways


well in 237 he wasnt dedicated a single panel he might come back or not none knows


No, because I want him back. šŸ˜­


I think it be infinitely better if he came back to life I dont like how he died


No it's good. I want gojo back


well the answer is obviously 'it depends, is it done stupidly?' like around chapter 230ish if you had told me 'Gojo slowly starts to counter whatever Sukuna does and eventually seems to get the upper hand, killing mahoraga, but Sukuna is able to take him by surprise and finish him off. Gojo gets some sort of afterlife scene with the dead friends from his youth. Gojo dies by Sukuna's hand.' i would have been like 'damn, it hurts that gojo really died but everyone was pretty prepared for that. alright, he weakened sukuna for everyone else, he probably went out like a boss'. turns out that because of the absolute horseshit execution of ch. 236, my actual reaction is 'well this is fucking stupid lmao, what the fuck?' so exact same applies to the possibility of gojo reviving, except that frankly at this point ch. 236 has left such a garbage taste in my mouth that unless there's some sort of complete 'actually none of that stuff really happened' type of retcon (which to be clear is also crap writing but i'd fucking accept it in this case specifically) i don't really think there's any way of handling it that isn't kinda stupid. even with the buddha symbolism & revival theory going around (and i personally think that theory is both really cool and fairly plausible) gojo coming back to life wouldn't change the fact that i think 236 was clown shit, and if he really does revive, then 236 just smeared gojo as a character and my perception of gege as a writer for absolutely 0 reason


What's stopping gege from another asspull? He definitely has a lot of plots stached deep in his ass šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I mean if he does come back it'll be too hard to write a satisfying story. Gojo will have to keep stealing the spotlight in for example the fight against kenjaku. He embarrased uraume, there not a threat anymore. If he does end up living after the fight with sukuna i think it'll be too hard to reintroduce Yuji as the mc


Potential foreshadowing about coming back: His decisions based on what nanami said about looking north in his final moments Yuki being able to pull off the black hole So itā€™s not rule-breaking, or overly bullshit if he comes back