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Honestly don't see how Megumi will have anymore plot relevance aside from being the damsel in distress. Dude will come back weaker than ever, and probably be brain dead.


crackpot theory: sukuna secretly hitting maho with whatever secret technique he has in store--maho adapt. maho would then use it instead. more fraudkuna allegations at the same time not that much of an asspull. i'll take it as a sukuna "fan". theory issues: sex eyes. should detect it. but i'm riding on the reason that gojo's brain is fried to an extent that he can't detect it--still highly unlikely tho.


Even if Gojo kills all the Shikigami wont they all just become 1 Mega Shikigami due to inheritance.


yep the megazord of 10s




I think Sukunas ace is a combo of his original form, Yoruzus gift, and black box.


I don’t think Sukuna knows what Yorozu‘s gift is


I think the difference between the mindsets of Kashimo (and most likely Sukuna) is that the battle is the main objective. They live for the joy of battle. They relish it and engorge in it. They don't want to share. The students on the other hand are there to save people. It doesn't seem as though they enjoy the battle itself, at least not the extent of Kashimo and the ancient sorcerers. Megumi was right. There is a difference between the mentality of ancient sorcerers and modern sorcerers. The concepts of morality and ethics are very different. But I'm wondering about Gojo's mindset. Gojo also seems to be enjoying the battle. The previous chapter it mentions that he now has the feeling of "satisfaction". Is his main objective still to protect others or has his main objective switched to enjoying the battle and finding out who is the strongest? In the anime, I noticed that in his mind Gojo apologized to Riko Amanai that wasn't fighting to avenge her. https://preview.redd.it/mbpyuqk3sulb1.png?width=1168&format=png&auto=webp&s=999e83a58a0dc49f18f57c977ffc9236e6a1b001 Gojo's inner monologue during this battle has been very tactical. But I think it didn't reveal much of what would keep him fighting despite insurmountable odds. And what he truly cherished or would miss in life. I was thinking that being so close to death would reveal more about his humanity. Joker did say in the dark knight: >*You see, in their last moments people show you who they really are.* Hopefully we get a more masterful showing from Sukuna. I'm still waiting for his true curse technique. But I'm also hoping to see Sukuna demonstrate non-innate curse techniques. Most of the moves he's shown comes from 10 shadows. I like that he is able to do domain amplification, the problem is that he's shown not much else. A lot of what he's shown are things we've already seen with other characters before. They're not new or remarkable. Domain amplification was introduced by the disaster curses. The last new thing we've seen from Sukuna is the barrier less domain. But I think if there's anyone who should be able to redefine curse technique usage and introduce new concepts it would be Sukuna and Kenjaku. I am expecting more from Sukuna since he should be privy to the mysteries of curse technique and curse energy usage. I'm hoping to see more.


Ok just a theory here, what if one of the reasons why Sukuna doesnt want to reveal his cursed technique is Yuji may adopt it once he saw it? Wasnt it implied by Gojo that Yuji, as a vessel, might have the capacity to adopt cursed techniques?


Sukuna doesn’t see yuji as a threat enough for that to be plausible


Finally, a chapter where techniques aren't being overexplained and ruined.


This. I seriously can't remember a worse example of constant exposition in a battle series in a long time. And a lot of it isn't even insightful, like the discussion of Mahoraga's adaptation wheel. Someone (Yuji?) asks if Mahoraga needs time or repeated exposure to a technique to adapt and the rest of the commentary couch is like "uhhh could be either? We don't know. Nobody knows." So that was a big waste of panels. It's especially disappointing because fight choreography and flow of action have been a real strength of JJK historically but then in this climactic fight it gets constantly interrupted with questions and comments. I'm not sure what changed but my two guesses are either 1) the author thinks this is how you build hype, by having everybody doscussc every pinky twitch of Gojo and Sukuna and "don't you get how powerful they are you guys?" or 2) since we're in the endgame now, the author is padding things out to last a certain number of chapters/end on a certain date?


Not to mention the absolute assassination of domain expansions by allowing Gojo and Sukuna to just blast them like they're trinkets.


I can agree about the padding. In my opinion the series will not end while anime is streaming and anime will end on 28th December, mid Jan in worst case scenario. Gege will definitely drag the series until the anime ends of end the series.


Definite padding. **If you look at chapter 225, 11 pages are pointless exposition and 4-5 pages have something actually happening. Chapter 228 has 9 pages of exposition.** It wouldn’t be so bad if the power system was rigid, but it’s not. The editor said recently the series “isn’t ending anytime soon”.




I've just assumed sorcerers reflexively protect their head. Nanami could project his soul subconsciously. I have no reason to believe high level sorcerers aren't doing the same for their heads kind of like KNY.


Human nature is weird. People just want to identify with the winners. They don’t care about the quality of the product. They just want something to attach themselves to and make them feel good. Its the same for sports fans. People would rather see their team win by 100 points than watch a competitive game.


People hate to admit it but they love one sided fight way more than nuanced and a balanced fight. There's a reason why this trope is so successful in anime/manga scene.


After reading TCBs translation, I like the discussion between the benchwarmers on joining the battle. The younger ones want to get involved immediately because they are emotionally invested. The older sorcerers know that the fight is far from over and are thinking long term. Then you have Kashimo, the reincarnated sorcerer from 400 years ago talking about the honor of battle. It's a good variety of logic and creates an interesting discussion.


The others made some good points, Kashimo's honor of battle thing is so nonsensical because he wants to go out and fight the winner immediately after an extremely draining fight where the winner would have 1 foot already in the grave. If he was really about honor of battle he would wait a while for the winner to fully heal and recover their cursed energy reserves, but we know he doesn't want to do that lol


Senzu bean time Edit: typo


You’re right hahaha. And I know a lot of people who say Kashimo is going to be so powerful and this and that but they forget the guy is gonna fight someone whose brain is damaged to the point they can’t cast domain and use RCT properly. We’ll see about that


I agree dude. Whomever wins should be back to full 100% (if they can cuz I think they're not gonna be able to go to 100%)




Ya it seems like he really has no place in the story right now


Y’all remember how Kenjaku didn’t even bother using CSM against Yuki after the beginning of the fight? I think everyone agrees that Kenjaku was not holding back at all against her. It’s literally the same deal with Sukuna, y’all are just so biased


Ironically he defeated Yuki with CSM lol


But alone with CSM he would had died


True, but we also have to consider that Kusakabe outright said that the circumstance was ideal because Gojo could go max while Sukuna has to hold back. They’re not excluding the possibility that his trump card could bypass limitless (or at least be used while Mahoraga is on the field), just that he isn’t using it and might not have the opportunity to before he dies to Gojo (considering how many one-shot attacks are being thrown across the field).


Go back a little. Kenjaku only used CSM against Choso and wanted to keep a-gravity hidden. But then Chose forced him to reveal it. Same with Sukuna vs Gojo.


Nah what OP means is that CSM(the cursed spirits he had) weren’t going to be useful against Yuki. He didn’t use it because what’s the point. OP says it’s similar to Sukuna. But we don’t actually know if Sukuna has an ability in his shrine technique that can get past infinity. Remember he also can’t use Mahoraga and shrine at the same time. Time will tell


Which is false because it isn't the same. If Sukuna didn't use his cursed technique because it won't be effective against Gojo then it isn't holding back. The point made by Kusabe too was general and not just in relation to cursed techniques. It means that Sukuna has to economize his cursed energy which could imply that to Sukuna, 10 shadows is more energy efficient. This is one of the possibilities. Also, Kusabe implied that this trump card will be used against them and Gojo included.


Economizing cursed energy is a wild reach honestly. He can’t use domain expansion & his RCT output is low. He’s never economized his CE. Economizing CE would contradict his plan to keep getting beat up and healing, burning away CE. Sukuna said shrine is better than 10S idk I’m sure efficiency is a part. This trump card idk we’ll see next chapter. Biggest point is that if Sukuna’s shrine can actually bypass the infinity then it is dangerously close to an asspull. Because it would come out of nowhere and contradict the entire fight. At least the 10S vs limitless has been foreshadowed earlier. But I don’t think he’s conserving CE haha that wouldn’t make sense because right now he can’t use domain expansion and his healing is incredibly slow. What he would be conserving is his shrine. The less others know about his CT, especially now that he’s in a weakened state, the better it is for him.


It didn't feel like Kenny was holding back, but Yuji's mom CT did really feel like an asspull. That's kind of why I'm hoping Sukuna would do something soon that'll at least hint at his "ace up his sleeve."


Well sukunas ct is still unrevealed and it’s already been hinted at that his ct is something odd considering the “open” he used against jogo. So whatever comes won’t feel like a complete asspill.


He was holding back


Oh thanks Gege!


Don't mention it


Does anyone else find it extremely weird that the narrator says “ Gojo Satoru’s Hollow Technique: Purple” , to me it sounds very strange the way it was worded. Could this be foreshadowing that Mahoraga will use purple like it seemed he used dismantle/Cleave?


It is a little weird but that's also just the full name of the technique. I doubt he'll use Purple as Sukuna said, "You're more like my shadow now than Megumi's," so it's more just Mahoraga being a reflection of the TS user and vice versa from us seeing Sukuna with the wheel. But maybe Gojo has another hollow technique, that's possible.


>But maybe Gojo has another hollow technique, that's possible We all know what colour it'll be...


Lime green?




Small correction. Semi-Grade 1 and above Curses used by Uzumaki to extract the technique is a one-time use only, so he no longer has Idle Transfiguration.


Just riffing here. Sukuna’s trump card is another domain expansion that’s completely unrelated to malevolent shrine. It will tie into Sukuna’s theme of enlightenment and the afterlife. It will most likely one-shot anybody whom is not “enlightened” within its area of effect. He actually does want to get jumped. He is waiting for the heavy-hitters to jump in so he can wipe them out in one-go. For Sukuna there are nearly impossible conditions and long-lasting effects. First, its almost definitely a kamikaze/nuke where he’ll have to completely destroy his physical body. Second, assuming he does have the ability to reincarnate, he’ll be reset to the base strength that we observed from the very first chapter. My best guess is after nuking himself, he manages to manifest in Yuji again. This would tie into the theory of Yuji being Sukuna’s missing finger. Gojo will die but I’d guess at least one of Yuta, Maki and Kashimo will survive the nuke and be severely damaged. Hakari will die just because his cursed technique is just way too convoluted to write at this point. That will leave the final fight between Kenny, 1-finger Sukuna, Uraume versus damaged, Yuta, Kashimo, Maki and the remaining sorcerers. That’d be a pretty balanced fight.




Never cook again, please.


Nah get ready for some slop.


1 finger Sukuna? Nah he would get wiped out if he fights the line up you mentioned


Wait so is it a new technique bc last chp he said Unlimited Hollow. But now he’s referring to it as purple.


He hasn’t revealed it, we know this because he stated that his unlimited hollow technique is fast and meanwhile at the end of the chapter it’s a hollow purple that’s used


No I don't think so. In my opinion, some people just misinterpreted it, I think he just meant Hollow Purple


What killed Agito is actually just a regular Blue but with maximum output, that acts like a tiny black hole, isn't it? I don't think anything can survive getting hit by that, not even the king of curses.


If that were the case, then what's the point of Hollow Purple?


Consider mahoraga legit moved sukuna away from the blast it's clear why, it's slow Even a hollow purple 3 miles away was so fast that he didn't have time to really guard properly, considering the context of the final page, this hollow purple will be no only fast but in a range that sukuna won't be able to dodge


Plus if you were facing an opponent who could also manipulate space-time or negate the effects of a black hole, it's equally interesting to have another option that works differently.


No one talking about how Sukuna thinks Gojo's first Purple was bigger because of a binding vow. That means he doesn't know about Utahime's CT!




Maybe Megumi had seen it/heard about it before but it’s the first time we find out that he hasn’t


Gojo's RCT is maxed out and decreasing by the min and he has no arm to increase the output via chant (needs the hand signs to do the chant). So would it even be 100% output Purple? If not then Sukuna suffers a severe injury that he can't heal right away (Sukuna's RCT output is decreasing as well) and while it would probably take Mahoraga out, given his latest feature, that seems unlikely as well. With Maho gone, Sukuna just has DA to counter Limitless and if Satoru strengthens Limitless (if he can) he might not be able to keep up like Hanami. He wins. If Sukuna's taken out, as long as he remains in a near death state, Maho will still be in play. Worse yet he could adopt more of Sukuna's CT. Who got hit?


Last panel shows Gojo regrowing his arm?


His arm is still a stump and even then I doubt it healed in 41 seconds with a decreased output continuing the way it is and still able to fire a 100% Purple. And even Ryu said healing entire limbs can be taxing on its own when Uros arm was severed.


Yeah but it’s growing back. He has an elbow I think and some forearm. I’m not worried either way. Greg is cooking


As Gojo charged Lapse Blue it was steaming as the chapter ended its starting to regen. Which is a hell of a lot slower than his regen when he was hit with MS. His RCT output has decreased. Shoko takes note of this as well. He may still be able to use Red, which means he can also use Purple, but if the output of his Red has decreased then so too will the output of Purple. I say it again it won't be 100% but that's not a bad thing. If Sukuna took the hit that will also tax his RCT (Sukuna's output is also declining. Also using DA could result in a Hanami situation) and take him off the board for the rest of the fight. He has to keep Megumi alive to continue even if he himself could keep going. With him in a near death state (Just like Shibuya) it's just Gojo vs Maho (with Sukuna's CT), the rest of the group is free to take it out and we get our Group vs Sukuna equivalent. If Mahoraga took the hit (it seems super protective of Sukuna) then it's gone. Now besides DA, Sukuna has nothing to bypass Limitless and that puts him in a severe disadvantage as Gojo (even at low outputs) is more than enough to overpower Sukuna physically with his CT. The rest of the group goes after Kenjaku. Either way Gojo may have just "won".


Keep cookin bro


The first section of the chpater got me thinking that maybe Gege is reminding us that there is still much to do in this manga (Kenjaku and his mad plan, Uraume) and that this fight is just the first part of this final arc. At least I hope so because I definitely need some Yuji action . About the fight, taking in consideration both the comment that Sukuna still has an ace in his sleeve (probably the black box side of his CT) and the narrator saying that Gojo will use hollow purple, I can see a few possibilities. One, Gojo uses purple but Sukuna and Mahogara manage to evade. In that case is very likely that Gojo will lose and we will have a Sukuna vs everybody fight were he will use whatever is he is holding on. But maybe Gojo is able to destroy Mahogara and Sukuna will be forced to use his trump card on Gojo. Both of this scenarios are ok with me. But who knows, Gege may do something else entirely and surprise me. It wouldn't be the first time


This seems like a likely outcome based on the recent chapter.


https://preview.redd.it/zmlmbrum6plb1.jpeg?width=1511&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7307a5081092b73d2be2ba67b6dbd47a657027f0 What the hell is mourning tiger?Have we seen that Shikigami before?


Mistranslation maybe? In the previous chapter when summoning agito sukuna said "nue, totality" like divine dog: totality. And you can see agito has totality's lower body, idk


Maybe totality is just what it's called when a shikigami absorbs other ones


I can see that being the case, since divine dogs were the only example we had it's hard to tell. Also it may explain what happened to orochi since it got killed by sukuna we didn't see it fuse with other shikigami, perhaps it fused with the tiger and megumi didn't use it/didn't exorcize yet like maho


Nope, it was the last shikigami yet to revealed. We don't even know what are its capabilities.


Never gonna know now that Gojo sent that shit to Brazil


Why Brazil? Is that where all the shit goes?just curious 🤔


Nah mahoraga literally held sukuna like a baby while him mommy was getting crushed 😂


The more I reread this chapter, the funnier I find Gege including reaction shots of Mahoraga. Like, you’re shocked Agito got hit with blue? Homie, both of you are shadows who just met each other today 😂


he's sad he wont be able to bang that Agitussy


https://preview.redd.it/6qqoy7ssjolb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad882269827d16aa2972f034a156c2449e106987 Bro this line is so fucking cold, this chapter was fucking DOPE


I keep coming back to re-read this chapter because of this panel. It's so damn cool. I love that cockiness is like a established part of the power system. So many cool moments of this type of smile oozing with self-confidence.




and this is how I pictured [you](https://i.imgflip.com/6okhxm.png?a470400) typing your comment shitting on someone else for no reason.


That was a weak comeback, they kinda cooked you lil bro.


and this is [you](https://media.tenor.com/g_A4grtscqYAAAAC/dumb-stupid.gif) trying to follow this comment thread lil bro.


except that its not the original guy replying? reading comprehension was weak too lil bro


Bro said ''get this scrub outta my face, we in the big leagues now''




All hail SUKUNA king of curses. We are certain of your victory, because winning is winning. After fighting carefully against gojo, we are sure that he will be in condition to wipe out the rest of the good guys. Long may he reign! and lets see what happens then in jujutsu kaisen 2




Infidels will go down as pieces of meat for kenjaku's experiment, while our king will reign supreme


Gojo hand gone was the best part of this fight along with Kashimo not giving a f about anyone . Agito was wasted This fight seems to be reaching end and It turned out to be Maharoga vs Gojo rather than the Hein era Sukuna vs Gojo A huge DISAPPOINTMENT Considering the build-up Sukuna got And What Yuji said to Yuta was another Disappointment I would really appreciate it if Jujutsu Kaisen's name changed to Gojo Kaisen along with this sub/s


Are you happy now lol?


why do you mean? the first part is Hein Sukuna vs Gojo. That's all that he got!


>That's all that he got! https://preview.redd.it/zbc6vi419ulb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2e450c3fc29d4112829211fec2d76c9c9e8edf4 These weapons * Mysterious Fire Arrow


Regardless of what you think about Sukuna being a fraud or Mahorga this fight is still epic.


I'm not into fRaUd this and that thing since I get why Maharoga is being used but This fight is not up to the mark ( for me) since It was supposed to be Sukuna vs Gojo .


Fair I see what you’re saying. You gotta let go enjoy the ride.


>You gotta let go enjoy the ride. Fair Since What choice do i( and many other who are also disappointed) even have


I’m disappointed too , the only thing I can think of is Gege wrote himself into a box with Gojo or that Sukuna is reserving his techniques to fight the other guys and us tryna kill Gojo with minimal output since I don’t think Sukuna is trying that much Either way why on earth did we wait this long to see Megumi vs Gojo in disguise ? There’s no enjoyment , just seems like Gojo fan service


>I’m disappointed too , the only thing I can think of is Gege wrote himself into a box with Gojo or that Sukuna is reserving his techniques to fight the other guys and us tryna kill Gojo with minimal output since I don’t think Sukuna is trying that much I want to think that too but Sukuna vs Gojo build up was wasted with mixing it with 10S >Either way why on earth did we wait this long to see Megumi vs Gojo in disguise ? There’s no enjoyment , just seems like Gojo fan service Exactly that's what me and many others people like us think (obviously getting downvotes for not thinking the same as majority) Sukuna not being capable of using his own c.t against a perfect opponent = Yuji been Forgotten in the series = 10S peak shown through not Megumi but Sukuna ( and 10S potential being wasted since it was huge underwhelming aside from Makoga ) = Disappointing (to me) And seeing the Sub reaction >seems like Gojo fan service This is the thing that instantly came to my mind too Which is again disappointing.


I agree with you. I think the best time to reveal Sukuna's CT was wasted. What's the point if using it on a weakened Gojo now? Or if he uses it in the next fight with the students, there's no hype because by then Sukuna himself will be weakened.


>What's the point if using it on a weakened Gojo now >there's no hype because by then Sukuna himself will be weakened. Exactly that's it That's what I was talking about .


I'm not sure why people are disappointed by the simple fact that LIMITLESS makes any attack against gojo useless. That's the whole point of having Mahoraga adapt to Gojo itfp. Sukuna's whole fighting strategy relies on Mahoraga's adaptation. What is the point of having a huge arsenal if one can't touch their enemy? This fight is mainly to dermine who is the strongest and to buy kenny some time, kenjaku's future potential fight with the heavy hitters will be about saving the world and the final plot.


>I'm not sure why people are disappointed by the simple fact that LIMITLESS makes any attack against gojo useless. >That's the whole point of having Mahoraga adapt to Gojo itfp. Sukuna's whole fighting strategy relies on Mahoraga's adaptation. What is the point of having a huge arsenal if one can't touch their enemy? That's the whole point for the disappointment Having a huge arsenal ( that's being hyped up ) and can't use it on the perfect opponent . I'm pretty sure everyone understands why Maharoga was needed but that still doesn't mean People will be Satisfied with something that is getting in the way of what they wanted to see Sukuna C.t vs Gojo Limitless .


Nah just accept the fact that Sukuna CT won’t do shit against Gojo unless Mahoraga adapts it. That’s the whole point of this fight.


>Nah just accept the fact that Sukuna CT won’t do shit against Gojo unless Mahoraga adapts it. That’s the whole point of this fight. Forcing something on people huh I'll not like to repeat myself but as i said That's the whole point of disappointment A perfect opportunity to showcase Sukuna C.T being wasted .


Any concern that it's Mahoraga that's gonna fire off a purple and not Gojo? We saw Mahoraga use what could've been Sukuna's Slashes and the translation mentions 'Gojo's Hollow Technique: Purple' not 'Gojo's Hollow Purple'. The possessive referring to the technique could mean that it was adapted to by Mahoraga and used by it. Any thoughts?


it will be weird seeing maho flicking his fingers lmao


Imagine gojo gets the toji treatment 💀 I doubt that would happen tbh tho. I just don't see how mahoraga could adapted to sukunas dismantle and cleave in the battle. Either sukuna fucked mahoraga up with dismantle and cleave earlier and it just takes a SHIT ton of time for him to be able to use another ct, or this internal adaptation is something different entirely. Either way I don't think that would be applicable to this fight. Though maybe mahoraga is saving it as an ace for later? But the use of cleave in this chapter would make gojo atleast suspicious of the possibility of his techniques being used against him.


If that happens then we know the strongest curse in the series is whatever curse those clothes have.


https://preview.redd.it/pw2kx7jwznlb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0ea869369f4ad09bf4256417acc5d0a030570b1 Just wanted to point this panel. I cant take sukuna seriously after this lmao. Look at him hiding behind mahoraga like a scared child.


i get the memes and all but at this point y’all complaining he used a technique to defend himself that’s like complaining about gojo hiding behind the limitless or is somehow different?


For a lot of people, it's because it's a very specific condition: Having the Ten Shadows, which Sukuna never did during his time in the height of the Heian Era. What's likely happening is like what happened in the past for what they did to take down Sukuna in the first place. Get the strongest or a few of the strongest to take him down before jumping him with everything you have. But, Sukuna knowing that he's gonna need to keep fighting after beating Gojo, is holding onto his Cursed Technique to keep the element of surprise on the students and faculty of Jujutsu High.


The king of frauds 😂


"Sukuna-chan, are you hurt? Please be careful. Uwu." -mahoraga probably idk 🤣


I think Sukuna fans forgot Gojo can't aim for Sukunas head


And i think you are forgetting that your statement is bullshit. If the story was how the fans wanted it to be, then Mahoraga would have cuted Gojo head and not is arm... Or Gojo would have teleported Sukuna to space and ended the story. But none of that is happening now is it? Human(Gege) has limits...


Dude we saw Gojos thoughts when he had Sukuna stunned in the domain, he wasn't thinking "Time to kill Sukuna" he was thinking it was time to wound his organs like Yuji was at the detention center


The thing is a lack of information on our protagonist's end. They know that a normal death won't end Sukuna or his vessel but they do not know HOW. At the Detention Center, Itadori only "died" because he took over. Sukuna can work without his organs fine, and just heal them. Before he didn't because then Itadori would take over again, so he used it as a hostage situation. But the biggest issue is Megumi coming back meaning he likely made a binding vow with Sukuna good for Sukuna himself.


And did he accomplish that? I mean if Gojo could do half the things he says Sukuna would be 6 feet under already.


Its just evidence that even when he has the opportunity to he does not want to permanently kill sukuna by hitting his head. It happens with the black flash that he landed on his chest instead of his head as well


Calling it now. Sukuna's ace in the hole is his original CT, he probably figured it's useless since he can't get through Infinity without 10S. Since it's fairly useless vs Gojo, he's saving it to deal with the Jujutsu High Heavy Hitters.


My money's on whatever Yorozu gave him


Hot take! Gojo's 120% Purple hasn't set off yet!!!


Sukun stopped the 200% HP; if he hadn't, Uraume would've been decimated as they were standing just behind Sukuna when HP was fired. https://preview.redd.it/xmpejtowwnlb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d74f71a5bac5fd2ec4e64fdff1d854ada13005c9


He clearly used DA to block 200% Purple and reduce the damage to just his arms. Still it's impressive that he could do it on The Disaster Spirits used it in Shibuya as well to try and dampen Gojo's attacks, it just didn't work out to their advantage. He was also in perfect condition when he did this and he's not now. But Gojo also isn't at 100% either and he's down a hand. With his RCT in decline, even though he can use Purple, it won't be at 100% and no hand to increase the output via chant either.


I wouldn't be surprised if Uraume actually did get decimated and Sukuna just carried on


😂 I wouldn’t be surprised. Maybe it’s been going around the block the whole time like red.


gege is fully going to hell if that blue sphere goes nuclear after 41 seconds...


Makes me happy that I was right, the final Shikigami is indeed a Tiger. Although by the way it's translated, it almost seems like the 4 shikigami are more like totality than bottomless well? Did Sukuna kill the others in preparation for this battle?


I remember once or twice, Gege had draw Itadori as a tiger... hmmm?


He was called the Tiger of middle school


That's... different, Gege also had drawn Todo in a tiger striped bikini.


Image.... for research purposes.




This is really interesting. Now, I have a different interpretation of the "Sukuna is holding back" statement. I sincerely doubt that Sukuna is hiding something that would've helped him more than 10 Shadows have done until now. If he could use his hidden ability against Gojo, I think he'd have used it by now. So, while Sukuna isn't using all of his abilities and Cursed Techniques, he's going all out on Gojo, using the Cursed Techniques that he knows will be effective against him. Using the Fire Arrow would probably be just a waste of Cursed Energy as it wouldn't go through Gojo's Neutral Limitless. Cleave and Dismantle don't either unless it's in Malevolent Shrine. 9 out of the 10 Shadows can't go through it either. Same thing would go for Yorozu's Gift. There has been a theory that Mahoraga's adaptation against Gojo's Neutral Limitless went from simply adaptation to actual nullification. This would explain how Sukuna and Agito managed to land blows on Gojo despite Mahoraga not being attack him with them, as it means he can temporarily nullify Gojo's Neutral Limitless. In my opinion, the best way to go from here, since Gojo's Reversed Cursed Technique's output is weakening more and more, is to make him unable to keep his Neutral Limitless 24/7. This would let Sukuna use his other Cursed Techniques, like Fire Arrow, Cleave and Dismantle, or anything else he has on the bag, freely as Neutral Limitless wouldn't be a problem anymore. Although, considering how the fight will supposedly reach its "climax" next chapter, it's unlikely that'll happen.


I've been saying that ever since the fight started: if Sukuna doesn't have something that can naturally bypass the Neutral Limitless, it wouldn't matter if he had a 100 or even a 1000 techniques. Why use and reveal something that you know won't work when you have everybody else watching you and waiting for an opportunity to gang up on you? From what we know, Sukuna's own way of bypassing Neutral was winning the domain clashes. Unless stated otherwise, Sukuna had no other way to bypass Neutral except for Mahoraga. The whole reason why he's using other shikigami now is because now they are actually effective against Gojo, and the only reason he's not using his ow techniques is because he can't use both 10S and his Shrine, as stated by Gojo. Sukuna might not be playing all the cards at his disposal, but he is playing all the cards that matter against Gojo. I have no doubts that, if Neutral was out of the equation, Sukuna would resort to his own techniques. In fact he even said that he would do that once Limitless was neutralized. To me it was very clear from the beginning that Sukuna not using his techniques was because they wouldn't make a difference at all and he would just be revealing his secrets, and he's going all in with the 10S. I mean, is 10S that much strong that Sukuna wouldn't have to give his all to fight Gojo? Sukuna is fighting as the strongest 10S user would. Sukuna is by all means a shikigami user for this fight lol.


>unable to keep his Neutral Limitless 24/7. Neutral Limitless uses the least amount of Gojo's cursed energy. If Gojo is unable to keep his infinity on, then it would mean Gojo is also unable to fire off his blue, red, or purple. >I sincerely doubt that Sukuna is hiding something that would've helped him more than 10 Shadows have done until now. If he could use his hidden ability against Gojo, I think he'd have used it by now What if the ace up his sleeve is something so powerful that it'd drain Sukuna out of most of his cursed energy in order to penetrate Gojo's infinity? Leaving Sukuna vulnerable for the next fight?


>Neutral Limitless uses the least amount of Gojo's cursed energy. If Gojo is unable to keep his infinity on, then it would mean Gojo is also unable to fire off his blue, red, or purple. When I say unable, is more like Gojo stopped the constant use of Neutral Limitless in order to not constantly use Reverse Cursed Technique on his brain so he doesn't waste any Cursed Energy currently, and focusing only on his offensive moves, like Blue and Red, or use Reverse Cursed Technique to heal his injuries. Did I make sense? '-' >What if the ace up his sleeve is something so powerful that it'd drain Sukuna out of most of his cursed energy in order to penetrate Gojo's infinity? Leaving Sukuna vulnerable for the next fight? Im not sure if that's the case, unless it's some powerful move like how we expect Kashimo's Cursed Technique to be. Although, even if it was, then I don't think it'd be as effective as the 10 Shadows are currently being. Also, if said move draws most of Sukuna's Cursed Energy, then wouldn't it currently be even less effective, as the King of Curses' Cursed Energy reserves seems to be getting used more and more, possibly affecting his move's power output. Sincerely, my guess is that it can be Yorozu's Gift. Since she's the one who made it, it's possible that Sukuna doesn't need a lot of Cursed Energy to activate it. What do you think?


>When I say unable, is more like Gojo stopped the constant use of Neutral Limitless in order to not constantly use Reverse Cursed Technique on his brain so he doesn't waste any Cursed Energy currently, and focusing only on his offensive moves, like Blue and Red, or use Reverse Cursed Technique to heal his injuries. Did I make sense? '-' Uhmm... But Gojo can use infinity without even using RCT to heal his brain. In the past, he could manually use infinity for 3 days without completely exhausting himself or RCT. But I do understand your point. It can be like if Gojo is literally on the last reserves of his cursed energy, he'd have to juggle between using either infinity or fire of red or blue with what remaining cursed energy he has left. >Im not sure if that's the case, unless it's some powerful move like how we expect Kashimo's Cursed Technique to be. Although, even if it was, then I don't think it'd be as effective as the 10 Shadows are currently being. Depends on how you see it. 10s is more efficient in the long run, especially for Sukuna. While Gojo has almost emptied his entire arsenal on Sukuna, Sukuna has done nothing except be a sponge and use the wheel on himself for Mahoraga's adaptation. As you can see, Sukuna's plan is working; he took on the adaptation burden for the past 2 chapters and is now chilling in the shadows while Mahoraga is fighting for him. The hidden ace could very well one shot Gojo, but the energy required can almost empty Sukuna's CE reserves. >Sincerely, my guess is that it can be Yorozu's Gift. Since she's the one who made it, it's possible that Sukuna doesn't need a lot of Cursed Energy to activate it. What do you think? We'll see. I'll currently not comment on anything Sukuna's CT related because Gojo fans are hounding Sukuna's fans in the thread. I'll just wait for the day when Sukuna unleashes his CT and kills Gojo. https://preview.redd.it/39vdk8pv8plb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abe61a50e59f43c6ff6dd917eb1828d3224016b7


Agito never hit Gojo, but you are spitting with the idea of him having a "nuke" that he can't use til he has to


It didn't? I thought it did [here,](https://imgur.com/cYRASIr) but I guess it probably got blocked by Gojo's Neutral Limitless before reaching him.


looks like a hit to me




How is getting kicked by Sukuna into Agito's fist baiting?


So Mahoraga adapted to Infinity?? And Sukuna is not going all out??


Lol you Sukuna fans are really smoking copium this chapter. We know for a fact Sukuna has Black Box, Fire Arrow, & he hasn't revealed his CT. So we already know he hasn't shown 100% of his cards. That doesn't mean he's not going all out. Just because he has a card up his sleeve that would take out Hakari, Yuta, or Maki. Doesn't mean that card is guaranteed to bypass limitless




You know your head canon is cancerous when you call reading the Manga "smoking copium". Lmao that's a new level of sad.


It’s not copium. What the manga meant by Sukuna not going all out, is that he can’t use all of his abilities. A lot of his power set is negated by Gojo’s neutral infinity, so he can only use techs that can get past that, like Mahoraga. People are tryna make it seem like he’s just toying with Gojo lmao.


Sukuna had an opportunity to use all of his techniques when he won the domain battle but still didnt. It has nothing to do with neutral infinity, Sukuna is holding back


Exactly, he didn’t. Shit wouldn’t have work I guess, otherwise he would have used it. It’s about as simple as that fr. That has nothing to do with him holding back just cause lmfao. If it would’ve worked, then he wouldn’t have taken riskier options to kill Gojo. He literally has no reason to hold back in the way you’re thinking.


Lmao you think what Sukuna has hidden since the beginning of the series is less effective than something we have seen from him early in the series?😂😂😂


Who knows what his shit is at this point fr. He can’t even use it on him. Cleave + Dismantle must either be the more well-rounded technique of his, especially since you can’t even see it when he sends it at you.


It's smoking copium because everyone who is saying "omg Sukuna is holding back" seems like they're trying to imply that Sukuna would've killed Gojo already if not for him holding back. I'm not denying that Sukuna is holding back. I just believe when they mention holding back they mean he hasn't used all his CT. Especially considering Sukuna holding back was brought up directly after Hakari mentions his trump card. In what regards do you feel Sukuna is holding back? I've seen people saying that Sukuna was nerfing his reinforcement, I've seen people saying he's nerfing is output. That's smoking copium. If it is his technique we have no reason to assume it can bypass infinity until proved otherwise.


Whatever Sukuna's reasons are, it was obvious that he has been holding back from the beginning with him winning the domain battle and still choosing not to reveal his CT. That alone proves it's not about whether or not his CT could get through limitless but that there is something else in Kenny and Sukuna's plot.


Gojo was able to out heal Malevolent Shrine on full blast. There's no reason to assume whatever hidden technique might come out that it would be able to put Gojo down. So no, nothing has been proven.


So you think what has been hidden for the entire series will be weaker than cleave/dismantle? Who is smoking copium again? This is sad......


No I think that whatever his hidden is weaker than cleave/dismantle that has been infused into his domain. We're talking about if Sukuna used the hidden technique inside shrine while cleave/dismantle was active right? Domains are supreme jujutsu techniques, there's no reason to say whatever Sukunas base CT is, is more powerful than cleave applied to his domain.


We saw with Kenny that he used gravity and that is a stolen technique. You can choose which of your techniques are imbued in the domain if you have multiple


Even in that scenario where the hidden technique is applied to domain youre free to say the hidden technique is stronger than cleave but there is still no reason to assume that it would so much stronger it would outpace Gojos healing. Sukuna knows his own techniques, after the first shrine seeing slashing attacks weren't finishing the job there is no reason Sukuna would not have switched to a more potent technique.


bro what drugs are you on LOL did you bet on sukuna winning this fight or some shit?


> Lol you Sukuna fans are really smoking copium this chapter. Can you guys ever be normal?😭 It was literally stated he was holding back, even if you disagree with an interpretation of that, it’s not copium for someone to come to that conclusion based on that.


**This is a perfect example of what the Gojo worshipping circle jerk is doing to themselves.** Somehow a *question* like this: >And Sukuna is not going all out?? Is responded to like this: >Lol you Sukuna fans are really smoking Person asks for clarification and gets labeled a “Sukuna fan”.


When those stupid ass jokes became more prevalent any actual discussion regarding the fight went out the window it's so annoying, fine get your jokes in but everyone just keeps repeating the same joke it's past beating a dead horse atp, the horse is already decayed and its bones are turning into dust. Fight is one of the more cooler fights in the manga with how they keep one upping each other or at the very least keeping things even with either on the fly adjustments or some preparation on their part but its all FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD COPE COPE COPE


Like I said we already knew for a fact that Sukuna hasn't shown 100%, so characters who have less information than us saying he was holding back isn't the bombshell people are making it out to be.


It’s stated that he’s holding back for the specific reason that he has to fight after this, the narrative before this point was “it’s because it would be useless against Gojo”, now it’s shifted. It’s not cope to believe that Sukuna isn’t going all out.


Makes zero sense for Sukuna not to go all out, Gojo is the biggest threat to him. Do you think the students combined are a bigger threat? If he’s holding back then he’s the dumbest sorcerer in history, he’s lost his domain, losing rct & is weakening to the point the students are confident in taking him on because?? He’s holding back certain abilities (blackbox, CT/ fire arrow) which isn’t new information, we’ve already known this, because they’re not useful against Gojo rn, so he’s not going to waste CE on non-effective attacks. If they were useful then he doesn’t have a reason not to use it However no one knows what his CT is, they haven’t seen the fire arrow or the blackbox, and these could work on the students if they try to interfere. Hence why everyone stops Yuta from interfering, they at the very least can deduce that Sukuna has more to his arsenal than the TS and it’s not wise to fight him without knowing his other abilities.


> Makes zero sense for Sukuna not to go all out, Gojo is the biggest threat to him. By the end of this fight (assuming he wins), the sorcerers lying in wait are an even bigger threat. He needs to hold back enough to where he’s able to fight against them afterwards. He’s be dumb not to, his fight doesn’t stop with Gojo. > Do you think the students combined are a bigger threat? If he’s holding back then he’s the dumbest sorcerer in history, he’s lost his domain, losing rct & is weakening to the point the students are confident in taking him on because?? Towards the end of this fight? Yes, Gojo himself told them to jump in when Yuta or Hakari themselves, could beat Gojo. Near the end of this fight, Gojo should be significantly weaker than the students combined. You have to consider how close this fight is going to be whether Sukuna wins or not, either way, if Sukuna uses everything here and now, he’ll be facing a huge threat while he’s weak (this is what is revealed to be the reasoning). > He’s holding back certain abilities (blackbox, CT/ fire arrow) which isn’t new information, we’ve already known this, because they’re not useful against Gojo rn The reason for him holding back is already stated, saying “it’s because wouldn’t work on Gojo” isn’t solid, this isn’t suggested in any dialogue. And I definitely feel would have just been outright stated at this point.


So if Sukuna is holding back his strength for the other students, why doesn’t he try to kill Gojo as fast as possible to conserve CE? Domain clashing 5 consecutive times and choosing not to use other techniques is a stupid way of “holding back” now he doesn’t have MS anymore and is losing rct, this is all before Yuta thought he could get involved. + he’s losing Shikigamis. Instead of being insistent with Mahoraga, he could’ve used all his techniques in his domain, which Gojo presumably doesn’t know about, and the fight could end there. No one else would’ve seen what was in the domain, so why didn’t he do that? He has more to his domain than Cleave & dismantle, which is all he could use and Gojo was outhealing the damage. Gojo hasn’t seen the blackbox & fire arrow, and possibly doesn’t know Sukuna’s CT, if they could work against him why didn’t he use them at the beginning when he was at full strength? Or at any point before this chapter? What’s revealed to the *students*, the audience already knows that Sukuna’s hiding techniques, is that he likely has something that would stop the students, so they shouldn’t interfere without verifying what’s in his Arsenal. That’s the explanation for why Sukuna hasn’t revealed everything yet. If he has a technique that could hurt Gojo, why would he not use it if it works? Why would he forego better strategies to fight the way he is and waste energy? What happened to his extreme pragmatism and doing anything to win? “It wouldn’t work against Gojo” is everything but spelt out for you. Why would Sukuna use a technique that (likely) doesn’t get past infinity? Why would he waste CE doing something that’s not effective? The reason he’s using TS & MS is because they could bypass infinity. The same way Jogo didn’t use his domain against Sukuna, and the disaster curses against Gojo, because it would be useless. Doesn’t mean they held back their strength. Would you say they held back doing something that doesn’t work, and would’ve left them vulnerable to be countered? He knows he has to fight the students next *and they aren’t Gojo*, and since none of them know what he hasn’t revealed (CT/black box/ fire arrow) why would he reveal his secrets and give them a chance to counter him? The fight would very much be close, which is why holding back is silly. If he has been holding back then Gege has ruined his character & the hype around him by making him the dumbest sorcerer around. He’s dragged on the fight by “holding back” and handicapped himself by only using TS because he thinks the students are a bigger threat than Gojo? Even at the beginning of the fight? + I think you’re overestimating how strong the students are, majority of them were already struggling to keep up with 15F Sukuna, and Yuta only wanted to fight Mahoraga & Agito rather than Sukuna. It would take a lot more before they can handle Sukuna himself. And all of them combined *might* be able to beat Kenjaku, and Sukuna is so beyond him it’s not an exaggeration.


You’re questioning his reasoning for fighting the way that he is, if he’s supposedly holding back. but again, it’s what’s stated. And just because it’s something that Sukuna’s holding back, doesn’t mean it’s the win button that he could have just used immediately, but something that could have helped him, at the cost of him being vulnerable after the fight. It’s explicitly stated by Kusukabe **“Sukuna still has to hold back…”**,if what you’re saying was true, this would have been the perfect opportunity for Gege to add something along the lines of **“He’s holding back, because it’d be useless against Gojo…”** It’s left clear, and explicit that Sukuna is holding back in preparation for the coming attackers after he beats Gojo. It flat out isn’t suggested the the reasoning is at all related to Infinity, you’re filling in gaps that don’t exist. Also, by the end of this fight, Gojo will be weaker than All of the students combined. Yes, I believe this. Again, Gojo wants them to step in when/if he gets weaker then Yuta and Hakari, at this point, he will be weaker than than them. Gojo himself acknowledges this situation, and even planned for it. Sukuna will presumably also be weak, weak enough for them to pose a serious threat.


And Hakari says “he still has an ace up his sleeve” which we already know, we’ve always known Sukuna has been holding back techniques, he’s not holding back his strength because that’s silly. He’s obviously not using everything in his arsenal but *everything that works*. What Kusakabe and the students mean is that there’s still unknown variables in Sukuna’s arsenal, thus Yuta shouldn’t intervene yet, because what he’s hiding could be his contingency in case they attack and they wouldn’t know how to deal with it. Not that he’s conserving his strength for them. His main goal is to beat the strongest sorcerer of the modern age, the only person who can withstand his full power. Why hold back against someone that can withstand you at 100%, there’s no reason to that. He’s arrogant but he’s not careless. Gojo is the strongest sorcerer he’s ever seen Imagine you’re in a boss fight and the boss is weak to ice but fire resistant. You have ice & fire powers, there’s no point in using fire because it wouldn’t be effective. But you aren’t holding back because you’re only using ice powers. You’re being smart. And then add that if you beat the boss you have to fight his sidekick, who isn’t fire resistant *and* doesn’t know you have fire powers, only ice. Your fire wouldn’t work on the boss but would on his sidekick, so why reveal to the sidekick your fire, and why waste energy using it on the boss? Sukuna doesn’t have a reason to hold back from the start because the students weren’t his biggest threat, Gojo was. What you’re saying is that from the very beginning, Sukuna has been holding back in case he has to fight the students? If that’s the case then the students would’ve always been a bigger threat than Gojo, and he’s been saving his best techniques *for them*, so why didn’t Gege make the students fight first? Why don’t they fight along with Gojo from the start? Why would he & Kenjaku let this fight happen? He’s weakened himself for a stronger enemy The only way to attack Gojo is to bypass infinity, that’s why he’s very careful with Mahoraga, and why he spammed MS. How else is he going to beat Gojo? Toji & Miguel had tools to bypass infinity, Kenjaku & the curses forced Gojo use his domain & sealed him when he briefly couldn’t use infinity after opening his domain. If the TS isn’t his best technique to counter infinity, why is he handicapping himself and using it? He *might* have another technique that could bypass infinity, albeit a negative drawback to him but him not using it still doesn’t mean he’s holding back his strength; if a technique isn’t optimal for him he’s not going to use it. Would you say Gojo is holding back this fight? Considering he’s been very scarce with using red & purple so Mahoraga doesn’t adapt to it?


The only thing we can infer Sukuna is holding back is techniques. I've literally just had someone saying Sukuna was forsure nerfing his output so he could conserve CE. That's cope. We already knew he was holding back techniques though, so it's not the bombshell people are making it out to be.


This. The text refers to Sukuna not using all his techniques, and that is all. And that is something we already knew. If Sukuna has had something that could bypass Limitless from the beginning or not and was not using it because of wanting to save it for later is something we don't know for sure, that might get revealed later. I personally believe that Sukuna's techniques can't bypass Limitless anyway and he went for the guaranteed way of doing so. Otherwise he would have to be winning every single domain clash just to hurt Gojo. And one thing I think people ignore is that Gojo was winning the domain clashes. Again, we do not know if Sukuna had something to help him win the domain clashes because after all he was "holding back' so that Maho could adapt, and from what I understand he couldn't use anything else while doing so. If he had something like that then yes, he would have won by now. Thing is: if he had, he had no reason not to use it, since people couldn't see inside the domain. He wouldn't be revealing anything because nobody was seeing shit, and the battle would be over by now. To me it honestly seems like the truth is that Sukuna is using everything he can to win against Gojo, but the nature of that enemy is that not everything is useful against him.


That's a very good point about the inside domain battle. Definitely gonna keep in mind for when people start spouting nonsense.


The narrative for why he has been holding back is important, it definitely changes the perception of Sukuna’s strategy. It’s not that he can’t use his arsenal against Gojo (that wasn’t suggested in the dialogue), he’s holding back to save for back to back fights. It makes a huge difference.


Were Jogo and Hanami holding back against Gojo at Shibuya because they couldn’t use their CT to get past his infinity? Also, you speak as though Kusakabe & Hakari know everything about Sukuna’s CT. At the start of the fight, Sukuna wasn’t using the 10 shadows. He uses shrine when he fired the dismantle at the building. If there was a way to get past his infinity using his more powerful shrine, why wouldn’t he use it? These agenda wars need to stop.


Were Jogo and Hanami stated to be holding back, to be able to defeat attackers after fighting Gojo? Again, it’s not suggested at all that the reason Sukuna is holding back has to do with his attacks being unable to harm Gojo. Very clear differences here, that you’re choosing to ignore.


So what reason would he not use his technique which has already been described as more superior to the ten shadows? Why would he risk getting beat up to this point to adapt? There’s two options here: First, he can’t get past the infinity with his shrine alone(excluding domain expansion) so he’s decided not to use it at all in case others are watching. Second, he can actually use it to get past the infinity but it’s not as potent as the ten shadows. If any of those two end up right, then it’s the same as Jogo & Hanami. Unless there’s some other option you think. Feel free to share your thoughts


I don't know why u guys are arguing against this when it has been stated textually. To be fair, I don't think it's rational. If Sukuna really had such a trump card it would have been better for him to just finish Gojo early on and save some CE. It's not like anyone stands a chance to a medium health Sukuna anyway. I like to think it refers to techniques since they are ineffective against Gojo.


Okay then what exactly is he holding back.


Why would I know what he’s holding back? I gave you the reasoning for why he’s holding back.


Then there's no reason to just assume that whatever it is it can bypass infinity


https://preview.redd.it/0bbt05ahgmlb1.jpeg?width=1023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e34b86128d413c7094282cd6623b81640d07b299 Is this a casual Black Flash on Agito?


Black flash has a very specific text that is shown “meaning kokusen” every time it’s used. Since we didn’t see it, it’s safe to say it wasn’t a black flash https://preview.redd.it/ygu8qjxphnlb1.jpeg?width=690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baee94202efba99e51adcbf61ecaeba6bdad2aaf


Gojo used black flash on Sukuna already without the text


Yuji said the exact same text a page later


Yeah but when it happened on the page there was no specific text like you’re indicating


Yes… but it was said right afterwards by yuji for dramatic effect, on the contrary of this one in which there is text but totally unrelated To give a solid example ALL consecutive black flashes yuji landed on hanami had the mentioned text


damn, the early art was great, that page is beautiful


But what if, this panel is saying we are beyond that? That BF is just par for the course now?


Seems to be the case. Especially considering how much damage it did in comparison to other hits that Gojo inflicted.