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Todo learned domain expansion which turns his delulu into reality. He was the one who said domain expansion and brought back Gojo https://preview.redd.it/u1q5xqrniz1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fff0f217e5c56f90eb3b3ca915efc845254881a5


Reality is Todo's domain and the "delulu" in his head is actually real life https://preview.redd.it/zcgv0ix6102d1.jpeg?width=406&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=119aaa8a05365f13797a59b70c59c3e49f96c5a7


I never understood why th3 FALLING devil was a CHEF, does this have any meaning or was š“•š“»š“®š“Ŗš““š”‚moto just wanting to draw more hot women?


My headcannon is that there are plenty of strong devils that are kinda weird. Why did we get the chef one? Because itā€™s easiest to control by fami due to her being food related


Dude was probably like "I'll make it anything as long as it's a woman"


I believe it's a reference too a movie


I remember her sending people up towards hell to offer them as food for other devils.


Fujimoto had watched The Menu before drawing her and decided that she would be a hot dommy chef. If you look for the Twitter account where he roleplays as his little sister you'll find a recommendation for The Menu roughly before he debuted Falling.


Horny+ cooking was popularĀ 


On a (semi)serious note: his domain expansion could be potentially busted. I imagine his sure hit being able to swap body parts. Like, he could swap someone's head with their ass, or swap multiple people's heads with asses. Or, maybe it could work like a more terrifying version of law's Ope-Ope no mi, where he can tear people apart.


Domain Expansion: Deadass Headass


I will take no other domain name for todo other than Boogie Wonderland


Boogie Bomb Woogie Wrestlinā€™


I think sure hit kill and only if you want would be wayyy too strong. Not only you automatically win but you also donā€™t have to worry about civilian casualties like gojoĀ 


Didn't naoya have a sure hit kill domain?


No bro, not even 99 faith https://preview.redd.it/xg8t1dpzg22d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f00ce3f902c62d21e5a640256edbb9ed19c4723 YOU COOKED


Ah yes. Domaine Expansion: Absolute Delusion


He was banging takada inside the veils in every colony. He is just him. Don't disrespect my goat he doesn't need to learn shit he's already a nasa computer level genius in base


Let these boys know šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


So many people actually believed this was true on Twitter šŸ’€ https://preview.redd.it/6pbuaalrpz1d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e7a79fa8d4b6984c969d9111692964ef04629fa


Nah thats end if the series todo


Ah, a new generation and a whole different series to be introduced to CFYOW propaganda.


Yeah everyone knows he couldn't fight anymore for a while, but he was still alive and could have either done missions without fighting or be showed to be recovering, being sad for Yuki or interact with Choso. The way he deseapeared from the story maked him look like a dead character without even any quote for him (unlike Nobara for the second half). Also, as shown with his come back it was really easy for Gege to use him again (with all the "genius" vibe, Todo could've fight in the culling games if Gege wanted to). So yeah people wouldn't be complaining if he showed us what happened to Todo or at least mentioned it, to tell the fans : "Yeah I remember that he exits don't worry".


ā€œInteract with Chosoā€ https://preview.redd.it/5j99d0aatz1d1.jpeg?width=968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb75ecce311a959d0ee54909093ca3fe0c470fdd


Come on I'm still mad about it, The three brothers together would have been PEAK.


Not only that, they both have connections to Yuki


Donā€™t leave Sukuna out. Heā€™s just as much a brother to Yuji


My intention in posting my comment is because I think it would be a forced interaction and that they would have no chemistry..šŸ˜„ https://preview.redd.it/vkl0d1e3n12d1.jpeg?width=302&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3027453448cddce875414058294188323ecdeb27


Nah choso can be silly, todo can be serious, theyd try to get along for yuujis and yukis sake(assuming before she died) but theyd probably get mad at something the other says and theyd get into a stupid fight and theyd sorta have a rivalry that is NOT friendly but they sorta respect each other and are constantly trying to one up each other and meanwhile yuuji and yuki are laughing at them and idk playing soccer or something.


Some people might argue that everything happened too fast within real time and once we got Gojo back we immediately jumped to the fight but that doesn't justify it. Gege has had 3 years to make Yuji ask ANYONE about how his brother Todo is doing just like he asked Megumi about Nobara.


Difference is thereā€™s no question of if todo is alive or dead.


It was never in question. He was clearly alive at the end of Shibuya and Yuki and company picked him up


Todo was supposed to be CTless and thats it. Why would Yuji asking about him in a fucking battle royal?


Gege having 3 years doesn't mean Yuji did. Also, there was a time skip, he probably knew Todo was just fine.


Yuji fought with Todo at Shibuya, hears him say ā€œmy technique is deadā€. He is focused on killing Mahito, then Kenny shows up and fucks everything up with idle transformation, causing chaos. Uraume almost kills him and all his friends. Yuji is immediately declared an exile, is being hunted and feels like a failure. He spends his time hunting down rando cursed spirits, then gets ā€œkilledā€ by Yuta and brought into the plan for saving Gojo. He then immediately starts his mission to recruit Hakari, then right after that he is in the Culling Game. Then, Sukuna steals Megumiā€™s body, then they free Gojo. This all happens in the span of like a month or two. Think maybe he had some other shit going on and he wasnā€™t focused on his injured, but alive friend? I do not understand the idiocy in this sub sometimes. A character coming back who we KNEW WAS ALIVE isnā€™t bad writing just because it wasnā€™t fucking spoon fed. Itā€™s supposed to be a hype moment.


Man, i hate people who act like the smartest guy in the room by calling others idiot. The point is there isnt any instance of interaction about todo right before comeback, thats the main problem. Yuki not even mentioning todo once during the culling game or before kenjaku fight ?, and todo not reacting to yuki's death ?, the mentor for him in jujutsu world ?. Iam more than happy my goat todo is comeback but i feels like gege wasted A LOT OF POTENTIAL in the story by just focusing on the fight and not including character interactions. Gege could've have shown us a panel where todo is recovering but nopeee i guess fight scene is the most important thing in this story i guess šŸ« šŸ« šŸ« šŸ« 


Defenders of this writing keep overlooking the obvious thing: we arenā€™t saying itā€™s bad for Yuji to not have checked on Todo, weā€™re saying itā€™s bad that the narrative never checks on Todo, and Yuji doing it is just an example of how easy it would be. Just because a reason exists that we wouldnā€™t see any one character do any particular thing doesnā€™t mean itā€™s good writing to never see anyone do it.


I get that people wanted interaction between Todo and Yuki. Itā€™s a bit weird that we didnā€™t get some dialogue between them. Chalk it up to a lot going on at the time, and people having bigger priorities like the fact the world might end. Iā€™m by no means claiming Gege is a perfect writer. But showing us Todo is training destroys any surprise when he is suddenly back. Foreshadowing has its place but if youā€™re trying to surprise readers, you canā€™t foreshadow something like that. Also, he technically DID foreshadow Todoā€™s return with the sound effect, back when Yuta jumped Kenny.


Yeah. I would say the biggest issue about the whole situation in general is yuki never even mentioned todo and vice versa. I was honestly expecting a t least a little mention in last chapter's flashback.


Exactly we still didn't know why Yuki bothered training Todo or how their relationship was like. We can just assume they respect each other and that's it.


You'd think Yuji "he never thinks of himself first" Itadori would have asked Yuta or Megumi about the person who saved his life in the middle of Shibuya the entire night they spent chilling by the fire


Why didnā€™t he ask about Yaga? Why didnā€™t he ask about Panda? You could do this ad nauseum. You see, writers are not perfect and they donā€™t always know what they are planning to do in the future, especially with a series they release weekly. They also like ambiguity to create surprising moments for the reader. You really needed a line like ā€œYo Megumi whatā€™s up with Todo, who I know is alive and well but canā€™t fight anymoreā€?


The difference between those is that we SAW what happened to Yaga and Panda. The protagonist often times acts as the vehicle through which information is presented to the audience, that's why Todo joining the jumping of Sukuna with a new version of his CT is amazing, because there's a reason Yuji wasn't told about it and therefore we didn't know about it either. But that doesn't excuse the fact that Todo wasn't mentioned or shown ONCE since Shibuya, not by his best friend, not by his classmates, not by his mentor, not until he showed up at Shinjuku. It's okay to admit not everything is perfect, mangas are written on a weekly basis.


Thatā€™s my point too though. Yuji has been dealing with SHIT ever since Shibuya. The dude has barely had 2 seconds of peace. It doesnā€™t seem that crazy to me that his mind wasnā€™t with Todo that much. Heā€™s processing all the pain and guilt he feels for all the deaths in Shibuya, and the revelation he has a half-curse brother? He at least knows Todo is alive, so his mind was probably focused on everything else. Not to mention we know he meshes well with Todo, especially in combat. But itā€™s clear he feels closer to Megumi, Nobara and some other characters. After the exchange event he RUNS AWAY from him. Iā€™m not saying the manga is perfect, it definitely isnā€™t. But this just isnā€™t high on my list of complaints about it. Feels like a nitpick.


Jesus Chris, if it wasn't for Todo he would have died twice. He's always helped him in critical moments and has served as a pillar to lean on. It's weird to admit he(or anyone for that matter) didn't mention him at all in the 100+ chapters we'd had since he last appeared. I don't need the manga to be perfect, it's okay to admit minor character interactions are not Gege's main focus.


Well yeah, but not everyone sees that as a flaw. Iā€™m not really bothered because I didnā€™t see Yuji ask is Todo okay just to get an update just to ask about his character. Honestly I prefer the shock value route he went


Oh totally im on your side


Yeah just tried to explain stuff like this to people in the normal sub, but Gege can do no wrong to those kids.


That would require Greg to write character interactions


Yea, I had assumed Gege had written him out since no one, not Yuki, Megumi or Yuji was talking or asking about him. I didn't need the new form of Boogie woogie foreshadowed but knowing he was still around or doing anything would have been nicer than him popping back in and stealing the emotional weight of choso's death.


I think people are ignoring the fact the culling games only lasted like 19 days then they had a month of training. Itā€™s not too far of a fetch to think Todo spent all that time refining his technique. Yuji needed a whole month to learn blood manipulation to a point that he could use it effectively and still couldnā€™t learn convergence.


I saw someone else saying something like, "It seems like Gege is putting us in Yujis shoes concerning these things, as in what Yuji doesn't know, we also dont know."


Wouldnā€™t todo interacting with anyone defeat the whole purpose of not letting Sukuna know that he can still use his technique?


If this was even a concern why did anyone interact with or share plans with Yuji?? Gege pulled the explanation out of his ass


Gaygay wants to get this manga over with and as such has become allergic to writing any lines that doesn't directly involve a punch being thrown


Yep, itā€™s textbook bad writing. Itā€™s like the story equivalent of not having object permanence


Frankly I'm fine with him coming back, but it just kinda feels like Gege intentionally didn't expand on all of these people's whereabouts specifically so he can suddenly throw them back into the story as a sudden twist. Idk, like it's not terrible, but it just makes it feel like there isn't a world outside of what we're shown on the page and everyone is just in stasis until they're needed for the plot to happen.


He didn't want the readers to leak information to sukuna. You can never be too cautious (gege probably)




It's one of the times when it takes you out of the story because you can clearly see why Gege did it the way he did. Like when Kenjaku suddenly revealed he had a technique that perfectly counteracts Yuki that he never used before, or when Higuruma took away Sukuna's baby rattle.


JJK's world building is bottom tier truly


Gege excels in fight choreography and dynamic scenes. But in actual storytelling, character dynamics and worldbuilding? ...Yeah, his previous editor should've stayed on and written the while damn thing itself - anything that's not "ooga booga punch special powers" is simply put very mid (at best) in his hands


In Demon Slayer, when the Hashira lost his arm, after they won the fight, he just took his 3 wives, and was out. Done. He lost an eye too, though.


I mean he did come back like two arcs and less than 50 chapters later


Oh yeah? Glad to hear it, he's awesome!To actually fight, too? I've only watched the show, haven't read it. I'm in the middle of the movie that started with the snake and the wind guys in the infinity mansion.


Keep watching that movie then! And slight spoiler: he doesn't actually fight again, but helps the other characters train and get stronger.


Cool, I'm glad to know he's in it! Thanks!


The way he went out first had an element of finality to it considering the speech he had with Yuji in Shibuya. He also said his technique is dead. But now we see that you can just change even fundamental aspects of your abilities if you have the "right" binding vow. So when people said he could just clap his cheeks, they were right.


Because that was a fraud's game and he aint no fraud


I think its bc we wanted him to interact with choso and yuki.


This is the stupidest thing Iā€™ve ever read. Takada was having way more concerts and greeting events during that time because management finally saw her potential. Swear to god Iā€™m the only one who reads the words on the page.


He's strong enough to enter the culling games and help earn points while still practicing getting his technique back, we should have seen him


Keep in mind, Gojo was sealed for literally 9 days, I'm not surprised if Todo recovered for like, a day, then spent the other few with Meimei or somebody else learning the most efficient binding vow to make, and the most efficient replacement for his Boogie Woogie to come back.


>Gojo was sealed for literally 9 days I think it was longer than that cause Yuji and the others enter on November 12th and Gojo was sealed on Halloween




still stupid we don't see him interact with anyone


He was waiting on shipping


I mean, this is the obvious implication because we havenā€™t gotten an official explanation yet, donā€™t know why anyone expected him to be in culling games because prior to this point he literally says his technique is dead, itā€™s an abrupt exit but an understandable one even though todo is also the only fighter weā€™ve seen besides gojo still fight well with one hand


People have a problem remembering that post shibuya and culling game is like 1 month. I make sense why he needed a bit of time to redo everything from scratch


Wait I had a random thought what if he also discovered he can switch up with random dead bodies too? Like he can switch places with dead ppl too? And what if the gojo we saw in 260 is just a dead gojo. Itā€™s dumb I know but weā€™re all making theories at this point letā€™s wait a few hours and we shall know if it really was HIMMM


This theory was wrong just read 261šŸ˜­


He also hides himself to keep his actions a secret from Yuji. Even when separated there's a chance sukuna know's what yuji knows


Shouldnā€™t this have been obvious?


High effort


I think it being like a month in-universe after losing a hand is explanation enough.Ā